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Home Ch. 1 Introduction Ch. 2 Strategy and Productivity Ch. 3 Forecasting Ch. 4 Product and Service Design Ch. 5 Strategic Capacity Planning for Products and Services Ch. 5s Decision Making Ch. 6 Process Selection and Facility Layout Ch. 7 Design of Work Systems Ch. 8 Location Planning and Analysis Ch. 8s Transportation Model Ch. 9 Management of Quality Ch.10 Quality Control Ch.11 Supply Chain Management Ch.12 Inventory Management Ch.13 Aggregate Planning Ch.14 MRP and ERP Ch.15 Lean Operations Ch.17 Project Management Chap11 pages 517-521 Pages539-540 Summary for Chapter 10

Ch. 6 Process Selection and Facility LayoutChapter 6 Process Selection and Facility Layout Summary:Objective: Teach you about Process Selection and Facility Layout.

Process Selection is basically the way goods or services are made or delivered, which influences numerous aspects of an organization, including capacity planning, layout of facilities, equipment and design of work systems. Process selection is primarily used during the planning of new products or services that is subject to technological advances and competition. Process selection is dependent on the company's process strategy, which has two main components: capital intensity and process flexibility. Capital Intensity is simply the combination of equipment and labor that an organization uses to accomplish some objective. Process Flexibility is as its name implies: how well a system can be adjusted to meet changes in processing requirements that are interdependent on variables such as product or service design, volume of production, and technology. Facility Layout is simply the way a facility is arranged in order to maximize processes that are not only efficient but effective towards the overall organizational goal. It is also dependent on process selection.

Within those two categories, you will also learn about technology, operations tour, process strategy, designing product layouts, and designing process layouts. The main concept between process selection and facility layout is technology. Technology is a method that is used to improve and develop various services, operation processes, and products. While process selection is used in many organizations, facility layouts signifies the work centers, implementations, and the configuration of departments by special importance on activity of work throughout the system. An example of a layout can be seen with businesses that use automation. Automation is the process of technology-sensing when one task is completed and then automatically beginning another task. This layout is very effective in today's world for mass production. The purpose of layout design is to increase the efficiency and fluidity of work, data through the system, and material.

Exam Questions:1.) An ideal tool to use in line balancing is a/an . (page 264)A. Balance delayB. Assembly lineC. AutomationD. Precedence diagram E. Both a and bE. Cellular production2.) How do we calculate efficiency of a line? (page 265)A. 10% -Percent idle timeB. 15% -Percent idle timeC. 50% -percent idle timeD. 75% -percent idle timeE. 100% -percent idle time3.) What does the acronym CIM stand for? (page 258)A. Computer integrated manufacturingB. Consumer integrated manufactureC. Computer international manufactureD. Customer integrated manufacturingE. Computer internal manufacture4.) Which one is NOT a basic layout type discussed in Chapter 6? (249-260)A. Product layoutsB. Process layoutsC. Design layoutsD. Fixed position layoutE. Combination layouts5.) What is the equation of cycle time? (page 263)A. Operating day per week/desired input rateB. Operating time per week/desired input hoursC. Operating time per month/desired output rateD. Operating time per day/desired output rateE. Operating day per week/desired output rate

*Need to show which one is the correct answers.Question:6) Which of the following is not an example of automation: ( p.245)a). ATMsb). I-passc). automated heating and air conditioningd). Online bankinge). A buffet restaurant.

7). Which of the following tasks can a robot not handle? ( p.247).a) weldingb). testingc). loading and unloading of machines,d). Paintinge). writing a letter

8). Which of the following is a feature(s) of fixed automation? (p.246)

a). minimal variety of productsb). Low cost, high volume.c). Specialized equipment for a fixed sequence of operation.d). a) and b)e). All of above

9). An organization that adopts automation should consider: ( p.246)

a). What level of automation is appropriate?b). How changes should be managed?c). What are the risks of automating?d). How would automation affect the flexibility of an operation system?e). All of the above.

10). Which is a disadvantage(s) of automation? ( p.246)

a). Technology is cheap.b). Automation is more flexible than human laborc). Very high initial costsd). Workers fear losing their jobs to machinese). Both c) and d).

