  • 8/17/2019 Federal and State Collaboration on Electric Energy Storage Projects


    march/april 2005 IEEE  power & energy magazine   31

    Federaland StateCollaborationon Electric

    Energy StorageProjects

    1540-7977/05/$20.00©2005 IEEE


    by Imre Gyuk, Pramod Kulkarni, Joseph H. Sayer, John D. Boyes, Garth P. Corey, and Georgianne H. Peek 


    transfers energy through time, from generation to consumption, just as energy

    transmission transfers energy from one place to another. Indeed, in the early

    days of electricity, the Leyden jar and Volta’s columnar apparatus were very

    much cutting-edge technology. However, after the invention of the dynamo, ac

    generation, and the spectacular spread of continental electric grids, the storage

    of electricity became relatively unimportant—with one exception. The lead-acid

    battery became an essential ingredient of the automobile. Due to large produc-

    tion volume, this battery has become relatively inexpensive and fairly reliable.

    More recently, energy storage has also become a critical component of electron-

    ic equipment such as portable computers and mobile phones. In this market,

    where cost is less important, the need for greater energy density, zero mainte-

    nance, and long cycle life has allowed advanced batteries such as lithium-ion

    (Li-ion) and nickel-metal-hydride batteries to find wide application.

    By contrast, energy storage (other than pumped hydro) has found very little

    application in utility or large-scale industrial applications. A large 20-MW/15-min

    storage facility in Puerto Rico kept the entire island grid stable for several years.

    Because the battery was designed primarily as an energy source for spinningreserve but was used as a rapidly fluctuating power source performing frequency

    regulation, it reached end-of-life prematurely and did not meet predicted life

    expectations. However, recognizing its vital importance to the island, the facility

    has recently been repowered with 20 MW of tubular plate lead-acid batteries. An


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    even bigger 27-MW/15-min facility was commissioned in

    Fairbanks, Alaska, in 2003. It utilizes nickel-cadmium batteries

    and does an excellent job providing voltage support for the

    long transmission line from Anchorage. Even when not dis-

    charging, it can supply about 10 Mvar. Similarly successful is a

    250-kW/8-h vanadium redox facility that was put into service

    on a long distribution line in Utah. In Wisconsin, a system of six 1-MW/1-s superconducting magnetic energy storage

    (SMES) devices was effectively used to inject power into a col-

    lapse-prone transmission loop. A number of demonstrations in

    the 100-kW to 1-MW range have been field-tested with the

    U.S. Department of Energy’s support and in cooperation with

    major utilities. Technologies include lead acid, zinc bromine

    (ZnBr), Li ion, and sodium sulfur (NaS). In addition, a consid-

    erable number of megawatt-sized lead-acid uninterrupted

    power supply (UPS) systems are in operation throughout the

    United States for financial institutions, server farms, airports,

    and the like. Japan, on the other hand, boasts over 70-MW

    installed capacity for NaS technology alone—the largest facil-

    ities at 8 MW/8 h.

    Meanwhile, analytical studies have shown the applicabili-

    ty of energy storage for voltage support and frequency sta-

    bility, for peak shaving, renewables firming, transmission

    upgrade deferral, and a host of other uses. Many of these

    applications are already cost-effective with current storage

    technologies. This cost-effectiveness is enhanced if several

    compatible applications, such as arbitrage and transmission

    deferral, are combined.

    Estimates of the potential market for energy storage in the

    United States are quite large. A recent study on the California

    market extrapolates to some 80 billion watts, or US$60 bil-

    lion, for the maximum market potential (assuming a not unre-

    alistic cost of US$600/kW for the storage system). The

    cumulative potential market for energy storage systems in

    California is shown in Figure 1 as a function of system cost.

    While this study does not take into account market penetra-

    tion or competing technologies, it does demonstrate the sheersize of the potential market.

    Several drivers underscore the need for widespread appli-

    cation of energy storage. Recent major outages have shown

    the need for grid reliability, particularly in view of the grow-

    ing digitization of industry and commerce. Terrorism has led

    to security issues which are often similar to reliability con-

    cerns. Mandates for renewable energy raise grid stability and

    dispatchability issues. Grid unreliability is a problem of very

    real economic impact. A recent study estimates outages cost

    the United States some US$79 billion per year. Interestingly,

    momentary outages (

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    march/april 2005 IEEE  power & energy magazine

    deterrent for further installations. Clearly, a new strategy is

    needed if energy storage is to gain acceptance as a solution to

    the many applications for which it is eminently suited.

