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a.meaning of environmental pollution

Environmental pollution is “the contamination of the physical and biological

components of the earth/atmosphere system to such an extent that

normalenvironmental processes are adversely affected”.

“Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the environment that

cause harm or discomfort to humans or other living organisms, or that damage the

environment” which can come “in the form of chemical substances, or energy such

as noise, heat or light”. “Pollutants can be naturally occurring substances or

energies, but are considered contaminants when in excess of natural levels.”

Pollution is “the addition of any substance or form of energy (e.g., heat, sound,

radioactivity) to the environment at a rate faster than the environment can

accommodate it by dispersion, breakdown, recycling, or storage in some harmless


“Pollution is a special case of habitat destruction; it is chemical destructionrather

than the more obvious physical destruction. Pollution occurs in all habitats—land,

sea, and fresh water—and in the atmosphere.”

“Much of what we have come to call pollution is in reality the nonrecoverable matter

resources and waste heat.”

“Any use of natural resources at a rate higher than nature's capacity to restore itself

can result in pollution of air, water, and land.”

“Pollution is habitat contamination”.

b.types of environmental pollution and their causes


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Air pollution is a result of industrial and certain domestic activity. An ever increasing use of fossil fuels in power plants, industries, transportation, mining, construction of buildings, stone quarries had led to air pollution. Air pollution may be defined as the presence of any solid, liquid or gaseous substance including noise and radioactive radiation in the atmosphere in such concentration that may be directly and indirectly injurious to humans or other living organisms, plants, property or interferes with the normal environmental processes. Air pollutants are of two types (1) suspended particulate matter, and (2) gaseous pollutants.

1. SUSPENDED PARTICULATE MATTERParticulate matter suspended in air are dust and soot released from the industrial chimneys. Their size ranges from 0.001 to 500 µm in diameter. Particles less than 10µm float and move freely with the air current. Particles which are more than 10µm in diameter settle down. Particles less than 0.02 µm form persisent aerosols. Major source of SPM (suspended particulate matter) are vehicles, power plants, construction activities, oil refinery, railway yard, market place, industries, etc.

2. GASEOUS POLLUTANTPower plants, industries, different types of vehicles – both private and commercial use petrol, diesel as fuel and release gaseous pollutants such as carbon dioxide, oxides of nitrogen and sulphur dioxide along with particulate matter in the form of smoke. All of these have harmful effects on plants and humans

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2. NOISE POLLUTION Noise is one of the most pervasive pollutant. A musical clock may be nice to listen during the day, but may be an irritant during sleep at night. Noise by definition is “sound without value” or “any noise that is unwanted by the recipient”. Noise in industries such as stone cutting and crushing, steel forgings , loudspeakers, shouting by hawkers selling their wares, movement of heavy transport vehicles, railways and airports leads to irritation and an increased blood pressure, loss of temper, decrease in work efficiency, loss of hearing which may be first temporary but can become permanent in the noise stress continues. It is therefore of utmost importance that excessive noise is controlled. Noise level is measured in terms of decibels (dB). W.H.O. (World Health Organization) has prescribed optimum noise level as 45 dB by day and 35 dB by night. Anything above 80 dB is hazardous.

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Addition or presence of undesirable substances in water is called water pollution. Water pollution is one of the most serious environmental problems. Water pollution is caused by a variety of human activities such as industrial, agricultural and domestic. Agricultural run off laden with excess fertilizers and pesticides, industrial effluents with toxic substances and sewage water with human and animal wastes pollute our water thoroughly. Natural sources of pollution of water are soil erosion, leaching of minerals from rocks and decaying of organic matter. Rivers, lakes, seas, oceans, estuaries and ground water sources may be polluted by point or non-point sources. When pollutants are discharged from a specific location such as a drain pipe carrying industrial effluents discharged directly into a water body it represents point source pollution. In contrast non-point sources include discharge of pollutants from diffused sources or from a larger area such as run off from agricultural fields, grazing lands, construction sites, abandoned mines and pits, roads and streets.

