
# FAV Movies I Have Watched1 **** Excalibur2 The Flintstones3 Postino, Il4 Lethal Weapon 45 * Heat6 * Donnie Brasco7 The Insider8 Anna and the King9 The Talented Mr. Ripley10 * The Matrix11 The World Is Not Enough12 Öğretmen13 Titanic14 * Braveheart15 * The Devil's Advocate16 My Best Friend's Wedding17 What Dreams May Come18 Species19 The Avengers20 Godzilla21 Good Will Hunting22 The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc23 American Beauty24 The Bone Collector25 Analyze This26 Eylül Fırtınası27 Cumhuriyet28 ** Eşkıya29 Güle Güle30 Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace31 Most Wanted32 The Sixth Sense33 Saving Private Ryan34 The Thin Red Line35 Deep Impact36 The Lost World: Jurassic Park37 * Eyes Wide Shut38 Dances with Wolves39 Unforgiven40 Meet Joe Black41 Vita è bella, La42 Shakespeare in Love43 * As Good as It Gets44 ???High School???45 Marvin's Room46 * The Fifth Element47 Speed 2: Cruise Control48 * Central do Brasil49 ** Ossessione50 The Mask of Zorro51 Contact

52 Sphere53 The Game54 Six Days Seven Nights55 The 13th Warrior56 * Payback57 L.A. Confidential58 Blue Streak59 Liar Liar60 Twelve Monkeys61 Stepmom62 There's Something About Mary63 Alien: Resurrection64 * Ronin65 ** Dîner de cons, Le66 * Vor67 Wild Things68 Wild Wild West69 Random Hearts70 İstanbul Kanatlarımın Altında71 The Mummy72 City of Angels73 * Face/Off74 * Con Air75 8MM76 Picture Perfect77 Amistad78 Mercury Rising79 ** American History X80 Patch Adams81 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles82 Enemy of the State83 A Perfect Murder84 * Conspiracy Theory85 Seven Years in Tibet86 Entrapment87 Snake Eyes88 The Green Mile89 American Pie90 Erin Brockovich91 Arizona Dream92 Angela's Ashes93 Gladiator94 Me Myself I95 * Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels96 Yaşamın Kıyısında97 Mission: Impossible II98 * Toy Story 299 The Bachelor100 28 Days101 * Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles102 Dead Poets Society103 * Todo sobre mi madre

104 ** Dom za vesanje105 ** 2001: A Space Odyssey106 Romeo Must Die107 *** Dünyayı Kurtaran Adam108 The Whole Nine Yards109 The Patriot110 High Fidelity111 The Perfect Storm112 Any Given Sunday113 Me, Myself & Irene114 Mission to Mars115 Space Cowboys116 Hollow Man117 Gone in Sixty Seconds118 Three to Tango119 ** Léon120 * Vizontele121 Bedazzled122 * Being John Malkovich123 * O Brother, Where Art Thou?124 Meet the Parents125 Scary Movie126 Balalayka127 The Million Dollar Hotel128 * Snatch.129 Charlie's Angels130 Road Trip131 What Women Want132 Quills133 Dr T and the Women134 Hemşo135 * Chocolat136 Billy Elliot137 ** My Left Foot: The Story of Christy Brown138 Traffic139 Wo hu cang long140 Hannibal141 ** The Exorcist142 The Mummy Returns143 ** The Usual Suspects144 Dude, Where's My Car?145 * Malèna146 Enemy at the Gates147 The Man Without a Face148 Vérité si je mens! 2, La149 American Psycho 150 * Apocalypse Now 151 ** Ben-Hur 152 The Big Lebowski 153 *** Casablanca 154 ** Citizen Kane 155 ** City Lights

