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Climate Change

Assessing and ensuring the quality of the SIS

Amanda Hall (TVUK) on behalf of the EQC for SIS Team:Telespazio VEGA UK, GOPA Com., DWD, UK Met Office & Ramboll

Evaluation and Quality Controlfor the

Sectoral Information Systems

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E Q C f o r S I S F r a m e w o r k a n d A p p r o a c h

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E v a l u a t i o n a n d Q u a l i t y C o n t r o l f o r S I S

EQC function provides overarching quality assurance for the CDS and SIS.

We will work with SIS contractors to assess the fitness-for-purpose, userrelevance and quality of all SIS outputs.

Our aim is to support fitness-for-purpose decision making by users.

Quality assessment information will be presented in an easy-to-accessmanner.

Procedures are being developed and training is planned so that all actors inthe process understand their role.

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S I S A r t e f a c t s a s s e s s e d b y E Q C

SIS Datasets: all datasets created as part of SIS activities

SIS Applications: an interactive interface generated by running aworkflow

SIS Tools: tools created by the SIS for use in workflows

SIS Workflows: workflows created by the SIS

SIS Documentation: all documentation to be made available online

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E Q C f o r S I S A s s e s s m e n t P r o c e s s

In contact with Creator, assigns EQC team and initialisesassessment process

EQC Manager

Completes Quality Assessment Report (QAR) for Artefact

Artefact Creator

Reviews QAR to evaluate Artefact

EQC Reviewer

Independent Expert Review, if needed

Expert ReviewerApprove QAR

C3S Approver

Publication of EQC info

with Artefact

SIS contractor

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Q u a l i t y A s s e s s m e n t f o r S I S A p p l i c a t i o n s

Quality Assessment

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E Q C S y n t h e s i s T a b l e

Synthesis Table used for SISdatasets and applications.

Synthesis Table formatoriginated from the EQC forCDS contract.

Allows for consistency acrossall CDS Catalogue entries.

Tool and Workflow EQCinformation to be provided ina similar format.

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S y n t h e s i s T a b l e R a n k i n g

Planned EQC for SIS ranking approach:

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S y n t h e s i s T a b l e R a n k i n g

Three levels of detail provided:

• Colour coding to give users an immediate idea ofthe availability of quality information

• If users click on a box in the Synthesis Table,summary information will be provided.

• The summary could also provide a link to theQuality Assessment Report (QAR), including linksto other documents.

User engagement will be used to gatherfeedback on the EQC approach

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C 3 S U s e r R e q u i r e m e n t s

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C 3 S U s e r R e q u i r e m e n t s

C3S is a user driven Service: collection and analysis of user requirements is key toits success and evolution.

• We have developed a User Requirement Database (URDB).

• The current URDB (v1.1.0) is now operational.

• All user requirements in URDB spreadsheets have been ingested.

• Changes have been made to the schema of the original URDB spreadsheet, e.g.introduction of Topics and Subjects.

• The URDB will be used to support the User Requirement Analysis Documents.

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C 3 S U s e r R e q u i r e m e n t s

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S I S U s e r R e q u i r e m e n t s

SIS data; 489

SIS General; 221

CDS Data; 210

Global/European SIS URs per Topic

There are 920 user requirements (URs) originating from the Global and European SIS.


Global Agriculture 26

Global Impacts 220

Global Shipping 86

European Fisheries 237

European Tourism 135

European Health 35

European Storm Surges 181

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S I S U s e r R e q u i r e m e n t s

Prior to the Global and European SIS, Proof of Concept (PoC) SIS collected 1493 URs.

Of these 1493, 880 URs have been categorised as SIS Data and SIS General.

There are 11 URs categorised as SIS data and SIS general collected from outside of SIS contracts.

CDS Data; 560

CDS General; 15

CDS Toolbox; 36SIS Data; 455

SIS General; 425

C3S Other; 2

PoC SIS URs per Topic

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S I S U s e r R e q u i r e m e n t s

URs related to SIS data and SIS general are split into subjects. Most SIS data URs requested new data, whereas most SIS General URs related to guidance.

Communication; 20

Documentation; 98

Guidance; 121

Other; 150

Python scripts; 28

Showcase/Use case; 48

Usability; 61

User support; 1

Visualisation; 103

Web application; 2

Website ; 6

SIS General URsChange to

existing data; 92

New data request; 851

Other; 4

SIS Data URs

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S I S U s e r R e q u i r e m e n t s

Dataset/Variable/ECV Number of SIS URs

Precipitation 73

Surface wind speed and direction 59

Surface air temperature 53

Renewable energy supply (hydro, solar, thermal) 33


Land cover 26

Windstorms 24

Wind power generation 22

Sea state 22

Earth radiation budget 20

Dataset/Variable/ECV Number of SIS URs

Energy and energy demand 19

Sea surface currents 18

Fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation 17

Leaf area index 17


Vine phenology 14

Air temperature 13

Drought 13

Snow 13

Temperature 13

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S I S U s e r R e q u i r e m e n t s


# URs

UK 126

Spain 67

Norway 51

Netherlands 42

Sweden 42

Origin type # URs

User survey 519

Workshop 505

Meeting 326

Interview 191

Report 139

Overall, 37 originator countries are recorded in the URDB across the world

UR originator details: most common origins and countries

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T h a n k y o u f o r y o u r a t t e n t i o n

Contact EQC at: [email protected]

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