  • 1. Bokwele Bokwele is a team game originated in Congo (now called Zaire)

2. You will need

  • 2 hula hoops

3. 4 ribbons 4. What to do

  • Place a hula hoop at each end of the field

5. Divide the group into two teams 6. Put two ribbons in each hula hoop 7. Each team has to guard there own ribbon whilst trying to get the other teams ribbons 8. When a player gets a ribbon they need to yell BOKWELE! 9. If you get tug your out until your team gets another ribbon 10. Histroy Believe it or not it originated on the battle field and that is how the soldiers knew it was over and scout have been playing this for over sixty years 11. Thanks for watching!! By EZRA GREEN

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