  • EngagementMatrix

    Exercise 3:



  • EngagementMatrix Copyright 2020

    Exercise 3:

  • 3

    Engagement Matrix

    Vignettes Learning Copyright

    Exercise 3 - “Engagement Matrix”


    This exercise helps you learn the appropriate combination of the types of methods and content to produce an engaging remote training program. Complete the exercise, save a copy of the PDF file as Exercise 3_Complete Name, view the exercises of other participants and share comments.

    Key Ideas in Videos

    1. What is the engagement usefulness matrix2. Engagement and usefulness3. Abyss to Nirvana


    We call this exercise the Engagement Matrix. What it means is that we plotted on the x-axis the type of content like experiences, stories, lecture presentations. On the y-axis, you will see the must-learn, learn-on-need, impacts, contacts, and of course, the appli-cation type of content.

    In this exercise, we shall:• Select and plot the methods and types of content that are going to interact and

    intersect• Identify the combination of the highest engagement and most significant remote

    learning point of view• Apply topics in your own courses and find out the optimal engagement point of your



    Matrix: • Type of Methods • Type of Content

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    Main Image

    Problem Statement

    a. How to prioritize the delivery of different types of content and methods, tools and technologies to ensure high engagement and learningb. Without the proper priorities of delivery, learners may be overloaded with content. The wrong tools lead to low engagement and the learning objectives are not met.

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    a. Map the cross sections between types of content and of methods that provide in sights to the designer and trainer. b. Create awareness that in effective remote training, there is a good balance between the type of content and the selected method that delivers optimal results in learning.

    Principles, Insights and Practices

    Insertion of the types of methods and the kind of tools and technologies.

    In Exercise # 3, we allowed you to plot two sets of data. Y Axis - the Methods and X Axis - the Type of Content

    Type of content by impacts1. Learn-on-need - references2. Must-learn - core principles and information3. Context - setting the reasons of the content4. Applications - how content is applied5. Impacts - results when content is applied

    Type of methods1. Experience a. Questions b. Synthesis c. Insights 2. Human a. Conversations b. Sharing c. Thinking d. Events / Stories 3. Exercises 4. Factual a. Tests b. Lecture c. Presentation

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    Definitions Methods of Learning• Conversations - information, stories, experiences, etc. ideas exchanges • Sharing - assisting, seeking help, providing specific artifacts and documents, links,

    etc.• Questions - proactive, reflective and applications; not memorization test questions• Synthesis - distillations, summarizations, conclusions, findings, etc.• Insights - “aha moments”, realizations, connect ideas, learning moments,

    discoveries, etc.• Thinking - deliberate review, analysis, investigations, problem solving, etc.• Events / Stories - creating, sharing, and relating real-life occurrences• Exercises - typical for processing and understanding content• Tests - test memorization and understanding • Lecture - a one to many imparting of ideas• Socialization - discussion rooms, postings of content, images, videos, etc., using

    telephone, chat, ZOOM (etc.), social media tools, etc.• Collaboration - deliberate group work effort to accomplish a shared task or goal.

    Online collaboration tools and platform examples are Sharepoint, MS Teams, Facebook Workplace, Yammer, Slack, Basecamp, etc.

    • Interactions - basic exercises like drag and drop, maze games, searching, or journaling to advance use like accessing databases, tools in risk analysis, Pareto Law (20/80 rule), data analytics and accessing Python and writing programming codes, setting up server configuration, troubleshooting a tractor, surgical actions (like “Dissecting a frog” in school projects) and many others. (See 50 Thinking Tools and Interactive Learning Map.)

    • Documents - PDF, Word doc, Google docs, spreadsheets, mapping tool, graphical designs, drawings, etc.

    • Video - lecture by video, story-sharing, illustration, videoblogs, etc. • Audio - same use as in videos, podcasting, etc.• Images - includes infographics, • Surveys/polls - conduct surveys, polls, research, opinions, data collection, etc.• Assessments - tests to measure understanding and memory of content• Slideshows - like PowerPoint slides, one frame at a time, whether in video, pages,


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    • Cohorts - A workgroup decided to collaborate and cooperate to accomplish a given task. Members usually share a common interest.

    • Breakouts - An activity whether online or face to face where participants from a large group is broken into smaller groups to discuss a subject. After the breakout discussions, groups are usually called to the bigger group to share their discussion results.

