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T-U-V- Taca-ti gura (fleanca). = Cheese it !- Tarana in tarana se intoarce. = All are of the dust, and all turn to dust again.- Te-ai suparat? = Bearins hot?- Timpu s-a scurs. = The time is up- Timpul le rezolva pe toate. (Timpul face si desface.) = Time devours all things.- Timpul, cu cat trece, te intelepteste. (Timpul este cel mai bun nvttor.) = Time, as he grows old, teaches many lessons.- Timpuri noi, obiceiuri noi. = Other times, other manners.- Toamna se numr bobocii. = Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.- Toate la vremea lor. = Everything is good in its season. - Toate la vremea lui. = There is a time for everything.- Toate sunt curate pentru cei curati. = To the pure all things are pure.- Toat ntrebarea are si un rspuns. = Every why has its wherefore.- Tot ce mi-a ramas. = All that I have left- Tot felul /soiul = All manner- Tot in calul care trage da = The horse that draws most is most whipped.- Tot pcatul si caut vinovatul. = Every sin brings its punishment with it.- Tot raul spre bine. = Every cloud has a silver lining.- Tot rul are si partea lui de bine. = Nothing so bad but it might have been worse.- Tot sacul si gseste peticul. = Every jack must have his jill.- Tot tiganul si laud ciocanul. = Every pedlar praises his needles.- Tot timpul (de la nceput) = All along- Tot un drac = About and about- Totdeauna desftarea are sor ntristarea. = Sadness and gladness succeed each other.- Totul atarna (depinde) de imprejurari. / De la caz la caz. = Circumstances alter cases- Totul se va termina cu bine. = All will turn out for the best- Trage pe cineva pe sfoara. / A pacali. = Come a game on somebody- Trancani ca o moara hodorogita. / A-i merge gura ca o moara stricata. = Chatter like a magpie- Treapt cu treapt te urci scara. = Step after step the ladder is ascended.- Trece dintr-o tabara in alta = Change sides, to- Tulbur apa ca s pescuiasc. = It is good fishing in troubled waters.- Turma merge dup berbec. = The flock follow the bell-wether.- Tcerea e ca mierea. = Quietness is a great treasure.- Tcerea e de aur. = Silence is golden.- Ulciorul nu merge de multe ori la ap . = The pitcher goes so often to the well that it is broken at last.- Umbla dupa potcoave de cai morti = Chase the wild goose, to- Umple o lacuna. = Close a gap- Un nebun arunc-o piatr n balt si zece cuminti n-o pot scoate. = A fool may throw a stone into a well, which a hundred wise men cannot pull out.- Un prieten face mai mult dect o pung de galbeni. = A friend in a way is better than a penny in the purse.- Un rau (necaz) nu vine singur. = Of one ill come many.- Una gndeste crciumarul si alta betivul. = One thing thinks the horse, and another he that saddles him.- Unde dai si unde crap. = He struck at tib, but down fell tom.- Unde e ata mai subtire, acolo se rupe. = The thread breaks where it is weakest.- Unde e nvttur mult e si nebunie mult. = Folly and learning often dwell together.- Unde este comoara voastr, acolo este si inima voastr. = Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.- Unde este fric nu ncape dragoste. = Faint heart never won fair lady.- Unde este strvul, acolo se adun ciorile. = Where the carcase is, there shall the eagles be gathered together.- Unde merge mia, merge si suta. = In for a penny, in for a pound.- Unde nu-i cap, vai de picioare. = A forgetful head makes a weary pair of heels.- Unde omul se multumeste, acolo raiul l gseste. = Where is well with me, there is my country.- Unde sunt broaste trebuie s fie si lac. = Where there are reeds, there is water.- Unde sunt bucate multe, sunt si soareci. = No larder but hath his mice.- Unde-i dragoste (iubire) putin, lesne-i a gsi pricin. = Faults are thick where love is thin.- Unde-s multi puterea creste. = Many hands make light work.- Unge osia ca s nu scrtie carul. (Unge rotile dac vrei s mearg carul.) = He who greases his wheels helps his oxen.- Unul adun, altul risipeste. = After a great getter comes a great spender.- Unul dupa altul = At a run- Unul face si altul trage. = One does the scathe, and another has the scorn.- Urmele stpnului, economia casei. = The master`s footsteps fatten the soil.- Usor e de cstigat, greu e de pstrat. = Keeping is harder than winning.- Vai de casa cu multi stpni. = There is no good accord where every man would be a lord. (Where every man is master the world goes to wreck.)- Vai de casa unde cotcorogesc ginile si cocosul tace. = It is a sad house where the hen crows louder than the cock.- Vai de cel ce merge singur! Cnd va aluneca, n-are cine-l ridica. = Woe to him that is alone.- Vecin bun ai nimerit, mare bine-ai dobndit. = A good neighbour, a good morrow.- Vezi mai nti gunoiul din ochiul tu si apoi vorbeste pe altul de ru. = We carry our neighbours1 failings in sight; we throw our own crimes over our shoulders.- Vezi s nu (fac ea asta)! / Mai ateapt (pn fac eu asta)! = Catch me! (Catch me doing that!)- Vinovatul mai mare gur face. = Of two disputants, the warmer is generally in the wrong.- Vinul bun de sine se laud. = Good wine needs no bush.- Vinul l bei de bun si el te face nebun. = When the wine is in, the wit is out.- Visare cu ochii deschisi. = Day-dreaming- Vizitele cele mai plcute sunt cele mai rar fcute. (Mai rarut ca-i mai dragut.) = A constant guest is never welcome.- Vizitiul prost bate calul bun. = A bad workman quarrels with his tools.- Vointa inimii d aripi picioarelor. = Where your will is ready, your feet are light.- Vorba dulce mult aduce. (Vorba bun mult adun.) = Lip-honour costs little, yet may bring in much. (Kind words go a long way.)- Vorba dulce mult aduce. (Cuvantul poate mangaia mai mult decat mana.) = A soft answer turneth away wrath. (Good words cool more than cold water.)- Vorba dulce mult aduce. = Kind words go a long way.- Vorba lunga saracia omului. = Great braggers, little doers.- Vorba mult, srcia omului. = A good bestill is worth a groat.- Vorba-i de argint, tcerea e de aur. = Speech is silver, but silence is golden.- Vorbesti de lup si lupul la us. = Talk of the wolf, and his tail appears.- Vorbind ca un prefacut (de parca nici usturoi n-a mancat nici gura nu-i miroase) = Talking as if butter wouldnt melt in your mouth- Vorbind de lup si lupul la usa. = Talk of the devil, and he is bound to appear.- Vrednic este muncitorul de plata sa. = The labourer is worthy of his hire.- Vrei ceva bine facut, fa-l cu mana ta. = If you want a thing well done, do it yourself.- Vremea descoper adevrul. = Time tries truth.- Vremea vindec toate. = Time cures all things.- Vremea vine, vremea trece. (Timpul trece.) = Time flies.- Vulturul nu vneaz muste. = Eagles don`t catch flies.

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