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How a White Confidence Man Became God

And Savior to a Black Cult of Racists and Separatists

The Farrakhan Controversy Part VII


Sergeant Sam Smith

Elijah Muhammad was born in Sandersville, Georgia, in 1897. He was seventh of thirteen

children. His Christian name was Elija Pool. Georgia at that time, was a racist, violent place and

young Elija grew up with searing experiences of white scorn and brutality.1 Young Elija

witnessed the lynching of a man from his father’s church in 1912. This prompted Elija to flee his

parents’ home a year later.2 He met Clara Belle Evans at a Baptist church meeting and married

her in 1919. Between 1921 and 1939, they had eight children.

Elija and his family migrated north to Detroit from Georgia in 1923. Elija moved north to

escape the racism of the south. He worked in several industrial plants and joined a variety of

African-American organizations including the Black Shriners. Elija later incorporated several

Masonic Lodge beliefs into the doctrines of the Nation of Islam (NOI). Pool became a member

of the Timothy Drew Ali’s Moorish Science Temple of America (MSTA). Ironically, Elija’s first

experience with Islam came at the urging of his father, a Baptist minister, who was already

familiar with Black Islam. He urged him to attend lectures of the Moorish Science Temple

because he respected the Moors’ doctrines of racial solidarity and black economic development.

Elijah attended the meetings at the advice of his father and as a result he left the Baptist church

and became a Black Muslim.3

Elija Pool also joined Marcus Garvey’s “Back to Africa

Movement.” He accepted Garvey’s ideology of black pride, self-

help, and race separation; all later became major tenants of the NOI.

Marcus Garvey was a Jamaican and a Black Nationalist who

founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA).

Garvey was the first black leader in the Western Hemisphere to

proclaim an idea of separatism.4 Once Garvey established his

movement in the Caribbean, he immigrated to the United States and

set up his resistance movement in Harlem. In just ten years

following his emigration to the United States as a laborer in 1917,

Marcus Garvey rose to lead the UNIA, the largest black organization

in history. By August 1920, the UNIA claimed four million

members. On August 1, 1920, the International Convention of the

UNIA was held in New York City. Delegates from all over the

world attended. Over 25,000 people showed up at Madison Square Garden to hear Garvey speak.

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The Back to Africa Movement’s intention was for those of African ancestry to return to

Africa to "redeem" it and drive out the European colonial powers. Garvey advanced a Pan-

African philosophy and galvanized a global mass movement focusing on Africa known as

“Garveyism.” In Garvey’s native Jamaica, Garveyism became an element of nationalist

syncretism in the Rastafari movement, which constructed a spiritual system that exalted the then-

ruler of Ethiopia, Emperor Haile Selassie, an Orthodox Christian.5

Garveyism inspired several black supremacist organizations, including the Nation of

Islam. In fact, the civil rights activist, W.E.B. Du Bois said, “Marcus Garvey is, without doubt,

the most dangerous enemy of the Negro race in America and in the world. He is either a lunatic

or a traitor.”6

In 1922, Garvey went to Atlanta, Georgia for a conference with Ku Klux Klan’s Wizard,

Edward Young Clarke. Many years later, Elijah Muhammad followed Garvey’s example by

establishing contact with two white supremacist groups, the American Nazi Party, and the Ku

Klux Klan. Garvey once said, “I regard the Klan, the Anglo-Saxon clubs and White American

societies, as far as the Negro is concerned, as better friends of the race than all other groups of

hypocritical whites put together. I like honesty and fair play. You may call me a Klansman if you

will, but, potentially, every white man is a Klansman, as far as the Negro in competition with

whites socially, economically and politically is concerned, and there is no use lying.”7

Garvey used money from the UNIA to start a steamship company, the Black Star Line.

Garvey was a controversial figure. He dressed in elaborate costumes and spoke with a fiery

rhetoric. Both black and white politicians considered Garvey to be dangerous character. When

word got out about Garvey's confederation with the Ku Klux Klan, several African American

leaders appealed to U.S. Attorney General Harry M. Daughterty to charge Garvey with a crime

and incarcerate him.8

Garvey was jailed in 1925 after being convicted of mail fraud related to the sale of stock

in the Black Star line. His sentence was reduced and he was deported to Jamaica two years later.

Garvey eventually moved to London, England and lived there until his death in 1940. In 1964,

his body was exhumed and returned to Jamaica.

Elijah Poole rose to the rank of corporal in the Chicago/Detroit division of the UNIA

within two years of joining. Elija desired a fresh start in life and symbolically changed the

spelling of his name to Elijah Poole to symbolize that he was morphing into a new man.9

However, Elijah fell into a deep depression when his mentor Marcus Garvey was accused, tried,

and convicted of mail fraud and deported out of the United States. Elijah’s life continued to

spiral downward when the stock market crashed in 1929 and he lost his job at the Ford

Automobile Company. He found solace in alcohol and became a drunk.

Because of the Great Depression and the poverty and unemployment that plagued the

United States in 1930’s, several black nationalistic organizations began springing up throughout

America’s ghettos to offer solutions to unemployment, racism, and discrimination. Many of

these black organizations were deeply rooted in the concepts of Black Nationalism and anti-

American ideology.10

Several of these groups such as the UNIA and the Peace Movement of

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Ethiopia called for blacks to renounce their U.S. citizenship and move back to Africa. Other

groups demanded for their own separate state within America.∗

Clara Poole meets Master W.D. Fard Muhammad

Clara Poole, Elijah Muhammad’s wife, began attending the Allah Temple of Islam (ATI)∗

meetings in the predominantly black Paradise Valley section of Detroit. It was there that Clara

became enthralled with the dynamic preaching of a white man who taught that blacks were

mutually good and whites were devils. Master Wallace Fard Muhammad juxtaposed Marcus

Garvey’s militant Black Nationalism and combined it with Noble Drew Ali’s Islamic theology.

He wove fantastic Science Fictional tales of a once great nation of black gods he called the

“Asiatic Black Men.” This majestic, sovereign race supremely ruled the earth for 76 trillion


Master Wallace Fard Muhammad-Mystery Man

In reality, Master Fard was actually a depression-era con man named Wallace Dodd Ford,

also known as David Ford. Ford had served time in San Quentin Prison for violating the

California Prohibition law after he was arrested for selling narcotics in a restaurant he owned. He

served a three-year sentence from 1926-1929.

According to law enforcement records, Fard was born on

February 25, 1891, in New Zealand or Portland, Oregon, to

either Hawaiian or British, or Polynesian (Māori) parents.11


writer claimed that Fard was born Wali Dodd Fard in New

Zealand in 1893. His grandparents were from East India, the

Islamic area that eventually became Pakistan.12

Some NOI

defectors claimed Fard was Greek.13

He has also been said to be

of "Turko-Persian" descent.14

People that knew Fard described

him as having an “oriental cast of countenance.”15

Master Fard

told his followers that he had a black father and a white, Russian

mother. Nevertheless, due to his mixed parentage and con-man

skills of persuasion he was able to pass himself off to blacks as

a mystic and a prophet from Mecca.

Although his heritage and ethnicity can be debated, his criminal record is well

documented. The FBI has photographs and fingerprints of Wallace Dodd Ford on file.16


sources described him as five-feet six-inches in height and weighing 133 pounds. His eye color

was listed as “maroon,” his hair as black, and his complexion was described as “dark” or

“swarthy.” One entry described Fard as looking like a Mexican. However, when Detroit police

Minister Louis Farrakhan and his Nation of Islam-Final Call demand reparations and a separate state or territory

within the United States for African Americans

In 1934, Fard changed the Allah Temple of Islam’s name to the Nation of Islam in an attempt to fool a judge and

the Detroit Police Department after agreed to shut the ATI down. Fard and other ATI members were arrested after

an ATI member ritualistic murdered a man upon reading Fard’s The Secret Ritual that called for a human sacrifice.

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officers picked Master Fard up to be questioned about a book he wrote found at the site of a

human sacrifice involving ATI members, they expected to find a black man. Instead they were

surprised when they found what seemed to be a white man. Even though the fingerprints and

photographs of Master Fard Muhammad matched those that the FBI had on Wallie D. Ford in

California, the NOI still adamantly denies that they belong to the same person. 17

These records

can be examined under the Freedom of Information Act.

The FBI alleged that Ford used 58 aliases during his lifetime.18

He went by several

aliases such as David Ford-el, Wali Farad, Farrad Mohammed, W.D. Fard, and F. Mohammed

Ali. These are only a few of the nom de plumes that he used. However, he is generally known

within the Nation of Islam as Master Fard Muhammad.

