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Eastern Samar Bulletin

accepts Advertisements!!! contactRomy Cebreros at(055) 261-3319

ORAS, Eastern Samar – Te local tax collection or Jan-uary to August 2014 has already surpassed the target col-lection or the entire year, the town treasurer office herereported.

As o end o August, the P2.7 million local taxes gener-ated has already exceeded the P2.3 million collection targetor this year. It is also up by 50 percent compared to the P1.7

ACLOBAN CIY -- Te Department o Energy (DOE)is urging consumers to make “energy conservation a way olie.”

In Monday’s kick off o the 4th Consumer InormationMarket and Exhibit held at a mall here, DOE Visayas fielddirector Antonio Labios said that they have been embarking

– Some P15.5 million worth o arm machineries were turnedover recently by the Department o Agrarian Reorm (DAR) to fiveagrarian reorm beneficiary organizations (ARBOs) in Leyte, Samarand Eastern Samar.

Te amount, according to Regional Director Sheila Enciso, is thetotal cost o the five tractors given away to ARBOs in severely affect-ed provinces by the super typhoon “Yolanda”.

Enciso added that the machines were primarily intended or theclearing and rehabilitation o arm lots in areas greatly affected bythe typhoon.

Based on available data, Leyte, Eastern Samar and Samar werethe hardest hit provinces with thousands o people reported dead,while millions o pesos worth o properties were damaged. Tus,three tractors were distributed in Leyte, while one tractor each or

the provinces o Samar and Eastern Samar.DAR entrusted to five ARBOs the operations and maintenance

o the machines which cost P3,117,920 per unit.

 – Te Department of Agriculture(DA) tagged more than 81,000 hect-ares of rainfed rice farms in the regionas highly vulnerable to impacts of ElNiño phenomenon that is expected tooccur in the last quarter of this year.

Elvira orres, DA’s regional techni-cal director or research and regulation,said they are closely watching these ar-eas or possible prolong dry season thatwill be prevalent starting October, cit-ing state weather bureau.

“Our priority is rained rice areashighly vulnerable to negative impactso dry season. We are also working on

building the capabilities o local gov-ernment units to implement mitigationmeasures,” orres said.

Since 2013, the DA has been pro-moting drought resistant variety ocrops such as adlai and soybeans, rice

 varieties that requires less water andapplication o affordable water storagetechnology.

O the 81,096 hectares o areaswithout irrigation supply, 18,699 are inLeyte, 1,158 hectares in Southern Leyte,

Rice lands prone to

El Niño phenomenon

81,000 hectares of farm lands

DAR turns over P15.5-M machineriesFor Leyte, DAR turned over the machines to the St. Benedict’sAssociation or Sustainable Farming based in unga, the BorocAgricultural Primary Multi-Purpose Cooperative in Ormoc andthe Zaragosa Agrarian Cooperative in Matalom; while or EasternSamar and Samar, DAR turned over the machines to the Carapda-pan Small Farmers and Fishermen Producers Cooperative basedin Salcedo, Eastern Samar and the Legaspi Farmers and Fisher-men Association in Marabut, Samar,

Tese tractors were unded under the Agrarian Reorm Com-munities Connectivity and Economic Support Services (ARC-CESS) project.

Tough these were not among the recommended commonservice acilities (CSFs) or the ARCCESS project, Enciso ex-plained that these were provided by the agency in addition or the

 Local town continues to improvetax collection

million taxes collected a year ago.“It was because o the good strategies in collecting. Our

collectors urge taxpayers to pay their taxes and we also hadtax mapping,” said Abraham . Pinangay Jr., the town’s mu-nicipal treasurer.

Te local government collected about P1.2 million rom

DOE urges consumers to

make energy conservation

a way of life

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Oct. 05-11, 2014Vol. XI Issue No. 73

Photo by Mel Caspe

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NOTICES2 Easter Samar Bulletin

Republic o the Philip-pines


8th Judicial RegionBranch 3

Guiuan, Eastern SamarRURAL BANK OF GUI-

UAN (E.S.), INC.,Mortgagee,



MortgagorsEJF File No. 230



AC 4118x- - - - -- - - - - - -xSHERIFF’S NOICE OF


Upon extra-judicial peti-ion or sale under Act No. 3135,

s amended by Act 4118, filed byhe RURAL BANK OF GUIUAN


egal age, Filipinos, with residencend postal address at Barangayulangan, Guiuan, Eastern Sa-ar, in order to satisy the mort-

age indebtedness which as oarch 31, 2009 amounts to FIVEUNDRED NINE HOUSANDINEY-HREE PESOS and

