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Strategies for Biodiversity Conservation and

Sustainable Development

Caroly A. Shumway

The Biodiversity Support Program

A USAID-Funded Consortium ofWorld Wildlife Fund,

The Nature Conservancy,and World Resources Institute

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Shumway, Caroly A. 1999. Forgotten waters: Freshwater and marine ecosystems in Africa. Strategies for biodiversity conservation andsustainable development. © Boston University.

This publication was prepared under a grant from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Printing anddistribution were made possible through support provided to the Biodiversity Support Program (BSP) by the Global Bureau of USAID,under the terms of Cooperative Agreement number DHR-5554-A-00-8044-00, and the New England Aquarium. The Biodiversity Sup-port Program is a consortium of World Wildlife Fund, The Nature Conservancy, and World Resources Institute, funded by the USAID.The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the other supportinginstitutions.

Cover art and design by Javene Jones, Design Dept., New England Aquarium. Copy editing by Jennifer Goebel, New England Aquarium.Layout by Michael Matthews, AMEX International.

For more information and/or copies of this publication, contact: Dr. Caroly Shumway, Departments of Conservation and Research, NewEngland Aquarium, Central Wharf, Boston, MA, USA 02110-3399. Tel.: 617-973-6570, Fax: 617-973-0242, email: [email protected];web:

Printed by Global Printing, Inc., Alexandria, VA

Printed on recycled paper

Page 3: F WATERS: F AND MARINE ECOSYSTEMS · ii Shumway, Caroly A. 1999. Forgotten waters: Freshwater and marine ecosystems in Africa. Strategies for


Page For Read

vii. right column,3rd paragraph, last line: pages 67-87 pages 67-69

ix, left column,section 3, 1st bullet: page 77 pages 77-83

67, right column,4th line: Olson et al. (1997) Olson et al. (1998)

84, left column,middle of page: [email protected]. [email protected].

92, right column,2nd line: Table 8 Table 9

97, right column,2nd line: See Chapter 6 See pp. 67-68

162, right column,2nd paragraph, 9th line Figure 68 Figure 69

166, left column,7th line: Figure 69 Figure 68

Forgotten Waters: Freshwater and Marine Ecosystems – Strategies for BiodiversityConservation and Sustainable Development / Caroly A. Shumway

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Foreword ...................................................................................................................................................................v

Acknowledgments ................................................................................................................................................... vi

Executive Summary ............................................................................................................................................... vii

Chapter 1: Introduction ...........................................................................................................................................1

Chapter 2: Why Has Aquatic Conservation Been Neglected? ..............................................................................4

Chapter 3: Why Should African Aquatic Conservation Be Supported Now? ....................................................7

A. It Makes Developmental Sense .......................................................................................................................8B. The Value of African Freshwater and Marine Ecosystems..............................................................................8

1. Their socio-economic value ........................................................................................................................82. Their ecological value ...............................................................................................................................13

C. The Link Between Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystems ................................................................................15Box: The Importance of Rivers to Terrestrial Conservation: Ephemeral Rivers in Namibia ........................16

D. The Link Between Freshwater and Marine Ecosystems ...............................................................................17E. It Makes Conservation Sense ........................................................................................................................17

Chapter 4: Overview of Important African Freshwater/Marine Habitats ........................................................19

A. Freshwater Habitats ......................................................................................................................................201. Geographic overview of diversity .............................................................................................................202. Freshwater species .....................................................................................................................................223. Rivers and streams.....................................................................................................................................224. Lakes .........................................................................................................................................................235. Freshwater wetlands ..................................................................................................................................25

B. Marine/Coastal Habitats ................................................................................................................................291. Geographic overview ................................................................................................................................292. Marine species ...........................................................................................................................................313. Mangroves .................................................................................................................................................324. Coastal wetlands and associated habitats ..................................................................................................345. Coral reefs .................................................................................................................................................35

C. Summary Maps .............................................................................................................................................36D. Internationally Recognized Protected Areas .................................................................................................42

Chapter 5: Threats To Africa’s Aquatic Ecosystems ...........................................................................................49

A. Policy Deficiencies and Inadequate Planning ...............................................................................................50B. Introduction of Exotic Species ......................................................................................................................51

Box: Introduced Species and African Lakes ..................................................................................................53C. Overfishing ....................................................................................................................................................54D. Deforestation .................................................................................................................................................56E. Agricultural, Municipal and Industrial Pollution ...........................................................................................57

Case Study: The Rivers and Streams of Madagascar ....................................................................................58F. Conversion of Sites for Agricultural Production ............................................................................................59G. Conversion of Sites for Aquaculture .............................................................................................................60H. Water Diversion.............................................................................................................................................61I. Global Climate Change ..................................................................................................................................63J. Synergistic Effects ..........................................................................................................................................65

Case Study: Multiple Threats to West African Mangroves ............................................................................65

Table of Contents

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Chapter 6: What Can Be Done? ............................................................................................................................66

A. How Should Sites Be Selected For Conservation Action?............................................................................67B. Improve Institutional Capacity ......................................................................................................................69C. Encourage Appropriate Policies ....................................................................................................................71

1. Principles of integrated coastal zone management ....................................................................................72Box: A New Approach: Using Market Forces to Protect Aquatic Biodiversity .............................................76

D. Involve the Community .................................................................................................................................771. Integrated Conservation and Development Projects ..................................................................................772. Community Management ..........................................................................................................................833. Bio-regional, or Ecosystem, Management ................................................................................................844. Community Monitoring .............................................................................................................................855. The Importance of Public Awareness ........................................................................................................86

E. Support Research: Address Gaps in Our Scientific Knowledge that Are Important for Aquatic Conservation ................................................................................................88F. Mimic Natural Disturbance Regimes: Maintain or Restore Natural Hydrological Cycles ............................89G. Establish Critical Aquatic Reserves ..............................................................................................................91

1. People Must be Part of the Process ...........................................................................................................912. Benefits of Aquatic Reserves to Conservation and Fisheries ....................................................................923. Differences Between Terrestrestrial and Aquatic Conservation ................................................................964. Where Should a Reserve be Located? .......................................................................................................975. Considerations of Size and Shape .............................................................................................................976. Total Catchment Management .................................................................................................................102Box: Importance of Land Protection Within a Watershed ...........................................................................102

H. Develop Sustainable Fisheries ....................................................................................................................102

Chapter 7: Case Studies for the Conservation and Sustainable Development of Africa’s AquaticBiodiversity:Why, Where, and How? ...........................................................................................................107

Areas 1, 2, and 3: The African Great Lakes ................................................................................................1081. Lake Victoria (abuts Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania) .....................................................................................1102. Lake Tanganyika (abuts Burundi, Rwanda, Zaire, Zambia, Tanzania) ...................................................1123. Lake Malawi (abuts Tanzania, Malawi, Mozambique) ...........................................................................1154. Madagascar’s lakes and wetlands ............................................................................................................1195. Okavango River wetland, Namibia .........................................................................................................1196. Uganda’s wetlands...................................................................................................................................1207. Rufiji Delta/Mafia Island (Tanzania) .......................................................................................................1208. Delta du Saloum - Gambia/Senegal ........................................................................................................1229. Guinea-Bissau’s mangroves ....................................................................................................................12210. East Africa’s Coral Reefs ......................................................................................................................12211. Inner Niger Delta, Mali ........................................................................................................................ 12312. Lake Chad, Niger ..................................................................................................................................12413. Diawling/Djoudj wetlands, Mauritania and Senegal .............................................................................12414. Bazaruto Archipelago, Mozambique .....................................................................................................124

Chapter 8: Conclusion .........................................................................................................................................126

Chapter 9: Bibliography ......................................................................................................................................127

Chapter 10: Annex ................................................................................................................................................148

A. Regional Initiatives ....................................................................................................................................149B. List of Acronyms .........................................................................................................................................150C. Scientific Glossary ......................................................................................................................................152D. Keyword Index ............................................................................................................................................154E. Case Study: Lake Victoria ...........................................................................................................................162

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Over the last several years, the world’s biodiversity cri-sis, and its implications for human development, has be-come clear. Solutions must be found for the problems cre-ated by humans for other life, for otherwise both humansand wildlife will continue to suffer. The situation is mostcritical for nations that rely on natural resources for eco-nomic development, such as those in Africa. As the WorldBank notes, “sub-Saharan Africa depends more on its en-vironmental resource base for its economic and socialneeds than any other region in the world” (EnvironmentMatters, 1996). African nations simply cannot afford tolose their wildlife and the ecological services they pro-vide, including the animals under water and those associ-ated with water. It is for this reason that integrated ap-proaches to conservation and development are necessary.

Although African governments, donors, and NGOs haverecognized the importance of the continent’s terrestrialbiodiversity to human development, the rich biologicalheritage of Africa’s aquatic systems -- its lakes, rivers andstreams, wetlands, and coral reefs -- is being rapidly de-graded. This is not unique to Africa. Aquatic biodiversityhas been neglected worldwide.

In an attempt to help stem the loss of Africa’s aquaticbiodiversity, the U.S. Agency for InternationalDevelopment’s (USAID) Africa Bureau commissioned


this report. Essentially, this report provides a primer onAfrican aquatic biodiversity, lessons learned from suc-cessful and failed conservation projects, and practical ref-erences for various aspects of conservation planning andmanagement. The goal of this report is to provide practi-cal advice for conservation planners and to increase fund-ing and activities in this area. The report is based on anextensive literature review and synthesis, site visits to anumber of African countries, dialogue with internationaland African colleagues, and the author’s own conserva-tion experience over the last eight years. The report pro-vides an overview of the value of such systems, identifiesthe biologically and socio-economically most importantsites, discusses threats, and recommends activities forurgent conservation action. The report addresses all ofAfrica’s aquatic biodiversity, both freshwater and marine,because one of the key principles of aquatic conservationis the interdependence of such systems, and the interde-pendence between aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems aswell. Hence the following aquatic habitats and their as-sociated flora and fauna are addressed: lakes, rivers andstreams, wetlands (including floodplains, freshwaterswamps, also known as marais; mangroves; and coastalwetlands), and coral reefs. Associated wildlife includeall terrestrial and aquatic organisms whose survival de-pends on wet habitats. Pelagic areas of the oceans areaddressed briefly.

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My deepest thanks to Tim Resch, Tropical Forestry andBiodiversity Specialist of the USAID/Africa Bureau, forsuggesting this topic. His encouragement and advice wereinvaluable throughout the lengthy project. Many thanksalso to Gary Cohen (USAID/AFR/ARTS/FARA) for sup-porting this effort, and to the Biodiversity Support Pro-gram for its support and financial assistance in publish-ing the document — particularly Kate Newman, JuliaBrown-Karki, Bruce Leighty, Judy Oglethorpe, and KathySaterson. Many thanks to the USDA for supporting edit-ing costs, and to Michael Matthews, of AMEX Interna-tional, for layout. A sincere thanks to the New EnglandAquarium for its editorial and design support, particu-larly Jennifer Goebel for copy editing, Javene Jones forthe cover art and design, Paul Erickson for the use of hisphotographs, Kathy LeBlanc and Jonathan Place for de-sign advice. This study was conducted in partial fulfill-ment of an American Association for the Advancementof Science (AAAS) Science and Diplomacy Fellowship,and would not have been possible without this funding.


Special thanks to all of those who graciously gave theirtime and insights, including: Tundi Agardy, Rod Fujita,Marea Hatziolos, Indumathi Hewawasam, IUCN (Kenyaand Uganda), Les Kaufman, Tim McClanahan, RosemarieLowe-McConnell, Joshua Sladek Nowlis, David Obura,Judy Oglethorpe, Harry Reah, Gordon McGregor Reid,Lyn Robinson, Thayer Scudder, George Shumway, JackSobel, Jay Stauffer, Melanie Stiassny, Lamarr Trott,George Turner, Dennis Tweddle, USAID/Kenya, USAID/Malawi, and Mwanja Wilson. Special thanks to EmmaUnderwood and Michele Thieme of World Wildlife Fund-US for use of the WWF-US map of freshwater ecoregions.Many thanks to Todd Wendell and Ashley Johnson fortheir assistance with the text and figures, and a myriad ofother details. Finally, I would like to give special thanksto my husband Denny Zemba for his patience and en-couragement throughout the many nights and weekendsI devoted to this topic, in Washington, the South Pacific,and Rhode Island, and for his assistance in editing.

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Executive Summary

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Why should we care about the biodiversity of Africanfreshwater or marine systems? Governments, donors, andnongovernmental organizations (NGOs) should care be-cause there are sound economic and developmental rea-sons for expanding effort in aquatic conservation and sus-tainable development. The people of sub-Saharan Africacritically depend on biological resources for food, shel-ter, and income, and will continue to do so for years tocome (BSP, 1993). Sustainable use of fish and otheraquatic fauna can yield increased income, broader par-ticipation in economic enterprises, better nutrition, and agreater integration of natural resource concerns into de-velopment programs. Africa’s fisheries are in fact criti-cal, both economically and nutritionally as they providea large portion of the people’s protein needs in a conti-nent where malnourishment is common. From a purelyutilitarian standpoint, governments and donors shouldcare because protecting the aquatic world, which con-tains more phyla than that of land, protects much of theplanet’s genetic diversity. Such diversity is invaluable tomankind for its medicinal, chemical, nutritional and sci-entific utility.

Aquatic ecosystems provide innumerable economic andecological benefits (reviews: Ewel, 1997; Postel and Car-penter, 1997; Peterson and Lubchenco, 1997; Kaufmanand Dayton, 1997). For example, wetlands provide waste-water treatment, aid in flood control, act as feeding, breed-ing, and nursery grounds for fishes, purify water supplies,protect coastal areas, and are the source of a variety ofproducts which can be harvested sustainably.

Governments, donors, and NGOs also should care be-cause Africa has considerable aquatic treasures, contain-ing a rich diversity of life. Although the continent has toomany important sites to list here, some important areasinclude: the Zaire River basin (one of the most species-rich in the world); Africa’s Great Lakes -- Tanganyika,Malawi, and Victoria -- each of which harbors an amaz-ing diversity of cichlid and other fishes; the Sudd swamp,the largest swamp in the world (harboring the richest birdlife of any of the African wetlands); the Okavango Delta;the mangroves of Guinea-Bissau, Gambia, and Tanzania;Madagascar’s endemic freshwater fishes (more threatenedthan its terrestrial species); and East Africa’s coral reefs.

Unfortunately, the productivity and diversity of Africa’saquatic ecosystems, so important to the livelihood, if notsurvival, of its peoples, are threatened by a plethora ofshort-sighted activities. These include both aquatic andland-use decisions, such as the introduction of exotic spe-cies; overfishing; deforestation; agricultural, municipal,and industrial pollution; conversion of sites for agricul-ture and aquaculture; changes in the water regime result-

ing from water diversion and large-scale irrigation; poorland-use planning; inappropriate policies; and global cli-mate change. Many sites face multiple threats. As theEnvironmental Defense Fund (EDF, 1994) notes, “Addto this our very incomplete knowledge about the ecologyof most aquatic species,” not to mention limitedtaxononomic knowledge and incomplete information onspecies distributions, “and any hope for simple solutionsvanishes.”

However, steps can be taken now to reverse or halt some ofthe damage to African aquatic ecosystems. It is not too late.

The following proposed recommendations will contrib-ute to the sustainable utilization and conservation ofaquatic biodiversity in Africa. In deciding where to pro-vide financial or technical assistance, however, one mustcarefully consider the conservation feasibility of a givensite. In other words, is the national and local governmentinterested and committed? Are local communities inter-ested in conserving and better managing their resources?A description of some of the criteria to be considered isincluded on pages 67-87.

A. Summary ofRecommendations

1. Improve institutional capacity.

• Support regional, or transboundary, collaboration.• Within a country, enhance inter-agency coordination and

management among those agencies impacting aquaticecosystems and their wildlife. Strengthen wetland andcoastal management institutions such that they havepower over land-use decisions affecting their areas.

• Strengthen the institutional capacity of local NGOsinvolved in aquatic conservation.

• Improve the institutional capacity for water qualitymonitoring. Develop national aquatic monitoring stan-dards for measuring nutrient and toxicity levels, sedi-mentation, turbidity, and habitat destruction. Appro-priate monitoring methods and standards can be modi-fied from existing efforts in Africa and elsewhere.

• Assist with training and education in aquatic conserva-tion and fisheries science. Consider establishing schol-arships, with the requirement that awardees apply whatthey learn by providing a certain number of years of ser-vice in that area in Africa following completion.

• Provide technical and economic assistance for biologi-cal control of exotic plants and animals.

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• Provide financial and/or technical assistance to com-munity-generated conservation and management ini-tiatives, i.e., initiatives that start from the ground up.

• Build partnerships between the public and private sec-tor, and between the government and local communi-ties.

2. Encourage appropriate economic andsectoral policies.

• Encourage the development of a more integrated ap-proach to water and land-use planning.

• Support integrated river basin planning and develop-ment. Consider the views of all stakeholders in the pro-cess. Actively involve NGOs in planning efforts. Les-sons learned from integrated coastal zone managementefforts are described on pages 72-75.

• Assist in the development of national economic andsectoral policies which encourage sound water use andconserve wetlands. Review water, forestry, agricultural,tax and other relevant policies to determine how theycontribute to wetland loss and degradation of other fresh-water habitats. Eliminate water subsidies. Develop real-istic pricing of the ecological services aquatic systemsprovide; use the fees for conservation efforts. Considermarket-based incentives, such as compensated watertransfers, tradeable non-point pollution permits, etc.

• Help develop policies limiting and regulating the in-troduction of exotic species.

• For recommendations on fisheries policies, see pages102-106.

3. Involve the community.

• Support well-designed integrated conservation and de-velopment projects, where appropriate. When success-ful, expand to broader landscape. Lessons learned aredescribed on page 77.

• Consider community management or bioregional man-agement, where appropriate.

• Encourage community involvement in monitoring. Anoverview of simple methods, along with informationabout sources for community monitoring is describedon pages 85-86.

• For a given site, consider which human behaviors havethe greatest impact on resources under threat, and whatthe motivating factors are. Design public awarenessefforts to address the diversity of motivating factors.

4. Support needed research.

• Support studies on the ecological and developmentaleffects of varying the timing and volume of artificialflood releases at a variety of African dams. This knowl-edge will help in modeling various options for artifi-cial releases.

• Develop models for wetland utilization which allowuse while conserving ecological integrity.

• Improve decision-making methodologies for wetlandand river basin planners. Help create a support systemof scientists and environmental economists to assistwith constructing alternative development options.

• Support research assessing the effect of size of marinereserves on adjacent fisheries productivity, and onmaintaining biodiversity within the reserve.

• Support research on the development of sustainableaquaculture systems, using indigenous freshwater ormarine resources.

• Support pilot aquatic restoration studies.• Support studies examining the impact of sedimenta-

tion on various coral communities. This knowledge willfacilitate predictions of impact in coastal zone plan-ning.

• Support small-scale experiments in East Africa to as-sess the impact of removing sea urchins from over-fished, unprotected areas.

• The following basic research is needed: regional ma-rine surveys, and the development and/or expansionof national marine and freshwater databases.

5. Mimic natural disturbance regimes:maintain or restore natural hydrologicalcycles.

• Modify existing dams to allow artificial releases. Boththe timing and volume of release should be modifiedto better mimic natural spatial and temporal variabil-ity, taking into account ecological and all stakeholderneeds. Such an effort is a necessarily iterative one, aswe learn about ecological requirements.

• If future dams are planned, support design efforts toallow sediment transport downstream.

6. Assist with the establishment of criticalaquatic reserves, which can provide bothconservation and fisheries benefits.

• Discussion of principles of aquatic reserve design isprovided on pages 92-102.

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7. Assist with the development ofsustainable fisheries, i.e., fisheriescompatible with biodiversity goals.

• Adopt a precautionary approach for fisheries and othercoastal resources. Incorporate into national legislationthe currently voluntary FAO code for responsible fish-eries. See pages 102-103 for more detail.

• Incorporate aquatic reserves as part of a fisheries man-agement strategy.

• Enhance collaboration and cooperation between fish-eries departments and departments of wildlife andconservation.

• Encourage governments to work with fishers to de-sign locally appropriate fisheries regulations. Fisher-ies regulations should be developed in conjunction withthe relevant local communities. Work with governmentsand traditional authorities to determine the extent towhich traditional conservation and resource practicescould be re-established or strengthened and reinforcedby laws. Boost the capacity of fisheries departmentsand/or communities to monitor and enforce fisheriesregulations. Support community-based management orco-management, where feasible.

• Work to reduce dynamiting and poisoning in East Af-rican reef fisheries. Work with fishers for the aquariumtrade to ensure they are collecting the fish sustainably.

• Help reduce bycatch, waste, and overexploitation by:encouraging the development of artisanal fisheries us-ing selective gear; encouraging fishermen to diversify

their choice of fish, and assisting with the marketingof diverse species; and improving methods of fish han-dling and preservation through training at technicalworkshops.

• Encourage integrated aquaculture. In addition, supporttraditional aquaculture methods, utilizing indigenousspecies, where possible.

• Where overfishing is a problem, support the develop-ment of alternative livelihoods for fishers, workingtogether with those fishers directly affected.

The case study section on pages 107-124 shows how someof these recommendations might be applied to specificareas, including:

1. Lake Victoria2. Lake Tanganyika3. Lake Malawi4. Madagascar’s lakes, streams, and wetlands5. Okavango River wetland (Namibia)6. Uganda’s wetlands7. Rufiji Delta/Mafia Island (Tanzania)8. Delta du Saloum mangroves (Gambia/Senegal)9. Guinea-Bissau’s mangroves10. East Africa’s coral reefs:

A) Madagascar;B) Other East African reefs

11. Inner Niger Delta (Mali)12. Lake Chad (Niger)13. Diawling/Djoudj wetlands (Senegal/Mauritania)14. Bazaruto Archipelago (Mozambique)

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Chapter 1.Introduction

“Everything is water, water is all.”Thales (ca. 624-546 B.C.)

While all life depends upon water, the life within water isoften forgotten. Photo credit: Dennis Zemba.

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Life on Earth depends upon water. Water comprises 99%of our own bodies and covers 71% of the earth’s surface.Too often, however, the life within water is forgotten. Thebiological diversity of aquatic areas is neglected world-wide, even in coral reefs that rival tropical rain forests intheir extraordinary diversity of life.

Freshwater fauna are particularly neglected. Yet in termsof vertebrate biodiversity, freshwater ecosystems also ri-val tropical rain forests. Twenty thousand species of fishmake up more than half of all vertebrate biodiversity;8,000 of these species live in freshwater (Bone andMarshall, 1982). In sum, nearly 25% of the earth’s verte-brate biodiversity is found in less than .001% of the earth’swater (Stiassny, 1999). Freshwater ecosystems nowstruggle to survive in the face of man’s ever-increasingdemand for water. Since 1940, the world’s population hasdoubled but its water consumption has almost quadrupled,primarily for agricultural uses (Stiassny, 1999). Numer-ous freshwaters have been degraded as a result of pollu-tion and sedimentation. As a result of these and otherthreats, over 20% of freshwater fishes worldwide may bethreatened or endangered, a startling number in compari-son with terrestrial and marine species (Andrews andKaufman, 1994). This loss is occurring in developed anddeveloping countries alike. The Species Survival Com-mission (1998) notes that wherever surveys are conducted,more threatened freshwater species are found. More thanone-third of North American freshwater fish species, forexample, are considered rare, threatened, endangered, orextinct, a far greater proportion than the continent’s birdsor mammals (Master, 1990, cited in EDF, 1994). The AralSea, once the world’s fourth largest water body, has losttwo-thirds of its volume due to water diversion, resultingin a nearly complete loss of its valuable ecosystems andfisheries (Postel, 1996). Fishes are not the only species atrisk: freshwater molluscs, crustaceans, amphibians, and57% of turtles, tortoises, and terrapins, most of which arefreshwater species, are threatened as well (SSC, 1998).Twenty percent of threatened insects have aquatic larvalstages (McAllister et al., 1997).

Africa has a wealth of freshwater species (Figure 1).Equally importantly, numerous African populations aredependent on freshwater resources for their survival. Tho-mas (1996) notes that “conservation of wetlands, cer-tainly in sub-Saharan Africa, is as much for the sake ofthe economic well-being of the people who depend uponthem, as for the sake for their value for wildlife.” Forexample, the floodplains of Mali’s Inner Niger Delta area highly productive ecosystem that has supported over550,000 Malians (including pastoralists, farmers and fish-ermen), domestic animals, and wildlife for a thousandyears (Webster, 1994; IUCN, 1990b). Floodplain grasses

contain a relatively high protein content, making themespecially good livestock fodder (Gaudet, 1992). Pasto-ral communities synchronize their livestock cycle to theannual river flood, moving their herds onto arid, rain-fedrangelands as the waters rise, and back onto the flood-plain as the water recedes. The postflood plain pasturesof the delta support the highest density of herds in Africa,including cattle, sheep and goats, as well as over 170,000hectare (ha) of rice (Webster, 1994). During drought andbefore rice harvests, the people depend on the naturalproduction of wild grains in the delta. During times offlood, 80,000 fishermen depend on the fish catch, whichamounts to over 61,000 tons (IUCN, 1990b). In addition,most of the African lakes and rivers, and a number ofAfrican wetlands support tribes whose livelihood has his-torically depended upon fishing.

Unfortunately, Africa’s freshwaters may also be amongthe most vulnerable to threats. Because it has more semi-arid and desert areas than any other continent and hassuch a rapidly increasing human population, the wealthof aquatic biodiversity concentrated in its limited fresh-waters is particularly threatened by human activities(Stiassny, 1996).

Already, 30 out of 46 commercial fish species in the NileRiver are either economically or biologically extinct. LakeChad has lost 75% of its area in the last 30 years due towater diversion for agriculture and drought (Africa NewsService, 1996a). Lake Victoria is the most well-knowndisaster. As many as half of the cichlid species in the lakemay be extinct due to a multitude of human-induced stres-sors. This is the largest vertebrate extinction in the world.

Worldwide, coastal and marine systems are being damagedas a result of population growth, poverty and the lack ofalternative livelihoods, undervaluation of coastal resources,large-scale commercial enterprises with interest in maxi-mizing short-term profits, overfishing, and degradation ofmarine habitats (Clark, 1992). Although the coast occupiesjust 8% of the earth’s surface, it provides 26% of all bio-logical production (Holligan and de Boois, 1992, cited inPernetta and Elder, 1993). It also is the preferred habitat formuch of our species. Worldwide, an estimated 10% of coralreefs are dead, 50% of mangrove habitats are destroyed,and estuaries and bays are heavily polluted or their naturalhabitat lost, with the original life “all but gone” (McAllister,1995, NRC, 1995). Nearly 70% of the world’s marine re-sources are estimated to be “full to heavily exploited, over-exploited, depleted, or slowly recovering from overfishing”(FAO, 1994). IUCN added 100 marine fish species to itsRed List in 1996, the majority threatened by overexploitation(SSC, 1998).

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Africa’s burgeoning coastal population is placing increas-ing pressure on mangroves, estuaries, coral reefs, and theirassociated flora and fauna (World Bank, 1996). The EastAfrican/Madagascar coral reef habitats are consideredamong the most globally threatened sites, at great risk ofdestruction over the next 10-20 years.

The purpose of this report is to explore options for con-servation of Africa’s freshwater and marine biodiversity.Throughout the report, lessons learned from past conser-vation and management -- both successes and failures --are noted. I hope that this report will increase funding,technical assistance, and projects in this critically impor-tant area.

Figure 1. Representative African freshwater fishes. From R. Lowe-McConnell, 1987b. Reprinted withthe permission of Cambridge University Press.

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Chapter 2.Why Has Aquatic Conservation Been


“Africa is well known for the diversity of its mammals, reptiles, birds and insects, but (to date) its spectacularlydiverse freshwater fauna has caught the imagination of relatively few...”

Fryer and Isles, 1972a

“Given the current state of knowledge, when future generations look back at the 20th century and try to make senseof the lack of commitment to preserving biodiversity, many reasons may be cited, but ignorance of the magnitude ofthe issue will not be a valid justification for inaction.”

SSC Home Page, 1998

Part of the reason aquatic conservation has been neglected is that we can not readily see underwater. Asa result, we are less aware of human impact. Photo credit: Dennis Zemba.

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Part of the reason aquatic conservation has been neglectedis that we cannot readily see what is happening underwater,so we forget about it. Yet our fascination with the worldunderwater is clearly demonstrated by the fact that the mostpopular part of the London Zoo is the aquarium, not the“charismatic megavertebrates” (Balmford, 1996). Althoughthe situation is improving, aquatic conservation has also beenlargely neglected by the international NGOs, certainly incomparison with their emphasis on tropical terrestrial wild-life. The lack of attention to aquatic biodiversity is also in-dicated by the paucity of environmental groups devotedsolely to aquatic wildlife, in sharp contrast to the large num-ber of groups devoted to terrestrial conservation.

Most conservation efforts in Africa also focus on terres-trial wildlife. Only a few international NGOs addressAfrican aquatic issues at all. Those that do include theIUCN, the Wildlife Conservation Society (through theCoral Reef Conservation Project, Kenya), World Wild-life Fund (U.S. and U.K.), Wetlands International, andBirdLife International, among others. Similarly, the con-servation biology journals offer only a few papers onaquatic conservation relative to terrestrial ones, althoughthe situation is improving here as well.

Part of the problem is the lack of dialogue between fisher-ies researchers, who are familiar with the threats to aquaticfauna, and conservation biologists. For example, documen-tation of population declines are indicated in fisheries jour-nals, not conservation biology journals. Only 1.75% of allmarine vertebrates have been evaluated in the IUCN RedList of Threatened Species (NRC, 1995). Further, listingfishes as endangered or threatened is politically and eco-nomically sensitive, as demonstrated by the recent contro-versy over the IUCN Red Listing of 100 marine species(Stevens, 1996), and the reluctance to consider endangeredfish species as wildlife, rather than food, such that they couldbe listed under CITES (Species, 1997; Vincent and Hall,1996). In addition, the lack of marine and freshwater tax-onomists means that indications of declining species, or ofdegradations of aquatic habitat are not readily noticed. PaulDayton (1998) has noted that “in fact, each succeeding gen-eration of biologists has markedly different expectations ofwhat is natural, because they study increasingly altered sys-tems that bear less and less resemblance to their former,pre-exploitation versions.”

Finally, aquatic conservation is neglected due to fourwidely-held myths.

Myth #1: Marine species have globally widespread larvaeor globally widespread ranges, therefore extinction is lesslikely. There are a number of points to consider. First, evenspecies with wide-ranging larvae can become endangered

or extinct. Three marine mammals, ten seabirds, and onemarine invertebrate are known to have become extinct(Norse, 1993); at least five of these species had ranges cov-ering at least two or more marine biogeographical prov-inces (Vermeij, 1993). Large ranges are also a characteris-tic of many currently endangered marine species. Marinespecies on the IUCN Red List of threatened and endan-gered animals include cetaceans, seabirds, crocodiles, seaturtles, and marine fish. The North Atlantic swordfish andhaddock have recently been added to the IUCN Red List.Both species previously roamed widely and were highlyfecund. Just like the American bison, both were hunted tothe point of endangerment (Stevens, 1996).

Second, many species actually settle at short range, closeto their origin. Settlement is not entirely a passive act,dependent only on the pattern of water circulation. Bothbehavioral and stochastic factors play a role, with the lar-val stage of fishes known to behaviorally complex. Ac-cording to Leis (1991), larval distributions are affectedby the following six factors, the first four of which arebehavioral: 1) adult spawning location and timing; 2)vertical larval distribution; 3) horizontal swimming bylarvae; 4) larval behavioral capabilities and flexibility; 5)hydrography; and 6) topography. Leis argues that “to treatfish larvae as a conservative property of sea water suchas salinity is to mislead.” Some fishes can extend theirlarval phase if they do not encounter a suitable habitat,and post-settlement habitat changes can occur as well(Kramer et al., 1997). The myth of globally widespreadlarvae was based on evidence from certain large marinespecies, such as certain fish, starfish, crustaceans, andmolluscs. While some large species have globally wide-spread larvae, other large species do not. Furthermore,most coral reef (and other marine) species are small andhave limited periods of larval development and restrictedgeographic ranges. Restricted dispersal windows occurfor algae and many colonial animals (Fairweather, 1991).Recruitment of coral larvae logarithmically decreases withdistance from the source reef (Sammarco and Andrews,1988, cited in Roberts, 1994). Reaka (1980) has shownthat the body size of shrimp is highly correlated with thesize of their geographic ranges. A number of the smallerspecies brood their larvae (Reaka-Kudla, 1995). Paleon-tological research has shown that species with limitedgeographic ranges are more vulnerable to extinction1 thanthose with larger ranges (Jablonski, 1991, cited in Reaka-Kudla, 1995).

Third, range of habitats is often more restricted than previ-ously thought. Briggs (1974) and McAllister et al. (1994)list numerous coral reef fishes with small and moderate size

1 This applies to normal rates of extinction, not mass extinctions.

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ranges. Michael Smith of the Center for Marine Conserva-tion examined the range of 500 species in the Caribbeanand found that 20% occurred only within a particular area,often around only a single island (Stevens, 1996). Salm(1989) notes that unique subspecies of a mollusk have beenfound on reefs separated by less than ten kilometers.

Fourth, as we learn more about marine species we find thatwhat was thought to be a single species or population isseparatable into genetically distinct groups, implying a lessthan open genetic exchange. For example, a study of hump-back whales separated by only 2,500 miles showed cleargenetic differences; the mussel Mytelus edulis is now knownto be three species; the marine worm Capitella capitata wasthought to be widespread, but is now known to be 15 ormore sibling species; and a number of corals and bryozo-ans are now known to be species complexes (NRC, 1995).As Ray and McCormick-Ray (1994) have stated, “All spe-cies are endemic at some scale, regional or local. All arealso restricted in range and distribution by physical and/orbiotic factors.” Vermeij (1993) comments that while a spe-cies may appear to have a large range, as measured by dis-tribution, in practice its breeding sites may be restricted.

Myth #2: The decline of aquatic species number due to hu-man activities is reversible, and therefore, not critical. First,while economists believe that fishing of a particular specieswill not lead to biological extinction because of the prohibi-tive cost of exploitation at low densities, biologists nowbelieve that this situation does not hold for high value fish.For example, live-food fish (e.g., large groupers) may befished even at very low densities for the Asian restauranttrade (Vincent and Hall, 1996). Second, severe changes tothe ecosystem or its food webs may not be reversible. Hughes(1994) showed a phase shift on Jamaican reefs from coral-dominated to algal-dominated communities following mul-tiple impacts, starting with overfishing. Biomass flips -- inwhich a dominant species is replaced by another species --have occurred in several of Africa’s Large Marine Ecosys-tems as a result of pelagic overfishing, resulting in a costlydrop in production, along with cascading effects on marinebirds, mammals, and zooplankton (Okemwa, 1995). Pale-ontological research indicates that tropical marine speciesare particularly vulnerable to environmental changes, asthere is a striking die-off of reef communities at each of themajor mass extinctions (Jablonski, 1991). Any populationsfollowing metapopulation dynamics will be susceptible toextinction if habitats are severely fragmented. This is be-cause a decline in abundance in one site can lead to extinc-tion at others, due to difficulty in reproduction and coloni-zation across sites (Nee and May, 1992).

Myth #3: We still have time. The coast is where human-kind prefers to live, and the human population is rapidly

increasing (Figure 2). As a result, the pressures on coastalmarine life are intense. Habitat loss, pollution, andoverexploitation all take their toll. More than 90% offishermen’s catch is caught in the coastal zone (Ray, 1988).One hundred of Africa’s largest 150 cities are coastal(Intercoast Network, 1998). Populations in many coastalAfrican nations will double by the year 2025, with someareas on both coasts doubling in less than 20 years (WorldBank, 1996). The coastal area from Accra to the NigerDelta could be a continuous “chain of cities” by the year2025. The World Bank (1996) predicts that if no action istaken in Africa to amelerioate these effects, there will besevere ecological, economic, and health consequences,including: the destruction of coastal productivity; the col-lapse of commercially important fish stocks; the loss ofmost of East Africa’s coral reefs and 70% of Africa’s man-groves; and the deterioration of water quality and sanita-tion in urban environments.

Myth #4: Humans impact the ocean less than they do onland. Humans have already greatly altered marine life andhabitats worldwide. Kaufman and Dayton (1997) state that,“The unfortunate truth is that there is nowhere left to runand no place left to ruin.” Large vertebrate grazers, such aswhales, turtles, groupers, and manatees, have been deci-mated; invasive species are a problem worldwide; and wet-land habitats have been greatly reduced, particularly in es-tuaries and bays (NRC, 1995). The effects of human pollu-tion, for example, are found even in very remote areas. Poly-chlorinated biphenyls (PCB’s), of concern due to their es-trogen-mimicking effects, have been found in albatrossesliving in the middle of the South Pacific (Rolland andColborn, 1996). Finally, destructive fishing methods suchas trawling have devastated soft bottom habitats worldwide.Studies have shown a close connection between trawling,habitat degradation, and decline in fishery landings (Austeret al., 1996; Peterson et al., 1987; Sainsbury, 1988).

Figure 2. Populations in many coastal African nations willdouble by the year 2025, placing increasing pressure onaquatic species and habitats. World Bank, 1975. Photo credit:Edwin Huffman.

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Chapter 3.Why Should African Aquatic

Conservation Be Supported Now?

Sustainable use of fish and other aquatic species can provide increased in-come, broader participation in economic enterprises, better nutrition and agreater integration of natural resource concerns into a development program.New England Aquarium, 1998. Photo credit: Alexander Goldowsky.

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A. It Makes Developmental Sense

There are sound economic and developmental reasons forspecifically addressing freshwater and marine biodiversityin Africa, as outlined in the following section. First, thereare sound development reasons for maintaining healthyfreshwater environments, since many of the larger fresh-water systems are critical to Africa’s water supply. Sec-ond, sustainable use of fish, other aquatic fauna, and floracan yield increased income, broader participation in eco-nomic enterprises, better nutrition, and a greater integra-tion of natural resource concerns into an overall develop-ment program.

Making Africa’s fisheries sustainable is an important wayto develop long-term increases in productivity throughimproved natural resource management and food secu-rity. In many African countries, fisheries are alreadyamong the most economically important renewable natu-ral resources (Figure 3). Fish also represent an irreplace-able source of protein for a continent in which there isoften a widespread and chronic shortage of animal prod-ucts; lack of protein is a major cause of infant death andslowed mental development. Fish is often the least ex-pensive source of animal protein, and is therefore the mostconsumed in almost every riparian African state. Over25% of Afr ica’s protein needs are provided by fish. Somecountries derive over 50% of their animal protein fromfish: these include Ghana, the Democratic Republic ofthe Congo (formerly Zaire), Senegal, Sierra Leone,Uganda, and Malawi (USAID/R&D/AGR draft fisheriesstrategy, 1987). Fish also contain an abundance of an es-sential amino acid, lysine, that is limited in cereal grains.Most of the African lakes and rivers and a number of Af-rican wetlands support tribes whose livelihood has his-torically depended upon fishing.

B. The Value of AfricanFreshwater and MarineEcosystems

1. Their socio-economic value

Rivers provide innumerable benefits to Africans, includingdrinking water, routes of transport and trade critical to in-land villages, such as those along the 8,500 mile-long ZaireRiver (Caputo, 1991), hydropower, and harvestable plantsand animals (Figure 4). They also afford some of the mostspectacular scenery in Africa.

Africa’s fisheries are economically important, both forthe external market and the domestic market. In 1995,the total annual yield from the continent (both freshwaterand marine) was estimated to be 5,013,000 metric tons,with an economic value of $313,583,000 (exports only)(FAOSTAT database, 1997). The total annual yield of fishfrom African inland waters alone was nearly 1.8 milliontons, larger than that of North American waters. A num-ber of marine invertebrates are also of commercial value,including a variety of molluscs, crustaceans, coral andechinoderms (Gawler and Agardy, 1994).

Many wild populations of freshwater fishes are valuableas sources of genetic material to improve domestic fishstrains used in aquaculture. In particular, pure strains oftilapia (a type of cichlid) are critically important world-wide, as many parts of the developing world depend onthis species for aquaculture. Unfortunately, pure strainsof tilapia are disappearing due to habitat loss and the im-pact of exotic species. Freshwater fish can also providepotentially clinically beneficial substances. In the Koruprainforest of Cameroon, a species of Salminus has a folkreputation of curing leprosy; several species of fishes havetoxic spines and viscera that may be useful blood antico-agulants (Reid, 1989).

Some species can be used for biological control of dis-ease and weeds, eliminating the use of chemical insecti-cides or molluscicides. They can control insect and snailvectors of human and livestock disease in ponds and ricepaddies. Some fish can also be used to control weeds inirrigation ditches, canals, and ponds without the use ofchemical herbicides. Fish can also be used for environ-mental monitoring of water quality. They can be utilizedto detect pesticide runoff, organic pollution, siltation, etc.

The spectacular behavior of fish can also be a tourist at-traction. The beauty and diverse behaviors of Africa’s

Figure 4. African rivers provide innumerable benefits includ-ing drinking water, routes of transport and trade critical toinland villages. This is the Nile River. New EnglandAquarium, 1998. Photo credit: Mark Chandler.

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Figure 3. Fish catch by country. The size of the fish symbol indicates the importance of fisheries to that country (see inset).Modified from “African Fish Yields by Country”, 1991 with permission from the Food and Agriculture Organization of theUnited Nations.

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cichlid fishes in the Great Lakes offer tremendous oppor-tunities in this regard. Recreational fishing, like tourism,spreads dollars around to a variety of enterprises. Part ofthe money is earned by the manufacturing sector build-ing fishing tackle, boats, outboard motors, etc. Other jobs,especially in rural areas, include fishing guides, sellers ofbait, motor fuel, etc., as well as the local hotel and restau-rant trade.

Wetlands are of major human importance. Wetlands re-fer to a diverse range of ecosystems with vegetation thatis permanently or temporarily covered by either fresh orsalt water. Too often wetlands are lost, however, becausedevelopment proceeds without any planning, or because

the full economic and ecological value of wetlands is nottaken into account in the planning process.

Throughout history, wetlands have been thought to beuseless lands -- unproductive and riddled with disease-carrying insects. For this reason, it is often assumed thatother uses of wetlands will be economically more pro-ductive than their original uses. Emerging evidence, how-ever, points to the opposite conclusion. The ability of wet-lands to sustain alternative development is generally foundto be low (Burbridge et al., cited in IUCN, 1990b). “Ifefficiency is measured in terms of profit per unit of water,the data suggests there is little difference between tradi-tional agricultural practices (utilizing and maintaining

VinegarTea substituteFermented drinksDessert toppingCondiments from barkSweetmeats from propagulesVegetables from progagules, fruit

or leavesCigar substitute

Household Furnitureitems Glue

Hairdressing oilTool handlesRice mortarToysMatchsticksIncense

Agriculture Fodder, green manure

Paper products Paper of various kinds

Other products Packing boxesWood for smoking sheet rubberWood for burning bricksMedicines from bark, leaves and


B. Other Natural ProductsFish BirdsCrustaceans MammalsShellfish Reptiles and reptile skinsHoney Other fauna (amphibians, insects)Wax

Mangroves provide a variety of economically useful products. From Saenger, Hegerl, and Davie, 1983. Reprinted withpermission from Kluwer Academic Publishers.

A. Mangrove Forest Products

Fuel Firewood (cooking, heating)CharcoalAlcohol

Construction Timber, scaffoldsHeavy construction

(e.g., bridges)Railroad tiesMining pit propsBoat buildingDock pilingsBeams and poles for buildingsFlooring, panellingThatch or mattingFence posts, water pipes,

chipboards, glues

Fishing Poles for fish trapsFishing floatsWood for smoking fishFish poisonTannins for net and line

preservationFish attracting shelters

Textiles, Synthetic fibres (e.g., rayon)leather Dye for cloth

Tannins for leather preservation

Food, drugs Sugar& beverages Alcohol

Cooking oil

Table 1. Products of Mangrove Ecosystem

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natural wetlands) and intensive cultivation (i.e., irriga-tion)” (IUCN, 1990a). For example, Drijver and Marchand(1986, cited in IUCN, 1990b), estimate that the naturalprocesses of the inner Niger Delta are worth $1.00/100m3/year, producing a much more diverse array of food-stuffs than a monoculture of rice.

Developed countries, which have already lost much oftheir wetlands, are belatedly realizing their value. TheUnited States, for example, which has lost 54% of its wet-lands (87 million hectares since colonial times), has fi-nally begun to recognize the economic and ecological costof the loss of its wetlands: it is no longer providing fed-eral aid for drainage projects or crops subsidies for farm-ers who drain wetlands (Tiner, cited in IUCN, 1990b).The degradation of the United States’ coastal wetlandshas been estimated to cost its marine fisheries $86 mil-lion a year (IUCN, 1980, cited in Salm, 1989).

Natural wetlands yield critical economic benefits, including:

• Wastewater treatment -

Wetland ecosystems, including seasonally waterloggedfloodplains, freshwater marshes, peatlands, swamp for-ests, and estuaries, play a central role in water purifica-tion. They prevent eutrophication by absorbing nutrientsand retain sediments and toxicants. If wetlands are de-stroyed, these functions must be achieved artificially, ata significant cost. The Ugandan National Sewerage andWater Corporation is supporting conservation of papy-rus swamps and other wetlands around Kampala becauseof their importance in absorbing sewage and purifyingthe city’s water supply (IUCN, 1990b).

• Fishery production -

Wetlands serve as feeding, breedingand nursery grounds for numerouscommercially important fin and shell-fish species. For example, the wetlandsin the Banc d’Arguin National Park inMauritania play a critical role inMauritania’s offshore fishery, whichcontributed $34 million to the nationaleconomy in 1980 (IUCN, 1990a).More than 50% of Zambia’s fish pro-duction comes from freshwater flood-plains or wetland swamps (Harper andMavuti, 1996).

• Wetland products -

Wetlands yield a range of products which can be har-vested sustainably, such as fish, fodder, timber, non-timber forest products (e.g., resins and medicines),agricultural crops, and wildlife resources (e.g., meat,skins, honey, and both bird and turtle eggs) (Table 1).Worldwide, millions of people use the products ofmangroves and the mangrove environment for sub-sistence. In East Africa, tannin is collected from man-grove trees to preserve fishing nets, ropes, and sails.

• Energy generation -

Some wetlands can be used as energy sources. Man-groves can provide fuelwood. Papyrus can be harvestedand compressed into fuel briquettes, as is currentlybeing done in Rwanda (IUCN, 1990b).

• Tourism -

Wetlands offer great potential for African tourism be-cause they are important to both terrestrial and aquaticlife. In one spot, tourists can view both large mammalsand an astonishing abundance of waterfowl (Harper andMavuti, 1996). The floodplains of the Senegal, Niger,and Chad basins in West Africa support over a millionwaterfowl. The wetlands in Amboseli National Park inKenya are one of the park’s principal attractions (MENR,cited in IUCN, 1990b).

Human adaptation to and dependence upon wetlands isfound throughout Africa. In fact, for some Africanpeoples, wetlands are an integral and necessary part oftheir survival (Figure 5). Acreman and Hollis (1996) state

Figure 5. Numerous African peoples depend on wetlands for their livelihoods.© World Resources Institute.

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that, “The importance of wetlands to human populationsis arguably most clearly demonstrated within the Afri-can continent.” For example, the people living aroundLake Chad have relied for generations on a blue-greenalga (Spirulina platensis) as a protein-rich food (Leonardand Compere, 1967). Over one million people and sev-eral million livestock depend on the Sudd swamp in theSudan (one of the largest wetlands in the world) (Scudder,1991). Some subtribes of the Dinka in the Sudd regionare dependent upon swamp fish for survival, at least dur-ing the long dry season. “The fishermen live in theswamps for several months, often on floating papyrus

islands, and spend much of their time in the water, fish-ing with spears and traps” (Beadle, 1984).

Coastal areas encompass productive and diverse ecosys-tems, and support much of the world’s agriculture, indus-try, fisheries and tourism (Needham, 1991). In 1988,Kenya generated more money from coastal tourism thanfrom tourism on wildlife safaris (Samoilys, 1988a).

Coral reefs, with their spectacular abundance and diver-sity of colorful fishes, as well as other species, can gener-ate money from tourism, the aquarium trade (worldwide,


Stony coral

Precious coralFishMollusksTridacna clamsTop Shells, TrochusOystersLobstersSea cucumbersSpongesSea turtlesSea snakesMisc. invertebratesCoral sandEcosystem

Role in Reef

Primary Reef Frame Builder

Enhances habitatLink in metabolismCalcification, food chainCalcificationCalcification, food chainCalcification, food chainScavengerDetritus feeder, sandBorerFood chainFood chainVariedSubstrate, beachesConservation, genetic diversity

Product Use

Building material, fish tankdecorationJewelry, decorationFood, aquarium fishShell collectionDecoration, noveltyMother-of-pearlPearlsGourmet foodFoodToiletryShell, oil, meat, eggsSkin, craftsAntibiotics, drugsConcrete, buildingTourism, aesthetic appeal, naturallaboratory

Organism GroupFishBivalvesGastropodsCephalopodsCrustaceansEchinodermsCoelenteratesSea TurtlesAlgae

KindLarge varietyClams, mussels, oystersMost large onesSquid, cuttlefish, octopusCrab and shrimpSea cucumbers and sea urchinsJellyfish and anemonesAll except hawksbill, eggsMany edible varieties

Table 2.A. Major Coral Reef Export Products of Economic Importance

B. Subsistence Food Products Commonly Used

Coral reef resource products and uses. From White, 1987. Reprinted with permission of the International Center for LivingAquatic Resources Management (ICLARM).

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estimated at $40 million in 1990, McClanahan and Obura,1996), shellfish products, and even chemical products.Because marine organisms evolved over 500 million yearsago, the long evolutionary separation among various phylahas culminated in great biochemical and genetic diver-sity (Reaka-Kudla, 1995). Sponges, for example, exhibitdiverse antibiotic and feeding-deterrent properties (Rutzlerand Feller, 1988). Unlike the well-publicized medicinalvalue of tropical rainforests, however, the chemical po-tential of marine organisms has not been as widely ap-preciated. From an economic standpoint, coral reef eco-systems are important both for the commercial productsthey yield as well as for the subsistence market (Table 2).

2. Their ecological value

In addition to the direct economic benefits mankind re-ceives from aquatic resources, aquatic ecosystems pro-vide numerous ecological services, benefiting both aquaticand terrestrial life. Where the economic value of theseservices has been calculated, the benefits are consider-able (Daily, 1997). Conversely, the economic cost of arti-ficially replacing such services is high.

Rivers and streams are generally thought to lack the bio-logical richness of other ecosystems. Yet, as the Ameri-can River Protection Imperative (1991) states, they “arefrequently part of complex systems that are valuable inthemselves, are the beginning of... food chains and, asmoving, dynamic systems, are essential to the survival ofother ecosystems.” Furthermore, rivers and streams playan essential role in the water cycle and in the movementof nutrients and minerals from watersheds to lowland ar-eas and eventually to the sea (Allan and Flecker, 1993).African river basins (together with their associated wet-lands) are in fact highly productive ecosystems, with anestimated 40% of fish in Africa coming from riverine andfloodplain fisheries (FAO, 1981).

In addition to their role in water purification discussedearlier, wetlands help to ensure a year-round water sup-ply by their role in groundwater recharging (i.e., the move-ment of water from the wetlands into the undergroundaquifers) and discharging (i.e., when underground watermoves upward into a wetland). Evidence has accumu-lated showing that where wetlands have been lost, thehydrological cycle is affected and the water supply dur-ing the dry season has been lost (IUCN, 1990b).

Wetlands also help to stabilize shores, prevent erosion,and help to protect many coastal areas from stormsthrough their damping of wind and wave action and theirretention of the bottom sediment by plant roots. Wetlandslining the sides of rivers help to prevent erosion of the

banks, while those lining the shores of lakes play a criti-cal role in the ecological balance of the lakes. Wetlandsalso control floods by absorbing floodwaters and releas-ing runoff evenly. The importance of wetlands in stormprotection is indicated by the fact that in the U.S., theFederal Insurance Administration regulations now pro-hibit payment of flood insurance benefits to communi-ties that cut down mangroves (IUCN, 1990b). Althoughmangroves can become damaged in heavy storms, theywill grow back. The effects of humans, however, can sochange the intertidal environment that re-establishmentof the mangroves is prevented.

It is important to note that not all wetland types can per-form the same ecological function. This depends on theinteraction of the biological, chemical and physical char-acteristics of the site. For example, floodplains, marshesand lake wetlands are important for groundwater recharge,while mangroves are not. Mangroves, on the other hand,provide six ecological functions, falling under two cat-egories: 1) they improve water quality, by reducing sedi-mentation and acting as a nutrient and pollution sink; and2) they support coastal and estuarine ecosystems, by act-ing as a nursery, source of food, and by protecting coasts(Rutzler and Feller, 1988; Figure 6).

Mangroves produce considerable organic litter such asleaves, fruits, and dead wood. While some of this detritusstays in the mangroves, the rest ends up in estuaries. There,biological degradation by bacteria, fungi, and larger organ-isms results in detrital complexes that appear to be the mostimportant source of energy for maintaining estuarine fish-eries and supporting tropical marine coastal ecosystems.Over 60% of commercially important marine species areknown to either live in mangroves or depend on mangrove

Figure 6. Mangroves provide important ecological services,including improvement of water quality and the support ofcoastal and estuarine ecosystems. Photo credit: CarolyShumway.

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food webs at some stage in their life cycle (Republic ofKiribati UNCED report, 1991).

Few ecosystems in the world exceed the high primaryproductivity of wetland areas. The nutrient-rich watersof wetlands provide critical feeding, breeding and nurs-ery grounds for fish. Without significant contributionsfrom their floodplains which trap a large amount of nutri-ent material (Gaudet, 1992), in fact, very few large riverswould support productive fisheries. Estuaries, which aresemi-enclosed areas influenced by inflowing river wateras well as ocean tides, are among the most fertile watersin the world. Although these areas have a relatively lowspecies diversity, they are functionally complex (Figure7), and a number of young fish use estuaries as a nursery.In sum, “most of the fish we eat... depend on wetlands atsome stage in their life cycle” (IUCN, 1990b). Estimatesof the total value of estuaries in the U.S., including watertreatment, protection from storm damage, fish produc-tion, and recreation, range from $800 - $9000 per acre(Anderson and Rockel, 1991; Kirby, 1993; both cited inPeterson and Lubchenco, 1997).

The high levels of primary production in wetlands,coupled with their characteristic habitat complexity, pro-vide the support base for some of the world’s highest lev-els of biodiversity. Many wetlands support importantpopulations of wildlife and plants, including endangeredspecies, terrestrial mammals such as primates, and often

a spectacular concentration of birds. Numerous mangroveareas form parts of international flyways for migratorybirds. The importance of American wetlands to wildlifehas now been recognized by the U.S. federal governmentwhich is currently suing the South Florida Water Man-agement District over its failure to prevent degradationof wetland ecosystems in the Everglades National Parkcaused by agricultural runoff (IUCN, 1990b).

Marine ecosystems are important in global geochemicalcycling (including carbon sequestration), in dilution,detoxification, and retention of human-generated pollut-ants, and in providing fishes, shellfish, and other valu-able wildlife products (Peterson and Lubchenco, 1997).

Coral reefs rival tropical rain forests in their richness ofbiological diversity (Figure 8). Like rain forests, coral reefsare physically complex environments containing high spe-cies diversity, elaborate species adaptations, and intricateassociations between species (Reaka-Kudla, 1995). Coralreef communities contain three different types of organ-isms: 1) suprabenthic fishes; 2) sessile benthic organismsthat provide the physical reef structure (e.g., hard and softcorals, coralline and fleshy algae); and 3) the cryptofauna,

Figure 7. Important pathways of energy flow in tropical es-tuaries. From Saenger, Hegerl, and Davie, 1983. Reprintedwith permission from Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Figure 8. Coral reefs rival tropical rain forests in their rich-ness of biodiversity. New England Aquarium, 1988. Photocredit: Paul Erickson.

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including animals that bore (e.g., sponges, bivalves), andsessile organisms and motile organisms that live in holesand crevices (e.g., sessile: bryozoans, motile: echino-derms, crustaceans). Like insects in the rain forest, thegreatest species diversity is found in the cryptofauna(Reaka-Kudla, 1995). A large proportion of reef speciesare believed to be still unknown to science. While only93,000 coral reef species have been described worldwide,one respected scientist has estimated that the true num-ber is 600,000-950,000 (Reaka-Kudla, 1995). Many faunaof tropical oceans, including coral-reef dwelling organ-isms, depend upon a number of separate but interlinkingecosystems, including upwelling regions, offshore oce-anic areas, continental shelves with hard or soft bottomdeposits, coral reefs and mangrove swamps. The highproductivity of reef communities (Figure 9) may be di-rectly dependent on the health of neighboring habitats,including seagrass beds, reef flats, soft-bottomed areasand mangroves. These adjacent habitats can provide coralreef communities with the essential nutrient nitrogen.Nitrogren is obtained from the algae on adjacent deadreef flats and from bacteria in the seagrass beds, man-groves and reef sediments (White, 1987). These surround-ing habitats also contribute to the feeding, shelter, breed-ing and nursery grounds of fish and invertebrates at dif-ferent stages of their life cycle. Numerous tropical fishesmove from one ecosystem to another as they grow, as inthe case of reef fishes having pelagic larval stages.

