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Knights of Columbus

FamilyFaith in action


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PROgRAM HISTORy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2COMMITTEE ROlE AnD RESPOnSIbIlITIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3FAMIly OF THE MOnTH/yEAR RESOuRCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5FAMIly OF THE MOnTH RECORD OF WInnERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6


Table of Contents

ProGram historyAs Knights of Columbus, we have always been dedicatedto the development of strong, vibrant families. In supportof this mission and to create an even greater awareness ofour many outstanding families, the Supreme Councilinstituted the Family of the Month program in 1978.

To participate in the program, your council must firstselect a parish family as the Family of the Month usingthe guidelines explained on page 3 of this booklet. Thencomplete and submit the corresponding Family of theMonth report form to the Supreme Council Departmentof Fraternal Mission. Specify the reasons for the selectionon the bottom of the report. Forms may be obtainedthrough Supplies Online, the supply ordering portalavailable on Officers Online.

On the 15th day of each month — from August throughJuly — Family of the Month reporting forms will bedrawn at random from among all entries received at theSupreme Council office for the previous month. Each ofthe selected families will receive a special Holy Familygift, along with a personal letter of congratulations fromSupreme Knight Carl A. Anderson. These will be sentdirectly to the families at their home addresses.

Remember — as your council selects each Family of theMonth, the appropriate reporting form should becompleted and signed by the grand knight. completedcouncil forms must reach the supreme council officeby the 15th day of the month following the monthdesignated on each individual report form. Dates forreporting are on below.

July Family — Due by August 15

August Family — Due by September 15

September Family — Due by October 15

October Family — Due by November 15

November Family — Due by December 15

December Family — Due by January 15

January Family — Due by February 15

February Family — Due by March 15

March Family — Due by April 15

April Family — Due by May 15

May Family — Due by June 15

June Family — Due by July 15

Family of the Month Supreme Council Selection Deadlines

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Informationcommittee role andresPonsibilities

Each council should establish a committee charged withthe responsibility of selecting a Family of the Montheach month. Set up guidelines to help your committeechoose the most deserving parish family for this honor.listed below are some suggestions that may be helpfulto your committee.

1. Committees should be made up of members whoknow many of the council and parish families andwho want to support family life.

2. Committee members should interview parish priests, neighbors, council members, etc., to getrecommendations, references and evaluationsconcerning families. They should also speak directlyto the families considered.

3. The committee should consider the following factorsin their search for a Family of the Month:

• Is the family tight-knit? Does the family spendquality time together?

• Does the family attend weekly Mass together?Does the family pray together outside of Mass?

• Has the family made significant contributions tothe parish and church community?

• Does the family serve as a model of Catholicfamily values?

4. The Family of the Month committee doesn’t need to seek out a “Super Family” each month. Thecommittee should look for a family that livestraditional Christian family values and deservesrecognition for doing so.

be sure your council honors the chosen Family of the Month. Ask your pastor for permission to present the award every month at Mass. The Supreme Counciloffice has a full-color Family of the Month Certificate(#1843) available to councils for presentation tofamilies selected. The certificate is 8-1/2” x 11” and may be obtained through Supplies Online, the supplyordering portal available on Officers Online.

the holy Family

each month a family from your parish will be honored locally with the chance

to be a supreme council selection!

Recognize andsupport the

development ofstrong families!

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InformationEach year, those councils participating in the Family of the Month program should also select a Family of the year.

When selecting your council’s Family of the year, followguidelines similar to those used by the committee inchoosing each Family of the Month. Eligible Family ofthe year recipients must be a member of the Knights ofColumbus. usually the Family of the year is chosen fromthose families named Family of the Month in thepreceding 12 months. your judging committee shouldconsider whether each family has continued to exemplifythe traits of a solid Catholic family.

Determine which council family stands above the rest inpromotion of the principles of our Church and ourOrder. Which family can best be called the “model”family for all in the parish to follow? In every aspect ofservice to the Church, community and council, as well asto each other, which family most deserves the title,Family of the year?

your council’s Family of the year should also receive afitting tribute. To help you honor your Family of the year,the Supreme Council makes available a full-color Family of the Year Certificate (#1843A). The certificatemeasures 8-1/2” x 11”. Single copies of the certificate areavailable through Supplies Online, the supply orderingportal available on Officers Online.