In 1929, Wallace Ford moved to Chicago, Illinois after he was released from prison. He

used the alias of David Ford and joined the Moorish Science Temple of America (MSTA), a

vaguely Islam-like religion that had little in common with the

conservative Islam that originated in Arabia during the 7th



Black Shriner named Timothy Drew, better known as Noble Drew Ali,

founded the MSTA in 1913. The MSTA, also called Moors, was first to

forge a 20th

century link between Islam and African-Americans. The

MSTA was a blend of Black Nationalism, fringe Islam,∗ Freemasonry,

and Gnosticism. The MSTA taught that Christianity was a white religion

and Islam was a black religion. Drew Ali taught that Caucasians were

the embodiment of evil and all blacks and olive skinned people were

“Asiatics” and descendants from the original race of black men called

the Moabites. Noble Drew Ali twisted eastern mysticism into the

MSTA. He taught that Muhammad, Islam’s original prophet, was the

reincarnation of Jesus, and that he was the third reincarnation of Jesus

and Muhammad (pictured to the left is painting of Master W.D. Fard Muhammad that the

Messenger, Elijah Muhammad had hanging in his mansion).

Drew Ali established his headquarters in Chicago and registered his Moorish Science

Temple as Temple no. 9.20

The MSTA introduced African-Americans to many Islamic features

such the crescent and star motif, their Christian birth names to Arabic ones, and the prohibition

of pork. It also foretold of the destruction of all whites and promoted Drew as a prophet.21

The MSTA came crashing down in July of 1929, with the death of its prophet and

founder, Noble Drew Ali. A power struggle broke out and several leading contenders for

leadership were assassinated when they tried to assume control. After Drew Ali’s death, David

Ford (Fard), who had attained a high rank in the MSTA,22

wanted to rule the MSTA. Ford told

his fellow Moors that Noble Drew Ali, had named him as his successor and prophet. Ford further

claimed divine leadership when he declared on July 29, 1929, that he was the actual

reincarnation of Noble Drew Ali. It was too late, and very few Moors bought his story.

Sufism: which is considered heretical by orthodox Moslems

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Several other members contesting Ford’s assertion also claimed to be the reincarnation of

Noble Drew Ali. By this time the MSTA movement had fallen into three separate schisms.

Drew’s chauffeur, Sheik John Givens El declared that Drew Ali had become reincarnated into

him and he founded a different MSTA sect called the Reincarnated Temples in Chicago on

August 7, 1929. Givens El, and his successors, two brothers named Richardson Dingle-El and

Timothy Dingle El taught that the prophetic mantle of Noble Drew Ali remained intact and was

passed on to them at the death of each leader that preceded him.

According to MSTA scholar Ravanna Bey, W.D. Fard, known at the time as Abdul

Wali Farrad Muhammad, and two other Moorish Scientists, Mealy El and Charles

Kirkman Bey, contested the authority of Givens El. The latter two went on to establish their own

independent Moorish Science Temples, while Fard converted a Detroit Moorish Science Temple

and renamed it the Temple of the Lost-Found People of Islam.23∗

David Ford Filled the Vacuum of Leadership in the Black Nationalism Movement

The MSTA split into three major factions, all based in Chicago, and Elijah Poole was one

of the many members that became disillusioned and quit. There was a vacuum of leadership in

the America’s Black Nationalism Movement after Garvey was imprisoned and deported in 1922

and Noble Drew Ali died in 1929.

David Ford arrived in Michigan on July 4, 1930, as a silk and raincoat salesman peddling

his goods as well his own brand of religion to poor, ghetto blacks in the Paradise Valley section

in Detroit. He went by several various names and aliases such as W.D. Fard, Wallace D. Fard,

Farrad Mohammad, F. Mohammad Ali, Professor Ford, Wallace Fard Muhammad, and Wali

Farrad. According to the traditions of Nation of Islam, Fard Muhammad used many names to

hide from the government and whites and blacks who sought to assassinate him.

Fard told fanciful stories of a black god-like race that fell from grace due to the deception

and trickery of a created, man-made race of “white devils,” created by a disgruntled “big-

headed” black scientist named Yacub. These imaginative tales gained him many followers

amongst the impoverished, downtrodden, and uneducated in Detroit. He foretold of a dawning of

a new age where the black race would redeem itself and reclaim it glorious ancestry. Fard not

only gleaned new converts but he gained many new followers from the now defunct Marcus

Garvey’s UNIA and the struggling MSTA. Between the summers of 1930 and 1933, Fard

gathered 8,000 followers.

Several years later, Ella X Little, the sister of Malcolm X quit the Nation of Islam over a

dispute of leadership between her and Minister Louis Farrakhan between her and Minister Louis

Farrakhan. Malcolm X had established the Temple no. 11 in Boston and she believed that the

young, inexperienced Louis Farrakhan was ruining it. She wanted Elijah Muhammad to his

promise by appointing her as the first female captain and to reprimand Farrakhan, whom she

believed was incapable of managing the mosque. Elijah directed Malcolm X to mediate the

differences between the two upstarts. Malcolm worked out a compromise. Farrakhan was told to

This is a MSTA tradition that has been hotly contested by NOI leadership

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reinstate some of the programs that Ella had created for the women and children and Ella was

ordered to stop trying to undermine Farrakhan by usurping his responsibilities as minister.

Ella X was livid. She told her siblings that Elijah Muhammad had betrayed her and that

he never had any intention of making her or any other woman a minister or captain of the


She told her brother, Malcolm X, that the only reason she had joined the NOI was to

please him, but she never really believed that Elijah Muhammad was a prophet. She remembered

him when he was a scrawny, little teenager in Georgia. Better yet, she had never believed for one

second that Master Wallace D. Fard was Allah. According to her son, Rodnell Collins, The only

reason she did so [joined], was because she felt it was the best program for black people since

the Marcus Garvey movement.”

At first, Clara Poole thought Wallace D. Fard’s looks were deceptive. Fard identified

himself as a black Asian, but he looked more like an East Indian or a Caucasian with a tan. His

hair was jet black and he wore crisp tailor-made suits and dressed like a fashion model. Clara

believed that this light-skinned man could rescue her husband from depression and drunkenness.

The first time Clara introduced Fard to her husband Elijah Poole, Fard said, “I know you think

I’m white, but I’m not. I’m an Asiatic black man. I have come to America to save my long lost

uncle (the African in America).”25

Fard∗ told his Detroit followers that he was born in Mecca (Saudi Arabia) and he was a

descendent of the Arabian Quraysh tribe and he shared a common ancestry with the original

Arab Prophet Muhammad, the founder of Islam. Fard said he earned an undergraduate degree

from Oxford University. He earned a graduate degree from the University of Southern California

in Los Angeles. He said that after he completed his postgraduate studies in California he returned

to Arabia to tell his wealthy parents that he had a mission to fulfill in the United States. He had

discovered “his uncle who was lost for four hundred years in the wilderness of North


Just as Fard referred to white people as “the devil,” he used “uncle” to refer to the

African-American community.

Master Fard told his followers that he was “The Mahdi”

W.D. Fard identified himself as “The Mahdi,” Islam’s predicted Messiah. He told his

followers, “You know me as Master Wallace D. Fard, but in truth I am the Mahdi whom

everyone expected to come two thousand years after Christ, who was crucified at Jerusalem.”27

Master Fard said he assumed the physical features of a white man so as to be able to

mingle easily among Caucasians. By living as a white man, he could stay informed of their secret

plans to exterminate the black race. He was adamant that the white race was “devils,” the sons

and daughters of Beelzebub.

By early 1931, Elijah Poole had become one of Fard’s earliest and most enthusiastic

converts. Elijah moved quickly through the leadership ranking of the ATI. Fard changed his

name to Elijah Karriem and one year later Fard, when Fard was sitting in jail, he rewarded

Elijah’s dedication and faithfulness by appointing him Supreme Master over the ATI and again

changed his name to Elijah Muhammad.

The name “Fard,” is an Arabic-Islamic term that denotes a religious duty.

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Master Fard Muhammad’s admitted that he conned Detroit’s black community

According to police transcripts Master Fard Muhammad came clean to police

investigators when he was arrested in 1933. Fard admitted his con game on the black community

in Detroit. He told investigators that the Nation of Islam, its teachings, and Muslim activities in

general were “a racket” from the start. He said that his entire purpose for organizing the black

community in Detroit was to get “all the money that he could.” The police agreed to let him

address his followers one last time before he left Detroit forever.28

Master Fard Muhammad’s Mysterious Disappearance

In mid-1934, Fard left Detroit for Chicago and disappeared without a trace. There is no

record of him further contacting NOI members. According to Elijah Muhammad, Fard was

“ordered out of the country” and caught a flight to Mecca.29

It was also reported that he sailed to

Australia and New Zealand, and that he was last seen “aboard a ship bound for Europe.”30

Another unsubstantiated story said that he was afflicted with an incurable illness, died, and was

buried under another name. “No man knows of his grave to this day.”31

Several of his supporters believed that Fard fell victim to a police conspiracy and they

murdered him. In addition, there were rumors by several NOI dissidents that Fard was the victim

of a "human sacrifice" himself, thereby accounting for both his disappearance and his title of


Much like the MSTA, the NOI began unraveling with the disappearance of their founder.