Like wetlands, coral reefs, seagrass/seaweed beds, andcoastal supra-littoral flora protect coastal areas wheremuch of the world’s population resides. Living coral reefs,for example, play a major role in providing sand for

beaches as they are biologically broken down over time.Coral reefs also protect the mainland and the beaches byacting as buffers against storm and wave action. Salt-tol-erant coastal, strand, and supra-littoral ecosystems (e.g.,mangroves, strand and supra-littoral scrub and forest) playan important role in protecting inland ecosystems fromsalt spray.

C. The Link Between Aquaticand Terrestrial Ecosystems

In thinking about aquatic systems, we are forced to ap-preciate the linkages across ecosystems, as aquatic sys-tems influence and are influenced by terrestrial ones. Inaddition to the importance of drinking water for terres-trial wildlife (Figure 10), nutrient flow, food webs andspecies distribution all show linkages across aquatic andterrestrial ecosystems. This is why aquatic conservationcan be so difficult, as both land and aquatic human activ-ity must be addressed. Although all aquatic ecosystemsshow a linkage, transitional ecosystems (called ecotones)such as floodplains, intertidal wetlands, and other wet-lands are the most heavily influenced by terrestrial ones.These ecotones attract species from both systems and areoften very productive regions with high species richness(Harper and Mavuti, 1996).

Figure 9. Ranges of primary productivity of some majormarine communities. From White, 1987. Reprinted with per-mission of the International Center for Living Aquatic Re-sources Management (ICLARM).

Figure 10. Aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems are linked:terrestrial with freshwater; freshwater with marine. At a mini-mal level, freshwater systems provide drinking water for ter-restrial wildlife, such as these baboons. Photo credit: Den-nis Zemba.

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Nutrient flow: Rivers and streams move nutrients andminerals from watershed and lowland areas to the sea,and all of the points in between (Allan and Flecker, 1993).For example, floodplains are extraordinarily productiveagricultural areas as rivers transport organic material andsediments over the floodplain soil. The flooding also re-leases terrestrial nutrients into the aquatic system, gener-ating increased aquatic plant production and food forspawning fish and their young (Scudder, 1991). Accord-ing to Adams (1996), African wetlands also play a role insustaining dryland grazing systems.

Species distribution: The distribution of both terrestrial andaquatic species can depend on one another. Quite a fewAfrican amphibian, reptilian, bird and mammal species arefound near riverine or floodplain habitats, such as buffa-loes, certain antelopes, snakes, and cane rats (Cooper, 1996).A number of African wildlife populations base their migra-tion patterns around the production of floodplain grasses(Harper and Mavuti, 1996). For example, the Tiang(Damaliscus lunatus), a large antelope, migrates to the Suddfloodplain as water levels recede, and fresh grass is exposed(Thompson, 1996). Similarly, terrestrial wildlife depend onephemeral rivers in arid areas, for both water and the asso-ciated plantlife (see Box below). The distribution of somefloodplain tree species depends on animals such as hipposto eat the seeds, which enhances germination and aids dis-persion (Feely, 1965, cited in Gaudet, 1992; Figure 11).

Food webs: Riparian habitats provide leaves, fruits, seeds,flowers and branches to rivers and streams. A number offreshwater fishes and invertebrates depend on this terres-trial plant material for shelter and food. Numerous spe-cies also feed on the aquatic stages of terrestrial insects,many of which need aquatic habitat for their early devel-opment (Figure 12). Decaying riparian vegetation alsoprovides an important source of energy for aquatic bacte-ria and fungi (Cooper, 1996). Reid (1989) cites the roleof the Korup rainforest in Cameroon in generating detri-tus for small macrocrustacea, who, in turn, are a majordietary item for deep-forest fishes.

Figure 11. The distribution of some floodplain tree speciesdepends on animals such as hippos to eat the seeds, whichenhances germination and aids dispersion. Photo credit:Dennis Zemba.

The Importance of Rivers to Terrestrial Conservation: Ephemeral Rivers in Namibia

Numerous arid and semi-arid areas in Africa have ephemeral rivers or streams, flowing only after good rains(Cooper, 1996). Namibia, the most arid country south of the Sahara (Brown, 1996), has a number of ephem-eral rivers in its interior. The ephemeral rivers in the Namib and Kalahari Desert in Namibia flow only a fewweeks every year. Created by floods following heavy rainfall of several days duration, these rivers are essen-tial for terrestrial wildlife, and comprise a diverse and globally unique desert ecosystem (Jacobson et al.,1996). The rivers transport organic material and sediments to the desert, causing germination and recruit-ment of riparian vegetation, and recharging groundwater. The ephemeral rivers enable relatively mesic spe-cies to penetrate into the arid desert habitat (Hines and Kolberg, 1996). Even after the river disappears, theriparian vegetation and resulting springs provide food and water for a number of rare species, including rhinoand elephant, who travel from one river to the next in a nomadic fashion. Ephemeral pans are also ecologi-cally important, providing breeding and feeding grounds for migrant birds during their wet phase (Hines andKolberg, 1996). Such systems are extraordinarily sensitive to hydrologic perturbations. Unfortunately, pres-sure for damming Namibia’s rivers is increasing given increasing water demands from agriculture, industry,and households. The challenge the country faces is how to maintain its scarce water resources for its peopleand wildlife, given a population growth rate of 3%, among the highest in Africa, and the accompanying waterdemands. Research has shown that ecosystems of perennial rivers can be maintained downstream of damswith periodic man-made flooding; such flooding, however, transports only water, not sediment. The conser-vation challenge for these ephemeral rivers is determining if it is possible to release organic material andsediments with man-made flooding in such a way that this fragile ecosystem could be maintained. In addi-tion, an appropriate land use plan for the region is necessary. Fortunately, there is broad interest in improvingcatchment management in Namibia, both within government and outside.

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D. The Link Between Freshwaterand Marine Ecosystems

Just as aquatic systems are linked to terrestrial ones, so, too,are freshwater and marine systems linked to each other. Here,the links are between nutrient flow, food webs, habitat qual-ity, and life stages. First, coastal lagoons, estuaries, and del-tas rely on an adequate freshwater level. Without enoughfreshwater, temperature and salinity can increase and oxy-gen decrease, with potential high fish mortality (Salm, 1989).Second, the high productivity of these areas depends onnutrients, organic material and sediment from upstream(Postel, 1995). Third, estuaries help filter silt from riversand reduce the effects of sedimentation on other marine eco-systems. Fourth, mangroves depend on significant amountsof freshwater inflows to provide a sufficient amount of wa-ter, nutrients, and a stable substrate. Numerous species ofmarine fishes use mangroves and estuaries as nursery andbreeding grounds. Finally, freshwater flooding can benefitcoastal ecosystems by increasing nutrient availability, bothfrom upstream and from the physical mixing of the flood-waters into the ocean bringing up nutrient-rich deeper wa-ters into the euphotic zone (Crivelli et al., 1995). It is im-portant to note that nutrient flow is not a one-way process.Reimchen (1995) showed that temperate anadromous fishtransport nutrients into streams, and predatory mammalscan transport these fish onto riparian zones, providing nu-trients that foster tree growth. Insects also enhance this two-way effect through the upstream flight of adults to lay aquaticeggs.

E. It Makes Conservation Sense

“Aquatic ecosystems can be restored, faltering speciespopulations can be reinvigorated with them. All we needis sustainable practices in watersheds and water bodies,and the willingness to share the planet’s surface with otherspecies.”

McAllister et al., 1997

To date, the emphasis in African biodiversity conserva-tion has been on improving the management and protec-tion of terrestrial biodiversity. One could suggest that forthis goal alone, conservationists, governments, and do-nors should be concerned with aquatic problems, sinceterrestrial wildlife is dependent upon water resources forsurvival. In other words, it is important to maintain waterquality and quantity simply to succeed in terrestrial con-servation. In fact, monitoring the health of a river can bea useful and simple means of monitoring the ecological

integrity of the adjacent terrestrial ecosystem, as changesoccurring anywhere in the system are likely to impact theriver (Karr, 1997).

Aquatic conservation efforts in Africa are urgently neededand could not be more timely. A number of key global ini-tiatives target freshwater and marine systems in the late1990s. IUCN’s Species Survival Commission (SSC) is start-ing a new freshwater biodiversity initiative (Species, 1997).A key part of this initiative will be SSC’s Fishes for theFuture Project, developed with ICLARM and WCMC,which will try to assess the status and conservation needs ofall of the world’s freshwater fish species. The SSC CoralReef Fish Specialist Group is undertaking a similar assess-ment for coral reef fish species. The Convention on Bio-logical Diversity focused on inland water ecosystems as oneof their main thematic areas in 1998.

Why should donors support aquatic conservation effortsin Africa? There are three reasons:

1) The continent has a rich, but threatened aquaticbiodiversity;

2) Perhaps nowhere else are people more dependent onaquatic ecosystems and their supporting wildlife; and

3) Conservationists in Africa have developed approachesto conservation and sustainable development that areat the forefront of modern conservation efforts world-wide.

Figure 12. Numerous freshwater species feed on the earlyaquatic stages of terrestrial insects, such as dragonflies, whileterrestrial species feed on the later stages. Photo credit:Caroly Shumway

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For example, African conservationists and developmen-tal specialists helped initiate such innovative concepts asthe restoration of natural hydrological cycles with artifi-cial floods, and bioregional management, as expressed inriver basin development. Some approaches originatedfrom terrestrial conservation work, such as community-management within and outside protected areas, integratedconservation and development projects, and sustainablewildlife utilization programs. These types of efforts havenow been applied to the aquatic realm, as described be-low. But the experience of NGOs and donors in theseareas, and the lessons learned (both failures and successes)could be invaluable in helping to shape aquatic conserva-tion and management efforts in Africa. While I have sum-marized published lessons learned, incorporating my ownexperience, there is nothing like hearing the lessons first-hand. Perhaps NGO training of other NGOs would be away to pass on this knowledge.

Further, perhaps existing terrestrial efforts of internationaland local NGOs and donors could even expand into adja-cent aquatic sites. For example, projects supportingecotourism could incorporate aquatic sites into the pack-age. The large tourism industry is already well-developedin some African countries, and there is high potential forfurther environmentally-friendly development at this scale,as well as smaller, more grass-roots ecotourism programs.Africa’s lakes, wetlands, hot springs, rivers, and coral reefsall have potential for well-designed tourism projects -- atleast in certain sites. Cruises, non-motorized water sports,nature trips, and guided, controlled sport-fishing to se-lect habitats with overnight camping are all possibilities.Most importantly, by expanding existing projects, someaquatic conservation efforts could “piggy-back” onto thehard, time-consuming, but essential effort of finding com-munities interested in conservation and sustainable de-velopment, and establishing community trust.

Examples of African success stories in aquatic conserva-tion and sustainable development include:

• In the Tanga region of Tanzania, the government isworking together with IUCN to develop three pilotcoastal zone management programs (Gorman andIngen, 1996). Problems in the area included overfish-ing and destructive fishing practices, coastal erosion,and declining fuelwood. Three villages are attemptingcommunity-based resource management and develop-ing alternative jobs that do not depend on coral reeffishes. Women have benefited from the successful in-troduction of seaweed farming (Intercoast Network,1998). The first year of the program involved discus-sions among the various stakeholders and building oftrust. The villagers are now implementing solutions

themselves, with the government in a supporting role.Elders are inspecting fishing gears, fishermen patrolshave virtually stopped dynamite fishing (People andthe Planet, 1997), and degraded mangrove areas arebeing replanted. Training activities have included bothlocal residents and government personnel, helping tobuild trust between the groups. Irish Aid is supportingexpansion to other villages (Intercoast Network, 1998).IUCN is currently working to develop similar co-man-agement systems in the Bijagos Archipelago, Guinea-Buissau (IUCN, 1996).

• Namibia created a guano platform between Cape Crossand Walvis Bay. The platforms are a good breedingsite for birds, supporting 40% of the coastal popula-tion of white-breasted cormorants, large flocks of kelpgulls, and a coastal colony of pelicans. The platformsbenefit conservation and provide considerable eco-nomic benefit, yielding 1,500 tons of guano a year(Tarr, 1996).

• Communities along the Phongolo floodplain in Natal,South Africa, are actively involved in hydrological man-agement of the artificial releases from the dam (Bruweret al., 1996). Seventy thousand people along the PhongoloRiver depended on natural flooding for farming. A richwildlife depended on flooding, too. A dam, constructedin the 1950’s, caused great ecological damage, includ-ing erosion, desiccation of higher floodplain areas, flood-ing of other areas, and the dying off of riparian species.The dam made flood-recession agriculture impossible.In 1982, the Department of Water Affairs and Forestrydecided to artificially reflood the floodplain. In 1983,the Mboza Village Project started as the first democrati-cally structured project in the region, with the focus be-ing ecological reconstruction and development. In 1987,the project launched water committees, comprised ofelected representatives of five user groups: farmers, fish-ers, livestock owners, women, and health personnel. Thegoal of the committees are to promote developmentthrough sustainable management of the area’s natural re-sources. The water committees negotiated the size, du-ration, and timing of flood releases among a variety ofstakeholders, including specialists in ecological planning.There are now six water committees along the river. TheJ.L.B. Smith Institute for Ichthyology and the NationalParks Authority Conservation Division (responsible foradministration) are working with the water committeesto protect the floodplain fisheries. The project has had amultiplier effect: Mozambique wants the combined wa-ter committees to assist in setting up similar committeesfor the Rio del Maputo. Such community-based hydro-logical management can be replicated elsewhere.

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Chapter 4.Overview of Important AfricanFreshwater/Marine Habitats

Lake Nakuru, Kenya. Photo credit: Dennis Zemba.

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A. Freshwater Habitats

1. Geographic overview of diversity

The best geographic analyses to date describe the distri-bution of fish species. Roberts (1975) divided Africa’sichthyofauna into ten provinces (excluding Madagascar),based largely on river drainage patterns (Figure 13). Daget(1984) further refined this concept. According to Reid(1989), however, these analyses were conducted withoutmuch data from the Korup river, Cameroon. His data sug-gest some modification may be necesssary at least for theLower Guinean province. Note that while the Great Lakesare placed in provinces according to their drainage sys-tem, with Lake Victoria draining to the Nile, LakeTanganyika to the Zaire, and Lake Malawi to the Zambezi,the species numbers cited below exclude the Great Lakes.The following overview is based on Stiassny (1997). Formore detail, see the CLOFFA volumes (Daget et al., 1984;1986a,b; 1991), the PARADI symposium (1993), andLévêque (1997).

The Zairean province is the most species-rich, with 690species described, roughly 80% of which areendemic (review: Teugels and Guégan, 1994).Lowe-McConnell (1987b) divided this prov-ince into six regions: 1) Lower Zaire; 2) therapids and falls between Matadi and PoolMalebo (aka Stanley Pool); 3) Pool Malebo;4) the Central basin from Pool Malebo to theKisangani falls; 5) the Upper Zaire, or Lualaba;and 6) the Upemba Lakes and Lualaba flood-plains. Pool Malebo and the rapids betweenBoma and Pool Molebo are well-studied andknown to have considerable endemics. Otherparts, such as the southern tributaries Inkisi andMpozo, and the Fwa river, a tributary of theKasai, have been poorly studied.

The second richest ichthyofaunal province isthe Lower Guinean province, with at least 340species. Except for the Cross River, however,the area has been poorly studied and increasedeffort should be given to surveying this prov-ince. The habitats are highly threatened by log-ging and a growing population. Areas of bio-logical significance include the Cameroon cra-ter lake Barombi Mbo, with its unique cichlidsconstituting West Africa’s only species flock(Trewavas, 1972, cited in Reid, 1989), LakesBermin and Ejagham (although poorly stud-ied), and the deep forest pools in Korup Na-tional Park (Reid, 1989). Reid (1989) found

140 species in the Korup rivers of Cameroon (includingthe Akpa-Yafe, Ndian, and Upper Cross), with 90 spe-cies in the Upper Cross alone. Reid (1995) recently sur-veyed the fishes of in the montane area of Gashaka GumtiNational Park, Nigeria.

The Upper Guinean province was once home to over 200species, but deforestation, dams, and exotic species havetaken a severe toll on its freshwater inhabitants. Threat-ened habitats of importance for endemics includes theGuinean and Liberian Highlands (e.g., Fouta Djallon, Mt.Nimba, and Wologizi Mountains). Stssny recommendsconserving any remaining forest cover for rivers andstreams.

The Sudanian (or Nilo-Sudanian) province has between270 and 300 species, but most are widespread, with theexception of the northern Rift Valley lakes. The smallerrivers and streams in the Ethiopian highlands have beenpoorly studied. A species flock of Barbus spp. inhabitsEthiopia’s Lake Tana (Nagelkerke, 1994), and severalendemics live in the Danakil Depression. Three endemicslive underground.

Figure 13. Ichthyofaunal regions. From Lowe-McConnell, 1987b.Reprinted with the permission of Cambridge University Press.

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Table 3. Fish Species Diversity By Country

Country Area (KM ) No. FW Species No.FW Species/1000KM Source

Algeria 2,381,740 20 0.00840 1Angola 1,246,700 207 0.166 1Benin 110,620 84 0.759 1Botswana 566,730 54 0.0953 1Burkina Faso 273,800 99 0.362 1Burundi 25,650 209 8.148 1Camaroon 465,400 342 0.735 1Central African Rep. 622,980 45 0.0722 1Chad 1,259,200 134 0.106 1Congo 341,500 315 0.922 1Cote d’Ivoire 31,800 167 0.525 1Djibouti 23,180 4 0.173 1Egypt 995,450 88 0.0884 1Equitorial Guinea 28,050 55 1.961 1Ethiopia 1,101,000 66 0.0599 1Gabon 257,670 169 0.656 1Gamgia, The 10,000 93 9.3 1Ghana 227,540 224 0.984 1Guinea 245,860 172 0.7 1Guinea-Bissau 28,120 55 1.956 1Kenya 569,690 255 0.448 1Lesotho 30,350 8 0.264 1Liberia 90,750 115 1.267 1Libya 1,759,540 9 0.00511 1Madagascar 581,540 75 0.129 1Malawi 94,080 361 3.837 1Mali 1,220,190 123 0.101 1Mauritania 1,025,220 8 0.0078 1Mauritius 2,030 28 13.793 1Morocco 446,300 39 0.0874 1Mozambique 784,090 253 0.323 1Namibia 823,290 102 0.051 2Niger 1,265,700 166 0.131 1Nigeria 910,770 278 0.305 1Rwanda 24,670 42 1.702 1Senegal 192,530 127 0.66 1Sierra Leone 71,620 117 1.634 1Somalia 627,340 35 0.0558 1South Africa 1,221,040 153 0.125 1Sudan 2,276,000 105 0.0461 1Swaziland 17,200 40 0.756 2Tanzania 886,040 682 0.77 1Togo 54,390 60 1.103 1Tunisia 155,360 17 0.109 1Uganda 199,550 291 1.238 2Zaire 2,267,600 962 0.424 1Zambia 743,390 335 0.451 1Zimbabwe 386,670 114 0.295 1

From McAllister et al., 1997. Reprinted with permission from Ocean Voice International.

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The East Coast province has 100 species, with mediumlevels of endemism, but the species are relatively restrictedin distribution. Forested mountain areas (eg., Mt. Kenya-Aberdare highlands, Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzanian South-ern Highlands) are known to have higher numbers ofendemics, but have been poorly studied, as have thecoastal rivers of southern Mozambique. Skelton (1994)summarizes the little that is known for this area. A morecomprehensive assessment is needed.

The Zambezian province, with its 150 species, can befurther divided into four regions: the upper Zambezi(above the Victoria Falls), Lake Kariba (between the fallsand Kariba Dam), the middle Zambezi (between Karibaand the Cahora Bassa Dams), and the lower Zambezi(from Cahora Bassa to the delta). The upper and lowerZambezi are richer in species than the middle (review:Skelton, 1994). According to Stuart et al. (1990), theZambezi river supports a number of threatened freshwa-ter fishes. Tilapia guinasana is a threatened species thatis found in a few sink holes in Namibia. Seventy speciesare known for the Okavango Delta. The delta is threat-ened by plans for water diversion and overfishing.

The Quanza province has 110 known species, includingsome endemic cyprinids in the Lucala River, but the areahas been poorly studied. Stiassny considers this a prior-ity area for further research.

The Southern (Cape) province has thirty-three species,most of which are highly restricted endemics (review:Skelton, 1994). The most restricted are those in the South-west Cape.

The Maghreb province has only forty species recorded(review: Doadrio, 1994). The conservation status of thesespecies is unknown.

A more recent analysis, conducted by World WildlifeFund-U.S. (Abell et al., 1999, in press), is shown in themap section, pages 37-41. This map of freshwaterecoregions and bioregions reflects the results of a 1998workshop of scientific experts, and consultation with otherfreshwater experts. An ecoregion represents “a geographi-cally distinct assemblage of natural communities thatshare a large majority of their species, ecological dynam-ics, and environmental conditions” (Abell et al., 1999, inpress).

Table 3 summarizes freshwater fish species diversity bycountry. Taking into account all freshwater ecosystems,but considering only those countries with over 100 fresh-water fish species, the top five countries in terms of fresh-water species richness per unit area are: 1) Burundi, 2)Malawi, 3) Sierra Leone, 4) Uganda, and 5) Ghana

(McAllister et al., 1997, based on FishBase 96: Froeseand Pauly, 1996). These estimates include the Great Lakes.

2. Freshwater species

Table 4 lists African countries with the most threatenedfish and amphibian species, from the IUCN Red List ofThreatened Animals (IUCN, 1996). To date, IUCN’s as-sessment of fish has focused largely on freshwater spe-cies (SSC home page, 1998). This estimate may still below. The 1993 International Symposium on BiologicalDiversity in African Fresh and Brackish Water Fishes rec-ommended reviewing inventories of fresh and brackishwater fishes in relation to the Red List (Reid, 1994).

In general, the African freshwater species under greatestthreat of habitat loss are the ones living in forested streamhabitats. These species generally have higher endemic-ity, and a correspondingly more restricted distribution thanspecies living in the larger riverine system (Stiassny, pers.comm.). Because they evolved in relatively small and iso-lated environments, they are particularly vulnerable to theintroduction of exotics (SSC home page, 1998).

3. Rivers and streams

Worldwide, rivers and streams are probably the mostneglected biological systems of all, with Africa, again,being no exception (Figure 14). Ten river systems drainmuch of Africa, with four major rivers dominatingtropical Africa: the Niger, the Nile, the Zaire, and theZambezi. The Zaire river basin is one of the mostspecies-rich areas in the world, with 80% of its spe-cies being endemic (Lowe-McConnell, 1987b). Thevarious species represent a diversity of fish families.

Table 4. Numbers of Threatened Fishand Amphibian Species by Country

Country Threatened ThreatenedFish Species Amphibian


Uganda 28 0South Africa 27 9Cameroon 26 1Kenya 20 1Tanzania 19 1Madagascar 13 1Seychelles 0 4

Data from SSC, 1998.

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The upper Lualaba-Zaire basin is second only to theAmazon in riverine complexity and is home to manyendemic species. Up to 700 species can be foundwithin the distance of a few kilometers (Kaufman, pers.comm.) For purposes of comparison, only 150 occurin all of European inland waters.

In general, the further downstream, the greater the num-ber of species, probably because of the greater diversityof food sources available in lowland rivers with flood-plain habitats (Ruwa, 1996). Current biodiversity esti-mates for African rivers and streams may be much toolow. Recently, Teugels and colleagues showed that previ-ous researchers had underestimated species number in theCross River basin in Cameroon and Nigeria by 73%(Teugels et al., 1992, cited in Stiassny, 1996).

The flow of many rivers, such as the Orange, Zambezi,Tana, Juba, Nile, Gambia, and Senegal, varies widelyduring the year, with mean maximum discharge often tentimes that of the minimum discharge (Scudder, 1991).Over 90% of Africa’s river course length is made up ofshort rivers less than 0.9 km long, many of which flowonly seasonally (Stiassny, 1996).

Some deltas, banks, and floodplains, such as the SenegalRiver Delta and the Inner Niger Delta, support a wealthof wildlife and are of international biological importance.(See the wetlands section for more details.) Additionalrivers and streams of importance include the Niger River,which has been identified as an important site for Sire-nians by the IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC)specialist group (IUCN, 1991a). Madagascar’s streamsand estuaries contain primitive cichlids, which are as im-portant evolutionarily to advanced cichlids asMadagascar’s prosimians are to other primates (Kaufman,pers. comm.). As discussed in section 5D., Madagascar’sfreshwater fishes are the most threatened vertebrates onthe island.

Major river drainages on Africa’s East Coast include theTana and Sabaki rivers in Kenya, the Rufiji and Ruvumarivers, Tanzania, and the Xamberzi and Limpopo rivers,Mozambique, whose catchment includes South Africa,Zimbabwe, and Botswana (Ruwa, 1996).

Nearly 40% of Africa’s freshwater fisheries come fromits rivers and floodplain areas (Ruwa, 1996). The Nigerriver, tributaries and associated floodplains, support morethan 54,000 fishermen and supply most fish eaten bypeople in Nigeria, Mali, and Niger. Fish in the Kafueriver and floodplain in Zambia sustain 670 fishermen andmake up more than 20% of the total annual inland catch.The Shire river and floodplain in Malawi provide liveli-hood for nearly 4,500 fishermen and supply over 30% ofthe annual inland catch (Welcomme, 1979). The Elephantmarsh within the Shire floodplain also contributes sig-nificantly to Malawian catches (Leveque et. al., 1988).The Gambia river supports 16,000 artisanal fishermenand provides over 8,100 metric tons of fish.

4. Lakes

Certain lakes - Ntomba and Mai-Ndombe in the Zaireanbasin and the Great Lakes (Lakes Tanganyika, Malawi,and Victoria) - are particularly important for the evolu-tion of Africa’s endemic fishes (Figure 15). Ntomba (a.k.a.Tumba) and Mai-Ndombe are the site of a former centerof African fish evolution and contain a number of en-demic species. Interestingly, the richness of the fauna inLake Ntomba appears to be due to food and nutrients fromthe surrounding forest; the water in the lakes is impover-ished in nutrients (Lowe-McConnell, 1987b).

The Great Lakes are known for their extraordinary diver-sity within the family Cichlidae, which dominates the fishfauna in these three lakes and in many adjacent smallerones. Each of the lakes contains well over 150 cichlid

Figure 14. Rivers and streams are probably the most ne-glected biological systems of all. Photo credit: Dennis Zemba.

Figure 15. Lake Victoria. The New England Aquarium, 1998.Photo credit: Alexander Goldowsky.

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species. The variety of cichlid species far surpasses thatof the finches - 13 species in all - used in Darwin’s clas-sic evolutionary model. In addition to cichlids, the lakesalso support other endemic fishes and, at least in LakeTanganyika, a diverse invertebrate fauna, including largenumbers of endemic crustaceans and molluscs. Unfortu-nately, associated animal populations such as hippos,crocodile, python, otter, whale-headed stork, sitatunga andmonitor lizards have been reduced in the Great Lakesbasin (Kaufman et al., 1996).

tons of fish per year. Like Lake Tanganyika, the water isanoxic below 250 meters. The upper 250 meters undergoesan annual pattern of stratification and partial mixing; com-plete mixing has never been observed. Could the explosivespecies radiation have occurred rapidly? Evidence from LakeNabugabo, Uganda, and Lake Victoria suggests that ex-tremely rapid radiation can occur (Cromie, 1982; Owen etal., 1990; Johnson et al., 1996; Kaufman et al., 1997). Thesouthern arms of Lake Malawi appeared to have dried outtwice in the last 1000 years, once between 840-940 yearsago, and again between 140-490 years ago (Kaufman et al.,1996). Endemic species are found around islands in areasthat were dry just 500 years ago (Lowe-McConnell, 1993b;Owen et al., 1990).

Lake Victoria , Africa’s largest lake and the second larg-est lake in the world, has a surface area of 68,635 km2,which is larger than all of Switzerland. The lake is rela-tively shallow, with a maximum depth of 79 m. As re-cently as 1970, the lake was known to contain at least350 fish species, of which more than 300 were endemichaplochromines (Kaufman, 1991b) (Figure 17). Geologi-cal evidence suggests that the lake nearly dried up 13,500years ago and that many of the species may have evolvedsince this short time (Owen et al., 1990; Johnson et al.,1996). The area surrounding the lake is also particularlyrich in butterflies, mammals and birds. More than 500passerine bird species are known to occur in the region,15 of which are endemic.

Lake Tanganyika is the world’s longest (650 km) andsecond-deepest (1,500 meters) lake. The lake contains thegreatest overall species diversity (considering all taxa),and the oldest and most differentiated fish fauna of theGreat Lakes (Figure 16). The Lake did not dry up duringthe mid-Pleistocene period, so speciation was able to con-tinue for a longer period of time in Lake Tanganyika thanthe other Great Lakes. In addition, the lake basin wasinvaded multiple times by various fish lineages. The bio-logical riches of Lake Tanganyika occur mostly in theupper 200 meters, since the lake is anoxic below thisdepth. Lake Tanganyika has an unusually high yield offish relative to its algal production. In fact, fish produc-tivity and fish biomass are actually higher in this tropicallake than in temperate lakes. This situation is unusual sincetropical lakes have a reduced supply of oxygen relativeto temperate lakes. Coulter (1981) speculates that theproductivity may be due to the lake’s age and correspond-ing endemicity, coupled with the high rates of trophictransfer from mixing by frequent and severe storms.

Lake Malawi, the world’s ninth largest lake (575 km n-s,685 m deep), is considered the world’s richest lake for fishspecies. The lake contains at least 600 identified species offishes and perhaps another 400 unidentified. More than 90%of the species are haplochromine cichlids (Ribbink, 1988;Lowe-McConnell, 1993b), with the rest from nine other fishfamilies. The lake is also home to 20 endemic gastropods.The lake’s artisanal and commercial fisheries yield 40,000

Figure 16. Julidochromis marlieri (burundi), one of the spec-tacular Tanganyikan cichlids. Photo credit: Keegan Armke,Armke’s Rare Aquarium Fish.

Figure 17. A haplochromine cichlid from Lake Victoria. Thisis Harpagochromis sp.guiarti complex. The New EnglandAquarium, 1998. Photo credit: Paul V. Loiselle.

Unfortunately, Lake Victoria has recently undergone thegreatest vertebrate mass extinction of modern time. Evi-dence suggests that a confluence of factors, principallythe introduction of the Nile perch, have led to extinctionof almost all of the deepwater cichlid species, as well asnearly half of the species known from waters less than 20m deep (See Case Study, Annex). Some of thehaplochromine species are maintained in a tiny, but im-

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portant refugium lake, Lake Nawampasa. This lake is only1 km by 5 km, yet it preserves over 36 haplochrominespecies representing most of the described genera of theLake Victoria system (Kaufman et al., 1997).

Two of the Great Lakes, Tanganyika and Malawi, are trueRift Valley lakes, located in rock fissures. Other Rift Val-ley lakes include Kivu, Edward, George, Albert (formerlyMobutu) and Turkana. Lakes Victoria, Nabugabo andKyoga are considered associated lakes. Several of thelakes of the Great Rift Valley (in Ethiopia, Kenya, andTanzania) contain high levels of alkaline soda, inhospi-table to most aquatic life but a thriving environment forbacteria, algae and alkaline-tolerant crustaceans. Thesesoda lakes are highly productive. Although species di-versity is low, population numbers are large (Melack,1996). The crustaceans in these lakes, along with the al-gae, are the food staple of huge flocks of greater and lesserflamingoes. More than half of the world’s flamingoes livein the Gregory Rift, with Lakes Magadi, Turkana, Bogoriaand Baringo all being important flamingo habitats. Theenormous flocks of flamingoes which can number overone million create a massive ring of pink around the lakes.This visual extravaganza ranks as one of the most spec-tacular natural sights in Africa, and is an important tour-ist attraction, particularly Lake Nakuru, Kenya (Figure18). This 256 sq. km. lake supports a spectacularly largepopulation of flamingoes as well as other birds such ascormorants, ducks, spoonbills and avocets. Lake NakuruNational Park, which is also a rhinoceros sanctuary, isconsidered “the greatest ornithological spectacle in theworld” (IUCN, 1990a). Tanzania’s Lake Natron is the onlybreeding site for lesser flamingoes in East Africa. Lakes

Natron, Magadi, Elementeita, Nakuru and Bogoria forman interconnected group of ecosystems, as birds popula-tions move from one lake to another (Melack, 1996). LakeMagadi also contains alkaline-tolerant endemic fish. LakesNakuru and Bogoria are now protected; conservation ofElementeita is under discussion (Oglethorpe, pers.comm.).

Shallow freshwater lakes surrounded by papyrusswamps and seasonal lakes often provide essential wet-land habitats (Melack, 1996). For example, the swampsbordering Lake Chad’s shores are one of the three mostimportant West African sites for Palearctic migratory birds.Kenya’s Lake Naivasha supports large numbers of water-fowl, mammals, higher plants, zooplankton andmacroinvertebrates (Melack, 1996). (See the wetlandssection for more details.)

Additional lakes of importance include the following.Crater lakes and montane lakes support a high numberof endemic species. Cameroon’s crater lake Barombi Mboharbors 17 endemic species of fishes, 11 of which arecichlids. In general, Cameroon’s crater lake fish assem-blages are threatened (Kaufman, pers. comm.).Madagascar’s lakes also contain some of the country’smost threatened endemics, with half of its endemic fresh-water fishes and its only freshwater turtle threatened. TheMadagascar Lakes Alaotra, Kinkony and Ihotry are im-portant for waterbirds. Both Tanzania and Uganda con-tain a number of important lakes for waterbirds;Botswana’s Lake Ngami is also an important site.Comoros’ Lake Dziani, included in IUCN’s directory ofwetlands of international importance, has a diverse and

abundant bird population. Ethiopia’sLake Tana is also important due to itsBarbus species flock.

5. Freshwater wetlands

Wetlands are transitional systems (i.e.,ecotones) between terrestrial systems andopen water systems (Figure 19). As a re-sult, they attract species from both sys-tems and are often highly productive re-gions with high species richness (Harperand Mavuti, 1996). The African conti-nent features vast wetlands covering hun-dreds of thousands of square kilometers.These wetlands can be broadly catego-rized as freshwater wetlands (which in-clude swamps, floodplains, riverine for-est, and swamp forest), mangroves, andcoastal wetlands (including lagoons, es-tuaries, and tidal mudflats). Only fresh-

Figure 18. The enormous flamingo flocks of Lake Nakuru are an importanttourist attraction. Photo credit: Dennis Zemba.

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water wetlands are considered here; mangroves andcoastal wetlands are covered in following sections. All ofthese wetlands are seriously stressed by man’s activities,as indicated by the number of threatened and endangeredwetland birds and other fauna.

Africa has two distinctive types of freshwater swamps:1) shaded swamps, in which photosynthesizing parts ofplants are above water, shading the water from sun andwind; and 2) unshaded swamps, which support submergedwater weeds and floating plants (Beadle, 1984). Impor-tant swamps include the Sudd Swamp(also considered a floodplain), theOkavango Delta, Lake Chad, and theBangweulu swamps.

The most common type of shaded swampin central, eastern, southern Africa, andin Madagascar below 2,300 m is the pa-pyrus swamp (Cyperus papyrus). Thesehabitats surround most shallow freshwa-ter lakes. Papyrus swamps have very lowlevels of oxygen due to rapid growth anddecomposition of the papyrus (Chapmanet al., 1995). These swamps may act as abarrier to the dispersal of species intol-erant of low oxygen conditions and, assuch, may help protect endemic lacus-trine species (Kaufman et al., 1996). Theswamps provide feeding grounds formany fish and support a large variety of

other animals including birds, frogs, insects and somemammals (Figure 20). They also provide other benefits,including water purification and the reduction of sedi-ment loading into lakes. Drainage and cultivation threatenthe existence of papyrus swamps in places. According toKaufman et al. (1996), papyrus drainage has led to soilerosion and acidification and a reduction in water quan-tity for rural communities.

“A floodplain is any region along the course of a riverwhere large seasonal variations in rainfall results inoverbank flooding in to the surrounding plains” (Gaudet,1992). Roughly 1%, or 340,000 km2 of Africa’s surfacearea is floodplain (Thompson, 1996). Seasonal floodplainsare found along many of the larger African rivers, mak-ing up nearly half of Africa’s total wetland area. (Thomp-son, 1996). These wetlands have distinctive grass and reedvegetation that are critically important to local wildlifepopulations and vice versa. The distribution of some flood-plain tree species depends on animal activity. For example,the hippopotamus influences the distribution of Acaciaalbida along the Luanga and Zambezi river valleys inZambia. The hippo and other wildlife eats the seeds, en-hancing germination and fostering dispersion (Feely,1965, cited in Gaudet, 1992). These wetlands are alsooften the site of large seasonal game migrations, with themigration patterns of a number of ungulates such as ga-zelle, lechwe and tian, based around the production offloodplain grasses after flood recession (Harper andMavuti, 1996). Generally, each floodplain supports a di-verse range of grass and other plant species. The SuddSwamp, for example, features five different communi-ties: two made up of grass, one permanent swamp areawith papyrus, one semi-permanent swamp, and open water

Figure 20. Papyrus swamps are the dominant habitat surrounding most ofAfrica’s freshwater lakes. New England Aquarium, 1998. Photo credit: MarkChandler.

Figure 19. Freshwater wetlands are often highly produc-tive regions with high species richness. Photo credit: Den-nis Zemba.

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(Sutcliffe, 1976, cited in Gaudet, 1992). Floodplains alsoprovide nursery grounds for riverine fishes (Ruwa, 1996).

“A riverine forest is an ecosystem...dependent on riverprocesses of erosion, sediment transport, flooding inun-dation, and alluvial deposition” (Medley and Hughes,1996). It, too, is a transitional ecosystem, and as such, isoften rich in species. East Africa’s only well-developedriverine forest is Kenya’s Tana River, home to a rich di-versity of species now biogeographically isolated fromthe tropical moist forests of the coast and west-centralAfrica. Many species inhabit the area: 250 types of birds,several of which are rare and endemic; 175 woody plantspecies; and 57 mammals derived from three biogeo-graphic centers of diversity, including four endemic pri-mates, two of which are endangered (Medley and Hughes,1996). The Tana River Delta is threatened by an existingdam, along with proposed shrimp farms and rice cultiva-tion schemes (Raal and Barwell, 1995).

Swamp forests are found in still waters around lake mar-gins and certain parts of floodplains. These typically con-sist of Ficus species, borassus palms, and Syzigium (IUCN,1990b). Extensive areas are found in the Zaire basin andthe Niger Delta. The Guineo-Congolian (i.e., Zairean)swamp forest has a diversified endemic flora. Cameroon’sswamp forests along the Nyong River are unusual and im-portant representatives of this type of habitat.

The major centers of endemism in Africa’s freshwaterwetlands include:

• Okavango Delta (Botswana)• Inner Niger Delta (Mali)

• Sudd Swamp (Sudan)• Lake Chilwa (Malawi), a shallow lake that is an im-

portant site for water birds. Lake Chilwa is being con-sidered as a possible Ramsar site

• floodplains in the Central African Republic• floodplains of Lake Victoria/Lake Kyoga (Uganda,

Kenya, Tanzania)• The inland deltas and floodplains of Malagarasi, one

of the most extensive wetlands in Africa (Tanzania)• The southern swamps of the Democratic Republic of

the Congo (formerly Zaire)• The Mweru Wa’Ntipa wetland and others in Zambia

Important wetland fisheries include: Lake Chad (yield-ing 115,000 tons), Lake Chilwa, the Bangweulu Swampand Mweru Wa’Ntipa in Zambia, the Niger Inland Delta(the 1980 estimate in Mali was 100,000 tons), theOkavango Delta, and swamps in the central Zaire basin.Estuarine fishing is limited except in areas such as WestAfrica, Mozambique, and Madagascar.

In West Africa, the largest and most important swamp isthe Inner Niger Delta, located in the valley of the UpperNiger south of Timbuktu. The delta, along with the shoresof Lake Chad, the fourth largest lake in Africa, andDiawling-Djoudj in northern Senegal and Mauritania,comprise the three most important sites in West Africafor Palearctic migratory birds.

The 17,000 km2 of the Inner Niger Delta includes a com-plex of shallow lakes. In the dry season, this wetland isparticularly important for waterfowl since it is the laststretch of water in the central part of the delta to go dry.The delta is an important site for migratory birds (includ-

ing threatened cranes) and warthogs, andsupports the largest surviving populationof West African manatees. The area is awintering ground of great importance fora large variety of Palearctic migrants, aswell as birds which migrate inside Af-rica. The delta contains a large propor-tion of the world’s wintering populationof garganey (500,000) and pintail ducks(200,000).

Much of Lake Chad is surrounded byswamp. Half of the lake is in Chad, theother half is in three other countries. Thelake is an important site for migratorybirds (including threatened cranes), an-telope and fishes. Due to drought and de-sertification, however, the lake has

shrunk from its former 28,000 to10,000 Another important wetland

Figure 21. The Djoudj National Park in Senegal supports over three millionwaterfowl, including pelicans. Source: World Bank, 1993. Photo credit: CurtCarnemark.

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site in Chad is Lake Fitri (50,000 ha),which has been declared both a Bio-sphere Reserve Site and a Ramsar site.

The Djoudj National Park supports overthree million waterfowl (Figure 21). Theproposed Diawling Park, within theSenegal River Delta complex, is adja-cent to Djoudj. The Senegal River Deltacontains diverse habitats, including largefloodplains, saline and intertidal flats,dikes and sand dunes. The area is heavilypopulated, with more than one millionpeople.

Other West African sites of importanceinclude the diverse wetlands in Gambiaand Nigeria’s Hadejia-Nguru wetlandswhich is an important site for Palearcticmigrants and other birds. In 1995, thissite supported 259,000 water-relatedbird species (Polet and Thompson, 1996). Togo’s ParcNational de la Keran and its Reserve de Faune de Togodo,though small, are important sites for migratory birds aswell (Frazier, 1996).

While East Africa’s wetlands are smaller in size than wet-lands in the other regions, they are important for theirhabitat diversity (Harper and Mavuti, 1996). Very fewwetlands in East Africa are protected (Figure 22). Thediverse areas include Uganda’s many wetlands, includ-ing the lowland valley swamps around Lakes Kyoga,Victoria and George, and the Nile Valley; Kenya’s exten-sive inland wetlands, covering over 12,000, in-cluding the Lorian swamp and Amboseli (Harper andMavuti, 1996); Rwanda’s two great swamps, theMugesera-Rugwero and the Akagera; the Ethiopian high-lands (Harper and Mavuti, 1996), and Mozambique’s wet-lands consisting of riverine floodplains, large stands ofmangroves, papyrus swamps, numerous coastal lakes ofvarying degrees of salinity and seasonal pans.

In Central Africa, the most important swamp is Sudan’sSudd Swamp. This swamp is the largest swamp in theworld (over 150,000 km2 or 1,650,000 ha), and is an im-portant area for wildlife and people. The swamp supportssome of the greatest concentrations of wildlife in Africa,with the richest bird life of any African wetlands. It is animportant site for threatened cranes. The Sudd Swampalso supports about 400,000 pastoralists of the Dinka,Nuer and Shilluk tribes. Another important Central Afri-can wetland of tremendous biological importance isZambia’s Bangweulu Swamps. The Bangweulu wetlandsat the head of the Luapula river are among the biggest in

the world. This is an important site for large mammalsand birds and is the main breeding site for the threatenedwattled crane. Lake Bangweulu is a shallow lake; its depthdoes not exceed five meters. Zambia’s Kafue Flats arenot only important for threatened cranes, but are also thecountry’s most valuable agricultural site (Scudder, 1991).Dependent on annual flooding, these highly productivewetlands and their wildlife provide numerous benefits tolocal people -- supporting an important fisheries, irriga-tion, water supply, agriculture, communal grazing, tour-ism and hunting activities. There are also extensiveswamps in the central Zaire Basin (Harper and Mavuti,1996), particularly at the confluence of the Zaire andOubangui rivers.

In Southern Africa, the most important wetland is the vastOkavango Delta, covering 15,000 km2. This is one ofthe most important wetland sites in Africa for wildlifeand people. Seventy to eighty species of fish are found inthe delta and nearby Lake Ngami. The delta supportsimportant fisheries (with 280 fishermen dependent on theresource), and is an important tourist attraction. The deltasupports many large mammals and birds whose contin-ued existence depends upon the maintenance of the eco-system. The delta and Chobe National Park are the mainbreeding sites for the rare slaty egret and the wattled crane.The delta has had little human interference due to thetsetse fly (Beadle, 1984). The delta drains into the north-west corner of the Kalahari Desert, one of Africa’s larg-est deserts.

Additional southern African freshwater wetlands of im-portance include several wetlands in Namibia. Wetlands

Figure 22. East African wetlands are remarkably diverse. Unfortunately, veryfew are protected. Photo credit: Caroly Shumway.

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are the rarest ecosystem type in this arid country, makingup just 4% of the area (Hines and Kolberg, 1996). Thecountry’s wetlands include: the perennial rivers of thenorthern and southern borders and the Caprivi Region;the ephemeral rivers of the Namib and Kalahari desert;the Cuvelai drainage system of Omusati, Oshana andEtosha; the ephemeral wetlands of the easternOtjozondjupa Region, Grootfontein and the OmurambaOwambo system; and the ephemeral pans of the southernKalahari (Hines and Kolberg, 1996). The Caprivi wet-lands are the country’s largest permanently wet areas cov-ering over 5,000 km2. The area supports Namibia’s great-est diversity of birds (430 species, including 2 of Africa’smost endangered birds, the wattled crane and the slatyegret) and amphibians (26 species). The seasonallyflooded Okavango River wetlands are important becauseof the rich diversity of wildlife and the fact that theOkavango River provides the main source of water forthe Okavango Delta. The Etosha pan (along with LakeOponono and the Cuvelai delta) is an important breedingsite in wet years for up to one million lesser flamingoes.This area supports 340 bird species, including the endan-gered wattled crane, 114 mammals, including populationsof some rare and endangered large mammals (black rhino,among others), 47 fish species, 16 amphibian species and45% of Namibia’s population (Hines and Kolberg, 1996).Namibia’s Orange River Delta is the sixth richest south-ern African wetland for waterfowl. As the Orange Riveris the only perennial river in the area, the delta supportssome unusual plants (Frazier, 1996). Finally, LakeLiambezi, the Linyanti swamp, and the eastern floodplainof the Zambezi in the easternmost part of the country inCaprivi are also important for birds, supporting at least73 Red List species, and large populations of mammals(Hines and Kolberg, 1996). The Mamili National Park(Namibia’s largest conserved wetland area) protects theLinyanti swamp, which has a great diversity of wetlandhabitat, including reed swamps, open-water habitats,ephemeral wetlands and seasonal floodplains (Tagg,1996). The Park has Namibia’s largest population of buf-falo, as well as elephant, hippo, lion, crocodile, lechwe,impala and Cape hunting dog. Botswana’s Lake Ngamiis an important site for waterbirds. This lake is one of thefew breeding sites for pelicans, a seasonal feeding groundfor flamingoes, and an important wintering site forPaleoarctic migrants. Zambezi’s wetlands are also glo-bally important (Acreman and Hollis, 1996).

The most important island wetlands are Madagascar’swetlands, which harbor some of the country’s most threat-ened species. Both people and two of the most endan-gered birds in Madagascar, the pochard and grebe de-pend on the Lac Alaotra swamp. The floodplain lakes LacKinkony and Lac Ihotry are important sites for water birds.

B. Marine/Coastal Habitats

1. Geographic overview

West Afr ica: Large marine ecosystems, or LMEs, are ar-eas defined by their unique hydrography, community foodwebs, bathymetry and productivity (Sherman andAlexander, 1986). The west coast is divided into threeLMEs: the Canary Current, the Benguela Current, andthe Guinea Current (Okemwa, 1995). (See Map section.)Both the Canary and Benguela Currents move cool watertowards the equator and generate permanent areas of up-welling off the southern coast of Mauritania, Senegal, theDemocratic Republic of the Congo, Angola and Namibia(Wells and Bleakley, 1995). The Benguela Current alsocauses strong upwelling along the southern coast in win-ter (August), with weaker upwelling in summer (Novem-ber to February). These areas are highly productive fish-ing grounds, particularly along the coast of southernAngola and Namibia. The cool waters from these twocurrents preclude formation of any true coral reefs or ex-tensive seagrasses along the west coast.

The Guinea Current links the countries in the Gulf. Thefive large rivers and plentiful rain of central West Africagenerate considerable freshwater runoff and large areasof warm, saline water in the Gulf. This freshwater inputsupports the most extensive mangroves in Africa, as wellas tidal swamps, lagoons, estuaries and mudflats. Up-welling occurs along the northwest part of the Gulf in thesummer. The area supports important commercial stocksof pelagic and demersal fishes, particularly in northwestAfrica. Offshore fisheries yield over 2.4 million metrictons/year valued at $3.7 billion dollars. Gambia, Senegal,Ghana and Nigeria have some of the richest coastal fish-eries in West Africa. The soft, muddy sediments alongmuch of the west coast provide rich habitat for soft-bot-tomed species such as shrimp, molluscs (World Bank,1996).

The World Bank (1996) lists the most important coastalthreats in West Africa as: coastal pollution, erosion,overexploitation and degradation of marine resources, anddeteriorating urban water quality and sanitation.

East Afr ica: East Africa’s only LME, the Somalia Cur-rent LME, has an annually-reversing monsoon cycle.From November to March, the northeast monsoon gener-ates a fast, southward flowing current, resulting in nutri-ent-rich upwelling in Somalia and northern Kenya. Themonsoon also transports larvae from the Somali coast andArabian Sea to Somalian and northern Kenyan reefs. Inthe southeast monsoon, these reefs receive larvae from

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the south (World Bank, 1996). Upwelling can also occuroff parts of Somalia from April to October. The coolerwaters inhibit coral growth along much of Somalia’snorthern coast. Similarly, northern Kenyan reefs are pri-marily rocky/algal reefs, with low coral cover and diver-sity lower than the south (World Bank, 1996). Accordingto McClanahan (1996), the reefs in northern Kenya andSomalia are ecologically and oceanographically distinctfrom those in southern Kenya and Tanzania, with Malindibeing the boundary. The latter reefs have high coral di-versity and good coral cover. Patch reefs are found on the

west coast ofTanzania’s Zanzibar,Pemba and Mafia is-lands, with well-de-veloped fringing reefson the eastern sides.These reefs may besources of larvae toother reefs alongmainland coast(McClanahan, 1996).Patch and fringingreefs are also found inthe Seychelles,Mauritius, Rodriguezand the Comoros Is-lands.

The Mozambique andMadagascar Currentsare thought to be in-

volved in the movement of larvae to Mozambique coastsfrom the mangrove and prawn-rich coast of Madagascar(Gaudian et al., 1994). In contrast to West Africa, the eastcoast is drained by only a few large rivers. Both Kenyaand Mozambique support important coastal fisheries, withthe Tana, Sabaki and Zambezi river discharge areas be-ing highly productive fisheries grounds (McClanahan,1996). The most productive fisheries areas near theZambezi River are the Sofala, Maputo and Beira Bays inMozambique (McClanahan, 1996). The Cargados CarajosShoals in Mauritius are an important, highly productivearea for commercial and artisanal fisheries (Gaudian etal., 1994). Coasts in Djibouti and Eritrea along the RedSea and the Gulf of Aden have been poorly studied. How-ever, the area is important because it is part of an ecotonebetween the Red and Arabian Sea. Eritrea’s governmenthas made protection of marine and coastal biodiversity ahigh priority (Figure 23).

The World Bank (1996) lists the most important marinethreats in East Africa as destructive fishing practices,eutrophication and siltation, and marine oil pollution fromtanker traffic and ballast discharge. McClanahan andObura (1995) consider the greatest threat to be overfish-ing. Seventy-five percent of fish caught in Kenya are im-mature (Obura et al., 1995). While the region has 40 ma-rine protected areas and 23 coastal protected areas, manyof these are just paper parks. According to Gaudian et. al(1994), only a few protected areas in Kenya are effec-tively managed.

Southern Afr ica: Southern African waters make up theAgulhas Current LME. A number of studies have shown

Figure 24. Namibia’s coastal waters support abundantconcentrations of pelagic fish, seals, dolphins, and sea-birds. Photo credit: Dennis Zemba.

Figure 23. Schooling fish. Photo credit: Les Kaufman.

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that this current is responsible for the southward larvaldispersal of a variety of fish species along the east coastof South Africa (Hutchins, 1991; van de Elst, 1976; 1981;Heydorn et al., 1978; Garratt, 1988). The southernmostpart of South Africa is of extreme biogeographic interestbecause of the confluence and interaction of three majorocean systems: the Indian, Atlantic, and Southern Oceans(Gawler and Agardy, 1994). Both South Africa and Angolasupport important coastal fisheries, while rich pelagic fish-ing grounds are found off Namibia, Angola and SouthAfrica (World Bank, 1996). According to Toole (1996),“Namibia’s coastal waters support some of the greatestconcentrations of marine life found anywhere in theworld,” with abundant pelagic fish, seals, dolphins, andseabirds (Figure 24). Like East Africa, the area has fewlarge rivers. As a consequence, the area has few estuariesand brackish wetlands.

2. Marine species

Marine species of special interest are those that are en-demic, have global or regional significance, or are threat-ened or endangered.

Endemics: Four different groups of endemic marine fishfaunas, the mangrove faunas and the tropical reef faunas,are found in the Indopacific off of East Africa. Madagascar,and the islands to its north and east, have high reef fishdiversity, with the highest number of endemic species ofdamselfish, butterflyfish, and angelfish (McAllister et al.,1994; McClanahan and Obura, 1996). Many endemic spe-cies dwell near the islands of Mauritius, Reunion, andRodrigues (Briggs, 1974). Fairly high levels of endemismin fishes also occur around the Ascension and St. HelenaIslands (Gawler and Agardy, 1994). Endemic molluscs in-habit the Indian Ocean islands, including Mauritius (Gawlerand Agardy, 1994). Endemic seaweeds are found in Senegal,Angola, South Africa and the St. Helena and Ascension Is-lands (Wells and Bleakley, 1995).

Globally or regionally important populations: Millionsof migratory birds, particularly waders, depend on themudflats along the west African coast (Figure 25). (Seecoastal wetlands section and Hughes and Hughes, 1992,for further detail.) Mauritania, Gambia, and Senegal arehome to globally important populations of seabirds, in-cluding slender-billed gulls, gull-billed terns, and the en-demic royal tern. The Tinhosas islets, near Principe inthe Gulf of Guinea, support large populations of boobies,noddies, and terns. Regionally important populations onthe western coast include the great white pelican, Caspiantern, and white-breasted and reed cormorant (Cooper etal., 1984). Large bird colonies on the east African main-land reside on islands off Kisite/Mpungati, Kenya;

Kiunga, Kenya (which has the largest population of theroseate tern, Sterna dougalli); and Lathan Island, Tanza-nia. In southern Africa, important breeding seabird popu-lations are found at Shark Island, Namibia; Bird Island,Labert’s Bay, and Marcus Island, South Africa. Ascen-sion Island is the most diverse and abundant seabird nest-ing site in the South Atlantic region, with large popula-tions of boobies, frigatebirds and sooty terns (Wells andBleakley, 1994; Gawler and Agardy, 1994). Unfortunately,the population of boobies have declined throughout thewestern Indian Ocean. Several other islands and isletssupport large seabird colonies, including numerous is-lands in the Seychelles, St. Brandon, Round, Serpent andCoin de Mire islands off Mauritius, Tromelin and Ile duLys in Reunion, Ile Magnougni in the Nioumachoua is-lands and Ile M’chaco in the Comoros, and Nosy Mangagein Madagascar (Gawler and Agardy, 1994).

Threatened and endangered species: The disappearanceof habitat imperils many African marine species, includ-ing sea turtles and crocodiles, the Mediterranean monkseal, the dugong, West African manatee, pygmy hippo,and some seabirds (Gawler and Agardy, 1994). The de-cline in their range and available habitat is of real con-cern (Figure 26). West African waters are home to ceta-ceans, manatees and sea turtles. A globally importantpopulation of the endangered Mediterranean monk sealinhabits the Madeiran Archipelago, up to northernMauritania. A recent epidemic wiped out nearly 60% ofthe population in two months, leaving just 90 individualsremaining (Species, 1997). The monk seal’s breedingcolony, located on the west coast of the Cap Blanc Penin-sula, is protected by a satellite reserve linked to Bancd’Arguin. A few non-breeding individuals live in the Bancd’Arguin itself. Threatened species in East Africa includesea turtles (five species), the Indo-Pacific hump-backed

Figure 25. The mudflats along the West African coast arecritically important for millions of migratory birds, particu-larly waders. Photo credit: Les Kaufman.

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dolphin found in mangroves and delta habitats (Senegal,Somalia, Mozambique) and other cetaceans (at least fif-teen species, but their distribution is not well known), thecoelocanth, the dugong, and threatened shore and seabirds, including the Mascarene petrel, the Madagascar fisheagle, and the Mauritius kestrel (Gawler and Agardy,1994). South Africa has the highest number of threatenedmarine and coastal species, including Heaviside’s dol-phin, the dusky dolphin, the jackass penguin, three spe-cies of marine turtles, eight species of threatened fishes,two species of threatened clam, and two species of tern(Gawler and Agardy, 1994).

