Page 1: FCPS Website Expectations & Best PracticesFCPS Website Expectations & Best Practices . Rev. 12/16/2019. TRAINING GROUND . Former tech support Andre Thomas created the “Samuel Street

FCPS Website Expectations & Best Practices Rev. 8/14/2020

TRAINING GROUND New in 2020-21: webmaster training videos – New webmasters should watch the series by Labor Day; returning webmasters are encouraged to participate, too, so that we’re all on the same page. It takes roughly three to four hours total, but no quizzes! Follow-up is available by appointment as needed.

• Email district webmaster Tammy Lane to confirm you have completed the videos and reviewed the web guidelines, and you'll receive a certificate for 4 hours of PD credit.

Demo site: Former tech support Andre Thomas created the “Samuel Street School” test site to illustrate our templates. It includes editing tips, a refresher on site set-up, common elements across the district, etc. This demo site is for illustration only, and it contains elements for elementary, middle, and high school sites, so not everything is relevant for everyone. Please do not copy-and-paste text or examples from there directly to your school’s webpages unless specific verbiage is clearly noted. Even then, the wording should probably be customized for your school.

• Bookmark it:

Web guidelines: This document is posted on our demo site’s homepage under School Quick Links. Please skim through it every August as a refresher. The district webmaster will alert you to any significant revisions throughout the rest of the school year.

Archive of web emails: A running log of the all-webmaster notes is posted for your convenience under School Quick Links on the demo site.

‘HOW TO’ BLACKBOARD Jump to the end of this document for the two-page instruction pullout on Blackboard’s Site Manager.

APP SHOWROOM Apps are Blackboard’s building blocks for webpages. Our most common apps are Content, File Library, Site Shortcuts, Gallery, Image, and Document Viewer. See app examples here.

Blackboard also has many other apps to choose from, so which should you try? Visit the app showroom for step-by-step instructions and screenshots of what each app looks like. Experiment as you wish! (Please avoid the Tables app, which creates access problems for screen-reading software/devices.)

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Page 2: FCPS Website Expectations & Best PracticesFCPS Website Expectations & Best Practices . Rev. 12/16/2019. TRAINING GROUND . Former tech support Andre Thomas created the “Samuel Street

NEED HELP? In Site Manager, look under the “How Do I …?” tab at the top for answers to frequently asked questions. Bookmark it:

If you call our FCPS Help Desk, they should simply refer you to the district webmaster, who will call Blackboard on your behalf if necessary. Unauthorized individuals are not supposed to call or contact Blackboard directly.

For questions about FCPS standards in this website guide or to request additional training, please email [email protected] or call 381-4236.

ACCOUNTABILITY As a school webmaster, you are responsible for your school’s sub-site. Typically, only the appointed webmaster and the principal have full admin rights as site directors. Staff colleagues, such as teachers, librarians, or guidance counselors may be assigned editing rights to channels or sections. If you add others, please forward all the group emails so that everyone is in the loop. You are also responsible for colleagues’ training in Blackboard and their adherence to FCPS guidelines. (Please review your site’s credentials annually and delete colleagues as needed.)

• Note: Non-FCPS employees may NOT have any rights in Site Manager and are not allowed to tinker with our webpages. This includes students, PTA officers, parent volunteers, etc.

Please let the district webmaster know when you relinquish duties as school webmaster so that your school’s site access and the school contacts list can be updated accordingly.

ADA COMPLIANCE & WEB ACCESSIBILITY To avoid investigations by the Office of Civil Rights, potential lawsuits, and FCPS loss of federal funding, we must ensure that our website is accessible to all viewers such as people with visual impairments who use screen-reading software or devices to access web content. Here are some common examples.

• Hyperlinks: Avoid generics like “Click here” or “See more” and make sure the content or destination is the hyperlink. Example: Not this, “For enrollment information, click here” -- but this, “Find enrollment information under Pupil Personnel.”

• Alt text: We should descriptively caption every photo, graphic, chart, and illustration with a sentence or two. It’s not necessary to identify every person unless relevant in the context.

• Icons: If you use logos or other images as icons, be sure to include a short identifier that shows in hover mode, as with photo captions. If using the Site Shortcuts app, type the description in the app’s “Tooltip” field. See icon/logo examples on Lansdowne’s site.

• Images: Do not post informational flyers or brochures as images because a screen reader cannot pick up the words and sentences. Likewise, avoid scanned documents, which read as images.

• PDFs: The best safeguard is to start in MS Word, and with the document open, click ‘File,’ then ‘Check for issues,’ and ‘Check accessibility.’ After fixing any issues, save it as a PDF for uploading to your site. (You might have to ask the source for details.) Follow the same steps for PPT files.

Page 3: FCPS Website Expectations & Best PracticesFCPS Website Expectations & Best Practices . Rev. 12/16/2019. TRAINING GROUND . Former tech support Andre Thomas created the “Samuel Street

Web Accessibility Standards – lots of useful information and varied examples

Accessibility Resource Center -- best practices

Accessibility 101 from Blackboard -- slide deck

Search engine optimization & web accessibility -- one-hour Bb webinar

Ally File Transformer -- a tool for converting content into alternative formats

WAVE = Website Accessibility Evaluation Tool: a way to test your site, especially the homepage

External sites: If your teachers and staff use Google sites or other platforms outside Blackboard, remember that FCPS is accountable for their accessibility and compliance. Note: While it's necessary to add alt text to every image, you cannot hover and see it on a Google site unless you have the software/device used by a viewer who is visually impaired.

