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Review for Advert

In today’s world of modern mass marketing are adverts really giving us the information we need, capturing our imagination the way they are supposed to and will Lucozades latest commercial “Movement is art” live up to the high bar set by tis exceptional predecessors.

When observing the form of Lucozade presents movement is art, it is evidently clear that it takes the form of a realist narrative. It distinctly follows the progression of a female dancer through her daily practice sharing similar themes to that of previous lucozade adverts but takes a more serious tone with regards to performance enhancement with the this theme is evident in lucozades 2013 last men standing advertisement which takes a scientific look at the performance enhancement properties of lucozade versus water. (2013 Lucozade Last Men Standing commercial

Another company which has made its name in energy and sports drink is Red bull this takes a far different approach to advertising with a style some might describe as over dramatic. Red bull is a company commonly associated with sponsorship of many extreme sporting events such as the Supernatural A and BC One. Its advertising is televised advertising is most recognisable for it slow motion shots and sweeps of snowboarders, BBoys , kayakers etc. performing extreme moves in even more extreme environments. (2013 World Of Red Bull commercial

When it comes to analysing the genre of almost all energy or sports drink advertisements it is without fail dramatic, the advertimesnt deliberately bombarded you with shots of intense physical activity subliminally shouting at you this is what are product does with this product you will achieve greatness, which even the most ill-informed and astute of us know this is complete folly but these adverts do not now nor will they ever needed to be factually convincing, the whole point of a dramatically styled advertised is to make you feel like child to make you feel as though you can achieve anything you want to and to become enamoured with the incredible feats performed by these athletes. This in turn moulds those featured in to heroes and role models people we all aspire to be and these super humans can lead us to places we have never been. So can this really be considered lying the answer is no it isn’t everything is real, everything is achievable the perhaps the only lie is that we need these products to achieve this greatness. On additional note many consumers criticise the vendors of these products for damaging the health of the public, whilst this is true for many products on the market the proprietors of the products make no reservations about hiding this form the public and information is readily available on public advertisements online, billboards and by law the product itself. So do we blame the owners or ourselves?

With all this information taken into account to I believe the movement is art commercial conforms to the intense dramatic bar set by its predecessors, no I do not I believe when you first glance at the advertisement it is evident that the producer has dibleratley sacrificed dramatic styling in favour of a more relatable narrative excerpt. So was this A wise decision

Zachary Millward

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in an ever overly competitive dramatized marketing sector, perhaps not the instance response is to assume they have made a poor choice with regards to their lack of conformity to style with this much smoother and more placid advertisement than has come to be expected from Lucozade in the past especially with adverts such as Lucozade louder by DJ Fresh released in previous years. (Lucozade Sport Lite Louder-DJ Fresh However in an ever shifting market of advertising this new spin could be a more accurate reflection of how the GlaxoSmithKline Company wishes to represent themselves in the future.

The gender within the movement is art commercial is almost solely dominated by a single female something unseen in any other advertisement within this style bracket where commercials are dominated by men and extreme feats of physical activity and movement. However tis raise the issue of stereotypical sexism these are topics such as, because she is a girl she most do ballet, is she not a strong as a man? And, is that why she falls over? Whilst these may seem like silly questions they all have their place and there is no possible way to please every viewer and no I do not believe the answer to either of these questions Is yes, I believe the choice and subsequent use of a female protagonist was simply to expand the demographic in a predominately male protagonist dominated market in order for many more young women to find it relatable and develop a more aspiration based advertisement for women. However having said this there is a male voiceover present throughout the advertisement providing motivational words in soft and comforting this speaks positively for the relationship between men and women but could potentially be misconstrued as a message of dominion of men over women.

Age like all adverts within this market and all adverts before and most likely all adverts after is of a youthful protagonist performing exercises and feats beyond that of an elder generation the overall representation of the young protagonist take s a neutrals trance portraying them as neither good nor bad but with a indifferent stance so as to cause no offense to any cross range of generations. However does this age bracket mean this product is discriminating against the elderly? Technically yes by excluding them for the advertisement yes this may be classed as discrimination against the elder generations but that is simply because the target market for these products ranges from an age range of roughly 16-34 years of age thus Facilitating the need to make the protagonist and focal point for this advertisement a youthful character.

So to conclude lucozade presents movement is art does moderately conform to the conventions of its designated genre and its targeted audience of youthful females should appreciate the change in apace and focus of this new advert.

Zachary Millward

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Zachary Millward

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