Threatened sea turtles live off West, East, and SouthernAfrica. Marine scientists at the IOMAC InternationalWorkshop in Marine Scientific Cooperation in the IndianOcean recommended regional cooperation in sea turtleconservation, particularly in mapping nesting sites andfeeding grounds (Obura et al., 1995). The primary nest-ing sites for green and hawksbill turtles are on islands,with Ascension Island being globally important for both

species, and Europa, Tromelin and Aldabra for greenturtles alone (Gawler and Agardy, 1994). The largest popu-lation of hawksbills occur on the granitic islands and inthe Amirantes, Seychelles. Green turtles are also foundin the Primeiros and Segundos Islands, Mozambique.Other important sites for sea turtles are found in Mada-gascar, Equatorial Guinea’s Bioko Island, andMozambique’s Bazaruto Archipelago, which supportsfour species. Most turtle species are also found in Kenyaand Tanzania, although the numbers are smaller. Impor-tant sites for both sea turtles and seabirds include:Mauritius’ St. Brandon Island, the Seychelles, Senegal,South Africa, Sudan’s Suakin Archipelago, and Ethiopia’sDahlak Islands.

Threatened seabirds in East Africa include: the Mascarenepetrel, the Madagascar fish eagle, and the Mauritiuskestrel, among others; in South Africa, the jackass pen-guin and two species of tern (Gawler and Agardy, 1994).Namibia’s coast is an important site for seabirds.

Important sites for marine mammals include: West Afri-can lagoons [manatees and the endemic dolphin Sousateuzsii (Binet et al., 1995)], Mozambique’s Bazaruto Ar-chipelago (the most important remaining habitat for dug-ongs), Madagascar (dugongs), Ethiopia’s Dahlak Islands(dugongs), Namibia’s Cape Cross (seals, Heaviside’sdolphin) and South Africa (seals, Heaviside’s dolphin, andsouthern right whale). After reviewing the predicamentof marine mammals in east Africa, threatened by habitatloss and incidental take (including illegal driftnet opera-tions by Asian boats), the IOMAC recommended surveysof Mozambique, Pemba Island and the coast of Tanzania,northwest Madagascar, Somalia, Sudan and Eritrea(Obura et al., 1995).

3. Mangroves

“Mangrove” is a broad ecological term used to describethe over fifty species of trees from five families world-wide that have adapted to live in salt water (Robadue,1995; Rutzler and Feller, 1988). These families have in-dependently evolved the capacity to survive in salt water(Ruwa, 1996). The major element of a mangrove com-munity is generally comprised of a pure stand of a par-ticular mangrove species; each stand may have a uniqueassociated fauna. Mangroves are pollinated by insects andbats (Ruwa, 1996). Mangroves prefer shores protectedfrom wave action (Figure 27). They are most extensiveon the deltas of large rivers but also occur along smallbays and lagoons. Mangroves are found discontinuouslyfrom Senegal to Angola on the west coast, and from So-malia to South Africa on the east coast. Extensive standsare also found in Madagascar.

Figure 26. Threatened African marine species include ma-rine turtles, crocodiles, seals and dugongs. This is the greensea turtle, Chelonia. New England Aquarium, 1988. Photocredit: Paul Erickson.

Figure 27. Mangroves are primarily found on protectedshores where the wave action is broken. Photo credit: CarolyShumway.

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East Africa and Madagascar have more species of man-grove than the West coast, supporting from eight to elevenspecies depending on the author (8: Ruwa, 1996; 9: Stuartand Adams, 1990; 11: World Bank, 1996). West Africasupports six species (Stuart and Adams, 1990). West Af-rica, however, has much more extensive mangroves dueto the extensive riverine system not present in the east. Ithas 4,950,000 ha versus nearly 1,200,000 ha in East Af-rica (Kelleher, 1993). The biggest mangrove areas arefound in watersheds with the highest rainfall, betweenGuinea-Bissau and Sierra Leone and between Nigeria andCameroon (FAO, 1994). Estimates of amounts also varyfrom report to report (e.g., Kelleher, 1993; Wells andBleakley, 1994; Gaudian et al., 1994; Stuart and Adams,1990; Ruwa, 1996.) The West African species are com-pletely different from the East African ones. In addition,the West African mangroves are remarkable for support-ing some Indo-Pacific lineages of fish in the Atlantic Ba-sin, such as the mudskipper (Kaufman, pers. comm.).

Eight West African countries have extensive mangroveareas, defined here as over 100,000 ha. These are, in de-creasing order, as follows: Nigeria, Cameroon, Gabon,Sierra-Leone (with the most important being those alongthe Sherbro River), Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Senegal,and Angola (Table 5). Very few of these areas are cur-rently protected (Wells and Bleakley, 1995). AlthoughNigeria’s mangroves are being rapidly exploited, the coun-try still has 970,000 ha along coastal lagoons, and 500,000ha along the Niger Delta (Figure 28). In terms of intactstands, most authors cite Guinea-Bissau as having im-portant stands along its coast, estuaries, and offshore is-lands, particularly those in the Bijagos Archipelago, alongwith Guinea’s coastal mangroves. Guinea’s mangroves,like Nigeria’s, are being rapidly exploited, but the coun-try now has a mangrove management program in place(Wells and Bleakley, 1995).

Additional mangroves of importance are found in Gambiaand Senegal, along the Gambia and Casamance rivers(Kelleher, 1993). They are found from the mouth of theGambia river to 250 km upstream. Important and extensivemangrove areas occur in the Delta du Saloum National Park,along the Gambia River in the south. The delta is an impor-tant fish spawning ground and is home to many seabirds,along with 1,000 pairs of lesser and greater flamingoes andwintering waders. Manatees, humpbacked dolphins, oliveridley, green, and loggerhead turtles, and crocodiles are alsofound there. Sierra Leone also has large areas of mangroves(Wells and Bleakley, 1995).

On the east coast, countries with extensive mangrove areasinclude Mozambique, of which 79% are along the Zambezi

Figure 28. Although Nigeria’s mangroves are being rapidlyexploited, the country still has 970,000 ha along coastal la-goons, and 500,000 ha along the Niger Delta. World Bank,1993. Photo credit: Curt Carnemark.

Table 5. Distribution of ExtensiveAfrican Mangrove Forests

Extensive mangroves(greater than 100,00 ha)

Nigeria 3,238,000Mozambique 500,000Madagascar 325,560Cameroon 306,000Gabon 250,000Sierra Leone 250,000Guinea-Bissau 100,000-236,000Guinea 223,000-285,000Senegal 169,000Tanzania 115,500-133,540Angola 110,000

Areal extent given in ha. (Compiled from Kelleher; 1993;Gaudian et al., 1994; Wells and Bleakley, 1995).

river (Gaudian et al., 1994); Madagascar and Tanzania.(Note that different authors provide different estimates ofextent. For example, Ruwa (1996) states that Madagascarhas the greatest mangrove area on the East Coast, followedby, in order, Tanzania and then Mozambique.) Kenya has

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65,000 ha, particularly in the Lamu, Kwale and Kilifi dis-tricts (Gaudian et al., 1994). All of the eastern species arefound at all locations (Ruwa, 1996). The most extensiveand important mangrove forests on the east coast are foundin Tanzania, particularly the Rufiji Delta (3,200 ha, Gaudianet al., 1994), and along Madagascar’s west coast. The pris-tine stands of Tanzania’s Rufiji Delta are the most extensivestands of the Indian Ocean. In addition to mangroves, thedelta contains a number of diverse wetland habitats, includ-ing freshwater riverine wetlands, riverine forests, swamps,and floodplains. Tanzania’s Zanzibar Island has 4,700 ha(Gaudian et al., 1994.) In Madagascar, important areas in-clude Baie de Bombetoka and Baie de la Mahajamba(Gaudian et al., 1994). Currently, only one small area isprotected.

4. Coastal wetlands and associated habitats

Coastal lagoons and swamps, rich in wildlife, are foundat the edge of deltas of some of the major rivers and wheresand bars and mud banks form a sea barrier. They occuralong the west coast from Senegal to Angola and on theeast coast from Mozambique to South Africa. The mostextensive coastal lagoons are in Mozambique, Madagas-car, between Cote d’Ivoire and eastern Nigeria, and Gabon(Binet et al., 1995). Several are of particular interest.

Mudflats are ecologically important for converting pri-mary production from adjacent mangrove and/or seagrassbeds into secondary production, supporting important fishstocks such as emperors, rabbitfish, and goatfish (Gawlerand Agardy, 1994). Mud and sand flats provide habitatfor bivalves, and are important feeding grounds for shrimp,crabs, overwintering waders, and shorebirds. The biologi-cally most important coastal wetland in West Africa isMauritania’s vast Banc d’Arguin (12,000 km2 ). The parkincludes shallow mudflats, seagrass beds, and the north-ernmost mangroves of the African Atlantic coast. Thisecotone is an important and unusual transition area be-tween salt marsh temperate communities and tropicalmangroves (FIBA, 1996). The area is critically importantfor the world’s largest population of the endangered Medi-terranean monk seal (100 out of 500 worldwide), for wa-terfowl and for its importance to the country’s productivefisheries. Banc d’Arguin supports the largest concentra-tion of wintering wading birds in the world (over twomillion, largely from Europe and Asia) and one of themost diverse communities of nesting waterbirds in Af-rica. Between 25,000-40,000 pairs of birds of 15 differ-ent species nest here. The area is highly productive dueto upwelling. The mudflats are an essential spawningground and nursery for pelagic and demersal fish and crus-tacean stocks, which are important in the fisherieseconomy of the entire West African coast (FIBA, 1996)

and the most important economic resources forMauritania, providing an estimated $34 million/year. Sev-eral species of sea turtles, dolphins (including the rareGuinean dolphin) call the region home.

Guinea-Bissau’s coast supports an estimated 960,000Palaearctic waders, 12% of the eight million Palaearcticbirds that migrate to the West African coast. The country’sBijagos Archipelago features large stands of mangrovesand inter-tidal mudflats and is the second most importantWest African habitat for migratory birds after Bancd’Arguin. The Archipelago also contains marine hipposand five species of sea turtles.

Additional coastal wetlands of importance include:

• Ghana’s coastal wetlands - important for water birdsand as a resource for the local people. The coastal wet-lands provide the most important wintering ground inAfrica for the threatened roseate tern. Six of Ghana’scoastal wetlands are of international importance --Esiama Beach, Muni Lagoon, Densu Delta and SaltPans, Sakumo Lagoon, Songaw and Ketaw Lagoons.

• Gabon and Guinea’s coastal wetlands, for waterbirdsand Palearctic migrants. Guinea’s Ile Blanch has coralcommunities, rare species of fish and sea turtles(Frazier, 1996).

• Namibia’s Namib sheltered coastal wetlands, lagoons,and estuaries, particularly Walvis Bay Lagoon andSandwich Harbour, whose abundant snails and wormsprovide food for hundreds of thousands of wading andmigratory birds (Frazier, 1996). The area supports therare Damara tern.

• Kenya’s Tana River Delta, important for local and mi-gratory birds, as well as for Kenya’s fisheries (Gaudianet al., 1994). The area is threatened by the Tana Deltairrigation project, along with proposed rice and shrimpcultivation schemes (Raal and Barwell, 1995).

• Mozambique’s Zambezi River Delta, important for wad-ers and migratory birds (Gawler and Agardy, 1994).

Seagrasses are flowering plants that have adapted to saltwater (Ruwa, 1996). Seagrass provides habitat to post-larval and juvenile fish and numerous invertebrates.Seagrass detritus supports a rich detrital food web. Thewest coast has few extensive seagrass beds. On the eastcoast, seagrass beds are found in all countries, with thosein the Bazaruto Archipelago, Mozambique reportedlybeing the most extensive (Gaudian et al., 1994). Seagrassbeds are threatened by fishing with explosives, and theuse of bottom traps and beach seines (UNEP, 1989, citedin Gawler and Agardy, 1994).

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noted, the area has high fish diversity, withthe highest number of endemic damself-ish, butterfly, and angelfish species in Af-rica (McClanahan and Obura, 1996).Kenya - The southern area, fromMsambweni to Malindi, is the world’slargest continuous fringing reef(McClanahan and Obura, 1996). Thegreatest fish diversity is found in theShimoni region (Samoilys 1988a,b).- The Lamu region includes estuaries,bays, seagrass, in addition to coral reefs,and supports a threatened population ofdugongs.- The Kiunga region includes coral reefs,mudflats, seagrass beds, littoral commu-nities and extensive mangroves. This sitesupports a large number of dolphins, along

with sea turtles and dugongs (WWF home page, 1997).• Tanzania - The area from Mafia to Pemba Island has

the highest species diversity of the entire Indian Ocean,as measured by coral genera and fish species (Agardy,pers. comm.)- Mafia Island - This area, recognized by IUCN as a

Figure 30. True coral reefs are found on the east coast of Africa from Mozam-bique to the Red Sea, Madagascar, and the islands of the western IndianOcean. This is a Red Sea underwater scene. New England Aquarium, 1989.Photo credit: Paul Erickson.

Figure 29. Kenyan coral reef. Photo credit: Dennis Zemba.

5. Coral reefs

True coral reefs are found only on the east coast of Af-rica, Madagascar, Comoros and Seychelles (Figure 29).Fringing and patch reefs occur along the east coast fromSudan to Mozambique. Destruction has been rampant.Not many reefs are still in excellent condition, except fora few in Kenya, Tanzania and Mozam-bique (Samoilys, 1988b). The entire EastAfrican coastline is thought to be an in-ter-related ecosystem (Samoilys, 1988b),making it incumbent upon all of the gov-ernments to work together to stop theirdestruction (Figure 30). The destructionof coral reefs in Tanzania is severe andwidespread. Massive dynamiting hasforced Tanzanian fishermen north ontoKenyan fishing grounds.

Important sites include:

• Madagascar’s southwest coast -Madagascar has high coral diversity,with over 60 coral genera (Gaudianet al., 1994). (It is possible that thishigh diversity simply reflects in-creased taxonomic effort at this site.McClanahan (pers. comm.) has recentdata suggesting strong similarity incoral diversity among Kenya, Tanza-nia and Madagascar’s reefs.)Madagascar’s southwest barrier reefsare the most extensive in the IndianOcean and among the largest in theworld (200 km). Extensive fringingreefs are also found on the north coast(Gaudian et al., 1994). As previously

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biologically important site, is one of the least disturbedof the East African reefs.- Zanzibar and Pemba Islands (Gaudian et al., 1994)

• Sudan - along the coast as well as islands. Suakin Ar-chipelago has extensive coral reefs, as well as beingan important site for marine turtles.

• Mozambique - The Bazaruto Archipelago, isolatedreefs between Inhambane and Bazaruto, the PrimeirasSegundo Archipelago, the coast between Angoche andPemba, and the Quirimbas Archipelago (Gaudian etal., 1994).

Other sites include:

• Somalia - Somalia’s coastal areas used to be the mostpristine on the continent, but their current status is un-known. The country’s coastal resources include coralreefs, seabird colonies, seagrass beds, turtle nestingbeaches and possibly a sizeable population of dugongs.

• Djibouti• Comoros (particularly Chissioua Quenefou, which has

rich reefs and six major sea turtle nesting sites; andthe south Cost of Mohéli, including the NioumachouaIslets)

• Seychelles• Eritrea

Although the West Coast has no true reefs, it has coralcommunities along the offshore islands and some of therocky mainland coasts. These are comprised of eitherstony corals or ahermatypic (non-stony) corals which donot build reefs (Gawler and Agardy, 1994). Two hundredthirty-nine species of reef fish are present on the westcoast, of which 70% are endemic, an extraordinary levelof endemism for a geographically limited marine fishfauna (Nunan, 1992, cited in Wells and Bleakley, 1995).Eighteen coral species are known, half of which are en-demic, in the Gulf of Guinea and Cape Verde Islands(Gawler and Agardy, 1994). Communities containingsome rare and endemic species, but low species diversity,are found near the Cape Verde Islands, islands in the Gulfof Guinea, at certain sites off the coast of Ghana, Gabon,Cameroon, and along the northern coast of South Africa(Wells and Bleakley, 1995). Wells and Bleakley recom-mend identifying priority sites between Cameroon andGabon.

C. Summary Maps

The maps immediately following provide a summary ofthe biologically and socioeconomically most importantfreshwater and marine ecosystems.

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Modified from Adams, 1996. In: Acreman and Hollis, 1996. © IUCN.

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IUCN, 1990a; updated: Frazier, 1996; also see Davies and Day, 1998

The Global List of Wetlands of International Importance

Country Wetland of International Importance

Burkina Faso Mare Aux Hippoppotames, Mare d’Oursi, Parc national du “W”Chad Réserve de la Biosphère du lac FitriComoros Lake DzianiGabon Petit Loango, Setté Cama, Wongha-WonghéGhana OwabiGuinea Ile Blanche, OwabiGuinea-Bissau Lagoa de CufadaKenya Lake Nakuru, Lake NaivashaMali Lac Horo, Séri, Walado Debo/Lac DeboMauritania Banc d’Arguin, Parc National du DiawlingNamibia Walvis Bay mudflat, Sandwich Harbour, Orange River Mouth, Etosha Pan,

Lake Opnono, and Cuvelei DrainageNiger Parc national du “W”Senegal Bassin du Ndia l, Delta du Saloum, Djoudj, GueumbeulSouth Africa Barberspan, Blesbokspruit,De Hoop Vlei, De Mond/Heuningnes estuary,

Kosi Bay estuary, Lake Sibaya, Langebaan, Natal Drakensberg Park, OrangeRiver Mouth, Seekoeivlei, St. Lucia System, turtle beaches/coral reefs ofTongaland, Usutu/Pongolo floodplain, Verlorenviei, Wilderness Lakes

Togo Parc National de la Keran, Reserve de Faune de TogodoUganda Lake GeorgeZambia Bangweulu Swamps

IUCN, 1990a; updated: Frazier, 1996; also see Davies and Day, 1998

Biosphere Reserves

Country Wetland

Burkina Faso Forêt classée de la mare aux hippotamesKenya Amboseli, Kiunga Marine Nat. Reserve and Biosphere Res., Malindi/

Watamu Marine Nat. Reserves and Biosphere ReserveMadagascar Reserve de la Mananara NordSenegal Delta du SaloumTanzania Lake Manyara National ParkUganda Queen Elizabeth National Park

D. Internationally Recognized Protected Areas

The first two tables list sites recognized under various international agreements (IUCN, 1990a; updated, Frazier,1996); the third table lists African marine and coastal areas considered to be national or regional priorities for protec-tion (Gaudian et al., 1995; Wells and Bleakley, 1995); and the last table provides a useful detailed description ofAfrica’s important lakes, inland wetlands and mangroves (IUCN, 1986).

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Region Country Existing protected areas Proposed new marineneeding management support protected areas

EAST AFRICA Comoros None South Coast of Mohéli, including theNioumachou IsletsGrand ComoreChiroroni, south Anjouan

Kenya Kiunga Marine Natl. Res. Tana River Deltaand Biosphere Res. Ras TenewiDiani/Chale Marine Natl. Res.

Madagascar Nosy Atafana Marine Park Lokobe Strict Nature Res.Grand Recif and coastal zone, ToliaraBaie de BombetokaBaie de la Mahajamba

Mauritius None Cargados Carajos ShoalsLe Chaland Blue Bay Marine ParkBalaclava Marine Park, Turtle Bay

Mozambique Parqe Nacional de Bazaruto The Primeras and Segundos IslandsInhaca Island (Ilhas de Inhaca Nacala-Mossurile dos Portugeuses Faunal Res.) Bartolemu Dias

Ile de la Réunion Ile de Europa

Seychelles Curieuse National ParkBaie TernayPort LaunaySt. Anne

Somalia None Bajunie ArchipelagoMaydh Island

Tanzania Mafia Island/Rufiji Delta Kilwa KisiwaniTanga area Mbegani

Ras BuyeniLindiMtwara/RuvumaLatham IslandPemba IslandsUnguja

The following table lists African marine and coastal ar-eas considered to be national priorities for protection.Areas considered to be of highest regional priority arehighlighted in bold (Gaudian et al., 1994; Wells andBleakley, 1995). Note that for East Africa, Gaudian et al.

consulted with regional experts, with the caveat that con-servation in Somalia was not considered due to politicalinstability. For West African sites (including SouthernAfrica marine regions), Wells and Bleakley based regionalpriorities on a literature review.

(continued on next page)

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WEST AFRICA Angola No information available Bengo River DeltaChicamba MangrovesZaire River Delta

Benin Are no MPAs Reserve de la Biosphere du DjessinWetlands of the coastal plainsLake Nokoue and Porto Novo

Cameroon Douala-Edea Faunal Reserve Bakossi Peninsula MangrovesRio del Ray

Congo Are no MPAs Kouilou Estuary Mangroves

Côte d’Ivoire Are no MPAs Azagny Nat. ParkAby LagoonAzuretti MangrovesCape Palmas

Dem. Rep. of the Congo Parc National Marine None

Equ. Guinea Are no MPAs South coast of Isla de Bioko

Gabon Sette-Cama Hunting Area Akanda MangrovesElobey IslandsMondah ReserveOzouri

The Gambia Niumi-Sine Saloum Nat. Park

Ghana Are no MPAs Anlo-Keta Lagoon ComplexDensu DeltaMuni LagoonSakumu LagoonSongor Lagoon

Guinea Are no MPAs Ile AlcatrazBlanche IslandIles TristaoKonkoure EstuaryRio KapatchezRio Pongo

Guinea-Bissau Bijagos Archipelago Hunting Res. Bijagos Archipelago Biosphere Res.Rio Cacheu

Liberia Are no MPAs Cape MountCestos-Senkwen

Mauritania Banc d’Arguin Nat. Park Aftout es SaheliDiawling National Park

Namibia Are no MPAs Sandwich HarbourWalvis Bay wetlandSwakopmund SaltworksOrange River MouthCape Cross Lagoons

(continued on next page)

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Nigeria Are no MPAs Wetlands, including 3 sites:1) Lagos and Lekki lagoons2) Cross River wetlands/delta3) Niger delta, esp. Taylor’s Creek, Stubb’s Creek

Senegal Delta du Saloum Nat. ParkLangue de Barbarie Nat. ParkGueumbeul Special Res.Iles de la MadeleineBasse-Casamance Nat. Park

Sierra Leone Are no MPAs Bunce RiverYawri Bay-Shesnge/Kagboro Creek AreaTurtle Islands

South Africa None RichtersveldNamaqualand CoastElands Bay CoastLongebaan CoastCape Peninsula CoastDe Hoop CoastGarden Route CoastWoody Cape CoastSoutheast CoastMtamvuna CoastMaputuland Coast

Western Sahara Cap BojadorCôte des PhoquesLaadeim Coast

Togo Are no MPAs Lakes Togo, Vogan, and coastal lagoons

Trista de Cunha None

Ascension Isl. Are no MPAs Boatswain Bird Islet

Canary Islands

Cape Verde Isl. Are no MPAs Ilheus Branco and RasoIlheu RombosIlheu SalSal Rei, Boavista Isl.Sao Vincente Isl.

Table 6, from IUCN (1986), although old, provides useful detail on Africa’s important lakes, inland wetlands, andmangroves. The table, which includes globally as well as nationally important sites, lists the importance of the sitesfor particular species, threats and recommended actions. Priority A is given to areas considered of global importancebecause they either have major wildlife resources, are unique examples of an ecosystem or are the best protected areaexample. Priority B is given to areas which are representative samples of their biotic types, while priority C is givento areas that are of regional or national interest.

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Table 6. Important aquatic sites. From Review of the Protected Areas System in the Afrotropical Realm, 1986. © WorldConservation Union (IUCN) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

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Chapter 5.Threats To Africa’s Aquatic


Aquatic ecosystems are vulnerable to the effects of landuseactivities beyond their boundaries, such as deforestationand the resulting erosion. © World Resources Institute.

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The productivity and diversity of Africa’s aquatic eco-systems, so important to the livelihood, if not survival, ofits peoples face multiple threats. These threats are par-tially a result of desperate poverty, partially a result ofmisguided donor efforts, and partially a result of greed.Threats include: poor land use planning and inappropri-ate policies; the introduction of exotic species; overfish-ing; deforestation; agricultural, municipal and industrialpollution; conversion of sites for agriculture and aquac-ulture; changes in the water regime resulting from waterdiversion and large-scale irrigation; global climate change;and synergistic effects.

Unfortunately, solutions to these threats are hindered bytwo additional problems: 1) “the tragedy of the commons”(Hardin, 1968) and 2) transboundary effects. The firstproblem is that aquatic systems are generally consideredcommon property to the effect that no one feels owner-ship or responsibility for damage. While a number of so-cieties have found ways to overcome the tragedy of thecommons (see Becker and Ostrom, 1995, for design prin-ciples), the ability of even long-standing communities tomanage small areas can be impeded by migrants and eco-nomic refugees who do not share the community’s con-cern over long-term damage to the environment or re-source. The second problem is that the impacts of dam-age extend beyond a nation’s border. For example, 40%of the world’s population lives in river basins shared bytwo or more nations. Thus even if one nation addressesthe problem, its effort could be negated by the (in)actionof the adjacent country. Transboundary issues confound-ing the management of aquatic areas in Africa include:marine pollution in the Gulf of Guinea; the pollution ofrivers and the resulting coastal effects downstream; lacus-trine pollution; the conservation of migratory species;dams and their effects on riverine, wetland and coastalbiodiversity downstream; and an illegal international tradein toxic wastes (World Bank, 1996).

Aquatic ecosystems are more difficult to protect than ter-restrial ones because they depend on the quality and quan-tity of water which can be affected at every step of the path-way between a water catchment and the given system. Bytheir very nature, then, aquatic ecosystems are more vul-nerable than terrestrial ecosystems to the effects of land-useactivities beyond their boundaries -- at times spanning en-tire watersheds. Wetlands in particular require a delicatebalance of water levels and water flow, sedimentation, mi-croclimate, and other factors. For example, pollution fromfactories can affect a downstream wetland. The effects canbe far-reaching. River plumes, under the influence of Co-riolis forces, can hug the coast for hundreds of kilometers(FAO, 1994). Similarly, changes in siltation levels and run-off patterns resulting from developments far upstream can

affect the balance of a mangrove forest on the coast. Seagrassbeds, mangroves, salt marshes, and estuaries are also easilydamaged by pollution because of their shallow waters andrestricted circulation. Numerous African estuaries are al-ready severely damaged.

Freshwater species resemble island species in their vul-nerability to environmental stresses. They have a limitedrange (often to a single watershed, lake or river system)and low population numbers (Stiassny, 1998). Marinesystems are not only affected by land-use activities, butbecause of the fluid nature of the ocean, they can be af-fected by nutrients, pollutants and sediments from othercountries or regions. Coral reefs are vulnerable to dam-age primarily because their recovery is so slow. It cantake at least fifty years for coral reefs to recover fromdestruction; the length of time depends on the extent ofdamage and the availability of coral and other larvae.Worldwide, it is estimated that 10% of the total 600,000km2 of coral reefs are dead, with another 30% likely toshow serious degradation within the next twenty years(OCA/PAC/UNEP/IUCN, 1992). The East African/Mada-gascar reef system is one of the world’s regions consid-ered at greatest risk over the next ten to twenty years.Coral reefs are also vulnerable because of their restric-tive physical requirements -- they can only live under avery narrow range of temperatures, salinity, and clarityof water -- and because of the extraordinary complexityof their food chain. The assemblages of fishes that liveon reefs appear fragile and unstable; they are easily dis-turbed by damage and do not necessarily recolonize inthe same assemblage (Hughes, 1994).

A. Policy Deficiencies andInadequate Planning

Above all else, aquatic systems require integrated planning.Too often, however, governmental agencies consider aquaticsystems only for a single purpose rather than for multipleuses benefitting a variety of sectors. In Africa, IUCN notesthat “very little dialogue seems to be underway... which at-tempts to integrate the multiple use of such potential areasfor optimum economic returns without impairing the eco-logical attributes of such lands” (IUCN, 1991b). This prob-lem can be confounded by limited environmental regula-tions, limited enforcement capacity, and by political insta-bilities precluding long-range planning for sustainable de-velopment. The World Bank (1996) notes that environmen-tal regulations and legislation are only just being developedin Ghana, Nigeria and Tanzania.

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Overlapping jurisdiction: A number of government agen-cies (fisheries, tourism, urban sanitation and water, andagriculture) can have responsibility over aquatic areas andresources, leading to confusion, inertia, and ineffectiveplanning. Overlapping jurisdiction can occur horizontally(within the same level of government) and vertically(across different levels of government, from local authori-ties to regional). In the case of wetlands, for example,despite increasing efforts to conserve these areas, manywetlands are lost because of competing government pri-orities. Governments can have a stated commitment towetland conservation, while at the same time, their na-tional agricultural policy favors wetland drainage!

A force behind inappropriate river basin or wetland de-velopment is a political one -- that of some donors whofavor expensive engineering projects because they utilizeequipment and workers from the donor country (Scudder,1994). Soft loans or grants are also a powerful force forwetlands conversion. In a number of cases, such loans orgrants are given to development projects in wetlandswhich are undertaken with no cost benefit analysis. Inthe late 1970s, for example, the World Bank and a num-ber of European governments supported the developmentof the Bura irrigation scheme on Kenya’s Tana River. In1982, the cost had increased by 180%, negating the pre-dicted rates of return and compromising the viability ofthe investment. By the mid-1980s, the project was judgeda failure by President Moi. The project has caused im-portant floodplain wetlands to be destroyed (Ndirangu,cited in IUCN, 1990b).

Subsidies often lead to waste and misuse of aquatic re-sources. These include agricultural subsidies for pesti-cides, fertilizers, and water, forestry subsidies which canexacerbate deforestation and erosion in marginal and vul-nerable areas, and tax relief for overseas investors withlittle incentive to sustainably manage a given resource.

B. Introduction of Exotic Species

“Introductions, like extinctions, are forever.” Marsden, 1993

The invasion of exotics is believed to be the second great-est threat to global biodiversity after habitat loss. Islands,coastal estuaries and lakes are at particular risk (Glowkaet al., 1994). Exotic fishes have been deliberately intro-duced into African freshwaters for a number of reasons,almost always with good intentions: for fish culture; tofill apparently “empty” niches and produce more or big-ger fish; to control unwanted organisms; to improve sportsfisheries; and to control fish production in ponds throughthe introduction of predators (Leveque et al., 1988).Hamman (1997) reports that ninety-three aquatic species(70% of which are fish) have been introduced or inappro-priately translocated in Southern Africa. He criticizes bothgovernment and conservation authorities for their activeinvolvement in the practice, and notes that conservationauthorities are under constant pressure to allow the useof exotics for aquaculture purposes. Introductions mayalso be accidental. Interbasin water transfer occurred in

South Africa. Almost all of the country’smajor river systems are connected by aseries of tunnels, pipes and canals, re-sulting in the invasion of at least five fishspecies into the Orange River, previouslyknown for its high number of endemicspecies (Brutton and van As, 1986, citedin Allan and Flecker, 1993). In the ma-rine realm, the main threat of introduc-tions of exotic species is accidental -- thedumping of the ballast water of ships. Asships move from port to port, they un-wittingly carry a number of hitchhikingspecies in their ballast water, includingphytoplankton, invertebrate and verte-brate larvae, and small fishes (Carlton,1985, 1989).

Exotic plants are also a threat to aquaticecosystems. In Africa, two South Ameri-can species have caused havoc: water hya-cinth (Eichhornia crassipes), particularly

Figure 31. The invasion of water hyacinth in Lake Victoria has resulted in aloss of hundreds of fishing and transporting jobs. The New England Aquarium,1998. Photo credit: Alexander Goldowsky.

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in Lake Victoria, and Salvinia molesta. Both species rap-idly colonize water bodies, forming a dense floating mat ofinterlocking plants (Harper and Mavuti, 1996). These spe-cies crowd out native vegetation, reduce light penetration,limit water column mixing, and increase detrital inputs(Kaufman and Ochumba, 1993). Kaufman and Ochumba(1993) report that “a single water hyacinth plant can pro-duce 140 million daughter plants per year, enough to cover140 ha with a wet weight of 28,000 tons.” The seeds cansurvive for thirty years in mud, making the plants almostimpossible to eradicate completely. Water hyacinth invadedthe Kagera River, Rwanda in the late 1980’s, and quicklymade its way to Lake Victoria. IRIN (1997) reports thatwater hyacinth now covers one percent of Lake Victoria(Figure 31). The plant completely covered Kisumu, Kenya’smain port, causing the loss of hundreds of fisher and trans-porter jobs. According to the Kenya fisheries department,the weed-choked landing sites forced fished communitiesto relocate, “just like a refugee crisis.” The department esti-mates that fish landings, which dropped 10% last year, willdrop another 20% this year. The Ugandan Railways Corpo-ration spends $2000 a day to remove the weed from themarine pier at Port Bell, near Entebbe (Africa News Ser-vice, 1996b).

Paradoxically, one of the best mechanisms for selectivecontrol of these species is biological control -- controlthrough the use of a highly selective insect that special-izes on feeding on these species (e.g., Salvinia can becontrolled by the Brazilian curculionid beetle,Cyrtobagous salvinae, and Eichhornia can be controlledby two weevil species, Neochetina bruchi and Neochetinaeichorniae, GEF, 1996).

Seldom have the economic and biological implicationsof introductions been thought through; both are expen-sive. For example, in the last century in the U.S., exoticspecies have cost an estimated $97 billion in damage tonatural resources and industrial productivity (A statementof concern, 1996). A single aquatic species -- the zebramussel -- cost more than $100 million in the U.S. GreatLakes in six years (IUCN, 1997). In 68% of U.S fish spe-cies extinctions over the last century, introduced specieswere a contributing factor (Miller et al., 1989), while anestimated 34% of all global molluscan extinctions are at-tributed to exotic species (Tentacle, 1996). On the bio-logical side, we may never know enough to anticipate allof the risks, particularly the unforseen and complex in-teractions of the invading species with the existing foodweb. Ecosystems with a high biodiversity tend to have acomplex and unstable food web with longer food chains,high levels of competition, predation, parasitism, and sym-biosis (Gaudet and Harris, 1981). Ecosystems alreadystressed by either anthropogenic or natural causes are more

likely to suffer deleterious consequences following in-troduction of exotics.

Comparative studies of terrestrial exotic species acrosstaxonomic categories have shown that invading speciescan affect virtually all ecosystem functions and structuralproperties, including alteration of biogeochemical cycling(feral pigs, invasive nitrogen fixers, salt accumulators);hydrological cycles (invasive trees); and soil erosion rates(feral mammals) (Drake et al., 1988). Studies of aquaticexotic species have shown that both predatory and her-bivorous species can cause serious ecological damage toendemics, through predation, competition for food orbreeding spaces, the degradation of habitats and foodwebs, or the spreading of diseases and parasites (Levequeet al., 1988; Commission for Environmental Cooperation,1996). In addition, introduced species can degrade thegene pool (EDF, 1994), such as when hatchery-bred fish,with limited genetic variability, interbreed with wild popu-lations.

Worldwide, the introduction of exotic species, especiallytop predators, into lakes has often been both economi-cally and biologically disastrous. The introduction of the

Figure 32. Aquatic introductions in Africa have proven to beboth economically and biologically costly. The introductionof the Nile perch in Lake Victoria led to the demise of hun-dreds of haplochromine cichlid species. The New EnglandAquarium, 1998. Photo credit: Peter Johnson

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bass into Lake Atitlan, Guatemala, caused the disappear-ance of local fish populations (cited in Witte et al., 1992).Exotics, along with pollution and overfishing destroyedthe endemic cyprinid fishes in Lake Lanao, Philippines,in less than twenty-five years. (In some cases, however,introductions may be economically beneficial, at least inthe short term, but biologically damaging, such as theintroduction of exotic sportfishes into the U.S. Great Lakeswhich greatly increased the economic value of theselakes.) Introductions are also damaging to stream eco-systems. A review of thirty-one case studies of fish intro-ductions to streams showed that 77% of the time, nativespecies showed a decline in number (Ross, 1991, cited inAllan and Flecker, 1993).

In general, terrestrial introductions have also been eco-nomically and biologically disastrous, such as the rabbitand giant toad in Australia and the gypsy moth in theU.S., but a few successes have occurred as well, such asthe introduction of pheasants and brown trout to the U.S.In some cases, aquatic introductions have increased yields

of human food. Leveque et al. (1988) argue, however,that the beneficial effect of introducing fishes from thestandpoint of increasing yields has been overestimated,since the effect of the introduction cannot be separatedfrom the often concomitant expansion of fishing effortand the improvement of fishing gear. The most success-ful introductions from the standpoint of increasing yieldshave been in artificial lakes and ponds, or in lakes depau-perate in species. Barel et al. (1985) note that except inthese cases, all examples of the introduction of fish withthe intent of increasing yields of human food have beenat best unsuccessful and often “simply disastrous.”

The aquatic introductions in Africa have proven to be botheconomically and biologically costly. As described in thebox below, the continent’s Lake Victoria can wear thedubious title of the world’s costliest introduction in ver-tebrate history (Figure 32). In a number of other cases,introductions have achieved the desired results, but at acost not originally envisioned.

Introduced Species and African Lakes

Lake Victoria: The tale of the loss of the haplochromines in Lake Victoria is a tragic and cautionary account ofmismanagement of one of the world’s richest biological sites. Of the 596 threatened freshwater fishes listed bythe IUCN Red Data Book in 1988, nearly half of them are from Lake Victoria (Kaufman, 1991c). The cast ofcharacters to blame include the introduction of exotic species, overfishing, poor land-use practices, and climaticevents precipitating further human-induced changes (see Kaufman and Ochumba, 1993; Cohen et al., 1996).For a detailed description of these anthropological effects on the lake’s ecosystem, see the Case Study, Annex.

Lake Kyoga: In 1963, two different species were introduced into the shallow Lake Kyoga, a herbivirous tilapiineand the predatory Nile perch. The introduced fishes virtually eliminated seven abundant endemic species,leading to a collapse of a once-thriving native species fishery (Fryer, 1972a). In addition, it was recentlydiscovered that Lake Kyoga harbored its own haplochromine fauna, now greatly diminished (Kaufman et al.,1997). Although the introductions initially led to greatly increased fish catches in the 1970’s, the catch hasdrastically declined (Witte et al., 1992).

Lake Kivu: Lake Kivu, a deep lake between the Democratic Republic of the Congo (formerly Zaire) and Rwanda,had a depauperate fish fauna (sixteen species, seven of which are endemic) and low fish biomass even thoughit had high primary productivity. The lake lacked planktivorous fish in contrast to nearby Lake Tanganyikawhich had two species. Arguments were made that by introducing a planktivorous fish into Lake Kivu, thezooplankton biomass could be exploited for human consumption through eating of the planktivorous fish;otherwise the zooplankton protein would be lost to humans. Proponents of introduction ignored the fact thatLakes Kivu and Tanganyika had entirely different life histories, with Tanganyika being one of the oldest lakesin the world and supporting a simple and stable food chain, and Kivu being a very young lake, no more than15,000 years old, with a Victoria-like endemic cichlid radiation (Snoeks et al., 1994). The Tanganyika sardine(Clupeidae) was introduced into the lake between 1958 and 1960. The sardine has now wiped out the zooplanktonand is feeding on its own young as well as possibly the young of some endemic cichlids. The population ofsardines is likely to collapse.

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C. Overfishing

“The widely documented disappearance of aquatic spe-cies around the globe, related to both overfishing andfailure to protect habitat, does not provide reassurancethat most nation states are able to manage effectively.”

Pinkerton, 1994

Overfishing can be divided into three different types(Lowe-McConnell, 1987b): growth overfishing - wherethe young fish (recruits) are caught before they reach areasonable size; recruitment overfishing - where theparent stock is so reduced that not enough young are pro-duced by the fishery to maintain itself; and ecosystemoverfishing - where species distribution is drasticallychanged, altering the efficiency of the system.

In ecosystem overfishing, the niche inhabited by the origi-nally abundant species is not fully taken up by other spe-cies, changing the system’s productivity. The impacts canbe direct, involving the affected species, or indirect, in-volving competitors, prey or symbionts (Sobel, 1996). Arecent global analysis has clearly shown the ecosystemimpacts of overfishing. Over the last forty-five years, hu-mans have “fished down” marine food webs, leading to achange in landings from high-level piscivorous bottomfish to low-trophic level invertebrates and planktivorouspelagic fish (Pauly et al., 1998). Pauly et al. showed amean decline of 0.1 trophic level per decade.

Fishers and managers are often unaware that prey choiceand feeding rates of fish can affect ecosystem processes(McClanahan and Obura, 1996). Coral reef ecosystems,with their extraordinarily complex food webs, can be eas-ily damaged by overfishing. For example, large slow-growing top predators such as snappers and groupers havebeen decimated in tropical marine waters, with a result-ing increase in small, short-lived noncommercial fish,penaeid shrimp and cephalopods (FAO, 1994). Similarly,when fishermen removed too many triggerfish fromKenya’s coral reefs, their prey, sea urchins, exploded. Overfifteen years, the number of sea urchins increased 500%(McClanahan and Muthiga, 1988). Triggerfish predationon sea urchins is believed to control sea urchin abundance,which in turn, affects algal cover and reduces live coralcover. Sea urchins outcompete herbivorous fish in algalgrazing. Evidence suggests that increased numbers of seaurchins also affects coral recruitment and bioerosion ofcoral reefs (Sammarco, 1980 and Glynn et al., 1979, citedin McClanahan and Muthiga, 1988).

Certain fishing methods are also of concern due to theirdestruction of habitat and/or their indiscriminate nature

(Figure 33). The beach seine is damaging to coral reefs,for example, because its small mesh size collects fish in-discriminately and because it involves walking on andoverturning corals. The use of dynamite to catch reef fish(common in Kenya and, to a lesser extent, Tanzania)clearly destroys the habitat on which they depend . Trawl-ing, long-line fishing, and drift-netting result in the catchof many species besides the target species; this bycatch isusually not utilized. Bycatch can comprise 40% or moreof marine catch (Kaufman and Dayton, 1997). McAllister(1995) notes that four tons of fish are thrown away forevery ton of wild shrimp caught. Trawling also destroysnursery grounds, injures attached organisms, knocks overboulders, fills in hollows, burying organisms, and createsturbidity which can damage filter feeders (McAllister,1995; Watling and Norse, 1998).

Most governments do not manage fisheries sustainably,and as a result, fish populations are declining throughoutthe world. In 1990, world catch dropped for the first timesince 1976 (FAO, 1994); by 1993, the catch decreased by7% (McNeely, 1997). In 1992, the U.N. Food and Agri-culture Organization (FAO) declared nearly all commer-cial fish species “depleted”, “fully exploited,” or “over-exploited” (Fiji Times, 1993), with over one-third “over-exploited” (WWF, 1995). In 1996, IUCN’s Species Sur-vival Commission recommended adding 131 marine spe-cies (out of 152 examined) to its threatened list (IUCN,1996). Species most at threat include those with low ratesof production (generally large top predators), and thosethat depend upon niches altered by fishing (Huppert,1995). Africa is no exception; all of its major fisherieshave been intensively over-exploited. The World Bank(1996) notes that “with few exceptions, African coastalfisheries have reached or exceeded their maximum sus-tainable yields.”

Figure 33. Some fishing methods can have devastating ef-fects on coral reefs, including the beach seine, dynamite,and cyanide. © South Pacific Regional EnvironmentalProgramme.

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The overexploitation of Africa’s freshwater fish beganwith large-scale fishing brought upon by the use of twinenetting. Older year classes of most fish populations, whichcomprise the spawning population, have now been de-pleted and catch yields have correspondingly declined (re-cruitment overfishing). By 1975, the older year classesof most of the larger and slower-growing species had beendepleted in Lake Tanganyika, Malawi, and Victoria, aswell as in other established fisheries. Overexploitation ofa given species leads to immature populations, with a fastturnover and high fecundity; the result is a smaller andfaster-growing species. Ecosystem overfishing has alsooccurred in both fresh and marine waters, changing thepopulation structure and relative abundance of the spe-cies, often for the worse. To date, regulating overfishinghas been difficult. Enforcement tends to be weak becausefisheries departments in Africa are understaffed andunderfunded in comparison with other natural resourcedepartments.

Africa’s problems are exacerbated by the fact that the ef-fects of overfishing are felt much more quickly in tropicalwaters than temperate waters. Tropical fish generally tendto have shorter life cycles than those of temperate waters,so fewer age groups are represented in catches. The tragedyis that the recent overexploitation of Africa’s fishes -- fisheswhich provide a significant portion of the continent’s pro-tein needs -- has taken place commensurate with the rapidincrease in its human population. Thus, just as increasingsources of protein are needed, fish productivity is decliningdue to overfishing. This is true for both freshwaters andinshore marine areas. In general, marine pelagic areas arestill underfished (Brainerd et al., 1992).

There are four primary reasons for man-agement failure that apply to fisheriesworldwide (Figure 34):

1) failure to recognize environmentalvariability; 2) failure to incorporate bothscientific uncertainty and measurementerror in stock assessments (Hilborn andPeterman, 1995); 3) lack of political willin implementing scientific recommenda-tions; and 4) market forces beyond thecontrol of management. In addition tothese four, one must also include the trag-edy of the commons, as described previ-ously, short-sightedness and greed.

In Africa, an additional problem is thefact that licensing of foreign fleets pro-vide a much-needed source of revenueto governments. The governments are

afraid that managing fishing in their waters may antago-nize the fleets, and so are reluctant to enforce manage-ment guidelines. This problem is particularly acute forcountries on the west coast, including Guinea-Bissau(Agardy, pers. comm.).

Conventional fishery models are based on stable fish popu-lations. Many fisheries still rely on the principle of maxi-mum sustainable yield, even though it has been discred-ited over the last 20 years (Roberts, 1997). This principleis based on the concept that each species overproducesthe number of young needed to sustain itself, and thatonly the excess should be harvested (IUCN, 1996). Stockrecruitment models assume that the abundance of recruitsis influenced by the abundance of their parents. Yet fishpopulation size is not determined solely by the numberof spawning fish present (EDF, 1994). In fact, the rela-tionship between recruits and their parents is only clearlylinear at very low spawning stock levels, as occurs withsevere overexploitation. At such levels, a decline in theabundance of spawning fishes has an immediate and di-rect negative effect on the abundance of recruits (Parsons,1996). At this point, however, it may already be too latefor management intervention.

The conventional management approach has failed,largely because it does not adequately address the con-siderable natural variability in stocks and in environmen-tal conditions that affect stocks. There are three principlesources of uncertainty in fisheries: 1) scientific uncertaintyabout stock dynamics; 2) measurement error in stock as-sessment; and 3) environmental variability affecting stock

Figure 34. There are many reasons why current fisheries managementhas failed to prevent overfishing worldwide. Ghana fishing industry.Source: World Bank, 1993. Photo credit: Curt Carnemark.

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productivity (Rosenberg and Restrepo, 1995). Factorsaffecting the distribution and abundance of fish popula-tions include physical and chemical variability, food avail-ability, and quality of habitat (EDF, 1994); for example,the pelagic fishery along the African west coast is affectedby the intensity of the seasonal upwelling (FAO, 1994).In tropical systems, one also has to contend with the com-plexity of species interactions. In addition, fishing canhave both direct and indirect effects on populations byaltering the dynamics of competition and predation at eachlife cycle stage. The abundance of any given species ap-pears to be highly variable: possibly nonlinear or evenchaotic (Wilson et al., 1994; Fogarty, 1995). This naturalenvironmental variability on stock levels can obscure theinitial effect of overexploitation, with the result thatoverexploitation is not apparent until it is severe and of-ten biologically and socioeconomically irreversible(Ludwig et al., 1993). Roberts (1997) cites an additionalproblem with the conventional single-species approach:the gear used to catch a species is often unselective, im-pacting a number of species.

Although environmental variability can be addressed tosome extent by maximizing average yield over severalyears (Fujita and Zevos, 1996), stock dynamics are alsoaffected by political and economic interests, the avail-ability of markets, and the behavior of fishermen in com-plying with regulations. Thus, even if science could pre-dict stock levels with certainty, this by itself won’t pre-vent overexploitation. In particular, short-term politicaland economic decisions often play a role. As Ludwig etal. (1993) note, “many practices continue even in caseswhere there is abundant evidence that they are ultimatelydestructive.” For example, although maximum sustain-able yield assessments have been made in the AfricanGreat Lakes, the limit is often ignored when reached.Why? Because politicians have more interest in main-taining high employment in the short-term, even thoughthe long-term consequences can be economically and bio-logically devastating. This problem isn’t unique to Af-rica: Safina (1993) describes the mismanagement of tunain the West Atlantic by the adjacent developed countries.

Overcapitalization is a persistent problem in fisheries aroundthe world. From 1970 to 1989, the global industrial fishingfleet increased twice as fast as global landings (FAO, 1994).Ludwig et al. (1993) cogently outline how such overcapi-talization occurs. In good years, government encouragesadditional investment in vessels or processing, neglectingto account for natural variability. When stock levels drop,industry appeals to government for financial assistance. Asjobs and money are at stake, typically governments and/ordonors respond with subsidies or tax incentives which tendto increase overharvesting. In sum, “the ratchet effect is

caused by the lack of inhibition on investments during goodperiods, but strong pressure not to disinvest during poorperiods. The long-term outcome is a heavily subsidized in-dustry that overharvests the resource” (Ludwig et al., 1993).As FAO noted in 1993, the annual operational losses of thefishery sector reached $22 billion in the late 1980’s andearly 1990’s, due largely to subsidies in industrialized coun-tries (FAO, 1993). High discount rates are a factor in subsi-dization as well.

Additional problems in African fisheries of conservationrelevance include:

1) problems related to management capacity, includingpoorly trained technical personnel; lack of enforcement;lack of data and long-term research on the monitoringand management of fisheries; lack of research and moni-toring equipment; incomplete knowledge of stock levels;and

2) lack of infrastructure for handling/processing facili-ties, which causes waste. In most African countries, be-tween 15-25% of the catch is lost due to spoilage, wast-age at the time of capture, insect infestation, or improperhandling and storage. Some countries have post-harvestlosses of up to 50%, particularly those where smokingand drying are the normal preservation methods.

D. Deforestation

The deforestation occurring throughout Africa damages bothfreshwater and marine ecosystems. The deforestation of ri-parian areas (forests near rivers) due to grazing, dams, orembankments can cause stream temperatures to fluctuatewidely, reduce dissolved oxygen concentrations, and reducethe contribution of terrestrial nutrients, including leaf litter,to aquatic food webs (Higgens et al., 1992; EDF, 1994; Allenand Flecker, 1993). The erosion that results from deforesta-tion can change the shape of a stream or river, harming thequality of spawning grounds and habitat. Sedimentation alsocan smother spawning grounds and reduce habitat complex-ity of rocky substrates. Sediments harm freshwater foodwebs in a variety of ways. They reduce light penetrationand hence the rate of photosynthesis (Cairns, 1968; Fuller,1974; Berwick and Faeth, 1988). They cover benthic algae,reducing foraging efficiency in herbivorous fish (Grobbelarr,1985). They reduce the nutritional value of detritus (organicwaste) (Graham, 1990). They also interfere with the feed-ing apparatus of filter-feeding organisms. The sedimentaryparticles themselves can abrade the bodies of aquatic or-ganisms (Harman, 1974; Bruton, 1985). Fortunately, main-taining a sufficient strip of riparian forest can do much tominimize these effects (Allan and Flecker, 1993).

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Numerous studies have shown that deforestation and theresulting sedimentation have contributed to the endan-germent and extinction of endemic mollusc species inNorth American rivers and streams (Cooper, 1984;Schmidt et al., 1989; Taylor, 1989). Similar results havenow been documented for species in Lake Tanganyikaand Madagascar streams (Figure 35; also see box nextpage). The northern part of Lake Tanganyika in Burundiand the Democratic Republic of the Congo (formerlyZaire) is nearly 100% deforested, with rates of soil ero-sion ranging between 28 and 100 metric tons/ha/year(Cohen et al., 1993). In the central region, between 40-60% of the area has been deforested (Figure 36). Nearlyall of this sediment discharges into the lake. Cohen andcolleagues (1993) examined impacts of deforestation andresulting sedimentation on species richness in ostracods(a particular group of crustaceans richly represented inthe lake, with perhaps 200 endemic species), fish, anddiatoms in Lake Tanganyika (Cohen, 1995). In highlydisturbed sites, ostracod numbers significantly declinedby 40-62%, relative to undisturbed, while fish numberstended to decline by 35-65%. To prove that species di-versity declined as a result of deforestation, Cohen (1995)examined paleological data. Undisturbed sites showed nochange in species richness over time, in contrast to dis-turbed sites. Rare species appeared to be particularly vul-nerable to forest disturbance.

In marine systems, sedimentation can kill corals and theirsymbiotic zooxanthellae which require clear waters foroptimal growth. Sedimentation can affect reefs by killingcolonies, by preventing settlement, by affecting sexualreproduction, or all three (NRC, 1995). In general, coralscannot cope if the levels of silt exceed the limits of thecoral’s cleaning mechanism (Samoilys, 1988b), or if thecoral faces multiple anthropogenic or natural stresses.Some corals can, however, recover from sedimentation,and some show little impact, making it difficult to predicta priori effects at a specific site (McClanahan and Obura,1997). Sedimentation also directly and indirectly reducesthe amount of light reaching the corals by promoting thegrowth of planktonic algae and affecting the photosyn-thetic ability of coral’s symbiotic zooxanthellae. Sedimen-tation can also smother and exceed the clearing capacityof filter-feeding organisms. Finally, sedimentation can siltcoastal lagoons (Crivelli et al., 1995).

E. Agricultural, Municipal andIndustrial Pollution

Pollution from farms, cities, and factors can affect adja-cent aquatic areas as well as areas further downstream.The wetlands of Gonarezhou National Park in Zimba-bwe Pollution, for example, have been damaged by silt-ing and pollution from agriculture in the basin of the Lundiand Sabi rivers which feed the park (IUCN, 1990b). Pollu-tion can harm aquatic life both immediately (acutely) andover the long term (chronic). Chronic effects are the re-sult of long-term exposures to lower toxicity, resulting inchanges in behavior or reproductive fitness of the popu-lation. These effects can arise from estrogen-mimickingcompounds such as polychorinated biphenyls (PCBs) thatalter hormonal systems and can damage reproductive,developmental, and immune systems, as well as from tu-mor-causing compounds (Colborn et al., 1996).

Figure 35. The effects of deforestation on Madagascar’s east-ern humid forests. From Stiassny and Raminosoa, 1994, withpermission.

Figure 36. The deforestation of Lake Tanganyika caused sedi-ment to discharge into the lake. Photo credit: CarolyShumway.

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Agricultural threats include both pesticide and fertilizerrunoff. The chemicals in pesticide runoff become moreconcentrated and toxic as they work their way up the foodchain. They accumulate in the bodies of fish and otherhigher-level organisms. Pesticide residues have been de-tected in fish from northern Lake Tanganyika, particu-larly after the cotton harvest. Fertilizer runoff increasesthe nutrient loading in waters, thereby causing eutrophi-cation and algal blooms. This impacts fisheries and drink-ing water and reduces biological diversity.

Municipal pollution also increases eutrophication. JonathanCole of the Institute of Ecosystem Studies has shown that

the greater the number of people living along a river, thegreater the amount of nitrates in the river (Cole et al., 1993).

Eutrophication exerts a toll on visual aquatic organisms.The sensory impact of changes in water quality due toincreasing nutrient levels is of particular concern for spe-cies which use visually-guided behaviors in reproduction.Seehausen et al. (1997) document a startling change inspecies diversity in Lake Victoria that seems to be bestexplained by changes in light conditions on visually-guided mate choice. Figure 37 shows the relationshipbetween the available light spectrum and species diver-sity from various points around the lake.

Case Study: The Rivers and Streams of Madagascar

Madagascar, the planet’s fourth largest island, is well known for its extraordinary and unique terrestrial biodiversityresulting from having been separate from Africa for 150 million years and India for at least sixty million years.Less well known is that the island harbors a richness of freshwater fishes that are the most threatened of theisland’s vertebrates (Stiassny and Raminosoa, 1994). The fishes are biologically and socio-economically important,providing food and income for local residents (Kiener, 1963; Kiener and Richard-Vindard, 1972). Like theterrestrial fauna, the fishes exhibit high levels of endemicity (thirty-six exclusively freshwater endemics andseven euryhaline) and occupy critical basal phylogenetic positions (Stiassny and Raminosoa, 1994). “Basaltaxa” are sister groups to species-rich groups that are essential in better understanding the evolutionary andecological history of particular fishes. These groups can provide the only possible evidence for understandingthe evolution of certain character transitions. Unfortunately, basal groups tend to be low in abundance andlimited in distribution, making them very vulnerable to environmental stresses (Stiassny, 1994).

The majority of freshwater endemics (61%), including most of the basal taxa lived exclusively in the rivers andstreams of the eastern and north-eastern humid forests. The area, once completely covered with dense humidforest, is being rapidly deforested by slash and burn agriculture (tavy), mostly for dry land rice cultivation. Ofthe original 11.2 million ha of eastern rain forest, only 3.8 million ha remained in 1985 (Figure 11). Tavy mayhave been sustainable in the past, but is no longer, given increasing population pressures. Deforestationaffects the fishes by destroying their sources of food and degrading their habitat. The freshwater fishes feed onallocthanous material (i.e., food coming from terrestrial sources) and on the aquatic stages of many terrestrialinsects (Reinthal and Stiassny, 1991). As the forests have disappeared, those freshwater endemics unable totake refuge in downstream brackish areas have become locally extinct, or in in cases of species with limiteddistributions totally extinct. Most of the formerly abundant species are now rare, and many are no longer found(Stiassny, 1997, in press). A 1991 survey of fifty-six sites found just five endemic freshwater species, only inareas where the forests are still intact (Reinthal and Stiassny, 1991).

