

Theme: German Customs and Traditions

By: Juliane Baldeweg-Rau

Traditional German Clothing Today, the term “tracht” is used to describe any garment reminiscent of the

attire of rural communities. The dirndl is a traditional dress which was worn In the southern area of

Germany. Originally, the drindl is a simplified version of the Folk costume. The dress consists of a close fitting bodice worn with a blouse, a full skirt

and an apron. Today, the drindl is only worn at traditional events such as Oktoberfest.

Traditional German Clothing

Lederhosen are knee length trousers which are are worn with rustic shoes and wool socks.

Lederhosen were worn by Germanic men of the Alpine areas. This traditional style of German clothing was also worn by young German

boys till the age of 16. In many regions, such as Southern Germany, Bavaria and Austria, it is still

acceptable to wear 'tracht' on official occasions like weddings, festivals, etc. The production of dirndl and lederhosen is a thriving industry in Germany.

Current Fashion in Germany

The German Fashion Association states that Germany is the world’s second largest exporter of fashion worldwide

Germany has developed an independent, self-confident style of its own. Their fashion is fresh and wacky, elegant and purist to colorful, poetic

designs. In everyday life, Germans tend to focus more on the down-to-earth.

German fashion companies were some of the first to adopt “green fashion” .


What was the traditional attire for a woman?

a. Lederhosen

b. Drindl

c. Tracht

d. Sportswear

What was the traditional attire for men?

a. Lederhosen

b. Drindl

c. Tracht

d. Sportswear

Answers to Quiz

What was the traditional attire for a woman?

b. Drindl

What was the traditional attire for a man?

a. Lederhosen

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