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Jordan Austin

Prof Marichal

Pols 207: Contemporary Issues in Public Policy

11 December 2009

Should Iran Be Allowed To Enrich Uranium?

In the world today there are many problems occurring. Many of these problems occur

within the countries but every once in a while conflict occurs between them. The biggest issue

between countries today is Iran. What politicians are asking themselves now is whether if Iran

should be allowed to enrich uranium. This is a major issue facing countries because if and when

uranium becomes enriched it can be used to create nuclear bombs.

Iran is a major threat to the Israelis’ but they are not alone with this feeling. The United

States and several other states also fear that by allowing Iran to enrich their uranium they will

become a great threat to all. Iran should not be allowed to enrich Uranium because they can

manufacture weapons of mass destruction. The outcome of Iran enriching their uranium is highly

unfavorable to many. That’s why this issue must be looked into more and taken more seriously

by everyone.

Trying to stop Iran from enriching their uranium should be a main goal for the United

States and every other nation that fears Iran might manufacture nuclear weapons. Today these

nations are trying to find a peaceful way to settle this matter. Iran was given many proposals that

will help it achieve what it wants but at the same time allow America and the other nations to

control the process of enriching uranium. These actions are not getting the job done because Iran

is still trying to enrich uranium. If these nations want Iran to stop the enrichment process faster

than they have to find other means of putting an end to it.

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When politicians have to decide upon the best possible outcome for an issue they need to

do it in the most equal, fair, efficient and secure way as possible. If they fail to include one of

these four things than the outcome will be one sided and fall apart. The average person would

define equal to be an item or power given evenly to a group of people. In the most case this is the

best way to divide something equally. But this method isn’t the only one. As Stone describes

there are many methods in determining an equal amount. In her chocolate cake example she

explains each one. There was the common method of distributing equal slices but unequal

invitations, unequal slices for unequal ranks but equal slices for equal ranks, unequal slices but

equal blocs, unequal slices but equal meals, unequal slices but equal value and recipients,

unequal slices but equal starting resources, unequal slices but equal statistical chances, and

finally unequal slices but equal votes. Each one is considered equal but in different ways. Also,

when you consider an equal outcome you have to think about which is considered equal to the

market side and to the polis side and which would be the best for the issue. For the market an

equal outcome would be one that would best benefit two individuals through a trade. The polis

equal outcome is one in which the outcome would benefit the community as a whole in the best

way possible.

The next thing that politicians have to take into consideration is which form of action will

be the most efficient for the issue. To better understand what efficiency is we can look at the

definition that Stone gives us and that is “getting the most output for a given input.” With

knowing what efficient means it allows politicians to determine the best outcome or form of

action with the least amount of work or complication. There are many complications that come

up when deciding upon an efficient outcome. For example you have to decide on who

determines what is efficient, what action will be the most efficient, and the cost. For the market

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an efficient way to do things is one that allows a transaction or a trade to go smoothly and

quickly with the least amount of trouble as possible. In the polis an efficient way would be one

that will allow the people decide what’s best for the community. In both the market and polis

they seek the least amount of input for the greatest amount of output.

After politicians have looked at the equity and efficiency of an issue they have to think

about the liberty. As Stone describes it liberty is the freedom a person has to do as they please

but at the same time it’s the security someone has that protects them from others. For example a

person can say what they want and believe what they want but as soon as it starts harming or

affecting another person, either mentally or physically, than it is against the law. The idea of

liberty is different from the polis and the market. The polis believes that you have the right to say

and do what you want but if you cause harm or mess with a person’s security than it is only ok if

it is for the greater good of the community. The market view point is you’re allowed to do and

say what you want; the government or law will not interfere unless you put someone else in harm

or interfere with their security.

When politicians have looked at equity, efficiency, and liberty than they look at the

security of the people the issue may affect. As stone defines, security is the essential needs for

survival; food, water, and shelter. If an issue is affecting a person’s need than politicians have to

act and find a way that will allow the people to gain the security that they rightfully deserve

back. For security the market and polis viewpoint are they same. Both groups find it essential

that everyone deserves the security of their basic needs.

In the political issue, Iran and if they should be allowed to enrich uranium, the question

arises what will be the best course of action that will be equal, efficient, and give liberty and

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security in the final outcome? Should they take the market approach or polis approach?

Politicians on this issue have to think about these questions when thinking about the issue.

