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Dream is a word used to describe the subconscious experience of a sequence of images, sounds, ideas, emotions, or other sensations usually during sleep, especially REM sleep.

• It is known that dreams are strongly associated with REM sleep.

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Ancient Egyptian Theories:

  Originally dreams were thought to be part of the supernatural world.  Dreams were messages from the gods sent to the villagers during the night perhaps as an early warning device for disaster or good fortune.  From what we can tell, the Egyptians certainly were the first dreamers to attempt interpretation of their dreams, because of the fact that they published a book on some of the conclusions they had come to about dream symbols.  In fact, Egypt was where the process of "dream incubation" began.  When a person was having troubles in their life and wanted help from their god, they would sleep in a temple, when they would wake the next morning a priest, which was then called a Master of the Secret Things, would be consulted for the interpretations of that night's dreams.

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Greek Philosophy on Dreaming:

The Greeks didn't begin seriously considering dreams until 8th century BC.

Homer, in his Iliad, describes a scene wherein Agamemnon receives instructions from the messenger of Zeus in a dream.  Greeks also believed that dreams carried divine messages, but they could only be interpreted with the aid of a priest similar to those Egyptians.

Dreams also aided in their practice of medicine, sending sick people to particular temples in those places where the "gods of the body" had their shrines.  The ailing Greeks would visit these temples, perform various religious rites, sleep, and hope to have a dream that assured a return to good health.  Night after night they would sleep and sometimes this would go on for weeks or even months until they had the "right" dream.

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Sigmund Freud:Freud's idea was that our dreams were reflection of our

deepest desires going back to our childhood.  To Freud, no dream was of entertainment value, they all held important meanings.

Carl Jung:A student of Freud for some time, disagreed on the theory.Jung believed that dreams reminded us of our wishes,

which enables us to realize the things we unconsciously yearn for, and helps us to fulfill our own wishes.

Today, most psychologists agree with Jung's theory, and it is this theory that makes dream interpretation something that we can use in our everyday live.

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REM stands for “rapid eye movement”

REM sleep is a state of sleep in which brain activity is most like wakefulness.

Adult humans spend about a quarter of their sleep time in REM (approximately 90-120 minutes), much of it dreaming.

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During a typical night, humans experience 4 or 5 periods of REM sleep (short periods at the beginning of the night and longer periods as the night progresses).

Amount of REM sleep varies with age- a newborn baby typically spends more than 80% of total sleep time in REM.

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REM sleep behavior disorder is a sleep disorder in which you appear to physically act out vivid, often unpleasant dreams with abnormal vocal sounds and movements during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. You normally don't move during REM sleep, a normal stage of sleep that occurs many times during the night. You may have other sleep disorders with REM sleep behavior disorder. REM sleep behavior disorder often may be associated with other neurological conditions, including Lewy body dementia, Parkinson's disease and multiple system atrophy.

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Lewy body dementia: Causes a progressive decline in mental

abilities. It may also cause visual hallucinations, which generally take the form of objects, people or animals that aren't there.

Parkinson's disease:Affects your movement and may cause

shaking (tremor), muscle stiffness (inflexibility), slowing of movement .

Multiple system atrophy:Affects many areas of your brain and

nervous system. Multiple system atrophy potentially impairs your body's systems that modulate your blood pressure, heart rate.

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What we remember about the dream.


The actual thoughts and emotions in the unconscious dream.

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Freud proposed that dreams protect sleep, which might be disturbed by the arousal of unacceptable wishes.

Ferenzi proposed that dreams may communicate something that is not being said outright (subconscious thoughts).

Dreams may remove parasitic nodes and other "junk" from the mind during sleep.

Dreams may also create new ideas through the generation from random to advance.

Some researchers have found that dreaming can also help people find solutions to elusive problems.

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There are 3 types of dreams: Imam at-Tirmidhi  الله narrates from رحمهMuhammad Ibn Sirin  الله الله  who narrates from Abu Hurairah رحمه رضي

عنه وسلم that Prophet تعالى عليه الله said, “There are three types of صلىdreams:

1)True Dreams 2) A dream in which a person is speaking to himself (i.e. whatever you were thinking about in the day time, you see at night) 3)A dream from shaytaan in which he wants to make you sad ”