    • Chatbots - A software-driven application by Artificial Intelligence and Learning Machines. It stores data, like FAQs and responses quickly when users search for answers. Administrators of chatbots and authors “train” the chatbots by tracing the common questions and supplying answers. Chatbots are intelligent in the sense that they collect data in terms of usage, questions asked and others.

    • Labs, sandboxes - A testing environment that isolates untested code changes and outright experimentation from the production environment or repository, in the context of software development including Web development and revision control. The general application is for prototype development, beta projects, building servers, and others.

    • Thinking tools - A list of the tools to help learners and workers scale their thinking beyond the skills or knowledge into the abilities to fix, solve, and improve work. Examples of thinking tools are pros and cons, risk analysis, Pareto’s law, critical thinking, 5 Whys, data analytics, process improvements, mapping and many others.

    • Special databases - An organized collection of data, generally stored and accessed electronically from a computer system. Many companies use databases of spare parts, inventory, client data, logistics software, production parts, legal rulings, rules and regulations, and many others.

    • Special Utilities - Software tools and APIs that allow users to perform tasks faster. For example, FTP, the cloud, color picker, maps, search, forwarding messages, alerting, texting, and many others.

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    Matrix Feedback Responses



    This is Nirvana. High conversations and high impacts. You are a PRO. You’re able to cycle back and forth, starting from box 1-2-3-4 and then you can cycle them back going down to 15, which is Nirvana. So it’s a great skill.

    This is also Nirvana, high conversations but you talk about applications. You need to bring up the impacts in your conversations that way it will allow learners to see their value of the outcome.

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    You are a guru which is good. However, you need to really bring in into the conversations sharing and questions the area about applications and impacts. You may have content or you might have the must learn. But without you bringing in applications and impact it will not be the ideal learning environment.

    You are a rookie, because you have high conversations and high experience conversations with very low relationships in terms of applications and impacts, on or in context. So what is critical, is to understand that when looking into conversations you need to bring in the relevant context, applications, and impacts. Work hard to bring them up to that level.

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    This is nirvana. Good work! You’re a pro! You are able to focus on impacts which is very important in learning experiences. But you are also to bring in insights and thinking. What you need to do is to move higher so that you can have more conversations and information sharing. So work in bringing it up

    You are a rookie, because you have high conversations and high experience conversations with very low relationships in terms of applications and impacts, on or in context. So what is critical, is to understand that when looking into conversations you need to bring in the relevant context, applications, and impacts. Work hard to bring them up to that level.

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    You are a rookie, although you know how to use insights, thinking, events and stories. You are just talking about conversations and you are not able to bring in context, applications, and impacts. You need to bring in context and impact otherwise you will stay there. But keep on, because you are building the skills.

    You are a rookie and still learning your skills. No. 4 and 5 means you are talking about applications and impacts, but you’re not getting people to engage. So you have to work hard to bring in insights, thinking and bring in conversations. It is important to have an impact, but people need to relate and find meaning in terms of sharing, questions, insights, and stories and move them into better and higher learning experiences.

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    You are a rookie and you’re focusing a lot of the content in terms of context and the must learn. You are giving tests and exercises. Work on bringing in further the learning experiences into being a guru and arriving at nirvana. This is just building on skills as we are sure we are going to accomplish.

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    You are in an abyss. Either you are having too much time talking about insights, thinking, events, and stories. But you do not have any impacts and applications or you are just lecturing and having exercises and testing people. That is really an abyss, or you are spending more time in learn-on-need content, which is not really the most important part for the learners. So this area within an abyss is something to really wake up, to really energize yourself and reflect on. And ask yourself the question, if what you are doing is really paying off, and if it does? Great! You might have to reflect on how to improve.



    A Virtual Workshop to help you convert your

    face-to-face workshops to a virtual training

  • Vignettes Learning 2


    Boom! The world was hit with an outbreak of global proportions. It’s as if a torpedo struck while we were comfortably asleep. We, in the learning and development industry, were caught unaware and unprepared. Social distancing drove the last nail on the coffin of face-to-face workshops. Such rude awakening has forced us to confront thereality of the need for an immediate shift.

    Murmurs surfaced … “It will never be the same again!”

    So, what happens now?