156 *** Clockwork Orange 157 Dirty Dancing 158 ** Dr. Strangelove 159 The Elephant Man 160 * Fargo 161 Forrest Gump 162 *** The Godfather 163 *** The Godfather Part II 164 * The Gold Rush 165 ** The Great Dictator 166 Heist 167 * Lawrence of Arabia 168 Lolita 169 Men In Black 170 ** Modern Times 171 * One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest 172 Pulp Fiction 173 * Rashomon 174 Seven 175 * The Seven Samurai 176 * The Shawshank Redemption 177 * The Shining 178 Shrek 179 ** Spartacus 180 * Taxi Driver 181 The Untouchables 182 Vertigo 183 Signs 184 Four Feathers 185 Red Dragon 186 Punch-Drunk Love 187 * Psycho 188 Once Upon a Time in China 189 * Fists of Fury 190 * Game of Death 191 Crimen del padre Amaro, El 192 Confessions of a Dangerous Mind 193 Chicago 194 Some Like It Hot 195 There's No Business Like Show Business 196 * How to Marry a Millionaire 197 * Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, The 198 Schindler's List 199 The Seven Year Itch 200 Bus Stop 201 Gentlemen Prefer Blondes 202 Gangs of New York 203 * The Apartment 204 Rear Window 205 Men In Black II 206 Catch Me If You Can 207 Sting

208 Magnificent Seven, The 209 For a Few Dollars More 210 Chinatown 211 ** The General (& Cops & The Playhouse) 212 Pianist 213 * Secretary 214 X2 215 Sabrina 216 The Matrix – Reloaded 217 Down With Love 218 * Die Hard 219 * Natural Born Killers 220 Finding Nemo 221 Daredevil 222 * Monty Python and the Holy Grail 223 * Ran 224 Gone with the Wind 225 Roman Holiday 226 ** The Boat 227 * Blade Runner 228 ** Brazil 229 Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines 230 Whale Rider 231 North by Northwest 232 Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl 233 ** The Maltese Falcon 234 * The Big Sleep 235 * Key Largo 236 Genou de Claire, Le 237 All About Eve 238 Charade 239 * Breakfast at Tiffany's 240 Magdalene Sisters, The 241 American Wedding 242 Bad Boys II 243 Bringing Up Baby 244 American Splendor 245 The Philadelphia Story 246 It’s a Wonderful Life 247 Mr. Smith Goes to Washington 248 Thirteen 249 ** City of God 250 Notorious 251 * Lost in Translation 252 The Rundown 253 *** Kill Bill: Vol.1 254 Mystic River 255 *** A Streetcar Named Desire 256 Talk to Her 257 The Matrix – Revolutions 258 * The Celebration 259 Prisoner of the Mountains

260 The Station Agent 261 Love Actually 262 *** On the Waterfront 263 Cool Hand Luke 264 Timeline 265 The Last Samurai 266 * Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, The 267 Anger Management 268 Elf 269 Analyze That 270 Paycheck 271 21 Grams 272 Bruce Almighty 273 ** Gattaca 274 The Butterfly Effect 275 Win a Date with Tad Hamilton! 276 Big Fish 277 * Conspirators of Pleasure & Food 278 The Truman Show 279 Glory 280 Thundercats 281 * Edward Scissorhands 282 * Bean - The Movie 283 Mystery Men 284 *** Black Adder I, II, III, IV, V 285 50 First Dates 286 The Pornographers 287 ** Triplettes de Belleville, Les 288 * Touching the Void 289 Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights 290 Clerks 291 Hidalgo 292 * Fog of War: Eleven Lessons from the Life of Robert S. McNamara, The293 Starsky & Hutch 294 Something’s Gotta Give 295 Cheaper by the Dozen 296 Shattered Glass 297 Young Frankenstein 298 Good bye, Lenin! 299 The Emperor and the Assassin 300 The Emperor’s Shadow 301 * Gosford Park 302 The Waterboy 303 Zoolander 304 Hellboy 305 * Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 306 * Les Diabolique 307 Life of Brian 308 * Starship Troopers 309 The Prince & Me 310 Shower 311 The Girl Next Door