Abu Salamah عنه الله once said, “Sometimes I would see a dream رضيthat would be heavier on me than carrying a mountain. But since I heard this hadith I wouldn’t care about the bad dream I would see.” Narrated Abu Sa‘id Al-Khudri عنه الله و The Prophet :رضي عليه الله صلى said, "If anyone of you sees a dream that he likes, then it is from سلمAllah, and he should thank Allah for it and narrate it to others; but if he sees something else, i.e., a dream that he dislikes, then it is from Satan, and he should seek refuge with Allah from its evil, and he should not mention it to anybody, for it will not harm him." [Sahih Muslim]

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•The sun indicates agreat man, such as king, governer,father,master,son, husband or relative. Its also indicative of wealth, possessions, goodness, livelihood and gold.•If a person sees a sun is with him or on his head or that if he speaks to him or sees it in his house etc something good will happen to him with regard to one of the people mentioned and his income will increase.•If a man dreams that the sun turns into yellow he will become sick.

If he dreams it turns black, this is indicative of enemy.

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If a person sees the moon in his house (in a dream) then the one who was absent will come to him.

Eclipse of either indicative of death of whoever is indicated of prominent people, or indicative of dismissal from his post or death of parents and wives or loss of livelihood or disturbing rumors or bad news.

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•Fighting between the sun and the moon is indicative of war and that kings prevail. If he sees that happening during the day then the sun is going to prevail and the people of truth will prevail.

•But if he sees it during the night then the moon is going to prevail and the people of falsehood are going to prevail, because the moon is connected to the darkness.

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• They were created from a smokeless flame of fire.•Seeing a devil in a dream is indicative of thief a promiscuous widow or a treacherous (double cross) liar .•If he dreams that jinn attack him in his house then thieves will attack him.

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•If he dreams that he turns into a jinn he will become more treacherous (double cross)

•If jinn stood near his house then some destructions will occur.

•If he dreams that he is fighting with satan his religious commitment will improve.

•If satan beat him or sees satan happy then his religious commitment will deteriorate( decline).

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RAIN: Rain is indicative of good and

blessing . Rain may also be indicative of

worries. “Because of inconvenience of

rain”(AL-NISA 4:95). The word water is that

indicative of relief “And We send down blessed

water (rain)from the sky”( QAAF 50:9).

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Clouds represents a just and merciful ruler who will be good for the strong and the weak and will be kind to them or it represents a wise scholar.•If a person dreams that he turns into a cloud he will acquire wealth or knowledge and people will get benefit from his wealth or knowledge.•If a man dreams that he has a rain loud in his hand he will acquire wisdom and speak of it.•If he dreams that he is a cloud he will acquire Halal wealth or beneficial knowledge.•If he dreams that he is mixing with clouds and not taking anything from it, then he will mix a knowledgeable person without realizing it.

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•If the rainbow looks green that is indicative of security from and injustice from the ruler.

•If it looks yellow that is indicative of disease

•If its red that’s indicative of bloodshed.

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•If a sick person dreams that he entered an unknown garden that indicates that he will die and enter Paradise.•Entering in unknown garden is indicative of grief and dismissal of the goverrner.•If there are unknown trees in it that is indicative of arguments.

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•Tress are indicative of a king their leaves represent his troops and weapons, while their fruits represents his wealth.•The bark of a tree refers to inheritance from the dead.•If a person dreams that he planted a tree ,if he planted it out of a season or in place with no water that person indicated may go through troubles or even die.•If he dreams that he is up a tree he will be safe fro what he was watching out for.

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WATER:•Water refers to a good life.•Bitter water -trouble and hard life•Black water drinking it signifies loss of vision, seeing it in the house means that the house is going to be destroyed •Blackish water -troubles in life•Foul smelling water -Haraam wealth.•Yellow water -sickness•Cloudy water-hardships•Pure water- if he enjoys drinking it he will relief from sickness.•Running water in winter and fall is a good sign•But in spring summer it is a bad sign also indicates loss of wealth etc

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•If the flood benefits the people that is indicative of good•If people harmed by floods that is indicative of something bad.•The mud that results from a flood is indicative of distress •The one who walks through it will get a great deal of distress.

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•If a person dreams that he builds a house then something good will happen to him that will befit (suitable) him.•If a person dreams that he enters an unknown house and doesn’t come back he will die.•But if e does come out of it, he will almost die and then will recover.

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•If a person dreams that he died and didn’t look good he will be faced trouble like sickness, imprisonment etc.•If he dreams that he died without being ill and without looking dead he will live a long life.•If he thinks in a dream that he will never die he will be killed in Jihaad.


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•If he dreams that he died on a carpet he will have luxuries of this world.

•If he dies on a bed he will rise in status.

•If he dies on mattress he will get something good from his family.

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