    In the United States there tends to be a distinct funding

    discontinuity between the long-range and more basic technol-

    ogy research of federal agencies and the short-term commer-

    cial interest of industries and utilities. In countries such as

    Sweden or Japan, national and local governments maintain

    much closer relationships with industry, accelerating the path

    from research to commercialization. In the United States, the

    natural partner to bridge this gap would appear to be the

    states themselves. The DOE’s Energy Storage Program has

    formed collaborations with the California Energy Commis-

    sion (CEC) and the New York State Energy Research and

    Development Authority (NYSERDA). California and New

    York are among the states most active in finding new energy

    solutions. Both states contain large urban centers with trans-

    mission constraints. Both states also have mandates for

    renewable energy.

    The goal of these partnerships with the states is to demon-

    strate electric energy storage as a technically viable, cost-

    effective, and broadly applicable option for increasing the

    reliability of the electricity system and for electric energy

    management. In their capabilities and perspectives regarding

    energy storage, the federal and state governments each have

    distinct strengths, which are summarized in Table 1.

    The DOE is collaborating with California (through the

    CEC) and with New York (through NYSERDA) through

    two separate initiatives. The CEC collaboration started in

    2001 with an initial agreement to work together to formu-

    late a series of demonstration projects. It was decided that

    these should be demonstration projects for near-commercial


    Federal Government State Government

    Has a national perspective on the priority, justifying critical Has a more accurate understanding and appreciation of localcomponent/system developments not often deemed essential issues that could be addressed by electricity energy storageat state levels—although the states would eventually deploy (EES) technologies.

    these components (e.g., national security and nationalgrid integrity).

    Can justify the cost-effectiveness of the development of critical Better understanding of institutional issues (permitting,components that have more national applications than for interconnection, financing) that need to be addressedapplication by smaller local markets, rendering investments for a technology to be successfully deployed in the states less cost-effective.

    Has long-standing working relationships with other federal Has a stronger working relationship with local electric utilitiesagencies that could share the cost and development of dual- and energy suppliers (e.g., wind energy developers), helpinguse technologies and participate in the resulting benefits facilitate opportunity identification and system integration.(e.g., compact energy storage units for the Department ofDefense and NASA.)

    Has the ability to bring together national and international Has the ability to define local benefits that form the basis ofresources such as information, technology partners, and “value proposition” affecting acceptability of some EESfinancing technologies over others (e.g. value of transmission

    congestion relief against the planned expansion, demandforecast, and other options such as distributed generation).

    Can act as a stable reservoir of scientific knowledge and Has the ability to educate local decision makers and affecttechnical know-how (e.g., national laboratories) when state- state/local policies influencing electricity generation,level resources are divested/withdrawn permanently or for a distribution, transmission, regulations, permitting issues, andlong duration due to economic or policy reasons. rebate programs that are conducive to EES development.

    Can provide strategic investment in the scientific knowledge Can provide financing that is justified when the EES projectsand analytical tools that are essential for technology and meet well-defined local needs that may be premature forproject development but that have a long-term pay-back investment elsewhere yet can contribute towardswhich discourages state level-investments in the elements advancement of technologies or EES systems at a national(e.g., developing monitoring systems) level (e.g., Alaska’s 40-MW Li-ion battery system).

    Has the ability to transfer technology nationally, bolsteringconfidence in the technology performance, which fosterslarger markets and ultimately results in lower costs.

     table 1. Complementary strengths of federal and state governments.

    Momentary outages are preciselywhere energy storage is most cost effectiveand other solutions are least applicable.

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    products and should have an economic basis. Following the

    announcement of the CEC program, the DOE reached an

    agreement with NYSERDA for a similar program, which

    utilizes each other’s strengths but with a somewhat different

    emphasis. Both programs resulted in open solicitations,

    have reached the stage of contract placement, and are pro-

    gressing nicely.