• For questions about Google sites, call the Help Desk at 381-4357.

Videos: If you post school-produced or external videos, they must include closed captions. YouTube can run this task for free, but the video content owner must edit and correct the captions in order to meet the standards. Plus, we always want FCPS to look good!

OPT OUTS We must honor families’ wishes if they prefer to exclude their children from the FCPS website, FCPS-TV, and social media (district and school level). Therefore, it falls to us webmasters to double-check for media opt-out forms and FERPA opt-out forms before using students’ names and/or photos. Families turn in these forms at school only if they are saying “no,” so you will likely find only a few among your total student population. Happily, we have an online tool that makes it easy to check a student’s status. You can even look up your school’s complete list of students all at once rather than typing in individual names. It’s also great for confirming the spelling of names, which should be a routine step.

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• If any search results show in red, then please call for assistance: 381-4236.

Warning: This tool only works if your school registrars collect the opt-out forms and click the boxes accordingly in Infinite Campus, so please remind your colleagues at least once a semester.

Temporary workaround – Until about mid-September, our opt-out tool is useless because nothing has yet been turned in at school or logged in IC. During the summer interim, there’s another way to check if you need to post a student photo. Simply log into IC, search for the student, then click the INDEX tab (next to the SEARCH tab). Scroll down under Student Information to Custom Programs to reach the opt-out forms. Be sure to click the “historical” tab to see the previous school year. The second and third entries should be for FERPA and media; you’re looking for a “No,” meaning the family did not turn in an opt-out form. If you happen to hit a “yes,” call the district webmaster before proceeding.

Page 4: FCPS Website Expectations & Best PracticesFCPS Website Expectations & Best Practices . Rev. 12/16/2019. TRAINING GROUND . Former tech support Andre Thomas created the “Samuel Street

CREDIBILITY Our task is to provide current, accurate information. Please make it a priority to update your site and review the links regularly -- always aiming to present your school in the best possible light!

A CLEAN START Every July/August, please do a thorough housecleaning throughout your site to prepare for the upcoming school year. We don’t want viewers confused by seeing old forms, last fall’s kudos, and other dated material. You’ll soon be posting fresh announcements and photos, PDFs, new staff, etc.

CONTENT Double-check your information, spelling, links, email addresses, and other details before posting. If copying-and-pasting from a colleague’s email or school document, please clean up the grammar and style (See Style Points below).

We discourage you from copying-and-pasting material from a district webpage, which is subject to editing anytime. Instead, use a redirect to the district site or embed a page link to send your school’s viewers directly to district content. Example: Kindergarten registration

Also, if you want to post a document that is already up on the district site, it’s best to simply refer your viewers to the district webpage in case the document is replaced. Examples: and

Homepage School Announcements -- Use this space to promote upcoming school events and notify families of important things such as the semester’s final exams schedule. Try to keep everything fresh and timely!

• This app enables you to set the “Display Duration,” so there is no reason that a time-sensitive announcement should remain out front past its shelf life.

• Under ‘Options,’ you can also control the number of announcements to be visible.

Page 5: FCPS Website Expectations & Best PracticesFCPS Website Expectations & Best Practices . Rev. 12/16/2019. TRAINING GROUND . Former tech support Andre Thomas created the “Samuel Street

Kudos and School Highlights – These are optional regions in the homepage template; they can be hidden if not used. The district webmaster will add news releases or feature articles here if anything written at the district level pertains specifically to your school. Feel free to remove them when outdated or if your homepage needs more breathing room.

Calendar – Be sure to add school-specific events, meetings, concerts, games, etc. Update later if the date, time, or other details change, especially with a recurring event.

Contact Us form -- Be sure to update the person who receives your school’s “Contact Us” emails as needed. Most schools route these submissions to the main administrative staffer at the front desk who fields general calls and questions; some also include the assistant principal. Whoever it is, make sure their email addresses are accurate and current, and that they’re aware of the incoming messages.

How to update it:

• On the Site Manager landing page, click on the Forms & Surveys link toward the right side. • Click the Options button next to the Contact Us form. • Navigate to the Completion tab. • Scroll down to the field for Send Response To: • Paste or type the email address there. Separate multiple addresses with a semicolon.

Inside pages – Don’t neglect the rest of your sub-site, especially in deep channels and sections. For instance, make sure you’re displaying the current school year’s SBDM members and meeting dates.

Staff Directory & Quick Contacts list – Delete teachers and other colleagues who retire or leave your school and then add new folks who come aboard. This is an August and January task, plus as needed.

STYLE POINTS FCPS tries to follow The Associated Press Stylebook for consistency. Here are some key points.

Dates – Abbreviate these months if paired with a date: Feb., Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., and Dec. For example, it’s Jan. 21 (not January 21 or January 21st). Always spell out March, April, May, June, and July.

There’s no need to state the year if it’s obvious in the context, but make sure the time element is clear somewhere for archive purposes. If needed for clarity, include the school year in this form: 2020-21 (not 2020-2021). Examples: See announcements and kudos on the district site, including the posted date at the end.