5/100 (509,093.75) Philippineurrency, excluding penalties,harges, attorney’s ees and ex-enses o oreclosure and sale, thex-Officio Sheriff o Eastern Sa-ar, by and through undersignedill sell at public auction on No-

ember 5, 2014 at 10:00 o’clock inhe morning or soon t hereafer, at

he main entrance o the Region-l rial Court, Branch 3, Guiuan,astern Samar, to the highest bid-er, or CASH and in Philippineurrency, the ollowing property/es with all its improvements, toit:

AX DECLARAION No.RP 09053-00979/00980

“A parcel o residential landogether with all the buildingsnd improvements ound there-n, located at Int. Imelda St.,rgy. Sulangan, Guiuan, Easternamar, declared or taxation pur-oses in the name o EOFILO. CABACABA under D No.RP 009053-00979/00980, as-

essed at P1,420.00, bounded onhe N., by 633-Nestor Gapate;., by 018-eolfilo Badoc; S., by18-eofilo Badoc; and W., by

31-Adela Cobacha, having anrea o 78 sq.m. more or less.”

All sealed bids must be sub-itted to the undersigned on the

bove-stated time and date.In the event the public auc-

ion should not take place on theaid date, it shall be held on No-ember 14, 2014 without urtherotice.

Prospective buyers/biddersre hereby enjoined to investigateor themselves the itle/ax Dec-aration to the property/ies de-cribed above and encumbranceshereon i any there be.

Guiuan, Eastern Samar,eptember 17, 2014.


Clerk o Court VI andEx-Officio Sheriff (Sgd.) ILBERO C.


opy urnished:e Manager, Rural Bank o Gui-

an (E.S.), Inc., Mortgagee, Gui-an, Eastern Samartty. Pedro L. Felicen, Jr., 116 Gor-onia Ave., Lot 10, Blk. 2, Phase 2,&G Subd., acloban City 

pouses eofilo Cabacaba & Con-tancia Cabacaba, Brgy. Sulanga,uiuan, Eastern SamarARNING: It is absolute prohib-

ted to remove, deace or destroyhis Notice o Sale on or beorehe date o sale, under penalty ohe law.

SB: Sept. 21-27, 28- Oct. 4,Oct. 5-11, 2014

Republic o the Philip-pines


8th Judicial RegionBranch 3

Guiuan, Eastern SamarRURAL BANK OF GUI-

UAN (E.S.), INC.Mortgagee,




EJF File No. 0213For:



AC 4118x- - - - - - - - - -x


JUDICIAL SALEUpon extra-judicial peti-

tion or sale under Act No. 3135,as amended by Act 4118, filed bythe RURAL BANK OF GUIUAN(E.S.), INC., against ANONIOO. IDA, ROSIA O. IDA andFLORENCIA O. IDA, all o legalage, Filipinos, with residence andpostal address at San FranciscoStreet, Barangay 8, Guiuan, East-ern Samar, in order to satisy themortgage indebtedness which aso July 15, 2007 amounts to ONEMILLION EIGH HOUSANDONE HUNDRED ELEVEN PE-SOS and 11/100, (P1,008,111.11)Philippine currency, excludingpenalties, charges, attorney’s eesand expenses o oreclosure andsale, the Ex-Officio Sheriff o East-ern Samar, by and through under-signed will sell at public auctionon November 5, 2014 at 10:00

o’clock in the morning or soonthereafer, at the main entrance othe Regional rial Court, Branch3, Guiuan, Eastern Samar, to thehighest bidder, or CASH and inPhilippine currency, the ollowingproperty/ies with all its improve-ments, to wit:

AX DECLARAION No.ARP-09004-00166

“A parcel o commercial res-idential land together with allthe improvements ound thereonsituated at Guimbaolibot Ave.,Brgy. 4, Guiuan, Eastern Samar,declared or taxation purposes inthe name o ANDRES IDA underD No. 09044-00166, assessed atP16,190.00 and bounded as ol-lows: N., by Guimbaolibot Avenue;E., by Maria Pading; S., by MariaPading; and W., by Domingo

Calzita, with an area o 435 sq. m.,more or less.”