Although deforestation is the major threat, introduction of exotic species has hastened the decline of nativefreshwater fishes (Reinthal and Stiassny, 1991). Twenty-seven species have been deliberately or accidentallyintroduced to date. The combination of loss of forest cover and the presence of exotics seems to completelyeradicate most native species. A compounding problem is the spread of water hyacinth in the last decade. Eventhough only 5% of original island vegetation remains (Myers, 1988), the remaining forests face increasingpressure. Given the current annual growth rate of 2.8%, Madagascar is estimated to grow from twelve millionin 1990 to 29.4 million people by the year 2020. At current deforestation rates, little of Madagascar’s forestcover will remain in ten years and only that on the very steepest slopes will survive the next thirty-five years.Stiassny and Raminosoa (1994) state that “if current trends continue, few of Madagascar’s endemic freshwaterfishes will survive the millennium”.

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Industrial pollution mainly threatens coastal waters, as theoceans are utilized by most nations worldwide as a vastdumping ground for waste. More than 90% of all chemi-cals, refuse, and other material entering coastal waters re-main there in sediments, wetlands, fringing reefs, and othercoastal ecosystems. The most widespread and serious chemi-cal pollutants are halogenated hydrocarbons (such as pesti-cides, herbicides, and PDBs), heavy metals, petroleum prod-ucts, and fertilizers (NRC, 1995). These substances can causetumors and disease in estuarine and coastal fish. In addi-tion, plastic and other debris, such as pieces of nets, en-tangle and kill a variety of marine animals. Industrial pollu-tion can also harm inland waters, such as in the Bujumburaarea of Lake Tanganyika (Figure 38).

F. Conversion of Sites forAgricultural Production

The rapidly increasing human population in Africa putsheavy demand on increased food production. This, incombination with increased demands for cash crops forexport, has led to the agricultural conversion of manycritical wetlands. Conversion not only damages the en-vironment but seldom works, mainly due to the develop-ment of acid sulphate soil conditions. Many mangroveareas have soils containing large amounts of pyrate sul-phur. When the soil is exposed to the air, the resultingoxidations release sulphuric acid. The soils become ex-tremely acid and very high in soluble salts. This condi-tion often leads to nutrient and fertilizing problems, re-sulting in the impairment and even failure of crops such

as rice, coconut, as well as others. Even if drained landdoes produce reasonable yields for several years, long-term sustainability on the site is virtually impossible be-cause of the resulting environmental degradation. Wet-land drainage can have additional effects as well: dis-rupting the water supply of nearby towns; affecting thequality of water; and altering the microclimate.

Following drainage of mangrove soils for rice cultivationin Senegal, acid sulphate soils emerged and rice cropsfailed. “Diseases that were previously almost unknownin the mangrove area, such as dystentery, bilharzia, andtyphoid fevers, became endemic” (Richards, 1985).Guinea and Guinea-Bissau could face similar problemsare they are now also clearing their mangroves for ricecultivation.

The natural rise and fall of rivers and streams can beused to advantage in farming. IUCN notes that if prop-erly managed, natural wetland agriculture (i.e., agricul-ture that takes advantage of the normal flooding cycle,rather than draining the site) can yield substantial ben-efits to rural communities. Natural wetlands farming oc-curs in the Inland Delta of the Niger in Mali, the flood-plains of the larger rivers in the Sudan and Sahel Savan-nah zones, and the estuarine swamps of the Upper Guineacoast. In the large floodplains, “complex systems of flood-advance and flood-retreat agriculture have been devel-oped” (Richards, 1985). In Sierra Leone, floating rice is

Figure 37. The relationship between species diversity at vari-ous points in Lake Victoria and light levels, which are affectedby eutrophication. Reprinted with permission from O.Seehausen, J.J. M. van Alphen, and F. Witte (1997) Cichlid fishdiversity threatened by eutrophication that curbs sexual selec-tion. Science 277: 1808-1811. Copyright 1997 American As-sociation for the Advancement of Science.

Figure 38. Pollution can cause both acute and chroniceffects in aquatic organisms. Photo credit: CarolyShumway

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grown in a mixed cropping system in swamps. “This tra-ditional system has proved better adapted to local condi-tions than large scale cultivation attempted by the... gov-ernment” (IUCN, 1990b). In the inner delta of the NigerRiver in Mali, rice cultivation has for centuries beenclosely adapted to the annual flood, by cultivating vari-eties able to withstand the rising waters. Each villagealso has rice varieties adapted to local soil conditions(Gallais and Sidikou, cited in IUCN, 1990b).

G. Conversion of Sites forAquaculture

Improperly sited aquaculture projects can greatly dam-age freshwater ecosystems. If cultured stocks escape tothe wild, they can affect native gene pools. In addition,the potential spread of pests and diseases poses a seriousrisk to wild stocks, since the spread of farmed specieshappens all too often. As Bartley and Minchin (1995) ac-knowledge, “experience has shown that complete con-tainment of exotic species inaquaculture facilities is nearly im-possible.”

Economic analyses of aquacultureoften neglect the economic cost ofconversion. For example, suchanalyses generally do not take thefull economic benefit of mangrovesinto account (Dixon, 1989). Usu-ally only the marketable mangroveforestry products are considered.However, this ignores the eco-nomic benefit mangroves provideto fisheries, both within mangrovesand in nearby coastal and estua-

rine ecosystems. Further, this neglects thefact that some products or services, such asnutrient flows to estuaries, do not have mar-ket prices (Table 6). In sum, as Dixon (1989)says, “The decision as to whether or notmangroves should be converted is made bycomparing the minimum partial estimatewith the total expected benefit from conver-sion. No wonder mangroves are being lostat such a rapid pace.”

As a concrete example, large areas of man-grove have been cleared worldwide for theestablishment of shrimp mariculture. Halfof the loss of mangrove habitats is attribut-able to this cause alone (Weber, 1995). This

profitable industry is primarily sustained by exploitingpostlarvae, water and intertidal areas as a free, commonproperty resource (Robadue, 1995). The concession feescharged for mangrove areas assign only minimal valuesto postlarval fishery or to water quality. Since mangrovesare so undervalued, many shrimp growers find it moreprofitable to increase production by continually convert-ing mangroves into new grow-out ponds rather than in-vest in improving the productivity of existing ponds. Inaddition to the destruction of mangroves, shrimp farmingreduces the area of estuaries due to the diking of sandand mud flats to create ponds and water intake channelsand changes estuarine flow by channelization and by con-trolling the flow of water into the ponds. Waterfowl num-bers decline due to habitat degradation and, in some cases,through routine shooting of those birds believed to eatshrimp.

The destruction of the mangroves and estuaries eventuallyaffects the productivity of the shrimp farming itself. Recentstudies in Ecuador, the Americas and Japan show that clear-ing mangroves leads to lower wild shrimp yields (Figure 40

Figure 39. Industrial pollution can greatly impact the African Great Lakes,since they have a very low turnover of water. Photo credit: Caroly Shumway.

Table 7. The relation between location and type of mangrove goods and services andtraditional economic analysis. (From Dixon, 1989, after Hamilton and Snedaker, 1984).

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A,B, from Turner, 1989). These studies show that, at leastin Ecuador, the single greatest threat to the sustainability ofshrimp farming was declining water quality due to in partto shrimp farming (Robadue, 1995)! Shrimp farming de-grades water quality by introducing nutrients, antibioticsand other chemicals (Robadue, 1995).

The highly sulfuric soils of mangrove areas cause problemsfor aquaculture operations as well. In general, aquacultureponds created on acid sulphate soils tend to be uneconomicto operate. Such soils severely inhibit the efficiency of phos-phate fertilizers, leading to reduced growth of algae. In ad-dition, the high acidity can kill the fish. [Note, however,that AID-funded CRSP research has apparently identifiedmeans of improving aquaculture on acid-sulphate soils withnew construction techniques (AID/R&D/Ag)].

H. Water Diversion

Large dams are constructed for various reasons: to in-crease agricultural production from large-scale irrigation,generate hydroelectricity, control floods and assure wa-ter supplies (Figure 41). Worldwide, the number of largedams (over 15 m high) has increased from 5,000 in 1950to 38,000 today (Postel, 1996), and it is estimated thatover 60% of riverine and stream flow will be regulatedby the year 2000 (Stiassny, 1996). Most African riversare now dammed. This includes both tributaries of theNile, the Niger basin (e.g., Bakolori on the Sokoto, Lagdoon the Benue, and the Selingue, Sotuba, Markala,Karamsasso, Kainji and Jebba on the Niger), the Zambezibasin (on the Kafue at Kafue Gorge, and the Zambezi atKariba and Cahora Bassa), the Senegal at Manantali andDiama, the Volta at Akosombo, the Bandama at Kossou,and the Chad basin at Hadejia-Jama’, among others(Adams, 1996).

Figure 40A. The relationship between intertidal vegetation andpenaed shrimp yields from the estuaries of the northern Gulf ofMexico. Turner, 1989. Reprinted with permission from TheUniversity of Rhode Island, Coastal Resources Center.

Figure 40B. The decline of shrimp yields in Japan as relatedto reclamation of intertidal lands in Japan. From Doi, 1983,as cited in Turner, 1989. Reprinted with permission from TheUniversity of Rhode Island, Coastal Resources Center.

Figure 41.The benefits from dams are usually smaller thanexpected, while their adverse effects are often severely un-derestimated. Volta Dam and hydroelectric power plant,Ghana. World Bank, 1984. Photo credit: Yosef Hadar.

The benefits of large dams are usually not as large asexpected, and their adverse effects are often severely un-derestimated (Table 8). These include:

• Habitat degradation and reduced biodiversity: Dams di-rectly impact riverine channel characteristics and habitat

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quality and greatly modify the river’s influence down-stream (Crivelli et al., 1995; Postel, 1996). They alter thetiming and volume of river flow, which reduces the sedi-ment and nutrient transport downstream, alters tempera-ture and salinity, and at times even increases the river’sacidity due to plant decomposition (Fearnside, 1989, citedin Allan and Flecker, 1993). Riverine species richnessstrongly covaries with the mean annual discharge andthe total surface area of a river’s drainage basin (Oberdorffet al., 1995), and is influenced by habitat diversity, flowregime, temperature and channel morphologies ( Gormanand Karr, 1978; Horwitz, 1978; Matthews, 1985;Schlosser, 1985; all cited in Oberdorff et al., 1995). Giventhat water diversion affects nearly all of these character-istics, the extensive water diversion occurring may pro-foundly affect African riverine species richness. The shal-low soda lakes and other lakes in East Africa are alsosensitive to hydrological changes (Melack, 1996).

The greatest biological cost of dams may be their impacton wetland-dependent animals. Dammed areas provideforaging sites for many wetland bird species but do notprovide suitable shallow breeding areas (Williams, citedin IUCN, 1990b). Dams also affect floodplain-associ-ated fish, many of which will only spawn if an annualflood occurs (Ward and Stanford, 1989). Annual flood-ing provides a rich food source for spawning fish andtheir young. The increased water level results in the re-lease of terrestrial nutrients into the water, generatingincreased plant production, which in turn supports epi-phytic organisms and dense colonies of creatures in theplant roots (Scudder, 1991).

Coastal lagoons and estuaries depend on an adequatefreshwater level. A decline in freshwater can increasetemperature and salinity, decrease oxygen, and subse-quently kill fish (Salm, 1989). Loss of freshwater can

also cause estuaries to silt up (Davies and Day, 1998)or suffer saline intrusion. Flooding can be beneficialto coastal ecosystems by increasing nutrient availabil-ity. The physical mixing of the floodwaters into theocean brings up nutrient-rich deeper waters into theeuphotic zone (Crivelli et al., 1995). Bernard (1990,cited in FAO, 1995) demonstrated that the quantity ofsuspended solids (made up of both organic elementsand mineral sediments) is the limiting factor in pri-mary production in estuaries.

Mangrove ecosystems have also been greatly disturbedby the reduction of freshwater inflows. The loss of suchinflows affects the three most important factors in main-taining mangrove ecosystems: a sufficient amount ofwater, a sufficient supply of nutrients, and stability ofthe substrate. Mangrove ecosystems degrade withoutperiodic pulses of freshwater. They can also be de-graded by saline fronts caused by the dams.

• Decline of fisheries: Studies have shown that fish yieldis directly related to river and catchment size, with riverswith extensive floodplains having a higher yield thanthose with smaller floodplains (Ruwa, 1996). Riverinefisheries: In addition to degrading riverine habitat, damsdirectly block fish migration, both of marine fish thatspawn in rivers and riverine fish that spawn in marinerealms. According to Cooper (1996), they can also “dis-rupt the hydrological and chemical cues needed to in-duce migratory and spawning behavior in fish”. Finally,the profound changes caused by dams exacerbates thespread of exotic fish species. Floodplain fisheries: Theeconomic impact of dams on floodplain fisheries is rarelyconsidered when these projects are designed. Construc-tion of the Kainji Dam in Nigeria resulted in the loss of50% of the fish catches in lands extending to 200 km

Table 8. The impact of dams on fish, pasture, and agriculture production of African floodplains. FromIUCN, 1990b.

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downstream of the dam (FAO, cited in Scudder, 1994).Lacustrine fisheries: Since lakes are dependent on river-ine input for their water supply, dams also play an im-pact here. For example, the combined impact of waterdiversion along the Logoni and Chari Rivers (for irriga-tion) and extended drought has reduced the area of LakeChad by 75% over the last 30 years (Postel, 1996). Thislake and its tributaries support some of the richest fisher-ies in the world. Coastal fisheries: Rivers deliver fresh-water, nutrients, and sediment to coastal lagoons and es-tuaries and the sea, providing important benefits to coastalfisheries (Postel, 1995). Dams greatly reduce all three ofthese factors. Studies from around the world have showna direct relationship between the extent of river dischargeand fishery yields in estuaries and deltas (Crivelli et al.,1995). Both the shrimp fishery in Mozambique and thesardine fishery of the Nile delta have been impacted bydams that reduced nutrient flow to the coastal waters (DaSilva, 1986, cited in Scudder, 1994; Halim et al., 1995).Dams in Western and Central Africa, for example, areestimated to have reduced sediment supply to lower catch-ment areas by 70% (Collins and Evans, 1986, cited inWorld Bank, 1994).

• Destruction of long-established indigenous patterns offloodplain agriculture, including irrigation and live-stock production: Different types of floodplain agri-culture have been practiced in Africa for several thou-sands of years, without apparent environmental dam-age (Scudder, 1991). The Kainji Dam caused the lossof over one thousand tons of yams in the lowerAnambra basin (Awachie; cited in Scudder, 1994). Innorthern Nigeria, the construction of the Bakolor Damresulted in an estimated crop loss of $7 million (at 1974prices) on the Sokoto River floodplain (Adams, citedin IUCN, 1990b).

In addition, poorly planned water diversion can in-crease a country’s debt and erode river channels andcoastal zones. It can leave residents of reservoir siteswithout homes, spread waterborne disease, and reducethe total amount of water because of increased evapo-ration from the reservoir and irrigated lands.

I. Global Climate Change

Although not immediate, global warming threats toaquatic biodiversity are serious indeed. Aquatic habitatswill change more over the next 100 years than they haveover the last 10,000. The Intergovernmental Panel on Cli-mate Change (IPCC) estimates that the mean earth sur-face temperature will increase between 1-3.5oC over thenext century. Sea level will rise by 15-95 cm. Although

local stresses are of greater threat for the next 10-40 years,plans for mitigation and adaptation are needed now, sincethey will require several decades to take effect (WorldCoast Conference, 1993). Those ecosystems alreadystressed by human impacts are considered to be the mostvulnerable (Markham, 1996).

Desertification: While human influences are the maincause of desertification, global climate change is likelyto accelerate both desertification and increased periodsof drought in sub-Saharan Africa (Loh, 1996), increasingthe potential for conflict between humans and wildlifeover access to water. This makes it even more essential topractice better water management techniques. A WWFstudy on climate change and Southern Africa suggeststhat the Okavango Delta will experience changes in habi-tat (WWF, 1996).

Rivers: Rivers are likely to experience reduced flow inareas with reduced precipitation or increased air tempera-tures (Figure 42). Two consequences are reduced habitatfor fish and a reduction in the dilution of pollutants (Allanand Flecker, 1993). In addition, some streams may be-come warmer, killing off species that can tolerate only anarrow temperature range (Ruwa, 1996).

Figure 42. Global climate change is likely to cause reducedflow of rivers and warmer streams in some areas. © WorldResources Institute.

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Lakes: Global warming models suggest increases of 2-4oC for African lake basins, based on a doubling of CO


The warmer water will mix less than current waters, andretain less oxygen in bottom layers. Lakes that weaklyoverturn or that already have low oxygen activity, suchas Lake Victoria, could experience a massive dieoff ofbenthic organisms (Cohen, 1995).

Wetlands: Wetlands are one of the most vulnerable eco-systems to global warming. A sea level rise of a few centi-meters would flood huge areas of marshes and mudflatsthat are essential shorebird breeding grounds. The IPCCestimates that a one-meter rise in sea level would threatenhalf of the world’s coastal wetlands of biological impor-tance, while a warming of 3-4o would eliminate 85% of allremaining wetlands (Loh, 1996). A WWF report, ClimateChange Threats to Migratory Birds, identifies Banc d’Arguinand the Zambezi valley as two of 15 critical global habitatsmost imperiled by global warming. Warming-relatedchanges also include changes in estuarine salinity patternswhich could dramatically impact coastal fisheries (WWF,1995). Some wetlands could suffer the reverse problem:desiccation at edges (Hunt, 1996).

Mangroves: The main aspects of climate change that canbe expected to have a negative impact are sea-level rise andchanges in precipitation. Mangroves are particularly vul-nerable to sea level rise, as sea level position is central totheir functional ecology. Different species have differentpreferences of micro-elevation, which determines salinityand frequency of inundation (Ellison, 1996). The IPCC es-timated rate of sea-level rise is nearly five times faster thanthe rate at which mangroves are able to accommodate, asdetermined from historical data over the last 7000 years(Ellison and Stoddart, 1991). Together, sea level rise, re-duced rainfall, and groundwater depletion could lead to in-creased salinity, shown to reduce seedling survival andgrowth and decrease photosynthetic capacity (Ball andFarquhar, 1984). On the positive side, an increase in tem-perature and atmospheric CO

2 is expected to improve growth

and litter production.

Marine: The marine effects of global warming -- par-ticularly sea level rise, ocean warming, and an increasein the frequency and magnitude of tropical storms -- areexpected to change the distribution and abundance of cer-tain species; affect the health of ecoystems; and possiblycause decreased primary production in certain areas (Fig-ure 43). Sea level rise: Global warming is expected tocause sea level rise both because of the thermal expan-sion of seawater and the melting of polar ice. Sea levelrise could subsequently cause major changes in physicaloceanography (Emery and Aubrey, 1991); flood low-ly-ing coasts; and alter the distribution of habitats. This has

clear implications for designating and maintaining ma-rine protected areas. It also has human implications, asmany capitals towns, and industries are located along thecoast and vulnerable to sea level rise. Warming ofseasurface in pelagic waters, and the entire water columnin nearshore areas: Although corals may be able to adaptto increasing sea-level rise, their response to increasedwarming is potentially much more serious, and couldcause bleaching and death, particularly in areas alreadystressed by human impact. While bleaching (expulsionof the coral’s algal symbiont) is an adaptive response, ifprolonged, it can be deadly. As many corals already liveclose to their upper temperature limit, long-term increasesof only a few degrees can be lethal (OCA/PAC/UNEP/IUCN, 1992). [Note: a recent report suggests that coralscan recover from short bleaching episodes by acquiring adifferent algal symbiont (Pennisi, 1998)]. Warming couldalso affect upwelling and decrease surface layer phy-toplankton production (with corresponding effects on fish-eries) (Lange et al, 1990; Bakun, 1990; Roemmich andMcGowan, 1995; Williamson and Holligan, 1990). Warm-ing can also affect both the timing and spatial pattern ofmigration for those marine species sensitive to ocean tem-perature gradients. Finally, warming also threatens tocause breaks in timing between ecological processes thatare currently linked. For example, differential warmingof atmospheric/terrestrial habitats and seawater (which isphysically buffered from fast rates of temperature change)could cause shifts in the migratory patterns of bird spe-cies such that the migration no longer coincides with foodavailability. Storms: IPCC estimates that the number oftropical storms may increase by 50%, with a 20% increasein storm strength (Agardy, 1996).

Figure 43. A rise in sea level resulting from global climatechange can have significant effects on the abundance of ma-rine species, the overall health of the ecosystem, and pro-ductivity. New England Aquarium, 1989. Photo credit: PaulErickson.

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J. Synergistic Effects

Wildlife seldom faces only one threat. Multiple threats(either multiple anthropogenic threats or a combinationof anthropogenic and environmental stressors) often playa role in degrading aquatic ecosystems. More than onethreat appeared to be substantially involved in 82% ofextinctions of North American freshwater fish (Miller etal., 1989, cited in Allan and Flecker, 1993 ), and in 40%of currently endangered fish (EDF, 1994), whereas a singlethreat was clearly involved in only 7% of endangered

Case Study: Multiple Threats to West African Mangroves

West Africa’s 25,000 km of extensive mangroves and associated ecosystems (coastal lagoons, tidal estuaries, anddeltas) are being rapidly degraded as a result of multiple human impacts, including: overfishing; sewage discharge;pollution from pesticides, fertilizers, and industrial waste; conversion of land for agriculture; fuelwood, oil andmineral extraction; land reclamation; and freshwater diversion. All of these threats are exacerbated by the rapidexpansion of the coastal human population, growing at nearly twice the mean annual rate of 2.9% in the region.For nations bordering the Gulf of Guinea, over 60% of the industry is concentrated along the coast (UNDP, 1993).Of 14 lagoons/lagoon complexes in the Gulf, six are highly polluted in parts, with eutrophication a problem (WorldBank, 1994). A strong littoral transport system in the Gulf may carry oil pollution, toxic, and solid waste frompoint sources upstream to other coastal countries, creating region-wide impacts. In the Niger Delta, mangrovedeforestation has also caused serious erosion and flooding, destroying fishing villages along the mud coast. Why?Mangroves trap and consolidate sediments. When they vanish, sandy beaches and shorelines become exposed towind and wave erosion.

Mangroves have been further stressed by the steady decrease in freshwater inputs from rivers impounded upstream.The loss of such inflows affects the three most important factors in maintaining healthy mangrove ecosystems: asufficient amount of water, a sufficient supply of nutrients, and substrate stability. Water diversion has reduced thesupply of sediments to the lower catchment areas by 70%, causing significant downstream effects (Collins andEvans, 1986; World Bank, 1994). For example, construction of the Kainji Dam in Nigeria resulted in the loss of 50%of fish catches extending to 200 km downstream (IUCN, 1990). Over 114 major dams are either underway orplanned in the region (Ketel van al., cited in IUCN, 1990).

The rate of mangrove deforestation in many of these countries is extremely high, and complete loss of West Africanmangroves is a real threat. Loss of mangroves in West African nations to date averages nearly 57 % of the pre-agricultural area (WRI, 1993). Clearing of mangrove areas for agriculture, in particular rice cultivation, is common.The World Bank (1994) estimates that by 2025, 70% of mangroves in Africa will be deforested if no action is taken.

Over 9 million hectares of West African mangroves are interlinked with highly productive coastal lagoons, tidalestuaries and deltas, providing critical breeding grounds and nurseries for larval and juvenile stages of importantfisheries species, and essential organic nutrients to these areas. Thus, mangrove deforestation results in a loss ofhabitat and species diversity, not just within mangroves, but in these linked ecosystems as well. Declines in theproduction of demersal species along the Coast of Guinea are generally the result of a loss of mangroves, pollutionand overfishing. Overfishing by itself, however, can have dramatic effects. Lagoon fishing in Cote d’Ivoire collapsedfollowing the conversion of an artisanal fishery to a largely foreign-owned commercial one. Between 1979 and1981, landings of the most abundant species, Ethmalosa imbricata, in Aby Lagoon, declined by 90% (World Bank,1994).

species in North America. Our current understanding ofhow threats interact is limited. The stresses caused by agiven threat can often render that system more vulner-able to other threats. For example, disturbed ecosystemsseem to be more vulnerable to exotics than healthy ones(Baltz and Moyle, 1993; Turner, 1974, cited in EDF,1994). A combination of anthropogenic and natural eventsled to: the near extinction of oysters in Chesapeake Bay,Maryland; the decline of the brown seaweed Fucusvesiculosus in the Baltic Sea; the invasion of the Chineseclam in San Francisco Bay, California; and the decline ofcoral reefs in Florida and the Caribbean (NRC, 1995).

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Chapter 6.What Can Be Done?

Successful conservation efforts in Africa will require care-ful tailoring to the countries, regions and communitiesinvolved. New England Aquarium, 1998. Photo credit:Mark Chandler.

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A. How Should Sites BeSelected For ConservationAction?

“Common sense, and sensitivity to the true needs andabilities of the country, and its people, should be appliedto the selection of sites.”

Salm and Price, 1995

Although aquatic biodiversity conservation is importantin every African county, setting priorities for conserva-tion is a practical necessity due to limited conservationdollars and human resources. The success of any actiontowards conserving biodiversity and achievingsustainability will depend on careful thought given to thecountries, regions, and communities chosen, in order toensure that funds and technical assistance will be usedwell. McClanahan (pers. comm.) notes that no amount ofmoney will conserve areas that local people are not com-mitted to conserving. I would add, nor will conservationwork in areas with counterproductive economic or sectoralpolicies.

To date, most global or regional priority-setting efforts havefocused on terrestrial areas (reviews: Johnson, 1995, andMiller et al., 1995). More recent efforts, however, have ad-dressed aquatic ecosystems (e.g., Olson et al., 1997 for LatinAmerica). Salm and Price (1995) review criteria for select-ing marine protected areas. Recent priority-setting effortsin Africa by World Wildlife Fund-U.S. have included bothfreshwater (Abell et al., 1999) and marine ecosystems (forth-coming, contact [email protected]).

It is important to recognize that no single approach orweighting will work for all organizations or fit all con-servation objectives. The inclusion or weighting of cer-tain factors depends on the mandate of the organization,the scale of the effort, the conservation goals, the valuesof the decision-makers, and even the scientific backgroundof the individuals involved. For example, an emphasison species richness may lead to the neglect of importantand productive ecosystems that have a limited number ofspecies (Johnson, 1995). A taxonomist may consider spe-cies diversity to be the most important factor, while amarine biologist might rank interdependent ecosystemsor productivity more highly, and a development agencymight consider developmental importance to be the mostimportant consideration. Hence, to lend transparency andcredibility to any priority-setting effort, one needs to ex-plicitly state: 1) the conservation goals and objectives,and 2) the criteria used.

As an illustration of regional priority-setting using justbiological distinctiveness and conservation status as thesole criteria, I have listed the indicators used by Olson etal. (1997) in Latin America below. Indicators under bio-logical distinctiveness included species richness, ende-mism, and ecosystem diversity. Conservation status indi-cators included:

• degree of fragmentation (barriers to movement ofaquatic organisms such as dams, etc.);

• degree of habitat loss;• water quality;• hydrographic integrity;• degree of alteration of associated landscape (e.g., catch-

ment); and• exotic species, where applicable.

I favor an integrative approach (both with respect tocriteria and stakeholders) to develop a broader sup-port for aquatic conservation. This means consider-ing socioeconomic factors, conservation feasibility, andcommunity/government interest in addition to biologi-cal criteria. Why? As Johnson (1995) notes, “Biologiststypically involved in setting conservation priorities oftenfail to realize a simple fact of life that helps to explainwhy conservation priorities are so often ignored. In mostcircumstances, effective conservation is ultimately, forbetter or for worse, a political process whose chances ofsuccess are improved through wider participation.” Con-servation projects that are successful often hinge on acatalyst for action (be it a charismatic person or disas-trous event), and motivated local leaders (Runnells, 1996).

An integrative approach is particularly important in Af-rica, where the people have a long-lasting connection toand relationship with their biological resources (BSP,1993). Miller et al. (1995) note that priority-setting ef-forts have often failed to include non-biological factorsthat are critical in making conservation decisions, andneglected to include key stakeholders in the priority-set-ting effort, although more recent efforts have attemptedto address these issues (e.g., BSP’s priority-setting ter-restrial effort in Latin America, BSP et al., 1995). Ide-ally, priority-setting efforts should consider biodiversityin all sites, including natural areas, as well as managedecosystems and human settlements (Johnson, 1995).

Any organization with an interest in helping to conserveand sustainably maintain Africa’s aquatic resources needsto consider the minimum following criteria: a site’s bio-logical diversity, its ecological importance, the degree ofthreat, its developmental importance, and the feasibilityof conservation. Conservation feasibility is an importantconsideration right from the start, for, as Johnson (1995)

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notes, “The conservation of biodiversity is less a ques-tion of biology than of social, economic, and politicalfactors.” Conservation feasibility will also influence thetype of conservation approach to make in a given area.Any priority-setting effort, however, should be re-evalu-ated at regular intervals.

Each of these criteria can be further broken down as indi-cated below. This rather comprehensive list summarizescriteria used by a variety of sources. Obviously, the num-ber of criteria used needs to be manageable, reflectingboth an organization’s mandate and its conservation ob-jectives. For example, criteria used to determine the loca-tion of the Bunaken Islands Marine Park in Indonesia in-cluded: habitat variety, unique coral habitat, coral cover,species diversity and intactness (Salm, 1989). Criteria canbe numerically summarized to provide a quantitative as-pect to priority-setting, if necessary. One difficulty inAfrica is the extreme unevenness of information avail-able. Some sites may appear to have more species simplybecause more taxonomists or ecologists have workedthere.

Conservation feasibility• Likelihood of reversing or mitigating threat• Socio- economic feasibility - will local people sup-

port such a project?• Ecological feasibility - is the area large enough to suc-

cessfully conserve what is intended?• Are there potential collaborating organizations?• Institutional feasibility - how supportive is the gov-

ernment and/or community? How supportive are gov-ernment policies? Does the government have the po-tential to implement a project or is it overwhelmed withother donor efforts?

• How committed is the government to improving itsinstitutional capacity? What is the level of training?

• History of past conservation efforts in country.• Land tenure patterns. Are there land disputes at the

site? Is land ownership well defined at the site?• What conflicts of interest may derail a conservation

project at the site? Can they be resolved?• Opportunism - do existing conditions provide justifi-

cation for action now?

Biodiversity criteria

• Global, regional, and national importance• Diversity of habitats• Species diversity

- species richness- number and percent of endemic species. Note thatendemism is rare in marine species. Where it occurs, it

should be given higher importance (Holthus andMaragos, 1995).

• Diversity of higher taxa (e.g., phyla, class, order, fam-ily, genera). In general, richness and uniqueness at ahigher taxonomic level should be given more weightthan at the species level.

• Scientific importance

Ecological criteria

• Importance of ecosystem for ecological life-supportsystems and essential ecological processes. Some spe-cies-poor areas, such as seagrass beds, support largefood webs (Agardy, 1994a).

• Naturalness of the ecosystem - e.g., pristine vs. de-graded. How much has the area changed by humaninfluence?

• Ecosystem contains feeding, breeding, nursery or ju-venile areas for wildlife

• Interdependence of the ecosystem with others. If agiven ecosystem strongly depends upon another eco-system, both ecosystems should be given high priorityfor conservation. For example, coral reefs provide nu-trient-rich food for pelagic fish, and mangroves pro-vide detritus for both lagoon and reef ecosystems.

• Ecological rarity (uniqueness) of the ecosystem• Ecosystem contains habitat for rare or endangered spe-

cies. Note that rare species can be divided into three cat-egories: taxa that are rare across large ranges (e.g., someof the whales, marine turtles); taxa that are rare becausetheir ranges are limited (endemic taxa); and taxa that arelocally rare, but common in another country.

Figure 44. Setting priorities for conservation is necessarydue to limited conservation dollars and human resources.Photo credit: Dennis Zemba.

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• Ecosystems containing species that are both rare andthreatened (either by ecosystem deterioration oroverexploitation) should be given higher priority thanecosystems providing habitat for rare but non-threat-ened taxa.

• Integrity of the area - is it a functional unit that is eco-logically self-contained?

• Productivity of the ecosystem• Representativeness of a given habitat type

Degree of threat

• Immediacy of threat• Rarity of ecosystem because of human-induced loss

or degradation• Degree of existing protection for particular ecosystem• Richness of rare or threatened taxa• Number of threats

Developmental criteria

• Importance of ecosystem and its resources to commer-cially important species - e.g., number of fishermendependent on a habitat and its resource

• Potential value for tourism development• Subsistence importance - this includes food, fuel, medi-

cines, building and handicraft materials, fiber, perfume,ornamentation, dyes, poisons, fertilizers, mulch, fod-der, etc., the replacement of which, from market sourceswould be expensive.

• Socio-cultural importance (e.g., traditional importancedue to historical, cultural, educational, recreational,spiritual, and aesthetic reasons)

• Public health concerns - will conservation benefit wa-ters used for drinking, bathing, fishing?

• Educational importance - is the site accessible enoughto help educate the public about the value of aquaticresources?

B. Improve Institutional Capacity

African governments, NGOs, and communities need fi-nancial and technical assistance to develop integrated in-stitutions and policies and make such institutional changehappen. Integration is needed both horizontally, acrosssectors, and vertically, across various levels of govern-ment, from regional to municipal. Integration means: spa-tial integration (between land and waters); integration ofobjectives (taking into account ecosystem, economic, andsocial equity considerations); and jurisdictional, legal anddecision-making integration (among user-groups, sectors,various governmental levels and nations) (Cicin-Bain, inIOC, 1994; Vallega, 1998).

Support regional, or transboundary, collaboration.Collaboration is particularly important in addressing prob-lems of exotic plant control, water use rights, and agri-cultural/industrial pollution. While regional discussionshave been taking place in Africa with greater frequency,it is now time to capitalize on these discussions and worktoward effective regional collaboration. Mechanisms forconflict resolution in addressing transboundary water re-sources need to be promoted before conflicts arise frompollution and water diversions that could impact nationalsecurity.

Freshwater: To date, there is no integrated transboundarymanagement of the following river basins: Nile, Niger,and Zambezi (Acreman and Hollis, 1996). While Senegalhas developed an integrated program for the Senegal Riverthat tries to balance social, economic, and ecological in-terests, the plan is only for the left bank! Clearly, thisplan will work only if Mauritania and Mali support a simi-lar program for the right (Vincke, 1996). All of the GreatLakes could benefit from active support for integratedmanagement.

A regional approach would also be invaluable for the con-trol of aquatic alien species. Hamman (1997) stronglyrecommends that the Southern African Developing Coun-tries (SADC) develop a regional policy towards prevent-ing further importation of exotics and controlling exist-ing ones. No Southern African country has yet developeda national strategy or policy to address the problem, al-though South Africa recently developed an inter-provin-cial task group to begin the process.

Figure 45. Integrated transboundary management is neededfor a number of African river basins, including the Nile. Photocredit: Dennis Zemba.

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IUCN (1997) notes that there are 10 separate bi- andmultilateral initiatives to address water hyacinth controlin Africa that would benefit from coordination. In LakeVictoria, for example, an active water hyacinth effort isstalled due to disagreement among the governments aboutways to tackle the program. IRIN (1997) comments:“While experts and governments squabble over funds andmethods, the weed threatens to swamp all vital water-ways and freshwater facilities in the region.”

Marine: The East African countries developed a plan forregional marine action that now needs to be supported(Obura et al., 1995). Regional effort is particularly criti-cal for threatened migratory species such as sea turtlesand marine mammals. A regional effort coordinating fish-eries management, pollution control coupled with a net-work of small-scale, community-managed marine reservedevelopment in pilot areas affords the greatest chance ofsuccess.

be consulted to provide guidance on the roles and man-dates of existing public and private institutions, and whichones would be likely to benefit the most from capacity-building measures. Wetland management institutions, inparticular, should be strengthened, ensuring that wetlandmanagers are involved with land-use planning decisionsconcerning the catchment and surrounding areas.

Strengthen the institutional capacity of local NGOsinvolved in aquatic conservation. Local NGOs in thisarea are rare, but emerging (e.g., Kenya’s Clean WaterAlliance, OSIENALA of Kenya (aka Friends of LakeVictoria), Nigeria’s NGO Coalition for the Environment,the Nigerian Conservation Foundation, Okavango LiasonGroup). (The International Rivers Network provides adirectory of NGOs, technical experts, and other key con-tacts working on river and watershed issues around theworld. Contact Those that exist areoften young and inexperienced. Donor agencies and in-ternational NGOs could provide short-term training in:project planning, management, monitoring, and admin-istration; public awareness-raising of aquatic conserva-tion issues; how to model costs and benefits of variousdevelopment options, and how to be more effective in thepolitical arena. Also, to build trust between governmentofficials and local NGOs, one could support short-termplacement of personnel from one organization in another.

The Secretariat for Eastern African CoastalArea Management (SEACAM) is planning afive-week training program to improve theproject development and management skillsof local NGOs. The program will cover:identifying potential funding sources,preparing project proposals; projectdevelopment, management, monitoring andevaluation; financial administration; andcommunication and dissemination (IntercoastNetwork, 1998).

Improve the institutional capacity to 1) set water qual-ity standards and 2) monitor water quality. Nationalaquatic monitoring systems need to be developed to mea-sure, among others, nutrient and toxicity levels of agri-cultural and industrial contaminants, sedimentation, tur-bidity, and habitat destruction. Training needs to be pro-vided in analytical techniques.

Carpenter and Cottingham (1997, cited in McAllister etal., 1997) suggest the following indicators to assess a

In August, 1997, the Secretariat for EasternAfrican Coastal Area Management (SEACAM)started work (Intercoast Network, 1998). Thisregional organization helps build the capacityto implement integrated coastal managementprograms. Its goals are better coordinationand collaboration between agencies andstakeholders, and sytematic exchange oflessons learned. It has five program areas: 1)capacity building, particularly for local NGOs;2) database management of East Africa coastalzone management programs, institutions, andindividuals; 3) environmental assessment; 4)public sector management, and 5) sustainablefinancing of coastal management programs.The organization works with stakeholdersfrom Comoros, Eritrea, Kenya, Madagascar,Mauritius, Mozambique, Reunion (Fr.),Seychelles, South Africa and Tanzania. Thedatabase will be available both in print andon the Internet. Contact David Moffat for moreinformation ([email protected]).

Within a country, enhance inter-agency coordinationand management among the myriad of agencies thatimpact water areas. Better coordination is also neededacross different levels of government with mandates af-fecting water and aquatic resources to ensure that theyare not working at cross purposes. Local experts should

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lake’s ecological health: livestock density in the water-shed (which measures phosphorus inputs); wetland area/unit lake area; proportion of riparian zone with forest orgrassland (which measures capacity to buffer nutrient in-put); lake color and humic content; piscivore growth rates(which measures control of planktivores); partial pres-sure of CO

2 in surface waters (which measures ecosys-

tem metabolism); and oxygen depletion (to assess levelof eutrophication). The indicators can be obtained fromland use records, from simple sampling methods, or fromremote sensing.

Okemwa (1995) suggests the following marine monitor-ing: 1) regular trawling to measure changes in fish com-munities; 2) plankton surveys to measure changes at thistrophic level, and 3) measures to assess pollution.

Assist with training and education in fisheries andaquatic conservation science, particularly to improvethe capacity for monitoring of fish stocks. The need tomonitor stocks is urgent, particularly in inland waters.Provide training in co-management methods and partici-patory rural appraisal methods. Consider establishing

scholarships, with the requirement that awardees applywhat they learn by providing a certain numbers of yearsof service in their country following completion.

Provide technical and economic assistance for biologi-cal control of exotic plants.

Provide financial and/or technical assistance to com-munity-generated conservation and management ini-tiatives: initiatives that start from the ground up.

C. Encourage Appropriate Policies

Encourage the development of more integrated poli-cies in water and landuse planning.

Support integrated river basin planning and development.Consider all stakeholders in the process, including localNGOs. NGOs need to become involved during initial plan-ning stages so that their views are taken into consider-ation right from the start (Manley and Wright, 1996).

IUCN (1990b) recommends that countries use the fol-lowing practices in land-use planning of river basins:

1. Quantify the hydrological balance of the water basin.2. Identify all of the major ecosystems in the basin, prod-

ucts and services obtained from each part of the sys-tem and their minimum environmental requirementsfor being sustained.

3. Determine the total economic value of the basin’s wa-ter resources and aquatic ecosystems. Determinationmay help persuade decision-makers to conserve aquaticsystems1 (Goulder and Kennedy, 1997). If determina-tion of the total economic value is impossible, then, ata minimum, planners should estimate the economiccosts of loss or change in ecosystem functioning andvalue as a result of developmental conversion (Goulderand Kennedy, 1997). CATIE (Tropical AgriculturalResearch and Training Center), in collaboration withIUCN, is preparing a methodology for the economicevaluation of wetland ecosystems.

4. Integrate compatible uses, separate incompatible ones,and zone accordingly.

5. Identify the short- and long-term environmental im-pact of any proposed development change. Consider

1 For example, inadequate valuation of the goods and servicesarising from mangroves, leads normal market forces to almostalways favor mangrove conversion. The economic value ofmangroves can be determined relative to its contribution tonearshore and estuarine fisheries, shellfish, and crustaceanproduction.

Figure 46. To maintain water quality, national aquatic moni-toring systems need to be developed and people need to betrained in analytical techniques. Photo credit: CarolyShumway.

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mitigative actions. For example, in areas where recla-mation of mangroves for agriculture is both necessaryand sound (i.e., the area has appropriate soils), leavesome mangrove systems intact so that they can con-tinue to provide their services.

As the principles, successes and failures of an integratedapproach are probably best understood for integratedcoastal zone management (ICZM), these are describedin detail below. More detailed descriptions of coastal zonemanagement can be found in Clark (1992) and Pernettaand Elder (1993). Two recent books provide useful casestudies -- both successes and failures -- in coastal man-agement programs in the U.S. (Needham, 1991) and SouthAmerica (Robadue et al., 1995). UNDP’s Strategic Ini-tiative on Ocean and Coastal Management, approved inDec. 1997, will attempt to document and disseminate bestpractices worldwide (Intercoast Network, 1998).

Interested donors, NGOs, and foundations could con-sider supporting emerging coastal zone managementprograms in Africa. A number of African countries haveidentified coastal areas as priority areas in their NEAPsand/or have expressed interest in an integrated coastal zonemanagement approach: Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Ghana,Nigeria, Mauritius, Comoros, Seychelles, Mozambique,Tanzania, Eritrea, South Africa, among others (WorldBank, 1996). The World Bank is working to promoteICZM in Ghana, Cote d’Ivoire, Tanzania, Seychelles,Comoros and Mauritius (Linden and Lundin, 1995b).African countries are at various stages in developing suchmanagement. Some lack the legal and institutional frame-work and the human capacity to develop an integratedcoastal zone management program at this point (Gaudianet al., 1994); some, such as Kenya, are beginning a pilotintegrated effort (Mwandotto, 1996), while others remainunconvinced that ICZM is a useful planning tool. (Seethe World Bank, 1996 for an assessment of IntegratedCoastal Zone Management in East Africa.) The Zanzi-bar-based Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Asso-ciation (WIOMSA) sponsored a workshop on local andcommunity-based integrated coastal zone management inMarch, 1998 (Intercoast Network, 1998).

1. Principles of Integrated Coastal ZoneManagement

Integrated coastal zone management tries to balance theuse of coastal resources such as fisheries and coastal de-velopment, while maintaining habitats, biodiversity andecosystem health. The four most common reasons forstarting an ICZM program are: to boost fisheries produc-tivity; to increase tourism; to protect coasts from naturaldisasters; and to sustain mangroves (Reid et al., 1985).

Generally, governments are not motivated to do such plan-ning until there is a conflict among users or a serious de-cline in a resource (Reid et al., 1985). Waiting for a crisisis unfortunate, though, as coastal development withoutplanning often locks future development into limited op-tions. Ideally, some pilot CZM projects would addressareas which have been little impacted; others would ad-dress sites with pressing environmental and resourcemanagement problems.

Process is critical.

“Consult until people are exhausted.”G. Keller (IUCN, 1996).

According to Clark (1992), a simple coastal zone man-agement program includes the following:

• establishing arrangements, including identification ofthe problems, policies, goals, legal authorization, andan enforcement mechanism;

• a coordination office; and• a mechanism for review (for development permits,

environmental impact assessments, etc.)

It is not easy to get different groups to trust one anotherand work collaboratively, particularly when there islongstanding animosity and mistrust. Graham Kelleher,actively involved in management plans for Australia’sGreat Barrier Reef, notes that one has to be prepared tobe “insulted, contradicted, even threatened... You’ve gotto go through the process of distrust before you get totrust” (IUCN, 1996).

Resource users need to feel that the program has: devel-oped a broad understanding of the problems, consideredvarious options for meeting the objectives, acquired ascientific understanding of local coastal dynamics and theeffects of development, and most importantly, consideredtheir input (Needham, 1991). Above all else, users needto feel that the decision-making process is fair and open(Needham, 1991). As noted by Clark (1992), “Strongpolitical opposition by fishermen or others who gain theirliving from marine resources could stall an integratedcoastal zone management program. Many of these sec-tors will have little to gain from coastal resources conser-vation, and they may see the... program as a problem ratherthan as an opportunity; e.g. transportation, housing, mili-tary, agriculture and manufacturing. To ensure a mini-mum of opposition from these sectors, strong persuasionmay be needed along with assurance that the policies tobe formulated will treat them fairly.”

Basic guidelines for developing effective group dynam-ics (modified from Pinkerton, 1994) include:

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1) Use a convener perceived to have appropriate stature,and a facilitation style that is locally appropriate;

2) Include representation from all relevant stakeholders;3) Develop a shared definition of problems and expected

outcomes;4) Undertake joint tasks;5) Articulate the values that guide each party’s interest in

the process; and6) Establish formal rules about how decisions are reached.

Start with a restricted set of problems.

“Planners know that the best of plans often remain on book-shelves and are not put into practice, usually because of alack of political commitment to the socio-economic changesthe plan would require. It is much easier for decision-mak-ers to authorize a planning initiative than to implement it.”

Clark, 1992

What seems most daunting about coastal zone manage-ment is its extent. How does one begin to implement aprogram that includes the management of both land andsea? First, such a process is easiest if it is included as partof a national or regional planning effort (World CoastConference, 1993). Second, although ideally one wouldconsider all lands that influence coastal waters (i.e., allwatersheds that drain into the sea), in practice, this candoom a coastal management program due to political andeconomic resistance.

Experienced marine managers suggest that it is best tobegin with a limited program: either limited geographi-cally (e.g., focusing on a single regionwithin a country) or limited in the scopeof the controversial problems to be tack-led with, or both. For example, insteadof incorporating all watersheds into agiven ICZM project, policy-makerscould include only those watersheds thatare the sources of excessive chemical pol-lution and/or sedimentation (Clark,1992).

Why limit the number of issues to tackle?Coastal management programs can bederailed by powerful economic interests.The only way to combat this is to de-velop strong local support through smallsuccesses, such as focusing on shore ero-sion or designating critical habitat for re-serves. Tackling simple problems first isalso one way to test which processeswork and which do not. Finally, simpledemonstrated successes help to build

community support and help develop local and nationalexpertise (Olsen et al., 1995). For example, the coastalzone management program in Ecuador undertook sev-eral local demonstration projects in conjunction with na-tional policy efforts.

How does one sort out priority problems to tackle? Askthe following questions (Robadue, cited in IOC, 1994):

• Is the problem a coastal resource management prob-lem?

• Will addressing this problem have a positive effect onsolving other problems?

• Will addressing this problem be well-received by thecommunity?

• Is it simple to carry out?• Does the problem affect a diverse group of people?• Will the solution actively engage the community?

Ensure local participation.

To develop political support for the goals of coastal man-agement, it is best if local people are active players in allparts of the program, giving them a feeling of control overthe process (Figure 47). At a minimum, all stakeholdersshould be provided with a forum to express their goals andconcerns, and interested representatives of the various stake-holder groups should be involved in both planning andimplementation. It is important to recognize traditions andsocial norms in designing a participatory framework (WorldCoast Conference, 1993). (See page 80 for more recom-mendations on ensuring local participation.)

Figure 47. To develop political support for coastal management, localpeople should have active roles in all parts of the program. © WorldResources Institute.

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Consider which management structure will work bestaccording to local values and authority.

Designing management structure according to local normsis the easiest way to ensure support and compliance withregulations. Hence the most appropriate structure for anygiven region or country should be reflective of who haspower of authority in an area -- be it by legislative fiat orculturally. For example, numerous states in the UnitedStates have experimented with coastal zone managementand come up with different management structures. Insome states, policy decisions are made by technical ex-perts, while others use councils made up of citizens orlocal government representatives (Needham, 1991). Ide-ally, the size of the management unit should make eco-logical sense, such as defining the scope of managementto a given watershed. In this way, fishermen, landownersand other users are more likely to see that they have cer-tain common interests and to be supportive.

In developing an integrated program, it is instructiveto consider why previous attempts have failed. Thereare at least five main reasons why failure is so common:

Economic interests are powerful: Wealthier stakeholdersmay feel that either they will derive no benefit from coastalzone management or that it will be costly to them, andthey may be right, particularly if their economic gain wasdue to a common property resource. Thus, such groupsmay choose not to get involved in the management pro-cess or may actively fight development of coastal man-agement. For example, Ecuador’s Coastal ResourcesManagement Program had difficulty establishing a pro-ductive relationship with shrimp mariculture industrydespite repeated efforts (Olsen and Coello, 1995). Only afew of the owners of large shrimp farms expressed anyinterest in an integrated planning process. The ownershad access to common property resources for less than$10/ha, compared to potential net returns of up to $2000/ha (Southgate and Whitaker 1994, cited in Olsen andCoello, 1995).

What can be done? In many instances, “apparently com-peting sectoral interests can, through small modificationto their approaches and/or operation be made compat-ible” (Pernetta and Elder, 1993). For example, both mari-culture and tourist swimming require good water quality.However, it is realistic to acknowledge that some coastalresource uses will always be incompatible with others,and that compromises will be necessary.

Political will is lacking: As is clear from the above dis-cussion, just presenting the scientific rationale for a man-agement decision is not enough: powerful economic in-terests can act to derail legislative efforts (Needham,

1991). Hence, both public acceptance and political as-tuteness are necessary to achieve management goals. AsClark (1992) has noted, “Coastal resources conservationand biodiversity preservation are more often restrainedby political uncertainty and bureaucratic inertia than by ashortage of scientific information.”

Important stakeholders are excluded: Coastal plannersneed to include all stakeholders likely to be affected bycoastal management as well as those stakeholders withauthority over people’s behavior regarding coastal re-sources. Depending on the area, the list could include fish-ermen, tribal chiefs, religious authorities, port authori-ties, housing departments, tourist industries and economicdevelopment planners.

Lack of authority is provided to the managing agency:An integrated coastal zone managing agency must be partof, or have influence over all relevant economic develop-ment sectors, including finance, agriculture, economicplanning, commerce, fisheries, tourism, forestry, andtransportation (Clark, 1992). It is not easy to get institu-tions to cooperate in integrated activities as they invari-ably defend their turf. Yet it will often be necessary forthe coastal managing agency to take a position on coastaldevelopment or conservation that negatively impacts oneor more of these sectors. If the agency has little powerover these groups, management will fail. Generally au-thority over the coastal zone requires centralization suchthat the managing agency is above the level of individualministries or departments.

Sense of community is weak: Managing coastal develop-ment is easiest with strong communities where resourceusers have a sense of obligation to their local group, orwhere tenurial rights hold over coastal resources. Experi-ence in the U.S. suggests that “society is not willing orable to halt the development process when land is frag-mented into thousands of private holdings,” particularlyin areas undergoing rapid residential growth or rapid de-velopment for tourism (Needham, 1991). In these situa-tions, political astuteness and public support are even morecritical.

Geographic scope of integration is too limited: Coastalplanners need to address problems both on land and inthe sea, such as nearshore pollution problems or over-fishing.

Other problems can derail integrated coastal zone man-agement programs, as detailed by Hildebrand (1989, citedin Clark, 1992):

• There was a lack of agreement on a satisfactory defi-nition of the coastal zone;

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• The coastal zone was treated as a common propertyresource;

• There was little awareness about coastal zone prob-lems;

• There was no clear motivation for integrated coastalzone management;

• Administration was fragmented;• Goals were not clearly articulated;• A short-term management approach prevailed instead

of long-range planning;• There was inadequate information on which to base

decisions;• There were attitudinal problems; and• The program ran against the political and economic

grain of the time.

Finally, an integrated approach is neither easy nor quick.Case studies of nine U.S. coastal zone management ef-forts showed that none had achieved their goal of envi-ronmental protection and conservation after ten years ofeffort (Needham, 1991)! However, they had achievedsome degree of developmental planning, which is a posi-tive start.

Assist in the development of national economic andsectoral policies which encourage sound water use,conservation of wetlands and other aquatic ecosys-tems, and reduction of pollution in these areas. Anintersectoral policy framework is needed. Review exist-ing water, forestry, agricultural, tax and other relevantpolicies to determine how they contribute to the wasteand misuse of aquatic resources and loss of aquatic habi-tat. In particular, identify the impacts of current agricul-tural drainage policies on wetlands (IUCN, 1990b).

New policies may be needed to: ensure that the total wa-ter use is within sustainable limits for both human andecological needs; establish water quality standards tomaintain ecosystem support services and protect humanhealth; establish reasonable limits to water quantities fordifferent users (domestic, industrial, and agricultural); andincrease the efficient use of water, particularly for irriga-tion. In arid environments, for example, farmers can savewater with drip or root irrigation lines or low-pressuresprinklers that reduce loss from evaporation, and by tim-ing irrigation releases to more closely match a crop’s waterneeds (Postel, 1995; Bethune, 1996). Provision of tax in-centives can encourage the installation of such systems.A number of NGOs and other developmental organiza-tions are working to improve the productivity of indig-enous irrigation along floodplains, which takes advan-tage of the natural flooding process (Adams, 1996).

Perhaps the most important way to conserve water is toprice it accurately, eliminating subsidies such that the pricereflects the capital, running and environmental cost ofproviding water. Similarly, economic activities that ben-efit from the ecological services provided by aquatic eco-systems should be charged for those services. A portionof the fees can be used for conservation efforts. For ex-ample, a fee could be placed on fisheries to protect wet-land areas, since fisheries are directly supported by thebreeding and nursery grounds of many wetlands. Withaccurate pricing, financial stability can be incorporatedinto aquatic conservation programs.

Consider market-based incentives, as described in the boxbelow.

Help develop policies limiting and regulating the in-troduction of exotic species. Donors should examine theirown policies in this area, such as distributing tilapia foraquaculture, and not contribute to the problem of speciesintroduction. Given the historical evidence of ecologicaldamage from introduced species, introductions should beavoided, if possible. Native species should first be evalu-ated for aquaculture purposes before considering the in-troduction of exotics. However, if biologically, socially,

Figure 48. Methods of participatory rural appraisal. WorldBank, 1994. From Heywood, 1995, © United Nations Envi-ronment Programme.

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A New Approach: Using Market Forces to Protect Aquatic Biodiversity

Market-based incentives can encourage the conservation of both water and aquatic flora and fauna. Such anapproach can include allocations, tax incentives, the charging of user fees, and the establishment of propertyrights to what were previously considered common property resources. Examples of two such mechanisms aredescribed below.

Compensated water transfers -- Policy makers can set up economic incentives to encourage equitable andefficient water use. The use of market mechanisms to meet new incremental demands can help reduce thepressure for additional and environmentally destructive water projects. If it costs money to increase water use,agricultural interests, cities and villages have an incentive to invest in water conservation programs. Such anapproach has recently been tried in the Central Valley of California. This watershed provides riverine, wetland,and estuarine habitat critical to the survival of a diverse range of aquatic and riparian species. Today, however,only about 10% of the original 4-5 million acres of wetlands remains (Williams, 1989). The construction ofdams on every river and the diversion of water for agricultural and urban use greatly reduced and alteredhabitat in the Central Valley watershed, and led to severe population declines for many of these species (EDF,1994). In 1992, the Central Valley Improvement Project was enacted. The act provides economic incentives forwater users to voluntarily transfer their water to other environmental, agricultural or urban uses for a price.The act also created a restoration fund financed by charges on water users (including hydrological power users)to help achieve habitat restoration and the purchase of water for wildlife needs. The end result is that wildlifeneeds are now placed on more equitable footing with other water users.

Tradeable non-point pollution permits -- Policy makers can also encourage the reduction of water pollutionthrough tradeable pollution permits. These permits grant flexibility and control to individual water users inmaking business decisions. First, the total level of allowable pollution for a sub-basin is determined based onwater quality standards. Second, individual allocations of the total maximum pollution load are divided equitablyamong water districts or individual users, taking into account various needs. Permit holders are allowed totrade (buy and sell) portions of their allocations to other districts or water users. Thus the resource usersthemselves determine the most appropriate measures for achieving that objective. In certain cases, it may bemore cost-effective to buy additional emission permits than to reduce pollution emissions. Since there is a capon the total amount of allowable pollution, this means that pollution emissions will be reduced elsewhere. Twocaveats of such a system are: 1) it will only work in those countries that are able to monitor and enforcepollution control efforts; and 2) somehow, permits need to be allocated in such a way as to compensate for theunequal environmental effects caused by pollution discharges upstream relative to charges downstream. Pollutionemissions upstream result in a greater pollution load for a longer stretch of river.

and economically convincing arguments can be made thatexotic species must be introduced into a particular aquaticsystem, wherever possible, the species introduced shouldbe one that already lives in the drainage area of the lake.Aquaculturalists should adopt the precautionary prin-ciple, and assume that any introduced aquaculture stockwill eventually escape into the wild.