Time elements – Avoid using words like “today,” “this week,” “Saturday,” or “next month” because their specificity is soon lost in a web posting. We don’t want to leave people wondering.

With a specific time, use this format: 10:15 a.m., noon, or 4 p.m. (not 10:15 AM or 12:00 or 4 o’clock)

With time ranges, it’s 10 to 11:30 a.m. or 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. (Don’t repeat the a.m. if both are morning.)

Phone/fax numbers – We go with this style: (859) 381-4100; not 859-381-4100 or 859.381.4100

Courtesy titles – We don’t use Mr., Ms., Miss, or “Dr.” for educators unless they insist on a title.

• On second reference for John Smith, it’s “Smith” for an adult and “John” for a student.

Page 6: FCPS Website Expectations & Best PracticesFCPS Website Expectations & Best Practices . Rev. 12/16/2019. TRAINING GROUND . Former tech support Andre Thomas created the “Samuel Street

FORMATTING WEBPAGES Keep it clean and simple; there’s no need to adjust the font size. Steer clear of oversized text, colored text, multiple sizes of subheads on a page, centered verbiage or images, all caps, italics, random capitalization, underlining, and excessive bolding. However, it’s OK to use red type or bold type sparingly for emphasis.

Aim for consistency. In your School Announcements, for instance, stick with the same headline style. Example: Registration window coming up (sentence case preferred) vs. Registration Window Coming Up. Also, we advocate active subject-verb headlines over label heads. Example: Band to present holiday concert (preferred) vs. Holiday Concert

• Reminder: Avoid using URL links, email addresses, and other raw coding on a webpage. Instead, embed these links in the text.

HEADERS/TITLES When putting an app on a page, don’t forget the easy way to show a header or page title without adding an H1 heading separately. Simply click the “App Options” button at the top right corner of the app. Once inside, edit the App Name at the top to whatever wording you’d like to be visible on the page. Then click the checkbox just under the description area. Hit ‘save’ and you’re done. When you preview, you will see a perfectly placed header or title.

Subheads -- If using the “Content” app and certain others, you can add subheads throughout the block of editing space instead of stacking multiple apps on the page, which can result in excess spacing. We recommend using Sub-Title H2 or Heading H3. (H1 is too large and fights with the app title; and H4 merely looks like bolded type.)

FILES & FOLDERS * We suggest you create subfolders according to the school year rather than storing everything under “Top Level,” which can quickly become an overloaded hodgepodge. For instance, you would upload a spring 2021 festival flyer into the “2020-21” subfolder. It’s a logical way to organize your PDFs and photos, which makes it easier to find them later. This storage is for the homepage and calendar.

Note: Each section has its own Files & Folders storage, where you can create subfolders as needed by school year, page, topic, or whatever. Build it out however it makes sense for your school.

Warning: After you upload PDFs or JPEG images to a page, you cannot subsequently change the name of the file or the folder without breaking the links.

Files & Folders vs. File Library app – The main difference is that PDFs uploaded in your Files & Folders are searchable by the Google engine, but documents stored within the File Library app are not indexed.

Page 7: FCPS Website Expectations & Best PracticesFCPS Website Expectations & Best Practices . Rev. 12/16/2019. TRAINING GROUND . Former tech support Andre Thomas created the “Samuel Street

PDFS We should primarily upload documents as PDFs, not in MS Word or other file types. Just about all devices can open a PDF, but not all users can access a Word or Excel file.

• Reminder: No scanned documents allowed.

Try to use short file names and incorporate the date if logical. Examples: book_fair or supply_lists or April_minutes. Note the underscore between key words; Blackboard’s Site Manager doesn’t like spaces or punctuation in the file names. If not using school-year or topical subfolders, be sure to make the PDF file names specific enough that you don’t accidentally overwrite them later.

Tip: If you do need to update or sub out a PDF, make sure to use the exact same file name and upload it into the same folder. That way, you don’t have to re-link it on the page. Nonetheless, always go to the page afterward, hit “Refresh,” and click on the link to make sure the new document shows up.

PHOTOS COVID-19 precautions – We as a district don’t want to call down the wrath of the health department or the general public, so please be careful when posting school photos during these uncertain times. For example: Do NOT use a group photo of staff or students even if everyone is wearing a mask – unless they’re also standing at least 6 feet apart. We want to assure viewers that FCPS is following all the rules and guidelines to protect everyone’s health. This goes for the school website and all social media platforms, so please share this word of caution with whoever handles your Facebook and Twitter.

Type – Stick with JPEG images if possible, using files large enough to maintain high resolution.

Quality – Be choosy! Pick sharp, well-composed photos, and avoid stretching an image (no verticals in horizontal spaces or vice versa). Also, beware of pixilation – especially with cellphone photos.

Editing – You may use Photoshop sparingly to adjust the lighting, crop, and size an image before uploading. Typically, use a maximum 900 width on horizontals and 450 width on verticals. Exception: Homepage gallery photos are always 1500 x 915 horizontals.

• Do not manipulate the content or distort the integrity of a photo, such as Photoshopping to insert a person who wasn’t present or to change the background color.

