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Introduction to the negotiationsBangkok, October 2009

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Practical issues

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Practical issues

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Practical issues

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Practical issues

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Practical issues

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Negotiating groups

• G77 and China• Least Developed Countries (LDC) Group• Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS)• European Union (EU)• Umbrella Group: group of non-EU developed countries

and eg Kazakhstan• Environmental Integrity Group: includes Mexico, Republic

of Korea, Switzerland

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UN regional groups

• African countries;• Asian countries;• Eastern European countries, • Latin American and the Caribbean countries; and• Western European and Other countries

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Copenhagen, 7-18 December 2009• Fifteenth Conference of the Parties to the

UNFCCC (COP15)/Fifth Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP 5)

New commitments for developed countries after 2012 under the Kyoto Protocol

Agreement on strengthened implementation and cooperation for Parties to the UNFCCC

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• COP (UNFCCC) & CMP (Kyoto Protocol) • Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI)• Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological


Negotiating bodies

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The negotiations

• Ad hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under Convention (AWG-LCA) Bali Action Plan

• Ad hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under the Protocol (AWG-KP)

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• Developed countries seeking closer links between AWG-LCA & AWG-KP

• Developing countries emphasise keeping AWG-LCA and AWG-KP separate, not expanding mandates, and focusing on implementation in AWG-LCA

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Background cont.


‘Shared vision’ – long term reduction goal/s

Mitigation by developed countries

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Background cont.


Mitigation by developing countries:

Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs)

Proposals for NAMA registry and matching NAMAs with financing

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Background cont.

• AWG-LCA:Adaptation - financing, special attention to


Financing, technology transfer, capacity building – key issues, including financing for REDD-plus

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Background cont.

• AWG-LCA: ‘Measurable, reportable and verifiable’ (MRV)

Commitments and actions by developed countries; Actions by developing countries (no reference to

‘commitments’ for developing countries); and technology, financing and capacity-building

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• Proposal led by Papua New Guinea and Costa Rica at COP 11 in 2005

• Concerns about technical challenges, eg monitoring, leakage, but strong political interest from broad range of countries

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Bali 2007 – COP 13

Two decisions:• Bali Action Plan (Decision 1/CP.13), paragraph


‘…reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries; and the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing countries’

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Bali 2007 – COP 13 cont.

• Decision 2/CP.13 on REDD.

Capacity-building, technical assistance, mobilising resources

Demonstration activities & indicative guidance SBSTA programme of work on methodological

issuesDraft decision for adoption at COP 15.

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SBSTA 29 in Poznan

• Methodological guidance, without prejudice to COP decision

• REDD becomes ‘REDD-plus’

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SBSTA 30, June 2009, Bonn

• Draft decision for COP 15

• Expert meeting on reference emission levels and reference levels (Bonn March 2009)

• Report on costs of implementing methodologies and monitoring

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• Scope of REDD-plus • MRV• Market or fund?• Should REDD-plus be a NAMA?• How should REDD and ‘plus’ be treated?• What needs to be decided in Copenhagen?

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Land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF)

Emissions trading; Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)

Should Annex I countries be able to rely on REDD-plus to reach their targets?

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• References to REDD and related issues in for example

Cooperative sectoral approaches and sector-specific actions

Shared vision

Economic and social consequences of response measures

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Protocol & amendment proposals• Proposals for protocols and amendments - 6

month deadline 17 June.

Protocol proposals, e.g. Australia, Tuvalu

Amendment proposals, e.g. Japan, Papua New Guinea

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Legal format

• Legal architecture options include:

Amendments to the Kyoto ProtocolA new protocol or protocolsAnd/or COP/CMP decisions (not legally


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REDD-plus in Copenhagen

• A central part of a possible deal in Copenhagen

• Many questions will need further work after Copenhagen

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Thank you

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