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Page 1: essential parsing

Essential Parsing

Worksheet 1




Read each sentence. In the space to the right of each sentence, write the noun(s) that appear in each sentence. If no nouns appear in the sentence, write "No nouns present" in the space to the right.

1. Bob ran quickly down the street.

2. Jody had to reach out to catch the ball.

3. My hand got really cold when I touched the water.

4. We went to visit the finger lakes for vacation.

5. The biggest star in our galaxy is the sun.

6. I made a wish when I blew out the candles.

7. Strawberry is my favourite ice cream flavour.

8. Parking lots are big places that have a lot of cars.

9. My dancing shoes have a hole in them.

10. I get lost in the book, when ever I read.

11. The smell of flowers is my favourite smell.

12. Sarah's cat is yellow and has big claws.

13. I have green pencils in my other pocket.

14. I enjoy riding my bike around the park.

15. In July, I ran in a long marathon.

Worksheet 2

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Read each sentence. In the space to the right of each sentence, write the noun(s) that appear in each sentence. If no nouns appear in the sentence, write "No nouns present" in the space to the right.

1. I just heard the news, it made me very happy.

2. Birch is the type of wood we used to build our house.

3. I used tape to fix the ripped paper.

4. We used Sarah's old camera to take all of the pictures.

5. The floor moved as th earthquake took place.

6. Roger's gloves are big and blue.

7. First prize is for the race is a wonderful vacation to Florida.

8. The phone rang very loudly.

9. My good friends call me Tommy.

10. The orange paper is the best paper for writing.

11. The radio station played my song.

12. The biggest mountain I have ever seen is Red Mountain.

13. The teacher made the students do the difficult assignments.

14. Nancy had the longest jump for the entire class.

15. You are the most hardworking person I have ever met.

Worksheet 3


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Read each sentence. In the space to the right of each sentence, write the noun(s) that appear in each sentence. If no nouns appear in the sentence, write "No nouns present" in the space to the right.

1. Katie is the most popular girl in school.

2. All the new jeans that I own are the colour blue.

3. I use my old computer to communicate with my friends at night.

4. Harry is the name of my dog.

5. Fishing in muddy rivers is my only hobby.

6. Red is John's favourite colour.

7. I like put mustard on my hamburgers.

8. When I read, I enjoy reading true stories.

9. My favorite types of movies are action movies.

10. The first ball Nancy pitched barely reached the plate.

11. The parking lot became filled with cars very quickly.

12. Please give the teacher your name.

13. That old hair brush belongs to Jen.

14. A blood hound makes a wonderful pet.

15. His new suit is at the cleaners.

Worksheet 4



A noun is a word that is used to name a person, place, or thing.

Page 4: essential parsing

Underline the nouns in the following sentences that name a person.

1. That girl is clever.

2. Mrs. Jones loves to ice skate.

3. There is a clown doing magic tricks in the mall.

4. My teacher is going to take us to the zoo.

5. My father takes us hiking every Saturday.

6. Sam always wants to play PlayStation.

7. The postman comes every day, except Sunday.

8. The baker makes great cakes.

9. Dr. Greene visits the hospital every day.

10. The waitress served us Coke.

11. The guest did the dishes.

12. Sam isn’t feeling well.

13. That woman is sad.

14. Did you see the puppy?

15. Doctors work both day and night.

Worksheet 5



A noun is a word that is used to name a person, place, or thing.

Page 5: essential parsing

Underline the nouns that name a place.

1. They live in the country.

2. Antarctica is cold.

3. We are going to Spain for our holidays.

4. My aunt and uncle live in Texas.

5. Are you going to Russia?

6. Do you know someone who lives in Germany?

7. Where is Disneyland?

8. They were waiting for us on the beach.

9. The Millennium Dome is in England.

10. Are you going to the park tomorrow?

11. My sister went to the hospital.

12. I don’t like to swim in the ocean.

13. The boat came into the dock.

14. Astronauts explored the moon.

15. The puppy must stay in the kitchen.

Worksheet 6



A noun is a word that is used to name a person, place, or thing.

Page 6: essential parsing

Underline the nouns in the sentences. Tell whether the noun is a person, place, or thing.