File names – Use short, specific names, and avoid uploading as generics like IMG_1234. You’ll be glad later when you are looking for a certain photo in the Files & Folders! Also, no spaces or punctuation.

Captions – We must include a basic caption on every photo in order to be ADA compliant.

Homepage gallery – Please stay within the current school year. The app will hold 50+ pictures, but let’s limit ourselves to 8 or 10. Please rotate out older photos regularly and try to keep the gallery fresh to engage your viewers.

• Don’t forget to edit the photo title (overline) and write a caption for each image. • For consistency, the first photo should be an exterior shot of your school building.

Page 8: FCPS Website Expectations & Best PracticesFCPS Website Expectations & Best Practices . Rev. 12/16/2019. TRAINING GROUND . Former tech support Andre Thomas created the “Samuel Street

We have a handy tool that will size the homepage gallery pictures for you. You simply hit ‘Select new image’ at the bottom of the screen and pull in your photo. (It won’t accept files that are too small, and if you upload a vertical shot, you’ll see immediately that it is distorted badly in this horizontal space.) You can zoom in if needed, though it’s unlikely. Then hit ‘Download cropped image.’ That’s the version you will upload into your homepage gallery app in Site Manager. (You do not store gallery photos in the Files & Folders.) Finally, don’t forget to hit ‘Publish’ when finished in lieu of ‘Save’ to see your changes.

• Bookmark it:

Tip: If you have trouble uploading photos to a gallery, try it in Chrome. The IE browser gives us errors.

School images & logos – Please send me the JPEG file if you have a new photo of your school’s exterior for your homepage gallery or if you have redesigned the school logo. I need to upload and archive these at the district level, and I’ll change them out on your site.

Templates & suggested layouts

Homepage Each sub-site’s homepage mirrors the district homepage in many respects. School sites are also consistent across FCPS, so the structure and layout should not be changed without permission.

Section App name & description A

(full width at top)

Photo Gallery app • Photos are 1500 x 915 pixels. Horizontal photos

only. Captions required. Current school year.

B (horizontal bar)

(This space remains vacant; do not add an app here.) See below for details on POPULAR LINKS.

C (left-hand rail)

Site Shortcuts app • School Quick Links is to promote elements

unique to your school. CSIP is required. Embed Code app (optional)

• Example: Your school’s Twitter feed Announcements app

• The Buzz is managed and shared out by the district’s webmaster.

Site Shortcuts app • District Quick Links are also controlled by the

district’s webmaster.

D (center right, main section)

Announcements app • School Announcements is primarily for short

blurbs but can also contain longer items and kudos if this is the only content space used in Block D. The entire text shows up out front.

Headlines & Features app (optional)*

Page 9: FCPS Website Expectations & Best PracticesFCPS Website Expectations & Best Practices . Rev. 12/16/2019. TRAINING GROUND . Former tech support Andre Thomas created the “Samuel Street

• Kudos is a space to celebrate your student and staff accomplishments, awards, honors, etc. Photos can dress up this area of the page.

E (horizontal bar,

full width)

Headlines & Features app, with 3 round pix (optional)* • School Highlights is where you can post

feature-length articles with photos spotlighting your school’s activities, programs, and events.

Upcoming Events app

• These items pull in automatically from your school’s calendar. You can adjust the maximum number of events to display; we suggest 20+.

* If you are not using the ‘Headlines & Features’ apps, you may click off the “Show app name on my page” option to hide those blocks. If you had prior content out there, be sure to hit “inactive.”

How to: To edit or adjust elements in the Popular Links, social media slide-out, or footer, you’ll need to go into the template under “Settings.” Please call the district webmaster if you need help: 381-4236.

Popular Links (access via template settings) For consistency across the district, we recommend displaying the Popular Links in this order, from left:

• Bus Routes - • School Meals - • IC Portal - • SBDM * • Media Center • (Optional) – This free spot is up to the school. Some link to their Calendar, for example. • Contact Us ** • S.T.O.P. Tipline ***

* Non-traditional schools and special academic programs might not have an SBDM. Also, the CSI schools have an Advisory Leadership Team instead; check with your principal for CSI posting requirements.

** The “Contact Us” button directs users to a Blackboard form that records the visitor’s name, affiliation, email, phone, and their comment or request. The info then goes to specified email accounts such as an office clerk or assistant principal. (See editing instructions above.)

*** The superintendent asks that each school’s sub-site include the S.T.O.P. Tipline managed by the Kentucky Office of Homeland Security. This online reporting/prevention tool is also required in the channel bar in the final position (at far right).

Page 10: FCPS Website Expectations & Best PracticesFCPS Website Expectations & Best Practices . Rev. 12/16/2019. TRAINING GROUND . Former tech support Andre Thomas created the “Samuel Street

Social media (access via template settings) The social media slide-out is part of the homepage template; it’s at the right edge of the screen under the channel menu bar -- below the ‘Search’ and ‘Translation’ tabs. If your school does not have its own Facebook, Twitter, etc., then you can hide this feature, or you can link to the district’s social media feeds. You can view these elements on

Footer (access via template settings) The Google map on the left pulls in automatically based on the school’s address.

The center block contains your school’s Mission Statement. If none, then use the district’s statement.