Several dissenters believed that Elijah Muhammad murdered Fard in a coup d’état to assume

leadership. After all the Messenger Elijah Muhammad was behind the assassination of Malcolm

X and for four decades several former members who left the NOI and dared to criticize it ended

up injured or dead.

There is some evidence that Fard lived at least until the 1960s. His commonlaw wife,

with whom he had a child, stated that he had returned to his native homeland of New Zealand.33

According to documents published through the Freedom of Information Act the FBI maintained

an open file on Master Fard Muhammad up until as late as 1960.

The Messenger’s son, Wallace (Warith Deen) Muhammad,

who took over the NOI in 1975, said in several speeches that he was in

communication with the founder, saying, “Master Fard Muhammad is

not dead, brothers and sisters, he is physically alive and I talk with him

whenever I get ready. I don't talk to him in any spooky way. I go to the

telephone and dial his number.”34

In 1981, a Pakistani scholar Z.I. Alsari researched Fard's life and

claimed that Fard was identical with Muhammad Abdullah, a Pakistani

Ahmadiyya Muslim who had been an advisor of Elijah Muhammad's

since the late 1950s and who was the tutor of his son and eventual

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successor Warith Deen Muhammad. After Elijah's death Warith Deen appointed Abdullah imam

of Mosque #77 in Oakland, California. The November 26, 1976 issue of the NOI journal Bilalian

News reported Muhammad Abdullah's first khutbah (sermon) at the mosque and showed a

photo. Abdullah himself denied that he was Fard, saying "It is all right to say I am Fard

Muhammad for Wallace (Warith) D. Muhammad. I taught him some lessons. But I am not the

same person who taught Elijah Muhammad and I am not God.” 35

In 1991, there was a report in an orthodox Muslim newspaper that carried a story that

Fard was alive and living in California and worshipped as an orthodox Muslim.36

In 1993, Imam

Warith Deen Muhammad publicly stated that he knew for a fact that Fard had returned to the

United States under the name Muhammad Abdullah and in 1976, he appointed Muhammad

Abdullah as imam of the Mosque in Oakland. Furthermore, Warith Deen Mohammad did not

reveal that Muhammad Abdullah was actually Fard until after Abdullah's death in 1992.

Kelly Kavanaugh, a journalist with the Metro Times, e-mailed Claude Andrew Clegg III,

the author of An Original Man, a biography about Elijah Muhammad, for his take on the Fard

controversy. Clegg, a history professor at the Indiana University, responded: “The version of the

story that characterizes Fard as being of Pakistani descent and having a criminal background

seems to have some validity, though neither allegation has been conclusively proven. What

seems most remarkable is that Fard seems to have utterly disappeared from the government’s

(especially the FBI’s) radar after leaving Detroit in 1933. There were rumors about his

whereabouts until the 1990s, when some believed he was still alive and living somewhere in

California. Whatever the case, Fard was a master at remaking himself and was apparently a very

charismatic man. Also, in many ways, the Nation of Islam’s depiction of him as God could only

work and be credible to potential members if his origins remained obscure and his disappearance


Elijah Deified Master W.D. Fard Muhammad, a White Man, as a Black God

It is the NOI’s Messenger, Elijah Muhammad, who is almost single-handedly responsible

for the deification of Fard as “Allah.”38

However, stories vary whether or not Fard actually told

Elijah that he was God. Elijah might have deified him only to justify that he was divinely

appointed as “heir” to Fard’s kingdom; the 8,000 strong Nation of Islam. Elijah told the story

that he once approached Fard and stated, “You are the one we read in the Bible that he would

come in the last day under the name Jesus…You are that one? Fard replied, “Yes, I am the One,

but who knows that but yourself, and be quiet.”39

Elijah later wrote, “I was a student of the Bible. I recognized him to be the person the

Bible predicted would come two thousand years after Jesus’ death. It came to me the first time I

laid eyes on him.”40

Eventually, Elijah came to believe that Fard was more than just the Mahdi,

but he was God-in-the-flesh. Several months after their first meeting, Elijah approached Fard

with his “revelation.” They were alone in the Temple and Elijah directly asked Fard about his

identity. “Are you the God that’s supposed to come and separate the righteous from the wicked

and destroy the wicked?” Fard cautioned Elijah against teaching that he was Allah. He said he

was the Mahdi, not God. Fard smiled and told Elijah, “When I am gone, then you can say

whatever you want about me.”41

Apparently Fard had joked with Elijah Muhammad and told him

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that he could teach whatever he wanted when he was gone. Elijah Muhammad accepted this jest

as authority.

Shortly after Master W.D. Fard disappeared, Elijah Muhammad, with the aid of his father

and brothers, published a weekly tabloid titled The Final Call to Islam in August of 1934. This

was Nation of Islam’s first official newspaper.42

Up until this time, Fard was not worshipped nor

recognized as “Allah,” but was only a prophet. However, all of

that changed when Elijah Muhammad openly proclaimed that

Master Fard was God in flesh in a front-page article of the third

issue of The Final Call to Islam, dated August 25, 1934. The

headlines emphatically announced that “There is no God but

Allah and his Prophet (is) Fard Muhammad.”43

(Pictured to the

right is Elijah Muhammad and his son, Wallace, in front of

Master Fard’s portrait.)

Elijah wrote, ‘“Fard’ is a name meaning an independent

One and One Who is not on the same level with the average

Gods (Allah). It is a name independent to itself which actually

means One whom we must obey, or else he destroys us…The

reason we call him the Supreme Being is because He is

Supreme over all beings and is wiser than all. The Holy Qur’an

teaches: He is wiser than them, meaning all the Gods before

and all who are now present.”44

Elijah later claimed that Master Fard Muhammad “could speak 16 languages and write 10

of them. He could recite the histories of the world as far back as 150,000 years and knew the

beginning and end of all things.”45

Years later, on January 5, 1973, a former NOI minister, Imam

Hamaas Abdul Kallis, the leader of the Hanafi Muslim sect, sent a scathing letter to Elijah

Muhammad and copies to the NOI ministers and the mainstream media. Kallis condemned the

NOI and called Master Fard Muhammad a crook and his Messenger, Elijah Muhammad a fraud.

The NOI reacted by murdering seven members of the Kallis family including several children.

Two adults and five children, aging 9 days to 10 years, were murdered. The adults and one child

were shot while the other children were drowned.

Kallis wrote, “Elijah Mukammad∗ used to brag that W.D. Fard could speak 16 languages.

Allah is over all languages. It is a pity that none of you ever took time to learn how to read the

Arabic language of the Holy Qur-an Sharreef. Then you could have easily seen that Elijah

Mukammad was a lying deceiver.”46

By late 1934, a new doctrine was being taught in the Detroit mosque that Elijah

controlled. His followers began declaring, “There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is His

Mukammad means “sad, grieved, and blackened; to be laden with sin; sorrow-bound because of evil committed

through ignorance (error)

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Prophet.” Elijah claimed that Muhammad, the original Arab prophet of Mecca, who wrote the

Qur’an was not really a prophet, but an “enthusiast.” Elijah proclaimed himself as the “true

prophet.” He declared that he was the Elijah of the Holy Bible’s Book of Malachi and he was the

Seal of the Prophets. By doing this, he combined two central tenets of Christianity and Islam.47

He preached, “I am Elijah of your Bible; I’m the Muhammad of your Holy Qur’an…I am the one

of (sic) whom the Holy Quran is referring.”48

Orthodox Muslims reject Fardian theology and the

very idea that Allah came in the form of man is blasphemy.

What is Fardian Theology?

Elijah’s Fardian theology rejects the Christianity’s, Judaism’s, and even orthodox Islam’s

concept of an infinite, omnipotent, and omniscient God. Elijah believed that there was one God,

but he was finite (human) and black. According to Fardian theology, the first God was a man.

God was the “original black man, who created himself out of total darkness. Thus God was and

will always be a black man. There has been a succession of Gods, who live for approximately

two hundred years and then die. Elijah taught that Master W.D. Fard was the latest in a string of

Gods and therefore he was the Supreme God.49

The black race descended from the original race

of mankind called the Shabazz∗ people, who descended from God himself. Furthermore, since

God is black, blackness is divine, and black people are gods. Elijah taught that the Supreme God

of the mighty nation of black gods commanded the name of Allah.50

This was the title that Elijah

bestowed upon Master Fard Muhammad.

Elijah Muhammad’s Brother Opposed His New Fardian Theology

Elijah Muhammad taught his followers that Fard is the name of the greatest of Gods. Not

everyone in the Nation of Islam (NOI) accepted that Master Fard was God incarnate. There was

a major rift over this new Allah-Fard incarnation dogma. One of Elijah’s biggest opponents came

from his own household. His biological brother, Kallatt (John) Muhammad, rejected this

apostasy and moved out of the house they shared. Kallat harshly fought the Messenger against

the “Fard is Allah” doctrine until the day he died.