Looking at the different viewpoints, Iran wanting to enrich uranium and all other nations wanting

to keep this power from them, coming up with a solution that will work is challenging but it is

possible. The outcome has to be equal so that Iran will be able to have enriched uranium but at

the same time the outcome has to please the other nations and make sure Iran doesn’t enrich the

uranium. The action that leads up to the conclusion has to be efficient so that the amount of

money, man power, and work be less than the estimated amount of the outcome. The final

decision also has to protect the liberty and security of the Iranians. That means the outcome

could not harm the citizens or the owners of the enriching facilities. The best course of action

would be the polis because it would allow everyone to have a say and decide the best course of

action. The problem with this though is that there is a majority of nations that are against Iran

from being able to enrich uranium, this can cause a one sided decision. But an alternative

solution can be decided upon in which Iran cannot enrich uranium but instead be given the

enriched uranium to power plants and use it for domestic reasons.

Symbols are everywhere. They are on clothes, reading materials, television, and

especially in politics. Symbols are generalized as an object that has meaning behind it. For

example the “S” in a diamond means superman and the American flag represents peace, equality,

justice, and freedom. This is only one form of symbols. In politics many different forms of

symbols are used to pursue the people to see and agree upon one side of an issue. A few that are

commonly used are stories, synecdoche, metaphors, and ambiguity. In a story, as Stone

describes, a person tells a narrative that has heroes and villains, problems and solutions, and

tensions and resolutions. Out of these stories the most common ones, as Stone says, are ones that

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decline, including the story of stymied progress and the story of progress-is-only-an-illusion.

Other commonly used ones stories of control, including the conspiracy story and the blame-the-

victim story. The next commonly used symbol is synecdoche. Synecdoche is similar to stories,

but as Stone explains, they are only a small part of the bigger story. For example the horror story

is a commonly used one. The reasons why synecdoche are so effect is that they give the listeners

only one side of the story the side that the politician wants them to hear. Metaphors unlike stories

and synecdoche take a different approach. As Stone says, metaphors are a likeness asserted

between one kind of policy problem and another. Common metaphors in politics include

organisms, natural laws, machines, tools, containers, disease, and war. When metaphors are used

politicians want to compare the similarities of the problems and show which way would be the

best to overcome the problem. Ambiguity is the other form of symbolic devices that are used in

politics. Ambiguity, as stone explains, is the ability of statements, events, and experiences to

have more than one meaning. Ambiguity is the “glue” of politics. Stone also explains how it

allows people to agree on laws and policies because they can read different meaning into the


Three symbolic devices that are used in the political issue that I ‘am writing about are

stories, synecdoche, and ambiguity. The main story that is used in this issue is about villains and

heroes. Politicians and leaders of the nations paint a picture that Iran is using the enrich uranium

for weapons of mass destruction. They explain that Iran is using the excuse of using the enrich

uranium for domestic reasons to cover up their true intentions, in this story Iran is depicted as the

villain while the nations that are against them enriching uranium are the heroes. The synecdoche

device is used in a way that only gives the people one side of the story. The news and media give

partial detail and half stories that show that Iran is only using the enriched uranium for evil. At

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the same time the Iranian government and media shows these nations that oppose them as

infidels, or people against Allah. They tell the people of Iran that they don’t want them to have

the enriched uranium because they don’t want them to have power from power plants. The

Iranians and nations against Iran use this device to show that one another is evil. Finally the most

obvious to point out is ambiguity. We can see this used by America and Israel. They specifically

say that there main goal is to obtain a nuclear weapon to wipe out Israel and America. They use

what Iran has said in the past, which is the verbal hatred they had for Israel and how Israel

should be annihilated and wiped off the map. These symbolic devices paint a picture that is to an

extreme. The stories, synecdoche, and ambiguities, shows possibilities that Iran posses not what

they will do. These devices leave what Iran says they want to do and their belief that nuclear

weapons are against Allah’s will.

Graphs, charts and other statistical facts are used to help give the people visualization on

what the politicians are talking about. On the next page there are three graphs and charts that

explain a story to the political issue I ‘am studying. The stories that these graphs and charts tell

are known as causal stories. Causal stories, as defined by Stone, are the effort to define a

problem by identifying the causes of bad conditions rests on a certain conception of cause. There

are four different types of causes; mechanical, accidental, intentional, and inadvertent.