    DOE’s programmatic goal for the two state initiatives is

    the collection, analysis, and dissemination of data relevant to

    near-commercial electric energy storage applications, sys-

    tems, and products carried out in close association with San-

    dia National Laboratories. This analysis and new information

    will help the storage community by increasing the collective

    knowledge of currently available energy storage systems and

    their operations, uses, benefits, and potential obstacles. The

    new examples of carefully analyzed and evaluated storage

    systems can be expected to help accelerate the growth and

    maturation of the electric energy storage industry.

    The CEC/DOE Electrical EnergyStorage CollaborationCalifornia’s economy is heavily dependent on having a reli-

    able transmission and distribution system. The energy crisis

    of 2001 underscored the need for avoiding extreme price

    volatility of electricity prices. California’s effort to foster

    energy efficiency requires reducing peak electricity demand

    and increased use of base load generation resources. The

    state’s well-diversified but underutilized renewable energy

    portfolio, wind energy systems in particular, requires full uti-

    lization. Electrical energy storage (EES) in its myriad mani-

    festations, from a few milliseconds to several hours, holds the

    promise of solving several of these issues. Concurrent devel-

    opments in auxiliary technologies—such as controls, com-

    munications, and power electronics—have made it possible

    to successfully integrate emerging electric energy storage

    technologies for a range of applications that can solve someof the problems facing California.

    Since 1990 California has periodically funded develop-

    ment of electrical energy storage technologies. Yet, it was only

    in 2001 that the CEC’s Public Interest Energy Research

    (PIER) initiated a comprehensive program for using EES

    technologies to solve problems in the area of grid reliability,

    renewable energy integration, and demand management. The

    initiative involved leveraging DOE’s investment in research

    and development of electric energy storage components and

    systems and focusing more on the integration of these tech-

    nologies in California’s electrical system. This approach was

    based on the premise that there are certain inherent strengths

    in federal and state government entities that are highly com-

    plementary (Table 1). Not duplicating each other’s efforts is

    bringing about expediency and efficiency in the deployment

    of storage technologies.

    Consequently CEC and DOE signed a memorandum of 

    understanding (MOU) regarding energy storage to promote

    program coordination, information sharing, sharing of other

    relevant expertise, and the program management of project

    implementation elements as defined in the MOU.

    In July 2003, the CEC issued a request for proposals

    (RFP) on energy storage demonstration projects. Projects had

    to involve emerging, innovative storage technology, develop a

    detailed benefit analysis up front, provide for extensive data

    collection, and be located in California. The DOE’s Energy

    Storage Program, through Sandia National Laboratories, had

    created a methodology for estimating the economic value of 

    proposed demonstrations. This methodology was published

    with the RFP as Attachment 14.

    Monitoring the technical and economic performance of the

    systems, once they commence operation, will be supervised

    by DOE through Sandia. This third-party validation is of criti-

    cal importance in California if the potential users are to devel-

    op confidence in the EES performance and economics.

    To date the initiative has resulted in securing three projects

    spanning applications in the transmission, distribution, and

    customer use of storage technologies resulting in a US$9.6

    million three-year program. This is a heavily leveraged

    three-year program with the CEC providing US$3.8 million

    in funding, the DOE providing US$1.2 million, and the

    projects themselves contributing (in cost share) more than

    US$4.6 million. The primary purpose of the demonstrations

    is to showcase near-commercial electric energy storage

    devices that can demonstrate a positive cost benefit for the

    electric energy consumers of California. A turnkey ap-proach was specified that will result in the commissioning

    of fully operational systems based on emerging technology

    electric energy storage devices. There is a distinct possibili-

    ty that through collaboration with the DOE, one or two

    additional projects might be added to California’s EES port-

    folio in the near future.

    ✔ ZBB Energy Corporation, Menomonee Falls,

    Wisconsin. This project is designed to mitigate substa-

    tion congestion by placing a 2-MW, 2-MWh zinc-

    bromine flow battery at a Pacific Gas and Electric

    34 IEEE  power & energy magazine march/april 2005

    California’s economy is heavily dependenton having a reliable transmission anddistribution system.