The Messenger’s Son and Original NOI Successor Claimed that His Father was

misled by Fard and Ignorant of Islam

Elijah Muhammad bequeathed the NOI to his son Wallace,∗ who assumed leadership of

the Nation upon Elijah's death in 1975. Wallace abandoned most of the NOI’s quirky ideologies

and moved the organization towards mainstream Islam.∗ Wallace even changed his name to

Elijah Muhammad denied Malcolm X an “Arabic-Islamic” name. Thus Malcolm X adopted the last name of

Shabazz after he absconded from the Nation of Islam and became a Sunni Moslem.

Warith Deen (Wallace) Muhammad died on September 9, 2008 in Chicago

Many other notable figures followed, for example former heavyweight champion, Muhammad Ali, and Betty

Shabazz, the widow of Malcolm X

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Warith Deen Muhammad∗ (or W.D. Muhammad) and took the Sunni Islamic title of Imam.

Wallace had been deeply influenced by Malcolm X and his studies of orthodox Islam and soon

initiated a complete transformation of the NOI. He renamed the NOI the World Community of

al-Islam in the West. He changed the name again in 1978 to the American Muslim Mission. He

gradually dropped his father’s racial and nationalist teachings and he renounced the doctrine of

Fard as Allah. In 1985, with he resigned as the head of the American Muslim Mission and

dissolved the organization. The majority of its members followed him into the larger, traditional

Muslim community where he established himself as a widely respected leader of African-

American Sunnis. Today many NOI members loyal to Elijah Muhammad’s teachings have

branded Warith Deen Muhammad as a heretic and hypocrite.

Imam W.D. Muhammad summarized his uncle Kallatt’s and other’s views by stating, “I

am convinced that he himself never told anyone that he was God in the flesh…When he left in

1934 his successor, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad…quickly began to erect Professor Fard

Muhammad as the second coming of Christ. Gradually, he introduced him as Allah, God


He also concluded that Fard had a questionable past and that he used basic

principles to misdirect his father’s ignorance of Islam. W.D. Muhammad also argued that Fard’s

message appealed to Detroit’s underclass, especially during the Great Depression. Detroit’s

black ghetto residents were disheartened by their economic status and by the escalation of

racism. They felt hopeless and fell victim to Fard’s personal theology.52

Elijah even prayed to Master Fard

In 1956, Elijah Muhammad told The Pittsburgh Courier about a private conversation in

which Master Fard’s revealed his divinity, “I asked him, ‘Who are you, and what is your real

name?’ He said, ‘I am the one that the world has been expecting for the past 2,000 years.’ I said

to him again, ‘What is your name?’ He said, ‘My name is Mahdi; I am

God, I came to guide you into the right path that you may be

successful and see the hereafter.’ He described the destruction of the

world with bombs, poison gas, and finally fire that would consume

and destroy everything of the present world.” 53

On many occasions,

Elijah would go to his closet, lay prostrate on the floor and pray to

Fard. He prayed that he would live to see the day when righteous

Muslims would set up the kingdom of God and punish the white man

for his evil against the black people.54

In 1965, Elijah Muhammad published Message to a Black

Man. He wrote, “Allah (God) came to us from the Holy City Mecca,

Arabia, in 1930. He used the name Wallace D. Fard, often signing it

W.D. Fard. In the third year (1933), He signed His name W.F.

Muhammad, which stands for Wallace Fard Muhammad. He came alone. He began teaching us

the knowledge of ourselves, of God and the devil, of the measurement of the earth, of other

planets, and of the civilizations of some of the planets other than earth.”55

Warith is Arabic for “heir”

Page 12: Farrakhan Controversy

Elijah Muhammad once preached, “You will have to be punished, divinely beaten and

destroyed until you accept Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom praises are Due (sic) forever, as

your God and Saviour, as I and thousands of my followers are doing.”56

Although Elijah

Muhammad taught Fard was the “saviour” of the black race, he taught that God is a man. He

wrote in Message to the Blackman in America, “God is a man and we just cannot make Him

other than man.”57

Malcolm X claimed that Master Fard Appeared to Him

Malcolm Little, a hustler, thief, burglar, pimp and drug addict became an NOI convert

while serving a prison sentence in the Massachusetts State Prison at Charlestown. Malcolm was

so evil that the other inmates nicknamed him “Satan.”58

By 1948, when Malcolm was

incarcerated, nearly all of his family, the children of a Baptist preacher, had joined the NOI.

They wrote to him and visited him regularly and admonished him to stop referring to himself as

“Satan.” They told him that the white man was the real Satan. 59

They told him that Master W.D.

Fard was God and he came from Mecca to save the black race, the lost tribe of Shabazz. Master

Fard had taught the Black Muslims that Africans at one time bowed and prayed facing East and

worshipped God in their own image before they were stolen away from their Mother continent.

Now they bowed every which way, like someone lost, and worshipped a “blond, blue-eyed, pale-

skinned devil” who looked just like the slave-master.60

His brother Reginald told Malcolm that everything bad that had ever happened to him

was attributed to a conspiracy by the white devils to destroy the nonwhite races. In fact, the

Messenger, Elijah Muhammad, taught that the white civilization was the Gog and Magog

prophesied as the biblical heathen nations that would unsuccessfully try to destroy the Lord’s

future kingdom.61

Before Thanksgiving Day of 1948, Malcolm mailed a form letter to Elijah Muhammad

requesting membership to the Nation of Islam. The Messenger would not accept the letter unless

the penmanship was legible and it was worded exactly as Elijah Muhammad had ordered. This

letter was not addressed to Elijah Muhammad, but to W.F. Muhammad.

It was only one paragraph long and it read as:

Dear Savior Allah, Our Deliverer:

I have been attending the teachings of Islam by one of your Ministers, two

or three times. I believe in It, and I bear witness that there is no God but Thee, and

that Muhammad is Thy Servant and Apostle. I desire to reclaim my Own. Please

give me my Original name. My slave name is as follows:62

Later Malcolm’s brother, Reginald was suspended from the NOI for committing adultery.

Suspension meant that the member in poor standing had to be shunned. No other NOI member

could contact him or talk to him until he was reinstated. Reginald was disgruntled and started

arguing with Malcolm over Elijah’s teachings. He had changed his mind about Elijah’s claim

Page 13: Farrakhan Controversy

that he was Allah’s anointed. He told Malcolm that Elijah Muhammad was no “Messenger of

Allah” and he had evidence that Elijah was a false prophet.63

Reginald’s excommunication from the Black Muslims stressed Malcolm severely.

Reginald’s mental health started to deteriorate and at this same time, Malcolm’s mother, Louise

was institutionalized in a mental hospital. Malcolm had trouble sleeping and lay awake at night

mulling over his family’s problems. Over the next several weeks, he wrote Elijah, almost daily,

asking him to reinstate Reginald.

It was during this period that Malcolm experienced a mystical event.64

One night,

Malcolm was lying on his cot thinking about his brother’s challenge to Elijah’s claim of divinity.

He noticed a man, surrounded by an incandescent light, sitting in a chair in the cell. Malcolm

later wrote, “He wasn’t black, and he wasn’t white. He was light-brown-skinned, an Asiatic cast

of countenance, and he had oily black hair.”65

The mysterious stranger never said a word.

Malcolm merely stared at the apparition and the man stared back. Then the visitation was over.66

Malcolm believed that he was visited by none other than Master Wallace Fard Muhammad.67

Eventually Malcolm X became disillusioned with Elijah Muhammad and Fardian


Apparently, Malcolm X later rationalized his so-called vision. He had a falling out with

Elijah Muhammad and exposed his infidelities and affairs with his young secretaries to the

world. He later defected from the Nation of Islam to mainstream Sunni Islam and he questioned

the deification of Master Fard Muhammad. He once addressed a group of NOI members at on

Saviour’s Day celebration and rhetorically asked, “How can you worship a man who doesn’t

look like us, who doesn’t act like us, who doesn’t talk like us and who doesn’t walk like us or

even smell like us. There are over 17,000,000 so-called Negroes in America, but still we have to

look to the white man for everything?”68

Farrakhan Broke Away from Warith’s Muslim American Mission

Warith Deen (Wallace) Muhammad changed several fundamental NOI doctrines. He said

that W.D. Fard was not God and Elijah Muhammad was not the Messenger of Allah. He dropped

the racist overtures that blacks were superior to whites and he dismantled the militant Fruit of

Islam. He sold off most of the commercial establishments that his father had acquired over his

lifetime. The minister Louis Farrakhan went along with Warith for a few years. He took an Arab

first name (Abdul Halim), studied Arabic and the Qur’an, and even grew a beard, but it was clear

that Farrakhan disagreed with Wallace’s changes and the direction that his organization was


In 1978, Louis Farrakhan separated from Warith Deen Muhammad because of

doctrinal disagreements. Farrakhan formed a splinter group using the original name, the Nation

of Islam. He reestablished the Fardian teachings of Elijah Muhammad and also reinstated the

movement's security force known as the Fruit of Islam (FOI). Wallace and Farrakhan were bitter

rivals for over two decades.

