

scms, and f m 6he movement of bhwe of different culkures from tiheir enrvimment into OUT own. The disru&ng influences of mili- tary service, war and nwtural d iwte r a l l f ir &di%hnal alertness.

BeKIlauBe of the m t e r survival r& and tihe &ohning period of tr&m&, r e h b i l W o n of tbe indivrildwal back in% society will be an increasing responsibility. Furthermore, the rehabilita- tion process will have to begin earlier.

Because of bhe effecb of the an th imbia l drugs, fun&- menW research i n b the nahre of the bacillus itself h w becwne even mom urged. We actually know very 1Wle ahuk tihe iInnnune m&mims twsociated wibh the process of tuberculous infecrtiotn.

Appraisal of specific preventive mewures msrt mntinue wMher these measurn be of vmine nature or whether, as is cur- rently being recommended, they [be of drug charaoter.

The &ides in tukroulwk mntml 510 far effeded have been due to bhe magnificent cooperadion between professional and lay graups 151;s exennrpl.ified by the various voluntary health organiua- ftibns. Tlhe common denominator of +hi's cmperakion has been d u - cation. 'Ibis dueahion must continue at bath professional anld b y levehs - lest we forget.

* * * * * MEETINGS

First International Medical Conference on Mental Retardation. The Eastland Hotel, Portland, Maine. July 27-31, 1959.

* * * * *

42nd annual meeting of The American Dietetic Association, August 25 through 28, 1959, Los Angeles, California. Headquar- ters hotel - The Statler Hilton.


The greatest public health problem at the present time is mental illness. It fills more hospital beds than cancer, heart dis- ease, and tuberculosis combined; and for every totally disabled in- mate of a mental hospital at least two others are living in the outer world, not sick enough to be institutionalized, not well enough to live healthy, happy lives.

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