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4.SOIL POLLUTION Addition of substances which adversely affect the quality of soil or its fertility is known as soil pollution. Generally polluted water also pollute soil. Solid waste is a mixture of plastics, cloth, glass, metal and organic matter, sewage, sewage sludge, building debris, generated from households, commercial and industries establishments add to soil pollution. Fly ash, iron and steel slag, medical and industrial wastes disposed on land are important sources of soil pollution. In addition, fertilizers and pesticides from agricultural use which reach soil as run-off and land filling by municipal waste are growing cause of soil pollution. Acid rain and dry deposition of pollutants on land surface also contribute to soil pollution.

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AIR POLLUTION IN ASIAAir pollution is a major environmental issue affecting people across the world. According to the World Health Organisation(WHO), more than 2 million people worldwide die every year from air pollution. Of all the air pollutants, fine particulate matter (PM) is one of the most hazardous pollution for the human health. The particulate matter causes about 9% of lung cancer deaths worldwide, 5% of cardiopulmonary deaths and about 1% of respiratory infection deaths. According to the WHO, there is mounting evidence that concentration of particulate matter is increasing in Asia. Particulate matter mostly originates from dust storms, grassland fires, burning of fossil fuels in vehicles, power plants, but also various industrial plants generate significant amounts of particulates. South Asia is badly hit by pollution caused by particulate matter. While Pakistan has the highest concentration of particulate matter, countries like Bangladesh, Nepal and India are placed by the WHO in a category called “unhealthy for the sensitive people”. That means people in these countries suffering from respiratory and heart disease, as well as elderly and children should limit outdoor exertion. Air pollution in China is as bad, if not worse, than in India but according to the WHO,the particulate matter concentration in China and in countries such as Myanmar, Sri Lanka, South Korea and Indonesia remains moderate. There is the least presence of particulate matter in Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore and Japan.


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The particulate matter represents a complex mixture of solid and liquid particles suspended in the air, many of which are hazardous. These particles are either directly emitted into the air by sources such as smoke, dust, pollen, or formed in the atmosphere by transformation of emitted gases. The particulate matter can adversely affect human health and also have an impact on climate and precipitation. On the basis of size, the particulate matter is divided into two categories. The particles up to 10 micrometers in size are called PM 10 and smaller particles of 2.5 micrometer in size are called PM2.5. The WHO has measured outdoor air pollution caused by both types of the particulate matter and according to these findings, air can be contaminated by a range of different particles of which many can harm our health, especially very small particles that enter into the lungs and bloodstream and cause the most serious health problems. In Asia, like in other regions of the world, pollution caused by particulate matter is spreading to new areas. The graph, based on the data obtained from the WHO, ranks Asian countries according to the PM10 level in the air. As the data suggests, Pakistan is the most polluted country in the region in terms of particulate matter concentration in the air. It is followed by Bangladesh, India, Nepal, China, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, South Korea, Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore and Japan.


Air pollution in some Asian cities is so bad that at times, the cities are enveloped by a blanket of smog that impedes visibility. According to the WHO,air pollution has worsened in Asian cities in recent years and presents a threat to human health. In many cities the levels of fine particulate matter - a key pollutant in terms of its impact on human health - are exceeding the critical limit (as defined by the WHO), specifically in densely populated, fast-growing and less developed countries like China, India, Pakistan

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and Bangladesh. Even in small Asian cities like Kathmandu, the particulate matter level exceeds the most lenient of several targets recommended by the WHO. Over the last few years, China has been in the news for heavy pollution in its cities with the skies being completely blanketed by smog. India and Pakistan, however, have the dubious distinction of having the most polluted cities in the region. If we take a look at the statistics concerning capital cities in Asia, the air pollution caused by the particulate matter is worst in Delhi. It is closely followed by Islamabad, Dhaka, Beijing and Kathmandu.


Air pollution is one of the main causes of premature deaths in the world. Of all major global health risks, outdoor air pollution in the form of fine particles is found to be much more dangerous for public health than previously known - contributing annually to over 2 million premature deaths worldwide. The WHO global study ranks air pollution as one of the top 10 killers in the world, with 65 percent of all air pollution deaths occurring in Asia. In 2010 alone, particulate matter pollution was the fourth-leading risk factor for deaths in China, behind high blood pressure and smoking. Across the region, increasing levels of particulate matter are causing higher numbers of premature deaths. The graph reveals the human toll due to outdoor air pollution in 2008, which is the latest comparative data available. A record number of people have died due to air pollution in the region. In the year 2008 alone, over half-million people have died in China and India. Other countries in the region have also suffered heavily from air pollution. On top of that, the future looks very bleak. By 2050, urban air pollution is estimated to cause up to 3.6 million premature deaths worldwide each year, mostly in China and India.