The NOI split into four separate factions after Elijah Muhammad died and W.D.

Muhammad moved the NOI into Orthodox Sunni Islam. Minister Farrakhan founded the NOI-

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Final Call in Chicago. Silas Muhammad formed the Lost-Found Nation of Islam in Atlanta.

Brother Solomon founded the United Nation of Islam, in Kansas City, and he teaches that he is

“Allah-in-the-flesh in the same way that Fard was Allah-in-the-flesh. All four sects strongly

disagree in who is the Messenger’s legitimate inheritor, but all agree that Fard was God and

teach Elijah’s Fardian theology.

From the mouth of John Muhammad-Elijah Muhammad’s Youngest Brother

The Messenger’s brother, John Muhammad (not Kallet) claimed to be the lawful heir of

Fard’s NOI. He also claimed that Fard continued to speak through him. He died on May 7, 2005,

at the age of 95. He called himself the Supreme Minister of the Nation of Islam. His cabal

embraced the following doctrines:

“We who continue to stand in agreement with the blood

and spiritual brother of Messenger Elijah Muhammad, may the

peace and the blessings of almighty God, Allah, in the person of

Master Fard Muhammad be upon them both strive to continue in

the rality (sic) of actual fact: WE BELIEVE Allah Came in The

Person of Master Fard Muhammad (emphasis mine).

WE BELIEVE The Honorable Elijah Muhammad was The

Last Messenger of Allah. WE BELIEVE Messenger Elijah

Muhammad (PBUH), Died a Physical Death on February 25, 1975

And Will Not Return! (emphasis mine) WE BELIEVE The

Honorable John Muhammad is The Supreme Minister of The

Nation of Islam. WE BELIEVE The White Man is and always will

be: "The Real Devil!"70

Supreme Minister John Muhammad wrote a short biography found on the Muhammad

Speaks website.

He wrote, “I am the eighth (8th) son and the thirteenth (13th) or as you might say, the

baby of thirteen (13) children of Messenger Elijah Muhammad's parents. It was five (5) girls,

that made thirteen (13) children. I was born in Cordele, Georgia.

In 1923, I came to Detroit with my mother, and

grandmothers and two brothers. I was a small boy. In 1924 I joined

the Baptist Church. Late in 1931 I heard Islam as taught by Master

Fard Muhammad, and by 1932 the whole family had become

Muslims under the guidance of Master Fard Muhammad and

Messenger Elijah Muhammad (P.B.U.H.).

My First Post or Duty was as a helper at the door and an

usher. I became a Teacher in the University of Islam as taught by

Master Fard Muhammad. Late in 1932, Master Fard Muhammad

gave me the Authority of Acting Principal of Temple No. 1,

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Michigan, University of Islam. I was Assistant Secretary and Secretary. At this time there was

only one Temple of Islam in this Wilderness of North America for the so-called Negro.

Early in 1933, I was permitted to the rostrum to ask the members to give charity and

Teach what I had learned in Islam. I taught the Meaning of Our FLAG OF ISLAM, given to us

by Master Fard Muhammad, I taught it as I had learned. I served in every position that is

known in The Nation of Islam, except becoming God and The Messenger of Allah; I was,

for one day, Everything” (emphasis mine).71

From the mouth of one of Elijah Muhammad’s Mistresses

Tynnetta Deanar Muhammad (Tynnetta Nelson),

describes herself as the “wife” of Elijah Muhammad. She is a

regular columnist on Farrakhan’s Final Call newspaper. This is

misleading because Tynetta was never married to him legally,

illegally, nor does she even meet the legal definition of a

common-law wife. She is merely a courtesan in a long line of

mistresses that bore Elijah illegitimate children. Sadly enough,

Elijah publicly denied fathering her children until the final

months of his death. Tynetta was bitterly jealous of all of his

other mistresses and the FBI captured her enviousness on audio

tape during their investigation of the NOI. Nevertheless, the

minister Farrakhan recognizes Mother Tynnetta Muhammad as an

official wife of Elijah Muhammad.

Mother Tynnetta Deanar Muhammad spoke at the Nation

of Islam Laborers Conference held September 6-9, 2007, hosted

by Minister Louis Farrakhan at the NOI’s Michigan Farm.

Excerpts of her speech were posted in an article at Farrakhan’s Final Call website entitled

“Master W. Fard Muhammad Lives, as well as His Servant and Exalted Christ, the Honorable

Elijah Muhammad.”

Mother Tynnetta greeted her audience by proclaiming the following: “It is my great

pleasure to greet you as my Sisters, my Brothers and fellow students of this Great Moment in

Our History. Calling to praise Almighty God, Allah Who did not come to us in an extraordinary

way; but He is an Extraordinary Person Who came to us as Master Fard Muhammad, the Great

Mahdi, Who searched among us to find one in whom He could place His spirit; His guidance;

His mind; His brain; His heart; His thinking. And that Great One is the Honorable Elijah

Muhammad, who is now in the Exalted Position on The Right Side of Almighty God, so they

become two in one.” 72•

• Interesting note: Imam W.D. Muhammad never recognized Tynnetta Muhammad and her four children (his

siblings) because they were not from the womb of his mother, Clara Muhammad.

Page 16: Farrakhan Controversy

What are Farrakhan’s and the NOI’s Current Belief about Master W.D. Fard’s


Farrakhan and his particular NOI sect currently teaches that Elijah Muhammad is still

alive. Farrakhan preaches that the Messenger and Master Fard are orbiting the earth in the

Mother Plane (a spaceship) waiting for the right time to return to Earth and destroy the white

devils and the black “Uncle Toms” of the United States and Great Britain.

Does Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam-Final Call still believe that Fard is God?

Farrakhan and his NOI ministers continue to teach that Fard is Allah. The current NOI

statement is published in every issue of their weekly newspaper, The Final Call, in an article

titled “What Muslims Believe,” listed as tenant # 12. It states, “WE BELIEVE that Allah (God)

appeared in the Person of Master W. Fard Muhammad, July, 1930; the long-awaited "Messiah"

of the Christians and the "Mahdi" of the Muslims.”73∗∗∗∗ Farrakhan and his NOI ministers deny that

God is spirit and teach that Christians worship an "invisible spook somewhere in space.”74

According to Elijah Muhammad, “God is in person, and stop looking for a dead Jesus for help,

but pray to Him whom Jesus prophesied would come after Him. He who is alive and not a


Elijah Muhammad declared February 26th

as Saviour’s

Day. This celebration continues under the leadership of

Minister Louis Farrakhan. Saviour’s Day is the official

holiday of the Nation of Islam (NOI). Other offshoot branches

of the NOI, such as the Nation of Gods and Earths, also

celebrate the Wallace Fard Muhammad birth date as Saviour’s


In 1973, on Saviours Day, Elijah Muhammad preached

a message entitled, “A Saviour is Born.” He said, “Brothers

and Sisters, I'm so happy to see your smiling faces, who have

come here from far and near to help us give thanks to

Almighty God, Allah, Who came in the Person of Master Fard

Muhammad, To Whom Praises is due Forever. A Saviour's

Day! Think about what we are here to worship. A Saviour's

Day! Who is Lost that we had to have a Saviour's Day?”76

Farrakhan and his Nation of Islam-Final Call still Celebrate Master Fard’s

Birthday as Saviour’s Day

The Minister Louis Farrakhan and the NOI still celebrate Saviour’s Day every year. In

fact, many Christian churches, in the name of racial solidarity, have allowed the NOI to come

inside their sanctuaries and honor a man whom they proclaim is God.

Minister Farrakhan has continued teaching Elijah Muhammad’s lore that Master Fard

Muhammad, a convicted con man, is God and Savior to the black race. Farrakhan in a speech on

April 1, 2001, titled “The Greatness of Master Fard Muhammad,” he reiterated Fard was born

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and raised in Islam’s holy city of Mecca. Farrakhan referred to Fard as the “Mahdi,” a man

absolutely guided by God in the Islam faith. Farrakhan referred to the knowledge that Fard

passed onto the Nation of Islam as “actual facts.”77

…and yet the lies continue

There is an old church growth adage that says, “What it takes to bring them in, it’ll take

to keep them.” If church growth is built on promotional giveaways, showmanship,

sensationalism, and gimmicks, then that sets the standard to keep the people coming. Since the

Nation of Islam was built on lies, deceit, conspiracy theories, black supremacy, racial hatred,

spaceships, and anti-Christian rhetoric, then Farrakhan has and must keep spreading these

falsehoods to entice new followers and to keep current members loyal to his organization.

