  • Slide 1

Slide 2 Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. It is the common fate of the indolent to see their rights become a prey to the active. Demosthenes: Philippic 2, sect. 24. vigilance: awareness indolent: lazy prey: victim Slide 3 Do Now#1 August 31, 2011 Complete the Student Information Handout. On the back, respond to the following: 1. What do you enjoy reading and why? 2.What are the characteristics of a good piece of writing? Slide 4 I am Mr. Gauld Please divide your notebooks into the following sections: Drills Class Notes Classwork/Homework Major Writing Slide 5 Objectives Students will apply appropriate research and pre-writing strategies to plan biographical essays about classmates. Students will compose and present biographical essays using notes from interviews. Students will list goals, needs, rights, and responsibilities to develop a set of standards for this school year. Slide 6 Choose a partner. You have ten minutes to interview your partner using the questions you wrote for the drill. Make sure to get at least one good quote from your partner to incorporate into your essay. You will use the notes from this interview to compose a short biographical essay about your classmate. You will then have ten minutes to compose a draft of this essay. You will share these essays with the class. Slide 7 Write! You have ten minutes to draft your biographical essay. Leave out anything common or dull (age, school, city of residence). Play up the interesting details. You will share these essays with the class. Raise your hand if you need any help. Slide 8 Share! Lets share what weve written. Slide 9 Identify the tone of each of the following: 1.Could you, maybe, turn that music down just a little bit, please? 2.Shut that noise off! 3.Please turn down the music. 4.Rock on, dude! Slide 10 Some people have mistaken notions of what tone means. Learn about tone or I will shoot this dog! Please dont hurt me. Slide 11 Slide 12 Some Useful Vocabulary Laurel Malice-She moved toward him with a knife shining in her hand and malice shining in her eyes. Oracle-The high priest sacrificed a goat to the oracle on the mountaintop to ask when the rains would come. Suitors-Nobody even knew she had a suitor until she announced her engagement to him. Quiver Slide 13 Greek Myth How are man, nature, and the gods related in Greek myth? Slide 14 Slide 15 Slide 16 Slide 17 Slide 18 Apollo and Daphne (The Transformation of Daphne) 1. What is the dispute between cupid (the archer of love) and Apollo (the sun god)? 2. What trouble does this conflict cause? 3. How do things turn out? -by Ovid Slide 19 Homework Respond to You and the Myth in complete sentences on a separate sheet of paper to turn in tomorrow. (General Policy: ink, no spiral paper) Slide 20 Scoring You will receive 5 points for every comment that makes a positive contribution to the discussion, comments that move the discussion along You will receive 2 points for every comment that simply restates another persons comment or is not seriously intended to move the discussion along You will receive 5 points if you listen and respect your peers You are penalized and lose credit for not following the ground rules Ground Rules Raise your hand to be recognized You may speak only when it is your turn You will be penalized for displaying personal disrespect for anyones comments or ideas (We can disagree, but our differences must not become personal arguments) Encourage others to participate Slide 21 It occurs to us that those who miss class miss our graded guided discussions, leaving a big, ugly zero in our gradebook. We want you to graduate, so we have a plan. Those who miss class may make up the GGD assignment with a short written substitute assignment. You must come to us for this assignment upon your return from an absence. We will not track you down and remind you. Make-up assignments are due withing 24 hours of your return, or the zero stands. Slide 22 Guided Graded Discussion Paying Attention5 PointsPaying Attention5 Points Shallow Responses2 PointsShallow Responses2 Points Deep Responses5 PointsDeep Responses5 Points

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