Page 1: Evaluation of client project

Evaluation of Client Project

Hannah Woollaston

Page 2: Evaluation of client project

I don’t feel as though I encountered any legal restraints with the client project I was asked to carry out because the company and the project is not something which would face a ‘legal’ problem. I also did not encounter any financial constraints, this was because the project did not cost me anything to carry out. I worked at the college studio and the equipment such as the camera and the lights were all free to use, which otherwise would of made it an expensive project for me.

I believe I managed the project well and I am happy with how it went, I feel the time schedules I created were accurate and were easy to stick to. The different aspects of the project both took the correct amount of time I was expecting them to, and I didn’t feel rushed to stick to the time scale throughout the project which I think helped me to work better throughout it.

I also think I managed communications with my client well during the project and they were happy to discuss the project with me, which helped as I was able to understand what they wanted from the project and they were also able to let me know of changes they needed to be made throughout. We spoke over phone, email and face to face and this all helped the final outcome of the project exactly what they wanted for the company.

I am happy that I have met the brief in my project because the client is happy with the work, I tried to stick to the brief as much as possible throughout the three weeks, I had the document open while I was working so I could see it as a reference point to ensure I didn’t drift to far from the brief. The only thing I did different was a small change of adding text to the left hand side of each product shot as a description, I thought this looked better as it filled up some room and was informative for the audience. The client was happy with this change and thought it was an improvement on the original images.

I have learnt a lot through this project such as communication skills of having to deal with a client which I think will help me in future projects and work. It has also helped me to improve some of my technical skills such as the ability to work within the constraints of a studio which is not something I had experienced before but I think will help me for future work.

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I also feel this project has gone well because my client did decide to use the work I did for them, they used the social media posts on their social media platforms and they reached a wide audience. A screenshot below is one of the posts I did for them and someone tagged someone else in the status and someone shared it, this all helps the company to reach a wider audience which was one of the aims of the project. This could've resulted in more sales for the company- which is another benefit of the work I have produced.

As I mentioned previously, the client was also easy to deal with and was more than happy to help and answer any questions, this help my project easier to carry out which then helped me produce a high standard of work. An example of the correspondence can be seen below, this also shows how my client was happy with the work I produced.

Page 4: Evaluation of client project

As I mentioned previously, the client was also easy to deal with and was more than happy to help and answer any questions, this help my project easier to carry out which then helped me produce a high standard of work. An example of the correspondence can be seen below, this also shows how my client was happy with the work I produced.

After receiving this feedback I was able to add in the extra date and then send it back to the client who was happy with the improvements, see screenshot at the side of extra date added in.

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