Mechanical cause is defined as things that have no will of their own but are designed,

programmed, or trained by humans to produce certain consequences. Accidental cause is a

natural disaster or anything that our culture defines as fate. Intentional cause is blaming a single

person or object. This is known to be the most powerful offensive position to take. Lastly, there’s

the inadvertent cause, this is described as being the unintended consequences of willed human


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Each graph gave different information but they all intertwine with one another in the

same issue. In the first graph we see that the different type of uranium Iran has, this is defined by

the blue marks on the graph. The causal story this graph tells is intentional. This is intentional

because for a fact, by statements given by Iran, they seek to have Uranium in all forms. As we

can see in the different diagrams Iran has abundant amount of natural uranium and low enriched

uranium but only a small amount of that is enriched. In the beginning when they only had natural

uranium it didn’t satisfy the Iranians, they wanted to do more with it. In time they decided to

enrich it but at the lowest level. Now they seek to go a step further and enrich it to a higher state.

The last diagram shows they have already started this process and Iran won’t stop until they have

enough to do as they please with it. The second graph shows that at the rate Iran is going they

will have two reactors in twenty-ten and from there on out a new reactor every four years. This

is another example of an intentional cause. This graph shows the viewer that it is an intentional

cause because Iran is seeking to increase the number of reactors they have. To make these

reactors and to be able to keep those running Iran will need a greater amount of uranium than

they do now. The graph shows us as the years go by and the amount of reactors Iran obtains than

the greater amount of enriched uranium they need. The more enriched uranium Iran has than the

more they will have to spare and use for other reasons, for example a nuclear bomb. Finally in

the last graph we can see the percent of Americans that finds Iran’s nuclear program a threat or

not. This graph shows yet again another example of an intentional cause. This is an intentional

cause because the people who took the test knew what it was for and what the outcome will be if

they did take it. This is useful for the political issue because it shows the lack of knowledge or

concern people in America have for this issue. A big problem arises from this. The information

this graph shows is considered frightful because our nation is not being fed the full amount of

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information that they should be entitled to. A few things that they may not know is that if Iran

continues with their nuclear power than enriched uranium is a must have to run the power plants.

And as MSNBC, and many other news stations have covered and written about, Iran plans to

build ten more enriching facilities in the near future. If this occurs than Iran will be able to enrich

uranium ten times as fast as they are now and with this amount of output than building a nuclear

bomb is easier than what it is now.

The graph and causal story that best provides information and relates to my topic is the

second graph and the intentional causal story. The second graph shows the best information

because it shows that in time the output of enriched uranium will greatly increase so will the

amount of nuclear reactors. The more reactors Iran has than the more enriched uranium they will

also have. This issue is more of an intentional causal because everything that Iran does, from the

building of more enriching facilities to the defiance to the United Nations and the International

Atomic Energy Agency, Iran means with full intention of every action. For the most part the

majority of people see it the same way that it is explained in this paper. This is the case because

people can see the true Iran and their intentions. They do their own research and separate the

truth from false.

The political issue, Iran and if they should be allowed to enrich uranium, have many

interests that are involved. A few interests that are involved are in this issue is Iran, America,

Israel, France, China, Russia, Britain, Germany, United Nations, and the International Atomic

Energy Agency (IAEA). Iran is obviously involved in this issue the whole topic revolves around

them. Every action and outcome is determined by what they decide to do. Next is America,

France, China, Russia, Britain, and Germany. These nations known as the “5+1” nations are the

ones that are standing against Iran and their goal to enrich uranium. Israel, even though they are

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not part of the “5+1” nations they still play a great role in opposing Iran. Iran and Israel have

hated each other since biblical times. Israel knows if Iran obtains a nuclear weapon than they will

use it against them, Israel fears this and they declared they will do whatever is necessary to stop

them. The United Nations are an organization that was designed to maintain world order and

peace. Once conflict started between Iran and these nations the UN stepped in and started to

interfere. Today the United Nations are against Iran being allowed to enrich uranium. The United

Nations job in Iran is to make oversee the enrichment facility in Tehran and make sure they use it

for domestic reasons. Finally, the IAEA is another organization that manages and controls all the

enriching facilities in Iran. As of today they are also against Iran being allowed to enrich

uranium. I feel that my classmates should be worried and start getting involved in this issue

because the outcome can affect their lives. They should get more involved in my issue because if

Iran is lying about using the enriched uranium for domestic uses and instead use it for a weapon

of mass destruction than their lives can be at risk. Iran hates America, they verbally stated it

many times, and if they obtain a nuclear weapon than they will use it against America without


The targets of my issue are very easily constructed. The main factor on

determining the target is the one who is causing conflict and problems, which is Iran. In my issue

Iran is the target. Iran is the target because they are the ones enriching uranium when they are not

allowed to. Having Iran as the target does not affect the issue at all because they are the main

factors of this issue.

Many rules and laws were created to prevent Iran from being allowed to enrich uranium.