1. Did you see the dog? ___________________

2. Where did mother go? ___________________

3. The birds are singing today. ___________________

4. He went to the shop. ___________________

5. Do you have an extra pencil? ___________________

6. I found an old coin. ___________________

7. Are you going with Sam? ___________________

8. Will you hand me the paint? ___________________

9. The newsstand is over there. ___________________

10. The boy is very hungry. ___________________

11. No, Sam isn’t here now. ___________________

12. Go wait by the tree. ___________________

13. She broke her arm. ___________________

14. Where is the butter? ___________________

15. I like going into the city. ___________________

Worksheet 7



A noun is a word that is used to name a person, place, or thing.

Page 7: essential parsing

Underline the nouns that name a thing.

1. I like chocolate milk.

2. The flower vase is broken.

3. Who broke the statue?

4. I lost my calculator.

5. Sam loves to play basketball.

6. She has sixty stuffed toys.

7. They play music too loudly.

8. My brother bought a new bike.

9. Have you ever taken a ferry?

10. My sister likes chocolate chip cookies.

11. That painting is very nice.

12. Eating too much sugar is bad for you.

13. Do you like to go to the cinema?

14. My grandmother always gives us a special treat.

15. I saw a deer in the park yesterday.

Worksheet 8


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1. My brother and I always spend our Easter _____________ with my Aunt Margaret and Uncle Fred.

2. How many _____________ did your family dye for the egg hunt?

3. Our Easter _______________ are filled with candy and a chocolate rabbit.

4. We took white Easter __________ to our church service on Easter Sunday morning.

5. The baby girls had on white ____________ with their new Easter dresses.

6. We saw three little yellow ____________ with the Mother hen on the Easter card.

7. Our _______________ came for our Easter party at four o'clock on Easter afternoon.

8. How many chocolate ___________ were in your basket?

Worksheet 9


English Basics Volume 3, Number 1, September 8, 1998

Page 9: essential parsing

Common and Proper Nouns

Nouns are words that stand for a person, place, thing, or idea. They can be singular (one) or plural (more than one).

Common nouns do not need to begin with a capital letter.

A proper noun is a name given to a specific person, place, or thing. Proper nouns begin with capital letters.

Each sentence below contains two or more nouns. They are either all common nouns or all proper nouns. Underline the nouns and then indicate whether they are common or proper. The answers for the first two sentences are done for you.

1. Does Jimmy really want to move to California? proper

2. An impolite fish asked my brother for a worm. common

3. Amy will travel to Norway and Sweden.

4. Which is larger, Microsoft or Intel?

5. Cats are very valuable helpers on a farm.

6. My grandfather wasn’t allowed in that diner because of his strange habits.

7. Cassy, Samantha, and David are playing outside.

8. Happiness is a feeling that is hard to describe.

9. Her smile became a frown as she noticed the tiny insects crawling out of her sandwich.

10. The Giants will not play the Cubs in Orlando.

Worksheet 10


Find the Verb!

A verb is a word or phrase indicating an action.

Page 10: essential parsing

Underline the verbs in the following sentences.

1. Dr. Greene drives to the hospital every day.

2. Mrs. Jones loves to go ice skating.

3. There is a clown doing magic tricks in the mall.

4. My teacher is going to take us to the zoo.

5. My father takes us hiking every Saturday.

6. Sam always wants to play PlayStation.

7. The postman walks every day, except Sunday.

8. The baker bakes great cakes.

9. The waitress served us Coke.

10. Doctors work both day and night.

Worksheet 11


Find the Verb!

A verb is a word or phrase indicating an action.

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Underline the verbs in the following sentences.

1. We are going to Spain for our holidays.

2. My aunt and uncle moved to Texas.

3. Are you going to Russia?

4. Do you know someone who moved to Germany?

5. We drove to Disneyland.

6. They were waiting for us on the beach.

7. My sister went to the hospital.

8. I don’t like to swim in the ocean.

9. The boat came into the dock.

10. Astronauts explored the moon.

Worksheet 12


Find the Verb!

A verb is a word or phrase indicating an action.

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Underline the verbs in the following sentences.