Under the Resources block at the far right, feel free to use the three links as needed. Many schools include their Staff Directory and Contact Us form, for example. The bottom/fourth link should always be to the School Webmaster (mailto:your FCPS email address).

Calendar You should add calendar items of importance to your school, especially events that are open to the public such as SBDM meetings and holiday concerts. Remember to update if any details change.

We suggest you store PDFs and images in a school-year subfolder. (See “Files & Folders” above.)

Note: The district’s webmaster will share out relevant/universal events on elementary, middle, high, or all our school calendars. Examples: Presidents Day; spring break; weather make-up dates.


All school sub-sites should include these five menu channels, in this order from left:

• About Us • Families • Students • (optional TBD - insert here or between Families and Students) • (optional TBD – insert here or between Families and Students) • Teachers (optional) • Staff • S.T.O.P. Tipline

One or two more channels can be added at the discretion of the webmaster and the principal. These extra channels can be whatever best fits for your school. Examples: Calendar; Athletics; Guidance.

Page 11: FCPS Website Expectations & Best PracticesFCPS Website Expectations & Best Practices . Rev. 12/16/2019. TRAINING GROUND . Former tech support Andre Thomas created the “Samuel Street

Note about NTI:

As an exception in spring 2020, the NTI channel was added in the first position so that families can easily find it in the menu on their mobile devices. For 2020-21, the channel is now called NTI/2DL.

• On your main/landing page, please spell it all out for viewers: Non-Traditional Instruction / Differentiated Distance Learning.

• Alert the district’s webmaster if your main NTI page changes since we’re redirecting to all schools’ NTI material from the FCPS site. This is especially crucial if you switch from Blackboard to a Google site for NTI.

• Whenever things get back to normal, you will receive instructions on how to hide your NTI channel and save the content.

Following, you will see what sections are supposed to be listed under each channel and what pages fall under each section. This is not an exhaustive list. You can add as many sections and webpages as you want. However, we recommend that the ones listed below appear as outlined (format, placement, layout, etc.) as we try to maintain some consistency across the school sub-sites. This helps our families to navigate familiar paths, especially if their children attend multiple-level schools.

“About Us” channel

Section 1 - Our School

Page 1 – About the School

Describe your school and what makes it special. Share unique programs and tell how your staff implements the school’s mission and vision. Example: About the school

• Optional: You can also link to your CSIP here (copy from School Quick Links on the homepage).

Page 2 - School History

Talk about how your school came to be and how it was named; the layout is flexible. Images are optional; they could be photos of the old school building or of the historical person it was named after.

Page 3 - The Principal (or Program Director)

The principal or program director can share a few words of inspiration. Keep this fresh every year. If you use the school’s welcome-back letter in August, please edit accordingly so it doesn’t read as stale in the following months.

A recent headshot is recommended, and don’t forget the “Details” tab for degrees and certifications. Note: FCPS does not use courtesy titles (especially not “Dr.” for educators) unless they insist.

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Section 2 – Staff Directory

Page 1 – Staff Directory

This page includes a front-office list and the school’s full staff directory.

Quick Contacts: Note the bolded titles and embedded email addresses. Some schools also add specific phone numbers for areas such as the cafeteria. You can edit, add, or delete titles as needed. For instance, only certain schools have a Family Resource Center Coordinator, and the title is Guidance Counselor at the high school level vs. Child Guidance Specialist for elementary.

Staff Directory: Name, email, and job title are required. Please use familiar terms like math teacher, behavior coach, etc., and avoid jargon and abbreviations like PGES and ACC, which can leave families guessing on the meaning. Try to add everyone’s headshot, too. It’s helpful for families to see faces! (For consistency, please go all or none on the photos.)

Example: staff directory

Tip: If you don’t want to collect and maintain bios for the optional Teachers channel, an alternative is to link directly to a teacher’s website in their Staff Directory entry if they have a Google site etc.

Reminder: Please delete staffers who leave your school and add new folks as they join your team.

“Families” channel

Section 1 – Family Resources (standard as first/top section)

Page 1 – For Parents/Guardians (standard label across all school sites as the first/top page)

Lead with some quick blurbs about your school. Examples: how families can get involved, the start and dismissal times, before or after-school care, parking tips, visitor information, metal detectors and other security measures, map of the building, etc.

• Please include the essential information that your families and community members want or need to know – especially if it’s something unique to your school.

This is also where you can post important documents and links to other significant pages or resources, either the school’s or district-level. Feel free to ‘hide’ these apps if unused.

Example: For Parents/Guardians page

Tip: FCPS uses the term “parents” sparingly because it’s not universal. It’s usually best to say “families” for a broader field. Where appropriate, you can also use “parents/guardians.”

Page 13: FCPS Website Expectations & Best PracticesFCPS Website Expectations & Best Practices . Rev. 12/16/2019. TRAINING GROUND . Former tech support Andre Thomas created the “Samuel Street

Page 2 – School Supply Lists (for elementary and middle)

Our demo site includes examples of two methods:

• You can link to supply lists by grade level by uploading the PDFs into a File Library app, or • You can direct link to a single PDF if all lists are in one document, stored in Files & Folders.

Reminder: Scanned documents are not ADA-compliant, and icons/images/photos require alt text.

Deadline: Supply lists for the upcoming school year should be posted by July 1, per the school chiefs.