312 ** Solaris 313 * Kill Bill: Vol.2 314 Animal House 315 The Firm 316 Bon Voyage 317 Hulk 318 Triumph of the Will 319 ** The World at War I 320 Mean Girls 321 13 Going On 30 322 Van Helsing 323 Troy 324 Super Size Me 325 Shrek 2 326 Shaolin Soccer 327 The Day After Tomorrow 328 * Control Room 329 The Enforcer 330 * Scarface 331 * Hero332 Princess Mononoke 333 Ali G – Indahouse 334 Fahrenheit 9/11 335 Spider – Man 2 336 Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story 337 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 338 I, Robot 339 The Punisher 340 Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgandy 341 The Bourne Supremacy 342 Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle 343 * Collateral 344 The Bourne Identity 345 Maria Full of Grace 346 Chasing Amy 347 * Intacto 348 Dawn of the Dead 349 Alien vs. Predator 350 Garden State 351 Underworld 352 Bad Boys 353 Resident Evil: Apocalypse 354 Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow 355 I Know What You Did Last Summer 356 Arachnophobia 357 The Ring 358 Matchstick Men 359 The In-Laws 360 Tears of the Sun 361 Eraser 362 I, Spy 363 The Thing

364 In the Mouth of Madness 365 The Jackal 366 Shanghai Knights 367 Rosemary’s Baby 368 Gallipoli 369 Shaun of the Dead 370 * The Motorcycle Diaries 371 Grosse Pointe Black 372 Team America: World Police 373 National Security 374 I Heart Huckabees 375 * The Machinist 376 The Tuxedo 377 Gothika 378 Cradle 2 the Grave 379 * The Incredibles 380 Shark Tale 381 Femme Fatale 382 * Sideways 383 * Saw 384 The Rock 385 Master & Commander: The Far Side of the World 386 Alexander 387 Kinsey 388 National Treasure 389 The Passion of the Christ 390 Finding Neverland 391 Ocean’s Twelve 392 Closer 393 Meet the Fockers 394 The Aviator 395 Blade: Trinity 396 White Noise 397 In Good Company 398 House of Flying Daggers 399 Double Impact 400 Empire of the Sun 401 Hotel Rwanda 402 Hitch 403 ** Ong-Bak: The Thai Warrior 404 * Masculin, féminin: 15 faits précis 405 The Merchant of Venice 406 Constantine 407 * Gora 408 Be Cool 409 * Walk on Water 410 * Downfall 411 Born into Brothels 412 * Sin City 413 Robots 414 Lbs. 415 Izo

416 Kung Fu Hustle 417 Sahara 418 The Interpreter 419 Casino 420 Taking Lives 421 The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy 422 Look at Me 423 * Crash 424 Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room 425 Kingdom of Heaven 426 The Corporation 427 Unleashed 428 The Chronicles of Riddick 429 Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith430 War of the Worlds 431 Batman Begins 432 * Blind Shaft 433 Rogue Trader 434 Saw II 435 * Wrong Side Up 436 Factotum 437 The Constant Gardener 438 * March of the Penguins 439 The Exorcism of Emily Rose 440 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire 441 The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe 442 A History of Violence 443 The Hidden Blade 444 * 13 (Tzameti) 445 Howl’s Moving Castle 446 * Serenity 447 Underworld: Evolution 448 The Ipcress File 449 Valiant 450 Platoon 451 The Killer 452 * A Bittersweet Life 453 Lord of War 454 Kurtlar Vadisi – Irak 455 King Kong 456 Sympathy for Lady Vengeance 457 Evil Aliens 458 Farewell My Concubine 459 Match Point 460 V For Vendetta 461 Lucky Number Slevin 462 Army in the Shadows 463 A Cock and Bull Story 464 Syriana 465 Paris Nous Appartient 466 Alien Autopsy 467 Mission: Impossible III