Minister Farrakhan is a millionaire. He lives in two mansions, and drives luxury cars,

travels the world with an entourage, while most of his members live below the poverty level

selling bean pies and peddling newspapers on street corners (more will be written about

Farrakhan con-jobs at a later date).

His real desire is to become the voice of African Americans in the United States. He can

only do this if he is accepted by Christians. This is why he has stated that he is both a Muslim

and a Christian. He preaches that believers can be both a Muslim and a Christian. In fact, he has

stated that he is now a “Christian too.” He said “A good Muslim is a Christian and a good

Christian is a Muslim.”78

This is a contradiction of beliefs and doctrines. It is the same as pagans

who assert that they can be both a Christian and a Wiccan (yes, there are such people). You

simply cannot be both. Jesus spoke about the danger of serving two masters. He said you must

love one and hate the other.

Minister Farrakhan has an open invitation in many Christian churches. They stand up and

cheer him on whenever he quotes the Bible and starts talking about speaking in tongues and that

Jesus is both Lord and Savior to the Muslims and the Christians. However he uses doublespeak

with dual meanings to deceive well-meaning believers. He has stated that the historical Jesus of

2,000 years ago is not the Messiah, but the type and shadow of the prophetic Messiah that is to

come. Farrakhan has said that the Messiah was not born in Bethlehem, of Judea, but he was born

in Sandersville, Georgia. Minister Farrakhan met with a group of Orthodox Jews at his Chicago

mansion, the home of Elijah Muhammad. He told the Jews, "We do not believe that Jesus of

2000 years ago was the Messiah. We believe the Messiah was yet to come, and this is the time

period that the Messiah would make himself manifest.”79

It seems that Minister Farrakhan is a

chameleon. He tells Christians, Jews, and Orthodox Moslems whatever they want to hear.

Louis Farrakhan founded The Final Call newspaper. In large capital letters beneath a

picture of Elijah Muhammad it declares “HE LIVES.” Farrakhan wrote, “The Honorable Elijah

Muhammad, I am here to declare, is risen. The Jesus you have been seeking and waiting for His

return has been in your midst for 40 years, but you knew not who He was. A Holy One was

working among us, and it is only now, after He is gone, that we realize who He was.”80

The speech is at the Nation’s Web site at

Page 18: Farrakhan Controversy

Farrakhan has publicly stated that Elijah Muhammad is the Lord, Savior, Messiah, and

Deliverer. “I, Farrakhan, have no power to give life. However, the voice of Elijah Muhammad

coming through me is giving life to the entire Nation [of Islam]. I warn you that when you turn

me down and refuse this truth, you are turning down the Lord, the Savior, the Messiah, and the

Deliverer that you seek. This Deliverer is the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.”81

This is why it is so important for Christians to avoid getting caught up in the emotional

hype when Farrakhan and other Muslims use Pentecostal buzzwords like Jesus, Messiah, and

Holy Ghost. They need to look beyond the verbiage and examine the Nation of Islam’s belief


In 2008, Farrakhan was still praising Master Fard, Elijah Muhammad, and Talking

about UFO’s and Compared Barack Obama to Fard Muhammad and Called Him

the Messiah

At the 2007 AWCF Convention, I presented a lecture about Radical Islam. I covered the

heresies and lies taught by Minister Farrakhan and the threat he poses to the Christian church that

sees him as a uniter and not as a divider. Afterwards, I was confronted by several Apostolic

defenders of the Minster Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam. One person even announced that the

Holy Ghost is moving in the NOI and that Farrakhan was baptized in Jesus’ Name. He had

received the Holy Ghost and spoke in tongues and now he preached from the Bible and the


One woman told me that CNN did a story about

how an Apostolic preacher healed Farrakhan of cancer. It

sounded too good to be true…and it was. There was not a

shred of truth. These were just rumors and urban myths that

were circulating Pentecostal circles.∗

The truth is that even though Farrakhan soften his

rhetoric towards Christians and Caucasians, he still has not

changed his stance on many of the Fardian doctrines of the

NOI. As recently as February 24, 2008, at his last Saviour’s

Day address entitled “Gods at War,”♦

he praised W.D. Fard

Muhammad, Elijah Muhammad, and spoke again of

Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO’s).82

Farrakhan gave a

two hour speech and spent much of it complementing

presidential candidate Barack Obama.

Minister Farrakhan even compared Obama to the

founder of the NOI, Master W.D. Muhammad, whom Elijah Muhammad said had a white mother

and black father. Farrakhan said, “This young man is the hope of the entire world that America

will change and be made better. This young man is capturing audiences of black and brown and

red and yellow. If you look at Barack Obama’s audiences and look at the effect of his words,

those people are being transformed.” Farrakhan told the crowd, “A black man with a white ∗

See the article “The Farrakhan Controversy: A Wolf in Sheep Clothing,” found at

Notice that Farrakhan is still using Fardian terminology by refering to the Black Muslims as “Gods”

Page 19: Farrakhan Controversy

mother became a savior to us (emphasis mine). A black man with a white mother could turn out

to be one who can lift America from her fall.”83

Farrakhan went even further and called Obama

the “Messiah.” He said, “You are the instruments that God is going to use to bring about

universal change, and that is why Barack has captured the youth. And he has involved young

people in a political process that they didn't care anything about. That's a sign. When the Messiah

speaks, the youth will hear, and the Messiah is absolutely speaking."84

A Farrakhan Acolyte is now Evangelizing Apostolic and Pentecostal Churches

Recently, there has been an ex-NOI minister, formerly known as Jeremiah Fard

Muhammad, who has been circulating Pentecostal churches in the United States and Europe.

This minister, Jeremiah Cummings, claims that Minister Farrakhan revealed to him that “Jesus is

the Messiah!” Cummings believes that one day he will personally baptize Farrakhan.

This evangelist has been welcomed into many Apostolic and Pentecostal churches and

has even been interviewed on at least two separate occasions on the Trinity Broadcasting

Network (TBN). Cummings preaches that the Qur’an was divinely inspired and that the prophet

Muhammad was used by God to lead the pagan Arabs into monotheism. Cummings has testified

that as a Black Muslim he was filled with the Holy Ghost and only later learned that Jesus is the

Messiah while studying the Qur’an.

This international evangelist boasts of leading tens of thousands of Muslims to Jesus by

showing them how the Qur’an revealed Christ as the Messiah. Jeremiah Cummings went on the

TBN Broadcast of Behind the Scenes on August 30, 2006, and gave an interview to Paul Crouch

and his son, Paul Jr. Cummings pronounced that Muhammad ibn Abdullah (the founder of Islam)

was a “genuine prophet of God.” Furthermore, he declared that Moslems∗ do not have to turn

from the Qur’an or Muhammad in order to be saved. All Moslems need to do is add Jesus to

their lives to be complete. Cummings has claimed that 95 percent of the Qur’an came from the

Bible. Thus he is going to take that 95 percent and “save the world.”

Apparently, Cummings has not read the Qur’an through and compared it to the Bible.

The truth is that the Qur’an often contradicts the Bible more than agrees with it. To quote the

late Kirby Tiller, “Rat poison is 90 percent grain and 10 percent poison. It’s still poison and it’ll

kill you.”

Charisma magazine published an article entitled, “Ministers Use the Quran as ‘Ultimate

Tool’ to Evangelize Muslims.” According to the Charisma article, A Messianic Muslim is an

Islamist who has accepted Jesus but refuses to be referred to as a Christian and chooses to stay

within the Islamic community. “Some Christians have taken the controversial approach of using

Islam's holy book to bring Muslims to Jesus. They say by communicating the gospel in a manner

Islamists can understand, many receive Christ. Their converts are called ‘Messianic Muslims,’

partly because they are encouraged not to abandon some Islamic traditions.’ Patricia Bailey, who

has ministered in many Arabic nations said ‘I use their own book of precepts to validate the

authenticity of Christ. If Muslims embrace the Quran as their holy book, then it is the ultimate

NOI scholar C. Eric Lincoln coined the term “Muslim” to distinguish the NOI from “Moslems,” those who practice

Orthodox Islam

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tool to reach them and at least to provoke them to question what is written in their own book of

the law,’ she added.”85

It is important to point out that the Qur’an makes references to the Bible, but the Bible

never refers to the Quran for truth or authenticity. The Qur’an is full of Biblical contradictions

and there are over 100 suras calling for violence against those that reject Islam. For example,

“...fight in the way of Allah with those who fight with you.”(2:190). Another violent sura, “And

kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from whence they drove you out, and

persecution is severer than slaughter, and do not fight with them at the Sacred Mosque until they

fight with you in it, but if they do fight you, then slay them; such is the recompense of the

unbelievers” (2:191).