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    march/april 2005 IEEE  power & energy magazine

    (PG&E) substation. The project is currently in progress

    with the assembly of the battery system at the ZBB

    factory in Wisconsin. The battery consists of four 500-

    kW, 500-kWh modules operating under a master con-

    trol to dispatch energy from the battery to mitigate

    overload conditions at a selected substation. Following

    testing at the PG&E distributed utility integration test

    facility, the battery will be installed at a substation that

    experiences periodic overload conditions. The battery

    will be operating in a standby mode to supply extra

    power as required. Savings created by deferring the

    capital investment in upgrading the marginal substation

    make this an economically viable project. Another

    expected benefit will be the ability to easily move the

    storage system from a summer peaking substation to a

    winter peaking substation, thereby avoiding multiple

    upgrade costs using a single storage system. ZBB’szinc-bromine flow battery was developed over a num-

    ber of years with DOE funding. A Detroit Edison

    demonstration of the battery is shown in Figure 2.

    ✔ Beacon Power Corporation, Wilmington,

    Massachusetts. This project, a 75-kW/15-min flywheel

    energy storage system, is designed to provide frequen-

    cy regulation on heavily congested power distribution

    facilities. Existing BHE6 Beacon flywheels modified

    with a larger motor will be used. Seven flywheels will

    produce 50–100 KW for 15 min. Charge and discharge

    will be initiated by an ISO generated signal. The sys-

    tem will store energy when generation exceeds loads

    and will discharge energy when load exceeds genera-

    tion, thereby stabilizing the frequency. The current,

    inefficient practice is to constantly adjust generator

    output. The flywheels will be assembled in a trans-

    portable container and installed at PG&E’s distributed

    utility integration test site in San Ramon, California.

    Control systems will be developed to validate the abili-

    ty of the system to follow existing AGC signals as well

    as faster changing signals. A low cost, Internet-based,

    dispatch system will be tested to interface with the ISO

    Energy Management System.

    ✔ Palmdale Water District, Palmdale, California. This

    project aims to minimize the impact of variable winds

    on a 950-kW wind turbine attached to the treatment

    plant microgrid by using a 450-kW supercapacitordevice. During power outages, energy storage will also

    provide ride-through for critical loads until emergency

    generation can be brought online. While providing reli-

    able energy for the microgrid, the project will in turn

    help reduce transmission and distribution congestion in

    the area. A view of the water district site is shown in

    Figure 3.

    NYSERDA/DOE Energy Storage InitiativeNew York State Energy Research and Development Authority


     figure 2. A 200-kW/2-h ZBB zinc bromine battery system being tested at a Detroit Edison substation.

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    (NYSERDA) programs are actively pursuing the demonstra-

    tion of innovative technologies for enhancing the reliability

    of the state’s electric grid. Although generating supplies are

    adequate statewide, there are regional deficiencies as a result

    of existing transmission-line limitations. This is particularly

    acute in downstate metropolitan New York and Long Island.

    Regional programs to add distributed generation capacity,

    and to aggregate existing standby generation capacity in grid

    emergencies, are in place. Concurrently, projects for develop-

    ing renewable generating capacity with minimal environmen-

    tal impact are also under evaluation.In the area of electric energy storage, NYSERDA’s inter-

    est is directed toward new technologies that may provide eco-

    nomic, environmentally sound alternatives for supporting the

    grid. Electric storage applications in the state could include

    applications for peak load shifting, resulting in reduced con-

    sumer costs, transmission and distribution equipment upgrade

    deferral, frequency regulation, grid voltage support, and

    emergency power. It is anticipated that providers of energy

    storage services eventually will be able to participate in the

    state’s various competitive electric markets.

    Electric storage technologies are expected to be effective

    for coupling renewable energy generation to the grid. The

    implementation of the state’s renewable portfolio standard

    policy will result in producing sizable new generating capaci-

    ty with fluctuating output. Energy storage can control the

    peaks and valleys of renewable generation and assure grid

    stability and reliability.In March 2004 NYSERDA entered into an MOU with the

    DOE’s Energy Storage Program to encourage, support, and

    facilitate planning, implementation, and information transfer

    of electric energy storage-related demonstration activities.