468 X-III 469 Fearless 470 A Face in the Crowd 471 Superman Returns 472 * District B13 473 The African Queen 474 ** Manhattan 475 Wedding Crashers 476 36 Quai des Orfèvres 477 ** Annie Hall 478 The Sweet Smell of Success 479 ** Metropolis 480 *** M 481 * Bus 174 482 * Boyz N The Hood 483 Napoleon Dynamite 484 The Island 485 * Zatoichi 486 *** The Battleship Potemkin 487 Apres Vous 488 High and Low 489 The Devil Wears Prada 490 Enter the Dragon 491 Tanguy 492 When Harry Met Sally 493 The Bothersome Man 494 Mr. & Mrs. Smith 495 How to Steal a Million 496 The Caiman 497 The Closet 498 The War Game 499 The Banquet 500 Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan 501 * Kekexili – Mountain Patrol 502 Nikita 503 Monty Python’s The Meaning of Life 504 Hostel 505 Casino Royale 506 Perfume: The Story of a Murderer 507 * The Prestige 508 * Britain at War in Colour 509 The Last King of Scotland 510 Yojimbo 511 The Guns of Navarone 512 Babel 513 Pepe le Moko 514 Zulu 515 L’Appartement 516 The Departed 517 ** Underground 518 Three Colors: Blue 519 * Letters from Iwo Jima

520 Flags of Our Fathers 521 300522 * Mr. Bean’s Holiday 523 The Da Vinci Code 524 * The Lives of Others 525 Inside Man 526 Minority Report 527 Spider-Man 3 528 My Super Ex-Girlfriend 529 *** The Leopard 530 Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End 531 Ocean’s Thirteen 532 Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer 533 Equilibrium 534 * Twelve Angry Men 535 ** Bicycle Thieves 536 * Kind Hearts and Coronets537 The Way of the Dragon538 Zodiac539 Identity540 Paths of Glory541 Transformers542 Flushed Away543 Le Cercle Rouge544 La Regle du Jeu545 The Third Man546 * Rififi547 The Bourne Ultimatum548 The Painted Veil549 Live Free or Die Hard550 Blood Diamond551 Ratatouille552 * Death Proof553 * A fost sau n-a fost?554 American Gangster555 Shoot 'Em Up556 Throne of Blood557 Rush Hour 3558 Kabadayi559 Hannibal560 The Simpsons Movie561 No Country for Old Men562 Warlords563 I Am Legend564 Michael Clayton565 * Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street566 There Will Be Blood567 Goût des Autres, Le568 Blood Simple569 The Air I Breathe570 * Auf der Anderen Seite571 The Day The Earth Stood Still

572 The Other Boleyn Girl573 O Que É Isso, Companheiro?574 * Conformista, Il575 Rambo IV 576 * Se, Jie577 Week End578 In Bruges579 Forgetting Sarah Marshall580 Elizabeth: The Golden Age581 Iron Man582 Kung Fu Panda583 The Forbidden Kingdom584 The Incredible Hulk585 Hancock586 Wanted587 Persepolis588 * Koroshi No Rakuin589 Recep Ivedik590 * Mongol591 Y Tu Mamá También 592 The Dark Knight593 * Crossing the Bridge: The Sound of Istanbul594 Chi Bi595 Tropic Thunder596 Hellboy II: The Golden Army597 RocknRolla598 Tropa de Elite599 The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor600 * Taken601 Burn After Reading602 Quantum of Solace603 Hunger604 Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa605 How to Lose Friends & Alienate People606 This Is England607 Bangkok Dangerous608 * Tang Bohu Dian Qiuxiang609 Azumi610 Batoru Rowaiaru611 Arog612 * Tasogare Seibei613 Bolt614 Australia615 Azumi 2: Death or Love616 Fei Cheng Wu Rao617 Star Wars: The Clone Wars618 Vicky Cristina Barcelona619 Ip Man620 * Miyamoto Musashi621 The Good, the Bad, the Weird 622 Zoku Miyamoto Musashi: Ichijôji No Kettô623 * Za Majikku Awâ