1. I like to drink chocolate milk.

2. The flower vase fell on the floor and broke.

3. Who broke the statue?

4. I lost my calculator.

5. Sam loves to play basketball.

6. They play music too loudly.

7. My brother bought a new bike.

8. Have you ever taken a ferry?

9. Eating too much sugar is bad for you.

10. Do you like to go to the cinema?

Worksheet 13


Principal Parts of the Verb

The many forms of a verb are based on its three principal parts:the present, the past, and the past participle.

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Example: help(present) helped(past) have helped(past participle)

Directions: For each verb below, write the past and past participle. Watch your spelling.

Verb Past Past Participlesnowcarrycrymissplantrunplaycreatescream

Worksheet 14


Principal Parts of the Verb

The many forms of a verb are based on its three principal parts:the present, the past, and the past participle.

Example: help(present) helped(past) have helped(past participle)

Directions: For each verb below, write the past and past participle. Watch your spelling.

Verb Past Past Participlebeatappeararriveburnbreakdesigndepartenterfall

Worksheet 15


Principal Parts of the Verb

The many forms of a verb are based on its three principal parts:the present, the past, and the past participle.

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Example: help(present) helped(past) have helped(past participle)

Directions: For each verb below, write the past and past participle. Watch your spelling.

Verb Past Past Participleflygohappenlandpartpassrisesettlesit

Worksheet 16


Using Irregular Verbs

The many forms of a verb are based on its three principal parts:the present, the past, and the past participle.

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Example: help(present) helped(past) have helped(past participle)

Directions: Underline the correct form of the verb from those given in parentheses.

1. The judges have (chose,chosen) the finalists.

2. Amiko (chose,chosen) her library books yesterday.

3. My favorite jeans have (began,begun) to wear out.

4. Have you (bring,brought) your application with you?

5. Someone (broke,broken) that valuable Chinese vase.

6. Our mayor has not (broke,broken) any promises.

7. Soccer fans (began,begun) to fill the stands an hour before the game.

8. The team captains (chose,chosen) their players carefully.

9. Have you (chose,chosen) a topic for your report yet?

10. My grandparents have (bring,brought) their van from Montana?

Worksheet 17


Using Irregular Verbs

The many forms of a verb are based on its three principal parts:the present, the past, and the past participle.

Example: help(present) helped(past) have helped(past participle)

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Directions: Underline the correct form of the verb from those given in parentheses.

1. Have you (began,begun) studying for your finals yet?

2. Sara has (broke,broken) the record for the hundred-yard dash.

3. If you have (broke,broken) the seal on that package, it can't be returned.

4. These boots aren't (broken,broke) in yet.

5. Why don't you (bring,brought) your skateboard?

6. Donna (chose,chosen) the name for the school newspaper.

7. I haven't missed that series since it (began,begun).

8. The spirited horses have (broke,broken) through the fence.

9. The victims of the automobile accident were (bring,brought) to the emergency room.

10. Martin, this class (began,begun) ten minutes ago.

Worksheet 18


Using Irregular Verbs

The many forms of a verb are based on its three principal parts:the present, the past, and the past participle.

Example: help(present) helped(past) have helped(past participle)

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Directions: Underline the correct form of the verb from those given in parentheses.

1. The coach (came,come) to see the injured player.

2. Everyone (drank,drunk) milk with the sandwiches.

3. We (did,done) an experiment showing the effects of global warming.

4. A messenger (come,came) to our door with a telegram.

5. Rabbits (ate,eaten) most of the lettuce in our garden.

6. The cattle have (eat,eaten) the corn and oats.

7. Patty has (did,done) twice as much research as Ron.

8. No, I have never (drank,drunk) coconut milk.

9. Wayne (ate,eaten) spaghetti for both lunch and dinner.

10. The boys (did,done) a neat job of sewing their shirts.

Worksheet 19


Using Irregular Verbs

The many forms of a verb are based on its three principal parts:the present, the past, and the past participle.

Example: help(present) helped(past) have helped(past participle)

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Directions: Underline the correct form of the verb from those given in parentheses.