    Specifically, the purpose of this MOU was to launch a joint

    solicitation on energy storage technology.

    Subsequently, NYSERDA issued program opportunity

    notice (PON) 846, as a joint NYSERDA/DOE energy storage

    initiative to invite proposals to: 1) demonstrate emerging

    electric energy storage technologies at New York State sites;

    2) develop innovative electric storage technologies that can

    lead to new commercial products manufactured or packaged

    in New York State; and 3) perform market analysis/feasibility

    studies for energy storage applications in New York.

    NYSERDA’s role in the initiative is to provide contract

    and administrative management and control, conduct the

    evaluation and selection of proposals, and provide contract

    and administrative management of the selected projects.

    NYSERDA will coordinate technology transfer activities of 

    the electric energy storage projects with assistance from the

    contractors, DOE, and other organizations interested in ener-

    gy research.

    DOE’s role in the initiative is to assist in the evaluation

    and selection of proposals, provide technical management of 

    the selected projects, oversee the data collection and analysis

    for selected demonstration projects, and oversee the perform-

    ance of selected projects. These tasks will again be handled

    through Sandia National Laboratories.

    Eight submitted proposals were selected for NYSERDA

    funding and contracts are in preparation. In round numbers,

    DOE will contribute US$900,000, NYSERDA will provide

    US$2.6 million in funding, and US$3.6 million will be the

    cost share of the awardees. This is a very highly leveraged

    program for all the participants.

    Two major energy storage demonstration projects were

    selected for the joint initiative. Unlike the CEC projects,

    these will be technical demonstrations only.

    ✔ New York Power Authority (NYPA), White Plains,New York. This project will shift a compressor peak 

    load from on-peak to off-peak and provide emergency

    backup power at a major Long Island bus depot facili-

    ty. The proposed EES is a NaS battery system. Peak 

    load reduction is becoming an urgent need in urban

    areas suffering from congested transmission lines, par-

    ticularly during the summer peak. The primary appli-

    cation will be to supply 1 MW of power to a natural

    gas compressor for six to eight hours per day, seven

    days a week. The compressor fuels new natural gas

    36 IEEE  power & energy magazine march/april 2005

     figure 3. The Palmdale, California, water district where450 kW of supercapacitor storage will minimize powerfluctuations from the wind turbine visible on the other sideof the reservoir.

     figure 4. Three 600-HP compressors to be run in combi-

    nation with a 1-MW NaS battery system at a Long Island,New York natural gas refueling station for 220 buses.

  • 8/17/2019 Federal and State Collaboration on Electric Energy Storage Projects


    march/april 2005 IEEE  power & energy magazine

    buses that are replacing diesel-fueled buses. The com-

    pressor system is shown in Figure 4. The turnkey sys-

    tem will be provided by ABB, Inc. to include the

    power conversion system and overall system integra-

    tion plus the NaS battery by NGK Insulators, Ltd. of 

    Japan. This project builds on the success of a smaller

    100-kW NaS project, cosponsored by DOE, at anAmerican Electric Power research site in Columbus,

    Ohio. It will be the first full-scale installation of NaS

    technology in the United States.

    ✔ Beacon Power Corporation, Wilmington, Massachu-

    setts. This project’s aim is to provide grid frequency

    regulation by utilizing a high-energy flywheel storage

    system. Frequency regulation is necessary to balance

    the constantly varying differences between electricity

    generation and load. This demon-

    stration will follow the CEC proj-

    ect adapting successes

    demonstrated in California. The

    demonstration will consist of a

    50- to 100-kW system of seven

    Beacon flywheels adapted to

    operate on Niagara Mohawk’s

    distribution grid and physically

    located on the customer side of 

    the meter at an existing industrial

    site in Amsterdam, New York. A

    15-kW flywheel is shown in Fig-

    ure 5. The primary difference

    between the two projects is that

    the NYSERDA facility will be on

    a customer site, taking care of 

    random problems at the site,

    while the CEC device will be test-

    ed in a laboratory environment

    where controlled disturbances can

    be injected and the performance


    ✔ Gaia Power Technologies, New

    York, New York. This project will

    demonstrate a demand-reduction

    and load-leveling device for edge-

    of-grid scenarios with economic

    benefits to the local utility and the

    rural electricity user. This studywill be comprised of two parts,

    testing the application of electricity storage technology

    in distinct scenarios using an 11-kW, 20-kWh Gaia

    PowerTower installed at a residence in the Delaware

    County Electric Cooperative (DCEC) territory. The

    PowerTower will provide demand reduction as the load

    at the user exceeds a preset threshold. The battery will

    also supplement a 5-kW fuel cell as the primary elec-

    tricity source, boosting power to the user as needed.