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Asia’s Forest AreaAn area with a high density of trees is considered a forest, although it may vary in size and type of

vegetation. In the past, forests covered more than half of the total land area on earth. Present studies say

forests now cover less than 10% of the Earth's surface (or less than 30% of the total land area). As an

important part of our biosphere, forests function as habitats for organisms containing about 90% of the

world's terrestrial biodiversity, besides being hydrologic flow modulators and soil conservers. The

dominant paradigm in forest ecology is a focus on sustainable forest management which includes the

‘reforestation’, or the practice of natural or intentional restocking of existing forests and woodlands that

have since been depleted. A sustainable forest management plan is crucial in mitigating the ill-effects of

pollution, providing for natural habitats and attaining balanced ecosystems, mitigating global warming

besides being a renewable storehouse for resources like timber. Till the 1990s, net forest area in Asia had

declined considerably. The trend was bucked the following decade due to state-led reforestation activity in

many countries with China assuming the lead. On the other end of the spectrum is Indonesia, where 82%

of the land area was covered by lush forests more than 50 years back. Now less than half of the country

is forested. The graph below shows the forest area in Asian countries.

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Mid-2013.Uttarakhand, India. These few words will conjure up for posterity images of moving mountains, roaring rivers and countless deaths after massive cloudbursts in the Himalayas resulted in killing landslides that obliterated whatever came in its way including thousands of human lives. The understated fact remained human greed which caused large-scale deforestation in these areas, resulting in the inability of vegetation to absorb rainfall. Deforestation is a worldwide phenomenon and it is depriving millions of people of forest goods and services that are crucial to food security, economic well-being and environmental health. It is believed to have accelerated after 1852 and since then about half of the Earth's tropical forests - 8 million sq km out of the total 16 million sq km have disappeared. There are many reasons of which the overwhelming one is agriculture. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change says subsistence farming is responsible for 48% of deforestation; commercial agriculture for 32%; logging is responsible for 14% of deforestation, while cutting trees for cooking fuel needs accounts for 5%. Today with only 0.2 hectares of forest per person, the Asia-Pacific region is, per capita, the least forested region in the world. Badly-affected Asian countries include India, Bangladesh, Philippines, China, Indonesia, Burma, Thailand, Malaysia, and Sri Lanka. However good news is that at the aggregate level, forest area in the Asia-Pacific region will increase or stabilise largely on account of large scale reforestation in China and India. If gains in these countries are excluded, deforestation elsewhere remains high.

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The Asian experience in reforestation or the practice of natural or intentional restocking of existing forests and woodlands that have since been depleted is yielding positive results. Area under forests in Asia has changed for the better from net forest loss in the 1990s, to net forest expansion in the following decade. China, as the graph shows, leads Asia in planting forests possibly due to its ban on logging in key river basins and an effort to plant trees at a rapid rate. The main thrusts of these reforms which have paid off really well are clarifying property rights, reducing taxes, liberalising business operations, and regulating the transfer of rights over forest land. Forest farmers have been greatly motivated to engage in forestry production since being granted use rights over forest land and disposal rights over forest. Countries like Japan, India, Thailand and Indonesia, despite having lost huge swaths of its lush forests, are planting more trees to save forests. One of the key focus geographical areas for increasing forest cover would definitely be South Asia. The region, with 23 percent of the world’s population, has only 2 percent of the world’s forests. 

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Overfishing occurs when fish are caught faster than they can reproduce, and for many scientists it has become one of the greatest impacts of human activity on oceans. Overfishing increases the vulnerability of ocean ecosystems and may contribute to the decline of other marine species including birds and mammals

The deterioration of global fisheries is raising significant concern, mainly because an estimated one billion people, mostly in low-income countries, depend on fish as their primary source of food. On the average, fish supply 16% of animal protein consumed by humans. The fishing industry, ranging from subsistence fishermen to large-scale mechanised fishing vessels, directly or indirectly employs some 200 million people worldwide. The economic sector depending on fisheries is therefore a crucial element for the development of a large number of countries.


