  • 8/8/2019 Filtration en Web[1]


    Technology Review

    Filtration or water and wastewater treatment

    WABAG fltration

  • 8/8/2019 Filtration en Web[1]


    TaiPo, HongkongAerated Drainage Filtration or nitrication and

    multilayer Drainage Filtration or mangenese removal

    Commissioning 2002, capacity 450000 m3/d

    WABAG fltration

    Filtration is an essential process in water treatment. It is

    requently the case that it either represents the main proces-

    sing phase, or is integrated into multi-barrier systems. Many

    membrane ltration plants also include conventional lters or

    pre- or post-treatment.

    Thus, the continuous development o ltration technology has

    always been one o WABAGs most important objectives and

    or more than ty years, the t echniques originally developed by

    Sulzer have been subjected to on-going optimisation.

    Today, WABAGs lter design constitutes an optimum solution

    or both, single- and multi-layer lters based on various uniqueeatures.

    Wastewater ltration is necessary when discharge limits are

    particularly stringent, e.g. in sensitive areas. In addition, waste-

    water ltration in combination with disinection also oers a

    reliable and economic solution or water reuse.

    WABAGs wastewater ltration technology derives rom its

    experience with water ltration, which has been acquired since

    the late 1970s. It incorporates all the necessary know-how

    about the particular actors related to wastewater ltration such

    as the biological activity in the lter bed and control o lter

    operation with fow variations.

    Like water lters, wastewater lters are realised as single- andmultilayer lters and oer the s ame eatures.

    Fllanden WWTP, SwitzerlandNozzle Floor Filtration or tertiary treatmentCommissioning 2003, capacity 1800 m3/h

    Berne WWTP, SwitzerlandNozzle Floor Filtration or tertiary treatmentCommissioning 1984, capacity 14400 m3/h

    Kunming, ChinaDrainage Filtration or treatment o surace waterCommissioning 2003, capacity 400000 m3/d


    Wastewater fltrationor tertiary treatment and water reuse

    Water fltrationor drinking and process water


    The available lter foor systems oer optimised solutions or

    lter rehabilitation. The upgrading o pure water rinsing into

    air-water backwashing is entirely easible. Extensive experience

    in lter rehabilitation also allows the optimisation o conventio-

    nal backwash principles based on continuous fow and sludge

    water withdrawal channels.

    n Outlet regulated (constant water level) deep bed

    ltration results in high ltration perormance

    n Ecient backwashing without lter media loss

    n Low backwash water consumption

    n Various lter foor systems enable tailor-made solutions

    and a wide range o l ter media combinations

    n Compact design

    n Flexible realisation due to a wide range o lter surace

    areas (10-150 m2)

    Romanshorn WWTP, Switzerland

    Drainage-Nozzle Floor Filtration or tertiary treatmentCommissioning 2007, capacity 1080 m 3/h

    Daugava Riga, Latvia

    GAC Nozzle Floor Filtration or surace water treatmentCommissioning 2001, capacity 240000 m3/d

    WABAG fltrationadvantages in brie

    WABAG fltrationrehabilitation

  • 8/8/2019 Filtration en Web[1]


    Sludge water extraction is based on the gradual opening o the fap valve, which prevents lter media

    loss, even where this is highly possible as in the case o specically light media. This allows an additional

    degree o fexibility with regard to lter media combinations.

    The repetition o the two phases leads to an ecient backwash with low backwash water use.

    Filtration process


    The ltration process is based on a downfow operation mode and ltrate outlet regulation. This maintains a constant water level in

    the lter, which oers the best process conditions or high elimination rates.

    Deep bed ltration with long lter running times is achieved by the selection o the optimum lter media in a single- or multilayer

    conguration.The lters can take the orm o rectangular concrete cells (open or closed) or steel vessels.

    Filter foor

    The lter foor is a key system component. The design has to ensure the uniorm distribution o the corresponding media during

    operation and backwashing, while the construction should be simple, cost-ecient and fexible enough to accommodate various

    lter dimensions.