11) The maximum time allowed at each workstation to complete its set of tasks on a unit is referred to as:a) cycle timeb) reciprocal timec) line balancingd) task timee) efficiencyThe answer is a. (found on page 262)

12) Which of the following is a type of processing?a) job shopb) batchc) repetitived) continuouse) all of the aboveThe answer is e. (found on page 239)

13) A(n) _ is a standardized layout arranged according to a fixed sequence of assembly tasks.a) product layoutb) production linec) assembly lined) assembly sequencee) service layoutThe answer is c. (found on page 250)

14) What are the major differences between process layout from product layout?a) process layout is used for intermittent processing and product layout is used for repetitive processingb) process layout is functional and product layout is sequentialc) process layout is sequential and product layout is funtionald) both a and be) none of the aboveThe answer is d. (found on page 253)

15) What areas of technology have a major influence on today's business processes?a) Product and service technologyb) Process technologyc) Information technologyd) Automatic technologye) Answers a, b, & cThe answer is e. ( found on page 238)

16) What three types of technology is operations management primarily concerned with?a. Information, assistive, instructionalb. Product, instructional, servicec. Product and service, process, informationd. Information, product, alternativee. Assistive, process, informationAnswer: C (pg.238)

17) Which of the following will NOT yield competitive advantages for companies?

a. Lowering costsb. Increasing productivityc. Expanding processing capabilitiesd. Lowering pricese. Increasing qualityAnswer: D (pg. 239)

18) Which of the following is NOT one of the five basic process type?

a. Batchb. Strategicc. Repetitived. Continuouse. ProjectAnswer: B (pg. 239)

19) Which of these are a disadvantage(s) to the continuous process?

a. Rigidityb. Lack of varietyc. Costly to changed. Very high cost of downtimee. All of the aboveAnswer: E (pg. 241)

20) Which type of process is sometimes referred to as assembly?

a. Repetitiveb. Job shopc. Continuousd. Projecte. StrategicAnswer: A (pg. 240 & 241)

21) An eyeglass repair shop would be best matched with which basic process type?

a. Continuousb. Job Shopc. Repetitived. Batche. ProjectAnswer: B. Job Shop (p. 239)

22) Products and services often go through life cycles that begin with:

a. high volumeb. standardized products/servicesc. low volumed. customized products/servicese. moderate volumeAnswer: C. low volume (p. 241)

23) Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding process types?

a. They influence many activities of the organizationb. Job shop, batch, repetitive and continuous are typically ongoing operationsc. They always exist in their pure formsd. Manager must know when to shift from one process type to the nexte. Hybrid processes have elements of other process types embedded in themAnswer: C. They always exist in their pure forms (p. 241-243)

24) Answering which question will guide the process selection?

a. What is the expected volume of output?b. How much variety in products/services will the system need to handle?c. What degree of equipment flexibility will be needed?d. All of the abovee. None of the above matter in selecting a processAnswer: D. All of the above (p.239)

25) Which process type has the disadvantage of a moderate cost per unit?

a. Repetitiveb. Continuousc. Job Shopd. Projecte. BatchAnswer: E. Batch (p.241)

26) Which of the following types of processing is used for production of customized goods or services?

a. Batchb. Repetitivec. Job Shopd. Continuouse. ProjectAnswer: C: Job Shop p. 241

27) Robot is a machine consisting of a mechanical arm, power supply, and a(n) _.

a. Controllerb. Computerc. Assembly Lined. Product Linee. Product LayoutAnswer: A: Controller p.247

28) Which facility layout utilizes stationary products, move workers, and materials as needed?

a. Fixed Positionb. Productc. Processd. CADe. RobotAnswer: A: Fixed Position p.254

29) The management of Tiffanys designs an output rate of 200 units of silver pendants per 8-hour day. What is the cycle time? (The tasks times and precedence relationships are shown below).1 .4 .2 .1 .4

a. .42b. 2.4c. 100d. 240e. 8Answer: B: 2.4 p.263

30) Which diagram shows the elemental tasks and requirements?a.) Product Layout Diagramb.) Precedence Diagramc.) Line Balancing Diagramd.) Muther Grid Diagrame.) None of the aboveAnswer: B. p. 264

31) Machinery that has sensing and control devices that enable operate automatically is known as:

a. Automation (pg.245)b. Product Profilingc. Projectsd. Varietye. Technology

32) Standardized layout arranged according to a fixed sequence of assembly tasks refers to a(n):

a. Product lineb. Product Layoutc. Assembly Line (pg.250)d. Process Layoute. None of the Above

