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How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

I am using three girls in my video

ages from 17-19. However, I am not using the male gaze theory; they are all dressed up in warm clothes as the video takes place outside. The props they use aren’t feminine either. This video represents

social classes more than the male gaze. To show high class one of the girls will be at a horse riding school, whereas, the working class girl will be walking around the streets at night looking like a stereotypical chav with big gold hoops and hair scraped back. This is to make it clear to the audience of their social classes. In most house videos you do see the character out walking about.

There is a relationship between the lyrics and the meaning of the music video. “Turn it around”. This is what the meaning of the video means. People need to stop treating teenagers like they are from a lower class and cause trouble because they will end up

behaving like that. Most stereotypes act how they are presented in the public therefore, this stereotype on teenagers needs to change, “I know we can turn this around”.

In my music video you have an insight into their lives for a few minutes and the camera are follng them around. This does happen in music videos so the audience know what is happening and they can feel like they are a part of it.

House music videos don’t tend to use black and white as it connotes sadness. However, it was appropriate for my music video to convey the narrative. From audience feedback it also makes the video more captivating as the colours change, keeping my audience interested in the footage.

I have stuck to the main conventions of a house digipak as I have used vibrant

January 2014 Question Two Media A2 Coursework

This is going against the conventions as it is

not the exact same photo to the album


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colours and have a theme throughout my digipak, which is the convention of almost all digipak’s.

House digipak cover usually consists of an abstract front cover, although my front cover is not abstract, it is still unusual as I have layered the same photo three times.

The font type for, ‘Sub Focus’, is very genre related and represents the house genre quite well. However, the font at the bottom of the CD cover is more pop genre specific. Sub Focus do have a hint of pop sound in their music so I thought it would still be appropriate to use on the CD cover.

I was originally going to use the cover to the below; however, I thought this was too pop genre orientated.

This is going against the conventions as it is not the exact same photo to the album cover. However, I liked this advert as I thought that it wasn’t giving everything away, suggesting that there is more to come as you can only see a snippet of colour, although, it is too focused on the girl in the middle which was not intentional. If I was to do it again, I would have them all looking forward instead of into the centre. This causes the eye to

focus on the girl in the middle, who also I the only one with brown hair. For that reason exactly I decide to put her in the middle instead of singling someone out because I didn’t want anyone to get offended, this was the most sensible option at the time.

I feel that this is also more artistic which is mainly the photos used in house music adverts and digipak’s.

The layout, however, is very conventional to an album advert. The image is usually at the top with ratings below and the release date in big bold font below the picture, again, usually in the centre. I have also put social networking sites and paces where you can by the music from on the age and this is conventionally on an album advert. I have also used a fake website to the information about the band as this is always on an advert.

By Jessica Goldsmith

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