    WABAG has developed diering types o lter foors, which allow a design in accordance with specic requirements, which is parti-

    cularly important when existing lters are reurbished. The types o lter foors available are either based on the WABAG nozzle foor

    or the WABAG drainage system.


    Eective backwashing is vital or the optimised long-term operation o lters. The uniorm distribution o the backwash media and eci-

    ent backwash sequences are thereore essential elements in backwashing.

    As ar as operational costs are concerned, backwash water consumption should be as low as possible and lter media loss has to be


    These objectives are achieved by WABAG lter foor systems and a sophisticated backwash principle (excess head backwash, see

    below) using an internal fap valve or sludge water withdrawal. The fap valve is either situated on the ront or the rear side o the lter

    cell, just above the top level o the lter medium.

    The excess head backwash principle divides the backwash sequence into a rst phase o backwash medium introduction and a

    second phase o sludge water withdrawal. Backwash medium introduction can t hereore be precisely matched to individual operational


    WABAG drainage system

    The drainage system consists o cast-in distribution batteries and parallel drainage pipes, which are arranged across the lter bottom.

    The drainage pipes are surrounded by a s upportive gravel layer. The appropriate orices in the individual drainage pipes allow ltrate to

    pass out o the lter material and scouring air and water to move in the opposite direction. The drainage pipes are individually con-

    nected with the ltrate channel by means o distribution pipes. The gravel layer, drainage pipes and distribution batteries ensure the

    even distribution o the fushing media.

    An alternative drainage design consists o drainage pipes equipped with nozzles instead o orices. In this case, the drainage pipes are

    also cast-in and there is no supporting layer o gravel needed.

    WABAG nozzle foor system

    This system is based on a concrete nozzle foor with a plenum chamber. The latter is ed rom the ront via a special backwash con-

    nection. The nozzle foor can easily be built using shuttering elements.


    water outlet

    Scouring air

    BackwashSchematic diagram o the fap valve

    Filter eaturesor most efcient backwashing

    Raw water


    Excess head

    Washout fap valve

    Filter media

    Nozzle foor

    Filter underdrain

    Air distribuntion pipe

    Scouring air

    Water distribution pipe

    Backwash water

    Filter material

    Orice or scouring air

    Supporting layer

    Drainage pipe

    Filter bottom

    3 4

  • 8/8/2019 Filtration en Web[1]


    sustainable solutions. or a better lie.


    Dresdnerstrae 87-91

    1200 Vienna,


    Tel.: +43 1 251 05 0

    [email protected]

    WABAG is an international supplier o systems or:

    n Drinking water treatment

    n Industrial and process water treatment

    n Water reclamation

    n Sea and brackish water desalination

    n Municipal wastewater treatment

    n Industrial wastewater treatment

    n Sludge treatment

    WABAG is one o the worlds most innovative water

    treatment companies with know-how in specic techno-

    logies and in-house developed processes such as:

    n Fluidised bed biology FLUOPUR

    n Bioltration BIOPUR

    n Activated sludge Hybrid, SBRprocesses

    n Anaerobic biological EKJTM, UASB, an-OPURTM,processes EGSB

    n Membrane bioreactor MARAPUR, MegamodulTM

    n Membrane ltration RO, MF, UF, NF

    n Denitrication BIODEN, ENR

    n Oxidation processes ADOX, BIOZONE

    n Thermal desalination MED, TVC, MVC, MSF

    n Sludge digestion and BIOZONE-ADdisintegration

    The WABAG Group represents a leading multinational

    player with companies and oces in 18 countries and

    a ocus on emerging markets in Europe, North Arica,

    Middle East, South East Asia, China and India.


    11, Murrays Gate Road

    Alwarpet , Chennai 600 018,


    Tel. +91 44 422 323 23

    [email protected]

    WABAG Water Technology Ltd.

    Brglistrasse 31,

    CH-8401 Winterthur,


    Tel. +41 52 262 43 43

    [email protected]



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