    The project should be of particular benefit to rural

    cooperative utilities with isolated customers on long

    distribution lines.

    These three energy storage demonstrations are scheduled

    to be commissioned in New York during 2005. They will run

    for a minimum 18-month period and will be fully monitored

    and carefully analyzed during that time.

    There is one product development project which wasselected for funding:

    ✔ AFS Trinity Power, Livermore, California. This proj-

    ect is to qualify a new flywheel rotor supplier located

    in New York State. AFS Trinity has selected Power

    and Composite Technologies, Inc. (PCT) of Amster-

    dam, New York, as a new rotor supplier for this proj-

    ect. The flywheel power system currently under

    development can operate at a maximum speed of 

    37,000 rpm and produce 250

    kW of power. The system can

    store and discharge 1 kWh of 

    energy. PCT will develop the

    capability to supply and fabri-

    cate all-carbon rotors with

    press-fit rims. This new capabil-

    ity will permit PCT to become a

    supplier of composite rims to all

    flywheel manufacturers. The

    project builds on work previous-

    ly funded by the DOE’s Energy

    Storage Program.

    Three analysis projects were also

    selected. A market analysis by Distrib-

    uted Utility Associates has the objective

    to characterize a) the potential benefits

    from use of grid interactive, modular

    electric energy storage and b) the market

    potential for storage for a range of plau-

    sible applications in the state of New

    York. This analysis will provide a frame-

    work to evaluate demonstrations or tech-

    nology developments that address a

    viable value proposition for application

    with significant amounts of storage. The

    evaluation will also include a characteri-

    zation of important implications for tar-

    iffs in New York. This study builds on a

    previous DOE-funded study, which did asimilar evaluation for California.

    An analysis project, by EPRI-PEAC will develop a com-

    plete regulatory and market analysis methodology and apply

    it to conditions in the area controlled by the New York Inde-

    pendent Systems Operator (NYISO); this will serve as the

    backbone for a detailed technical siting analysis for energy

    storage projects. Prospective locations in New York State

    will be identified based on the regulatory and market analy-

    sis, and appropriate energy storage technologies will be



     figure 5. A 15-kW/6-kWh flywheelby Beacon Power. Seven flywheelswill be combined to provide frequen-cy regulation in California and NewYork state projects.

  • 8/17/2019 Federal and State Collaboration on Electric Energy Storage Projects


    Ridge Energy Storage & Grid Services will perform a

    market analysis study to assess the feasibility of small com-

    pressed air energy storage (CAES) for transmission conges-

    tion management and wind firming/shaping applications in

    New York. This study is the first phase of a larger effort to

    create a practical, economic, bulk energy storage facility in

    the 10–15 MW range. It builds on a previous study funded by

    DOE to evaluate the potential of CAES to increase the capac-

    ity factor for bringing wind energy from West Texas over bur-

    dened transmission lines.

    Implementation of Federal/StateCollaborationsBoth the CEC/DOE and NYSERDA/DOE collaborations

    follow the same general pattern. The DOE’s Energy Storage

    Program, through Sandia National Laboratories, has devel-

    oped wide technical expertise in storage technologies,

    power conversion systems, application studies, data collec-

    tion and analysis, and system integration, while the states

    have a clear idea of the issues facing their electrical systems

    (Table 1). In both collaborations, DOE/Sandia participated

    in RFP preparation and the formulation of procurement doc-

    uments by matching the state’s identified potential needs

    with applications that could be satisfied by the current state

    of the art of storage industry.

    Unique to the CEC program was the desire to demonstrate

    the economic benefit/cost ratio for the proposed systems.