33) Job Shop, Batch, Repetitive, Continuous, and project are all types of:

a. technologiesb. Process Types (pg. 239)c. Forms of competitive advantagesd. Process designe. None of the above

34) Which of the following enables an organization to quickly convert a machine or process to produce a different (but similar) product type:

a. Fixed-position layoutb. Single-minute exchange of die (SMED) (pg. 255)c. Combination layoutsd. Cellular productione. None of the Above

35) A robot consists of which of the following?

a. mechanical armb. power supplyc. controllerd. Both a and c are correct.e. All of the above (pg. 247)

36) What is the efficiency of a line with a balance delay of 20%? (p. 265)

a. 60%b. 100%c. 80%d. 120%e. 40%

37) What is the cycle time if 500 minutes per day were spent making 25 units? (p. 263)

a. 20 products per minuteb. One product every 20 minutesc. 25 products per minuted. One product every 25 minutese. None of the above

38) What is the output rate if the operating time per day is 500 minutes and the cycle time is 2.5 minutes per unit? (p. 263)

a. 100 units every minuteb. One unit every 100 minutesc. 200 units every minuted. One unit every 200 minutese. None of the above

39) What is defined as the maximum time allowed at each workstation to complete its set of tasks on a unit? (p. 262)

a. Line balancingb. Maximum output ratec. Cycle timed. Maximum cycle timee. Balance delay

40) Line balancing is best used in which type of layout? (p. 261)

a. Process layoutb. Cellular layoutc. Fixed-position layoutd. Product layoute. Flexible manufacturing systems

41) What factors should be carefully considered before marketing a new technological innovation?

a. What technology do and will not do.b. Economic constraints.c. Integration costs.d. Human factors.e. All of the above ( page 239, Technological Acquisition)

42) Which of the following is relevant in the redesign of layouts for facilities?

a. Inefficient operations.b. Safety hazards.c. Very low profits.d. Customer satisfactione. a and b (page 249, Facilities layout)

43) In general, the three kinds of automation is?

a, fixed, programmable, agile.b. fixed, flexible, programmable (page 246).c, variable, agile, flexible.d. adjustable, solid, non-open source.e. reliable, efficient, favorable.

44) The main advantages for product layout do not include which of the following?

a. A high rate of output.b. Preventative maintenance ( page 252).c. Labor specialization.d. Low unit cost due to high volumes.e. A high utilization of labor and equipment.

45) Which of the following information is not required for the design of process layouts?

a. Employee approval of the new process ( processes) Pages 271-272.b. projection of future work flows between the various work centers.c. Cost between locations and the unit cost to move the loads between locations.d. The amount of money to be invested in the layout.e. Location of key utilities, access and exit points, loading docks, etc.

46) Which of the following are NOT associated with product layouts?

A. rapid flowB. sequential layoutC. repetitive processingD. highly standardized goodsE. non-repetitive processing (pg 252)

47) Which of the following are true regarding process layouts?

A. routing and scheduling pose continual challenges (pg 253)B. it is common in service environmentsC. utilization rates are highD. repetitive processingE. all of the above

48) When is a fixed-position project used?

A. Small projectsB. Large projects (pg 254)C. Micro projectsD. none of the aboveE. A & C

49) Part families is related to:

A. Process layoutB. Product layoutC. Cellular layout (pg 255)D. Combination layoutE. None of the above

50) Which layout is less efficient and has higher unit production costs than product layouts?

A. Process (254)B. Fixed-PositionC. They are all the sameD. CellularE. Process and Fixed-Position

51) Choose the best process you would need for the following project: custom-made handbag that requires a lot of detailed work.

A. RepetitiveB. Assembly Line workersC. Job ShopD. BatchE. Projects(C) Job Shop Page. 239

52) A group of machines that include supervisory computer control, automatic handling, and robots or other automated processing is_.

A. Job ShopB. FMS ( flexible manufacturing system)C. Group TechnologyD. CIM ( Computer-Integrated Manufacturing)E. Mixed Mode(B) FMS ( flexible manufacturing system) Page 258

53) The equation for cycle time is

A. Output/Labor HoursB. Output/ Total CostC. Cycle time per unit/OutputD. Operating Time/Desired Output RateE. Total Hours Worked/ Desired Output Rate(D) Operating Time/Desired Output Rate Page 263

54) Compute the output rate. Fixed units per hour 500. Operating time per day 200 mins. Cycle Time is 1.0 per unit. CM per unit is 5. Total Units is 1000.

