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Evaluation Q3

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

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Audience InteractionBy going out into the public and asking my target audience the key convention they looked for in a horror film, I

improved my pre-production phases of my main task and ancillary tasks. Interviewing our target audience was extremely beneficial, and with this constructive feedback the planning and preparation for our horror film was a lot easier and helped us create a film of higher quality.

We interviewed the audience about questions of what the basic plot should be, what they expect to happen to the main character, and other important aspects such as mise en scene, e.g. setting, costume, lighting, proxemics etc.

My audience was useful to the extent that it allowed me and Cassie to identify what initial concepts and plans were useful and what would not be favoured by the audience. The most useful fact we discovered was from Stephen who explained how sound effects and ambient horror tracks were important for a horror movie, due to the atmosphere and tension it helps build. Subsequently, we immediately started looking for new and exciting ways to include background music for non diagetic sound and some dissonance effects.

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Web 2.0The internet allowed me and Cassie to reach our target audience on a number of different levels, including Skype, face

book, blogger, twitter and YouTube. For example here, I posted an online poll on my blogger for my peers in the early stages of my planning and development. This helped me get in touch with my audience and it showed their opinion on what their favorite horror film is out of a select few. This allowed me to study the most popular horror films and pick out the key conventions so they can be recognized by my target audience. Also, as you can see on the left, my youtube audience was able to like and share my video amongst a creative community and hopefully receive the same preffered reading as myself, the producer.

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Social networking sites.

By using social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook, I was in direct contact with my audience and allowed them to take part in the creation process of my ancillary tasks and main media product. After both were finished, they were posted back online and gained more criticism and comments, and then finally published onto my blog.

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Final product

Me and Cassie uploaded our final product to facebook to see if we met the expectations of our target audience. We received mainly positive feedback, and also discovered that our product was discussed on another online platform, Skype. What was highly favoured was the use of low key lighting, the use of soundtrack to create dissonance and build tension, with sound effects such as heartbeat and ‘drone suspense’ that were taken from imovie sound effects. Here are the comments that we received on the night of posting our product online.

The audience claim to have been scared by the product, and it was instantly recognizable as a horror, therefore, we consider our product as a success due to the positive audience feedback.

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Poster This criticism for my media poster allowed me to create a better product. I achieved this by posting a picture of my ancillary online and allowing my target audience to individually comment. The criticism I found most helpful was from Paul Hanson Eastland, who explained that the light consistency between the background and the foreground character was slightly inadequate. Subsequently, I made some alteration to my media product, and then posted it back online to see if I met the expectations of my audience.

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