* After you’re done under the Families channel, please create a School Announcement as well. You can copy-and-paste or simply redirect viewers to your school supplies page; there’s no need to upload PDFs again for the homepage.

Page 3 – Dress Code (can also display under the Students channel for middle & high schools)

You can copy-and-paste text on the webpage or simply direct link to a PDF. Be sure to update it annually or as often as the dress code is amended.

Tip: Unless your dress code changes with each school year, it’s best to leave off a prominent date to avoid confusion. However, you should include a small “revised” date so that the viewer has a frame of reference and so that you can tell the last time it was uploaded.

Example: Employee Handbook

Section 2 – Learning Guides (elementary only)

Page 1 -- Learning Guides -- redirects to a district page,

Section 3 – Guidance Office Note: This goes under Families on elementary sites but under Students for middle and high school sites.

Page 1 – Guidance Office

This page should offer an overview of services provided by your child guidance specialist (elementary) or guidance counselors (middle and high). Please ask them for school-specific verbiage.

Example: Guidance Office

Note: This is only dummy type; please don’t copy-and-paste the bulleted items under “What Does a Counselor Do” without consulting with your guidance colleagues. Use school-specific details instead.

Staff box – It’s nice to include headshots so families can see their faces.

Subpages – Feel free to create and nest sub-pages as needed, especially at the high school level.

Page 14: FCPS Website Expectations & Best PracticesFCPS Website Expectations & Best Practices . Rev. 12/16/2019. TRAINING GROUND . Former tech support Andre Thomas created the “Samuel Street

Section 4 – School-Based Decision-Making Council

Note: Per KDE best practices and for transparency, we recommend each school post the SBDM basics.

Page 1 – School-Based Decision-Making Council

This main page should include an introductory paragraph from the school’s SBDM council that is customized for your school. If the group does not provide one, then you can use the following language:

SBDM councils promote shared leadership among those who are closest to the students: parents, teachers, and administrators. As the school's governing body, the council determines curriculum, staffing, discipline, scheduling, instructional practices, extra-curricular activities, and other matters pertinent to the operation. The council must set school policy to provide an environment to enhance student achievement and help the school reach its accountability goals. To meet this responsibility, councils should:

• Decide targets for closing achievement gaps; • Determine the professional learning plan for the school; • Meet monthly and comply with the Open Meetings and Open Records Act; • Consult on vacancies (principal, classified, and certified positions); and • Write and review policies.

Council’s bylaws (link to PDF here or include the bylaws on the policies page)

Underneath, post your school’s specifics with headers that read “Schedule” and “Location” and upload the monthly “Agendas” and “Minutes.” Only the current school year’s information is needed. If preferred for clarity, add a school-year label. Example: 2020-21 Schedule.

Tip: Set yourself some calendar reminders to ask the SBDM secretary for the agendas and minutes.

Example: SBDM (Note the suggested layout.)

Reminder: In July/August, hit ‘inactive’ on each file to archive the previous year’s agendas and minutes, and post the new meeting dates, update the council members, etc. Be sure to ask about policy changes.

Sub-Page 2 – Council Members

List all the current council members along with their email addresses. If they are agreeable, include their phone numbers and headshots, too. All or none is best on photos.

Reminder: Update these members every August, after spring elections, and as often as necessary.

Page 15: FCPS Website Expectations & Best PracticesFCPS Website Expectations & Best Practices . Rev. 12/16/2019. TRAINING GROUND . Former tech support Andre Thomas created the “Samuel Street

Sub-Page 3 – SBDM Policies

This page is for linking to your school’s policy documents such as but not limited to things like:

• Wellness • Technology • Discipline • Curriculum • Budget

Please make sure the posted policies are kept up to date, per KDE guidelines.

Sub-Page 4 – Archived Minutes (optional)

We are not required to keep past years’ SBDM minutes on the school’s website, but councils must retain hard copies at the school indefinitely in case anyone inquires.

Sub-Page 5 – SBDM District Page

This redirect link sends viewers straight to the district’s SBDM page,

Note to CSI schools: Please check with your principal about the posting requirements for your Advisory Leadership Team and adjust your section’s contents accordingly.

Note: The district webmaster has posted your school’s Turnaround Plan and CSI Audit Report on the main page and in your School Quick Links out front. Please forward any changes to the district webmaster; meanwhile, you continue to handle the monthly files and regular updates.

Also, please alert the district webmaster when your school exits CSI status, and we’ll put your SBDM section back together.

Section 5 – Title I (required for Title I schools)

Page 1 – Title I

This webpage should offer these documents – some of which are school-specific and change annually:

• Annual notice (your school’s letter to families) • What is Title I? • Learning compact • Full opportunity of participation • Parent/family engagement – district policy • Family engagement at (insert school name) – policy • Title I family engagement - policy

Page 16: FCPS Website Expectations & Best PracticesFCPS Website Expectations & Best Practices . Rev. 12/16/2019. TRAINING GROUND . Former tech support Andre Thomas created the “Samuel Street

Deadline: Post an English version and a Spanish version of each document by Sept. 30. We suggest using a two-column layout and a File Library App for each set (or however many to match the number of languages you post). Example: Title I

Section 6 – Family Resource Center (elementary) or Youth Services Center (middle and high) Add content and specifics for your school however you wish to format it. Example: FRYSC You may also redirect if the coordinator uses a Google site instead.

