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In my group were Georgia and Laura and we decided to name our crime drama ‘Suspected’. We named it this because our drama is about accusations so we thought the title will fit in with our drama.

The main story of our crime drama is about a woman who gets murdered in a flat when below her a gang of thugs are burgling the flat underneath. They get caught on CCTV fleeing the building and that’s when the police think that they were the ones that committed the crime. 3 of the gang members get caught, but the other 2 escape; they get questioned by the police but none admit to it. The man who really killed the women was her ex-husband, an officer himself, and accuses the thugs that they killed the woman. In the end the 2 other gang members kill the police officer who actually committed the crime.

The CCTV footage- I used a black and white effect on the CCTV part to actually make it look more realistic. Panning the camera made it give a more realistic effect as well.

The scene of the dead victim was good because we did different angles which make it more effective. This is good because in crime conventions they usually have a crime scene.

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We all contributed as much as we could

To help get ideas for our crime drama trailer we watched different crime drama starting credits. I think that watching these helped a lot to help create ideas for our trailers and help think of a main story to create.

We also made mind maps to help think of crimes, characters and settings.

These were just some equipment that we needed for our drama and a short script.

We also made a ’12 stages of film’ prezi to help understand the making and process that goes into making films.

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and all of us had different roles to do, so we were all busy. Georgia was the camera man, Laura acted in a few scenes and I directed and acted in some scenes as well.

Our crime drama ‘Suspected’ didn’t really go to plan as we hoped, but we were still able to create a good enough trailer each to present our drama with the footage that we had.

First of all the script that we originally created was good but we put too much information in it which makes it more of a full episode rather than a trailer, which only needs little videos of different parts of the episode.

The schedule for our filming didn’t go to plan either due to needing actors in our film which we couldn’t use for all of our filming, due to them having to film their own dramas themselves. Because of using different people for different parts of the film made it seem like there was more characters in our production when actually they were portraying the same character. However, luckily it was only a trailer we were creating, which means you don’t need to tell a main story just a basic storyline not needing to say which character is who unless you wanted to. Another reason our schedule didn’t go to plan was because some of the members of our group (including myself) were absent which means that possibly not a lot of work could have been done without the full group.

On the other hand we did record some good shots even though they were not what we planned to film.

Next time I plan to follow and create a better schedule that’s reasonable for the entire group to be there when needed to film. Also to use people that are able to be filmed throughout our film so we don’t have to use different people which makes it confusing because we have different people playing different characters. Another thing to do next time is to remember that we were only filming a trailer, so we don’t need a lot of information that will give away the main story and only small clips will be needed. Other than that I think our next time filming will be a success.

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