
Figurative Language

Reading Skills Review

Here are just a few examples of figurative language.

• Simile: compares two things using “like” or “as”

• Metaphor: compares two things but does not use “like” or “as”- says one thing is another

• Hyperbole: an exaggeration

• Idioms: a colorful way of saying something- does not mean exactly what it says


Let’s look at examples. As you read each example of figurative

language, think about which type of figurative language it is


That man is as

strong as an ox!

Whoa! I bet Bruce has grown

ten feet over the summer.

It was as dark as night

in the classroom when the

lights were off.

The package that just arrived is as light as a feather.

“Thank you! You are such a peach for helping me with my work,” the teacher exclaimed.

When I was skiing, my hands were as cold as ice.

The grumpy old man is a bear when he gets angry.

My legs were noodles during the speech I gave at my sister’s


It’s raining cats and dogs!

“You are such a doll for mopping the floor,” Gina’s

mother gushed.

Georgio won the race by the skin of his teeth.

Kivaun could make

that shot from a mile


Julianne is a ray of sunshine in our classroom.

“Wow! You hit the button, Marcus,” the

teacher exclaimed proudly.

Jerry’s arms

were as strong as


I am a chicken when my brother brings his pet mouse

around me.

After seeing Sheila’s face,

I realized I had really put my foot in my


I have read that book fifty million times.

Trevor was such a safe

cyclist that he was always

ready to stop on a dime.

Zip your lip before you get us both

in trouble!

My uncle was furious because his new car was a


I am not worried about what Thomas said the other day. That is

just water under the bridge.

It took me forever to do my homework.

I will be back as quick as a wink.

My mom will

ground me for life if I make an F

on my report card.

Lacey was as

cute as a button in her new dress.

Figurative Language

Reading Skills Review

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