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  • 1. How does your media product represent particular social groups ? I think that our film does successfully represent our chosen social group. As the characters in our film are of the age that we wanted to aim the film at. We see the common stereotype of the girl in the video who shows a contrast of emotionfrom the beginning until the end of the opening she seems to be showing a lot of emotion and seems to be very helpless about the situation she is then put in . The camera angles used in this clip helped to add more emotion to the clip andwe see the camera looking down upon her when she gets the picture as if she is being looked down upon from a high angle. Our film opens up with a young girlwalking a middle class home and she seems to be quite well off with thetechnologies that she has within her home. The only characters we see onscreen are the young girl and we get vague shots of her mother. When she sees the picture of her friend we can see the class difference between the two. We can tell this by the costume that her kidnapped friend is working that he is of alower class than her. Our film plays upon the common stereotypes of the middleclass as usually it would be a white family who are the middle class charactersin the film but we now have the black characters as the middle class people andit is actually the white character who is working class. We decided to do this so our film would be able to stand out from the rest and so it didnt just followcommon the common conventions of common social class ideologies.

2. What kind of media institution mightdistribute your media product and why ?I thought that the film would be able to be distributed by a revolver or gunslingerproduction company as they usually make British films aimed at a youthaudience. So they would be able to distribute the film to the teen/youth audience that we aimed the film at. As they are already well know with British audiences and have made successful films such as KiDULTHOOD and Shank which have been very popular with the audience it has been aimed at. This film also showsa culture mix yet the genre of our film usually mainly have a predominately whitecast so , yet I believe for the audience we are aiming it at having a mixed cast with many people of different colours and cultures helps make the film more appealing to our audience. In our film our lead is actually a woman which plays on the classic concept of the genre of film that we are making. Making our filmstand out from the rest as usually its women who need the saving in manythriller films yet in our film its the young woman doing the saving playing uponthe gender stereotypes of the genre. I thought that it would be better to go with asmaller British company rather than to look at the bigger American companies to distribute our film. As they suit the target market that we were aiming our film at so I think that they would be able to do a better job with the distribution of thefilm. 3. Who would be the audience for yourmedia product ?Our film is aimed at teenagers from 15+ the film would be given a 15 certificate.I conducted a social survey amongst a group of teenagers and the results that came back said that many of them enjoyed watching British youth films incomparison to big American blockbusters. Many of them also commented andsaid they would like to see a British thriller made so from this we decided to make a psychological thriller as many of them also said that they would like afilm that made them think, in comparison to a film with high visual gloss. So fromthis we decided to take our research and make a film from what we had learnt.Although the film is aimed at teenagers the film does also contain a variety people of different ages and classes so the film is open and appeals to many other older people as well. I would like for my film to be watched by a variety ofboys and girls of different ages as I think it appeals to many people and it also plays upon the stereotype of psychological thrillers having the main protagonist being a female character putting a twist on the film rather than having the main character be a man or young male. A film like this would help to showcase young British talent as well. 4. How did you attract/address your audience? The one way that we wanted to engage with the audience was to use young teenage characters as theprotagonists in the film so that it would appeal to our specific target market. As most psychological thrillers usually have adult actors as the main characters so we wanted to play upon the common We also focusedupon things such as costume to make them look like the average everyday teenager to give the film a sense ofrealism. Here in picture one we see the protagonist wearing a grey hoodie something stereotypicallyassociated with young youths. In our film we have the female character playing the hero type character who is meant to appeal to the audience and be the liked character throughout the film. We intended for our film tobe a certificate 15 so that the people in our target market are able to go to the cinema are are then able towatch our film, we are happy with the way our actors portrayed their character roles we see the female as theinnocent girl who is put in a situation who then needs to save her friend and the male is the one who needs tobe saved and is helpless in this situation playing upon the common codes and conventions of the thrillergenre. We used a lot of close up shots of our female character so the audience were able to clearly see the expressions on her face and it makes it more personal for the audience so they feel like they have connectedwith her as a character. I believe that the shots used are very powerful and make the audience engage morewhen theyre watching it. The start of the film is very face paced and gets straight into the action of the filmnot wasting any time and we think that this helps appeal to the audience we want to attract as it then helps to keep them on their toes and alert wanting to find out whats happening, the cutting from the girl to the woman cooking in the kitchen helps with the pace of the film and at keeping the audience wondering what isgoing on and why the cutting is relevant to the film. 5. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product ? I used a conglomeration of technologies in the process using products such as powerpoint to do my work. Then uploading them to sites such as slide-share to make them more appealing and so they could be presented more formally and efficiently. Google has been very useful in the planning andresearch being able to discover information that I needed adequately plan out my work. Using sitessuch as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr & Blogger I was able to easily communicate with my target market and get the research I needed without much hassle. Cutting down on the time I would need to find this information out, using sites such as Youtube I was able to efficiently process my work from onemedia platform to another making things much easier for me. In addition to this using things like BBM on Blackberries also helped with this as you could easily contact who you needed to and gather theinformation that you needed. With the filming of the film I was using the standard instruments for filming such as the camera tripod and mono-pod Using things such as the tripod and mono-pod helped greatly with the filming as it made it possible to get steady shots and using them also helpedwith getting higher canted angles you wouldnt be able to get normally. The filming process itself proved to be quite difficult having to plan out all the shots you wanted to use and thinking of thingssuch as lighting battery life. We were introduced to Blogger from the start of the process it is ablogging site that is available to anyone and it has helped me to present my work and helps you plan out the stages of your work upon multiple blog pages. Using media products such as final cut and I- Movie made it possible to edit our film and add in additional details we may not have thought ofhaving. Getting used to the product did prove to be very challenging but once I had grasped the hang of it, it was actually pretty easy to use and manage and it made it possible for us to successfully editour film and go back to it and change and add in things as well. Using the Mac computers was pretty easy and simple and having them made it possible for all the research to be done, the fact that theyalso come with the majority of the products you need to make a successful film was also very helpful. Throughout this whole process technology has paid a big part in the making of our film.

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