624 Miyamoto Musashi Kanketsuhen: Kettô Ganryûjima625 Recep Ivedik 2626 * Fa Yeung Nin Wa627 Chi Bi Xia: Jue Zhan Tian Xia628 Slumdog Millionaire629 Role Models630 The Bank Job631 * The Wrestler632 * The Transporter633 Transporter 2634 Transporter 3635 Watchmen636 Taxi637 Marley & Me638 * Divo, Il639 The 400 Blows640 In the Loop641 Ong Bak 2642 Crank643 X-Men Origins: Wolverine644 Nan Bei Zui Quan645 Star Trek646 * Pierrot Le Fou647 Crank: High Voltage648 Frequency649 The Hangover650 Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen651 Brüno652 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince653 Angels & Demons654 Politiki Kouzina655 * District 9656 Inglourious Basterds657 (500) Days of Summer658 Main Tian659 Zombieland660 The Invention of Lying661 One-Zero662 St. George Shoots the Dragon663 * OSS 117: Rio ne répond plus664 Feng Sheng665 2012666 A Serious Man667 Harry Brown668 Avatar669 Fantastic Mr. Fox670 The Men Who Stare at Goats671 * Sherlock Holmes672 Up in the Air673 The Spy Next Door674 The Most Dangerous Man in America: Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers675 * Un prophète

676 Micmacs à tire-larigot 677 * Exit Through the Gift Shop678 * Iklimler679 ** Uzak680 Uc Maymun681 The Bounty Hunter682 Ninja Assassin683 Gam Yee Wai684 Kick-Ass685 Gegen die Wand686 Pazar - Bir Ticaret Masali687 Plan 9 from Outer Space688 Iron Man 2689 Four Lions690 Yip Man691 Yip Man 2692 Robin Hood693 Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time694 Food, Inc.695 Whatever Works696 Predators697 The Twilight Saga: Eclipse698 Inception699 Machete700 Mesrine: Public Enemy No. 1 701 Yahsi Bati702 Cairo Time703 Buried704 A Film Unfinished705 ** Red Chapel706 Kings of Pastry707 Cell 211708 Red709 The Town710 Waste Land711 Faster712 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1713 Inside Job714 127 Hours715 The King's Speech716 * Fei Cheng Wu Rao 2717 Legend of the Fist: The Return of Chen Zhen718 Eyvah Eyvah719 Eyvah Eyvah 2720 The Illusionist721 Ultraviolet722 * Umut723 * Yol724 Le Grand Voyage725 Between the Folds726 My Perestroika727 TRON: Legacy

728 Tangled729 Megamind730 ** Nefes: Vatan Sagolsun731 13 Assassins732 Thor733 Kanal-i-zasyon734 Organize İşler735 Red Planet736 Kung Fu Panda 2737 A Crude Awakening: The Oil Crash738 X-Men: First Class739 ** Midnight in Paris740 Page One: Inside the New York Times741 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2742 * Once Upon a Time in Mumbai743 Endhiran744 Shaolin745 Captain America: The First Avenger746 * The Shaolin Temple747 Rise of the Planet of the Apes748 Crazy, Stupid, Love.749 Circumstance 750 Contagion751 Drive752 Debt753 Jiro Dreams of Sushi 754 Margin Call757 The Skin I Live In758 ** Belle de Jour759 * Mr. Tree760 ** Çöpte Dostoyevski Buldum761 The Zone762 Bedensiz Ruhlar763 * Anadolu'nun Son Göçerleri Sarı Keçililer764 Metruk765 Ayasofya766 Dedemin İnsanları767 The Lost Bladesman768 Clash of the Titans769 * Bir Zamanlar Anadolu'da770 Jodaeiye Nader az Simin771 Only Yesterday772 The Muppets773 * A Man Escaped774 * Chronicle775 * Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind776 Gölgeler ve Suretler777 * Nokta778 The Avengers779 Çalgı Çengi780 Senna781 Entelköy Efeköy’e Karşı