1. Relatives from ten states (came,come) to the reunion.

2. Has everyone (did,done) the assignment?

3. Sarah hasn't (drank,drunk) her spiced cider yet.

4. The students in first-period gym (did,done) twenty push-ups.

5. Have the cats (ate,eaten) that whole can of tuna?

6. Who has (came,come) to class late for the second day in a row?

7. Chris has (drank,drunk) all the water in the canteen.

8. Rosa and I (did,done) the French horn duet.

9. The koala bears have (ate,eaten) the last of the eucalyptus leaves.

10. Ms. Gordon (came,come) to pick up Susan's assignment.

Worksheet 20


Using Irregular Verbs

The many forms of a verb are based on its three principal parts:the present, the past, and the past participle.

Example: help(present) helped(past) have helped(past participle)

Directions: Underline the correct form of the verb from those given in parentheses.

Page 19: essential parsing

1. The bell for dismissal hasn't (rang,rung) yet.

2. The old iron bells (rang,rung) through the town summoning the volunteer firefighters.

3. My mother (froze,frozen) enough tomatoes to last the winter.

4. Large pieces of plaster (fell,fallen) from the ceiling.

5. The ambassador (rode,ridden) to the meeting in a black limousine.

6. The crystal curios had (fell, fallen) from the shelf during the earthquake.

7. Darkness had (fell,fallen) before the farmer finished plowing.

8. The skaters (fell, fallen) twice during their final routine.

9. If the car doors' locks have (froze,frozen), use a heated key to open them.

10. Everyone in the family has (rode,ridden) in a helicopter.

Worksheet 21


Using Irregular Verbs

The many forms of a verb are based on its three principal parts:the present, the past, and the past participle.

Example: help(present) helped(past) have helped(past participle)

Directions: Underline the correct form of the verb from those given in parentheses.

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1. The milk must have been (froze,frozen) on the porch.

2. A baby robin has (fell,fallen) out of its nest.

3. I've never (rode,ridden) a horse.

4. Heavy rains (fell,fallen) and flooded the park.

5. The principal (ran,rung) the fire alarm.

6. The pond has (froze,frozen) completely.

7. Dad (rode,ridden) over the newspaper when he backed the car out.

8. Has the alarm clock already (ran,rung)?

9. After the first bell (rang,rung), everyone hurried to class.

10. Oh no! The cheese souffle has (fell,fallen)!

Worksheet 22


Underline the personal pronoun:

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Worksheet 23


Underline the personal pronoun:

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Worksheet 24


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Worksheet 25


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Worksheet 26


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Worksheet 27


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Worksheet 28


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Worksheet 29


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Worksheet 30


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Worksheet 31


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Worksheet 32


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Worksheet 33


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Worksheet 34



Underline the antecedent for the underlined pronoun in each sentence. If the pronoun

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has no antecedent, write “no antecedent”; if the antecedent is not clear, write “not clear”.

Example: The boy wore his yellow raincoat.

1. Everyone at the party enjoyed her evening.

2. The car has a leak in its transmission.

3. Wearing a hat when it snows is wise.

4. More and more physicians are beginning to look not just for illnesses but also for patients’ habits with long-term health implications. This is definite progress.

5. The cow twitched its tail at the fly.

6. Someone from the circus led the injured horse out of the ring.

7. I go to Hockey Homeland every Tuesday to watch them practice.

8. My aunt asked me to catch her dog.

9. The audience clapped its hands.

10. The audience applauded her performance.

11. The student used her pen to write in her notebook; then she put it away.

12. The hostages have been free for months, but some have not yet recovered from the experience.

13. Ed Blaker promoted Bill this morning; he will go on the Washington trip next week.

14. During winter snowstorms, the sparrows depend on our feeder for their food.

15. The rain continued to fall, and the mud grew deeper until it finally stopped.

Worksheet 35

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Pronoun/Antecedent Agreement

Select a personal pronoun that agrees with the subject of each of these sentences. Write your answers on the lines to the right. Some items have more than one correct answer.

Example: The group has__ meeting here. its

1.Anyone can get __ name in the news.

2.None of the checks were cashed;___ finally expired.

3.The chef cut ___ on the thumb while peeling carrots.

4.A person should insure ____ valuables.

5.The family has ___ eye on a new house.

6.The code breakers shared ___ secrets.

7.Everybody has ___ own dreams and goals.

8.One can be happy only if ___ has respect for ___.

9.The senior class wore ___ rings proudly.