It is difficult to eradicate species, once introduced. How-ever, the introduction of exotics can be controlled by: as-sessing all water engineering projects for their potentialimpact upon the spread of exotic aquatic species; signing

international agreements banning the introduction of ex-otic species in aquatic areas shared with another countrywithout express approval; ensuring that no introductionsare undertaken without analysis of the impact of such in-troductions in other areas as well as studies of the lifehistory of the candidate species in its native range; andattempting through research and legislation to reduce thenumber of species being transferred to new countries anddrainage basins via ballast water.

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D. Involve the Community

“It is becoming obvious that the key to protecting a cher-ished landscape lies within the communities that call ithome.”

IUCN (1993)

1. Integrated Conservation and Development Projects

Integrated conservation and development projects (abbre-viated as ICDP or ICAD) are a popular approach for con-servationists today. ICDPs attempt to protect biodiversityby using some component of the biodiversity to benefitlocal people, thereby generating local support. This is doneeither by developing income-generating activities withina protected area or adjacent to a protected area to reducepressure on the protected area. The specific objectives ofICDPs are to: “1) develop and ensure environmental pro-tection and management of an area over the long term;and 2) produce an improvement in the quality of life ofthe local population that is noticeable to them and com-patible with conservation of the resource base” (Ack,1991).

Certainly, conservation efforts are more easily acceptedif local people perceive that they benefit. ICDPs, how-ever, are not appropriate projects everywhere or for ev-eryone. They are challenging and time-consuming. Somesites may warrant different conservation measures, rang-ing from nation-wide efforts (e.g., effecting economic ornatural resource policy or legislative changes which canhave a large impact in a short period of time) to site-spe-cific efforts (e.g., working with church groups or tradi-tional leaders to protect an area for spiritual or recreationalpurposes or to encourage behavioral change in resourceexploitation). In sum, the conservationist should considerICDPs as one tool in their toolbox. Perhaps the most use-ful benefit of a small-scale project such as an ICDP istwo-fold: 1) to establish local credibility of the agent ofchange; and 2) as a model for regional or national efforts.In sum, thoughtful consideration needs to be given toensure that ICDPs are established where they are mostlikely to succeed.

Kremen et al. (1994) reviewed 36 ICDPs. Only five de-monstratively contributed to wildlife conservation to date.Alpert (1996) details why some African terrestrial ICDPssucceeded (in community development) while othersfailed. All of the five ICDPs he reviewed received incomefrom tourism or hunting. Those that succeeded had gov-ernmental support, were easily accessible by tourists, hadactive community involvement, and had compatible lo-cal traditions. Conservation benefits included a reported

reduction in illegal hunting and improvement in local at-titudes towards conservation. Tourism revenues generatedcommunity benefits at two sites, “where the governmenthad a nationally mandated financial policy to collect rev-enues, and a local administrative structure to dispersethem” (Alpert, 1996).

Although ICDPs can be the most appropriate conserva-tion approach at a given site, too often, little thought goesinto addressing their economic, ecological, and socialpitfalls. The pitfalls largely come about because of thefollowing underlying problems (Shumway, 1993): 1) thedifferent agendas that each stakeholder -- the conserva-tion group and the landowners -- bring to the table; 2) theunstated (and unproven) assumptions upon which ICDPsare often based; 3) the inexperience of environmentalgroups in development, resulting in project failure; and4) the broader economic and sectoral policy issues thatdrive resource exploitation. These pitfalls are discussedin some detail in hopes that the lessons derived here willaid in the design of more successful projects.

The Unstated Assumptions: ICDP projects are oftenbased on implicit assumptions, which, if wrong, have se-rious implications for the long-term ecological soundnessof the project. In any ICDP, assumptions should be ex-plicitly stated up front; they then can be tested in the rel-evant cultural context and monitored to determine theirvalidity over time.

The assumption that “producers will limit their produc-tion to a certain level, therefore using fewer resourceswhen they intensify production” (Brown and Wyckoff-Baird, 1992). Buried in this assumption is a second: thatpeople will be perpetually content with the small amountof cash provided by such enterprises and not seek to maxi-mize income. In developed countries, the underlying,rarely questioned assumption is that economic growthmust continue. Although some cultures may value timemore than money, one cannot automatically assume thatother peoples have different values!

In this consumer age, empowering communities may ac-tually result in increased overexploitation. The IUCNWorld Congress Newsletter (IUCN, 1996) notes, “If suc-cessful in helping local people gain greater managementrights, is it reasonable to expect them to use the resourcessustainably when the full power of our globalizingeconomy and culture rewards so richly those who useresources unsustainably?” How much income is neces-sary to satisfy project beneficiaries and to change theirresource use? We don’t know. It has been suggested, how-ever, that the “net revenue must meet or exceed the in-come generated from existing destructive practices”(Brown and Wyckoff-Baird, 1992).

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The assumption that “resource users share conservation-ists’ perceptions that resources are scarce and ...use shouldbe reduced or limited.” (Brown and Wyckoff-Baird, 1992).

If resource users do not have first-hand knowledge of theimpacts of overexploitation, they are likely to be uncon-cerned about the prospect of future problems. It can bedifficult to envision the consequences of one’s develop-ment choice in an area that is still pristine; the area’s beautyis simply taken for granted. One member of a Papua NewGuinea NGO told me that he didn’t even think about en-vironmental problems until he saw the degraded environ-ments in the United States! Yet more than 85% of marineconservationists believed that an understanding of theimportance of renewable resources is essential if coastalresidents are to change their destructive development prac-tices (Wilcox, 1994).

The assumption that conservation is largely consistentwith local peoples’ priorities -- or, conversely, that byenabling local residents to better manage their resourcesfor the benefit of current and future generations, conser-vation will result. Conservationists often have very dif-ferent priorities than their intended beneficiaries. Theirprimary interest may be in conserving or restoring a natu-ral area. The villager’s interest may be along the samelines, or they may see the conservationist’s offer of helpas a convenient way of receiving immediate desired ben-efits, such as the building of churches, schools, and ac-cess roads, healthcare, income-generation and receivingassistance with crops. The interests of the two groups mayincreasingly diverge if the effort is profitable. The onlyway to resolve this conflict over the long term is througheducation and the development of a foundation of trust.

The assumption that biodiversity conservation is inher-ently compatible with development. “Unambiguously suc-cessful and convincing examples where local people’sdevelopment needs have been effectively reconciled withbiodiversity conservation remain difficult to find....Simplyto assume that people will be more inclined to conservelocal biodiversity if their living standards improve, or thatthere are always methods to improve local incomes with-out depleting biodiversity is, at best, naive” (Miller et al.,1995). A related assumption is that it is in the interests ofall social groups for resource use to be sustainable. Thisis frequently not so (Robinson, 1993). The task for ICDPpractitioners is to determine the circumstances whichmake biodiversity conservation and sustainable economicdevelopment compatible, and to adopt precautionarymeasures to ensure that they remain compatible.

The assumption that a project-based approach will con-serve biodiversity over the long term. Threats tobiodiversity are often caused by broader economic, so-

cial, and legal problems over which rural communitieshave little influence. “Even under the best of conditions,projects focusing on areas of high ecological value andtargeting local populations can play only a modest role inmitigating the powerful forces causing environmentaldegradation” (Miller et al., 1995, after Barber et al., 1994;Alpert, 1996). Hence, ICDP projects need to be consid-ered in conjunction with larger-scale economic andsectoral policy changes and education efforts.

The challenge (and promise) of ICDPs is that they needto ensure ecological, economic and social viability in or-der to be sustainable.

1. Ensuring Ecological Viability: Since a primary goalof an ICDP project is conservation, it is critical to ensurethat the enterprise is ecologically sound. Yet, few ICDPprojects have been able to demonstrate that biodiversityhas been conserved while income is gained (Miller et al.,1995). To ensure ecological viability, a project must un-dertake baseline studies (to determine initial numbers,distribution, growth rate, etc.), and then monitor theenterprise’s effect on the harvested resource, on ecologi-cally associated species2, and on the habitat. Monitoringdoes not have to be onerous. However, precautionarymechanisms may need to be set in place in advance ofprofits to ward against overdevelopment.

Ensuring Economic Viability: ICDPs either try to: “1)develop income-generating activities that are perceivedto be more environmentally sustainable; 2) improve ex-isting methods of natural resource exploitation to increaseproduction in a sustainable manner; or 3) promote incen-tives for conservation as part of a contractual agreement”(Brown and Wyckoff-Baird, 1992). Generally, the income-generating activities are largely targeted for the exportmarket. The hoped-for increased cash is seen as an in-centive to local people to conserve their natural resourcesand to forego alternative destructive uses.

Much greater thought needs to go into addressing the eco-nomic viability of an enterprise from the beginning, for ifit proves to be unprofitable, all credibility at the local levelis lost. Let us examine each of these approaches in turn.

The Development of New Income-Generating Activities

The economic viability of enterprises should be one ofthe criteria for determining where a given ICDP site isselected. Developing profitable enterprises is not easy.

2 Robinson (1993) comments that one has to consider “cascad-ing ecological effects that alter ecological communities overtime.”

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For example, not all sites can successfully establishecotourism, since some are too expensive or time-con-suming to reach, and some do not have the attractions orfacilities to compete with other sites (Shumway, 1993;Alpert, 1996). Alpert (1996) reviewed three ICDPs inAfrica that attempted ecotourism. Only one generatedenough revenue to aid community development. Of theother two sites, one had too few tourists to benefit thecommunity, and the other received just enough tourismrevenue to cover the cost of managing the visitors andmaintaining the facilities. Similarly, not all sites can sellproducts for the export market since some are too remotefrom markets and the transportation costs are too high.

Too often, income-generating activities are designed basedon untested assumptions about the social situation andpeople’s behavioral motivations. For example, plannersdesigning integrated conservation and developmentprojects optimistically talk about switching fishermen toaquaculture. This is not just an economic change; to somefishers, this completely changes their way of life and howthey define who they are. The fishers themselves must beinterested in making such a change.

The development of new income-generating activitiesshould not focus exclusively on the export markets. Thedomestic market is equally important. Why? First, by fo-cusing exclusively on the export market, it is likely thatmuch of the business advice will come from outside con-sultants, since local residents often lack management skillsand business experience. This effectively limits local feel-ing of participation, a critical component of a successfuldevelopment project. Second, the domestic market canalso enable one to easily test the market for a certain prod-uct before expanding to a more risky export market. Sinceexport markets won’t succeed unless there is a regularsupply of such goods, it makes sense to develop a domes-tic market for the product first. In this way, the number ofindividual producers increases to the point that they canprovide the regular supply needed by manufacturers. Fur-thermore, the domestic market can support small firmswhere larger firms cannot survive. Finally, the workingstyle of domestic businesses is often better suited to localneeds because they are generally managed in a way thatis sensitive to the local culture (Hailey, 1987). In thosecultures where familial sharing is expected and savingmoney not a tradition, domestic businesses can morereadily accommodate both needs.

The Improvement of Existing Natural Resource Prac-tices to Increase Production and Minimize Degradation

In practice, this is very difficult for ICDPs to achieve.Unless a company or individual businessman is residentin a community, they have no incentive to change their

behavior unless the government develops policies or theenforcement capacity to require them to do so. It is sim-ply cheaper to “mine” the resource and move on than toexploit it rationally. Even businessmen resident in a com-munity would need to be convinced that they could makethe same amount of money in the same amount of time ifthey converted to more environmentally friendly prac-tices. Although we could prove this for the long-term formany practices, it is extremely difficult to prove in theshort, since the proposed practice will generally reduceresource use over the short-term. Even in cases wherealternative methods can be shown to generate the samerevenue, force of habit and pressure from middlemen maycause users to resume the old practice. This was the situ-ation with cyanide fishing in the Philippines (Coral For-est, pers. comm ). Perhaps the only way companies orbusinessmen outside a given area would be willing tochange their practices without policy or regulatorychanges is if a market exists that is willing to pay a higherprice for a resource proven to be managed sustainably(as is being tried for timber by the Forestry StewardshipCouncil, for seafood by the Marine Stewardship Coun-cil, and for aquarium fish by the Marine Aquarium FishCouncil, for the U.S. market), or if they held long-termtenurial rights to the resource. There may be slightly moreleverage for resident businessmen in a tightly knit com-munity if the community can pressure the entrepreneurto act responsibly.

Monetary or Social Incentives for Conservation

A number of ICDPs have provided up-front subsidies orsocial benefits in return for villagers pledging to conservean area over the long-term. Unless developed carefullyand sensitively, however, this approach is not likely to besustainable. Experience with rural development has shownthat people may develop dependency or even resentmentif things are given to them or done for them. The onlyway to mitigate against this is to ensure full reciprocity.If money is given in an ICDP project, it is best to providethe money in the form of a loan, not a grant. Also, anymonetary or social incentive should be directly tied toconservation so that local residents recognize the conser-vation benefits of their actions.

Ensuring Social Viability: Conservationists should ex-amine in great detail the social sustainability of their ef-fort as well as the social changes that it may bring. Sensi-tivity to group dynamics is important. Who spoke up inthe initial meetings, and who did not? In some societies,women may be reluctant to voice opinions in the com-pany of men. Yet their acceptance may be critical to theproject, and their ideas critical for project design. Evenholding separate meetings for women may not work rightaway, as they could be interrogated by men when they

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return home (Byers, 1996). The only answer is to developtrust among the women. Also, who is going to benefitfrom economic gain, and who is not? How will the enter-prise affect the status of women or their management oftime? If an aquaculture project is planned, might it resultin additional burdens on women’s time? If an ecotourismproject is planned, what mechanisms will be put into placeto ensure that cultural integrity and pride stay intact? Whatare culturally appropriate methods of addressing conflict?

ICDP practitioners need to consider the cohesiveness ofthe group that will undertake an income-generating ef-fort and the social longevity of the project. Discussionswith local counterparts to determine how profits are to bedistributed equitably need to take place before profitscome in. Otherwise mistrust sets in that can sabotage aproject. In addition, local counterparts need to be con-vinced of the necessity of putting money back into a busi-ness which can be difficult in areas with a tradition ofsharing with relatives and little tradition of saving.

Development Inexperience: “Despite much rhetoric tothe contrary, most biodiversity conservation projects havetreated local people as passive beneficiaries of projectactivities and have failed to involve them in the processof change and their own development. As a result, tar-gets have often no stake in or commitment to activitiesbeing promoted.”

Miller et al., 1995

Fundamentally, one needs to change social and individualhuman behavior to effect conservation. Unfortunately,numerous integrated conservation and development ef-forts are begun by biologists or environmentalists, nei-ther of which have experience in effecting social or be-havioral change. Scientists are also taught to value re-sults, not process. Yet process is of utmost importance ineffecting human change. Many a brilliant managementplan has been doomed to failure because communitiesdidn’t feel that they were fully involved.

ICDP practitioners need to learn from rural developmentlessons, both failures and successes, of the past. They needto be ever cognizant that most rural development projectshave failed, at least from the standpoint of sustainability,and make efforts to reduce likely causes of failure (Reid etal.,1985; Miller et al., 1995). In addition, they need to ap-preciate that changing human behavior is hard and applyprinciples used in behavioral modification. Perhaps the mostimportant development lesson learned in development overthe last 20 years is that projects fail if projected beneficia-ries are not equitably involved in all phases of a project,including information-gathering, design, decision-making,implementation, and evaluation (Brown and Wyckoff-Baird,1992).

In designing an ICDP, “ is important to ask what localpeople are participating in, who is participating, how theyget to participate and... how local participation is expectedto contribute to the sustainable use of biodiversity” (Milleret al., 1995). Participation must be more than rhetorical. Itmeans more than the occasional gathering of local peopleinto workshops directed by the outside organization; it meansmore than conducting surveys to find out local groups’ needsand wants; and it means more than providing socio-eco-nomic benefits to people. It means that the projected ben-eficiaries are treated as real partners. Otherwise the projectceases as soon as consultants go home.

As the Biodiversity Support Program has noted (1993),ICDPs have generally adopted two out of three participa-tory approaches: mobilization (rarely sustainable),whereby the project is designed by outsiders, and localsare “mobilized” to “endorse, collaborate with, and adopta plan;” and community development (possibly sustain-able if it addresses an important community need),whereby locals are periodically brought together withsurveys or meetings to provide input. In the latter case,“groups may be involved in design and maintenance ofspecific initiatives,” yet “decisions are still in the handsof the external agent.” The most effective effort, how-ever, is an empowerment strategy, whereby the commu-nity “ initiates the learning process; defines their owngoals; assesses options; and decides on responsibility foraction.” Here, the community is in control and thoroughlyincluded in the project. They are also more motivated.Very few of the over 50 ICDPs studied to date have thislevel of involvement (West and Brechin, 1991; Wells etal, 1992; Little, 1994.) The box below demonstrates, how-ever, that this can be done!

Communities can initiate, run, and financeICDPs entirely by themselves. Examplesinclude: 1) a community-based ecotourismproject in Capirona, Ecuador (Brandon, 1995),and 2) a village income-generating project inPapua New Guinea (Degemba and Tetaki,1993). In the latter case, each villager had topay $50 or its equivalent in resources to bepart of the project.

Development experience may be even more critical foraquatic ICDPs due to the complexity of problems, greaterscale required for management, and sensitivity to landuse decisions, and yet there are even fewer practitioners

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or projects in this area. For example, Wilcox (1994) foundjust 30 marine projects worldwide that have an ICDPcomponent.

Another lesson learned is that the successful developmentof such projects takes considerable time and patience -something which development projects often do not takeinto account. It may take up to ten years to ensure thor-ough participation in project development and implemen-tation. However, conversely, for such projects to succeedin the face of large-scale threats and to overcome dis-trust, “the project has to produce visible and positive re-sults (to the people) in a relatively short period of time.”(Ack, 1991). The challenge is to produce some tangiblebenefits immediately for credibility while pursuing themore lengthy process of ensuring equitable participation.

The length of time required to ensure sustainability of anICDP project over the long term means that conserva-tionists need to critically assess when they are worthwhile.If the threat at a particular site is urgent and severe (i.e.,the habitat may well be gone within the next five to tenyears), policy, legislative and regulatory efforts may bebest. Otherwise it is a race against time.

Ten Recommendations For ICDPs

1. Site selection is critical for the viability of the project.Both biological importance and socio-economic criteriashould be a critical basis for ICDP site selection. Ensurethat the site has easy accessibility to markets (roads, air-ports, etc.), making products or tourism competitive. Withregard to social viability, the ideal is to select a site where:1) the community is motivated and has already initiated

a conservation effort and 2) the local government is in-terested. Don’t try to force an ICDP project where thecommunity is not interested. Think about who is mostlikely to benefit from a given business.

2. Mobilize an integrated team across sectoral and disci-plinary boundaries of community members, conserva-tionists, entrepreneurs, and sociologists/anthropologistsvia local or international NGOs, universities, and gov-ernment. Ideally, incorporate local research questions andinterests into the design of the initial assessments, andmake this information accessible.

3. Clearly define project objectives at the beginning andexplicitly identify underlying hypotheses. We urgentlyneed better understanding of ICDP project design andmanagement, replicability, sustainability, and effective-ness over the next few years (Miller et al., 1995). Projectsshould be designed in such a way as to generate lessonslearned.

Monitoring is essential, particularly for biodiversity. Thisbuilds increased interest and familiarity with the projectand has the added advantage that people can see the re-sults of the intervention. If visiting or in-country scien-tists are used, foster more give and take between scien-tists and local residents, incorporating local research ques-tions into the scientists’ work. Graduate students shouldbe encouraged to undertake research projects at existingICDPs. The community should feel as if they are gettingsome benefit from the studies! Both ecological and so-cioeconomic baseline studies should be conducted at thebeginning to know the project has made a difference.Methods and indicators should be developed by an ecolo-gist, while the monitoring itself is best accomplished in

Data gathering and analysis techniques generally applicable to the social assessment orparticipatory inquiry linked to biodiversity conservation projects.

Collection of secondary information.Key informant interviews.Direct observations of processes and behaviors.Participant observations of processes and behaviors.Diagramming.Community mapping.Production/livelihood diagramming.Gender analysis tools.Socioeconomic surveys.Community information and consensus-building techniques.Project design techniques for needs assessment and identification of risks.

Methods of participatory rural appraisal. World Bank, 1994. From Heywood, 1995, © United Nations EnvironmentProgramme.

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conjunction with, or entirely by the community (see pages85-88). (Other solutions such as hiring contractors or vis-iting scientists do not seem to provide a long-term solu-tion.) Biodiversity monitoring should include: 1) moni-toring species directly impacted by the economic activ-ity (by comparing species diversity and abundance inunmanaged areas, managed buffer zones, and core pro-tected areas over time), and 2) monitoring overall eco-system health with indicator species (not directly im-pacted) over space and time (Kremen et al., 1994). Indi-cator species should comprise several different functionalgroups, as various species may be impacted differently.

4. Ensure local participation in all aspects of theproject, including planning and day-to-day man-agement. Work towards a true partnership. Ideally, thecommunity should initiate the project. At a minimum,be willing to let the community seize the project evenif this means deviating from the original plan. Acceptthat local residents may have different ideas about howthe project should operate. Foster a self-help mental-ity by requiring local residents to give of themselvesin terms of time, money, or materials.

A variety of methods have now been developed to as-sist in participatory inquiry, including participatoryrural appraisal (Figure 45). Generally, the methodsuse a group inquiry process to obtain multiple perspec-tives from a diverse group of stakeholders, workingtogether to identify both resource problems and pos-sible solutions. According to Miller et al. (1995), “par-ticipatory rural appraisal is a collective term for a grow-ing list of approaches based on interactive learning,shared knowledge, and a flexible yet structured analy-sis.” Participatory inquiry methods should be used toobtain the wealth of environmental knowledge alreadypresent in the community during the planning stagesof an ICDP.

5. Use a longer time frame to measure success. Tenyears is not unreasonable for an aquatic ICDP. Dia-logue, negotiation, conflict resolution, and capacity-building take time (IUCN, 1996, Alpert, 1996).

6. Start small. Biodiversity conservation can be mosteasily achieved through income-generating projectsif such projects directly address local peoples’ en-vir onmental concerns. To achieve conservation overthe long term, Africans, like people everywhere, mustperceive that conservation efforts serve their economicand socio-cultural interests and priorities (Brown andWyckoff-Baird, 1992). By focusing on their concernsright from the start, one generates trust and helps tobuild a framework for broader understanding of theimportance of conservation of other species. For ex-ample, people may be worried about the loss of animportant aquatic species, providing the opportunityto embark on a restocking program and to increase

Figure 49. Biodiversity conservation should address localpeople’s environmental concerns, such as women’s concernsfor water quality. World Resources Institute.

3 Conservationists could also be innovative and encouragebartering between groups for certain needed items instead ofcreating income-generating actitivities. Bartering is beingtried today in local communities even in the United States,which has had a long-standing cash economy. In countrieswith a tradition of subsistence agriculture, there clearly is aprecedent for such activities.

awareness of the interdependence of species and eco-systems. Or the women in a village may be worriedabout water quality, providing an opportunity to si-multaneously improve human health and aquatic habi-tat (Figure 49). In this way, people can most clearlysee and appreciate the link between a healthy envi-ronment, biodiversity conservation, and sound devel-opment. More comprehensive biodiversity efforts canbe undertaken later. One way to link environmentalconcerns with broader socio-economic ones is to joinforces with rural development or health NGOs at aspecific site.

7. Consider developing products for the domesticmarket, for reasons stated earlier.3

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8. Pursue economic activities (exclusive of tourism)in secondary areas surrounding pristine sites,rather than at the site itself. Ensure that adequateregions of intact habitat are protected. Pristine, highbiodiversity sites, by definition, have high numbers ofspecies but for any given species, limited abundance.This means that to generate enough income from aparticular business, one would have to enhance a par-ticular species and in the process alter the area signifi-cantly, as admitted by one of the main practitioners ofICDPs, Cultural Survival. Development inevitablycomes at some cost to biodiversity (Kremen et al.,1994). It is certainly preferable to alter the species com-position of a secondary, degraded area than a pristineone. Furthermore, by initiating economic activity in asecondary area, this will minimize the damage if anICDP project proves to be economically successful,and the assumption that people will be content with asmall amount of cash does not hold.

9. Undertake ICDP projects in conjunction withlarger-scale economic and sectoral policy changesand public awareness efforts.

10. Most importantly, emphasize the moral and spiri-tual imperative of conservation in parallel with eco-nomic development. Behavioral psychologists havefound that while one can achieve short-term behavioralchange with the use of positive or negative economicincentives, the change is not durable and often disap-pears if the incentive is removed. Hence, conservationefforts should not focus exclusively on the economicbenefits to be gained from conservation. This strategycan only backfire. Even in countries like Kenya that re-ceive considerable income from protecting their wild-life, people will readily give up conservation as soon asa business is identified that yields even more money fromthe land than the money from conservation -- such as oil,gold, or other resources (Tudge, 1991).

It is important to keep in mind that the benefitsderived from conservation do not need to be mon-etary; they can also include a perceived sense thatthe landowner or their children have a better qual-ity of life. In developed and developing countries alike,many peoples derive non-monetary, non-extractivebenefit from wildlife - including aesthetic, recreational,cultural, and spiritual value. These values are alreadypresent throughout Africa and need to be nurtured aswell. For example, Alpert (1996) interviewedNamibians in the Kaokoveld who told him that it wasimportant that children see wildlife and that they werejust good to have around.

2. Community Management

While community-based conservation is an ancient ap-proach, its effectiveness is now being appreciated world-wide. Community-based management or co-management(a partnership between different institutions or groups,such as communities and government) should be consid-ered for both protected and non-protected areas undermanagement (BSP, 1993). It can be a cheaper and moreeffective means of managing aquatic resources than man-agement by government alone, and is particularly effec-tive for resources held “in common” (see Becker andOstrom, 1995, for a summary of design principles). Mostmarine conservation practitioners feel that expansion ofthe role of local communities is necessary for effectiveconservation because they have the most to gain or lose(Wilcox, 1994).

Both local and national government need to be support-ive of this type of approach. Governments generally donot willingly give up their power and responsibility will-ingly, however. But governments have much to gain fromco-management or even community management arrange-ments. In fact, in places where enforcement of regula-tions has been difficult due to a paucity of governmentpersonnel, this type of management may be the only wayto provide enforcement capability.

The more skilled and knowledgeable the community isabout its resources, the more likely it can work towardssustainability. Governments, NGOs, and academics canassist by developing community skills in ecological moni-toring, participatory appraisals, conflict resolution, andeconomic development. Alternatively, donors can helpestablish long-term links between communities and in-terested, preferably local, scientists, sociologists, andeconomists.

A review of community management and co-management(Pinkerton, 1994) showed that success is more likelywhen:

1) control is devolved to the local level as much as pos-sible, and such control is clearly defined in writing orwith legislation. Rights, responsibilities, and tasks needto be agreed upon.

2) he community also needs to agree on current prob-lems and possible solutions (Nauen 1996). This helpsto generate enthusiasm and a sense of stewardship overthe process;

3) there are transparent criteria for local involvement inmanagement;

4) the group is able to exclude outsiders, creating a greater

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sense of ownership and responsibility;

5) the community is able to effectively discipline its mem-bers; in other words, to make and enforce rules.Pinkerton (1994) notes that “the willingness of fishersto obey the rules appears to be related to their abilityto monitor each other’s activity to ensure that every-one else is obeying the rules also (Ostrom, 1990).”Rules should be flexible, taking into account the cur-rent pressures on important resources;

6) the community contributes costs in kind, such as laboror equipment; and

7) the community receives some economic benefit frommanagement of the resource. At a minimum, revenueshould offset the cost of local management activities.In the case of fishing, possible revenue raisers includefish sales, landing taxes, licensing fees, etc.

Community management has now been tried all over theworld, including community-based management ofcoastal benthic resources in Chile (contact: Juan CarlosCastilla at [email protected]) and community-based management of coral reefs in the Philippines (con-tact Elmer Ferrer).

3. Bio-regional, or Ecosystem, Management

“Ecosystem management acknowledges that people areintegral, interacting parts of nature.”

Keystone Center Report, 1996

In the past, environmental management units often werearbitrarily drawn, with no relation to ecological bound-aries or to local residents’ cultural or political identity(Slocombe, 1993). This made it difficult, if not impos-sible, to effectively manage the ecosystem and also in-hibited a sense of community. A recently developed ap-proach, bio-regional management (also called ecosystem

management), attempts to manage resources at the ap-propriate biological and cultural scale. The KeystoneCenter has defined bioregional management as “a col-laborative process that strives to reconcile the promotionof economic opportunities and livable communities withthe conservation of ecological integrity and biodiversity”(IUCN, 1996). In a sense, this management combines theprinciples of integrated conservation and developmentprojects on a landscape scale, and is much like integratedcoastal management in scope. Bioregional managementis holistic, acknowledging the interrelationship of manand nature and considering humans and their activities aspart of the ecosystem. It is also adaptive and flexible.Namibia is currently using this approach, along with com-munity management in planning biodiversity conserva-tion (Namibia, 1992, cited in BSP, 1993).

The impetus for starting a bioregional management pro-cess can originate from public agencies or communitiesthemselves. The appropriate scale will depend on the con-servation goal, as well as on practical social boundaries -in other words, how local people define home. Someaquatic conservation goals are large enough in scope thatthey will require transboundary cooperation.

Process is critical. Briefly, facilitated scoping sessions canhelp catalyze the process and generate social acceptance.The process must begin with the basic needs of the people.Working backward from desired future scenarios, stake-holders can develop a shared vision of the future. It isbest to begin with a fairly easy issue of concern to mostpeople in the area; over time, thornier issues can be tack-led (Miller et al., 1995).

Main characteristics of a bioregional management ap-proach include:

1. Large regions -- regions must be large enough to in-clude the habitats and processes required to make theflora and fauna sustainable over time.

2. A matrix of diverse production and conservationsystems --- including protected areas representative of

Local communities around the Fumbapeninsula of Zanzibar grew concerned aboutoverfishing and destructive fishing practices.With the assistance of the Commission ofNatural Resources-Fisheries and theDepartment of Environment, the communitiesformed a management committee, and createdThe Menai Bay Conservation Area in August,1997. All 17 villages around the bay nowparticipate, and an environmental committeehas been established in each village(Intercoast Network, 1998).

The South African Council for Scientific andIndustrial Research (SCIR) is proposing toassist Kenya in developing an integratedenvironmental management program for theTana river delta, estuary, and marine system.Part of the goal will be transfer of SouthAfrican experience in this area to Kenyanpersonnel (Raal and Barwell, 1995).

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the area’s biodiversity and corridors to allow migra-tion and adaptation to global climate change, “nestedwithin a matrix of mixed land uses and ownership pat-terns” (Miller et al., 1995). Restoration might be un-dertaken in degraded habitats.

3. Full involvement of stakeholders.

4. Methods include:

- Geographic Information System technology (GIS)which can help residents to see the ecological con-nections among their region and plan for the future;

- multidisciplinary approaches;

- use of both scientific and local knowledge in de-veloping strategies;

- incorporating community and stakeholder valuesin design and implementation (Slocombe, 1993);and

- long-term monitoring.

4. Community Monitoring

The indigenous knowledge of local residents can be in-valuable for monitoring and management. Local volun-teers can help to inventory biological resources and moni-tor both harvest and habitat. They can help observe fau-nal or floral distribution, abundance, and changes such asthe disappearance of a common species or the establish-ment of an exotic species (BSP, 1993). Recently, EastAfrican coastal scientists at the IOMAC InternationalScientific Workshop in Marine Scientific Cooperationrecommended that local information on resource distri-bution be obtained through indigenous mapping and fieldsurveys (Obura et al., 1995).

Local monitoring can be undertaken by itself or in con-junction with governmental, academic, or nongovernmen-tal monitoring. Combining indigenous knowledge andskills with modern monitoring methods has a number ofadvantages. 1) It can help to deter overfishing. Fishers’knowledge can provide a useful early warning ofoverexploitation. Monitoring can also help local residentsacquire increased knowledge of their resources and be-come more aware of the limits to such resources; 2) Itcan create a real sense of ownership and empowerment;3) It promotes respect for the knowledge each side bringsto the table. 4) Finally, parallel testing for a period oftime may help convince government officials of the reli-ability of data collected by citizens; it also can highlightpotential problems in volunteer methods or manuals used,facilitating improvement.

Monitoring should focus on easily identified and mea-sured indicators that are most sensitive to environmen-

tally induced change (UNEP, 1994). For freshwater sys-tems, aquatic insects, molluscs, amphibians, and fishescan be used as indicators of ecosystem health and diver-sity (Stiassny, 1997; EDF, 1994). A rapid census of cer-tain pollution-sensitive orders of aquatic insects is aneasy method for testing water quality in rivers and streams(EDF, 1994). South Africa recently developed a simplewater quality bioassay for rivers using invertebrates; thetechnique may be modified for other countries by substi-tuting local invertebrate species (Chutter, 1994). In addi-tion, G.P. Ganda and T. Oberdorff are working to developa freshwater Index of Biotic Integrity suitable for Africa(also see Hughes and Oberdorff, 1998). The techniquecan help monitor water quality and fish conservation. Thetechnique involves obtaining baseline data from undis-turbed freshwater habitats and developing an index of theoverall health of a fish assemblage (Reid, 1994). Theshells of bivalve molluscs can be an easy means of moni-toring changes in sediment pollution levels over time; thechemical composition of the new layers reflect changesin water chemistry (EDF, 1994). Amphibians are a verysensitive indicator for both air and water borne pollut-ants, as amphibian eggs lack a protective coating and arelaid near or by water’s edge (Species, 1997). Breedingpopulations of amphibians are also a good indicator forclimate change, because climatic factors strongly influ-ence the onset, duration, and strength of mating.

The U.S. EPA has developed simple manuals for the vol-unteer monitoring of estuaries, lakes, and streams (EPA,1993), and, together with Adopt a Beach and King County,Washington, USA, have developed a manual for the vol-unteer monitoring of wetlands (Miller et al., 1996). (Con-tact Alice Mayio, USEPA, ph: 202-260-7018; email:[email protected].) The Volunteer Monitor isa U.S. newsletter dedicated to providing practical advicefor volunteer monitoring of aquatic areas, along with com-munity outreach ideas. The newsletter, as well as EPAmaterials can be accessed via the EPA’s web site (

For coral reefs, simple low-cost monitoring methods forestimating coral cover, and determining the location andabundance of select species are described in the ASEAN-Australian Marine Science Project’s Survey Manual forTropical Marine Resources (English et al., 1994). Thisbook also covers monitoring methods for mangroves,soft-bottomed communities, seagrass communities,and coastal fisheries. A training course based on the bookhas been developed by IOC-UNEP-SPREP (1994). Amethodology manual to track the impact of global cli-mate change on coral reefs has been published by UNEP/AIMS (1993), as part of the Global Ocean ObservingSystem (GOOS).

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Basically, observers note the extent of live coral cover,number of different types of corals, damage to corals, silt-ation, and location and abundance of certain species. Tech-niques for estimating coral cover include: manta tow sur-veys (involving a snorkeler towed behind a boat); lineintercept transects, permanent quadrat methods, and phototransects (e.g., Nowlis et al., 1997). English et al. (1994)review the advantages and disadvantages of each method.

Following a basic biological survey of the area, replicatesamples of reefs, randomly distributed throughout the area,should be tracked over time. Replicate fished and unfishedreefs should be compared. Comparisons between fishedand unfished reefs should be closely matched for oceano-graphic conditions and habitat quality.

A visual census of coral reef fish, used in conjunctionwith a line intercept transect, can provide baseline datafor zoning, management, and monitoring. If coral covercan’t be estimated directly, butterfly fishes (in the fam-ily Chaetodontidae) are useful indicators of the health andextent of corals because they are partial or obligate coralpredators. Note that butterfly fish numbers are only goodindicators where they are not exploited for the aquariumtrade. The number of large predatory fish (snappers,groupers, and emperors) and large shellfish (giant clamsand trochus) is a good indicator of fishing pressure. Thefollowing reef fishes are particularly vulnerable to over-fishing, and are useful species for monitoring: groupers(home-ranging predators), parrot fishes (site-attachedherbivores, important in the ecology of the reef), and em-peror fishes (Figure 50).

Other useful references for coral reefmonitoring include South PacificCommission’s Coral Reef MonitoringHandbook (UNEP, 1984), as well as areport by Nash in a recent ICLARMnewsletter (Nash, 1989). A recent publi-cation available from the University ofRhode Island, U.S., titled InternationalYear of the Reef: Selected Guidelines,Handbooks and ‘Tools’ for Coral ReefManagement (URI, 1996) provides a listof other useful references on monitoring,as well as protected area planning, coralreef education, and coastal zone manage-ment. The organization REEF (Reef En-vironmental Education Foundation) andThe Nature Conservancy train volunteerrecreational divers to assist in a Reef FishSurvey project. The NatureConservancy’s Coral Watch program usesvolunteer divers to assess coral coverage

and health. Contact REEF at 305-451-0312. ICLARM inthe Philippines offers a community-based ICZM trainingcourse through the UN’s TRAIN-SEA-COASTprogramme (R. South, personal communication).

5. The Importance of Public Awareness

Public awareness efforts can be used to: 1) increase rec-ognition of the finite limits to resources and of the impor-tance of sound resource management, 2) foster commu-nity support for behavioral change; and 3) develop ornurture concern for biodiversity as an intrinsic value.Contrary to popular belief and most environmentaleducation efforts, however, just providing knowledgedoes not necessarily change people’s behavior. Humansare flexible in some behaviors; other behaviors, however,are likely to be more intractable. If the problem is di-rectly attributable to lack of information, educational ef-forts can be effective. For example, local people livingnear a relatively intact coastal or freshwater environmentmay not be aware of factors that could damage their envi-ronment. A simple project supporting their travel to de-graded coastal or aquatic areas would allow them to seefirst-hand the consequences of ill-conceived developmentaction. Such a project was invaluable in influencing for-esters in the South Pacific to support more sustainableforestry (L.Newell, personal communication). Similarly,working to ensure that both decision-makers and the pub-lic have a basic understanding of the water cycle mayhelp them become more conscious of the limits of theresource. Decision-makers also need to become aware ofthe value and importance of wetlands (including man-groves), and the immediate and long-term consequences

Figure 50. The Big Eye Emperor, Monotaxis grandoculis. Because em-peror fishes are particularly vulnerable to overfishing, they are usefulfor monitoring fishing pressure. New England Aquarium, 1998. Photocredit: Paul Erickson.

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of exploitation; this may influence their economic analy-sis of development options in wetland areas. However, ifpeople know that the behavior causes environmental dam-age, but do it anyway, other motivating factors are at play.For example, awareness is not helpful in addressing re-source problems due to greed (Krumpe and Ham, 1997).

Environmental educators have learned a lot from behav-ioral psychology and social marketing in recent years.Many factors influence human behavior towards the en-vironment, including knowledge, attitudes, values, socio-cultural factors, gender, social norms, skills, economics,time, options, laws, and habit. Krumpe and Ham (1997)identify three types of beliefs that influence human be-havior towards the environment, based on the work byFishbein and Ajzen (1975) and Ajzen (1991): behavioralbeliefs (i.e., why a person does a particular practice);normative beliefs (i.e., how social norms influence theirbehavior--originating from peers, family, priests, localleaders, etc.); and control beliefs (i.e., how much a per-son thinks he/she has control over the practice). Each orall of these beliefs can be targeted for change or replace-ment in an education campaign. How knowledge is pre-sented also plays a role in whether people will changebehavior, again underscoring the importance of process:if presented as a mutual learning experience between theconservation team and the community, knowledge willbe more readily received than if presented unidirectionallyas a lecture.

Hungerford and Volk (1990) found that three main fac-tors seem to contribute to behavioral change toward theenvironment: 1) entry-level factors which include envi-ronmental sensitivity, awareness, and ecological knowl-edge; 2) ownership factors which include personal knowl-edge and investment in environmental issues; and 3) em-powerment factors which give people the sense that theyhave the power and skill to act in ways to resolve envi-ronmental issues. There are various ways to tap into asense of ownership, such as using a flagship species tocreate pride among local communities and children, assuccessfully practiced by P. Butler of RARE in the Car-ibbean. P.H. Forestell of the Pacific Marine Mammal As-sociation (Forestell, 1997) attempts to influence behav-ior during whale-watching tours. During the tour, he en-courages tourists to actively participate in a small envi-ronmental clean-up effort. He also invites participants tojot down on a postcard three environmentally beneficialactivities that they will do within the next six months. Sixmonths later, he returns the postcard to the participants.According to the participants, receiving a postcard writ-ten by them is a very powerful motivator for doing thepromised activities!

Conservation projects can be more successful if practi-tioners learn the basic methods and tools of social as-sessment (see Byers, 1996 for review and references), orideally, incorporate social scientists as part of their team.A social assessment at the beginning of a project can helpto identify those specific behaviors with the largest posi-tive or negative impact on the environment or resource ofinterest, as well as the motivating factors underlying thesebehaviors (Figure 51). This can help to focus the conser-vation dollars in areas likely to have the greatest impact.Behaviors can then be prioritized on the basis of how fea-sible it is to change them. Information about how com-mon a behavior is gives clues into how feasible it may beto change it. If everyone does a negative behavior, it prob-ably will be difficult to change. Similarly, if no one doesa particular sustainable practice, it may be difficult to in-troduce (Graeef, Elder, and Booth, 1993). Byers (1996)argues that one should also identify sustainable practicesalready in use that can be promoted or enhanced.

It is important to keep in mind that within a given com-munity, there is likely to be a diversity of motivating be-haviors. Since communities (and individuals within acommunity) are not homogenous, no single strategyfor influencing behavior is likely to be sufficient. Con-servationists may need to simultaneously address differ-ent factors influencing behavior, including economic,psychological, and sociocultural motivations (e.g., reli-gion, cultural taboos). In communities where the churchis a strong motivating factor, enlisting the support ofchurch leaders can be invaluable in altering behavior andattitudes towards the environment.

Figure 51. Steps in identifying the key human behaviors impli-cated in a particular threat (modified from Byers, 1996, p.24).

ASSESS THE SITUATIONWhat? Who? Where? When? Trends?



What are the relevant motivating factors?

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E. Support Research: AddressGaps in Our ScientificKnowledge that Are Importantfor Aquatic Conservation

Study the ecological impact of variations in the tim-ing and volume of artificial flood releases at a varietyof African dams. This will aid modeling of options inthe development of river basins.

Develop models for wetland utilization that both con-serve wetlands and contribute to sustainable develop-ment (IUCN, 1990b).

Improve decision-making methodologies for wetland,river basin, and coastal zone planners. Identify activi-ties which are possible in or around different aquaticecosystems, and determine the appropriate scale for suchactivities that are compatible with maintaining ecosys-tem services. Help create a support system of scientistsand environmental economists to assist with developingalternative development options. One important area toimprove is environmental modeling, particularly modelsthat incorporate the environmental impacts of socioeco-nomic factors, including a growing population. Whileideally the indirect and direct benefits of the entire eco-system would be estimated, in practice, it may be morefeasible to estimate the economic cost associated withchange or loss of habitat or resources following proposeddevelopmental conversion.

Support studies assessing the effect of size of marinereserves on adjacent fisheries productivity, and onmaintaining biodiversity within the reserve. We needa better understanding of what works in marine reservedesign. Any experimentation must include adequate con-trols, such as baseline surveys and the monitoring of catch

per unit effort in replicate sites before and after reserveestablishment. In particular, it is important to understandwhether reserves provide larval and/or adult spillover, andover what spatial range this might occur. We also urgentlyneed a better understanding of: the duration of egg andlarval stages of coral reef fishes, the frequency and con-sequence of density dependence on larval habitat selec-tion and adult relocation, the temporal and spatial scaleof a species’ home range, and what physical features arebarriers to fish movement (Kramer and Chapman, 1998;Sladek Nowlis and Roberts, 1998, in press).

Support research on the development of sustainableaquaculture systems for indigenous freshwater or ma-rine resources. Well-designed mariculture or aquacul-ture may benefit overexploited wild stocks, by reducingpressure on this resource. Polyculture uses several trophiclevels to boost nutrient recycling, such as combining mol-lusc and seaweed culture; and fish-rice culture (Littlewoodand Marsbe, 1990). Reid et al. (1985) report that shrimpmariculture can be undertaken in the lowland areas be-hind coastal wetlands. It does not have to destroy threat-ened aquatic ecosystems such as mangroves. The FAOrecently convened a technical consultative group thatagreed there should be no further loss of fragile ecosys-tems as a result of shrimp aquaculture (Clay, 1998). Anumber of groups are currently trying to devise best prac-tice guidelines for more sustainable shrimp culture, in-cluding: the industry-based Global Aquaculture Alliance,the NGO-based Industrial Shrimp Action Network, theFAO, and the Holmenkollen group (Clay, 1998).

Support aquatic restoration studies to assess: 1) theextent of which degraded environments and commu-nities can be restored; and 2) the length of time neededfor recovery (NRC, 1995). The World Bank (1996) pro-poses restoration of West African mangrove forests, inpart to mitigate coastal erosion and in part to mitigatecoastal effects of sea level rise caused by global climatechange.

Support studies examining the impact of sedimenta-tion on various coral communities. We don’t knowwhich types and species of coral can withstand sedimen-tation; what soil types, topography, and land use exacer-bate sedimentation; and what oceanographic processes(e.g., flow rate or level of tidal mixing) mitigate the ef-fects. This knowledge would improve the predictive abili-ties of environmental assessment during a coastal devel-opment planning process (Sladek-Nowlis, pers. comm.).For example, McClanahan and Obura (1997) examinedthe impacts of sedimentation on corals near Malindi,Kenya, and found no effect on coral diversity or coralcover. The authors note, however, that sedimentation rates

Rhodes University, South Africa has developeda computer-based expert system enablingmanagers to see the effect of variousdevelopmental options on the conservationstatus of a river (O’Keefe and Davies, 1991,cited in Davies and Day, 1998). The programincorporates river size, pollution levels,numbers of dams, catchment land use, typesand numbers of species, and erosion.

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around Malindi are low compared to what is usuallyconsidered a high sediment condition, and that the areahas high tidal flux, factors which may have contributedto the reduced impact of sedimentation. Reefs stressedby another anthropogenic factor such as fishing seem tobe more affected by sedimentation than reefs impactedby only a single stressor (McClanahan and Obura, 1997).

Support small-scale experiments in East Africa to as-sess the impact of removing sea urchins from heavilyoverfished, unprotected areas (McClanahan et al.,1996). Sea urchins appear to outcompete herbivorous fish.In overfished areas, their numbers increase due to fishingof their predators. Sea urchin reduction can help restorenumbers of parrotfish, scavengers, and wrasses in highlydegraded, unprotected sites. According to the authors,such an approach, however, is not recommended forlightly to moderately fished areas.

Some basic research is needed as well.

• Train and support African aquatic taxonomists orparataxonomists. Our knowledge of both marine andfreshwater species is weak. A number of species havenot been classified (McAllister, 1995). A hierarchicalecological classification system is also needed for both

marine and freshwater African habitats. This is an im-portant step in ensuring representative African aquaticsystems are conserved.

• Undertake regional surveys. The open nature ofLMEs means that a regional approach is necessary.Marine scientists at the IOMAC International Scien-tific Workshop in Marine Scientific Cooperation in theIndian Ocean recommended regional cooperation intwo types of aerial surveys: 1) large fauna and habitatsurveys to identify the distribution and abundance ofthreatened species, particularly marine mammals andsea turtles; and 2) coastal mapping surveys to create abaseline, monitor changes, and to identify critical bio-logical areas (Obura et al., 1995). They also recom-mended research to identify the population structureof migratory marine species.

• Support the development of national and regionalmarine and freshwater databases, starting with ex-isting data from the literature and museum collections.

F. Mimic Natural DisturbanceRegimes: Maintain or Restore

Natural HydrologicalCycles

“Reconciling humanity’s growing demands onfreshwater systems with the protection of theirvital life-support function ranks among themost critical challenges in the decades ahead.It will require, most fundamentally, a new ethicof sharing water - both with each other andwith nature as well.”

Postel, 1996

The importance of natural disturbances suchas fires, tree falls, floods, etc. in maintainingbiodiversity has now become clear. Aquaticorganisms and their associated terrestrial coun-terparts are exquisitely adapted to, and depen-dent on, natural hydrological processes (Fig-ure 52). Riverine, estuarine, mangrove, andfloodplain ecosystems and their associatedspecies depend critically on maintaining natu-ral hydrological cycles including both regularflows and seasonal flooding. Many riverinefishes, for example, undergo seasonal spawn-ing migrations with the inundation of flood-plains (Cooper, 1996), while deep-rooted ri-parian plants depend on cycles of flooding and

Figure 52. Maintaining natural hydrological cycles is criticallyimportant for aquatic ecosystems, from stream to sea. Photo credit:Dennis Zemba.

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drought (EDF, 1994). Similarly, riverine food webs canbe maintained by flooding (Wootton et al., 1996). Thequality of aquatic habitats also depends on natural hy-drological cycles, including both high and low flows.Flooding-induced movement of the river bed and its rangeof sediments, from fine sands to boulders, maintains gravelbeds for spawning fish and generates transient gravel barsthat provide habitat. If the river bed is not moved by floods,however, fine particles fill in and degrade invertebratehabitat, and destroy the quality of the spawning habitat(Barinaga, 1996). The elimination of the seasonal highflows, loss of sediment, and daily fluctuations due to hy-dropower generation on the Green River, Colorado, USA,reduced the connectivity of the river and its flood plainand decreased the productivity and food web stability inthe shallow near-shore portions (Tyus and Karp, 1991).

Natural hydrological processes do not have to be com-pletely altered with dam construction. Both biodiversityand productivity can be maintained while generating hy-dropower through controlled releases-- in effect makingrivers smaller versions of their natural state. Controlledreleases also balance equity concerns between those whobenefit from hydropower (the urban population) and thosewho stand to lose (rural populations), reducing the po-tential for conflict (Scudder, 1991). Although the con-cept of controlled flood releases is not new, having beenpracticed in China for thousands of years (Scudder, 1994),the concept has gained recent attention. Both scientistsand managers have become aware of the necessity of watermovement in maintaining the health of riverine and otheraquatic ecosystems, and the human populations that de-pend on them. The United States government now recog-nizes the damage that extensive damming has done to itswestern rivers, which have seen a decline of fish abun-dance and endangerment of several species of commer-cially important fish. In 1992, the U.S. Congress passedlegislation requiring that a certain portion of water fromthe Central Valley Irrigation Project in California be dedi-cated to maintaining fish and wildlife habitat. Similar leg-islation is being developed in South Africa (Davies andDay, 1998). (See box, right.) The restoration of naturalhydrological processes is now being tested in the restora-tion of the Trinity River in California by the U.S. Fishand Wildlife Service (Barinaga, 1996), and in the upperColorado River Basin (Luecke, 1994). In Africa, con-trolled flooding has been tried on the Kafue River, Zam-bia (Scudder and Acreman, 1996); the Phongolo River inNatal, South Africa; the Senegal River (Adams, 1996);and the Logone River downstream of Maja Dam,Cameroon (Wesseling et al., 1996). The Itezhitezhi damalong the Kafue River, Zambia was the first African damdesigned to release and artificial flood (Scudder andAcreman, 1996). Unfortunately, the dam does not allow

sufficient water release and has not been able to restorewetland productivity. Scudder and Acreman blame a riverbasin development process that ignored downstream im-pacts and neglected to fully involve all water users. Theauthors advocate better integrated river basin planningand monitoring to enable adjustment of releases, therebymaximizing the environmental impact.

Both existing dams and future dams can be modified tobetter mimic the natural state so that humans, animals,and plants benefit. At a minimum, the operational man-agement of existing dams can be changed to simulatecertain levels of flood. Davies and Day (1998) suggestthat between 20-40% of a river’s original flow should bemaintained in order to maintain normal habitats and eco-logical processes. Although such an effort may not repli-cate the more extreme 20-50 year floods, particularly inthe movement of sediment, it should still provide consid-erable biodiversity and fisheries benefits. New dams canbe constructed to operate with a multipurpose goal. Ifdams must be built, they should be positioned in tributar-ies or, less ideal, in the mainstem, upstream of major tribu-taries. This helps to maintain sediment and spawning habi-tat downstream.

While this approach is a win-win situation, policy mak-ers may be reluctant to adopt such an approach until thebiological and economic benefits of controlled releasesto fisheries and agriculture are demonstrated. A few stud-ies have done so. A twelve-year study of the Trinity riverin California, U.S., showed that periodic flooding over

South Africa used a broad consultative processinvolving tens of thousands of people todevelop principles for its new Water Law(Davies and Day, 1998). As articulated in theWhite Paper on Water Law (Feb., 1997), theprinciples include a “water-reserve” thatensures water for both basic human andecological needs must be met. The reservewill be required to maintain the biologicalintegrity of the country’s rivers. South Africanlimnologists and water managers are currentlypreparing guidelines on the quality andquantity of the reserve needed for ecologicalfunctioning. Another principle recognizesthat water exploitation must be sustainableover the long term. The legislation based uponthese principles has been taken up byParliament (Day, pers. comm.).

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Achieving harmonious use between various water-usersis not easy, however, and one needs to be sensitive to thepotential for conflict. Even very small-scale hydrologi-cal management can upset the balance established overtime among different users, as shown in the Hadejia-NguruWetland conservation project (Thomas, 1996).

G. Establish Critical AquaticReserves

Many more aquatic areas could and should be protected.Few wetlands, mangroves, coral reefs, lakes, or rivers arecurrently under protection, even in part, and even in coun-tries which have devoted considerable area to terrestrialreserves (Figure 53). Some African countries have ma-rine protected areas, but many are protected on paper only.

To be successful over the long term, though, an aquaticreserve cannot be established in isolation of other con-servation efforts, including land use planning, coastal zonemanagement, and policy changes. If these problems arenot addressed, the conservation benefits of a reserve willbe short-lived. But a reserve may provide a useful start indirecting attention and concern to aquatic wildlife. Forexample, Australia’s Great Barrier Reef Marine Park hasgenerated much attention and public interest. Yet evenhere, the managing institutions have not regulated landdecisions, although The Great Barrier Reef Marine ParkAct gives them the authority to do so (Salm, 1989)! Landmanagement efforts are currently being attempted for theFlorida Keys Marine Sanctuary, USA.

Detailed guidelines for establishing coastal and marineprotected areas, including coral reefs, estuaries, man-groves, and coastal wetlands can be found in Salm (1989),Bohnsack (1990), Kelleher and Kenchington (1991),Roberts (1994), Agardy (1994b) and Gubbay (1995). Aseries of modules for staff training in the management ofmarine protected areas is available from UNEP (1994). Ihave been unable to find similar reviews for freshwaterconservation. Obviously, such guidelines need to be con-sidered in light of what will work best for a particularcountry.

1. People Must be Part of the Process

The establishment of aquatic reserves should be predi-cated on the understanding that people, like wildlife, arepart of the landscape. History shows that putting fencesaround protected areas and excluding local residents hasled to a mistrust of government officials and hostility to

several days combined with removal of invading vegeta-tion created improved and preferred habitats for fish(Barinaga, 1996). An analysis of the Hadejia-Jama areafloodplain in northern Nigeria showed that the economicgain from agriculture, fishing, and fuelwood collectionwas greater than that from proposed development up-stream (Aylward and Barbier, 1992). A recent four-yearstudy of the Manantali Dam along the Senegal Rivershowed that it made economic sense to use only 80% ofthe available hydropower while releasing 20% of the waterin a simulated flood; the monetary loss of the hydropowerwould be more than compensated by the monetary gainin biodiversity, fisheries, and traditional agricultural pro-duction (Scudder, 1996). In contrast, lack of floodingwould reduce the productivity of the critical dry seasonfloodplain pasture by an estimated 70% and greatly re-duce fish stocks.

New technologies, policies, and management strategiesare needed to maintain or restore the health of riverinesystems, which depend on the natural spatial and tempo-ral variability of flow (Species, 1997). Creative effortsneed to be applied to future dam design such that sedi-ments can bypass reservoirs, thus providing organic sedi-ment to downstream areas and prolonging the life of thereservoir in terms of water storage capacity (Pernetta andElder, 1993). Multiple institutions need to be involved sothat river basin development considers a variety of usersin its design including the habitat needs of aquatic wild-life, and so that land and water management are betterintegrated (Scudder, 1994; EDF, 1994). To optimize trade-off between hydropower generation and downstream fish-eries, agriculture, and other wildlife, the timing and vol-ume of releases needs to be examined, as there are limitsto the amount of water that can be diverted. The timingand volume needs to be tailored for each site, becauseeach river has unique seasonal flow patterns, differentstakeholders, and different levels of biological importance.

Figure 53. Few African wetlands, mangroves, coral reefs,lakes, or rivers are currently under protection. Photo credit:Dennis Zemba.

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conservation efforts (Brown, 1996). In such a system,African park officials have focused on enforcing parkrules, rather than listening to local people. Breaking thebarriers of mistrust takes time and sensitivity. Some usesmay be incompatible for the same space, such as fishingand tourism. McClanahan and Obura (1995) have shownthat heavily fished sites have reduced abundance and di-versity of both corals and fishes, and suggest small pro-tected areas for tourists. However, if certain areas are toexclude certain types of use, this needs to be worked outwith local residents.

