
Family Vacations in Family Vacations in Family Vacations in BaliBaliBali

Are you looking for an utterly

unique and memorable vacation

spot for your family? Maybe some

place with a rich and vibrant his-

tory as well as the lure of modern

convenience and activities for every

one to enjoy? How about a place

that offers enough space for the

whole family with a view of

astounding beauty? Well then, how

about the Indonesian island of Bali?

There are quite a few Bali villas for

rent and hotel suites available

within most family’s budgets.

Bali is a thriving island state

with over 3.5 million people who

have opened up their way of life and

offer people from around the world

a glimpse into their lives and the

history of where they came from as

an island people. From gorgeous

ocean vistas to majestic volcanic


From spiritually enlightening

Hindu shrine and temples to world

class fine dining, visitors can enjoy

many things in close proximity to

Bali villas for rent.

Bali has many sights and activi-

ties to enjoy; dancing, sculptures

and woodworking as well as paint-

ings for art enthusiasts to enjoy.

There are award winning spas avail-

able for ultimate relaxation. Child-

visitors can enjoy puppet shows,

surfing, and beach games.

For the adventurer, there are

water sports such as snorkeling and

waterskiing available. From back-

packing to hiking to visiting ar-

cheological sites around all of Bali,

travelers have much to enjoy with-

out having to worry about stressing

their budget.

You can visit the most popular

tourist area in South Bali with its

beaches, dancing and tastes of Bali-

nese night life. Or if you want to

know more about Balinese culture

you can visit the mountainous

culture rich central Bali. If the

black sand beaches is what you are

looking for, then Northern Bali is

for you. Not only does this region

have gorgeous beaches but it is also

home to the old colonial capitol city

Singaraja. Being on an island cer-

tainly doesn’t limit you. You can

visit West Bali, riding on ferries

that will take you to witness the

beauty of Java or the majesty of the

West Bali National Park. And fi-

nally you can visit East Bali with its

active volcano, quiet and relaxing

coastal villages and Mount Agung,

Most Bali villas for rent offer

discounts for sightseeing and

tourist attractions both local and

island wide. Your hotel or villa

concierge can give you advice on lo-

cal restaurants and help you find

the best places with the best deals

on authentic Balinese artwork and


You may also find specials on

dining, or babysitting services if

mom and dad want a night out in

the thriving cultural center. Most

hotels and family villas feature DVD

players and some may feature gam-

ing consoles to entertain on nights


For those who would love to get

away from home, but don’t want

the trappings of the typical tourist

destinations, Bali is the ideal loca-

tion for a family vacation.

There is nothing like vacationing in

the awe inspiring and historically

rich Bali, but be sure to book your

Bali villas for rent early!

What to Bring What to Bring What to Bring on your on your on your

Bali HolidayBali HolidayBali Holiday

So you have waited a long time

to come to Bali. Perhaps this is your

first visit here, or maybe you are

coming back after only a few

months away. You have booked

your airline tickets, Bali villa

rentals, cancelled your home news-

paper delivery and sent your cat to

the cattery. What to do next? Of

course the answer is to pack your

bags! But what should you bring

with you?

These days many of the impor-

tant little luxuries which one needs

to enjoy a pleasant holiday are

available here. The plethora of

twenty four hour open convenience

stores sell a wide range of sweet

and savoury snack foods including

crisps, corn snacks, chocolate and

wafer biscuits, ice cream cones and

iced-lollies on sticks. Favorite

brands include Magnum ice cream,

TimTam biscuits and Lays potato


Sliding upmarket, a visit to one

of the many local delis will demon-

strate the huge range of Western

foodstuffs now being imported.

Cheeses from Europe and Australia,

Wines from the old and new world,

luxury biscuits and organic fruit

and vegetables; pate, caviar, smoked

salmon, steak, prawns – all are

available most, if not all, of the time.

Wine is a little expensive here and

allowance is just one bottle per

person – so use it!

So food and drink is available,

what else to bring on your villa

rental Bali vacation?

Well, clothes are also available

here in abundance. Local labels.

Biasa, By The Sea, IO & Co and

Spicy to name a few from the choice

of hundreds. Better just bring a

small selection of your favourite

items and buy the rest.

The ubiquitous sarong is a must-

buy as are some lightweight beach

and evening wear. If you will be

doing a lot of walking, bring your

favorite tropical-weight hiking

boots; everything else from Crocs to

thongs (flip flops) made from old

tires are available here.

Bring decent waterproof sun

lotion. For a few hours either side of

its zenith, the Sun plays a ferocious

dance on unprotected skin and if

you want to be able to lie down in

your Bali villa rentals without

crying, it’s a must. Sun lotions are

typically not permitted on airlines

today, so it is wise to purchase this

item once you reach your destina-


For in-home entertainment, DVD

movies and audio CD’s are available

here and are great to watch in your

villa rental Bali. These can include

whole collections of your favorite

TC series and the latest movies –

sometimes before they have even

been shown in the cinema or re-

leased for sale. If your country wor-

ries about these goods, be ad-

vised that they may not have been

legally produced or are legal to take

back home!

Feel the

Bali atmosphere and

enjoy every moment

spent on the island.

For more information

about Bali villas

and Bali villas for rent,

please check out

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