10.Children never realize how loud ___ can be.

11.My mother and her sister took ___ vacation together.

12.Either Mike or John wears a patch over ___ eye. 13.All are welcome: ___ just need to call for directions to the party. 14.Neither documentaries nor the news is given enough money by ___ network.

15.San Diego and San Jose get ___ names from Spanish.

16.Either Eleanor Roosevelt or Ellen Wilson is believed to have covered for ___ husband during presidential emergencies.

17.Cars cost more than ___ owners expect them to.

18.Venus and Mars have ___ orbits nearer to Earth than to any other planets.

19.The band starts ___ tour tomorrow night.

20.Any of the candidates could win; ___ are very much alike.

Worksheet 36

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Where's The Adjective?

An adjective is a word which modifies a noun. It describes the noun, or names one of the characteristics of a noun.

For example, the following adjectives are underlined:

red car, sweet apple, dirty water

Circle the adjectives that describe the underlined noun or nouns in each sentence. (Words that you should circle are in italics.)

Example: The small red shiny beetle scampered down the green leaf.

1. Ten puppies are playing in the tall, green grass.

2. Where is the small frying pan?

3. Sam has a blue racing bicycle.

4. The black kitten was playing with a small red ball.

5. Do you know the man in the black leather jacket?

6. I have seven colored marking pens for school.

7. The city is big, dirty, and noisy.

8. Three ugly witches made a magic potion.

9. That is the biggest stuffed toy in the shop.

10. He ran through the wet muddy field.

11. Hand me the yellow plastic bowl.

12. The blue vase was broken by the naughty boy.

13. The black and white cat climbed the fence.

14. David has a red apple, but Sam has a green one.

15. Sam’s apple is sour.

Worksheet 37

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Adjectives describe or give more information about a noun. Circle the adjectives and draw an arrow to the noun it describes.

1. Early people found that dogs made good hunters.

2. Strong sheepdogs help farmers with large herds of sheep.

3. One famous dog rescued forty lost people in the mountains.

4. Blind people use dogs to guide them through busy streets.

5. Some smart dogs learn to help deaf people.

6. Linda trains young dogs.

7. The dogs learn to help people.

8. Two people in California found a lost dog.

9. They took the little white dog to a shelter.

10. One kind worker at the shelter named the dog Penny.

Worksheet 38


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Read each sentence. In the space to the right of each sentence, write the adjective(s) that appear in each sentence. If no nouns appear in the sentence, write "No adjectives present" in the space to the right.

1. Bob ran quickly down the street.

2. Jody had to reach out to catch the ball.

3. My hand got really cold when I touched the water.

4. We went to visit the finger lakes for vacation.

5. The biggest star in our galaxy is the sun.

6. I made a wish when I blew out the candles.

7. Strawberry is my favorite ice cream flavor.

8. Parking lots are big places, that have alot of cars.

9. My dancing shoes have a hole in them.

10. I get lost in the book, when ever I read.

11. The smell of flowers is my favorite smell.

12. Sarah's cat is yellow and has big claws.

13. I have green pencils in my other pocket.

14. I enjoy riding my bike around the park.

15. In July, I ran in a long marathon.

Worksheet 39



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Read each sentence. In the space to the right of each sentence, write the adjective(s) that appear in each sentence. If no nouns appear in the sentence, write "No adjectives present" in the space to the right.

1. I just heard the news, it made me very happy.

2. Birch is the type of wood we used to build our house.

3. I used tape to fix the ripped paper.

4. We used Sarah's old camera to take all of the pictures.

5. The floor moved as th earthquake took place.

6. Roger's gloves are big and blue.

7. First prize is for the race is a wonderful vacation to Florida.

8. The phone rang very loudly.

9. My good friends call me Tommy.

10. The orange paper is the best paper for writing.

11. The radio station played my song.

12. The biggest mountain I have ever seen is Red Mountain.

13. The teacher made the students do the difficult assignments.

14. Nancy had the longest jump for the entire class.

15. You are the most hardworking person I have ever met.

Worksheet 40


Where's The Adjective?

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Some adjectives modify nouns by telling HOW MANY (several, few, many, one, all, seven).

Underline the adjectives in each sentence that tell HOW MANY.