782 Hum Tum Shabana783 Sherlock Holmes: A Game Of Shadows784 Transformers: Dark of the Moon785 The Turin Horse786 ** The Bride Wore Black787 Sacrifice788 The Dark Knight Rises789 Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry790 La Grande Illusion791 Side by Side792 Kumare793 Arbitrage794 Detropia795 Neapolitanische Geschichten [unfinished]796 Looper797 Zhi Qu Huashan798 Beyond the Walls799 Crayons of Askalan800 ** Frankenweenie801 *** La Notte802 Argo803 Luv Shuv Tey Chicken Khurana804 Chung Kuo - Cina805 * Skyfall806 Tristana807 Crimson Gold808 Departures/Musa/Nolya/Vardiya 12-48/Ayna/Köprü809 Wrath of the Titans810 Æon Flux811 Karaoğlan812 Django Unchained813 The Last Step814 ** The Lizard815 * Paziraie Sadeh816 * Yeraltı817 Masumiyet818 Killer's Kiss819 * Happy People: A Year in the Taiga820 56 Up821 Fireworks Wednesday822 Children of Heaven823 Hamoun824 Leila825 A Time For Drunken Horses826 Küf827 * Like Someone in Love828 Babamın Sesi829 The Gatekeepers830 Blancanieves831 * La Grande Vadrouille832 ** Harakiri833 ** Samurai Rebellion

834 * L'Avventura835 * The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie836 Kwaidan837 The Exterminating Angel838 Kill!839 Iron Man 3840 Star Trek Into Darkness841 Fast & Furious 6842 Socrates843 * Il Posto844 The Tale of Zatoichi845 The Tale of Zatoichi Continues846 New Tale of Zatoichi847 Zatoichi the Fugitive848 Zatoichi on the Road849 Zatoichi and the Chest of Gold850 Zatoichi's Flashing Sword 851 Fight, Zatoichi, Fight 852 Adventures of Zatoichi853 Man of Steel854 * Zatoichi's Revenge855 Süper İncir856 How to Use Guys with Secret Tips857 The Lady Vanishes858 Zatoichi and the Doomed Man859 Zatoichi and the Chess Expert860 Zatoichi's Vengeance861 Zatoichi: The Blind Swordsman's Pilgrimage862 Zatoichi's Cane-Sword 863 The Wolverine864 Zatoichi Challenged865 Zatoichi and the Fugitives 866 Samaritan Zatoichi867 The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones868 Olympus Has Fallen869 Bullet to the Head870 Oblivion 871 Library Wars872 Dabangg 2873 Riddick874 A Call Girl875 Piazza Fontana: The Italian Conspiracy876 * Dial M for Murder877 ** Rope878 * Strangers on a Train879 Shadow of a Doubt880 The 39 Steps881 *** Safety Last!882 The Kid Brother883 Machete Kills884 Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa885 Speedy

886 Hanzo the Razor: Sword of Justice887 Razor 2: The Snare888 Razor 3: Who's Got the Gold?889 Thor: The Dark World890 Gravity891 The Blind Menace892 La Grande Bellezza893 Mississippi Mermaid 894 * Le Samouraï895 The 47 Ronin896 The Wolf of Wall Street897 * Sholay898 When the Last Sword is Drawn899 ** Sanjuro900 Sanshiro Sugata901 Temporary902 * Mory Wants a Wife903 Cinema of Discontent904 * The Lego Movie905 ** Tim's Vermeer906 ** All About Feathers907 The Grand Budapest Hotel908 The Wind Rises (Kazetachinu)909 Particle Fever910 Escape Plan911 Pacific Rim912 Krrish 3 913 Captain America: The Winter Soldier914 * The Raid 2915 *** Jodorowsky's Dune916 Finding Vivian Maier917 * Sisters of the Gion918 Zindegi Na Milegi Dobara919 * House of Cards I, II, III920 X-Men: Days of Future Past921 Sansho the Bailiff922 Birdmen: The Original Dream of Flight923 Ecstasy of Order: The Tetris Masters924 Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn925 Düğün Dernek926 Prostitution Behind the Veil927 Standing Army928 The Man from Nowhere929 Edge of Tomorrow930 Zatoichi Meets Yojimbo931 * Kış Uykusu932 Guardians of the Galaxy933 Dawn of the Planet of the Apes934 Iceman935 The Trip to Italy936 The Kill Team937 The Return to Homs