Note: Not every school has a FRC or YSC.

Section 7 – PTA or PTSA *

Please include an introductory/welcome paragraph along with the current school year’s meeting dates, with time and location.

Under chapter contacts, list the officers and committee chairs with their email addresses. If they agree, include their phone numbers and headshots, too. You can also post the meeting minutes if they wish to share. (Tip: Set Outlook calendar reminders to ask the PTA secretary for the monthly files.)

Example: PTA

If your PTA or PTSA chapter wants to add sub-pages with events, documents, forms, etc., then you are free to do so.

Reminder: In August, delete or archive the previous year’s information and round up the new contacts, meeting schedule, special event dates, etc.

Note: If your school’s chapter becomes inactive, you should click “Hide section in channel navigation” (under ‘Options’ / Advanced tab) so that your families aren’t confused by the old information.

Did you know? PTA is not part of FCPS; it’s an outside entity. We include PTA on our site as a courtesy.

Note: If your school’s chapter operates their own website, then you can link to it directly instead of maintaining a section in Blackboard.

“Students” channel Section 1 – Student Resources

Page 1 – Important Links & Documents You can use a Content app with a bulleted list of embedded links. Or you can choose Site Shortcuts or other apps as it suits your school. The layout is also flexible.

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Page 2 – Office 365 Login/Email (suggested redirect)

Feel free to add more direct login links or whatever else your students need. Examples: Canvas, Google Classroom, Google Drive, and Student Number Finder. Find the Students links here.

Section 2 - Media Center

Page 1 – (School name here) Library

This landing page needs a school-customized introduction/welcome, contacts for your library staff (embed the email addresses), and the hours of operation. A photo at the top is optional. Our demo site also lists some recommended resources. Example: Media center

• If your librarian manages a Google site, you may redirect there and not use Blackboard.

Page 2 – Kentucky Bluegrass Awards (optional in Blackboard)

This page may be added if your school participates in the awards program. The redirect link is

Section 3 – Guidance Office Note: This section goes under the Families channel on elementary sub-sites and under the Students channel for middle and high school sites.

Page 1 – Guidance Office

This page should offer an overview of services provided by your child guidance specialist (elementary) or guidance counselors (middle and high). Please ask them for school-specific verbiage.

Example: Guidance Office

Note: This is only dummy type; please don’t copy-and-paste the bulleted items under “What Does a Counselor Do” without consulting with your guidance colleagues. Use school-specific details instead.

Staff box – It’s nice to include headshots so families can see their faces.

Sub-pages -- Feel free to add resources as needed, especially at the middle and high school level.

Section 3 – Athletics (middle schools and high schools); it can also be a freestanding channel As built, this section redirects to the Athletics channel. However, if your school uses an outside vendor, you may link to their site directly instead of fleshing out the suggested templates in Blackboard.

• Example from Henry Clay HS

If you need assistance, please call the district webmaster: 381-4236.

** See below for more details on Athletics.

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“Calendar” channel (optional for free spot) This channel can link directly to your school’s full calendar. This is the same destination as the “View Calendar” link underneath the “Upcoming Events” app on the homepage. Some schools also use their wild-card spot in Popular Links for a calendar icon. There’s no need to put it in both places.

“Teachers” channel (optional) Each section is a teacher’s name; please create them with the Last name, First name format and then “Sort” the list alphabetically. The first page in each section uses the “About Teacher” app for their brief bio with recent headshot. Don’t forget the “Details” tab. Reminder: No courtesy titles unless requested.

• Please delete the extraneous horizontal image app at the top of the page; it was placed there by mistake when we originally built all the school sub-sites. The “About Teacher” app is sufficient.

Editing rights: School webmasters can give each teacher editing access to their own section, which the teacher is encouraged to maintain. Some teachers add resources and links under their bio; they can also create more Blackboard pages as needed or link to external URLs such as Google sites.

Example: Teachers Note some options in the left-hand navigation rail.

Reminder: School webmasters should periodically review their teachers’ pages to make sure they are current. Also, remember to delete teachers who retire or otherwise leave your school and to add new sections under this channel as teachers are hired.

Tip: If you don’t want to collect bios or otherwise use the Teachers channel, an easy alternative is to link directly to a teacher’s website in their Staff Directory entry. This, too, is optional but recommended for those who do have a class- or school-related website.

“Staff” channel There is no set format to any section or page under this channel. You can also add redirects to staff resources such as the Infinite Campus login.

Note: Our demo site offers Staff channel examples and options.

* FCPS recommends you restrict the viewers on this channel to “All Staff” – meaning it’s visible and accessible only to employees who are logged in on the website. Some principals, however, prefer that their Staff channel remain open to public view. If so, just remember not to post sensitive material.

Note: Even if viewers are restricted, all employees throughout FCPS have access to the content here – not just your school’s staff.

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How to restrict it: Click on “Staff” on the left under “Sites & Channels” so you’re in the channel workspace. Then click the “Directors & Viewers” tab, and then the “Viewers” tab. You hit “Assign Group” and pick “Show all groups” in the drop-down list to find “All Staff,” which you “Select” and “Add.”