A possible model for reserves originates from Papua NewGuinea, where the government respects the land rights ofcustomary landowners. Whether this model might be ap-plicable to any given country in Africa depends on thecountry’s laws on aquatic areas and resources. Are theseareas and resources considered common property, per-sonal property, or property of the state? If considered stateproperty, is it possible to grant some tenurial rights tolocal residents? Papua New Guinea’s Fauna (Protectionand Control) Act of 1978 is designed to protect animals(Owen and Marat, 1993). Under the Act, communitiescan request the establishment of a Wildlife ManagementArea. The community benefits by obtaining governmentassistance in management. Consultation with customarylandowners is required before the government approvesa Wildlife Management Area and before a managementplan is established. The management committee reflectsthe interests of customary landowners within the area,along with local government officials. By 1993, over 90communities had requested the Department of Environ-ment and Conservation to establish Wildlife ManagementAreas in their areas.

2. Benefits of Aquatic Reserves to Conservationand Fisheries

Reserves generate innumerable benefits to both conser-vation and fisheries as summarized in Table 8 (Sobel,1996). Benefits to conservation: Marine reserves pro-vide areas of undisturbed habitat; maintain aquatic spe-cies diversity; possibly increase community stability(Alcala and Russ, 1990) and can generate more incomerevenue than fishing (Figure 54). Figure 55 shows theincrease in species diversity in Kenyan marine protectedareas (McClanahan and Obura, 1996). Roughly 50% ofthe species found in the protected areas were not foundon the adjacent fished reefs. Figure 56 shows that Kenyanmarine parks provide 2 1/2 times more income than fish-eries on a per area basis (McClanahan and Obura, 1996).Reserves may also be used to help restore degraded habi-tat, although this effect has been less well documented.The establishment of the Mombasa Marine National Parkled to a reduction in algal substrate and large increases inhard coral cover (400% in six years), due to restrictionson destructive fishing practices, a resurgence of herbivo-rous fish and a concomitant decline of competing sea ur-chins (McClanahan and Obura, 1996).

Benefits to fishermen: Aquatic reserves can provide bothpractical and ecological benefits to fisheries management,especially in multi-species fisheries where other manage-ment techniques clearly have not worked (Bohnsack,1990; for reviews, see Dugan and Davis, 1993b; Robertsand Polunin, 1991; Roberts, 1994; Polunin and Roberts,1993). Reserves may be particularly helpful for coral reeffisheries, where fish are often slow-growing, long-lived,and have delayed maturity, and where food webs are com-plex (Buxton,1993). Reserves can be especially impor-tant for such valuable but vulnerable predatory species asgroupers (serranids), snappers (lutjanids), jacks (car-angids), and porgies (lethrinids) (Salm, 1989).

Practical: Reserves simplify enforcement, since it iseasier to restrict access than to control catch size or in-spect gear; they reduce data collection requirements, andthey are easily understood by the public. If other man-agement efforts are being applied in the same area, re-serves provide an additional insurance against manage-ment failure.

Even though numerous studies have demonstrated ben-efit to fisheries, fishermen can still be hostile to what theyperceive as restricted access to fishing. They may feelthat even a small conservation project will result in thegovernment taking away their rights to the resource(McClanahan et al., 1997). The only way to address thisis to work towards mutual understanding, fully engaging

Figure 54. Marine reserves can generate income throughenvironmentally-sensitive tourism. Photo credit: DennisZemba.

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Table 9. Marine Reserve Benefits Statement

Based on global experience, this statement was developed by 25 international experts at a CMC/CMRC MarineReserve Workshop in the Bahamas, 26 to 30 September, 1995. The following benefits can reasonably be expectedwith an appropriate system of marine no-take reserves accompanied by other management measures. For somebenefits, the degree of benefit will be variable for individual species and dependent on both their life historiesand reserve design.

Protect EcosystemStructure, Function, andIntegrity

• keep biodiversity intact atall levels

• protect food web• safeguard ecological

processes• maintain trophic structure• protect natural population

structure• retain keystone species• sustain species presence and

abundance• prevent loss of vulnerable

species• preserve natural community

composition• eliminate second order

impacts• maximize system resilience

to stresses• avert cascading effect• maintain physical structure

of habitat• preclude threshold effects• preclude fishing gear impacts• avoid incidental damage• retain natural behaviors and

interactions• maintain high quality

feeding areas

Improve Fishery Yields

• Protect spawning stocks• increase spawning stock

biomass• raise population fecundity• enhance reproductive capacity• increase spawning density• provide undisturbed spawning

sites• ensure viable spawning

conditions• improve spawning habitat• boost egg and larvae production• provide export of eggs and

larvae• enhance recruitment• supply spill-over of adults and

juveniles• reduce chances of recruitment

over-fishing• decrease over-fishing in

vulnerable species• mitigate adverse genetic

impacts of fishing• reduce inadvertent and bycatch

mortality• protect diversity of fishing

opportunities• maintain sport trophy fisheries• simplify enforcement and

compliance• help reduce conflicts among

users• provide information from

unfished populations necessaryfor proper management ofexploited stocks

• improve management andincrease efficiency with limitedresources and information

• insure against stock collapsedue to management failures andinadequacies and speedrecovery

• increase understanding andacceptance of management

• facilitate stakeholder and userinvolvement in management

Expand Knowledge andUnderstanding of MarineSystems

• foster understanding of naturalsystems

• provide experimental sites fornatural areas

• permit knowledge continuityof unaltered sites

• retain memory of naturalsystems

• enable study of relativelyintact ecosystems

• allow study of naturalbehaviors

• provide long term monitoringareas

• reduce risks to long termexperiments

• offer foci for study• enhance synergy from

cumulative studies• allow research, monitoring,

data- collection and learningthat require natural sites

• provide controlled naturalareas for assessinganthropogenic impacts,including fisheries

Reserves provide innumerable benefits to conservation and fisheries management. Reprinted courtesy of The CanadianMuseum of Nature: Sobel, J. Marine reserves: necessary tools for biodiversity conservation? Global Biodiversity 6(1): 8-17. Copyright 1996, Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Canada.

Enhance Non-ConsumptiveOpportunities

• enhance and diversifyeconomic activities

• improve non-consumptiverecreation

• improve piece-of-mind• enhance aesthetic

experiences• increase wilderness

opportunities• promote spiritual connection• foster sustainable

employment opportunities• diversify and stabilize

economy• enhance conservation

appreciation• create public awareness• reduce room for irresponsible

development• foster constructive social

activity• encourage holistic approach

to management• provide otherwise unavailable

educational opportunities

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Figure 55. Increase in species diversity in Kenyan marineprotected areas compared to unprotected areas. McClanahanand Obura, 1996. From East African Ecosystems and TheirConservation by Tim McClanahan and Truman P. Young.Copyright © 1996, Oxford University Press, Inc. Used bypermission of Oxford University Press, Inc.

Figure 56. Comparison of income from fisheries and tour-ism to marine protected areas. McClanahan and Obura,1996. From East African Ecosystems and Their Conserva-tion by Tim McClanahan and Truman P. Young. Copyright ©1996 by Oxford University Press, Inc. Used by permissionof Oxford University Press, Inc.

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fishermen as stakeholders in reserve planning, and en-suring equitable rules for all of the different users. Rob-erts (1994) recounts the process in St. Lucia, where nearly20 marine reserves were established without the involve-ment of fishermen. The fishermen felt that the regula-tions picked on them exclusively, and did not comply withenforcement. The parks failed. In 1992, the fisheries de-partment involved fishermen in the process, with the re-sult that the reserves now had broad community support.In sum, fishers need to buy into the process.

While the establishment of a reserve will cause immedi-ate short-term losses in fishing due to reduction in thesize of the fishing area, in many cases, the losses will beminor (Sladek Nowlis and Roberts, 1998, in press). Theimpact will be worse in the first year or two. McClanahanand Kaunda-Arara (1996) studied fisheries yield next toa large, recently established Kenyan reserve which elimi-nated nearly 65% of the fishing area. The numbers offishermen fishing also declined by the same amount, thuskeeping fishing effort relatively constant. While increasesin catch per unit effort occurred almost immediately, thetotal catch declined by 35% after two years. More recentunpublished measurements, however, indicate that thetotal catch now exceeds the original catch before reserveestablishment (Sladek Nowlis, personal communication).The impact can be lessened by reserve design and miti-gative management measures such as providing compen-sation to fishers in the early years, reducing the total num-ber of fishermen through the development of alternativelivelihoods, or phasing the reserve in over a period ofyears (although this latter measure can reduce long-termgain, Sladek Nowlis and Roberts, 1998, in press).

Ecological: The three most touted benefits are that re-serves protect spawning stock biomass, provide larvae toadjacent areas, and provide adults to adjacent areas viaemigration (i.e., a ‘spillover effect’). Have these benefitsbeen demonstrated?

Numerous studies have shown differences between re-serves and adjacent fished areas, including 2-25 timesgreater abundance of targeted fish and some invertebrates,and 12-200% increase in size (and hence increased re-productive output) within the reserve (Alcala and Russ,1990). Roberts (1994) reports that the increased abun-dance and size result in 80-600% higher egg productionin protected populations. The benefits of increased abun-dance and size are very rapidly attained. For example,Saba Marine Park and Hol Chan Marine Reserve doubledtheir standing stock within a four year period (Poluninand Roberts, 1993). Only a few studies, however, com-pared the reserve area before and after closure to fishing,leaving the other studies open to criticism that the reserve

and fished areas themselves differed substantially in someenvironmental characteristics such as quality of habitat,or current flow. Bennett and Attwood (1991) comparedcatch per unit effort before and after the establishment ofa marine reserve in South Africa, and showed generalstock recovery as a result of the reserve. Note that evenstudies comparing the same area before and after closureof part following reserve establishment can be confoundedby changes in fishing effort following a reserve, and/orchange in gear types allowed in remaining fishing grounds(Sladek Nowlis, pers. comm.).

Several studies have shown that while increases in sizeof protected individuals is likely to occur for most spe-cies, increases in abundance and diversity may not occurfor all taxa or species (McClanahan, 1994; Buxton andSmale 1989; Russ and Alcala, 1989; and Cole 1993). Thiscan occur for a number of reasons, including differencesin fish behavior (such as differences in catchability andmobility); differences in growth rate, differences in stock-recruitment relationships (Polunin and Roberts, 1993);and how fishing pressure impacts a predator-prey rela-tionship (Roberts and Polunin, 1993).

A few empirical studies (largely tag-recapture studies)have examined whether emigration from adults, or“spillover” occurs (Russ and Alcala, 1996; Buxton andAllen, 1989; Attwood and Bennett, 1994; Holland et al.,1993; Holland, 1996; for review, see Roberts and Polunin,1991). The overall conclusion from these studies is thatsome movement does occur to nearby areas, generallywithin a range of few hundred meters to less than twokm. However, species differ in their willingness to relo-cate (Kramer and Chapman, 1998). Attwood and Bennett(1994) found a few tagged individual galjoen 1000 kmaway from a S. African reserve! Davies (1995) surveyedthe distribution of a serranid between and within five coralreefs along the Australian Great Barrier Reef, and foundthat less than 1% of the population moved between reefs,but there was considerable movement within reefs. Buxtonand Allen (1989) found no movement out of the SouthAfrican Tsitsikamma Coastal National Park of two sparidspecies even after 500 days, but acknowledged that thereserve may have been too large to facilitate spillover. Afew studies directly demonstrated increased fishing yields.Alcala and Russ (1990) showed that the fishing yield was50% higher in areas adjacent to a reserve protecting 25%of the reef, in contrast to an overall decline in fishingyield when the protection was lifted. McClanahan andKaunda-Arara (1996) compared catches per fisher at twolocations differing by their proximity to the establishmentof a Kenyan marine reserve, and showed increased catchper fisher next to the reserve, suggesting spillover.

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Adult spillover benefits may take some years to develop,particularly if pressures to relocate are “density depen-dent”, meaning that adults disperse to less densely popu-lated areas as density increases. As measured by catchrate, benefits were detected five to eight years after re-serve establishment (Yamasaki and Kuwahara, 1990; Russand Alcala, 1996). (See Figure 57) Our scientific knowl-edge is incomplete, though; we simply don’t know howfrequent density-dependent relocation is in adult fish.Modeling studies by Polachek (1990) and DeMartini(1993) suggest that adult spillover can increase catchesslightly, with the effect greatest when fisheries are heavilyoverexploited.

To date, there have been no empirical studies directlyshowing spillover of larvae to adjacent areas (Sobel, per-sonal communication), although this is to be expected.Modeling studies by Sladek Nowlis and Roberts (1998,in press) indicate that a higher total catch should beachieved following the establishment of a reserve despitea smaller fishing area. The model assumes density-de-pendence of larval settlement. The authors argue that slow-moving or sessile species, and those with high site speci-ficity are likely to fit their assumptions. Just as with adults,however, we cannot generalize to whether larvae are posi-tively or negatively attracted by conspecifics. Sweatman(1983, 1988) has shown that some species preferentially

settle around conspecifics, and some are influenced byother species (e.g., prey, predators, or competitors) (Reedand Dobson, 1993, Jordan et al., 1997, Kramer et al.,1997).

Reserves may provide other benefits as well. Bohnsack(1996) suggested that marine fishery reserves could boostpopulation stability by dampening natural variability,making fisheries more stable and easier to manage. Themodel by Sladek Nowlis and Roberts supports Bohnsack’shypotheses, but no field work has empirically shown thisto be true. Such a result is very important, as it couldboost the ability of fishers to predict their future income.

Reserves also protect intraspecific genetic diversity, at riskdue to selective fishing pressure on certain phenotypes(e.g., large size, fast growth). Finally, reserves preservenatural population age structure, sex ratios, and commu-nity complexity. Selective fishing pressure is often ex-erted on the larger (and hence older) fishes, which canaffect sex ratios of those species in which sex change issize-dependent (Shumway, 1999). Buxton (1993) showeddifferences in the sex ratio of protected versus unprotectedfish in South Africa.

3. Differences Between Terrestrestrial andAquatic Conservation

While the science of aquatic reserve design generally lagsbehind that of the terrestrial, it is clear that terrestrial mod-els should not be blindly followed. Terrestrial and aquaticconservation have different approaches and different bio-logical realities. For example, many terrestrial reserves useisland biogeographic theory to determine size and shape.While island biogeographic theory may be useful for highlyrestricted (i.e., stenotopic) lacustrine species, it is not suffi-cient in a marine setting because of the tendency of somemarine organisms to disperse their larvae more broadlythrough pelagic dispersal. Terrestrial models have often fo-cused on structural protection (e.g., putting fences aroundreserves), been species-oriented, and used a hot-spot ap-proach, although the situation is changing (see Soulé andSimberloff, 1986; Pickett et al., 1996). It should be clearthat none of these approaches will provide effective aquaticconservation over the long term. Due to the fluidity of themedium and the link with other ecosystems, simply puttinga fence around an aquatic area is insufficient; indirect deg-radation can occur due to global warming, point source pol-lution, or poor watershed or coastal zone management(Agardy, 1994b). Aquatic conservationists have recognizedthe need to protect important ecological processes such asproductivity and links in nutrient cycling, in addition to spe-cies endemism and/or species numbers (Agardy, 1994a).For example, freshwater input and mixing are important

Figure 57. Adult ‘spill-over’ effects of reserves to adjacentfisheries. The top figure shows the change in density of largepredatory fish as a function of time in protected and fishedareas in the Philippines; the bottom shows that it took fiveyears to maximally increase fish density in the reserve. FromRuss and Alcala, 1996. © Inter-Research.

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contributors to marine productivity and diversity (Agardy,1994b). Terrestrial and aquatic reserves also differ relativeto property rights: aquatic areas are often considered eitherstate property or common property.

Regarding approach: Terrestrial and aquatic reserves dif-fer in management practices (Weru, 1995). While someterrestrial protected areas are strict no-take reserves, no-take aquatic reserves are rare. McClanahan (1990) andSobel (1996) have argued forcefully for the need for no-take reserves, in part because of their utility in being con-trol areas to compare with other areas disturbed by hu-man stresses and in part to their role in conserving top-level predators that are impacted by overfishing. Gener-ally, however, aquatic reserves are zoned for multiple use.Reserves can encompass core and buffer areas, or differ-ent multiple use areas with compatible uses allowed inone space, and incompatible uses separated. Kelleher andKenchington (1991) provide some guidance on manage-ment of multi-use marine reserves.

Regarding biology: Terrestrial and aquatic ecosystemsdiffer in dynamics, scales, patchiness, integration withother ecosystems, life history characteristics, and diver-sity. Unlike terrestrial ecosystems, often defined by geo-graphic boundaries, it is difficult to detect ecosystemboundaries in the ocean, with the exception of coral reefs.Marine primary producers, unlike terrestrial ones, can besmall and mobile, facilitating transfer of nutrients betweensites (NRC, 1995, UNEP, 1994). Marine systems are moredynamic and nonlinear than terrestrial ones. Food webscan be more complex. Marine biogeographic zones alsochange more quickly in time than terrestrial ones becausemarine organisms respond more quickly to changes intemperature and currents (Kelleher and Kenchington,1991). Due to pelagic larval dispersal and the necessityfor different habitats at different points in the life cycle,marine systems are “leakier”, more connected, and oper-ate on larger scales than terrestrial ones. Marine ecosys-tems can include hundreds of km. At the same time, dueto considerable environmental variability at a local level(both in time and space), aquatic systems are more patchyin terms of food resources and habitat. Large marinepredators and grazers also have a greater “range of life-history characteristics” than terrestrial ones, includingdiverse reproductive strategies (NRC, 1995). Finally,aquatic systems differ in having much more diverse highertaxa. The marine world has thirteen unique animal phyla,in comparison to one unique phylum on land. Thus spe-cies diversity measurements alone are not adequate forecologically assessing the importance of a site.

4. Where Should a Reserve be Located?

Both ecological and social factors should be consideredin determining the location of a reserve. (See Chapter 6).The selection of criteria depends on the reserve’s statedpurpose. For example, if considered as a tourist attrac-tion, overall aesthetic value, public safety, and accessi-bility may take precedence over population abundanceof particular species (Salm, 1989). One important pointto highlight is that we need to better protect productiveareas, not just species-rich ones. We need to protect spe-cies, their support systems (e.g., nutrient inputs), and theircritical habitats.

One advantage of establishing an aquatic reserve relativeto a terrestrial one is the fact that boundary delineationdoes not need to be costly or permanent. In principle,aquatic reserves can be flexible, migrating in time, or evenspace (Figure 58). For example, a reserve could protect agiven site seasonally during spawning aggregations. Beetsand Friedlander (1999) have shown that this type of pro-tection was sufficient to bring the red hind back from thebrink of overexploitation. Or a reserve could be estab-lished temporarily to boost the size of the standing stock,resulting in increased fecundity. Recent modeling effortsby Guenette (cited in Sladek Nowlis and Roberts, 1998,in press) suggest that reserves can benefit even highlymobile species through enhanced population fecunditygained from temporary protection. Migrations in spacemight be considered for an overfished area, to alleviatethe concern of local fishers that an area might be perma-nently closed, or to protect migratory species. (Migra-tions in space, however, may have additional hurdles dueto political considerations.)

Recommendations for specific sites for African marinereserves are provided by Wells and Bleakley (1995) andGaudian et al. (1995), and are summarized on pages 42-45. As a whole, the continent currently has very few ma-rine protected areas. Those that exist were largely selectedfor tourism considerations only (Salm, 1996). The reservesare also small and often not managed. Countries that needto be surveyed to identify priority sites include: Eritrea,Cameroon and Gabon. Surveys can be simply undertakenwith satellite imagery, aerial photography, and a limitedground survey.

5. Considerations of Size and Shape

Failure to consider the right size and shape of a marinereserve can lead to degradation of a protected area, in-ability to protect the species within it, and failure toachieve management goals. Weru (1995) notes that theboundaries of many of Kenya’s marine parks were drawn

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without an understanding of the local coastal ecology.Conservation planners should not be daunted. If ocean-ography, habitat quality, species life histories, and socio-economic considerations are taken into account, conser-vation can be achieved with a well-designed mixture ofsmall reserves, coupled with sound management of theother areas (Kelleher and Kenchington, 1991; Dugan andDavis, 1993b).

Size and shape considerations include two issues: 1) thetotal extent of an area protected relative to the surround-ing managed area; and 2) the size and shape of the re-serve itself. The second issue, size and shape of the re-serve itself, depends on the goals. Is the reserve for con-servation, fishing benefits, or both? If it is for fishing, isthe goal to generate maximum long-term benefits, or arethere pressures to obtain short-term benefits as well?

In all cases, one needs to consider the following in re-serve design:

Which neighboring habitats are functionally intercon-nected. Aquatic ecosystems often incorporate a cluster ofhabitats that need to be managed as a functional unit(Salm, 1989). For example, coral reef communities de-pend on adjacent reef flats and/or reef sediments and seagrass beds for their supply of fixed, usable nitrogen, whichis essential for photosynthesis. The nitrogen is obtainedfrom algal fragments from the reef flat, from fishes feed-ing on the reef flat, and from bacteria in the reef sedi-ments and sea grass beds. Mud and sand flats are the habi-tat of some molluscs, and the feeding grounds of shrimp,crabs, and shorebirds. Fish and invertebrates utilize dif-ferent habitats at different stages of their life cycle. Lar-val and juvenile fish predominate in seagrass beds, saltmarshes, mangroves, and estuaries (Salm, 1989). Salmargues that the most successful way to protect these latter

Figure 58. Aquatic reserves can be flexible, migrating in time or space. From Salm, 1989. © IUCN.

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communities is to protect “all habitat types along a salin-ity gradient”, thereby ensuring that all life stages are pro-tected. Salm notes that species generally move to lowsalinity areas as young, gaining protection from preda-tors unable to tolerate low salinity conditions. As fishmature, they generally move to more saline waters. Fi-nally, a number of fish have daily feeding migrations toparticular sites, which can be hundreds of meters awayfrom their resting sites (e.g., Holland et al., 1993).

Which areas are larval sources; which are larval sinks(i.e., areas where larvae settle). Current patterns can aidin regional efforts at conservation, by informing designof a network of reserves. Larvae tend to stay in the watercolumn from days to two months, with population abun-dance showing a relationship to current patterns (Dight,1994). Areas which receive little larval replenishment fromthe outside will be dependent on the success of localmanagement, while areas which receive ample larval in-put will be less affected.

What are the general rules? Reefs with larvae that broadlydisperse to other reefs should be selected as high priorityareas for regional conservation, since they can help main-tain populations and fisheries elsewhere. However, thesereefs will be less likely to provide local benefits. Othersites should also be chosen to provide local benefits. If areserve is designed to benefit an adjacent fishery, the re-serve should be “upstream” of the fishery area, to facili-tate larval export. Note that the population distributionestimated from current patterns is likely to be an upperbound, however, as larval behavior can influence settle-ment, reducing geographic extent.

As a first step in identifying sources and sinks, one canuse simple oceanographic measures to assess surface cur-rents, such as floats or dyes. These measures should betaken at various times of the year to attempt to addresssuch considerations as seasonal, tidal, and turbulent flow.Roberts (1997b) mapped surface current patterns over aone to two month duration to identify potential ecologi-cal connections between areas in the Caribbean. Heshowed an order of magnitude variation among sites inthe extent of larval supply and the extent of larval export.He also showed connectivity in the range of less than 150km among sites.

Diversity of reef sizes: Recruitment may be maximally en-hanced for a number of reef species by preserving an areawith a variety of reef sizes, with more small than mediumthan large (Schroeder, 1989; also see Sobel, 1994). Salm(1980b) found that some coral species occur only on reefslarger than a certain minimum size. With respect to fish(which are notoriously variable across species), such a mixed

size design takes into account more species and more lifestages (Schroeder, 1989). Depending on the species, envi-ronmental and social variables important for fish habitatselection include the physical and chemical characteristicsof the water, characteristics of the substrate; and the pres-ence or absence of conspecifics or other species (Kramer etal., 1997). The recruitment of some fish (e.g., wrasses) alsoappears to depend on a minimum reef size (Schroeder, 1989).

Diversity of habitats. Protecting a variety of habitats mayhelp to protect significant populations of a variety of spe-cies (McClanahan, 1994). Reefs with the greatest diver-sity of shape, slope, depths, and rugosity (surface irregu-larities) are likely to have the greatest variety of organ-isms (Sale, 1989). On coral reefs, two important environ-mental factors for settlement include depth and substratetype, of which there are many (e.g., ledges, crevices, reeffaces, etc.) (Luckhurst and Luckhurst, 1978). Commu-nity structure and species dominance also may vary de-pending on the habitat. Here, too, population variation isimportant: species widely distributed at one site may notbe distributed at others (Williams, 1991). Fishelson et al.(1987) showed that the behavior of the surgeonfishAcanthurus nigrofuscus differed dramatically betweentwo sites less than 2 kilometers apart! At one site, feed-ing migrations occurred to an area 400 meters away,whereas no feeding migrations occurred at the other.

In freshwater systems, conservationists need to take amore dynamic view of population distribution, consider-ing how it may change in space over time (Cohen, 1995).In considering the size of the protected area, one shouldconsider the patchiness of the distribution of a freshwaterspecies, and how long-lasting or ephemeral the occupa-tion of any given patch is: can one be certain that patchesadjacent to the current range of a species are not impor-tant in its distribution? Paleontological studies from LakeTanganyika have shown that a given species distributioncan change dramatically over time and that current unoc-cupied areas may become important “stepping stones”for recolonization. Herschler et al. (1990) have demon-strated a similar patchiness in riverine molluscs. Givenincreasing habitat fragmentation/degradation and environ-mental variability, conservation efforts in lakes and riv-ers need to take such metapopulation considerations intoaccount (Fryer, 1995; Herschler et al., 1990; Cohen,1995). Cohen (1995) argues that where feasible (i.e.., de-pending on sediment and fossil conditions), freshwaterconservationists should consider the use of paleobiologicaldata to determine the historical habitat range and vari-ability in distribution of individual species.

The behavior and life history characteristics of target spe-cies. While behavior is often neglected in marine reserve

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design, it plays an important role. Information on recruit-ment and settlement, habitat preferences for spawning,resting, and feeding, territorial and home ranges, and de-gree of site fidelity is all important in optimizing design(Kramer and Chapman, 1999; Rakitin and Kramer, 1996;Shumway, 1999). In particular, one needs to consider thehome range and movement patterns of the species of in-terest (Kramer and Chapman, 1999). Home range is thearea in which an animal can be found 95-99% of the time.Home range may comprise two separate areas, connectedby a narrow corridor used in feeding migrations, as oc-curs for grunts (Haemulidae) (Burke, 1995). Unless bothhabitats are protected, these species may be the most vul-nerable to fishing pressures. Other species may forage atdistant sites or migrate diurnally or seasonally, where theymay be harvested. In addition, one needs to know the

home range of the species during its different life historystages (Fogarty, 1995).

If one wants to completely protect a population, the re-serve should be larger than the size of the home range.How much larger? Modeling studies by Kramer andChapman (1999) suggest that reserve length must be atleast 2.5 times home range length if one wants to limitfishing mortality to roughly 10% of the nonreserve situa-tion and 12.5 times if one wants to limit exposure to 2%(Figure 59). If the 10% figure is desired, a 20 centimeterfish would have a home range of about 45 meters, andthe reserve would need to be 100 meters long. This issomewhat of a simplification, as it ignores the fact thatdifferent reproductive strategies influence the size of thehome range.

The mobility and site attachment behavior of species af-fect whether or not spillover occurs, and whether or notthe density and mean size of a population will increaseinside a reserve. Rakitin and Kramer (1996) suggest thatthe species most likely to benefit from reserve establish-ment are those that are the most “catchable”, i.e., vulner-able to fishing, such as heavily- fished large predatoryspecies with small home ranges, those that are the mostsite-attached, and those that are the least mobile. Kramerand Chapman (1999) suggest that the benefits of adultspillover will be obtained primarily from species with an“intermediate” tendency to relocate. Those that relocatetoo readily will not achieve protection from the reserve;those that do not relocate at all will not provide adultspillover.

The orientation of the reserve relative to existing currentsand natural boundaries. The shape of home ranges can de-pend on available habitat. Some fish species will not crosssand flats to relocate to other reefs, even under conditionsof high population density, and even though the same spe-cies will make extensive movements within continuous reefs(Warner and Hoffman, 1980, Chapman, 1997). Thus if thegoal is adult spillover to benefit fisheries, the reserve bound-ary should cross contiguous habitat.

Socio-economic considerations, including communitysupport, institutional capability, enforcement and com-pliance, long- and short-term economic impacts, cost ofestablishment, urgency of action, and political realities(Dugan and Davis, 1993). Ideally, a reserve would be es-tablished where there is community and fisher support. Ifsome citizens express reluctance towards a reserve, it maybe best to start out with smaller and few reserves. In thisway, community members can see the benefits of a re-serve for themselves. At the same time, they become moreaware of the time required to recover from overfishing or

Figure 59. Home range is an important consideration in de-termining reserve size. Top: Empirically, home range (y) in-creases with a 2.5 power of body length (x axis). Bottom:Modeling studies suggest that if one wants to limit fishingmortality to less than 10% of the nonreserve situation, re-serve size should be over 2.5 times home length. From Kramerand Chapman, 1999. Reprinted with kind permission fromKluwer Academic Publishers.

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habitat damage. After support is established, local citi-zens may be more accepting of expansion of the protectedarea, if evidence is provided of the ecological necessity ofdoing so, and they derive local benefits from a reserve. Asmall reserve with high levels of community support andactive management is far preferable and cheaper to pro-tect than a large paper reserve with hostile residents!

How might urgency of action influence size? If, say, arelatively sedentary species is heavily overexploited, asmall reserve will buy some time at least. Later, a moreintegrative management, policy and regulatory approachwould need to be taken. How might political reality in-fluence size and shape? If policy or regulatory changesare impossible to achieve, then pursuing a larger reserve,encompassing a watershed, may help to protect ecosys-tem processes in the absence of policy changes.

If a reserve is established for conservation purposesalone, most scientists might intuitively believe that the larger,the better. Salm (1989) suggests that the minimum size isthat size necessary to ensure that all coral species within thearea are represented. In the Chagos Archipelago, Indone-sia, Salm found that a minimum of 300 ha was necessary toensure that all species were represented in each reef type.However, McClanahan (1994) has argued that given highlocal genetic diversity and ease of dispersal, some of thearguments for large areas do not apply to coral reefs. Fur-thermore, endangered sedentary species may require only asmall protected area, assuming other threats such as pollu-tion, sedimentation, etc. are either not an issue or are subse-quently addressed. One also needs to consider the ratio ofedge to area (minimizing the edge to reduce adult spillover)

and orientation of the reserve relative to existing currents(to ensure larval settlement in the area).

If a reserve is established to benefit fisheries alone,then one needs to consider the following:

The extent of the area protected, relative to the totalamount open for exploitation: A balance must be struck.If too much of a fishing area is protected, the benefits ofthe reserve are countered by a loss in fishing yield. Opti-mal reserve design depends on the level of fishing pres-sure, species assemblage patterns, the life history charac-teristics of the species of interest, the population growthrate, the mobility of adults, and characteristics of larvalsettlement (Sladek Nowlis and Roberts, 1998, in press;Kramer and Chapman, 1999; Auster, 1994).

Determination of size and shape may need to be an itera-tive process based on local fish yields and fishing pres-sure (Figure 60). Fisheries reserves need to be flexible,with managers responsive to the feedback obtained frommonitoring. Regulations, size and shape can all be ad-justed as new information on the success or failure of areserve is obtained (Auster, 1994). A recent modelingstudy suggests that the size of the reserve needs to bematched to fishing intensity, increasing in size with in-creasing fishing pressure (Sladek Nowlis and Roberts,1998, in press). Other modeling studies and some em-pirical evidence suggest that benefits to fishing are real-ized when at least 20% of an area is protected (Roberts,1994; Russ and Alcala, 1996). Reserves may need to belarger, however, for species vulnerable to fishing beforethey reach sexual maturity. Very large reserves (e.g., 75-80% of total area) are only necessary for replenishingextremely over-fished populations, all else being equal(Sladek Nowlis and Roberts, 1998, in press). Again, theamount required for protection can depend on the behav-ior of the species of interest. Yamasaki and Kuwahara(1990) showed benefits to snow crab fisheries after just2% of the fishing ground was protected!

The ratio of edge to area: I would recommend trying tomaximize larval spillover and provide at least some levelof adult spillover for fishing reserves. Boehlert (1996)reports that the majority of coral reef fishes and inverte-brates disperse widely as larvae and narrowly as adults.A recent modeling study also suggests that the greatestbenefit may be larval dispersal (Sladek Nowlis and Rob-erts, 1998, in press), but this has yet to be shown empiri-cally. If one wants to optimize adult spillover, a balancemust be reached between too much spillover, which couldlimit reproductive capacity, while too little will make fish-ers less likely to support a reserve.

Figure 60. Determination of reserve size and shape may needto be an iterative process based on local fishing yields andpressure. Ghana fishing industry, World Bank, 1993. Photocredit: Curt Carnemark.

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The edge should be long relative to area in order to facili-tate the exchange of both larvae and animals from thereserve to adjacent areas. One way to facilitate the ex-change of both larvae and adults is to create small re-serves within an unprotected (but preferably managed)area (Roberts, 1994); large reserves are likely to leak moreslowly. Roberts (1994) suggests that the minimum viablesize is a reserve of one to three kilometers2. While theSaba Marine Park in Belize was only 0.9 km2, it showeda doubling of standing stock after a four-year period.McClanahan and Kaunda-Arara (1996) suggest a reservesize of less than six kilometers2.

6. Total Catchment Management

In locating a reserve, one needs to take into account theecological links between marine, fresh, and terrestrial eco-systems. Management should consider important elementswithin an entire catchment (i.e., the entire area, frommountains to ocean, that is drained by a single river sys-tem, Davies and Day, 1998), noting the location of thewatersheds, rivers, streams, estuaries, and lagoons (Salm,1989). At a minimum, one should consider upcurrentsources of municipal, agricultural, or industrial pollut-ants, nutrients, or sediments in placement. Data fromSladek-Nowlis et al. (1996) suggests that corals sited afew kilometers from rivers will be reasonably protectedfrom sedimentation. For a lacustrine reserve, Cohen etal. (1993) recommend siting protected areas adjacent torivers with small drainage basins or to erosion-resistantrocky areas. Coulter and Mubamba (1993) recommendextending lacustrine reserve boundaries to protect somepelagic lacustrine species from overfishing.

H. Develop Sustainable Fisheries

Within limits, the interest of managing exploited fishstocks for maximum sustainable yield and the conserva-tion of biodiversity are mutually compatible, not conflict-ing. In many countries, however, fisheries managers nowneed to change their focus from maximizing yield to re-storing stock (Figure 61). Both fisheries departments andconservation departments have an interest in halting over-fishing, preventing pollution of waters, and protectingcritical habitats. It is at this juncture where effortsshould be focused.

Adopt a precautionary approach in fisheries and othercoastal resource management. As Ludwig et al. (1993)note, “Effective policies must take uncertainty into ac-count. We must consider a variety of plausible hypoth-eses about the world; consider a variety of possible strat-egies; favor actions that are robust to uncertainties; hedge;favor actions that are informative; probe and experiment;monitor results; update assessments and modify policyaccordingly; and favor actions that are reversible.”

Because uncertainty affects all elements of the fisherysystem in varying degrees, some degree of precaution isrequired at all levels: in planning, management, research,technology development and transfer, policies, fish cap-ture and processing, stock enhancement, and aquaculture(FAO, 1995a). An important place to start is to incorpo-rate into national legislation the currently voluntary FAOCode for Responsible Fisheries (McAllister, 1995).

Importance of Land Protection Within a Watershed

One of the major tributaries of the Tennessee River, U.S., maintained its biodiversity because ofwatershed protection. While other tributaries lost numerous mollusk species following the generationof dams on the Tennessee, with mussel densities declining by 50-75%, the mussel densities in theDuck River increased over 100%. This occurred despite the completion of one of two dams on theDuck River. What was the reason for the success? Over 15 years ago, the government purchased largeportions of the watershed (16,000 acres) including one-quarter of a mile on either side of riparianland. As a result, the river was unaffected by pollution from nutrients, pesticides, and salt. Thisresult indicates the intimate link between the health of species in aquatic environments and landuse in the watershed. It is clear that policy-makers should make every effort to maintain riparianvegetation in a sufficiently-sized buffer strip along rivers and streams (Bean, 1994). The U.S. EPAhas distilled the Top 10 Watershed Lessons Learned, along with case-studies in a 1997 document.Contact:

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Underlying principles of the precautionary approach are:1) that action should be taken even in the absence of sci-entific certainty if there are risks of serious or irreversibledamage (Kirkwood and Smith, 1995); and 2) that the regu-latory burden of proof should be shifted onto those seek-ing to profit from the resource to demonstrate there willbe little or no environmental impact (M’Gonigle et al.,1994, cited in Hilborn and Peterman, 1995). Such an ap-proach is more likely to be accepted if management ac-tion is automatically enacted when the stock or change inthe environment reaches some pre-defined critical level(Garcia, 1995).

The following is a brief description ofprecautionary guidelines. (See FAO,1995a, for more detail):

1) Take into account the combinedstresses of fishing and environment onfisheries resources (Garcia, 1995). Esti-mates of sustainable catch levels shouldbe conservative enough to account forboth scientific uncertainty and naturalvariability (Fujita et al., 1994). Manage-ment action should be automatically en-acted when early warning signs of over-fishing are found, such as: changes inspecies composition; reduction in spatialdistribution of the stock; and shifts in theage structure of spawners to younger fish(FAO, 1995a). Ancillary impacts shouldbe examined as well, including degrada-tion of fish habitat and effects on birds,mammals, and other species (FAO,1995a).

2) Take steps to prevent overcapitalization,both in vessels and in processing. Whenthere is a good year class, use the recruitsto increase stock levels rather than totalharvest. Do not provide subsidies or taxincentives to maintain fishing capacity.Remove excessive fishing capacity fromthe fishery (FAO, 1995a). Finally, take ad-vances of fisheries technology into ac-count. Even if fishing effort remains con-stant, increased technological efficiencycould result in overfishing.

A new fishery should be limited enoughsuch that irreversible risk is likely. Rightfrom the start, management should pre-vent excessive investment in processingand build in flexibility so that it is fea-

sible to phase vessels out of the fleet if necessary. Man-agement objectives should be set below maximal sustain-able yield, until more detail is available regarding popu-lation demographics, total population estimates, and theeffect on fish habitat.

Enhance collaboration and cooperation between fisher-ies departments and departments of wildlife and con-servation. Fisheries departments need to become moreaware that aquatic reserves can be a useful component ofefforts to halt overfishing. Similarly, conservation manag-ers need to realize the importance of interacting with fisher-ies managers. Perhaps this can be facilitated by funding

Figure 61. In many countries, fisheries managers need to change theirfocus from maximizing yield to the restoration of stock. World Bank,1993. Photo credit: Curt Carnemark.

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short-term secondment, or “swaps,” of personnel betweenorganizations.

Incorporate aquatic reserves as part of a fisheriesmanagement strategy (See pages 92-102 for more de-tail on reserves). Such an approach is particularly impor-tant in multi-species fisheries. Kenchington states that“marine parks and reserves assist fisheries managementby providing replenishment areas or refuges for breedingstocks, by providing research sites for fisheries scientists,by providing alternative sources of income for the ex-panding fishing community, and by resolving resourceconflicts with non-fishing users” (Kenchington, as citedin Samoilys, 1988b).

Encourage governments to work with local fishers todesign culturally appropriate fisheries regulations (Fig-ure 62). Too often, fisheries regulations devised by fisher-ies departments in conjunction with donor consultants aredoomed to failure, being socially and culturally inappropri-ate. An example is restricting the number of fishing licensesin a community which believes in the equitable sharing ofresources. In this particular example, a more appropriateregulation would be to ban fishing on particular days, sincesuch a regulation would apply to all.

Fishermen are most likely to comply with regulations whenthey are confident others are doing the same. In the case ofartisanal fisheries, managers could focus on preserving bio-logical processes (e.g., habitat, spawning, etc.) rather thanthe number of fish caught. Why? The biological processes

affecting the various life stages are more regular and pre-dictable than stock level, making it easier to regulate the“how, when, and where of fishing.” Examples include lim-iting the season of fishing, restricting fishing of certainspawning grounds, etc. This method has traditionally beenused successfully in over thirty artisanal fisheries world-wide (Wilson et al., 1994). Such management only works,however, if locals have recognized rights to the resource orterritory (Wilson et al., 1994). McGoodwin argues for thistype of management at local levels in concert with an over-all national limit on exploitation rates (Fogarty, 1995).

Other management strategies can be applied to a com-bined artisanal-industrial fishery where fish are consid-ered a common resource. In this case, overfishing occursbecause fishermen are afraid that if they don’t catch thefish, others will. Managers could consider creating rightsto the resource with some type of quota system that pro-vides transferable rights to a portion of the catch: eitherindividual transferable quotas (ITQs) or community de-velopment quotas (CDQs). Essentially, a biologicallyconservative ceiling is put on total catch each season. ITQsare given to individual fishing vessels. It is important tonote that ITQs require a well-developed institutional in-frastructure to ensure adequate monitoring (Fujita andZevos, 1996). As such, they may only be appropriate forsome countries. Further, a valid criticism of ITQ systemsis that they are likely to exacerbate highgrading (the dis-carding of small or lower grade fish of the same species)if there are substantial price differences (Fujita and Zevos,1996). Highgrading negatively impacts the gene pool. This

problem may be alleviated with commu-nity development quotas which spreadfishing effort out geographically. CDQsare components of the total allowablecatch that are allocated to eligible com-munities (Fujita and Zevos, 1996). Inboth cases, shares can be used, leased,or sold.

These types of quotas have been shownto reduce overcapitalization and increaseprofitability (Muse and Schelle, 1989;Muse, 1991, cited in Fujita et al., 1994).Since fishermen know how many fishthey can catch, they have no incentive tooverinvest. “Leaving fish in the sea forconservation purposes finally makes eco-nomic sense to an individual fisherman”(Fujita et al., 1996). However, it is im-portant to note that such methods directlyaddress only some of the issues causingovercapitalization. They do not addresssubsidies or tax incentives that are inde-pendent of fishing effort (EDF, 1994).

Figure 62. Fisheries regulations should be developed in conjunctionwith, and in full compliance of relevant local communities. Ghana fish-ing industry, World Bank, 1993. Photo credit: Curt Carnemark.

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Fishermen need to feel that the allocation is fair. Quotaprograms can be sensitively designed so that they main-tain a diverse fishing industry and do not result in unde-sirable social changes. The initial allocation formulashould not place too much weight or be exclusively basedon catch size (Fujita et al., 1996). To prevent excessiveconsolidation of the fishing vessels, quota shares can beallocated according to distinct vessel categories. In addi-tion, guidelines can establish that no single holder mayown more than a few percent of the total allowable catch(Fujita et al., 1996). Other possible allocation approachesinclude formulas based on equal shares, catch capacity,catch history, clean fishing practices, or a combinationthereof (Fujita et al., 1994).

Wherever possible, work with governments and traditionalauthorities to determine the extent to which traditionalconservation practices could be reestablished, or strength-ened and reinforced by laws. Traditional managementpractices (such as size restriction, taboos on certain meth-ods and periods of collection, or taboos on species) canbe reestablished or strengthened in countries known tohave had them in the past. While the original intent ofsome of the customs may not have been conservation,the potential conservation impact of such practices canbe considerable. In Ghana, certain rivers and streams wereconsidered sacred and adjacent forests were also protected.In West Africa, some coastal lagoons were considered

sacred, and some species considered taboo; even today,tabooed species remain protected while other species inthe same area are overexploited (Ntiamoa-Baidu, 1991,cited in BSP, 1993). Currently in the Inner Niger Delta,Mali, “water keepers” have water rights, based on patri-lineal lineage. The right can be transferred, however, bypaying a fee.

One caveat is that not all traditional practices continue tobe effective in protecting biological diversity. McClanahanet al. (1997) examined traditional fisheries managementat a site in southern Kenya, and found that it was cur-rently unable to conserve fisheries resources. The authorsnoted, however, that while most of the traditional ruleswere fully observed 30 years ago, today, the younger gen-eration did not follow the rules, for a variety of reasons.A second caveat is that governments may need to be con-vinced of the value of traditional management. Govern-ment may fear that traditional management will conflictwith national policies (McClanahan et al., 1997).

To address the problem of management capacity, gov-ernments should consider devolving control to commu-nity-based management or co-management (i.e., jointmanagement by a community and government). See pages83-84 for further detail. The advantage of co-manage-ment is that fisheries departments can provide technicaladvice if needed - particularly if government officials areafraid that citizens may not have the expertise to manage.Even in the case of community management, fisheriesdepartments can always reserve the right to intervene ifthey believe conservation and wise stewardship is notbeing practiced. Regardless of whether management isundertaken by governments or communities, managersneed assistance in developing capacity for effective en-forcement.

Work to reduce dynamiting and poisoning in EastAfrican reef fisheries. The International Marinelife Al-liance in the Philippines teaches cyanide fishermen non-chemical, non-destructive fishing techniques. WWF isworking to reduce dynamite fishing on Mafia Island, Tan-zania, while IUCN is working with local activists in theTanga region.

Work with fishers for the aquarium trade to ensure they arecollecting the fish sustainably. Consider the possibility ofecolabelling to help develop a sustainable trade in aquariumfish or other fish products, much as has been tried with for-estry products. Ecolabelled fish can be sold at a higher price,providing an economic incentive for sustainable collecting.A consortium of organizations recently established the Ma-rine Aquarium Fish Council to help certify and developmarket incentives for an ecologically sustainable aquarium

The resurrection of traditional managementpractices was recently successfully andvoluntarily applied by a number of villagesin Vanuatu, an island in the South Pacific,even in areas where they had not beenpracticed for a lifetime (Johannes, 1994; alsosee for thiscase study).

In the Philippines, the national governmenthas devolved jurisdiction over inshore marineareas to local governments and givenpreferential rights to organized artisanalfishermen (Heywood, 1995). Similarly, a pilotcoastal zone planning project in Guinea-Bissau gives preferential boat (“pirog”) quotasto local fishers (IUCN, 1996).

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trade. Contact Paul Holthus, Executive Director, for moreinformation (email: [email protected];web:

Help reduce bycatch, waste and overexploitation by:

• encouraging the development of artisanal fisheriesusing selective gear, rather than the development oflarge-scale commercial fisheries.

• encouraging fishermen to diversify their choice offish, and assisting with the marketing of diversespecies. When exploitation is spread throughout an eco-system, less damage is done with respect to speciesdistribution or the abundance of any given species (Fig-ure 63). The diversification of fisheries also providesincreased numbers of jobs, as it tends to result in awider diversity of capture and processing methods.Finally, diversification can reduce the problem ofbycatch; and

Figure 63. Overexploitation can be addressed through prac-tices such as encouraging fisherman to diversify their choiceof fish. Ghana markets, World Bank, 1993. Photo credit: CurtCarnemark.

• improving methods of fish handling and preserva-tion through training at technical workshops. De-veloping local preservation and processing methodsreduces waste, adds value, and increases local employ-ment. The University of Rhode Island College of Re-source Development (USA) has recently developed amethod that keeps fish fresh for up to 14 days withoutrefrigeration.

Encourage integrated aquaculture, which offers oppor-tunities for efficient use of water. Water can be collectedfrom rainfall runoff and stored in ponds. The stored wa-ter can be used not only for fish production (either aquac-ulture or cage culture) but also for livestock, irrigation,and domestic uses. The integration of aquaculture withanimal husbandry offers efficient recycling of wastes. Theintegration with agriculture offers benefits in terms ofmaximal utilization of labor and land. ICLARM is sup-porting studies in Malawi on the development of inte-grated vegetable-fish and rice-fish farming systems. Thefish eat insects and molluscs that would otherwise dam-age the rice and the fish’s excrement fertilizes the rice(Pullin, 1997).

Traditional aquaculture methods should also be supportedwherever possible, using species indigenous to the area.The heaviest fish yields (up to 100 times normal yield)without artificial feeding are those of the traditional“acadja” fish parks in West African coastal lagoons. Inthis system, shallow aquatic areas are planted with bam-boo stakes. The stakes attract fish by increasing the sur-face area for growth of periphyton, the food for tilapiaand other fishes (Lowe-McConnell, 1987b; World Bank,1994).

Where overfishing is a problem, support the develop-ment of alternative livelihoods for fishers. Possibilitiesinclude assisting with artificial reef programs, tourism,or aquaculture. Such an approach, however, must be sen-sitively developed in conjunction with the fishers them-selves, to find out what they might be interested in pursu-ing. It is not a simple matter to transform a fisherman intoa “fish farmer.” Fishermen often define themselves interms of the sea. Further, the socio-economic feasibilityof alternatives needs to be rigorously examined.

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Chapter 7.Case Studies for the Conservationand Sustainable Development of

Africa’s Aquatic Biodiversity:Why, Where, and How?

A number of important aquatic habitats in Africa, such as the African Great Lakes, would benefit fromimmediate conservation action. Each of these lakes contain more endemic fish species than any otherlake in the world. Photo credit: Caroly Shumway

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This chapter shows how some of the recommendationsprovided in Chapter 6 might be specifically applied to 14important aquatic areas in Africa that would benefit fromimmediate conservation action. As should be evident fromChapter 4, these are clearly not the only important aquaticareas. The areas and recommendations have been chosenand developed using the criteria described on pages 67-69 in a qualitative manner, and following consultationwith both international and African experts. Some glo-bally or regionally important areas are not described dueto the already extensive conservation effort at the sites,or to current lack of conservation feasibility. Most of theareas have previously attracted some attention.

This section provides suggestions for what can be done.Interested groups should obviously consult closely withlocal and international experts from a range of institu-tions before embarking on any project. The areas de-scribed below include a range of scales, ranging from lo-cal to transnational. Many would benefit from inte-grated, multiple-use management efforts, with tech-nical and financial assistance to small-scale commu-nity-initiated or supported pilot projects within them.Where appropriate, these are described. Some are listedto highlight a particular country’s commitment to aquaticconservation (e.g., Uganda’s wetlands), and do not re-flect a coherent management unit. The justification foreach site is provided in the section following.

Areas 1, 2, and 3: The African Great Lakes

Category: Lakes

Biological and scientific importance: Each of the Afri-can great lakes contains more endemic fish species thanany other lake in the world, and more species than theentire freshwater fish fauna in Europe (Fryer, 1972a). Mostof these fishes are cichlids. All of the lakes have two sub-families of cichlids: haplochromines and tilapiines (im-portant in aquaculture). Lake Tanganyika also harbors thesubfamily Lamprologinae, which are substratum-spawn-ing cichlids, also found in the Zaire River, from whichmany of the lakes’ fishes are derived (Kaufman, 1991b).Many cichlids have a very limited distribution (i.e., arestenotopic). Some species in Lake Malawi, for example,are confined to small rocky outcrops, with a total distri-bution of no more than 3000 m2 (Ribbink, 1991).

Cichlids have developed complex feeding and reproduc-tive behaviors including nest building, territorial, court-ship, spawning, and parental behaviors, and an array ofphysiological adaptations. Some fish, for example, aremouth-brooders while others lay eggs in rock crevices.Some are monogamous pair-breeders, while others have

a complicated social structure, including juvenile help-ers. Some species form large leks, with the males pro-ducing species-specific courtship bowers (Stauffer et al.,1995). At least ten different bower forms have been iden-tified (McKaye, 1991). Almost every type of food avail-able is utilized, including such “bizarre” diets as eatingscales, parasites, and even the eggs of other fish! A num-ber of cichlids can even individually change the shape oftheir teeth and skulls in response to dietary changes(Greenwood, 1965; Liem and Kaufman, 1982; Meyer,1990; Witte et al., 1990).

Because of the explosive and unique species radiationwithin each lake, the lakes are tremendously importantscientifically. They are even more important than theGalapagos as a laboratory to study evolutionary processes— particularly to study the ecological and behavioralchanges that occur with the evolution of new species.These lakes have been characterized as “one of the evo-lutionary wonders of the world.” The lakes could help usunderstand the evolution of behavior, of food chains, ofphysiology, and even of our brains.

Some would argue that given the similarity in the lake’sthree faunas, it would be better to focus limited conser-vation resources on those lakes which still have relativelyintact faunas. However, the uniqueness of the fauna inthe lakes and the fact that they evolved largely indepen-dently argues for conservation of all three. The indepen-dence of the evolution offers the chance of a replicatedevolutionary experiment; the loss of one lake wouldgreatly weaken the strength of evolutionary hypothesis-testing (Kaufman, 1991b). Furthermore, the types of di-versity expressed within the lake are different and worthconserving (Table 10). Lake Victoria, for example, hasthe lowest phyletic diversity, but has high functional (i.e.,trophic) diversity, and an extraordinary species diversitygiven the lake’s age. Lake Malawi has the highest spe-cies diversity. Lake Tanganyika has the highest phyleticdiversity, form diversity, and the greatest diversity in re-productive behavior. The chance to understand the rea-sons for such differences in species diversity is unparal-leled.

Also, the fact that the lakes are some of the oldest anddeepest lakes in the world make them important sourcesof geological information. Unlike seabed sediments, theRift Valley sediments are so laminated that they may beable to provide information about annual, if not seasonal,variations in temperature to as far back as 5-10 millionyears. The lakes also are part of a global tectonic rift sys-tem, of which little is known. Finally, the lakes provideimportant records of human activity over time, with somesites providing records of the earliest known human ac-tivities (Cromie, 1982)

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Developmental importance: Socioeconomically, the lakesare valuable as sources of water, for fisheries (both forincome and food, with the people around the lake depen-dent on the fish for protein), recreation, transport, and aspotential sites of oil. The lakes’ magnificent scenery, clearwater, and diverse fish fauna affords considerable poten-tial for tourism. The colorful cichlids are also valuable inthe aquarium trade, and are especially popular in Europe.

Threats: The lakes’ cichlids are particularly vulnerable tohuman disturbance because of their reduced distribution,relatively small population size, low fecundity, and poordispersal capabilities. Specific threats are detailed in sec-tions following. Anthropogenic threats are exacerbatedby the lack of regional coordination and collaborationamong the riparian nations bordering the lakes in devel-oping and managing the lakes’ resources. In addition, thereis inadequate scientific knowledge of the fisheries’ re-sources, reluctance to apply available scientific knowl-edge by fisheries agencies, and an increase in demand forfish (Twongo, 1993).

One major threat is pollution. The total inflow of all threeof the great lakes, relative to volume, is very small, mak-ing turnover time very long (ranging from 150 years to1700 years for Lakes Victoria and Malawi, respectively).In comparison, the most polluted of North American lakes— Lake Erie — has a turnover time of three years. Thismeans that pollution could easily cause an irreversible

disaster of inconceivable magnitude and “a crime on ascale such as perhaps yet to be perpetrated against Na-ture. The moral is obvious: while prevention is alwaysbetter than cure, it is here essential as no cure may beavailable” (Fryer, 1972a). Oil spills, for example, coulddestroy all of the other uses of the lake, including drink-ing water, tourism potential, and fisheries. To date, oilexploration has been carried out in all three lakes by ninemajor U.S. oil companies.

Justification: The lakes are the planet’s only tropical greatlakes and have a much richer fauna than their cousins inNorth America and Russia (Lake Baikal). “From a scien-tific standpoint, it may well be argued that their faunasare at least as important as the great mammalian faunasof the adjacent terrestrial environments” (Fryer, 1984).Stuart and Adams (1990) considered conservation of theselakes to be one of the highest priorities for biodiversityconservation in Africa.

What could be done:

Specific recommendations for each lake are providedbelow. In all cases, the riparian nations should be encour-aged and supported in efforts to develop regional man-agement plans for each lake, and to boost capacity forregional coordination. Countries should be encouragedto require EIAs on any future development plans aroundthe lake.

Table 10. Physical and biological characteristics of the major East African Lakes

Physical and biological characteristics of the major East African Lakes (biological refers to chichlid radiations only). FromKaufman et al., 1996. From East African Ecosystems and Their Conservation by Tim McClanahan and Truman P. Young.Copyright © 1996, Oxford University Press, Inc. Used by permission of Oxford University Press, Inc.

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1. Lake Victoria (abuts Uganda, Kenya,Tanzania)

Category: Lakes

Biological importance: The cichlids in this largest of theAfrican lakes are renowned for their rapid rate of mono-phyletic speciation (i.e., descended from a single stock).Speciation apparently occurred less than 225,000 yearsago, with a major burst occuring 12,000 years ago, a geo-logical instant (Meyer et al., 1991; Johnson et al., 1996;Kaufman et al., 1997). The cichlids have extraordinarybehavioral diversity and high phenotypic plasticity. TheLake Victoria region is also rich in butterflies, mammals,and birds. 505 passerine bird species are found here, 15of which are endemic.

Development importance: Lake Victoria’s fish-eries provide protein for the eight million peopleliving along the lake’s shores (Figure 64). Thefisheries comprise 25% of the total inland fish-eries in Africa, supporting over 100,000artisanal fishermen and yielding a catch worth$90 million, largely due to the Nile perch. Thelake’s catchment provides a livelihood to 1/3of the populations of Uganda, Kenya, and Tan-zania, combined (GEF, 1996).

Threats: Threats to the lake are many and var-ied. These include introduced species (Nileperch and Tilapia); overfishing; anoxia; rapidpopulation expansion around the lake, whichalready has a much higher population per areathan any other African lake; the spread of wa-ter hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes); increasingdeforestation and resulting sedimentation; pes-ticide runoff; eutrophication (primarily fromincreases in phosphate); and loss of papyrusrefuges. See case study (Annex) for furtherdetail.