“A parcel o residential landtogether with all the improvementsound thereon situated at Guim-baolibot Ave., Brgy. 9-A, Guiuan,E. Samar, declared or taxationpurposes in the name o ANDRESIDA under D No. 09011-00063,assessed at P6,110.00 and boundedas ollows: N., by 012-Felix Siguan;E., by 009-Esteban Sabulao, Sr.; S.,by 009-Esteban Sabulao, Sr., andW., by Guimbaolibot Ave., with anarea o 315 sq.m., more or less.”


“A parcel o residential landlocated at San Jose Street, Baran-gay 11, Guiuan, Eastern Samar,

declared or taxation purposesin the name o Milagros O. Lim(vendor) sold to DR. ANONIOO. IDA per Deed o AbsoluteSale under D130041, assessed atP6,590.00 and bounded as ollows:N., by 001-Ciriaco Pimentel; E.,by 007-Gerardo Morrero; S., SanJose Street; and W., by 001-JorgeRaygon, known as Cadastral LotNo. 231 with an area o 650 sq.m.,more or less.”

All sealed bids must be sub-mitted to the undersigned on theabove-stated time and date.

In the event the public auc-tion should not take place on thesaid date, it shall be held on No-

 vember 14, 2014 without urthernotice.

Prospective buyers/biddersare hereby enjoined to investigateor themselves the itle/ax Dec-laration to the property/ies de-scribed above and encumbrances

Republic o the Philip-pines


8th Judicial RegionBranch 3

Guiuan, Eastern SamarRURAL BANK OF GUI-

UAN (E.S.), INC.Mortgagee,




EJF File No. 0217For:



AC 4118x- - - - - - - - x


Upon extra-judicial petition or

sale under Act No. 3135, as amend-ed by Act 4118, filed by the RU-RAL BANK OF GUIUAN (E.S.),INC., against SPOUSES FILEXG. DIMAANGAY and ISABELDIMAANGAY, o legal age, Fili-pinos, with residence and postaladdress at Barangay Pagnamitan,Guiuan, Eastern Samar, in order tosatisy the mortgage indebtednesswhich as o July 15, 2007 amountsto ONE HUNDRED HIRY-SIXHOUSAND EIGH HUNDREDNINEY-FIVE PESOS and 10/100(136,895.10) Philippine curren-cy, excluding penalties, charges,attorney’s ees and expenses ooreclosure and sale, the Ex-O-ficio Sheriff o Eastern Samar, byand through undersigned will sellat public auction on November 5,2014 at 10:00 o’clock in the morn-

ing or soon thereafer, at the mainentrance o the Regional rialCourt, Branch 3, Guiuan, EasternSamar, to the highest bidder, orCASH and in Philippine currency,the ollowing property/ies with allits improvements, to wit:AX DECLARAION No. ARP-02-09044-00124“A parcel o residential land to-gether with all the buildings andimprovements ound thereon sit-uated at Brgy. Road, Brgy. Pagna-mitan, Guiuan, Eastern Samar, de-clared or taxation purposes in thename o FILEX G. DIMAANGAYunder D No. ARP-02-09044-00124, assessed at P2,870.00 andbounded as ollows: N., by B aran-gay Road; E., by 006-Juan Caadan;S., by 007 Dolores Pagadora; andW., by Hrs. o Isidora Dimaangay,

with an area o 241 sq.m., more orless.”All sealed bids must be submit-ted to the undersigned on theabove-stated time and date.In the event the public auctionshould not take place on the saiddate, it shall be held on November14, 2014 without urther notice.Prospective buyers/bidders arehereby enjoined to investigate orthemselves the itle/ax Declara-tion to the property/ies describedabove and encumbrances thereoni any there be.

Guiuan, Eastern Samar,September 17, 2014.(Sgd.) ZORAIDA P.

QUILONAClerk o Court VI and

Ex-Officio Sheriff (Sgd.) ILBERO C.