Individual jurisdictions conduct statewide or provincialFamily of the year competitions each year. The SupremeCouncil’s International Family of the year is chosen fromamong those state and provincial winners.

nOTE: International winners selected may not beemployees of the Knights of Columbus SupremeCouncil. Eligible Family of the year recipients must be amember of the Knights of Columbus. Once your councilselects a Family of the year, use the Family of the yearEntry Form to enter that family into the state/provincialcompetition. Forms may be obtained through SuppliesOnline, the supply ordering portal available on OfficersOnline. Each jurisdiction sets its own deadline for entries(usually in time to honor winners at the stateconvention), so watch for information from your statecouncil and be sure to choose and enter your councilwinner in time for jurisdiction-level competition.

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1843 6/18

Awarded to the family of

who has served as an inspiration to our parish, community and council by supporting and strengthening Catholic Family Life



Knights of Columbus


Grand Knight

Council Number

Family of the Month Certificate (#1843)

6e following factors should be considered when selecting

a Family of the Month:

• Is the family tight-knit? Does the family spend qualitytime together?

• Does the family attend weeklyMass together? Does the family pray togetheroutside of Mass?

• Has the family madesigni,cant contributions to the parish and churchcommunity?

• Does the family serve as a model of Catholic family values?


Date _____ /_____ /______ The family of ________________________________________________________ has been selected as the (Please Print)____________________ Family of the Month for Council ________________ in ____________________________________________ . (Month) (Number) (City, State or Province)

Fully complete this report form by listing the family’s information and qualifications. This will also ensure that the family is entered in the Supreme Council Family of the Month Contest.

Husband: ________________________________ ___________________________ Wife: ________________________________ Membership Number (if applicable)

Home Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________________

Signed: _______________________________________________________ (Grand Knight)

Our council’s Family of the Month was selected for the following reasons:


Children /Ages:



Children /Ages:



Children /Ages:



Email a copy of this document to: [email protected] (Councils should also retain a copy of this completed form for their files)

Families will be randomly selected each month from the forms received and presented with a special Holy Family gift 10668 6/18


Family of the Month Entry Form(#10668)


Explain the entire family’s involvement within the Knights of Columbus:

C. Family InvolvementExplain the entire family’s involvement within the Church:

Explain the entire family’s involvement within the community:

Explain why this family was chosen as the model family in your jurisdiction. Why does this family deserve the distinction of being named Knights of Columbus Family of the Year?

For Jurisdiction Use Only:This family has been chosen Jurisdiction Family of the Year.

Attest: _________________________________________________________________________________ (State Deputy)

10680 6/18

Email a copy of this document to: [email protected] (Councils should also retain a copy of this completed form for their files)

Family of the Year Entry Form (#10680)

1843A 6/18

Awarded to the family of

who has served as an incredible inspiration to our parish, community and council by supporting and strengthening Catholic Family Life



Grand Knight

Council Number


Knights of Columbus

Family of the Year Certificate (#1843A)


Council/Jurisdiction: _________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________

InstructionsLocal Councils: To enter your Family of the Year into jurisdiction competition, complete this form and forward it to the state deputy.Additional paper may be used if space allocated is not sufficient. Photographs, news clippings, letters of commendation or other special exhibits may be included. Note: Individual jurisdictions set their own deadlines for state/provincial competitions, so watch for deadline dates orcontact the state deputy.

Jurisdictions: Select one entry to honor as Jurisdiction Family of the Year. Submit that entry form, with the state deputy’s signature and allcollateral material, to the Supreme Council Department of Fraternal Mission by June 1 for consideration in the International Family of the Yearcompetition.

A. Personal DataMember’s Name: ___________________________________________ ___________________________ (Membership Number)

Wife’s Name: ______________________________________________

Children/Ages: Children/Ages:

____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

Home Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________

Home Telephone: ________________________________________ Business Telephone: ___________________________________

Parish: _________________________________________________ Pastor: _____________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________ Telephone: ___________________________________________

B. Knights of Columbus DataFamily nominated by Council ________________________ in ___________________________________________________________ (Number) (Location)

For how many years has husband/father been a member of the Knights of Columbus? ___________________________________________

Positions (offices/program directorships/chairmanships/committee assignments) held:

continued on back


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July the Family oF: ____________________________________

auGust the Family oF: ____________________________________

sePtember the Family oF: ____________________________________

october the Family oF: ____________________________________

noVember the Family oF: ____________________________________

december the Family oF: ____________________________________

January the Family oF: ____________________________________

February the Family oF: ____________________________________

march the Family oF: ____________________________________

aPril the Family oF: ____________________________________

may the Family oF: ____________________________________

June the Family oF: ____________________________________

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