    Many years ago, I took the proverbial big leap of faith. I decided to move from conducting face-to-face workshops to designing and delivering remote learning events. It was not an easy choice. I still remember feeling extremely tense from the seesaw thoughts of “should I or should I not go for it” racing on my mind.

    During this time, I read the book “The One Thing” by Gary Keller. In it, heshared this profound idea:

    What’s the one thing you can do, such that bydoing it, everything else will be easier or unnecessary?

    This completely pivoted my perspective andfundamentally changed how I approached,created and delivered learning experiences!

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    Now with face-to-face training largely in my rearview mirror, this workshop will focus on sharing what I’ve learned along the way to help make your transformation as successful as possible:

    • Tech Talk – Identifying what you’ve got to work with and how to make it work in a virtual environment

    • Content Conundrum – All..this...material! Strategies and practical tools for finding your way through• Delivery Diversified – Kissing your lecture-based approach goodbye to engage your learners• Activities to Application – Why (good) activities work and repurposing them for the virtual world• Immediate Impact – Creating the environment for insight and the metrics to back it


  • Vignettes Learning 4


    Transformed Remote Learning (TRL) processes is based on how we helped organizations convert thousands of face-to-face workshops to remote learning deliveries.

    Light, Thin, Fast and Easy to Find Content• Learning through “The Whisper” light content• Converting classroom-heavy content to easier virtual learning resources• Employing mini stories and scenarios to raise the level of involvement

    Zoom with Meaningful, Cathartic and Insightful Conversations• Using Zoom and virtual presentations to emotionally engage learners• Structuring Zoom and other tools to complete the combination of self-driven and

    virtual facilitation sessions• Integrating with mentoring, coaching and one-on-one support and assistance

    Real-world Learning Experiences for Rapid Applications• Templatizing experience-based learning• Ensuring that learners can apply ideas rather than just memorize concepts• Making learning impact work immediately, NOT just hope

    All-in-One Learning Systems - Simple Tools and Technology Models• Allowing On-grid and Off-grid strategies - discovery and guided• Letting learners pick and choose what matters to them• Designing ultra flexible learning delivery strategies• Using common sense metrics for tracking learning and applications of ideas• Make the Change Fast, Efficiently and Economically

    Strategizing first before buying learning systems and software• Developing an agile and nimble combination of learning content, interactivity and

    delivery systems• Applying the build now and quickly, then learn to grow and improve• Applying tactics for efficiency, speed and affordability

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    Transformed Remote Learning (TRL) processes require a rebirth of your workshops from reliance on face-to-face events to remote training. This workshop will lead you to fundamentally alter how you think of your learning and training strategies.

    This involves two important principles:

    • First principle - breakdown your existing approaches and rebuild from the ground up

    • Second principle - strip yourself of non-working assumptions

    Workshop delivery and method

    We want to show you a model of transforming your workshops into a new virtual learning experience. Experience a transformed virtual workshop first-hand.

    The workshop consists of 3 well-spaced, intensive, self-driven, collaborative, mentored, hands-on and virtual insight sessions.

    • Self-driven: You will study and apply structured exercises to produce immediate results.

    • Collaborative: You will learn from others in a “cohorts” environment.• Mentored: An expert mentor/coach will work with you to guide and give you

    feedback.• Virtual Insights Sessions: You will join three virtual sessions using Zoom to share

    insights and highlights.• Easy Q & A: You can ask questions anytime and get a response in 24 hours.• Short Coaching Bursts: Short bursts of Zoom, 15-30 minute coaching sessions will

    be scheduled for small discussions. The coaching sessions are on top of the Virtual Insights Zoom sessions.

    • Lots of Resources: You can access examples, demos, references, templates, and handouts to help you transform your workshops.

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    Anyone responsible for transforming a classroom, face-to-face, on-the-job training, requiring rapid conversion into a virtual learning method. This is specifically relevant to consultants, business owners, trainers, designers and developers, L&D specialists and leaders.

    Please visit the website for the updated workshop schedule and more information. Click here

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    Organizations use many forms of collaborative and learning platforms. The workshop does not require participants to use one nor does the workshop promote any specific software or platform. Instead, a proprietary system will be used to enable participants to have hands-on experience throughout the duration of the workshop. Participants will likewise be asked to review, explore or use their company’s or other providers’ software and platforms for more meaningful application as needed.

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