1. Technology Today's fishing technology is highly elaborate. Fishing lines can reach as much as 120 km, furnished with thousands of hooks. Some trawlers reach 170 metres in length and can take on board the volume equivalent of 12 jumbo jets, and drift-nets can exceed 60 km in length. Fishing vessels cover large distances at high speed, from coastal zone to high seas. They fish at great depth, stay at sea for several months, while fish are often prepared for the markets on board. Destructive sea-bed habitat bottom trawling involves powerful boats dragging heavy

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metalweighed nets across the ocean floor to catch the maximum possible amount of bottom-dwelling life.

2. Open access and over-capacity Over-capacity is the presence of too many vessels in a growing number of fisheries. Fish stocks have generally been considered common property, open to exploitation by anyone with a boat and gear as long as they were used outside a country's 200 Mile Exclusive Economic Zone. If enough fish are caught to cover operating costs, there is little economic incentive to stop fishing once a vessel is built. As more fishermen enter the system, greater effort is required to catch a dwindling supply and revenues fall. In time, fish stocks can be severely depleted. Excessive fishing capacity leads to overfishing and therefore to the degradation of fishery resources. Such unsustainable practices, creating a conflict between short-term and long-term gains, lead to serious impacts on biodiversity and diminish vital food production potential for a number of developing countries.

3. Bycatch The word "bycatch" refers to the portion of marine life caught that was not targeted. It may include low-value species but also vast tonnage of young or undersized fish of valuable commercial species. Almost 25% of all the fish pulled from the sea never make it to the market. An average of 27 million tonnes of unwanted fish are thrown back each year, and a large portion does not survive. Sometimes bycatch fish are kept for the market, but most often they are thrown back dead, because they may be the wrong species, the wrong size, of inferior quality, or surplus to the fishing operations quotas. The potential effects of bycatch are not just for commercial fish stocks, but the entire diversity of species in marine ecosystems and essential food chain components

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GLOBAL WARMINGThe question about the definition for global warming or in other words "what is global warming" is relatively easy to answer. We hereby lean at the definitions and explanations given in Wikipedia:

Global warming is the observed and projected increases in the average temperature of Earth's atmosphere and oceans. The Earth's average temperature rose about 0.6° Celsius (1.1° Fahrenheit) in the 20th century, see temperature graphs below.


Rise in sea level[edit]

The corresponding sea level rise at the end of the 21st Century relative to the end of the 20th

Century ranges from 0.18 to 0.59 m (excluding any rapid dynamical changes in ice flows in the

future).[1] Ongoing sea level rises have already submerged several low-lying islands in

the Sundarbans, displacing thousands of people.[3] Temperature rises on the Tibetan Plateau, which

are causing Himalayan glaciers to retreat. It has been predicted that the historical city

of Thatta and Badin, in Sindh, Pakistan would have been swallowed by the sea by 2025, as the sea

is already encroaching 80 acres of land here, every day



Increased landslides and flooding are projected to have an impact upon states such as Assam.[5] Ecological disasters, such as a 1998 coral bleaching event that killed off more than 70%

of corals in the reef ecosystems off Lakshadweep and the Andamans, and was brought on by

elevated ocean temperatures tied to global warming, are also projected to become increasingly



The Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research has reported that, if the predictions relating to

global warming made by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Changecome to fruition, climate-

related factors could cause India's GDP to decline by up to 9%; contributing to this would be shifting

growing seasons for major crops such as rice, production of which could fall by 40%. Around seven

million people are projected to be displaced due to, among other factors, submersion of parts of

Mumbai and Chennai, if global temperatures were to rise by a mere 2 °C (3.6 °F).[10]

Villagers in India's North Eastern state of Meghalaya are also concerned that rising sea levels will

submerge neighbouring low-lying Bangladesh, resulting in an influx of refugees into Meghalaya[citation

needed]—which has few resources to handle such a situation.

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Climate Change in India will have a disproportionate impact on the more than 400 million that make

up India's poor (See Poverty in India). This is because so many depend on natural resources for

their food, shelter and income. More than 56% of people in India work in agriculture, while many

others earn their living in coastal areas.

Temp. increase in the last 1'000 years

Temp. increase in the last 150 years

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 Temp. increase in the last 25 years

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Prediction for future temperature increase (global warming predictions)According to different assumption about the future behaviour of mankind, a projection of current trends as represented by a number of different scenarios gives temperature increases of about 3° to 5° C (5° to 9° Fahrenheit) by the year 2100 or soon afterwards. A 3°C or 5° Fahrenheit rise would likely raise sea levels by about 25 meters (about 82 feet).