“The value of conservation efforts, even inbadly damaged ecosystems, should not bedoubted. Anything is better than waiting 20millenia for a new evolve.”

Kaufman, 1992

A project on Lake Victoria is urgent becauseof the rapid loss of biodiversity as well asthe economic dependence of the local peopleon fishing. The biodiversity of the lake is im-mediately threatened not just by the Nile perch

but also by increasing anoxia. The lake has already un-dergone the greatest mass extinction of modern times.Nearly all of the deepwater species and roughly half ofthe species from waters less than 20 m deep are now ex-tinct. The anoxia also threatens the perch since it is verysensitive to O

2 levels < 5 ppm.

Although some people would write Lake Victoria off,we still have a chance to conserve at least some of theseveral hundred haplochromine species remaining inthe lake (Seehausen, 1996). Evidence from other lakesindicates that certain haplochromines are able to survivein the presence of the Nile perch; Lake Tanganyika, forexample, has four endemic Lates species yet the diver-sity of its cichlids is still maintained (Kaufman, 1992).At least ten percent of the nearshore fauna in Lake Victoria

Figure 64. Lake Victoria’s fisheries provide protein for eight mil-lion people and support over 100,000 articanal fishermen. Photocredit: Les Kaufman.

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appear to persist sympatrically with the perch. In addi-tion, many native species are still found in the deep gulf,sandy areas, peripheral ponds, satellite lakes, papyrus ref-uges, and mid-lake environments (Kaufman et al., 1997).It would be useful to better understand why some cichlidscan live with the perch and others can’t, and which onesmight survive with some assistance.

It is a race against time to improve food security forthe people and conserve biological diversity beforepressures mount for additional introductions (Figure65A). The perch has already been largely fished out inKenya. Five out of 18 fish processing plants in Kenyahave closed, while another six are on the verge of doingso (Inter-Press Service, 1995). Kenyan fishermen are al-ready requesting the introduction of another fish like theNile perch (Dr. Okemwa, pers. comm.). People have alsoproposed introducing small plankton-eating herrings intothe lake.

The socio-economic implications of a perch crashwould be devastating. However, if we accept the stronglikelihood of a crash in the perch population in thenot too distant future, we can begin to prepare for itnow. We can attempt to develop alternative sources ofincome before it is too late. Harris (1993) speculatesthat the considerable investment in industrial processingcreates unceasing pressure to maintain the present levelof fishing effort and effectively precludes reduction infishing. As all three commercial stocks become overfished,more and more immature fish will be taken, exacerbatingthe likelihood of a fisheries crash.

Efforts to rehabilitate this lake will provide a usefulmodel for other lake conservation ef-forts. As Kaufman (1992) states, “con-servationists scan the scars of civiliza-tion for those places where the odds andthe payoff for biological salvage and re-construction are the greatest... On wa-ter, it is without question Lake Victoria.”

Related conservation and managementprojects: Conservation efforts could notbe more timely. The lake provides a mar-velous opportunity to conservebiodiversity at the same time as main-taining food production. The GEF has re-cently implemented a new $35 milliondollar (with another $35 million fromIDA) “Lake Victoria EnvironmentalManagement Project” which will workto establish regional collaboration andmanagement (GEF, 1996). This 5 year,

multi-country GEF project will work to improve lakemanagement lake-wide, as well as address specific envi-ronmental threats in 14 pilot zones. The project will workto: control water hyacinth; reduce and monitor industrialand municipal pollution and sedimentation; boost insti-tutional capacity; promote regional management; harmo-nize and enhance fisheries policies and their enforcement;restore several threatened and endangered species of fishthrough aquaculture; map the aquatic biodiversity; edu-cate people on its importance; propose ways to sustainablyutilize the resources of the lake; analyze the socioeco-nomic conditions around the lake; study the possibilityof levying a fine on the fishing industry for managementand conservation; and promote afforestation. This is animpressive and comprehensive list.

The EU is undertaking stock assessment, primarily fo-cusing on commercial species, and management strate-gies of fishing communities. The McArthur Foundationis funding studies on the socio-economic impacts ofchange in the lake’s fisheries. The International Develop-ment Research Center is analyzing artisanal fishing; andthe University of Zurich, along with the GEF, is examin-ing sustainable management of the ecotones.

What could be done: Interested parties should take as ac-tive a role as possible in the GEF project to ensure that itconserves biological diversity. Given the enormity andimmediacy of the lake’s problems, assistance should becomprehensive in scope and complement or support theproposed GEF project. Promising aspects of the projectinclude the facts that it was developed by the three lacus-trine countries themselves, that communities were in-volved in preparation of the project and that community

Figure 65A. It is a race against time to imrpove the food security for thepeople surrounding Lake Victoria and conserve its remaining biologi-cal diversity. The New England Aquarium, 1998. Photo credit: AlexanderGoldowsky.

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participation is woven throughout the project. Interestedorganizations could assist in implementing projects in theproposed pilot zones earlier than the proposed schedule,or expand pilot zones to additional sites, taking care notto overwhelm the implementation capacity of a given in-stitution or country.

Many of the following suggestions originate from the rec-ommendations from the 1992 Jinja conference (Table 11).

National and international NGOs should get involved.The GEF document notes the importance of involvingNGOs and local communities in the project, and specifi-cally provides for community micro-projects and com-munity involvement in research. In particular, NGOsshould make an effort to play a role in the biodiversityconservation subcomponent, currently implementedsolely by the Fisheries Research Institutes. At least onelocal NGO is involved: this is the group OSIENALA, orFriends of Lake Victoria. Comprised of Kenyan profes-sors, researchers, and community leaders, the group isworking to protect local fishers’ interests, encourageaquaculture, and educating local communities about theadvantages of fish farming (People and the Planet, 1997).

Provide assistance, in collaboration with the GEF andthe Lake Victoria Research and Conservation Pro-gram, to develop “fish parks”, or aquatic reserves. TheGEF project mentions that closed sanctuaries importantfor fish breeding, nurseries, and juvenile feeding will beestablished in pilot zones in Kenya and Uganda, and havealready been established in Tanzania. The document isunclear, however, whether these areas will focus on com-mercially important fishes or not. An initial survey couldbe supported to identify areas of importance to the lake’sbiodiversity, keeping in mind that to successfully set upparks requires a better understanding of the Nile perch’sdistribution patterns as an adult and as larval young. Re-cent studies suggest, however, that the perch does not tol-erate hypoxia as well as a number of the haplochromines,implying that possible “perch refuges” would be the sat-ellite lakes and ponds separated from Lake Victoria bypapyrus swamps (which are low in oxygen), or low oxy-gen sites themselves. Kaufman et al. (1996) suggest otherrefugia, including: 1) structural sites such as shallow rockyshores. Such parks could either be within the lake itselfor within adjacent peripheral lakes and ponds; and 2) riv-erine refugia.

Within the lake itself, experimental management sites alsocould be set up, varying such factors as the size of thereserve, whether or not the perch predator is excluded orreduced, etc. Experimental management sites could yieldimportant scientific information as well, since those sites

that excluded the perch would enable one to separate outthe impact of anoxia and eutrophication on the cichlidsfrom the impact of the perch.

Richard Ogutu-Ohwayo of UFFRO (Ogutu-Ohwayo,1993a) recommends that Lakes Kayanja, Kayugi, andManywa be designated conservation areas for O.esculentus, O. variabilis, haplochromines and other na-tive species which were previously abundant in LakeVictoria. Kaufman suggests the Sesse Islands in the middleof the lake as a good place to explore the establishmentof an aquatic reserve, since the villagers are interested ina model conservation project. Ecotourism to this site alsocould be developed (Kaufman, 1993).

Support development of conflict resolution methodsthat can be rapidly used by the three countries. Whileall of the countries support regional cooperation in prin-ciple and in their NEAPs, the stalemate over water hya-cinth control indicates that developing a rapid mechanismfor conflict resolution could be invaluable for joint man-agement efforts.

Enhance collaboration and cooperation between fish-eries departments and departments of wildlife andconservation. Fisheries departments often have a man-date to maximize the yield from fishing which may con-flict with conservation goals. Thus, a strengthened re-gional fisheries organization may, but doesn’t need to be,at odds with conservation efforts. Collaboration and co-operation are essential. An advocate for conservationshould be present in any decision-making about the lake’sfuture.

Develop economic alternatives to fishing to buffer theeconomic impact of a Nile perch crash. Again, thiswould be an opportune project for NGOs.

Work with governments to set up effective EIA pro-cedures. The NEAP’s of the riparian countries highlightthe importance of establishing environmental impact as-sessment procedures, but they are still not in place (GEF,1996).

2. Lake Tanganyika (abuts Burundi, Rwanda,Zaire, Zambia, Tanzania)

Category: Lakes

Biological importance: Lake Tanganyika contains over1200 species of flora and fauna, of which at least 500are endemic (Coulter, 1991). The lake has the highestbiological diversity of all of the three great lakes (con-sidering all species: fishes, invertebrates, etc.), and is

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particularly important for its phyletic diversity ofcichlids. (Figure 65). According to Coulter andMubamba, there are 6 pelagic fish species, 80 benthic,and 207 littoral, of which 170 are cichlids (Kaufman,1991a). Other wildlife include molluscs, crustaceans,crocodiles, hippos, and a variety of birds. The foodwebs in this ancient lake are incredibly complex.

Developmental importance: The lake is important for fish-ing, transport, and as a source of freshwater, being the

largest single reservoir in Africa. 86,000 tons of fish werecaught in 1986. Commercial fishing takes place only inBurundi and Zambia, with artisanal fishing elsewhere.According to Coulter and Mubamba (1993), maintainingfish species diversity should benefit fishing productivityand provide economic gain. The pelagic fishes normallycomprise a hierarchy of predators which can help to re-duce catch oscillations. The lake also supports anaquarium fish export industry.

Table 11. Summarized Recommendations from the 1992 Jinja Conference on People,Fisheries, Biodiversity, and the Future of Lake Victoria

General• Support development of a Lake Victoria Fisheries Commission• Study the feasibility of a tax on export for conservation, management, and monitoring of the


Limnology and Environment• Develop an ecosystem model• Develop the ability to forecast when O2 levels will fall low enough to endanger fish stocks and

where• Determine the effects of chemical changes in the lake on fish stocks• Quantify energy transport through the two major trophic pathways, grazing and detritus• Research and manage wetland and forest habitat, with special attention to the water hyacinth

Fish Biology• Need for stock assessment (size, abundance, spatial and temporal distribution)• Study food web interactions and their effect on eutrophication• Establish refuges (fish parks)• Involve fishermen in the planning and implementation of conservation efforts• Explore the conservation and development potential of aquaculture• Require careful biological, social, and economic study before further introductions

Policy, Management, and Socioeconomics• Need for water quality controls in land use management• There is a need to balance export interests and local needs• Study factors that impede local participation in fisheries management• Study ways to more effectively implement fishing regulations• Develop programs to assist groups likely to suffer from crash• Conduct economic assessment of the value of the native fauna• Study nutrition levels around lake to determine the impact of the export market• Need to integrate fisheries management with biological conservation• Any proposal for fisheries development should be subjected to a detailed social and

environmental impact assessment

From Kaufman, Ochumba, and Ogutu-Ohwayo, 1992.

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Related conservation and management projects: In 1995,the UNDP/GEF project on “Pollution control and othermeasures to protect the biodiversity of Lake Tanganyika”started. The project intends to: establish a regional man-agement plan for pollution control, conservation, andmanagement of the lake; establish mechanisms for re-gional coordination, including a legal framework; pro-vide environmental eduction and training; and developstrategies for conservation of biodiversity. The JaneGoodall Institute is currently funding a project to reducedeforestation.


Overfishing, particularly with beach seines (Natural Re-sources Institute, 1997). The seines catch all species andsizes indiscriminately and destroy valuable bottom habi-tat. Nursery grounds and substrate spawners are particu-larly susceptible. Ten years of overfishing has decimatedthe numbers of pelagic clupeids.

Excess sedimentation due to deforestation. Forests areburned for either grazing or subsistence agriculture.Nearly 100% of the northern part of the basin (Zaire,Burundi) is deforested, while forty to sixty percent hasbeen cleared in the central portion (Cohen et al., 1993).The sediment has already significantly modified the lake’secosystem, particularly in the northern basin. Deforesta-tion has the greatest impact in areas with large drainagebasins, such as the Burundi coast (already deforested),and much of the Zambian coast(Cohen et al., 1993). These authorshave shown a statistically signifi-cant decline in species diversity inostracods, and a similar trend infish species with increasing sedi-mentation.

Pollution, primarily a problem inthe north near Bujumbura,Burundi, the second most denselypopulated country in Africa. Thepopulation around Bujumbura isestimated to increase significantlyover the next decade. Types of pol-lution include industrial (especiallyheavy metals), agricultural (bothfertilizers and pesticides), and mu-nicipal discharges (Natural Re-sources Institute, 1997). The lakeis particularly susceptible to pol-lution, since turnover time is hun-dreds of years (Lowe-McConnell,1987b). Nine-tenths of the lake is

permanently stratified and deoxygenated below 200 m(Cohen et al., in press). Because the entire water mass ofthe lake generally does not mix (i.e., the lake ismeromictic), a point source of pollution travels throughthe oxygenated layer very quickly. Considerable amountsof pesticides, including DDT, have been found in impor-tant food fishes (Fryer, 1984).

These problems have led to a deterioration of water qual-ity, a reduction in fish and mollusk population size anddiversity, reduction of algal growth rates, and the disap-pearance of hippos, crocodiles, and water fowl, impor-tant wildlife attractions for tourists.

Justification: One of the world’s most important biologi-cal treasures, as detailed in the beginning overview sec-tion.

What could be done:

• Help to reduce deforestation around the lake’s basinand catchment area. Assist with the reforestation ofsurrounding slopes and the development of plans toreduce further erosion near the lake. Erosion is exac-erbated by lack of suitable agricultural terracing prac-tices, along with poor road building practices. The GEFproject includes studies to look at sediment dischargeand its consequences. The recommended actions wouldcomplement the GEF effort while directly addressingone of the most serious threats to the lake.

Figure 65. Diversity of Tanganyikan cichlids. From Lowe-McConnell, 1987b.Reprinted with the permission of Cambridge University Press.

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• Provide technical assistance to establish pollution pre-vention measures in the industries in the Bujumburaarea.

• Assist with government efforts to manage underwatersites incorporated into already established terrestrialparks by the basin (may be easiest administrative op-tion), and establish other underwater sanctuaries else-where, particularly in the Democratic Republic of theCongo (Natural Resources Institute, 1997). Underwa-ter reserves already exist on paper for Nsumbu Na-tional Park, Zambia, Rusizi National Park, Burundi,and Mahali National Park, Tanzania, but managementefforts do not include the underwater fauna (Cohen,pers. comm.). In general, the parks suffer from poorenforcement, poaching, lack of park expertise, and un-controlled human settlements within the parks. Re-serves can have a large impact, as most of the cichlidsare highly stenotopic (i.e., localized to a particularplace), all of the pelagic and some benthic species haveearly inshore life stages (Coulter and Mubamba, 1993,but see Pendleton and van Breda, 1994); and they couldhelp to reduce fishing pressure. Further, underwaterreserves may be very attractive for tourists, as the clar-ity of the water afford a nature experience akin to vis-iting a coral reef. Note that the establishment of anunderwater reserve alone, without protection of thesurrounding catchment, is only a viable conservationstrategy if the area has a small drainage basin or ero-sion-resistant sediment, reducing the potential impactof deforestation (Cohen et al., 1995). Conversely, un-derwater parks adjacent to large and/or easily erodedwatersheds will need to protect the surrounding catch-ment. It must be kept in mind that broader pollutionefforts will be necessary at the same time to preventlakewide pollution that could undermine the benefitsof parks.

Cohen (1995) has paleological and biogeographic datafrom ostracods sugesting that these benthic fauna maybe distributed in metapopulations. This means that theirpopulations may be patchily distributed, interconnectedgenetically through sporadic dispersal events. Shouldthis model be true for the cichlids too, it has profoundimplications for lacustrine conservation. If habitat de-struction is localized, areas that have lost populationscan be reestablished from surrounding patches. But,according to Cohen, “ ...the elimination of interveningpatches caused by broad habitat deterioration may leadto a cascading sequence of extinctions, both directly,through the loss of recolonization, and indirectly, byeliminating the very population structure that originallyallowed the high alpha diversity among competitorsto exist”.

Additional conservation sites to protect different out-standing habitat types could be added in the other sur-rounding nations. The Democratic Republic of theCongo (formerly Zaire) has several excellent potentialsites for the establishment of terrestrial and aquatic re-serves (Coulter and Mubamba, 1993). The reservesshould try to address multiple use, accommodatingexisting human activities wherever possible. Habitatsassociated with the lake, such as marshes and lagoons,should also be looked at.

Some of these sites should be considered as potentialecotourism sites, taking into consideration the lake’ssensitivity to pollution. Nature reserves could supportwindsurfing, sailing, underwater nature trails, scuba/snorkelling, glass bottom boats, guides, guide books,and education displays. Lake holidays could be coor-dinated with other tourist attractions such as gameviewing, as done in Kenya with its coast and safaris.Floating hotels (small vessels for tourist hire, now avail-able on Lake Malawi) could be used to explore someof the most spectacular lake scenery inaccessible byland.

• Help to develop an integrated regional approach to con-servation and management of the lake (Coulter andMubamba, 1993). At the moment, no such frameworkexists, although the GEF project is trying to lay theframework.

3. Lake Malawi (abuts Tanzania, Malawi,Mozambique)

Category: Lakes

Biological importance: Lake Malawi, the 3rd deepest lakein the world after Baikal and Tanganyika and occupying20% of Malawi, is the world’s richest freshwater ecosys-tem. This ancient lake (1- 1.5 million years) contains morespecies of fish than any other lake and more than in all ofNorth America, with at least 600 known species, and per-haps as many as 1000 from ten different families; 99% ofwhich are endemic. Between 400-500 species are cichlids(Ribbink, 1988; Lowe-McConnell, 1993b). Lakeside ani-mals include hippos, leopard, greater kudu, bushbuck,zebra, impala, grey duiker, baboon, vervet monkey, bushpig, some elephants, fish eagles, cormorants, crocodiles,and water monitor lizards (IUCN, 1987). The fish in LakeMalawi, particularly the 200 endemic rock-dwelling spe-cies called “mbuna” (Ribbink, 1991), are among the mostspectacularly colored in the world and are popular withaquarium hobbyists. The cichlids possess considerablediversity in social and feeding behavior (Figure 66). Boththe sandy shore cichlids as well as the pelagic cichlidsknown as utaka also appear to be highly diverse. Only a

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small portion of the lake is now protected in Lake MalawiNational Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Development importance: Eighty percent of the lake’spopulation live in Malawi, the fourth most densely popu-lated country in Africa (GEF, 1994). The lake’s fisheries(primarily haplochromine cichlid) are of considerablenutritional importance to this country which has suchwidespread malnutrition. The 30,000 tons/year of fishprovide roughly 70% of Malawi’s protein — food for atleast 5 1/2 million people. Fishing is also the major occu-pation. Fishing is of three types: 1) artisanal fishing, sup-porting 22,000 fishermen and providing most of the catch;2) commercial trawling, and 3) fishing for the aquariumtrade. The three most important food fishes are thehaplochromines called utaka (some of which have a veryrestricted destribution), the cyprinid called usipa, and thethree tilapiine species called chambo (which now makeup 25% of the catch). The mbuna fetch high prices in theaquarium trade, particularly in Europe (Stauffer, pers.comm.). Rare mbuna (with only a few hundred fish in apopulation) can cost several hundred dollars.

The lake also provides a source of freshwater; is a touristdestination (with the Cape McClear area already one of themost popular holiday destinations in Malawi): and providesan important source ofenergy (with a hydro-electric facility on theoutflow of the lake viathe Shire River). Thetilapiine cichlids in thelake offer possibilitiesfor aquaculture.

Threats: The mainthreats are overfish-ing, particularly inthe southern part, andriver catchment deg-radation.

Overfishing of foodfishes, both commer-cial and artisanal, isthe greatest threat tothe lake’s biodiversity(Reinthal, 1993).The dramatic rise inMalawi’s populationand the use of com-mercial demersaltrawling in the southpart of the lake since

1968 have led to overfishing. Overall catch has declinedsince 1976. The decline in catch of the larger, more valu-able species has led to the use of smaller and smallermeshed nets which has resulted in changes in the speciescomposition of the exploited stock. Dramatic changeshave occurred in species composition (with over 20% ofthe species disappearing from the catch in just four years),size structure, and species distribution of monitoredcatches. A bottom gill-net fishery in the south catchesmostly Labeo spp., Bagrus meridionalis, andOreochromis, in order of abundance. Labeo and Bagrussp. have declined continuously from the 50’s through the70’s (Coulter et al., 1986). The cichlid “utaka” is declin-ing in number; as has the endemic cyprinid “mpasa” (GEF,1994).

Traditional fishing is now largely opportunistic, with fewobvious alternatives to their destructive practices. Themost common fishing methods are gillnets, beach seinenets, chiromile nets, hooks, and traps. Tweddle (pers.comm.) thinks that trawling and the small mesh beachseines are doing the most damage. The trawl fisheries areheavily overexploited. The number of commercial trawl-ers in the south-east portion of the lake has quadrupled inthe last five years (Reinthal, 1993). The Fisheries De-partment did trawling surveys in this area, and claim that

Figure 66. Examples of adaptive radiation in Lake Malawi’s cichlids. From Lowe-McConnell,1987b. Reprinted with the permission of Cambridge University Press.

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some species have gone locally extinct. Tweddle thinksthat a number of other species will go extinct in the nextten years as well. The trawl is pulled all day and catchesfish of all sizes. Trawlers are supposed to use 38mm mesh,but smaller ones are being used. Tweddle (pers. comm.)has measured nets as small as 22mm.

Beach seining in spawning sites is a common practice.Unfortunately, this destroys fish habitats. Due to the ris-ing cost of fuel, artisanal fishermen can’t afford to usemotorized boats to fish offshore, forcing them to fish closerto the shore. Artisanal fishermen use very small meshbeach seines with mosquito nets in the productive swampyareas. Only rich fishermen can, however, afford the finemesh nets that catch everything.

The “mpasa” were formerly of great importance in theLake Malawi fisheries, but have declined since the 1960’sbecause of the loss of their spawning areas in the riversand streams. They are now found primarily only on theMozambique side. The Bua river, protected in part by theNkhotakota Game Reserve, is the largest spawning groundof the commercially important cyprinid “mpasa”(Opsaridium microlepsis), or lake salmon. TheNkhotakota Game Reserve protects against siltation inthe Bua River. Many other non-protected rivers, whichused to be the fish’s spawning grounds, no longer sup-port the fish because of siltation, overfishing, and dam-ming. Major threats to the long-term viability of the en-demic anadromous cyprinid species include the poach-ing of migratory adults and the poisoning of the river whenit is low in the dry season.

Uncontrolled fishing could destroy this valuable ecosys-tem. As long as food fishes remain, the mbuna are notthreatened. Even the fishing villages inside the parkmainly catch pelagic fishes. However, depletion of theexisting food fishes will lead to increased overexploitationof the mbuna. Fishing regulations do exist, but the Fish-eries Department has limited capacity for enforcement.The Fisheries Department is planning on imposing newfishing regulations on mesh size, with mesh sizes in-creased in small annual increments to mitigate their eco-nomic impact.

Pollution: Lake Malawi’s outflow, like Lake Tanganyika’s,is minute; complete turnover would take 1700 years(Fryer, 1972b). Fortunately, at the moment, the lake’swaters are still almost pristine, and Lake Malawi has nolarge cities on the lakeshore. However, the potential formunicipal, agricultural, and industrial pollution problemsis serious since Malawi’s population is rapidly expand-ing (the population in the southern end of the lake aloneis expanding by 7%/year), land cultivation in the catch-

ment area has doubled in less than a decade (as reportedin Grigione, 1990), and there are strong pressures to in-crease the country’s industrial capacity, particularlyaround Llilongwe. Villages do not currently have sewagetreatment. The most devasting potential threat is fromheavy metals, pesticides, and other toxic chemicals; thelake can recover from increased eutrophication but notfrom these substances. Most of the lakeshore is withinagricultural growing areas. Pesticide use already occursthroughout Malawi, including the Lake Malawi region.Major agricultural projects are being developed along thelakeshore plain for crops such as sugar and rice, usingirrigated water from the lake. Proposals have also beenmade to set up paper mills in the lake basin. One papermill is already situated in the northern part of lake ba-sin— the Vipia pulp mill. A future pollution threat is ho-tel effluent. Large-scale development, with mass tourismand the corresponding sewage problems, would be cata-strophic.

Deforestation and corresponding soil erosion in the catch-ment areas of the lake, including illegal deforestationwithin the Lake Malawi National Park. Malawi’s defor-estation rate of 3.5% per year (or 150,000 ha) is the sec-ond highest rate in Africa. Soil erosion is caused by: de-forestation; increasing cultivation of marginal or unsuit-able land, including steep areas; shorter fallow periods;increased use of maize or other row crops; increased acre-age of crops like tobacco which do not protect the soil;reduced intercropping and crop cover; and overgrazing.

Spread of water hyacinth. Although water hyacinth is notyet in the lake, it is already prominent throughout theLower Shire, and will likely spread.

Justification: The lake’s biological and developmentalvalue warrant action while it is still relatively pristine.

Related conservation and management projects: There isa $5 million, 5 year GEF Lake Malawi/Nyasa BiodiversityConservation Project being implemented by Malawi’sMinistry of Forestry and Natural Resources (GEF, 1994).The project began in 1995. Its main objective is to assistthe riparian states (primarily Malawi) in “creating thescientific, educational, and policy basis necessary forconserving the lake.” The project has four components:research (biodiversity surveys, generation of a speciesidentification manual, and water quality monitoring),national capacity building, environmental legislation, andprotected areas management. Its primary output will be abiodiversity map and management plan for the lake in-cluding biodiversity hotspots, critical habitats, sites wherepollution is the greatest threat, and a management planfor the park. The Wildlife Society of Malawi, a local

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NGO, will assist the GEF project in conservation aware-ness-raising. CIDA will finance and assist with data col-lection in developing a Strategic Plan for the NankumbaPeninsula and Lake Malawi National Park. This lattercomponent will emphasize community participation inthe planning process and identify possible communityroles in park and lake conservation.

The World Wildlife Fund and Peace Corps have previouslybeen involved in awareness-raising efforts within LakeMalawi National Park; WWF is currently developing anintegrated conservation and development program for LakeMalawi National Park. There is also a World Bank (IDA)Malawi Fisheries Development Project focusing on man-agement of the fisheries stocks (including such actions ascontrol of net mesh size, closed areas and seasons), and aJICA Aquaculture and Hatchery Project focusing on devel-oping a research center and promoting small-scale aquac-ulture for two fisheries species, the “mpasa” and “ntchila”(GEF, 1994). Both Tanzania and Mozambique are in theprocess of developing national environmental action plans.Tanzania has identified the deterioration of freshwater andmarine systems as one of 6 environmental areas requiringurgent attention (GEF, 1994).

What could be done: The activities proposed belowcomplement the GEF effort.

• Assist with halting deforestation in the catchment ar-eas and preventing further degradation of rivers andstreams from soil erosion. Plant riparian buffers aroundthe lake for protection. Encourage the extension of twoterrestrial parks, Nyika and Nkhotakota, to includemore of Lake Malawi’s watershed, important for drink-ing water, agriculture, industrial use, and fisheries. Helpto reforest Lake Malawi National Park which has beenheavily deforested, particularly around Chembe vil-lage, Nankoma Island, Mumbo Island, and the Mwenyaand Nkhudzi Hills.

• Encourage the establishment of environmental impactassessments (EIA) for any proposed industrial or tour-ism development in the catchment area. This is an ur-gent need, given recent proposals (currently on hold)to build large-scale hotel complexes within LakeMalawi National Park. Train personnel in EIA meth-ods.

• Work with aquarium traders to ensure collection is sus-tainable. Although the mbuna are currently not underthreat, it is important to set in place a system now thatwill ensure sustainability. One option would be to setup a certification system for interested traders. Trad-ers willing to participate would need to prove throughmonitoring that their system is sustainable over the long

term. Another option for conserving lake stocks is tosupport the breeding of mbuna in tanks for export, asis currently being done near Senga Bay (Lowe-McConnell, pers. comm.).

• Assist in the immediate protection of other areas aroundthe lake. While a priority map of biodiverse sites willbe developed by the GEF project within the next 5years, (i.e., by 2001), we already know that certainsites are highly diverse. Reinthal (1993) recommendsprotecting rocky outcroppings along the Likoma andChisumulu Islands (Mozambique) and Nkhata Bay(Malawi), areas important for cichlid diversity andendemicity. According to him, protection of cichlidsin Nkhata Bay would protect the majority of the mbunagenera. The Malawian Department of National Parksand Wildlife would like to extend both the aquatic andterrestrial borders of Lake Malawi National Park, andshould be supported in this effort. Currently, the parkextends only 94 km2 on land, and the size of the waterarea of the park is only 700 ha, .04% of the total area(Grigione, 1990).

• Promote alternative income-generating activities tofishing both outside and within the park. Note: WWFis working on alternative income-generating activitiesinside the park. Seventy percent of the fish caught inLake Malawi are caught in the southern end of the lakewhere the park is located. In collaboration with WWFand the Department of National Parks and Wildlife,work with interested communities to develop alterna-tive development opportunities, including agroforestry,handicrafts, local guides, as well as others. WWFwould like to encourage guides, snorkal rentals, guesthouses (there are already 3 rest houses for tourists),and start a campground in Chembe village (locatedinside the park). A mechanism is in place to share parkrevenues with local residents; this revenue sharing willbe tied into protection of the resources and commu-nity improvement once viable decision-making bod-ies are formed.

• Assist with the facilitation of a regional consultativegroup for the lake, a concept recommended by the UK/SADC pelagic fish project and endorsed by the GEFproject.

• International and national researchers could volunteertheir assistance in conducting biodiversity surveysaround the lake, particularly along the Mozambiqueand Tanzanian lake shores and waters (Reinthal, 1993).Assistance should be coordinated with the GEF projectand the IDA fisheries project. Apart from the mbuna,little is known about fish communities in the lake, spe-cies distribution, and breeding locations. Only the

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chambo has been studied in any depth. It is critical todetermine which fish are caught with certain nets andwhich fishing techniques are competing with otherones. Currently, the species of fish caught by the com-mercial fisheries are almost totally unknown. Tweddle(pers. comm.) thinks that 300-500 species of fish arebeing caught commercially. Food fishes of concerninclude the zooplanktivorous haplochromines “utaka”,“chambo”, “usipa”, the bottom-dwelling Lethrinops(“chisawasa”), and the predatory pelagicRhamphachromis sp. (“inchini”) (Tweddle, pers.comm.; Reinthal, 1993). Stock identification is criti-cal for the utaka, of which at least 25 are known. It isalso critical to determine their population distributions.Some appear to have a very narrow distribution, re-stricted to a single rocky outcrop. In addition, studiesshould be made of the important anadromous fishes toidentify the number and location of rivers that need tobe protected.

4. Madagascar’s lakes and wetlands

Category: Lakes, wetlands

Biological importance: Madagascar’s lakes, streams, andwetlands harbor some of the most threatened endemicspecies in the country. Of the country’s 29 endemic fresh-water fishes, half are threatened, as is the country’s singleendemic species of freshwater turtle, a large number ofendemic crustaceans, and probably the 19 species of en-demic freshwater molluscs as well. The lakes, streams,and estuaries contain very primitive cichlids that are asimportant evolutionarily as Madagascar’s prosimians. LacAlaotra, the largest lake, is an important swamp both tothe local people and to two of the most endangeredMadagacascar birds, the pochard and grebe. The lake isthreatened by deforestation, massive erosion, and runoff.Madagascar’s second largest lake is the floodplain LacKinkony, important for birds and the Madagascar big-headed turtle. Lac Ihotry is an important site for waterbirds. Other lakes to be considered for protection includeItasy, Bemamba, Masamba, and Befotoka (Stuart andAdams, 1990).

Developmental importance: Madagascar’s inland waterssupport 65% of Madagascar’s fisheries (Brainerd et al.,1992).

Threats: Deforestation and its consequences, erosion andsedimentation; the introduction of exotic species (prima-rily tilapia for aquaculture); habitat alteration; pollution.

Justification: The aquatic wildlife in Madagascar is un-der severe threat.

What could be done: Initially target the most importantlakes (Ihotry, Alaotra, Kinkony) and work to stop defor-estation and pollution.

Additional wetland activities in this country could includefunding surveys of the country’s mangroves on the westcoast to identify sites for protection. These mangrovesare the largest and some of the most important stands inthe Western Indian Ocean.

5. Okavango River wetland, Namibia

Category: Wetlands, rivers

Biological importance: The wetlands of northern Namibiaare the country’s most important, both for theirbiodiversity and for supporting human populations (Hinesand Kolberg, 1996). The Okavango River wetland sup-ports a rich diversity of wildlife and is of both interna-tional and national importance. The wetland provideshabitat for 390 species of birds, including 18 threatenedspecies, and 99 species of mammals, including hippos,elephant, zebras, impalas, and giraffe. The OkavangoRiver contains the highest biological diversity of fishesof any of Namibia’s rivers. The river harbors even morediversity of fishes than the Okavango Delta; of the 83species and subspecies of fish found in the Okavangodrainage system, 71 are found in Namibia and 32 in theDelta.

Developmental importance: The Okavango River is ofcritical importance to the Okavango Delta since it pro-vides the Delta’s main source of water. Any deteriorationof the Okavango river’s water quality or quantity, there-fore, could threaten the Delta downstream. The river andits associated floodplains are of national importance forflood control, aquifer recharge, and maintenance of wa-ter quality. In addition, over 94,000 people living alongthe river (the densest rural population in Namibia) aredependent on the river’s biological resources for survival.Fish are the main source of protein for three of the fivetribes. Over 840,000 kg of fish are caught per year. Reedsare used for thatching, fencing, baskets and traps; and anumber of wild fruits and animals are used for food and/or medicinal purposes.

Threats: The Okavango River is severely threatened byincreasing population pressure and development. Threatsinclude: habitat destruction and soil erosion caused bysettlement and agriculture; the alteration of natural floodregimes; overexploitation; pesticides (DDT); and fertil-izers. The local people have already deforested what usedto be the country’s most extensive riverine forest.

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Justification: In addition to the site’s biologic and devel-opment importance, including its importance to theOkavango Delta, efforts here could have tremendous im-pact. Few groups are currently working on environmen-tal activities at this site. There also appears to be clearinterest and commitment on the part of the governmenttowards conservation in general, as reflected in the factthat commitment to sustainable development and protec-tion of biodiversity is written into the National Constitu-tion and the fact that Namibia has already protected over13% of its land (Baker, 1996). Namibia is particularlycommitted to conserving its important wetlands.

What could be done:

1. Reduce the damage done by agriculture and defores-tation. Encourage agroforestry to minimize erosion,and the use of biological control rather than pesticides.

2. Encourage the development of a multi-use manage-ment plan by the local communities. Begin with par-ticipatory rural appraisal. Sponsor workshops for thecommunity where people have a chance to brainstormabout how to address some of the problems facing theriver.

Additional activities could include assisting with imple-menting the recently developed management plan forthe East Caprivi wetlands. Help to increase the capac-ity for enforcement in Mamili and Mudum NationalPark to control poaching and overgrazing by cattle.

6. Uganda’s wetlands

Category: Wetlands

Biological importance: Uganda is rich in water resources,with wetlands making up ten percent of the country’s area.Important wetland areas include areas around LakesGeorge, Kyoga, and Victoria. Lake George is a Ramsarsite that has diverse habitats, a rich birdlife, including therare shoebill, and a highly productive fisheries. Swampsalso occur in many other places, such as along the NileValley, around the lakes in the Albertine District, and inthe Kabale District. Swamps and lake shores are protectedin the Queen Elizabeth National Park (which abuts LakeGeorge) and the Lake Mburo National Park. Both QueenElizabeth National Park and Murchison Falls have largepopulations of hippos. Queen Elizabeth National Park alsoprovides the livelihood for fishing communities livingwithin its borders. The floodplains of Lake Victoria andLake Kyoga are considered to be centers of endemismfor Africa’s freshwater wetlands (Stuart and Adams,1990).

Developmental importance: Uganda’s wetlands are na-tionally important for fisheries (especially Lakes George,Kyoga, and Victoria); as water resources for communi-ties; and for papyrus husbandry.

Threats: Threats to wetlands include agricultural conver-sion, drainage, industrial pollution, and overharvestingof natural products. Numerous wetlands have been lostin the southwest to agricultural conversion; only a smallpercentage of the once extensive swamps now remain.Fortunately, the government has now banned large-scaledrainage. Lake George is further threatened by mine tail-ings from the Kilimbe mines and papyrus burning for roof-ing. Only about two percent of wetlands are currentlyprotected.

Justification: To support Uganda’s admirable WetlandsConservation and Management Programe which consid-ers the integrated management of wetlands and its recentlyestablished Community Conservation Programe. The tim-ing is good, as the World Bank is also supporting TheUganda Environmental Management Project, part ofwhich is designed to boost instititutional capacity for en-vironmental management as the national, district, andcommunity levels, and part of which will be used to as-sist communities in addressing their own environmentalproblems (Environment Matters, Fall, 1996). Uganda’sNEAP focuses, in part, on wetlands loss and decliningfisheries (GEF, 1996).

What could be done:

1. Support the implementation of recommendations aris-ing from the NEAP’s taskforce on Wetlands, WaterResources, Fisheries, and Aquatic Biodiversity. Thesecould include: policy development, institutionalstrengthening, and efforts to establish pilot integratedrural development projects for wetlands, includingagricultural projects. Pilot projects could be supportedthrough assistance to IUCN. IUCN recommends pilotprojects in the Kigeze and Dojo areas.

2. Extend the boundaries of Queen Elizabeth NationalPark to include more of Lakes George and Edward.Protect the Lake Opeta floodplain to conserve its abun-dant birdlife.

7. Rufiji Delta/Mafia Island (Tanzania)

Category: Mangroves, coral reefs

Biological importance: The pristine stands of mangrovesin the Rufiji Delta are the most extensive in the IndianOcean. The delta also contains a variety of other wetlandhabitats including freshwater riverine wetlands, riverine

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forests, swamps, and floodplains. None of the areas arecurrently protected. The delta’s proximity to the reefs andmarine resources of Mafia Island further enhances this asan area for biodiversity conservation. Mafia Island is oneof the richest and least disturbed coral reef sites in theIndian Ocean. Because of its isolation (100 km from Dares Salaam), it has escaped the brunt of dynamiting whichhas devastated other Tanzanian reefs. Species diversity ishigh, with over 350 species of fish, 40 genera of coral(Gaudian et al., 1994). The site is a breeding area for anendangered turtle.

Developmental importance: The Rufiji Delta is an im-portant fish breeding and spawning ground and an im-portant prawn fishing site. The health of Mafia Islandsreefs is dependent on the health of the Rufiji delta man-groves.

(Mafia Island) - Fishing is the main form of resource uti-lization by the islanders. The finfish and octopus fisher-ies are particularly important, but sea cucumbers and cray-fish are caught as well. Shellfish are collected for the cu-rio trade and seaweed are farmed. The local people arevery supportive of assistance in sustainably managing theirresources. The reef may be an important source of larvaefor other reefs (Gaudian, 1994).

Threats: (Rufiji Delta) - Continued deforestation of up-land areas as well of mangroves as within the delta;changes caused by the building of two dams on the Rufijiriver (including increased coastal erosion, sedimentation,and reduced volume of freshwater); a commercial shrimpaquaculture project, and poaching from outsiders. Localsare well aware of the problems and are trying to stop out-side poaching.

(Mafia Island) - dynamite fishing by outsiders from themainland; overuse of seine nets; collection of shells andboth live and dead corals (for lime production and build-ing); and anchor damage.

Justification: This is a chance to assist in the conserva-tion of two critical aquatic ecosystems and to assistTanzania’s initial efforts in aquatic conservation.Tanzania’s NEAP focuses, in part on biodiversity con-servation, along with freshwater and marine resourcemanagement (GEF, 1996). The country’s National Envi-ronment Management Council has begun to design a na-tional wetland conservation and management program(Adams, 1996). Additionally, the fact that this park willbe established under the jurisdiction of the Fisheries De-partment means that this affords a unique opportunity tostrengthen the link between fisheries management andconservation.

(Rufiji Delta) The country’s National Environment Man-agement Council Workshop in Nov., 1991, recommendedthat coastal mangroves be conserved. IUCN has also rec-ommended that a reserve be established in the Delta.

(Mafia Island) There are now very few coral reefs on theE. African coastline that are in excellent condition. Theloss of the unique ecosystem of the Western Indian Oceanmainland coral reefs is of global importance.

What could be done:

1. Assist with the establishment of a reserve on the RufijiDelta, and support the development of a multi-use man-agement plan for the Delta. IUCN has a research pro-posal for $1.5 million/3 years to develop a wetlandsmanagement plan for the Rufiji Delta. Dr. Semesi, atUniv. of Dar es Salaam, is studying the delta to de-velop a management plan. (Presumably both effortsare connected.) The country already has a pilot wet-land management project at the site. NOTE: Ideally,the management plan would include both the Deltaand Mafia Island. The judgement of IUCN should befollowed here. IUCN is hoping to include Mafia in themanagement plan at a later date, but notes that it is in adifferent district.

2. Assist with the Government’s/WWF’s/IUCN’s effortsto implement the multi-use master plan for manage-ment of the proposed marine park on Mafia Island.Tanzania recognizes the importance of a multi-use plan;the problem is funding. The proposed Mafia Island parkwill include at least one-third of the island, and willincorporate at least 34,000 of the island’s 58,000people. This will be the first marine park in Tanzania.The park will come under the jurisdiction of the De-partment of Fisheries; the park concept was actuallyconceived and created by this department. The coun-try is now in the process of enacting legislation to cre-ate a marine park (The Marine Park and Reserves Act).WWF is working with responsible agencies and Ma-fia Islanders to: improve fishing management practices,while maintaining traditional fishing rights; reducedynamite fishing by increased enforcement; developenvironmentally friendly industries, includingecotourism, seaweed collection, and production of fi-bre from coconut husks; strengthen local participationin resource planning, and address institutional issues,such as legal prohibition of dynamite fishing in thepark.

3. Promote tourism to the Rufiji Delta and Mafia Islandas part of a safari package. Assist with development oftourist infrastructure on the Island, and possibly withthe development of a raised boardwalk for tourists on

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the Delta. At the moment, Mafia Island is currentlydifficult to reach because of limited air service and haslittle infrastructure for tourists.

8. Delta du Saloum - Gambia/Senegal

Category: Mangroves, rivers

Biological importance: The mangroves in the Saloumdelta area, along the lower part of the Gambia River inthe south, are extensive. They provide the nutrient basefor many of the marine and estuarine organisms, makingthis part of the river the most productive fishing groundand an important fish spawning ground. The area is im-portant for breeding waterbirds, including 1000 pairs oflesser and greater flamingoes and wintering waders.Manatees, humpbacked dolphins, olive riddley, green, andloggerhead turtles, and crocodiles are also found here.Some of the mangroves are protected in the Niumi/SineSaloum National Park (Gambia) and in the Delta duSaloum National Park in Senegal.

Developmental importance: The Gambian coast supportsone of the richest fisheries in West Africa. 16,000 artisanalfishermen depend on the river for its productive estuarineand coastal fisheries, yielding over 8100 metric tons offish.

Threats: The Saloum delta area is threatened by agricul-tural conversion (extension of rice cultivation onto sea-sonally flooded areas), deforestation, the dam at Kereti,fires, overfishing, and the destruction of bird colonies.Intensive agriculture and the destruction of natural river-ine wetlands have already caused increased erosion andsiltation of the upper sections of the Gambia River, ne-cessitating dredging operations in order to keep the riverchannel open.

Justification: These mangroves are important for two rea-sons: 1) their critical support to Gambia’s rich fisheries;and 2) their importance to Palearctic birds. Conservationof this area was considered highest priority for Gambiaby MacKinnon and MacKinnon (1986), IUCN (1987),and Stuart and Adams (1990).

What could be done:

1. Support environmental economic analyses to determinethe value of these ecosystems, and the costs and ben-efits of agricultural conversion.

2. Develop a multi-use management plan for the area thatattempts to reduce agricultural conversion and over-fishing. Set aside mangrove areas as fish reserves toreplenish overfished stocks. Perhaps encourage inte-grated fish/rice aquaculture in manmade ponds in a

buffer zone outside of the mangroves.

Additional activities could include protecting othermangrove areas and coastal wetlands.

9. Guinea-Bissau’s mangroves

Justification: This country has the most extensive man-grove stands in Africa, but the mangroves are seriouslythreatened by agricultural conversion. Large areas havealready been cleared.

What could be done: Work with the government to estab-lish protection for the country’s remaining coastal andestuarine mangroves. Support IUCN’s Conservation andSustainable Development Project in the Coastal Zone. Ifpossible, protect mangroves in the coastal zone that areinterdependent with the reefs bordering the Bijagos Ar-chipelago. Support Guinea-Bissau’s National Institute forEnvironmental Protection (INEP) in development of theBijagos Biosphere Reserve.

Related conservation and management projects: TheWorld Bank has a project to protect the coastal resourcesof the Bijagos Islands.

10. East Africa’s Coral Reefs

Category: Coral Reefs

A. Madagascar’s Reefs

Biological importance: Most of the country’s southwestcoast has significant coral reefs. These reefs are some ofthe last pristine reefs in the western Indian Ocean. Noneare currently protected. Important coral reefs include thosein the southwest off Toliara and those in the northwest,including the sand cays of Nosy Foty, Nosy Anambo,Nosy Fasy, Nosy Faty, Nosy Faho, Nosy Langna, and thereefs of Nosy Be and Nosy Tanikely. 500 species of reeffish have been reported from Grand Recife and Toliara,along with a high diversity of other marine species, in-cluding molluscs characteristic of the Indo-Pacific(Gaudian et al., 1994). Dugongs are found on the north-ern and western coasts.

Developmental importance: The area is important forartisanal fisheries (Gaudian et al., 1994).

Threats: A current threat to coral reefs is sedimentationfrom excessive erosion. The coral reefs of the Tulear re-gion were destroyed by pollution, overfishing, and man-grove destruction leading to erosion and sedimentation.Molluscs are threatened by overexploitation for food andshells. Crocodiles and sea turtles (green and hawksbill)are severely threatened by hunting.

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Justification: Given the high profile of Madagascar’sbiodiversity worldwide and the correspondingly largenumber of international NGOs working in the country,this project (along with Project #4) should help to raiseawareness among the conservation groups about the im-portance of conserving aquatic ecosystems. Further, thisarea affords an opportunity to highlight the links betweenterrestrial, marine, and freshwater ecosystems.

This project is also timely. The Government has recentlybecome interested in the conservation and managementof its reefs: the Government’s National EnvironmentOffice’s research component will include marinebiodiversity as one of the three themes it will address overthe next three years. In 1993, the marine research pro-gram, led by the National Center for Oceanographic Re-search, evaluated the degree of degradation of the Tulearreefs with the intent to create a national park as well asstudy methods for the protection and management ofmarine biodiversity. UNESCO/UNDP have also begunan effort to conserve coral reefs. However, interested or-ganizations should ensure there are committed individu-als in Madagascar who want to make aquatic conserva-tion a reality before embarking on such a project.

What could be done:

1. Encourage the establishment of marine protected ar-eas. According to Gaudian et al. (1994) the highestpriority region is Grand Recif and the coastal zone ofToliara, with two sites recommended as marine pro-tected areas: Passe Sud d’Ifoty and Nosy Be. IUCNalso mentions Nosy Tanikely, and the sand cays of NosyFoty, Nosy Anambo, and Nosy Fasy. Encourage theprotection of adjacent mangrove areas as well, sincethese are likely to be critical for the healthy mainte-nance of the reefs. Extensive stands of mangroves (7species) are found here.

2. Link reforestation, freshwater fish conservation, andcoral reef parks.

3. Incorporate snorkeling or diving the reefs into an eco-tourist package to Madagascar. Some of the profitsfrom such an enterprise could go towards the mainte-nance of the reserves.

B. Other East African coral reefs

Salm (1996) recommends improved biogeographic classi-fication and a more regional approach to conservation ofEast Africa’s reefs. A number of small-scale coral reef con-servation and development projects have relatively recentlybeen established (e.g., Kenya’s Coral Reef ConservationProject, supported by the Wildlife Conservation Society;co-management projects in the Tanga region of Tanzania,

and some pilot community managed marine protected ar-eas in Zanzibar, supported by the GEF). Such pilot effortsshould be supported, and more developed to eventually es-tablish an ecologically relevant network of sustainably man-aged and conserved areas throughout the East African reefsystem.

11. Inner Niger Delta, Mali

Category: Wetlands

Biological importance: This is the most important wet-land in West Africa. The Inner Niger Delta’s massive com-plex of floodplains and shallow lakes (covering 17,000sq km) is critically important for migratory birds and fish-eries. The area is a wintering ground for a large varietyof Palearctic migrants, as well as birds which migrate in-side Africa. Elephants migrate between the Diafa Riverfloodplains and Burkina Faso. Manatees and warthogsare also found here. Stuart and Adams (1990) considerthe delta to be one of the major centers of endemism forAfrica’s freshwater wetlands.

Developmental importance: One of the most importantareas of human settlement in the Sahel (Webster,1994).Over 550,000 Malians rely on the Inner Niger Deltafor their survival. The Niger River, tributaries and associ-ated floodplains support an important fisheries that pro-vides most of the fish for Nigeria, Mali, and Niger andthe livelihood of over 54,000 fishermen. Depending onthe seaons, people use the delta for grazing for their live-stock and for traditional agriculture adapted to the ter-rain, including floating rice and wild grains.

Threats: The ecosystem is in a serious state of decline ashuman population pressures, upstream dams (includingthe Selingue dam) and changing patterns of resource usehave coincided with a long period of drought. Conflict-ing laws have led to the destruction of the flooded wood-land forests. Two-thirds of the bird colonies have disap-peared due to a combination of drought and deforesta-tion (Webster, 1994).

What could be done: Provide assistance to help establisha multiple-use management program in the Inner NigerDelta, with reserves at a few important sites such as theRamsar sites Lac Debo, Lac Horo and Seri. (Recom-mended by Stuart and Adams, 1990). These efforts wouldbuild upon the work already accomplished by IUCN’sInner Niger Delta Conservation and Development project(funded by the Federal Republic of Germany and morerecently by AID/Mali), WWF-US, and the BiodiversitySupport Program in the late 1980’s. These NGOs havedeveloped a sustainable use plan for the area, and helped

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to draft an agreement that returns control of natural re-sources to local and traditional managers. Support IUCN’stesting of various types of integrated conservation anddevelopment wetland models, particularly at Lac Horo, asite which offers the potential for integrated managementfor both conservation and agricultural improvement. Thissite is important for wildlife and lies adjacent to an inten-sive and economically profitable agricultural project.

12. Lake Chad, Niger

Justification: One of the three most important West Afri-can sites for Palearctic migratory birds, as well as for fish-eries.

What could be done: Survey wetland habitats in the areato identify potential areas for protection. Work with theLake Chad Basin Commission (Nigeria/Niger /Cameroon/Chad) to establish regional policies and the harmoniza-tion of national policies. A master plan for the lake hasalready been developed. Support regional coordinationof national wetland policies and regulations; harmoniza-tion of water quality regulations; or regional fisheriesmanagement

13. Diawling/Djoudj wetlands, Mauritanicand Senegal

Category: Wetlands

Biological importance: The delta of the Senegal River,the second largest river in W. Africa, contains diversehabitats abundant wildlife. Mauritania’s proposedDiawling Park in the delta is adjacent to the small, butimportant reserve, the Djoudj National Park in Senegal.The river is the country’s hope for increased agriculturalproductivity through the Senegal River Basin Develop-ment Programme.

Threats: Population pressures and changes in the waterlevel due to development pressures for the need for waterin the Sahel. Two-thirds of the park has already lost itssupply of freshwater from the Senegal river, causing in-creased salinity and large consequences for the park’secology, due to the Diama dam and draining (Frazier,1996). The development of rice fields along the bordermay lead to agricultural pollution.

Justification: Of international biological importance. To-gether, the Diawling/Djoudj site comprises one of the threemost important West African sites for migratory Palearc-tic birds, particularly waterfowl.

What could be done: Support regional collaboration, plan-

ning, and management. Work with Senegal and/orMauritania to develop water policies for the Senegal Riverthat accomodate the water requirements for the SenegalDelta ecosystems. Currently, IUCN, the French, and theDutch are working in this area.

Restore the natural hydrological cycle by imitating flood-ing through the sluice gates (Frazier, 1996). Currently,the sluice gates are not large enough. A component of thewater policy should be to encourage water conservation,particularly among agricultural users. Help to reduce thelevel of pesticide use in the area through training and en-couragement of biological control methods.

Assist with implementation of the management plan forDjoudj National Park in Senegal, developed by WWF andIUCN.

14. Bazaruto Archipelago, Mozambique

Biological importance: Of regional to global importancedue to its diversity of coastal and marine habitats. A widevariety of habitats – coral reefs, seagrass beds, mangroves,rocky intertidal areas, and dune forest – supports largepopulations of threatened and endangered species suchas turtles and marine mammals. The area is critical to thesurvival of dugong in East Africa.

Developmental importance: The area is a productive fish-ing ground, and is a prime tourism site in Mozambique.

Threats: Overfishing (particularly by fishermen comingfrom the mainland, rather than island-dwelling fishermen);destruction or degradation of terrestrial vegetation bygoats, cultivation and fires; risk of inappropriate tourismdevelopment. The influx of people to the island duringthe war had big impacts. Although many of these peoplehave now returned to the mainland, there are some en-during effects (e.g. the goat population is now greater thanit was before the war). Problems are exacerbated by thefact that there are few economic alternatives for the is-landers, and the fact that there are complex linkages tofishing communities on the mainland.

Justification: The World Bank is proposing a Marine andCoastal Biodiversity Management Project that will helpimplement the country’s marine and coastal biodiversitystrategy as defined within the National Forestry and Wild-life Program, including strengthening and extending ex-isting marine protected areas, managing marine mammalsand sea turtles, developing sustainable financing mecha-nisms, and improving legislation and regulation. This areais considered a regional priority by regional experts(Gaudian et al., 1994).

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What is being done: Part of the archepelago (3 of the 5islands) is gazetted as a national park. A proposal is be-ing considered to extend the park to provide more mean-ingful ecological limits. The National Directorate of For-estry and Wildlife (responsible for park management),Worldwide Fund for Nature and Endangered WildlifeTrust have for several years been undertaking a projectwhich aims to promote conservation of the archepelagothrough development of sustainable livelihoods for localpeople. The project is currently working with local people,hoteliers and other stakeholders to find economic alter-natives to unsustainable or damaging practices, develop-ing linkages between conservation and development. Thepark management plan is being updated; this process hasincluded extensive stakeholder consultation, with nego-tiations on zoning and unsustainable activities. Early fund-ing came from the EU and WWF; the project is currentlyfunded by SWATCH and WWF.

What could be done: Assist WWF/Southern Africa NatureFoundation in developing and implementing a community-based multi-use management plan through consensus. Thisproject will help boost benefits to local communities; sup-port community-based environmental management andmonitoring; and support sustainable technologies (WWF,1998). WWF is also supporting the declaration of the GreaterBazaruto National Park in Mozambique.

Further work is needed with stakeholders, particularlyfishermen on the mainland. Capacity building is requiredfor various stakeholders. Greater dialogue is requiredbetween stakeholders, and further work is needed on in-vestigating alternative economic activities that link con-servation and development. Funding has been made avail-able for an ecoregional approach for Bazaruto, looking atthreats and opportunities beyond the national borders ofMozambique. This is particularly important in a marineenvironment.

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Chapter 8.Conclusion

Aquatic ecosystems provide critical services for man and wildlife. They are important both to the flora and faunaliving in the water as well as to those on land. In this age where biodiversity loss has become a global concern,aquatic life is too often forgotten. The aquatic biodiversity in Africa is one of the world’s richest treasures, andequally importantly, is critical to African nations and peoples. We have the chance to conserve some of this wealth ifaction is taken now, and alternatives are provided. It is not too late.

Which path do we choose? This.... or this?

Photo credit: Caroly Shumway. Photo credit: © World Resources Institute.

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Chapter 10.Annex

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A. Regional Initiatives


The World Bank ’s Africa Region has adopted an Inte-grated Water Resource Management Strategy for sub-Saharan Africa which will help develop mechanisms fortransboundary cooperation; assess freshwater resources,use patterns and environmental threats; and identify thepotential for sustainable water resource management. TheBank has assisted in developing water management strat-egies in Tanzania, Kenya, and Zimbabwe, and fosteredcooperation on water resource management among theSADCC countries (Environment Matters, Fall, 1996).

UNEP has the Regional Seas Program. Three RegionalConventions for Africa fall under this program: 1) TheConvention for Cooperation in the Protection and Devel-opment of the Marine and Coastal Environment of theWest and Central African Region (and the associated Pro-tocol on Combating Pollution in Cases of Emergency);2) a similar convention and protocol in the Eastern Afri-can Region (with an additional protocol concerning Pro-tected Areas and Wild Fauna and Flora); and 3) the Re-gional Convention for the Conservation of the Red Seaand Gulf of Aden Environment (World Bank, 1996).