Jeremiah Cummings is not an expert on the Qur’an. If he was educated as an NOI

minister, then he studied Fardian theology and Fardian mythology and this does not make him an

expert on the Bible, nor does it make him an expert on the Qur’an. He has cherry-picked certain

suras and bent them to fit his own twisted, form of eschatology. He has told his enthusiastic

Pentecostal audiences that he can win the Islamic world by using the Qur’an to introduce Jesus

to the Moslems. He has stated that 95 percent of the Qur’an came from the Bible. But can he

validate or quantify this statement?

Facts about the Qur’an

It is true that Muhammad plagiarized the Jewish Talmud and the Christian Gospels. The

Qur’an acknowledges several Old Testament prophets such as Adam, Abraham, Isaac, and

Jacob, Noah and Moses. The Qur’an mentions New Testament figures such as John the Baptist,

Mary and Jesus. The Qur’an is equivalent in length to the New Testament and is divided into

114 sections, or “suras.” The Qur’an consists of 28 suras revealed in Medina, and 86 in Mecca.

Islamic Qur’an scholars proclaim the “doctrine of abrogation.” Under the Moslem doctrine of

abrogation, the Qur’an does not contradict itself, because it cancels out certain suras.

The Qur’anic Doctrine of Abrogation

When Muhammad resided in Mecca, he attempted to recruit new followers. In Mecca, he

taught a monotheistic religion that was peaceful and similar to Christianity and Judaism. For

example, Muhammad proclaimed in Mecca, “There is no compulsion in religion” (2:256). It was

later in Medina, after he became a vengeful warlord that he declared war on the Arab pagan

idolaters, Christians, and Jews. In Medina, Islam became political and aggressive. The violent

suras in Medina cancelled out the peaceful suras taught in Mecca. In Medina, Muhammad

exhorted, “O you who believe, take not Jews and Christians as friends. They are only friends to

each other, and who befriends them becomes one of them” (5:51). Moderate Moslems will quote

only the peaceful Meccan suras either out of ignorance or to lull Christians and Westerners into

believing that Islam is a “religion of peace.”

The Qur’an is only authoritative in Arabic

Additionally, the Qur’an is only authoritative in Arabic, the language of the Muhammad

and his companions. The problem here is that 70 percent of Moslems are illiterate. Of those that

can read, only a small percentage can read in Arabic. This is why they depend on their imams to

Page 21: Farrakhan Controversy

interpret the suras. Moslems all over the world, from Chechnya to the Philippines, memorize and

recite the Qur’an in Arabic without fully understanding what they are saying.

The suras vary considerably as to length and format, and with no chronological or

thematic order as to their placement. This makes it very confusing to read. In general, the suras

are organized according to their length, beginning with the longest sura first. “Not only does the

Koran jump from topic to topic, but it also repeats itself. For instance, there are over thirty

versions of the story of Moses and the Pharaoh.”86

The Qur’an Changed Important Details of the Stories of the Bible

A significant large portion of the Qur’an re-tells various stories of the Bible. Many of

these stories are retold with some interesting changes. Many of the stories from the Old

Testament (Torah) are in the Qur’an, but they are not precisely the same stories and make

different points.87

For example, many Catholics are impressed that the Virgin Mary is mentioned

34 times in the Qur’an while Jesus is mentioned only 33 times. However, Mary is mentioned by

name primarily to denigrate Christ. The two are usually mentioned together and over and over

again, Christ is called “Jesus, the son of Mary,” as opposed to Jesus, the son of God,” to

emphasize that Allah has no son.88

For example, the Qur’an says, “Christ, the son of Mary, was

no more than a Messenger” (5:75). Furthermore, Muslims believe that Christ was born only a

man and died a man. They do not believe that he was crucified on the cross and resurrected from

the grave. The crucifixion and the resurrection is a central theme in Christianity, a notion that

Islam rejects.

The Jewish concept of Messiah to Moslems does not have the same meaning as to

the Christians and Jews

Even through the Qur’an acknowledges that Jesus is called the Messiah, and that he was

born of a virgin and performed many miracles; he is still only one of many messengers to the

Moslems. The Qur’an says that “The Messiah son of Mary was only a Messenger; many

Messengers have passed away before him…” (5:73-78). The Qur’an also says “They are surely

infidels who blaspheme and say: ‘God is Christ, the Messiah, the son of Mary’” (5:72). “Those

certainly are disbelievers who say: Allah is none but the Messiah son of Mary: whereas he

Messiah himself taught: Children of Israel, worship Allah Who is my Lord and your Lord.”

(5:73-78) and “Jesus was no more than a mortal whom Allah favored and made an example to

the Israelites. They are unbelievers who say God is Messiah, Mary’s son” (43:59).

Therefore, when a Moslem states that he believes that Jesus is the Messiah it does not

have the same connotation that it does for Christians and Messianic Jews. For Moslems do not

believe that Jesus is the Son of God. Furthermore, Christians should not celebrate when

Farrakhan announces that Jesus is the Messiah. It should be pointed out that Farrakhan

acknowledging that Jesus is the Jewish Messiah has no more meaning to him than when I write

and refer to W.D. Fard as “Master Fard Muhammad,” and when I give Elijah Muhammad the

title of “The Messenger.”Christians should wait and see if Farrakhan renounces Fardian theology

and proclaims that Jesus Christ is God and savior of all mankind, regardless of a person’s color

and creed.

Farrakhan’s Pentecostal Protégé

Page 22: Farrakhan Controversy

Jeremiah Cummings, the former NOI minister, knowingly or unknowingly, is assisting

Farrakhan in trying to merge the black Christian church with the Nation of Islam. Cummings

wrote that the Minister Farrakhan personally told him that one day people will be able to walk

into a mosque and then into a church and not be able to tell the difference! “Just before I

resigned from my position as a leader in the Nation of Islam, I was having dinner with Minister

Louis Farrakhan. He looked me straight in my eyes and said to me, ‘Brother, one day people will

come to the Mosque and will not be able to tell the difference between the Church and the


This is indeed a frightening prediction. This Pentecostal Farrakhan protégé is

teaching that Moslems are the physical and spiritual descendants of Abraham, Ishmael, and Esau,

as opposed to Christians and Jews who are the spiritual descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and


It must be noted that the Qur’an is the record of the message of one man, Muhammad ibn

Abdullah, told over 22 years. Muhammad was illiterate and his words were committed to

memory or inscribed on bark, parchment, leaves, and animal hides. The sayings were not

collected and put into written form until 59 years after his death. The Qur’an is full of

contradictions and is a document of hate on the highest level. On the other hand, the Bible was

written in three different languages, on three different continents, by 40 different authors over

several centuries and carries a common, consistent theme of redemption and salvation. The Bible

prophecies the virgin birth of our redeemer, Jesus Christ, his crucifixion, and resurrection. No

where in the Bible does it mention or prophecy the birth of Muhammad. The Bible does not

mention the Islamic holy city of Mecca, Allah, or the Qur’an. All are central icons in orthodox


This evangelist treaded on dangerous ground when he publicly declared the Qur’an was

divinely inspired and Muhammad was a prophet used by God. Fourteen-hundred-years ago,

Muhammad taught his Moslem companions that the Christians and Jews had corrupted the Bible,

thus it could not be trusted. He declared himself as the “Seal of God,” and the final prophet. He

proclaimed his Qur’an as the final word of God. In 1903, Sir William Muir who wrote several

scholarly books on Muhammad and Islam said, “The sword of Muhammad and the Qur’an are

the most fatal enemies of civilization, truth, and liberty which the world has yet known.”90

Craig Winn, author of Prophet of Doom, one of the best books researched on the words

and deeds of Muhammad and the danger of Islam said, “Islam is a lie. Truth is lethal to all


He also wrote, “Let me give you an example of accurate disclosure wielded

appropriately. In the early 1920's one out of every ten adult men in America were members of

the KKK. Some courageous journalists gained access to the Klan's charter documents and

published them in a scathing attack. People were so repulsed by what they read, it became

impossible for the Klan to recruit and maintain devotees. Membership fell 95% in less than two


Jesus said in John 8:32, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

It is imperative that Christians use the truth to expose the wolves in sheep clothing who try to

creep in and destroy the flock.