1) There are five players on a basketball team.

2) Several days ago my dog went missing.

3) All of the students will receive a certificate.

4) There are many puppies for sale.

5) We ordered only one pizza.

6) How many ice cream cones did you want?

7) There are only a few newspapers left to deliver.

8) Sam rented two videos for tonight.

9) Several of the girls wanted to go skating.

10) There are fifty states in the United States.

11) Only a few of the students finished their project on time.

12) Tom Cruise has been in many films.

Worksheet 41


What Kind of Adjective?

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Adjectives modify by telling WHICH ONE, HOW MANY, WHAT KIND.

In the following sentences, underline all the adjectives.

Put a ‘1’ over the word if it tells WHICH ONE.

Put a ‘2’ over the word if it tells HOW MANY.

Put a ‘3’ over the word if it tells WHAT KIND.

Example: Th 1 ese t 2 wo blue 3 berry pies are going to the cou 3 nty fair.

1. The brick chimney put out black smoke.

2. The apple trees need pruning.

3. The boy has two skateboards.

4. She has a younger sister.

5. That goat ate my new shoes.

6. My aunt bought six towels at the store.

7. The city zoo has two new elephants.

8. There are four pear trees in the orchard.

9. The dog found a red ball in the park.

10. That little old man is my grandfather.

11. The brown puppy is very frisky.

12. I want to ride the old, slow mare.

13. He saw a bright, shiny star in the sky.

14. Do you want that black kitten?

15. Sixteen people were sick yesterday.

Worksheet 42


Where's The Adjective?

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Some adjectives modify nouns by telling WHAT KIND (small, huge, blue, smelly).

Underline the adjectives in each sentence that tell WHAT KIND.

1) He is a good reader.

2) The small, brown puppy fell out of the basket.

3) David bought a new red scooter.

4) It is an action-adventure film.

5) The shiny black beetle crawled onto the red rose.

6) She has a fuzzy yellow cardigan.

7) The pig pen is smelly.

8) Sam has a beautiful red racing bicycle.

9) The naughty girl broke my new flower vase.

10) This book is long, dull, and boring.

11) He could hardly see through the thick gray fog.

12) David is tall, dark, and handsome.

Worksheet 43


Where's The Adjective?

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Some adjectives modify nouns by telling WHICH ONE (this, that, those, these, any, each).

Underline the adjectives that tell WHICH ONE.

1) That puppy is sleeping.

2) This apple is bigger than that one.

3) Each child will receive an award.

4) I like those flowers better than these ones.

5) Are there any loaves of bread left?

6) Wasn't that movie great?

7) This pizza has pepperoni on it.

8) Are these the glasses you are looking for?

9) I will accept any offers.

10) This chair is much softer than that chair.

Worksheet 44


Is It A Noun or an Adjective?

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Decide whether the underlined word in the following sentences is used as a noun or an adjective.


We are going to buy a pumpkin for a Jack-o-lantern this Halloween. ____noun___

Do you like to eat pumpkin seeds? ___adjective_

1. That is a beautiful oak tree. ____________

2. Will you build me a tree house? ____________

3. She always has an apple for lunch. ____________

4. I like apple pie with ice cream. ____________

5. My grandmother has a beautiful flower garden. ____________

6. That vase has a single flower in it. ____________

7. Barn owls are beautiful birds. ____________

8. Farmer Brown has a huge red barn. ____________

9. Which book do you want to read? ____________

10. He built a book shelf in his room. ____________

11. Hand me the blue dog collar. ____________

12. Sam has a new dog. ____________

13. I like that brown horse with the black mane. ____________

14. Is he going to the horse races this weekend? ____________

15. I need the blue cardboard to back this picture. ____________

16. Fill that cardboard box with these towels. ____________

Worksheet 45


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Adverbs describe verbs. They tell how, when, and where things happen.

Direction: Circle the adverb in each sentence and does the adverb tell how, when, or where.