938 Hercules - The Thracian Wars939 Thermae Romae II940 Transformers 4: Age of Extinction941 Gunday942 The Lunchbox943 The Target944 Kingsman: The Secret Service945 What We Do in the Shadows946 `71947 İtirazım Var948 An Honest Liar949 * Wild Tales950 Voltron Force: New Defenders Trilogy951 Patlabor the Mobile Police: The Movie952 * Ghost in the Shell953 Inuyasha the Movie 3: Swords of an Honorable Ruler954 *** Trigun: Badlands Rumble955 ** The Castle Of Cagliostro956 *** Ninja Scroll957 Sword of the Stranger958 Fast & Furious 7959 The Salf of the Earth960 Mazinkaiser SKL961 Ex Machina962 Gekijouban Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works963 Voltrun: Fleet of Doom964 Avengers: Age of Ultron965 Lupin The Third: Jigen's Gravestone966 Dior and I967 Case Closed: The Time Bombed Skyscraper968 Redline969 Appleseed970 Thor: Tales of Asgard971 Ultimate Avengers: The Movie972 Ultimate Avengers 2973 One Cut, One Life (I)974 Mad Max: Fury Road975 Planet Hulk976 Doctor Strange977 *** Lupin The Third: The Secret of Mamo978 Lupin The Third: Green vs. Red979 Spy980 When Marnie Was There981 Aparajito 982 Çok Filim Hareketler Bunlar983 Asterix and Obelix: Mansion of the Gods984 Que Horas Ela Volta?985 Helvetica986 Sicario987 Paw Sacrifice988 Akira989 Black Mass

990 * Jafar Panahi's Taxi991 * Remake, Remix, Rip-Off: About Copy Culture & Turkish Pop Cinema992 Arabeks993 * Spotlight994 Peggy Guggenheim: Art Addict995 Theeb996 * Creed997 Hitchcock/Truffaut998 Lady Snowblood999 Lady Snowblood 2: Love Song of Vengeance1000 ** Memories of Murder1001 Star Wars: The Force Awakens1002 The Host1003 J.S.A.: Joint Security Area1004 The Good, the Bad, the Weird1005 The Hateful Eight1006 Gangs Of Wasseypur1007 Tales1008 Ip Man 31009 The Big Short1010 Hail, Caesar!1011 Deadpool1012 The Four1013 Kung Fu Panda 31014 Penguins of Madagascar1015 Zootopia1016 Sarmaşık1017 Nadide Hayat1018 Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice1019 * City of Gold1020 Bulantı1021 Kalandar Soğuğu1022 Ana Yurdu1023 Embrace of the Serpent1024 The Dark Horse1025 Barbershop: The Next Cut1026 Captain America: Civil War1027 Gate of Flesh1028 * Titli1029 X-Men: Apocalypse1030 Dragon Inn1031 PK1032 Ertuğrul 18901033 Düğün Dernek 21034 Pixels1035 * Terra Formars1036 Gods of Egypt1037 Angry Birds1038 Kubo and the Two Strings1039 * In Order of Disappearance1040 Under the Sun1041 Command and Control

1042 Ah-ga-ssi1043 The Tiger: An Old Hunter's Tale1044 L'Amour Fou1045 Maniac Hero1046 Ants on a Shrimp1047 Birkebeinerne1048 Coco Avant Chanel1049 The Projects1050 * Doctor Strange (2016)1051 Warcraft: The Beginning1052 The Eagle Huntress1053 ** Tampopo1054 Arrival1055 * Noctural Animals1056 Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them1057 Minions1058 * Despicable Me1059 Suicide Squad1060 Star Trek Beyond1061 Rogue One1062 Jackie1063 Dark Horse1064 Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV1065 Forushande1066 John Wick: Chapter 21067 Kedi1068 Cameraperson1069 A Flying Jatt1070 Logan1071 * Kötü Kedi Şerafettin1072 Kimi No Na Wa.1073 Saban's Power Rangers1074 That Sugar Film1075 The Fate of the Furious1076 Italian for Beginners1077 * About Time1078 ** The Princess Bride1079 The Ladykillers 1080 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 21081 Totoro1082 Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie1083 Wonder Woman

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