Copy urnished:Te Manager, Rural Bank oGuiuan (E.S.), Inc., Mortgagee,Guiuan, Eastern SamarAtty. Pedro L. Felicen, Jr., 116Gorgonia Ave., Lot 10, Blk. 2,Phase 2, V&G Subd., aclobanCity Spouses Filex G. Dimaangay &Isabel Dimaangay, Brgy. Pagnami-tan, Guiuan, Eastern SamarWARNING: It is absolutelyprohibited to remove, deace ordestroy this Notice o Sale onor beore the date o sale, underpenalty o the law.

 ESB: Sept. 21-27, 28- Oct. 4,

Oct. 5-11, 2014

Republic o the Philip-pines


8th Judicial RegionBranch 3

Guiuan, Eastern SamarRURAL BANK OF GUI-

UAN (E.S.), INC.Mortgagee




EJF File No. 0187-03For:



AC 4118x- - - - - - - - -x


Upon extra-judicial peti-tion or sale under Act No. 3135,as amended by Act 4118, filed by

the RURAL BANK OF GUIUAN(E.S.), INC., against CIRILA B.QUIZA and JEAN FRANCIS-CA QUIZA-JABAGA, o legalage, Filipinos, with residenceand postal address at Barangay 2,Poblacion, Salcedo, Eastern Sa-mar, in order to satisy the mort-gage indebtedness which as oJuly 15, 2013 amounts to WOHUNDRED SIXY SIX HOU-SAND FIVE HUNDRED HIR-Y HREE PESOS and 33/100(P266,533.33) Philippine curren-cy, excluding penalties, charges,attorney’s ees and expenses ooreclosure and sale, the Ex-O-ficio Sheriff o Eastern Samar, byand through undersigned will sellat public auction on November 5,2014 at 10:00 o’clock in the morn-ing or soon thereafer, at the main

entrance o the Regional rialCourt, Branch 3, Guiuan, EasternSamar, to the higher bidder, orCASH and in Philippine currency,the ollowing property/ies with allits improvements, to wit:

AX DECLARAION No.ARP-99-19002-00037

OC No. 8082, Lot 3021, C-3,Pls-1044-D

“A parcel o residential lottogether with all the buildingsand other improvements there-on located at Poblacion, Salce-do, Eastern Samar, declared ortaxation purposes in the nameo CIRILA A. QUIZA under axDeclaration No. ARP-99-19002-00037, covered by OC No. 8082,Lot 3021, bounded on the SE-Lot3022, 3030; SW-Lot 3056; NW-Lot3020; NE-National Road, having

an area o 212 square meters, moreor less.”

All sealed bids must be sub-mitted to the undersigned on theabove-stated time and date.

In the event the public auc-tion should not take place on thesaid date, it shall be held on No-

 vember 14, 2014 without urthernotice.

Prospective buyers/biddersare hereby enjoined to investigateor themselves the itle/ax Dec-laration to the property/ies de-scribed above and encumbrancesthereon i any there be.

Guiuan, Eastern Samar,September 17, 2014.(Sgd.) ZORAIDA P.


Clerk o Court VI andEx-Officio Sheriff 


Copy urnished:Te Manager, Rural Bank o Gui-uan (E.S.), Inc., Mortgagee, Gui-uan, Eastern SamarAtty. Pedro L. Felicen, Jr., 116 Gor-gonia Ave., Lot 10, Blk. 2, Phase 2,V&G Subd., acloban City Cirila B. Quiza and Jean FranciscaQuiza-Jabagat, Barangay 2, Pobla-cion, Salcedo, Eastern SamarWARNING: It is absolutely pro-hibited to remove, deace or de-stroy this Notice o Sale on or be-ore the date o sale, under penaltyo the law.

 ESB: Sept. 21-27, 28- Oct. 4,

Oct. 5-11, 2014

thereon i any there be.

Guiuan, Eastern Samar,September 17, 2014.(Sgd.) ZORAIDA P.

QUILONAClerk o Court VI and

Ex-Officio Sheriff (Sgd.) ILBERO C. MA-


Oct. 05-11, 2014

Republic o the Philip-pines


8th Judicial RegionBranch 3

Guiuan, Eastern SamarPEDRO M. GUIM-

BAOLIBO, JR.,,Plaintiffs,



Deendants.Civil Case No. 1304

For:Annulment o Certificateo itle, Deed o AbsoluteSale, ax Declaration and

Quieting o itlex-------------------------x


BEFORE HIS COURare two (2) Compromise Agree-ments executed by both parties(pp. 103-106 o the Records).Te first one is between theplaintiffs and deendant Marian

Darang which reads:“xxx xxx xxx

Te parties stipulate to the ol-lowing:

1.Plaintiff asserts a claim oownership against deendant ona land located at Lugay st., Brgy.4-A, Guiuan, Eastern Samarunder Lot #1588 with OriginalCertificate o itle #RP-1414(reconstituted) but original-ly OC #7797 declared in thename o Euemia A. Macabasag.