Other conventions include the MARPOL Convention toregulate ship pollution, and the International Conven-tion on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response, and Coop-eration (OPRC) (World Bank, 1996).

UNDP is developing an integrated coastal zone manage-ment training program.

East Africa

The GEF is supporting the multicountry Lake Victoriaproject; developing projects to manage regional fisheriesin West Africa, and designing oil spill contingency plansin the West Indian Ocean (Environment Matters, Fall,1996).

IUCN is developing a regional Marine Protected Areasprogram, focusing on Kenya, Tanzania, and Mozambique.The program will boost institutional capacity, improvemanagement through participatory approaches, producea biogeographic classification, and provide a trainingcourse for MPA planners and managers (Salm, 1996).

East Africa - The Nairobi Convention for the Protection,Management, and Development of Marine and CoastalEnvironments in the East African Region will come into

force when 6 countries have ratified the convention. Todate, just four countries have. The Convention requiresestablishment of a regional program to create protectedareas and addresses pollution issues (Kelleher et al.,1995b).

Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique, Seychelles, Tan-zania, and Kenya signed the 1993 Arusha resolution onIntegrated Coastal Zone Management in Eastern Africa,including the Island States (World Bank, 1996). Many ofthe recommendations in this resolution have or are beingimplemented in at least some countries (World Bank, 1996).

The Indian Ocean Marine Affairs Cooperation Con-ference (IOMAC) provides a convenient means to en-hance regional cooperation and action in the East Afri-can region (IUCN, 1995). The 1992 IOMAC workshopassessed conservation priorities. IOMAC has now estab-lished an Indian Ocean Conservation Program, with as-sistance from the New England Aquarium and Fauna In-ternational (Sri Lanka).

Islands of the Indian Ocean - The EU has recently em-barked on a regional coastal zone management program inMadagascar, Mauritius, Comoros, Seychelles, and Reunionto address marine pollution, coral reef degradation, and pro-tected areas management (World Bank, 1996).

West Africa

The Gambia/Senegal - are increasing cooperation to pro-tect the resources of the Saloum Delta, an important wet-land and mangrove area. Both countries now contain pro-tected areas at this site.

Gulf of Guinea Ecosystems - The GEF, in collaborationwith NOAA, IOC, UNEP, FAO, National EnvironmentalResearch Council (NERC), the Sir Alister Hardy Founda-tion for Ocean Science, and scientists from national marineresource agencies will assist the Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Ni-geria, Benin and Cameroon in implementing coastal eco-system assessment, monitoring, and mitigation.

Nigeria/Niger/Cameroon/Chad - Agreed in 1977 tojointly control the management of the flora and fauna inthe basin of Lake Chad.

Southern Africa

Botswana/Malawi/Zambia/Zimbabwe - The SouthernAfrica Wetlands Project, sponsored by SADCC/IUCN/NORAD is assessing wetlands in each of these countries.The project will identify important wetlands (both withinand outside protected areas) and make recommendationsfor sustainable development of the surrounding areas.

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B. List of Acronyms

ADB Asian Development Bank

AFR USAID Africa Bureau

AID Agency for International Development

BSP Biodiversity Support Program

CATIE Tropical Agricultural Research and Training Center (Costa Rica)

CIDA Canadian International Development Agency

CRSP Collaborative Research Support Program

DANIDA Danish International Development Agency

DCA Swiss Directorate of Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid

DDA Swiss Development Corporation

DFA Development Fund for Africa

DGIP Division for Global and Interregional Programmes (UNDP)

EEC European Economic Community

EWT Endangered Wildlife Trust

FAO Food and Agriculture Organization, United Nations

FINNIDA Finnish International Development Agency

GIS Geographic Information System

GTZ Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit, (West Germany)

ICBP International Council for Bird Preservation

ICLARM International Center for Living Aquatic Resource Management

IOC Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission

ISF IUCN Sahel Fund

IUCN International Union for the Conservation of Nature

NEAP National Environment Action Plan

NIDA Netherlands International Development Agency

NORAD Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation

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NRM Natural Resource Management

ORSTOM Office de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique Outre-Mer (France)

PSTC Program in Science and Technology Cooperation

PVO Private Voluntary Organization

RPSB Royal Society for the Protection of Birds

SADCC Southern African Development Coordination Conference

SIDA Swedish International Development Authority

SOW Scope of Work

SSC Species Survival Commission, IUCN

UNDP United Nations Development Program

UNEP United Nations Environment Program

URI University of Rhode Island

WCI Wildlife Conservation International

WSSA Wildlife Society of Southern Africa

WWF World Wide Fund for Nature

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C. Scientific Glossary

Anaerobic - lacking free oxygen.

Anoxic - lacking free oxygen.

Aquifer - an underground layer of porous rock, etc. con-taining water.

Artisanal - small-scale fishing, generally to supply localmarkets.

Biodiversity - the variability of living organisms, the eco-logical roles they perform, and the genetic diversity theycontain.

Biogeochemical - refers to nutrient cycling between or-ganisms (living and dead) and the earth’s inorganic ma-terial.

Biomass - the stock of fish present at any one time.

Catch - the yield of fish.

Clupeid - sardine-like fish.

Crustacean - a class of arthropods found mainly in fresh-water and marine habitats, where they constitute a majorcomponent of plankton. Common crustaceans includeshrimps, crabs, and lobsters.

Dambo - a type of seasonal freshwater wetland on inor-ganic soil.

Deltas - a usually fan-shaped deposit of sediments nearthe mouth of a stream, inlet, or estuary where stream flowloses momentum, resulting in meandering and sedimentdeposition.

Detritus - organic particles in the water column.

Ecosystem - a functional, open system comprising a groupof organisms occupying a particular type of environmentwith identifiable spatial extent and boundaries.

Ecosystem, disturbed - an ecosystem that has non-nativespecies and/or mechanical, thermal, hydraulic, or chemi-cal disturbance by humans or non-native species.

Endemic - describing a species that occurs naturally onlyin a certain area.

Estuaries - bodies of water where marine and freshwa-ters meet and mix - where a river mouth widens into a

marine ecosystem, with salinity intermediate betweenfreshwater and salt, and where tidal action is an impor-tant biophysical regulator.

Eutrophication - nutrient enrichment in a body of water,usually by organic pollution such as fertilizers, sewage,etc., that leads to increased productivity by phytoplank-ton.

Ex situ - (L. situs, position) - out of site. As defined here,conservation of organisms outside of their natural habi-tat.

Fecundity - the fertility of an organism.

Feral - domesticated animals that live in the wild.

Floodplains - areas of land adjacent to a river channelthat are periodically flooded.

Fringing coral reef - coral or coral-algal reef including arecognizable reef flat which extends directly offshorealong the coasts of continents or high islands and lackinglagoons.

Gastropods - a class of molluscs that includes the snails,whelks, limpets, land and sea slugs, and conches.

Genus - a category used in the classification of organ-isms that consists of a number of similar or closely re-lated species.

Geomorphological - refers to geological processes shap-ing the earth.

Geothermal - the heat inside the earth.

Groundwater - freshwater below the ground surface.

Haplochromine - a type of cichlid fish.

Herbivorous - animals which eat plant material.

Hominid - any member of the primate family Hominidae,which includes man and his fossil ancestors in the genusHomo.

Hydrological - concerned with the earth’s waters, theirdistribution, and the water cycle.

Indigenous - describing a species that occurs naturally ina certain areas, as distinct from one introduced by man.

Indopacific - refers to the fauna common to the Indianand Pacific oceans.

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Intertidal - habitat occurring between highest and lowesttide levels; area of shore influenced by the tides.

Intralacustrine - within a lake.

Lagoons - medium to large body of mixohaline (brackishwater) to euhaline water (salt water) occupying a depres-sion at least partially enclosed by a barrier or atoll reef(s),generally with depth of 5-60 m; depression ringed byperimeter or annular reef(s) of an atoll.

Littoral -zone influenced by the tides and/or waves.

Mangroves - ecosystem or vegetation type dominated bymangrove species adapted to or dependent upon brackishconditions; usually found in tidal or estuarine sites andoften found in subtidal sites, although not submerged athigh tide. Mangrove species do not generally toleratecomplete submersion in salt water, even for short peri-ods, but their roots may be in substrate that is intertidal orsubtidal. Mangrove species may be found in freshwater(non-mangrove) or non-tidal sites, although obligate man-grove species are found only in haline wetlands.

Marais - French for freshwater swamps.

Mariculture - the culture of marine organisms.

Mbuna - a unique category of rock-dwelling, colorfulcichlids of Lake Malawi, primarily found in the southernsection.

Meromictic - permanently unmixed layers of water whichusually become deoxygenated.

Metapopulation - a system of small local populations oc-cupying a large set of patchy habitats (see Levins 1969;Roughgarden 1988).

Mudflats - a gently sloping, low energy environment cov-ered with fine grain sediments (silts, clays).

Ornithological - having to do with birds.

Paleolimnological - the study of lake history from sedi-ments.

Pans - shallow lakes.

Passerine - of, or relating to the largest order of birds(Passeriformes) which includes more than half of all liv-ing birds and consists chiefly of altricial (i.e., having theyoung hatched in a very immature and helpless condi-tion) songbirds of perching habits. Example: sparrows.

Pelagic - that portion of the ocean not associated with thecoasts; ocean seaward of the continental shelves or wherebottom depths exceed 200 m.

Planktivorous - animals which eat plankton.

Primary Productivity - net primary productivity is the rateat which solar energy is incorporated into plant tissue.

Prosimians - primitive primates, such as lemurs.

Ramsar - refers to the Convention on Wetlands of Inter-national Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat.Adopted in Ramsar, Iran, 1971. Contracting parties to theRamsar convention have certain obligations, including,inter alia, the designation of wetlands in their country ofinternational importance and the planning and implemen-tation to conserve listed sites.

Recruitment - the addition of young, or juvenile, animalsto an adult stock.

Reef Flats - horizontal surface of a reef, often in the lowintertidal zone; comprised of cemented or loose sediments.

Riparian - either relating to, living in, or located on thebank of a natural watercourse such as a river, lake, or atidewater.

Seagrass Beds - a habitat within the intertidal and/orsubtidal zone characterized by having a sandy or muddybottom and with the dominant vegetation being seagrass.An important nursery site and refuge for marine organ-isms.

Shellfish - invertebrates collected for food, such as oys-ters, shrimp, mussels, etc.

Species radiation - The evolution of species from a com-mon ancestor.

Swamp Forest - forests that develop in still water areasaround lake margins and in parts of floodplains wherethe water rests for longer periods. Their characteristicsvary according to geographical location and environment.

Trophic - the position that an organism occupies in a foodchain.

Upwelling - the vertical movement of water from thedepths up into the surface layers of the ocean. Often in-creases productivity by bringing nutrients such as N andP up to the surface which can be utilized by phytoplank-ton.

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Vector - an animal, usually an insect, that passively trans-mits disease-causing microorganisms from one animal orplant to another.

Waterfowl - birds that are dependent on bodies of waterfor either food or breeding.

Watersheds - the elevated area of land drained by a riversystem.

Wetlands - as defined by the Ramsar convention, “areasof marsh, fen, peatland or water, whether natural or arti-ficial, permanent or temporary, with water that is static orflowing, fresh, brackish, or salt, including areas of ma-rine water the depth of which at low tide does not exceedsix meters.”

Zooplankton - small animals, or the larvae of larger ani-mals, which drift or swim in the surface layers of theocean.

D. Keyword Index


Aby Lagoon 44, 65“acadja” fish parks 106acid sulphate soils 59, 61adult spillover 88, 96, 100, 101Aftout es Saheli 44Agulhas Current Large Marine Ecosystem 30ahermatypic 36Akagera 28Akanda Mangroves 44Aldabra 32allocthanous material 58Amboseli 11, 28, 42Amirantes 32Anambra basin 63angelfish 31, 35Anlo-Keta Lagoon 44anoxia 110, 112anthropogenic threats 65, 109aquaculture viii, ix, x, 8, 50, 51, 60, 61, 75, 76, 79, 80,88, 102, 106, 108, 111, 112, 113, 116, 118, 119, 121, 122aquatic reserves x, 91, 92, 97, 99, 103, 104, 112, 115,118Arabian Sea 29, 30Ascension Island 31, 32, 45Atlantic Ocean 31avocet 25Azagny National Park 44

Azuretti Mangroves 44


Baie de Bombetoka 34, 43Baie de la Mahajamba 34, 43Baie Ternay 43Bajuni Archipelago 43Bakossi Peninsula 44Balaclava Marine Park, Turtle Bay 43ballast water 51, 76Banc d’Arguin 11, 31, 34, 42, 44, 64Bangweulu swamps 26, 27, 28, 42Barberspan 42Bartolemu Dias 43basal taxa 58Basse-Casamance National Park 45Bassin du Ndiael 42Bazaruto Archipelago x, 32, 34, 36, 43, 124, 125beach seine 34, 54, 114, 116, 117behavioral change 77, 80, 83, 87Beira Bay 30Bengo River Delta 44Benguela Current 29Bijagos Archipelago 18, 33, 34, 44biogeochemical cycling 52biogeographic 27, 31Bioko Island 32bioregional management ix, 18, 84Biosphere Reserve Site 28Bird Island 31BirdLife International 5bivalves 12, 15, 34Blanche Island 44Blesbokspruit 42Boatswain Bird Islet 45Boma 20boobies 31Botswana 21, 23, 25, 27, 29brackish wetlands 31Bua River 117Bujumbura 59, 114, 115Bunce River 45Burundi 21, 22, 57, 112, 113, 114, 115butterflyfish 31bycatch x, 54, 93


Cameroon 8, 16, 20, 22, 23, 33, 36, 44, 90, 97, 124Canary Current 29Cap Blanc Peninsula 31Cap Bojador 45Cape Cross 18, 32, 44Cape Mount 44Cape Palmas 44Cape Peninsula Coast 45Cape Verde Islands 36

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Caprivi Region 29Cargados Carajos Shoals 30, 43Casamance river 33Caspian tern 31Cestos-Senkwen 44cetaceans 5, 31, 32chambo 116, 119channel morphologies 62Chembe village 118Chicamba Mangroves 44chiromile nets 116Chiroroni, south Anjouan 43Chisumulu Islands, Mozambique 118Chobe National Park 28cichlids 20, 23, 24, 25, 53, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113,114, 115, 116, 118, 119CITES 5co-management 18, 71, 83, 105, 123coastal lagoons 17, 33, 34, 57, 63, 65, 105, 106coastal wetlands v, 11, 25, 26, 31, 34, 64, 88, 91, 122coastal zone management ix, 18, 70, 72, 73, 74, 75, 86,91, 96coelocanth 32Coin de Mire island 31community development quotas 104community management ix, 83, 84, 105Comoros 25, 30, 31, 35, 36, 42, 43, 70, 72competition 52, 56Coral Reef Fish Specialist Group 17coral reefs v, 2, 3, 6, 14, 15, 18, 29, 35, 36, 42, 50, 54,65, 68, 84, 85, 91, 95, 97, 99, 101, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124cormorants 18, 25, 115Côte des Phoques 45Côte d’Ivoire 21, 34, 72crab 12, 34crane 27, 28, 29Crater lakes 25crocodile 5, 24, 29, 31, 32, 33, 113, 114, 115, 122Cross River 20, 23, 45crustacean 2, 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 24, 25, 34, 57, 71, 113, 119Curieuse National Park 43Cuvelai delta 29Cuvelai drainage system 29cyanide 54, 79, 105cyprinid fishes 53


Dahlak Islands 32dams ix, 16, 20, 22, 31, 35, 50, 56, 61, 62, 63, 65, 67, 76,88, 90, 102, 121, 123damselfish 35Danakil Depression 20De Hoop Coast 45De Hoop Vlei 42De Mond/Heuningnes Estuary 42deforestation viii, 20, 49, 50, 51, 56, 57, 58, 65, 110, 114,115, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123

degree of fragmentation 67degree of habitat loss 67Delta du Saloum 42, 45, 122Delta du Saloum National Park 33, 122deltas 23, 27, 32, 34, 63, 65demersal fish 29, 34Democratic Republic of the Congo 8, 27, 29, 44, 53, 57,115Densu Delta 34, 44Department of Water Affairs and Forestry 18detritus 13, 16, 34, 56, 68, 113Diani/Chale Marine National Reserve 43Diawling National Park 44Diawling/Djoudj x, 124Djibouti 21, 30, 36Djoudj National Park 27, 28, 124dolphins 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 122Douala-Edea Faunal Reserve 44ducks 25, 27dugong 31, 32, 35, 36dusky dolphin 32dynamiting x, 35


East Africa ix, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 70, 89East African/Madagascar reef system 50East Caprivi wetlands, Namibia 120echinoderms 8, 12, 15ecosystem diversity 67ecosystem overfishing 54, 55ecosystems 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 22, 25, 29,36, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 59, 60, 62, 63, 64, 65, 67, 68,69, 71, 75, 82, 88, 89, 90, 93, 94,96, 97, 98, 102, 121, 122,123, 124, 126ecotones 15, 25, 111Elands Bay Coast 45elephant 16, 23, 29Elobey Islands 44embankment 56emperor fishes 86endangered species 31, 65, 68endemicity 22, 24, 58endemism 22, 27, 31, 36, 67, 68, 96environmental regulations and legislation 50environmental variability 55, 56, 97, 99ephemeral rivers 16, 29ephemeral wetlands 29Equatorial Guinea 32Eritrea 30, 32, 36, 70, 72, 97erosion 13, 18, 26, 27, 29, 49, 51, 52, 54, 56, 57, 65, 73,88, 102, 114, 115, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122estuaries 2, 3, 6, 11, 13, 14, 17, 23, 25, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35,50, 51, 60, 61, 62, 63, 65, 85, 91, 98, 102, 119Ethiopia 20, 21, 25, 28, 32Etosha Pan 29, 42EU 111, 125

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euphotic zone 17, 62Europa 32, 43eutrophication 11, 30, 58, 59, 65, 71, 110, 112, 113, 117exotic species viii, ix, 8, 20, 50, 51, 52, 53, 58, 60, 67,75, 76, 85, 119explosives 34


fertilizers 51, 59, 61, 65, 69, 114, 119fisheries viii, ix, x, 2, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 23, 24,27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 34, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 58, 60, 62, 63,64, 65, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75, 84, 85, 88, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94,95, 96, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 109, 110, 111,112, 113, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124Fisheries Research Institutes 112flamingoes 25, 29, 33, 122floodplain habitats 16, 23flow regime 62food webs 6, 14, 15, 16, 17, 29, 52, 54, 56, 68, 90, 92, 97,113Forêt classée de la mare aux hippotames 42freshwater marshes 11freshwater riverine wetlands 34, 120freshwater swamps v, 26frigatebirds 31fringing reef 30, 35, 59functional diversity 108


Gabon 21, 33, 34, 36, 42, 44, 97Gambia viii, x, 23, 28, 29, 31, 33, 44, 72, 122Gambia River 23, 33Garden Route Coast 45garganey 27Gashaka Gumti National Park 20Ghana 8, 21, 22, 29, 34, 36, 42, 44, 50, 55, 61, 72, 101,104, 105, 106global climate change viii, 50, 62, 63, 64, 84, 85, 88global geochemical cycling 14goatfish 34Gonarezhou National Park 57Grand Comore 43Grand Recif and coastal zone, Toliara 43granitic islands 32grazing 16, 28, 54, 56, 113, 114, 117, 120, 123Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, Australia 91Great Lakes viii, 10, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 52, 53, 56, 60,69, 107, 108, 109, 110, 112Great Rift Valley 25great white pelican 31grebe 29, 119green turtle 32Gregory Rift 25Grootfontein 29groupers 6, 54, 86, 92growth overfishing 54

Gueumbeul 42Gueumbeul Special Res. 45Guinea Current 29Guinea-Bissau viii, x, 21, 33, 34, 42, 44, 55, 59, 72, 105,122Guinean Highlands 20Guinean dolphin 34Gulf of Aden 30Gulf of Guinea 31, 36, 50, 65gull-billed terns 31


habitat diversity 28, 62Hadejia-Nguru wetlands 28halogenated hydrocarbons 59hawksbill turtle 32Heaviside’s dolphin 32heavy metals 59, 114, 117hippo 16, 24, 26, 29, 31, 34, 42, 113, 114, 115, 119, 120home range 88, 100hydroelectricity 61hydrographic integrity 67hydrological cycles ix, 18, 52, 89, 90hypoxia 112


Ichthyofaunal map 20ICLARM 12, 15, 17, 86, 106Ile Alcatraz 44Ile Blanche 42Ile de Europa 43Ile du Lys 31Ile M’chaco 31Iles de la Madeleine 45Iles Tristao 44Ilheu Rombos 45Ilheu Sal 45Ilheus Branco and Raso 45Indian Ocean 31, 32, 34, 35, 72, 89, 119, 120, 121, 122individual transferable quotas 104Indo-Pacific hump-backed dolphin 31Inhaca Island 43Inland Delta of the Niger, Mali 60integrated coastal zone management ix, 72, 74, 75integrated conservation and development ix, 18, 77, 79,80, 84, 118, 124inter-tidal mudflats 34Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 63International Development Research Center 111International Marinelife Alliance, Philippines 105International Rivers Network 70International Symposium on Biological Diversity 22intertidal wetlands 15IOMAC International Workshop in Marine Scientific

Cooperation 32island biogeographic 96

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IUCN vi, 2, 5, 17, 18, 22, 23, 25, 35, 45, 50, 53, 54, 59,70, 71, 77, 105, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124IUCN Red List 5, 22


J.L.B. Smith Institute for Ichthyology 18jackass penguin 32Jinja Conference 112, 113Juba River 23


Kafue Flats 28Kafue River 23, 90Kagera River 52Kalahari Desert 16, 28, 29Kayanja 112Kayugi 112kelp gulls 18Kenya vi, 5, 11, 12, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31,32, 34, 35, 42, 43, 51, 52, 54, 70, 72, 83, 84, 88, 92, 94, 95,97, 105, 110, 111, 112, 115, 123Kilwa Kisiwani 43Kisangani falls 20Kisite/Mpungati 31Kisumu, Kenya 52Kiunga 35, 43Kiunga Marine Nat. Reserve and Biosphere Reserve 42Konkoure Estuary 44Korup National Park 20Korup rainforest, Cameroon 8, 16Kosi Bay estuarine system 42Kouilou Estuary Mangroves 44


Laadeim Coast 45Labert’s Bay 31Lac Alaotra 29, 119Lac Befotoka 119Lac Bemamba 119Lac Horo 42, 123, 124Lac Ihotry 29, 119Lac Itasy, Madagascar 119Lac Kinkony 25, 29, 119Lac Masamba 119lacustrine countries 111Lagoa de Cufada 42lagoon 25, 29, 32, 34, 65, 68, 102, 115Lagos and Lekki lagoons 45Lake Albert 25Lake Bangweulu 28Lake Baringo 25Lake Barombi Mbo 20, 25Lake Bermin 25Lake Bogoria 25Lake Chad x, 2, 12, 25, 26, 27, 63, 124

Lake Chilwa 27Lake Dziani 25, 42Lake Edward 25Lake Ejagham 25Lake Elementeita 25Lake Fitri 28Lake George 42, 120Lake Kariba 22Lake Kivu 53Lake Kyoga, Uganda 27, 53, 120Lake Magadi 25Lake Mai-Ndombe 23Lake Malawi 20, 24, 108, 115, 116, 117, 118Lake Malawi/Nyasa Biodiversity Conservation Project,

GEF 117Lake Manyara National Park 42Lake Mburo National Park, Uganda 120Lake Nabugabo 24Lake Naivasha 25, 42Lake Nakuru 19, 25, 42Lake Natron 25Lake Nawampasa 25Lake Ngami 25, 28, 29Lake Nokoue and Porto Novo 44Lake Ntomba 23Lake Oponono 29Lake Sibaya 42Lake Tana 20, 25Lake Tanganyika x, 20, 24, 53, 57, 108, 110, 112,114, 117Lake Turkana 25Lake Victoria x, 20, 23, 24, 25, 27, 51, 52, 53, 59, 64, 70,108, 110, 111, 112, 113, 120Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project 111Lake Victoria Fisheries Commission 113Lakes Togo, Vogan, and coastal lagoons 45Lamprologinae 108Langue de Barbarie Nat. Park 45large-scale irrigation viii, 50, 61larvae 29, 30, 93, 95, 96, 99, 101, 102, 121larval spillover 101Latham Island 43Le Chaland Blue Bay Marine Park 43Liberian Highlands 20Likoma 118Lindi 43, 88, 89Linyanti swamp 29littoral communities 35LMEs 29, 89loggerhead turtle 33Lokobe Strict Nature Reserve 43long-line fishing 54Longebaan Coast 45Lorian swamp 28Lower Guinean province 20Lower Shire River, Malawi 117Lualaba 20, 23

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Luanga and Zambezi river valleys 26Luapula River 28Lucala River 22Lundi River 57


Madagascar viii, x, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31,32, 33, 34, 35, 42, 43, 70, 119, 122, 123Madagascar Current 30Madagascar fish eagle 32Madeiran Archipelago 31Mafia Island x, 30, 35, 43, 105Magnougni 31Mahali National Park, Tanzania 115Malawi 8, 20, 21, 22, 23, 106, 108, 115, 116, 117, 118Malawi Fisheries Development Project, World Bank 118Malindi 30, 35, 88, 89Malindi/Watamu Marine National Reserves and Biosphere

Reserve 42Mamili National Park, Namibia 29, 120manatees 6, 27, 31, 32, 33, 122, 123mangroves v, viii, x, 3, 6, 10, 13, 25, 26, 28, 29, 32, 33,34, 35, 42, 44, 45, 50, 59, 60, 61, 64, 65, 68, 71, 72, 85,86, 88, 91, 98, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124Manywa 112Maputo Bay 30Maputuland Coast 45Marcus Island 31Mare Aux Hippoppotames 42Mare d’Oursi 42Marine Aquarium Fish Council 79, 105Mascarene petrel 32Matadi 20Mauritania x, 11, 21, 27, 29, 31, 34, 42, 44, 69, 124Mauritius 21, 30, 31, 32, 43, 70, 72Mauritius kestrel 32maximum sustainable yield 102Maydh Island 43Mbegani 43Mboza Village Project, South Africa 18mbuna 115, 116, 117, 118McArthur Foundation 111Mediterranean monk seal 31, 34Menai Bay Conservation Area 84meromictic 114migratory birds 124mollusc 2, 5, 6, 8, 24, 29, 31, 52, 57, 85, 88, 98, 99,106, 113, 119, 122Mombasa Marine National Park 92Mondah Reserve 44monitor lizard 24, 115monitoring viii, ix, 8, 17, 56, 70, 71, 81, 82, 83, 85, 86,88, 90, 93, 101, 104, 113, 117, 118, 125monk seal 31, 34montane lakes 25Mozambique x, 18, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35,36, 43, 63, 70, 72, 115, 117, 118, 124, 125

Mt. Kenya-Aberdare Highlands 22Mt. Kilimanjaro 22Mtamvuna Coast 45Mtwara/Ruvuma 43mudflat 25, 29, 31, 34, 35, 42, 64mudskipper 33Mudum National Park, Namibia 120Mugesera-Rugwero swamp 28Mumbo Island 118Muni Lagoon 34, 44Mwenya 118Mweru Wa’Ntipa wetland 27


Namaqualand Coast 45Namib 16, 29, 34Namibia x, 16, 18, 21, 22, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 42, 44,83, 84, 119, 120Nankoma Island 118Nankumba Peninsula 118Natal, South Africa 18, 90Natal Drakensberg Park 42National Parks Authority Conservation Division 18Natural hydrological 90natural hydrological 18, 88, 89, 90, 124natural wetland agriculture 59NGO Coalition for the Environment, Nigeria 70NGOs 5, 18, 69, 70, 71, 72, 75, 81, 82, 83, 112, 123, 124Niger Delta x, 2, 6, 11, 23, 27, 33, 45, 65, 105, 123Niger River 23, 60, 123Nigeria 21, 33, 45, 50, 63, 65, 70, 72, 91, 123, 124Nigerian Conservation Foundation 70Nile 63, 120Nile perch 24, 52, 53, 110, 111, 112nitrate 58Niumi-Sine Saloum National Park, Gambia 44Nkhata Bay 118Nkhotakota Game Reserve 117Nkhudzi Hills 118noddies 31Nosy Atafana Marine Park 43Nosy Mangage 31Nsumbu National Park, Zambia 115nutrient flow 60, 63


Okavango Delta 22, 26, 27, 28, 29, 63, 119, 120Okavango Liason Group 70Okavango River, Namibia 29, 119olive riddley turtle 122Omuramba Owambo 29Omusati 29Orange River 29Orange River Delta 29Orange River Mouth 42, 44organic pollution 8

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Oshana 29OSIENALA (Friends of Lake Victoria) 70, 112ostracods 57, 114, 115Otjozondjupa Region 29otter 24overcapitalization 56, 103, 104Overfishing 54, 65, 114, 116, 124overfishing viii, x, 2, 6, 18, 22, 30, 50, 53, 54, 55, 65, 74,84, 85, 86, 97, 100, 102, 103, 104, 106, 110, 114, 116, 117, 122Owabi 42Ozouri 44


Palaearctic waders 34Palearctic migratory birds 25, 27paleobiological data 99paleological 57, 115papyrus swamp 11, 25, 26, 28, 112parasitism 52Parc National de la Keran 28, 42Parc National du Diawling 42Parc National du “W” 42Parc National Marine 44Parqe Nacional de Bazaruto 43parrot fishes 86participatory rural appraisal 71, 82, 120passerine bird 24, 110Peace Corps 118peatlands 11pelagic areas 55pelagic clupeids 114pelicans 18, 27, 29Pemba 30, 32, 35, 36Pemba Island 32, 35, 36, 43periphyton 106pesticides 51, 59, 65, 102, 114, 117, 119, 120Petit Loango 42Phongolo floodplain 18Phongolo River 18, 90phosphate 61, 110phyletic diversity 108, 113phylogenetic positions 58pintail duck 27planktonic algae 57poaching 115, 117, 120, 121pochard 29, 119point source pollution 96poisoning x, 105, 117pollution viii, ix, 2, 6, 8, 13, 29, 30, 50, 53, 57, 58, 59,60, 65, 69, 70, 71, 73, 74, 75, 76, 85, 88, 96, 101, 102, 109,111, 114, 115, 117, 119, 120, 122, 124Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB’s) 6polyculture 88Pool Malebo 20Port Launay 43precautionary approach x, 102, 103

predation 52, 54, 56Primeiros Island 32Principe 31public awareness ix, 70, 83, 86, 93pygmy hippo 31


Queen Elizabeth National Park 42, 120


rabbitfish 34Ramsar site 27, 28, 120, 123Ras Buyeni 43Ras Tenewi 43recruitment 16, 54, 55, 93, 95, 99, 100recruitment overfishing 54, 55Red Sea 30, 35reed cormorant 31reforestation 114, 123Reserve de Faune de Togodo 28, 42Reserve de la Biosphere du Djessin 44Réserve de la Biosphère du lac Fitri 42Reserve de la Mananara Nord 42Reunion 31, 70rhinoceros 25Richtersveld 45Rift Valley lakes 20, 25Rio Cacheu 44Rio del Maputo 18Rio del Ray 44Rio Kapatchez 44Rio Pongo 44riparian forest 57riparian habitats 16riverine forest 25, 27, 34, 119, 120rivers and streams v, 13, 16, 20, 22, 23, 57, 58, 59, 85,102, 105, 117, 118Rodriguez Island 30Roseate tern 31, 34Round island 24Royal tern 31Rufiji Delta, Tanzania x, 34, 43, 120, 121Rusizi National Park, Burundi 115Rwanda 11, 21, 28, 52, 53, 112


Sabaki rivers 23Sabi river 57Sakumu Lagoon 44Sal Rei, Boavista Island 45salt marshes 98sand flats 34, 98, 100Sandwich Harbour 34, 42, 44Sao Vincente Island 45sardine fishery, Nile delta 63

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seabirds 5, 30, 31, 32, 33seagrass 15, 29, 34, 35, 36, 50, 68, 85, 98, 124seals 30, 31, 32sedimentation viii, ix, 2, 13, 17, 50, 56, 57, 70, 73, 88,89, 101, 102, 110, 111, 114, 119, 121, 122Seekoeivlei 42Segundos Island 32, 43Senegal x, 8, 11, 21, 23, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42,45, 59, 61, 69, 90, 91, 122, 124Senegal River 23, 28, 69, 90, 91, 124Senegal River Delta 23, 28Senga Bay 118Séri 42Serpent Island 31Sesse Islands 112Setté Cama 42Sette-Cama Hunting Area 44Seychelles 22, 30, 31, 32, 35, 36, 43, 70, 72Shark Island 31Shire River 23, 116shrimp 5, 12, 27, 29, 34, 54, 60, 61, 63, 74, 88, 98, 121shrimp mariculture 60, 74, 88Sierra Leone 8, 21, 22, 33, 45, 60siltation 8, 30, 50, 85, 117, 122sitatunga 24slaty egret 28, 29slender-billed gulls 31snow crab fisheries 101social assessment 81, 87soda lakes 25, 62Sofala Bay 30Soft loans or grants 51Somalia 21, 29, 30, 32, 36, 43Somalia Current Large Marine Ecosystem 29Songor Lagoon 44sooty terns 31South Africa 18, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 34, 36, 42, 45, 51,69, 70, 72, 84, 85, 88, 90, 95, 96South coast of Isla de Bioko 44Southeast Coast 45Southern (Cape) province 22Southern Oceans 31spawning 5, 16, 33, 34, 55, 56, 62, 89, 90, 93, 95, 97,100, 104species richness 15, 22, 25, 26, 57, 62, 67, 68Species Survival Commission (SSC) 17, 23sponges 12, 13, 15spoonbills 25St. Anne 43St. Brandon Island 32St. Helena Island 31St. Lucia System 42stenotopic 96, 108, 115Sterna dougalli 31Suakin Archipelago 32, 36subsidies ix, 11, 51, 56, 75, 79, 103, 104Sudan 12, 32, 35, 36, 60

Sudanian (or Nilo-Sudanian) province 20Sudd Swamp viii, 12, 26, 27, 28Swakopmund Saltworks 44swamp viii, 11, 12, 25, 26, 27, 28, 70, 119swamp forests 11, 27symbiosis 52synergistic effects 50, 65


Tana River 27, 34, 43, 51, 84Tana River Delta 27, 34, 43, 84Tanga, Tanzania viii, x, 18, 20, 23, 24, 25, 43, 53, 55, 57,58, 59,99, 105, 108, 110, 112, 114, 115, 117, 123Tanzania viii, x, 18, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 30, 31, 32, 33,34, 35, 42, 43, 50, 54, 70, 72, 105, 110, 112, 115, 118, 120, 121, 123Tanzanian Southern Highlands 22tax incentives 56, 76temperature 17, 50, 56, 62, 63, 64, 97, 108terns 31, 68, 84, 91, 99, 100, 101terrestrial nutrients 16, 56, 62tidal mudflat 25, 34tidal swamps 29Tilapia guinasana 22Tinhosas islets 31Togo 21, 28, 42, 45tourism 10, 11, 12, 18, 28, 51, 69, 72, 74, 77, 79, 80,81, 82, 92, 97, 106tragedy of the commons 50, 55transboundary effects 50transitional ecosystems 15trawling 6, 54, 71, 116triggerfish 54Tromelin 31, 32Tsitsikamma Coastal National Park, South Africa 95Turtle Beaches/Coral Reefs of Tongaland 42Turtle Island 45turtles 2, 5, 6, 12, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 68, 70, 89,122, 124


UFFRO 112Uganda 25, 42, 120Uganda Environmental Management Project 120UK/SADC pelagic fish project 118Unguja 43Upemba Lakes 20Upper Cross 20Upper Guinean province 20Upper Zaire 20usipa 116, 119Usutu/Pongolo floodplain 42utaka 115, 116, 119

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Verlorenviei 42


Walado Debo/Lac Debo 42Walvis Bay 18, 34, 42, 44warthog 123wastewater treatment viii, 11water diversion viii, 2, 22, 50, 61, 62, 63, 65, 69water hyacinth 51, 52, 58, 70, 110, 111, 112, 113, 117Water Law, South Africa 90water quality viii, 6, 8, 13, 17, 29, 58, 60, 61, 67, 70, 71,74, 75, 76, 82, 85, 113, 114, 117, 119, 124waterfowl 11, 25, 27, 28, 29, 34, 60, 124watersheds 13, 17, 33, 50, 73, 102, 115wattled crane 28, 29WCMC 17West Africa 11, 20, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34,43, 65, 88, 105, 106, 122, 123, 124Western Indian Ocean 31, 35, 72, 119, 121, 122wetland drainage 51, 59wetlands v, viii, ix, x, 2, 5, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,18, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 34, 42, 44, 45, 50, 51, 57,59, 64, 75, 76, 85, 86, 88, 91, 108, 119, 120, 121, 122,123, 124Wetlands International 5Wetlands of the coastal plains 44whale-headed stork 24whales 6, 68white-breasted cormorants 18Wilderness Lakes 42Wildlife Society of Malawi 117Wongha-Wonghé 42Woody Cape Coast 45World Bank v, 3, 6, 27, 29, 30, 31, 33, 50, 51, 54, 55, 61,63, 65, 72, 75, 88, 101, 103, 104, 106, 118, 120, 122, 124World Wildlife Fund i, ii, vi, 5, 22, 67, 118


Yawri Bay-Shesnge/Kagboro Creek Area 45


Zaire River viii, 8, 22, 44, 108Zairean province 20Zambezi 20, 22, 23, 26, 29, 30, 33, 34, 61, 64, 69Zambezi River 22, 26, 30, 33, 34Zambezi River Delta 34Zambezi river valley 26Zambezian province 22Zanzibar Island 34zooxanthellae 57

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E. Case Study: Lake Victoria

“The potential loss of vertebrate genetic diversity as aresult of this single ill-advised step is probably unparal-leled in the history of man’s manipulation of ecosystems.”

Barel et al. (1985)

Lake Victoria, the youngest of the great lakes, used tosupport over 350 species of cichlids, as well as at least 51other species such as endemic species of catfishes, elec-tric fishes (mormyrids), carps, crustaceans, molluscs, andinsects (Ogari, 1993). Nearly all of the cichlids (99%)are endemic haplochromines (Witte et al., 1993). Priorto the introduction of exotic fishes, the lake supported ahighly diverse commercial fishery, at least 50% of whichwas based on herbivorous and detritivorous cichlids. Fish-eries based on short food chains such as this are consid-ered to be the most ecologically efficient. The tilapiancichlid called the “ngege”, Oreochromis esculentus wasthe most important and desirable (Graham, 1929, Ogutu-Ohwayo, 1993).

In the early part of the century, modern fishing methodssuch as gill nets were introduced to the region (Figure67). Mesh sizes, initially large, gradually reduced as aresult of pressure for a higher return and the combinationof more and more fishermen entering the fishery. The re-sult was overfishing and a consequent rapid decline inthe catch of the “ngege” and important anadromous fishes.

To replace the overfished stocks, at least four exotic tila-pia species, including Oreochromus niloticus, were in-troduced in 1951. In 1954, the Nile perch, Lates niloticus,was either deliberately or accidentally introduced into thelake by British colonialists, reportedly for sport fishing(Fryer, 1960). Scientists argued that such an introductionwould be unproductive; the yield of a predator could neverbe as great as that of its prey because of the loss of energyto the predator (Fryer, 1960). As predicted, the introduc-tion of a top predator reduced the efficiency of the foodweb by 80% (Barel et al., 1985).

At first the local people did not like the fish at all, par-ticularly its oily taste. In addition, the large size of theperch, which is up to 6 feet long and weighs up to severalhundred pounds, necessitated that the fish be smoked in-stead of sun-dried as was done for the endemic cichlids.This not only involved more work, but led to local defor-estation in some areas. Islands on Tanzania’s side, forexample, have been heavily deforested to obtain wood tosmoke the perch. Prices of the perch remained low be-cause of the lack of local interest in the fish.

Figure 67. The decline of the tilapia fishery in Kenyan wa-ters of Lake Victoria. After Fryer, 1972. From Lowe-McConnell, 1987b. Reprinted with the permission of Cam-bridge University Press.

For twenty years, the Nile perch and the haplochrominesmanaged to coexist, with the perch contributing only 0.5%of the fishermen’s catch in 1968. Several changes, how-ever, occurred in the 1980’s. First, the perch went througha series of local population explosions, aided by its highfecundity (producing over 16 million eggs), flexible feed-ing habits, and rapid growth (Figure 68).

Second, concurrent with the increase in the perch popu-lation, the populations of at least 200, and possibly asmany as 350 haplochromine species, declined, as extrapo-lated from data from several areas of the lake (Figure 68,Table 12). Overwhelming evidence of the decline inhaplochromines has been provided by surveys by differ-ent investigators — particularly the almost complete lossof the deep water fishes and the loss of nearly one-half ofthe cichlid species in the waters <20 m deep (Figure 68;data from Uganda, Kaufman, 1991). Deepwater fish arenow only caught one to two at a time. The haplochrominesmay have been more vulnerable to ecosystem disturbancesthan other species because of the similarity of their ge-netic background; all of the native cichlids in the lake aremonophyletic (Myers et al., 1991). Their low fecundityalso limits their ability to recover. Most of the decline infish species occurred between 1979 and 1986, even inareas without fishing pressure (Witte et al., 1992). Datafrom Kenyan waters indicates a drastic decline in thecatches of native fishes, from 30 kilograms/ha in 1977 toless than 5 kg/ha in 1983 (cited in Kaufman, 1992). Datafrom Mwanza Gulf in Tanzania shows that of the 123species found in 1979, 80 had disappeared from thecatches by 1986 (Witte et al., 1992). It now appears thatat least 50% of the cichlid species have become extinct

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Table 12. The Trophic Groups in Lake Victoria and Their Estimated Species Diversities

Trophic Groups Known Described Recommended Listing

detritivores/phytoplanktivores 13+ 3 ENDANGEREDphytoplanktivores 3 0 ENDANGEREDepilithic algae grazers 3+ 1 Probably secureepiphytic algae grazers 7+ 3 Probably secureplant eaters 2 2 Status undeterminedpharyngeal mollusc crushers 9+ 6 THREATENEDoral mollusc shellers/crushers 12+ 8 THREATENEDzooplanktivores 21+ 8 THREATENEDinsectivores 29+ 18 ENDANGERED (in part)prawn eaters 13+ 11 ENDANGEREDcrab eater 1 0 Probably securepiscivores sensu stricto 109+ 42 ENDANGEREDpaedophages 24+ 8 ENDANGEREDscale eater 2 2 ENDANGEREDparasite eaters 53 6 ENDANGEREDunknown 53 6

TOTAL 302+ 119

(Kaufman and Ochumba, 1993; Witte et al., 1992), mak-ing this the largest mass extinction of vertebrates world-wide.

Third, the flaky, white flesh of the perch made it a popu-lar export item. Donors and investors helped to establishprocessing plants, refrigerator trucks, and ships in the area.Between 1970 to late 1980, the annual catch of the lakeincreased at least four-fold, from 100,000 to 400,000metric tons. Today, Lake Victoria’s fisheries comprise 25%of the total inland fisheries in Africa and feed over 50million people. Local people now literally call the perch“The Savior”. The perch is exported as salted fish, wholefish, fish fillets, fins, skin (for leather), scales (for chickenfeed), and swim bladders (for filtering wine). The fishhas become an economic goldmine which has led to anall too-predictable “perch rush”. In Uganda, the total fishproduction increased from 17,000 tons in 1981 to 130,000tons in 1991 (Okaronon and Akumu, 1993). In Tanzania,4141 fishing vessels caught $1.6 million of fish in 1983.In 1989, 7757 vessels caught $18.5 million.

The perch is currently being overfished, both for increasedexport demand and local needs. Continued decline incatches is reported from all three riparian states, evenwhere fishing effort has increased, as in the case of Kenyawhich has shown a steady decline in catch rate since 1987

(Uganda: Okaronon and Akumu, 1993; Kenya: Rabuoret al., 1993). In a desperate effort to maintain the samecatch in the face of a declining perch population, the netmesh size has been continuously reduced. Perch are nowbeing caught before they even have a chance to repro-duce. Forty-five percent of the catch is now juvenile perchless than 50 cm long (Budeba, 1992, pers. comm.).

Although there is clear evidence of overfishing, invest-ments in fish processing for the export market proceedunchecked. Although Tanzania already has two fish pro-cessing plants, thirteen more are being planned. The ex-port business does not appear to show any long-rangeplanning or concern for a sustainable fishery. Harris (1992,pers. comm.) has reported discussions with businessmenwhich indicate they are primarily interested in recoupingtheir initial investment and obtaining a profit within oneand one-half to two years; if the fishery fails after that, sobe it.

The Nile perch explosion also led to major socioeconomicchanges. The poorer fishers, with less efficient vesselsand gear, are finding it increasingly difficult to competewith wealthier individuals that can afford the stronger,larger, and more costly nets required for the perch (Barel,1985). In the process, traditional fishing practices arebeing lost.

From Kaufman, 1991b.

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The perch now makes up over 80% of the fish biomass(Barel et al., 1985). The lake’s diverse fisheries have beenreduced to three species: the Nile perch (Lates niloticus);the exotic tilapian cichlid (Oreochromis niloticus); andthe native pelagic minnow, (Rastrineobola argentea). InUgandan waters, the perch contributes roughly 86% ofthe catch; the exotic tilapiine 11%, and the native min-now just 2% (Kaufman and Ochumba, 1993). Virtuallyall of the indigenous fish of commercial importance asstaple and specialty foods have been eradicated.

Scientists at the 1992 Jinja conference drew the unmis-takable conclusion that the lake’s current fisheries areunstable. The only debate is when the perch populationwill crash. The stability of the current fisheries dependson a number of factors including the availability of foodfor the perch, fisheries management, and the changes tothe environment of the lake, induced by the increasinghuman population in the basin (Welcomme, 1993). Kenyahas already reported a decline in catch sizes, with Kenyanfishermen having to travel further out into the lake to catchany perch. The perch has been nearly completely fishedout in Kenya’s Winam Gulf. Tanzania has reported thattheir fishermen are shifting to smaller and smaller meshsizes. The Tanzanian fishermen are now taking the perchbefore it even has a chance to reproduce; the mean har-vest size in Tanzania is 42 cm, while the mean reproduc-tive size is 52 cm.

The food web in the sub-littoral and offshore areas of thelake has changed considerably. The perch has now turnedto eating large amounts of the small native shrimpCaridina nilotica and to cannibalizing its own young. Ifthe perch manages to deplete the prawn population, thiscould have serious repercussions for the ecosystem, sincethe prawn is an essential link in the food chain for otherfauna besides fish. Scientists are afraid that the perch willsoon deplete its prey. This, coupled with overfishing, islikely to cause the perch population to crash, and the fish-ing industry to fall into the trough of a boom-and-bustcycle.

Other changes in the lake are exacerbating the problem.The lake actually experienced profound changes longbefore the introduction of exotic species, primarily dueto human activities within the lake basin and watershed.The lake’s algae began to change as early as the 1920’s,with dramatic occurring in the late 1960’s in response toincreases in nutrients, primarily phosphate (Hecky, 1993).Phosphate concentrations increased nearly 3-fold between1960 and 1990.

What happened in the 1960’s to cause such changes? Moreand more people settled around the lake. Heavy rains

caused flooding which destroyed considerable stands ofriparian forest. This paved the way for increased settle-ment along the water’s edge. The loss of riparian forestalso increased the input of nutrients into the lake, as theforest had acted as a filter for various nutrients, primarilynitrogen. Welcomme (pers. comm.) speculates that fewhad originally lived near the lake because of fear of thetsetse fly. The flooding and the subsequent loss of thehabitat for the fly allowed immediate colonization.

The lake’s litany of environmental “woes” include:

• Eutrophication, leading to a two to three-fold increasein primary productivity and increase in turbidity: Thesource of the nutrient inputs is largely agricultural run-off of fertilizers and livestock feces (the largest sourceof phosphate at least in Kenya’s Nyanza Gulf, Aketchet al., 1992), as well as the dumping of virtually un-treated municipal sewage and industrial dischargesfrom the sugar industry and other factories, primarilyin the upper basin areas of Kenya. Most of the riversdraining into Lake Victoria are on the Kenyan side;the catchment areas of these rivers are heavily popu-lated (GEF, 1996). Although eutrophication greatlyincreased primary productivity in the lake when phos-phate was the limiting factor, any further increases ineutrophication can only be harmful because of the con-

Figure 68. Mean catch rates of haplochromine cichlids andNile perch. From Witte et al., 1992. Reprinted with kind per-mission from Kluwer Academic Publishers.

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comitant reduction in the availability of light. Produc-tivity is now, in fact, light limited. This means thatadditional increases in primary productivity are notpossible. Currently there is no pollution control. Thecountries have a very limited capacity for monitoringwater quality.

• a four to five-fold increase in biomass;• increased blue-green algal blooms. Researchers have

documented a significant decrease in silica indicatingchanges in the species composition of the phytoplank-ton from silicified diatoms to predominantly nitrogen-fixing blue-green algae;

• a decrease in the area of papyrus swamps. The papy-rus surrounding the lake is being cut down to makemats for export. This has two consequences: it reducesthe amount of available breeding grounds and refugiafrom the Nile perch, and it exacerbates sedimentationinto the lake, which the papyrus used to trap (Inter-Press Service, 1995).

• the invasion of water hyacinth, which affects biologi-cal productivity by reducing the levels of dissolved oxy-gen and the penetration of sunlight;

• increased anoxia and fish kills. The increasing deoxy-genation of the lake over the last two decades hasgreatly reduced the areas in which it can support life.A fishing survey in 1970 found fish living at all depthsof the lake. Most of the lake was aerobic except forbrief periods during the rainy season. Regular mixingoccurred twice a year, bringing oxygen to the deeperdepths and nutrients to the surface. Now the bottomthird is hypoxic, with few fish species present (Heckyet al., 1994). In the early 1980’s, scientists first reportedthe frequent appearance of dense algal blooms andassociated anoxia in the lake’s shallow waters(Ochumba and Kibara, 1989). In 1987, researchersmeasured oxygen levels in the lake and found no lifebelow 30 meters. Similar results were found in a 1989survey.

Recent results suggest that the lake is now stratified mostof the year (Hecky, 1993). Depths below 40 meters areanoxic year-round and depths between 25-40 meters aresubject to frequent, severe deoxygenation. Low oxygenlevels throughout the water column can occur for up tofive months at a time. The periods of mixing are no longercapable of bringing saturated oxygen from the surface tothe bottom, and instead result in fish kills as the anoxicwater is brought to the surface. Between November andJune, the oxycline can move to depths as shallow as 5meters, resulting in massive fish kills. Such kills havebecome more frequent. During the mixing period, the fishtry to escape the resultant low oxygen levels by crowdinginto the lake’s channels, gulfs, and bays. This has twoconsequences: it makes the fish very vulnerable to over-

fishing by beach seines and it gives the haplochrominesfew hiding places from the perch. The increased durationof the anoxia has caused most of the species to move outof the pelagic areas of the lake. The anoxia problem hasbeen exacerbated by the fact that the lake is also gettingwarmer, which further reduces the level of available oxy-gen in the water.

There are three competing hypotheses to explain the dras-tic changes occurring in the lake: “1) the introduction ofthe Nile perch altered the food web so that biomass nowaccumulates at lower trophic levels; 2) nutrient inputs fromthe basin and atmosphere, such as increased atmosphericloading of nitrogen and sulfate have caused eutrophica-tion and increased primary productivity; and 3) recentchanges in climate have altered water column structureand caused mixing patterns to favor the development ofblue-green algae and the loss of oxygen in bottom wa-ters” (Kling, 1993).

The dominant hypothesis accounting for the demise ofthe haplochromines is predation by the Nile perch (seeWitte et al., 1992, Kaufman, 1992), although other fac-tors such as overfishing and deoxygenation certainly alsocontributed to their loss. Evidence includes:

Figure 69. Mean catch rates of haplochromine fishes in bot-tom trawl catches. From Witte et al., 1992. Reprinted withkind permission from Kluwer Academic Publishers.

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• haplochromines disappeared even in lightly fished ar-eas (in fact, evidence suggests that overfishing onlyplayed a role in intensely populated areas and shallowwaters);

• the decline in the haplochromine population coincidedin time with the increase in the Nile perch population(see Figure 69); and

• the same pattern of haplochromine decline and perchboom occurred in Lake Kyoga (Witte et al., 1992;Kaufman, 1992). Stomach content analysis of Nileperch has indeed confirmed that haplochrominecichlids were their main prey item, at least until thecichlids had been depleted (cited in Witte et al., 1992).

Whether or not the Nile perch is solely to blame for thelimnological changes cannot easily be proved. Evidencestrongly suggests, however, that it greatly contributed tothe problem by decimating planktivorous and detritivorouscichlids. Goldschmidt et al. (1992) speculate that the pre-dation by the Nile perch on the planktivoroushaplochromines (which used to form nearly 18% of thehaplochromine community) and the planktivoroustilapians may be a partial explanation for the algal blooms.Such speculations are bolstered by data from lakes inWisconsin (Kitchell, 1993) showing that changes in thepopulations of planktivorous fishes due to manipulationof the population of their predators can indeed regulateprimary production rates and influence the magnitude andfrequency of algal blooms. The perch may also have con-tributed to the problem of anoxia by eliminating thedetritivorous haplochromines (Kaufman, 1992). Eightypercent of the haplochromines fed on the lake’s detritus,retarding the accumulation of rotting biomass in the lake’sdepths. The function of the detritivorous haplochrominesappears to have been replaced by the small shrimpCaridinia nilotica, the only organism that can survive theanoxia. Its efficiency in taking up the detritus, relative tothe haplochromines, is unknown.

In conclusion, the ecosystem of Lake Victoria, dominatedby the Nile perch, continues to be unstable, with on-go-ing changes in species composition of both its flora andfauna. Okie (1992) notes that the Nile perch fishery isalso proving to be highly unstable in other parts of Africaas well. At least 65% of Lake Victoria’s species appear tobe gone. The instability of the ecosystem is not simplydamaging to the endemic fishes. It threatens the eightmillion people who live along its shores and are depen-dent on the lake for protein.

To add one positive note to this case study, it may not betoo late to save the remaining haplochromines. Recentexpeditions suggest that at least some parts of the lake

and adjacent satellite lakes still have relatively intact shal-low-water inshore cichlid assemblages (Kaufman andOchumba, 1993), although these remnants are vulnerableto fishing with small meshed nets (Witte et al., 1992).

The loss of the haplochromines could only be rational-ized if humankind learned from its mistakes. This doesnot seem to be the case. Some have argued that the intro-duction of the perch was successful in that it led to a dra-matic increase in landings and income. There are a num-ber of faults to this line of reasoning. First, it is impos-sible to separate the effect of the increased fishing effortthat occurred during this time from the effect of increasedproduction. Second, the increased production was likelythe result of higher levels of primary productivity. Pri-mary productivity is generally limited by the availabilityof nutrients; with the increased input of nutrients into thelake, productivity increased. Scientific logic alone shouldbe able to dispel the notion that the introduction of a preda-tor between man and the base of the food web would leadto increased productivity of the system.

“At a recent meeting on fish conservation, an African rep-resentative astounded...fisheries biologists and ecologistsby announcing that he would, even in hindsight, intro-duce Nile perch to Lake Victoria all over again. Theofficial’s response reflects the desperate need for short-term gains in the very nations that harbor most of theworld’s aquatic biological diversity.” (Kaufman, 1991b).But can the short-term gain possibly compensate for theeconomic costs of the impending crash of the perch andthe cost of the loss of native cichlids— the loss of a stablefishery, aquarium fishes, genetic material, and scientificunderstanding? Even today, threats to the lake from in-troduced species continue. Local fishermen are clamor-ing for the introduction of another “savior” (Ogutu-Ohwayo, 1993). Another fish has apparently already beenintroduced — the black bass, Micropterus salmoides,which was found in 1989 to be established in the lakebasin.

Will humankind ever admit its hubris in thinking it un-derstands ecosystems so well as to manipulate them suc-cessfully?

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About the author

Dr. Caroly Shumway is Principal Investigator in AquaticBiodiversity in the Departments of Conservation andResearch at the New England Aquarium. She is also a SeniorResearch Associate in the Boston University Marine Programand the Center for Ecology and Conservation Biology. Sheis currently developing a program in aquatic biodiversity,creating a major exhibit on this topic, and writing andconducting research on conservation policy, the use ofbehavior in conservation, and the evolution of brain andbehavior. She has eight years of experience in internationalconservation, ranging from policy to grassroots work,primarily in Africa and the South Pacific. From 1993-1995,she worked as a policy representative for the Asia/Pacificregion at The Nature Conservancy. In 1992-93, she was aAAAS Overseas Science, Engineering, and Diplomacy Fellowin Fiji, working as the environmental and science advisorfor AID’s South Pacific Regional Program. From 1990-92she was a AAAS Science, Engineering, and Diplomacy Fellowat USAID, where she worked with the environmentalcoordinator, the assistant administrator for research anddevelopment, and the Africa Bureau’s biodiversity specialist.In 1990, she won the national Capranical Foundation Awardin Neuroethology for her thesis work. Dr. Shumway receivedher Ph.D. in marine biology from the Scripps Institutionof Oceanography, and her B.A. with honours in biologyfrom Wellesley College.

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