1. The mail carrier finally arrived. __________

2. We ran out to meet her.__________

3. Maggie clapped her hands excitedly. _________

4. I quickly opened the gold envelope. __________

5. Then Maggie read the letter.__________

6. "We won the contest!" she shouted proudly.__________

7. He keeps his collection upstairs. _________

8. He works on it often. __________

9. Sometimes friends send Butch new stamps. _______

10. He buys unusual stamps downtown. _________

Worksheet 46



Page 45: essential parsing

Adverbs describe verbs. They tell how, when, and where things happen.

Direction: Circle the adverbs in each sentenceand underline the words they modify.

1. Marcella, deposit the money safely in the most powerful vault.

2. The recently found journal said Wallace was so lost that he just wandered aimlessly in circles.

3. Running quickly for the endzone, the widely recruited fullback tripped.

4. Lynne pushed the most talented students so they would finish the assignment quickly.

5. The author was quite annoyed when she determined that the publisher was very dishonest.

6. Wendy threw the garbage out, but the flies would not leave.

7. After she looked carefully in both directions, Amitabha sprinted across.

8. Now that Royce has arrived safely, the group can settle down.

9. Their most talented competitor still will not defeat our top contender.

10. Always think positively when you are presented an opportunity to succeed.

Worksheet 47


Page 46: essential parsing

Adverb Worksheet

Adverbs describe verbs. They tell how, when, and where things happen.

Direction: Circle the adverbs in each sentenceand underline the words they modify.

11. The CEO feels unusually tense today.

12. Ginger spoke glowingly of Kyoko's extraordinary acting skills.

13. The children's teacher announced that their class was the most highly rated in the district.

14. Greg's mule accepted every task willingly.

15. You should put that hibiscus inside.

16. In the winter, New York is much colder than Florida.

17. Hank waved enthusiastically at Steve.

18. Speak softly into the microphone or we will suffer greatly.

19. When Thomas pounded firmly on the door, he woke the sleeping baby.

20. "Grammar is so difficult and quite boring," the overworked student complained bitterly.

Worksheet 48

Page 47: essential parsing


Subject-Verb Agreement

Directions: In the following sentences, circle the verb or pronoun in parentheses that agrees with its subject or antecedent.

 Example:  Most successful advertisements (appeals, appeal) to both our minds and our emotions.

1. Details (convinces, convince) our minds to buy what our hearts desire.

2. Everyone (tries, try) to rationalize his or her desires.

3. The details presented in the persuasive letter (provides, provide) the needed rationalization.

4. If a person (wants, want) to buy a new car, he or she must be convinced that the car is really       necessary.

5. The characteristics of the car  (gives, give) the reader proof that that particular car is needed.

6. Other kinds of persuasive information (includes, include) a physical description of the product, the reputation of the company, and the test and performance data.

7. Another source of persuasion (is, are) the testimonial of a satisfied customer.

8. The famous ads of the past for the Charles Atlas body-building program (demonstrates, demonstrate) still another strategy: showing the reward in action.

9. Many a young man bought the Charles Atlas body-building program hoping to see (himself, themselves) transformed into a powerful he-man like the one shown in the advertisement.

10. Today, of course, one must be sure that the claims (one makes, they make) are true.

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Worksheet 49


Subject-Verb Agreement

Directions: In the following sentences, circle the verb or pronoun in parentheses that agrees with its subject or antecedent.

 Example:  Most successful advertisements (appeals, appeal) to both our minds and our emotions.

1. But there (is, are) usually many legitimate claims that can be made about a product or service if one knows the facts.

2. As a persuasive writer, you must emphasize the facts that (gives, give) your product an edge over your competitor’s.

3. A successful persuasive letter usually (asks, ask) the reader to do something.

4. The closing of the letter (suggests, suggest) that the reader send for more information or fill out a questionnaire or an application form.

5. Writers of persuasive letters must make clear exactly what action (he expects, they expect) from the reader.

6. Most persuasive letters (follows, follow) a set formula: they arouse their readers’ attention; they interest their readers in their product or service; they call for some response from their readers.

7. Sentences and paragraphs in a persuasive letter (is, are) short; the vocabulary is simply but mature.

8. The company or firm the writer represents must never seem to be talking down to (its, their) potential clients.

Page 49: essential parsing

9. Neither sarcasm not a condescending tone (is, are) appropriate.

10. As in any other kind of business letter, one of the main purposes of a persuasive letter (is, are) to build goodwill for the company or business.

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