1 Pipes, Daniel, “How Elijah Muhammad Won,” Commentary, June 2000,,

retrieved 09-04-2008 2 Ibid

Page 23: Farrakhan Controversy

3 White, Vibert L. Jr. Inside the Nation of Islam: A Historical and Personal Testimony by a Black Muslim,

University Press of Florida, 2001, p. 26 4 Black America, Prisons and Radical Islam: A Report, September 2008, p. 6, Center for Islamic Pluralism,

Washington, D.C., 5 Ibid

6 Dubois, W.E.B., "The Crisis", Vol. 28, May 1924, pp. 8-9

7 Spartucus Educational website, Ku Klux Klan, quoting from Negro World (September, 1923), retrieved 09-04-2008

8 Moore, Richard B., "The Critics and Opponents of Marcus Garvey," Marcus Garvey and the Vision of Africa, ed.

John Henrik Clarke with Amy Jacques Garvey, New York, 1974, p. 228. 9 Ibid

10 Ibid, p. 24

11 Clegg, Claude Andrew, III. An Original Man: The Life and Times of Elijah Muhammad, St. Martin’s Press, New

York, New York, 1997, pp.20-21 12

Evanzz, Karl. The Messenger: The Rise and Fall of Elijah Muhammad, Pantheon Books, New York, 1999 13

A scathing letter written by former NOI member, Imam Hamaas Abdul Khaalis, leader of a Hanafi Muslim sect

located in Washington, D.C. It can be found in Karl Evanzz’s The Messenger: The Rise and Fall of Elijah

Muhammad, “The Scarlet Letter,” Appendix B, p. 448 14

Turner, R.B., Islam in the African-American Experience, Indiana University Press, 2003, p.165 15

Essien-Udom, E.U., Black Nationalism: A Search for Identity, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1962, 1971,

p. 43 16

One can go to the FBI website and type in “Wallace D. Ford,” and look at Ford’s criminal record (Freedom of

Information Act) 17

Evanzz, p. 87 18

Kavanaugh, Kelli B. “Mystery Man: At the root of the Nation of Islam, a cipher and a controversy,” Metrotimes:

Detroit’s Weekly Alternative, 03-05-03 19

Pipes, 2000 20

Wilson, Peter Lamborn, Sacred Drift: Essays on the Margins of Islam, City Lights Books, 1993 21

Pipes, 2000 22

Evanzz, 1999 23

Prince-A-Cuba, “Black Gods of the Inner City,” Gnosis Magazine, 1992, pp. 56-63., retrieved 09-06-2008. Prof. Ravanna Bey, third-generation

Moorish Scientist and Adept, in personal communication with author Prince-A-Cuba 24

Collins, Rodnell, P. with A. Peter Bailey, Seventh Child: A Family Memoir of Malcolm X, Birch Lane Press, New

York, 1998, pp. 134-35 25

Evanzz, 1999, p. 73 26

Ibid, p. 74 27

Ibid 28

W.D. Fard FBI File 29

Muhammad, Elijah, Our Saviour Has Arrived, Newport News, Va.: UB & USCS, 1974, p. 21; Essien-Udom, pp.

45-46 30San Franscisco Herald-Examiner, July 28, 1963, and February 26, 1965; Lincoln, C. Eric, The Black Muslims in

America. 1st ed., Beacon Press, Boston, 1961, p. 17.

31 Prince-A-Cuba

32 Lincoln, pp. 17, 199

33 “Black Muslims’ Founder a Fake; Posed as Negro,” Seattle Post-Intelligencer, July 28, 1963, p. 4

34 Muhammad, Wallace D., “Self-Government in the New World,” Bilalian News, Vol. 1., No. 19, March 19, 1976;

also cited in Milton C. Sernett, ed., Afro-American Religious History: A Documentary Witness, Durham, N.C.: Duke

University Press, 1985, pp. 413-20 35

Turner, Richard Brent, Islam in the African-American Experience, Indiana University Press, 2003, p.165 36

Interview with Dr. Alauddin Shabazz in New Trend, July 1991 37

Ibid 38

Lincoln, C. Eric. Black Muslims in America, Beacon Press, Boston, 1961, 1973, pp. 17, 199 39

Muhammad, Elijah, History of the Nation of Islam, Secretarius Publication, Cleveland, 1994, p.2 40

Evanzz, p. 80

Page 24: Farrakhan Controversy


Hakim, Nasir Makr. The True History of Elijah Muhammad, Messenger of Allah, Atlanta: Secretarius M.E.M.P.S.

Publications, 1997, p. 37; Clegg, Claude A. III. An Original Man: The Life and Times of Elijah Muhammad. New

York: St. Martin’s Press, 1997, p. 340 42

Evanzz, Karl. The Messenger: The Rise and Fall of Elijah Muhammad, Pantheon Books, New York, 1999, p. 102 43

The Final Call to Islam, August 24, 1934. (Note from Karl Evanzz-Muhammad and Muslim were initially spelled

“Mohammed” and Moslem” by the NOI. The later spellings are used here for clarity) 44

Rassoull, Abass. The Theology of Time: The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, U.B. and U.S.

Press, Hampton, Va., 1992 45

Pittsburgh Courier, July 20, 1957 46

Evanzz, Karl, “The Scarlet Letter,” The Messenger: The Rise and Fall of Elijah Muhammad, Appendix B, pp.

446-49 47

Evanzz, p. 103 48

Ibid 49

Tsoukalas, Steven, The Nation of Islam: Understanding the “Black Muslims,” Phillipsburg, New Jersey, P&R

Publishing, 2001 50

Lincoln, p. 75 51

Muhammad, Wallace, As the Light Shineth from the East, WMD Publishing, 1980, p. II 52

Ibid, pp. 10-11 53

The Pittsburgh Courier, May 26, 1956. 54

Muhammad, Elijah, Message to a Black Man, Muhammad’s Temple of Islam, No.2, 1965, p. 17 55

Muhammad, Elijah. Message to a Black Man in America 56

Muhammad, Elijah. Fall of America, Newport News, Va.: The National Newport News and Commentator, 1973,

p. 143 57

Muhammad, Elijah, Message to the Blackman in America, p. 6. 58

Haley, Alex and Malcolm X, The Autobiography of Malcolm X, Grove Press, New York, 1965, pp. 151-168 59

Evanzz, Karl, The Judas Factor: The Plot to Kill Malcolm X, Thunder’s Mouth Press, New York, 1992, p. 1 60

Ibid, p. 2 61

Ibid 62

FBI file on Wallace Fard; FBI file on Elijah Muhammad; Lincoln, The Black Muslims in America, pp. 109-111 63

Haley, The Autobiography of Malcolm X, p. 186 64

Ibid, pp. 186-188 65

Ibid 66

Ibid 67

Evanzz, The Judas Factor, p. 6 68

Saviour’s Day address (audiocassette); FBI HQ file on Elijah Muhammad 69

Pipes, 2000 70

“A Tribute to the Supreme Minister,”, retrieved 06-29-2007 71

“Minister John Muhammad Passes On,”,

retrieved 06-21-2008 72

Muhammad, Mother Tynnetta. “Master W. Fard Muhammad Lives,“, September 21, 2007,, retrieved 07-12-2008 73 The Official Site for the Nation of Islam, retrieved 05-30-07 74

Muhammad, Elijah, Message to the Blackman, p. 5 75

Ibid, p. 3 76

“A Saviour is Born, February 26, 1877,” by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, the Last Messenger of Allah-

transcribed from a video-taped lecture of the 1973 Saviour's Day Lecture, “God in Person,” Muhammad Speaks

Website, retrieved 05-27-07 77

Kavanaugh, Kelli B. “Mystery Man,” Metro Times: Detroit’s Weekly Alternative, March 5, 2003,, retrieved 07-27-2008 78

Hogan/Albach Susan. “Louis Farrakhan claims he is both a Muslim and a Christian,” Chicago Tribune, May 26,


79 Muhammad, James, “Minister Farrakhan and Jewish Delegation meet in Chicago,” Final Call, November 25,

1999,, retrieved 09-17-2008

Page 25: Farrakhan Controversy


Landess , Thomas H. and Richard M. Quinn, Jesse Jackson and the Politics of Race , Jameson Books, Ottawa,

Illinois, 1985, p. 94 81

Ibid 82

“Farrakhan calls Barack Obama the Messiah,” Youtube 83

“Farrakhan Praises Obama as the ‘hope of the entire world,” Associated Press, February 25, 2008,, retrieved 09-20-2008 84

“Farrakhan on Obama: ‘The Messiah is absolutely speaking,’ October 9, 2008,, retrieved 10-10-2008 85

“Ministers Use the Quran as ‘Ultimate Tool’ to Evangelize Muslims.” Charisma, January 4, 2005 86

An Abridged Koran: Readable and Understandable, The Islamic Trilogy, Volume 4, Center for the Study of

Political Islam, CSPI, 2006, p. ix 87

Ibid 88

Sperry, Paul, Infiltration: How Muslim Spies and Subversives Have Penetrated Washington, Nelson Current,

2005, p.39 89

Cummings, Jeremiah, Reaching the World: Revealing Jesus as the Messiah in the Koran, One Big Family

Publishing, 2005, pp. 35-36 90

“All About Muhammad: But Not Very Politically Correct,”,

retrieved 09-21-2008 91

Winn, Craig, “To those who have not submitted to Allah: Welcome,” Prophet of Doom: Islam’s Terrorist Dogma

In Muhammad’s Own Words, 12-22-2003,, retrieved

09-17-2008 92


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