One rule that is in effect and which Iran is violating threatening to violate is the production of

more enrichment facilities. The United Nations and the IAEA both said that Iran is not allowed

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to have any other enriching facilities besides the one in Tehran. Iran violated this law and had

two other facilities hidden and threatened to make ten more in the near future. Another rule is

that Iran has to allow their facilities to be monitored by outside nations. But recently Iran is

threatening to break this because they find it unjust that their facilities should be monitored while

other countries facilities are left unwatched. These rules will only be effective if they are backed

up by action. So far they are working but that’s only because Iran hasn’t taken action yet but

once they do we can only wait and see if the rules will continue to hold. These rules can be

bettered upon if action is taken upon sooner. If instead of threatening Iran the “5+1” nations send

in troops and take control or destroy the enriching facilities, this way everyone can be sure that

Iran will not use their enriched uranium for nuclear weapons. Proposals were made to Iran by

America. America told Iran that if they give their stockpile of uranium to the nations around

them than the nations in turn will give them the proper amount of enriched uranium to power

plants and use for other domestic reasons. This proposal was shot down by Iran though. Iran did

not want to lose their stockpile of uranium they prefer to enrich it themselves.

There are two policy tools that can be used to help improve the policy outcomes those are

inducements and punishments. If inducements were used than the “5+1” nations will find a way

to give rewards to Iran if they do as they were told. For example if Iran started to shut down their

enriching facilities than they can be given enriched uranium to use for domestic purposes. On the

other hand punishments can be another form of action that can be used. If punishments were

used instead of inducements than the “5+1” nations can hurt Iran for not doing what they were

told. For example if Iran did not shut down their enriching facilities than they the other nations

can go in and bomb them or shut them down by force. I feel that the best course of action would

be the punishment approach. I feel that this would be the best course of action because the

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nations would know for a fact that Iran has stopped enriching uranium and it would teach them

that the nations were not messing around.

In my issue many facts come up. For example we know that Iran has desire to start

enriching uranium on their own we also know that they are willing to take any means to

necessary to achieve this. A main fact of my issue is that Iran is trying to enrich uranium in

greater amounts and to do so in secret. This is a proven fact because Iran declared many times

that they are going to build more enriching facilities for they can have greater output of enriched

uranium and we also know that they want to do so in secret because recently a satellite has

uncovered a hidden enrichment facility in the hills of Natanz. Even though America and the

other nations found this fact to be true the can do very little until they can find more evidence to

take action. The reason for this is that Iran has rights. For example they are allowed to use

nuclear material but only for domestic purposes. Another example of a right they have is they are

able to keep things hidden if they please. America and the other nations do the same thing. We

know these are rights because it is declared in the nuclear peace treaty, in which one-hundred-

twenty-five-nations, including Iran signed. The treaty states that they countries cannot use

nuclear substance for a bomb of any sort but they can use it for domestic reasons as long as it is

known to the IAEA. Everyone agrees that secrecy and the usage of nuclear materials for

domestic purposes is ok. Everyone involved in this issue feels that Iran has a right to privacy just

like any other nation. Also it is ok that Iran uses the materials for domestic purposes, this is

declared as a basic rule for nuclear usage in the Nuclear Treaty.

In conclusion, I wrote this essay to give more information and to talk about my side of

this issue. I feel that this issue should be important to everyone because it one way or another it

will affect them. I feel that Iran should not be allowed to enrich uranium. I feel this way because

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if Iran is allowed to enrich their stockpile or uranium than they have enough to use it for

something else. Iran is a country that cannot be trusted. They declared many times that they hate

America and Israel and that they want them to be wiped of the map. If Iran is able to build a

nuclear bomb, than they can cause chaos and large amount of harm to Israel and America. I feel

the best way to prevent this is to take action now. If the “5+1” nations along with the United

Nations find a way to prevent it now than we can save many lives in the future. Domestic

approaches have already been attempted with Iran, every time Iran declined. One way the nations

tried to use a domestic approach is when they offered Iran many times to give them their

uranium for they can enrich it and give the necessary amounts back to them that will be needed

to power plants. This is one of many reasons why everyone feels that Iran wants to use their

resource for evil instead of good. To prevent that from ever happening the nations have to step

away from being nice and trying to do things fair. Now the nations and the United Nations have

to take a more aggressive approach and enforce their will on the country. Sending in armies,

bombing Iran, and forcing them to stop are only a few of many ways that can be used to stop

Iran. Whatever is decided upon one thing is for sure action has to be taken upon now.

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