2. An action based on thisclaim is now pending at theRegional rial Court, Guiuan,Eastern Samar, Branch 3, case

number 1304 and entitled PedroGuimbaolibot Jr., et. al. vs. Mari-an Darang,, or Annulmento Certificate o itle, Deed oAbsolute Sale, ax Declarationand Quieting o itle.

3. Deendant denies anyliability in connection with thealleged claim.

4. Te parties wish to reacha ull and final settlement othe action and all matters aris-ing rom the dispute describedabove.

Tereore, in considerationo the mutual promises set orth,the parties agree to the ollow-ing:

a) Deendant will give toplaintiff a portion o the landwith an area o Tirty Eightpoint eighty five square metersonly (38.85 sq. mtrs.) which is3.7 x 10.5 m and the land wherethe ALLANA’S Meat Shop cur-rently situated. Furthermore,the building and other improve-ments erected or introduced onthe aoresaid portion o land,where ALLANA’S Meat Shopis situated, are included in theaoresaid waiver made by deen-dant to plaintiff.

b) Plaintiff will cause or

the Dismissal o the aoresaidcase against herein deendantsimmediately upon execution othis agreement, dismissing thepending action with prejudice.

c) Each party releases theother rom all rights and claimsthat they may have against theother arising rom the disputedescribed above.

d) Tis agreement was theresult o a negotiated settlementand may not be construed ashaving been prepared by anyone party.

e) Tis agreement is in-tended to bind and benefit the

parties, their heirs, agents, legalrepresentatives, assigns, andsuccessors in interest.

xxx xxx xxx”While the second one is

between the plaintiffs and de-endants spouses Nicanor andPriscila Cablao which containssubstantially the same termsand agreements as the first oneexcept one provision (par. a)which provides:

“xxx xxx xxx  a) Deendant will give

to plaintiff a total amount oeight hundred thousand pesos(P800,000.00), Phil. Currency,only within a period one (1)year in installment basis at arate o eighty thousand pesos(P80,000.00) per month untilthe ull amount have been ullypaid by the deendant.”

Considering that the ore-going Compromise Agreementsreflect the voluntariness o theparties and the terms thereoare not contrary to law, morals,good customs and public policy,the said Compromise Agree-ments are hereby APPROVED.

WHEREFORE, judgment ishereby rendered in accordancewith the terms o said Compro-

mise Agreements. Te partiesare enjoined to comply strictlyand in good aith with the termsand conditions set orth therein.


October 07, 2010,Guiuan, Eastern Samar,Philippines


Presiding Judge

ESB: Sept. 28- Oct. 4, Oct.

5-11, 12-18, 2014

ACLOBAN CIY- Te Phil-ippine Fiber Industry Develop-ment Authority 8 (PhilFIDA-8)here in the region is set to pro-

 vide abaca plantlets and farmingtools to support the needs of theabaca farmers recover from lossesthey sustained due to devastationcaused by supertyphoon Yolanda.

Aside from mainly helping theaffected abaca farmers, the inter-

 vention by their office would helprevive the industry itself, said Jo-seph Salas, officer-in-charge fortechnical assistance unit of Phil-FIDA-8.

Te farming tools to be dis-tributed to the abaca farmers willinclude sharp bolo, shovels andhoes.

“Farmers are motivated towork when there are materials onhand and when they know thatthe government is ready to helpand support them. We will pro-cure these tools for them to pushforward and go back to farming

and plant more,” Salas said.PhilFIDA has allocated ten setsof farming tools for each munici-pality identified under the projectthat includes the city of Ormocand the towns of Albuera, Kanan-ga, Burauen, Hindang, Hilongos,Javier, Abuyog, and Inopacan inLeyte; Bontoc and St. Bernardin Southern Leyte; Victoria and

PhilFIDA to provide plantlets, farming tools to abaca farmersin Eastern Visayas

Lavesarez in Northern Samar; andDolores in Eastern Samar.