A. 5000B. 700C. 4500D. 1000E. 200(E).200 Equation found on page 263

55) Operations management is concerned with which of the following technologies:

A. Product and ServiceB. InnovationC. ITD. A&CE. B&C(D) A&C Page 238

56) The work required to produce a widget can be separated into five fundamental tasks. With the task times and precedence relationships shown in the following diagram, what are the minimum and maximum cycle times for a widget production?

-->0.3 min.-->0.9 min.-->0.1 min.-->0.5 min.-->0.2 min-->

a) 0.3 min.; 0.2 min.b) 0.1 min.; 2.0 min.c) 0.9 min.; 2.0 min.d) 0.3 min.; 0.1 min.e) 0.1 min.; 0.9 min.Answer: C),0.9 min.; 2.0 min. pg. 263

57) In one of the assembly lines with 5 stations, the supervisor notices that the idle time per cycle is 0.5 min in the 1.0 min cycle time. What is the efficiency of this line?

a) 10%b) 90%c) 97.5%d) 2.5%e) 85%Answer: B), 90% pg. 265

58) Which of the following are reasons why businesses utilize line balancing to improve their business processes?

a) It allows us to use labor and equipment more efficiently.b) To increase the idle time of each assembly line.c) To avoid fairness issues that arise when one workstation must work harder than another.d) To create issues with morality that arise between workers at slower and faster stations.e) Both a) and c) are correct.Answer: E); Both a) and c) are correct. pg. 262

59) What are the advantages of using a continuous process types?

a) Very efficientb) Very high volumec) Able to handle a wide variety of workd) a) and b) are correct.e) All of the above are correct.Answer: D); a) and b) are correct. pg. 241

60) Which of the following are NOT benefits of using a flexible manufacturing system?

a) Able to handle a relatively narrow range of part variety.b) Offers reduced labor costs.c) Offers consistent quality compared to traditional manufacturing methods.d) Utilize lower capital investment.e) Offer higher flexibility than "hard" automation.Answer: A)Able to handle a relatively narrow range of part variety., pg. 258

61) What is a common goal in design process layout?

A) Minimize workersB) Minimize transportation costC) Increase volume productionD) Increase effectivenessE) None of the above are correctAnswer: B)Able to handle a relatively narrow range of part variety. page 271

62) Which of the following is not information required in the design process layout?

A) The amount of money to be invested in the layoutB) The location of key utilities, access and exit points, loading docks, and so on.C) A projection of future work flows between various work centers.D) The number of managers and workers involved.E) The distance between locations and the cost per unit of distance to move loads between locations.Answer: D) The number of managers and workers 271, 272

63) HoIn closeness ratings how is the information summarized?

A) DiagramB) GridC) ReportD) Flow chartE) Bar chartAnswer: B) page 273

64) The problems that majority of layouts have involve which of the following:A) Single locationsB) Multiple locationsC) Insufficient layout informationD) Size of equipmentE) Dimension of the buildingAnswer: A) page 270

65) What is a major obstacle when trying to find the most efficient layout of a department?

A) Amount of space equipment and labor will use.B) Layout of buildingC) Type of equipment being usedD) Location of key utilitiesE) Large number of possible assignmentsAnswer: E) page 27

(66) The process of assigning tasks to workstations in such a way that the workstations have approximately equal time requirements is called:

A) equal balancingB) cycle timeC) idle time analysisD) line balancingE) none of the aboveAnswer: D) page. 262

(67) Crayola LLC, maker of Crayola products, produces nearly 3 billion crayons each year. What type of processing does Crayola has?

A) job shopB) batchC) repetitive/assemblyD) continuousE) none of the aboveAnswer: C) page. 240

(68) Which of the following type of processing system is used for highly standardized products?

A) batchB) projectC) continuousD) job shopE) none of the aboveAnswer: C) p. 240Help About Blog Pricing Privacy Terms Support UpgradeContributions to are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 3.0 License. Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 3.0 LicensePortions not contributed by visitors are Copyright 2015 Tangient LLC

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