    Since no generally accepted method of calculating energy

    storage benefits existed, Sandia contracted with Distributed

    Utility Associates to generate a uniform methodology for cal-

    culating the benefit of energy storage systems. This method-

    ology was published as an attachment to the CEC’s request

    for proposals and each bidder was required to estimate the

    benefits of their system. It was hoped, but not required, that

    the benefit/cost ratio would be greater than one.

    Each state was responsible for publishing the procure-ment package, managing the procurement process, and con-

    tracting with the energy storage system manufacturers.

    Sandia worked with each state to determine the instrumenta-

    tion and data acquisition procedures that would demonstrate

    successful completion of each state’s requirements. Conse-

    quently, for respective collaborations, Sandia has contracted

    with PEAC and EnerNex as data acquisition and analysis

    managers through competitive procurements. Technical

    guidance is provided to both the successful manufacturers

    and to the data acquisition contractors.

    Each energy storage system proposed for the CEC/DOE

    and demonstrations projects of the NYSERDA/DOE initia-

    tive includes a customized data acquisition system for the

    purpose of providing system operational data. These data will

    be used in the evaluation and generation of reports on the

    overall performance of the energy storage system. Data

    acquisition rates must be adequate to monitor the type of 

    operation the system is designed to perform. For example,

    power quality operations require high-speed data acquisition

    on the order of microseconds in order to adequately capture

    power-quality or system-stability events. In contrast, energy

    management operations, such as peak shaving or arbitrage

    applications, require sampling on the order of milliseconds to

    seconds with 15 min averages

    The data management contractors will be responsible for

    conducting an overall analysis of the system’s technical per-

    formance for each of the energy-storage demonstrations. For

    the CEC projects, the economic performance will also be

    evaluated and compared to the original expectations.

    Although the actual electricity storage device itself is of high

    interest to the DOE’s Energy Storage Program, even more

    important is the functioning of a fully integrated system

    designed to meet the requirements of a particular application.

    Consequently, the focus of the analysis is on the turnkey per-

    formance of each system supplied by the various contractors

    selected under the two programs.

    The data management contractors are also responsible for

    developing and maintaining a Web site for routine review by

    the general public and other groups interested in the perform-

    ance of the systems.

    Conclusions and Outlook The collaboration between the states of California and New

    York and the DOE’s Energy Storage Research Program is

    proving to be an outstanding success. The administrative hur-

    dles were smoothly resolved and technical management of the projects is well underway. The states’ contribution

    amounts to some US$6.4 million, while the DOE share is

    US$2.1 million. Most gratifyingly, the cost share from the

    private sector is a sizable US$8.2 million.

    The selected projects show a good portfolio of advanced

    energy storage media: a ZnBr flow battery, the NaS battery,

    supercapacitors, and flywheels. The applications are equally

    varied: mitigation of substation congestion, grid frequency con-

    trol, load management, and stabilization of a microgrid. The

    demonstration projects are intended to last for a three-year peri-

    38 IEEE  power & energy magazine march/april 2005

    Electric storage technologiesare expected to be essential for effective couplingof renewables to the grid.

  • 8/17/2019 Federal and State Collaboration on Electric Energy Storage Projects


    march/april 2005 IEEE  power & energy magazine

    od. After that, some may be dismantled, others may continue to

    be monitored, and some may become permanent installations.

    One direction for future projects immediately suggests

    itself. Ambitious mandates for renewable energy are either

    enacted or being considered by California and New York.

    In California, the law requires 20% renewables by 2017.

    More stringent goals are being sought by the CEC. In NewYork, a renewable share of 25% is under negotiation. Such

    a large amount of intermittent energy is difficult to accom-

    modate on a grid. Energy storage, however, can make

    renewables a useful, dispatchable part of the system. Stor-

    age for renewables offers itself as a natural topic for future

    collaborative initiatives.

    Another direction for potential collaborations is of 

    course the rest of the United States. Although the East Coast

    and the West Coast have been involved, DOE would wel-

    come similar initiatives throughout the country. Such col-

    laborations need not be with individual states but could well

    include several states; New England and the midwestern

    states suggest themselves.

    State/federal collaborations can become an important tool

    for bridging the gap between research and the market place.

