  • 8/17/2019 Final Draft Monkey Mind for Portfolio



    Julalak Boonleerawat

    Professor Santosh Khadka

    English 113A TuTh

    23 February 21!

    "s #nline $eading %ausing &ou To 'a(e A )onkey )ind*

    +ith the ra,id growth of te-hnology and internet ser(i-es that are a(ailable on

    e(erywhere. reading online see/s to ha(e /any ad(antages o(er ,rinted /aterials whi-h now is

    -onsidered as an old0fashioned way of learning A--ording to a(ailability of /aterial online.

     ,eo,le -an -arry a whole library e(erywhere in one hand "t is (ery easy to i//ediately a--ess a

    great database by ust u/,ing fro/ link to link +e li(e in an era whi-h te-hnology ,ro,el us to

    tre/endous infor/ation +e read /u-h /ore than hu/an being ha(e e(er done in this -enturies

    Although reading online has a lot of benefits and has be-o/e a -on(enient way to a--ess

    infor/ation. it is not an effe-ti(e way to -onsu/e infor/ation. be-ause reading online -auses

    negati(e effe-ts on our -on-entration. trains our /inds to be o(ersti/ulated and then we ha(e

    lost ability to read effe-ti(ely

     %on-entration is the key of effe-ti(e reading "t is ability to fo-us on a thought or sube-t.

    without distra-tion fro/ anything else "t hel,s in studying. de(elo,ing -o/,rehension.

    i/,ro(ing /e/ory. and booting self -ontrol. thus it is not essential only in learning. but also

    raising uality of life "t is (ery -hallenging for indi(idual to fo-us on s,e-ifi- sube-t they

    -annot -ontrol their /ind fro/ wandering around

    As you know. our body works as howe(er we train it. as well as our brains There are

    so/e beha(iors that are found in online readers whi-h see/ to affe-t -on-entration First is

    s-anning beha(ior4 ,eo,le tend to s-an te5ts ,resented online /ore than a-tually read Se-ond is


  • 8/17/2019 Final Draft Monkey Mind for Portfolio



    ho,,ing beha(ior. s,ending less ti/e reading only a s/all nu/ber of words of a ,age. then s-roll

    down and lea(e for others link ui-kly with no return Both of these beha(iors work based on

    ra,idity of -onsu/ing infor/ation. instead of effi-ien-y As a result of these two beha(ior.

    so/eti/es online readers /ay find that they -an re/e/ber ust o(erall infor/ation and /iss

    so/e i/,ortant infor/ation. or e(en worse. so/e -an not re/e/ber anything they read

    Be-ause of their shallow in,ut. dee, thinking is unable to be for/ed

    #nline readers who s-an ui-kly look o(er and read te5ts differently fro/ readers who

    read fro/ ,rinted /aterial A--ording to 6ielson resear-h. he states that 7users often read +eb

     ,ages in an F0sha,ed ,attern8 two hori9ontal stri,es followed by a (erti-al stri,e: ;6ielson

  • 8/17/2019 Final Draft Monkey Mind for Portfolio



    re-ei(e no attention As you see. /ost online readers ski, o(er large se-tion of te5ts whi-h they

    /ight not e(en see or understand anything about it


    Although so/e ,eo,le /ay argue that there is no ,oint to ,ay attention on those areas.

     but think about so/e ,ages whi-h ha(e i/,ortant infor/ation in the botto/ or left side su-h as

    -ontra-ts. agree/ents. or -autions "n so/e -ases. websites /ay see/ to offer great deals for

    -usto/ers to sho, online. but they intentionally address so/e -onditions so/ewhere that is hard

    to see for their own benefits like you ha(e to ,ay e5tra for shi,,ing in three days. but for free

    shi,,ing you ha(e to wait for two weeks. or their dis-ounts are a(ailable for only their /e/bers

    These -an /ake ,eo,le /isunderstand about -ontent unfairly "t is ne-essary for you to noti-e

    the/. unless it -ould har/ your benefits So/e ,eo,le ust s-roll down without noti-ing and

    when it -auses the/ troubles. they -an not bla/e no one but the/sel(es. so reading in F0sha,e

     ,attern like /ost of online reader do doesn>t see/ to be a good idea

    #n the other hand. in regular reading. ,eo,le tend to read /ore -arefully The

    $ayner resear-h fro/ ,sy-hology de,art/ent. ?ni(ersity of %alifornia. San @iego states that

    7although. not all words are fi5ated. so/e re-ei(e /ore fi5ation. the gab between their eye

    /o(e/ent is s/aller and so/eti/es they go ba-k to read ,re(ious te5t: ;$ayner

  • 8/17/2019 Final Draft Monkey Mind for Portfolio



     ,eo,le do in s-anning $eading in this ,attern is ob(iously /ore effe-ti(e than online reading

    S-anning a ,age for se-onds. ne5t station is lea(ing and ho, to another ,age

    #nline readers with ho,,ing beha(ior usually briefly (isit in /any websites. s,end only

    (ery short ,eriod of ti/e reading te5ts A--ording to re-ent resear-h fro/ )i-rosoft. they state

    that 7users often lea(e web ,ages in 102 se-onds: ;iu

  • 8/17/2019 Final Draft Monkey Mind for Portfolio



    are not only what we read. but also how we read +hate(er we do. it -auses the future

    of our brain "t doesn>t /ean we should sto, reading online. instead we should raise the

    -onsideration of how te-hnology -hange us The faster we were ,ro,elled to go. the less we

    -at-h things. so the /ore we ha(e to be -areful @on>t let it out of -ontrol. or being too

    de,endent on it Think about uality of -onsu/ing infor/ation /ore than uantity


  • 8/17/2019 Final Draft Monkey Mind for Portfolio



    +ork %ited

    Alder/an. esley D@oes Te-hnology %ause A@'@*D 31 Aug 21

    +eb 2C Feb 21!

    %arr. 6i-holas The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains 6ew &ork8 ++

     6orton. 21 Print

     6ielsen. Jakob DF0Sha,ed Pattern For $eading +eb %ontentD Nielsen Norman rou! 1 A,r

    2! +eb 2C Feb 21!

     6ielsen. Jakob D 'ow ittle @o ?sers $ead* D Nielsen Norman rou! ! )ay 2G +eb 2C

    Feb 21!

     6ielsen. Jakob D'ow ong @o ?sers Stay on +eb Pages*D Nielsen Norman rou! 12 Se,t

    211 +eb 2C Feb 21!

    $ayner. Keith. and )oni-a %astelhano DEye )o(e/ents in $eadingD 21 ;21

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