Download - Everest Pitanja



1. Who is a couple wanting to be first married team to climb Everest?

Terry and Carla Ellis are a couple wanting to be first married team to climb Everest.

2. What nationality are they? Are they Americans?

No! They are British.

3. Where were they at the moment of reporting the news?

They were at the moment of reporting the news in the hospital.

4. Why did an army helicopter transport them?

Army did helicopter transport them because Terry broke leg.

5. What did happen to the couple?

Couple ware waited for help.

6. Why man did not call for a help using mobile unit or radio?

Man did not call for a help usng mobile unit or radio because ware lost whwn he fell.

7. What did he break?

He broke his leg.

8. What is his final comment?

His final coment ware ,,Were lucky to be alive.

9. Do they want to come back to Everest again next year?

10. What is lesson learnt from this story?

11. What do climbers do?

12. What do hikers do?

13. Who wins the lottery?

14. How do we call a person winning the lottery? And how do we call drown out numbers?

15. What was a process of deciding which numbers to select?

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