    Energy storage intends to make full use of this opportunity. It

    is to be hoped that the projects undertaken as part of these

    collaborations will become the vanguard of many more stor-

    age facilities in future.

    For Further ReadingM. Farber De Anda, J.D. Boyes, and W. Torres, “Lessons

    learned from the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority bat-

    tery energy storage system,” Sandia National Laboratories,

    Albuquerque, NM, Rep. SAND99-2232, Sept. 1999 [Online].


    K. Hamachi LaCommare and J.H. Eto, “Understanding

    the cost of power interruptions to U.S. electricity consumers,”

    Ernst Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,

    Berkeley, CA, Rep. LBNL-55718, Sept. 2004 [Online].


    J.J. Iannucci, J.M. Eyer, and G.P. Corey,  Energy Storage

     Benefits and Market Analysis Handbook, A Study for the

     DOE Energy Storage Systems Program, Sandia National

    Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM, Rep. SAND-2004-6177,

    Dec. 2004 [Online]. Available:

     EPRI-DOE Handbook of Energy Storage for Transmission

    and Distribution Applications, Electric Power Research Insti-tute, Palo Alto, CA, EPRI-10011834, Dec. 2003.

    Biographies Imre Gyuk manages the Energy Storage Research Program

    in the Department of Energy’s Office of Electrical Transmis-

    sion and Distribution. After graduate studies at Brown Uni-

    versity, Providence, Rhode Island, he received a Ph.D. in

    theoretical physics from Purdue University. He has taught

    physics, architecture, and engineering at Syracuse Universi-

    ty, New York, the University of Wisconsin, and Kuwait Uni-

    versity. Besides his present work in energy storage, he has

    also done research in particle physics, groundwater dynam-

    ics, and metallurgy.

     Pramod Kulkarni is the manager for Industrial, Agricul-

    ture & Water (IAW) Energy Efficiency RD&D, part of thePublic Interest Energy Research (PIER) program at the Cali-

    fornia Energy Commission (CEC). He is also the manager for

    the Electric Energy Storage Initiative for the PIER program.

    Pramod has been at the CEC for the last 14 years. He has

    worked in the field of renewable energy, energy technology

    development, and energy project financing for the past 25

    years. His educational background includes a B.S., an M.S,

    and an M.B.A.

     Joseph H. Sayer received a B.S. in mechanical engineer-

    ing from Cooper Union, New York City, 1966 and a Ph.D. in

    materials science from Syracuse University, New York, in

    1973. He joined the synthetic fuels development effort at

    Exxon Research & Engineering Company in Baytown,

    Texas, and in Florham Park, New Jersey. In 1984 he began

    his career with the New York State Energy Research &

    Development Authority in the utility and environmental

    research groups and is currently senior project manager in

    the power systems research program.

     John D. Boyes is the manager of the Energy Storage Sys-

    tems Program at Sandia National Laboratories. He has

    degrees in mechanical engineering and a background in

    design engineering, system engineering, and project and engi-

    neering management. He has been with Sandia National Lab-

    oratories for 27 years, spending 18 of them in the pulsed

    power and inertial confinement fusion areas. He joined the

    Energy Storage Systems Program in 1998, becoming program

    manager in 1999.

    Garth P. Corey is a principal member of the technical staff 

    at Sandia National Laboratories; he is assigned project man-

    agement responsibilities with the Energy Storage Systems

    Department. Garth completed a B.S.E.E.with the University of 

    Wyoming in 1969 and an M.S.E.E. with the Air Force Institute

    of Technology in 1971. In addition to his activities in power

    quality and battery energy storage, he is actively working with

    battery manufacturers and photovoltaic and other renewables

    integrators in trying to resolve serious lead-acid battery appli-

    cations problems currently hampering the successful use of 

    battery storage with small renewable energy systems.Georgianne H. Peek is a registered professional mechani-

    cal engineer and a project manager professional. She has

    worked for Sandia National Laboratories for over 18 years.

    She received a B.S.M.E. from New Mexico State University,

    Las Cruces. For the last three years, she has been a project

    manager in the Energy Storage and Distributed Energy

    Resources Department at Sandia, working mostly for the

    Electrical Energy Storage Program.



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