Driven by population growth and the need for increased agricultural production, water resources are coming under intense pressure across Asia. Annual water withdrawal andreturn flows are higher than in any other region. The volume of wastewater generated annually, excluding agricultural drainage, is some 142 km3.1 Inadequate provision of sanitation facilities, sewerage and wastewater treatment results in significant quantities of this wastewater reaching water bodies that may service human consumption

Domestic Pollution

Rivers in Asia are highly polluted with domestic waste. Many of the region’s rivers contain up to 3

times the world average of human waste derived bacteria (measured in faecal coliforms, or

FC).5 Inadequate access to sanitation infrastructure (such as connections to public sewers and

septic systems) is already a contributing factor today; yet, as urban centres grow so too will the need

for more of this infrastructure. Based on current trends demand will continue to outstrip supply,

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worsening pollution. While there are strong efforts to equip exploding cities, a myriad of growing

Asian towns remain completely un-served.

Agricultural Pollution

Agricultural production in the region increased 62% from 1990 to 2002 and consumption of mineral

fertilizer increased 15%.6 Exceedingly high levels of nutrients were found in 50% of rivers in the

region and moderate levels in 25%.6 High nutrient levels cause eutrophication, including algal

blooms that severely damage freshwater ecosystems and hinder their provision of vital

environmental services to people.Pesticides are another problem across the region. In India for example, pesticide use grew by 750% from the mid-1900s to the present day and even prohibited pesticides have been detected in excess of international recommendations in the Ganga River.7 Pesticide bans have brought improvements in China, but nutrients are still inadequately controlled. In Central Asia, the use of small quantities of unregulated imports is posing a serious risk. Further south, in Sri Lanka the disposal of unused pesticides, equipment washing, and poor storage have been identified as factors contributing to surface water pollution. 6,8

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Industrial Pollution

The traditional agriculture-based economies of Asia are giving way to industrial economies. This

transformation is having serious environmental side-effects, particularly in the case of pollution.

Efforts have been made to improve regulation, but the absence, in most cases, of effective

governance makes enforcement very difficult. For example, in Pakistan only 5% of national

industries have provided environmental assessments.9


Urbanization: Causes and Effects of Urbanization in India!

Urbanisation has become a common feature of Indian society. Growth of Industries has

contributed to the growth of cities. As a result of industrialisation people have started moving

towards the industrial areas in search of employment. This has resulted in the growth of towns

and cities.

Urbanisation denotes a diffusion of the influence of urban centres to a rural hinterland.

Urbanisation can also be defined as a process of concentration of population in a particular


According to Mitchell urbanisation is a process of becoming urban, moving to cities, changing

from agriculture to other pursuits common to cities.


Urbanization can yield positive effects if it takes place up to a desirable limit. Extensive

urbanisation or indiscriminate growth of cities may result in adverse effects. They may be as


i. Problem of over population:

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Concentration of population is a major problem of cities. It has resulted in accommodation

problem, growth of slums etc.

ii. Disintegration of Joint family:

Joint family can’t be maintained in cities on account of high cost of living: People prefer to live in

the nuclear type of families.

iii. Cost of living:

High cost of living is a major problem of cities. In Metro cities like Mumbai, Bangalore etc. it is

very difficult for lower income groups to maintain a decent standard of living.

iv. Increase in Crime rates:

Urban centres are known for high rate of crimes. Theft, Dacoity, Murder, Cheating, Pick

pocketing, rape etc. are common in urban centres.

v. Impersonal relations:

Urban centres are characterised by highly secondary relations. The concept of neighbourhood,

community life are almost absent in cities. Urban life is highly monotonous. This may have an

adverse psychological effect on individuals. People are often self centred and they have no

concern for the fellow human beings.

vi. Problem of Pollution:

In industrialized cities pollution is a major problems. It may be caused by industries or by

excessive movement of vehicles.

viii. Stress:

Urban life is characterised by stress which may even strain family relations. In cities

employment of women is almost inevitable to meet the increasing cost of living. Changing role

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of women in the family creates stress in the family which may result in divorce or strained



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