Tip: If your Staff channel has been open and you suddenly decide to restrict it, you should email everyone in your school to alert colleagues that they now must sign in on the website to access it.

“S.T.O.P. Tipline” channel The superintendent asks that each school’s site include the S.T.O.P. Tipline managed by the Kentucky Office of Homeland Security. This channel should be the last one to the far right in the top navigation or menu bar. (The tipline is also required in the Popular Links.)

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** “Athletics” section (built as its own channel in Site Manager)

“Athletics” can fall as a section under “Students" or it can be a freestanding channel out front.

Below are Blackboard-platform suggestions for middle schools and high schools. If you use an outside vendor, please disregard and use a URL redirect.

Homepage: Please include a school-customized intro at the top or alternately, this text:

Fayette County Public Schools is committed to student-athlete success and competitive excellence by creating an inclusive environment that develops and retains quality people, provides a great fan experience, inspires community engagement, and serves as a source of pride for Lexington. FCPS athletic directors shall implement all guidelines of the Fayette County Board of Education, SBDM Council, Kentucky High School Athletic Association (KHSAA), and federal laws to ensure fairness, safety, and equity for all students participating at any level of athletics in FCPS.

This main page also can host important links and documents that pertain to your student-athletes.

We recommend redirecting to the KHSAA site instead of posting a year-specific PDF:

• KHSAA consent and physical form (Under 'General administrative forms,' download GE04 Combined Parent Permission and Athletic Physical Forms. Note the date.)

Remember: If you don’t use a page or an app on a page, simply ‘hide’ it from display.

On the right: The list links to each sport’s own section.

Section (You should edit the page headers and add/hide sections as needed for your school)

Page 1 – Home Please offer the sport’s basics such as the tryout dates, season schedule and results (scores), and a team photo. You can also list the coaches here (embed their emails), and this page is sufficient to stand alone.

Page 2 – Coaches and Team Roster (optional; edit title as needed) You can provide a short bio of the coaches and a roster of team members. You might prefer the team photo here. If the page is unused, just hit the ‘inactive’ button.

Page 3 – Highlights (optional) You can post highlights of the competition/games if the coaches will provide the details regularly. If not, just hit 'inactive’ on the Highlights page.

Page 4 – History (optional) This page recognizes notable past teams and coaches, such as state champions. If unused, hit ‘inactive.’

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Blackboard how-to's for website platform

For help: district webmaster Tammy Lane, 381-4236

Uploading: When in your main Site Workspace and on the ‘Summary’ tab, on the far right under ‘Common Tools’ you click on ‘Files & Folders’ if you are ready to upload a document (PDF) or photo (JPEG). If you have clicked on a section under a channel, you use the “Files and Folders” there instead.

• Tip: Create sub-folders to organize PDFs and photos by school year (2020-21) or by topic. Just remember to click into the sub-folder before uploading to make sure the files land in the right place.

• Tip: Be careful in naming your files; the system does not like punctuation or spaces. (E.g. Science_Fair instead of Science Fair)

• Tip: To replace or update a PDF, simply give the new document the exact same file name as before and upload it into the same folder. Once you “refresh” the webpage, the new PDF will overwrite the original, so you do not need to re-link it on the page. View to confirm.

Homepage: Click the pencil icon to get inside each app and proceed intuitively to add content or control the display.

Navigation: The website structure goes from channel to section to page to apps. You can reorder/sort your inside pages or ‘nest’ subordinate pages underneath (drag and drop). They will show up in the vertical menu on the left side in red.

Adding content: When you’re ready to build a page, you should be in Site Manager on the ‘Summary’ tab. Navigate to the channel and section, and then click the green button ‘New page’ and you’ll see options or templates. Name it and hit ‘Save and continue.’

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Page setup: The Apps and Layout buttons at the far right allow you to add building blocks (apps) or change the design. You can also move the apps around on the page; simply drag and drop.

Apps: The Content app is a blank canvas to type in. You also might use Site Shortcuts to link multiple resources (either PDFs or URLs). Other commonly used apps are File Library (upload PDFs into this app), Image, Gallery, and Document Viewer. To access an app on your page, just hover and click on the green pencil.

Editing tools -- mainly for use with the Content app:

Insert link: The link button (fifth icon on the second row, looking like a chain link) enables you to link to a page on our district site (or a school site), to an email address, or to an external URL such as the public library. Just highlight the word or phrase, hit the button, choose web address or email, and add the URL.

Image: The next button over is to insert an image. You simply place your cursor where you want to insert the photo on the page, and follow the prompts to size it, etc. Keep in mind if you upload the image from your desktop, it’ll go into the top-level folder. If you’ve created a subfolder, you’ll need to click in there first to upload the image. Then when you hit ‘insert image,’ you’d pick ‘existing image’ instead.

File: The next button over is for inserting PDFs. You simply highlight whatever word or phrase on the page and click the button. Again, the choices are ‘upload file’ or ‘existing file.’ The steps are intuitive.

Other tools: You’ll also see buttons for ‘horizontal line,’ ‘bullet list,’ ‘bold’ and ‘spell check,’ among others. Avoid italics and underline.

Consistency: Please review our Web Guidelines and take note of style elements as we aim for a coherent look and feel to the entire website.

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