Moreover, PhilFIDA alreadydistributed a total of 14,805 tissuecultured abaca plantlets in 14 mu-nicipalities in the region as part ofits rehabilitation activities.

Te said plantlets were releasedto the Eastern Visayas Fiber Re-gional Experiment Station andSeed Bank (EVERFESS) in Abuy-

og, Leyte.Te cultured abaca plantlets or

young plants were distributed toBontoc, Southern Leyte; Abuyog,Jaro and MacArthur, Leyte; Mar-abut, Samar; Calbayog City and,Almeria, Biliran. Farmers werealso provided with training by thePhilFIDA under the said project.

Aside from distributing offarming tools, plantlets and pro-

 viding trainings for farmers, Phil-FIDA also continue to implementthe Abaca Expansion Project to re-habilitate and restore nurseries fornew abacas and provide technicalassistance to farmers in establish-ing plant sale outlets.

Eastern Visayas is consideredas a major abaca-producing regionin the country but its productiondecreased due to the incidence ofpests and diseases and natural ca-lamities like Yolanda. (JEFFREYDADO CONSULTADO, LNUIntern)

Sheriff IVCopy urnished:Te Manager, Rural Bank oGuiuan (E.S.), Inc., Mortgagee,Guiuan, Eastern SamarAtty. Pedro L. Felicen, Jr., 116

Gorgonia Ave., Lot 10, Blk. 2,Phase 2, V&G Subd., aclobanCity Antonio O. Ida, Rosita O.Ida and Florencia O. Ida, San

Francisco Street, Brgy. 8, Guiuan,Eastern SamarWARNING: It is absolutelyprohibited to remove, deace ordestroy this Notice o Sale onor beore the date o sale, underpenalty o the law.

 ESB: Sept. 21-27, 28- Oct. 4,

Oct. 5-11, 2014

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By Fr Roy Cimagala

 Email: [email protected]


Easter Samar Bulletin 3

Dalmacio C. Grafl


Romeo CebrerosOIC

Brgy. Songco, Borongan City  Eastern Samar 

(055) 261-3319

Aljim Denver M. ArcuenoEditor-in-Chief

Oct. 05-11, 2014


t’s been 28 years since PresidentFerdinand Edralin Marcos fled the

country- driven out of the countryvia the historic EDSA I People Pow-er revolution on several chargeslike plunder, ill-gotten wealth accu-

“End this kid gloves treatment of

the Marcos cases” Rep. Walden Bello

mulation, human rights violation to include the re-cent discovery of some 156 expensive artworks offamous world artists. It is believed that these havebeen acquired by former First Lady Imelda Romual-dez Marcos, now representative of Ilocos Norte.

 Administrations after administrations that fol-lowed after the Marcos – fall from power have treat-ed these serious crimes with kid gloves. The Pres-

idential Commission on Good Government (PCGG)has recovered only about $4 Billion, about one halfof the ill-gotten believed to be P10 Billion to in-clude $658 millions in Swiss bank deposits, theseartworks and prime properties abroad.

There are suspicions.However that agencies

tasked to recover this ill-gotten wealth may havebeen taking advantage of this stolen wealth via

machinations of dishonest administrators of theaccused heirs of the dictator who now are back topolitical power.

 Akbayan party-list Representative Walden Belloand other militant legislators are calling for the im-mediate resolution of the Marcos cases. It shouldresult in the confiscation of those millions of stolenwealth back to government coffers. It could alsopave the way to put those guilty behind bars. Itshall likewise result in the restoration of a good

 judicial fairness and integrity, an unsullied breast-plate of officials of our Philippine justice system.

Our prison cells have people who stole but a fewhundreds. The Marcos loot is believed to be $10Billion and look at where the clan is?

The early resolution of the Marcos cases willresult in the restoration of judicial integrity andfairness.

WE have just celebrated the liturgical memorial o OurLady o the Rosary (October 7). It’s this celebration thathas made the whole month o October the month o therosary. Let’s hope that we appreciate the true value o thisprayer.

I still remember my childhood days in the provincewhen we were “orced” or at least “pressured” to say therosary with Lola and Mama and other siblings who were

“caught” at the time o this prayer. We did it kneelingdown. O course, I didn’t quite like it, but neither did I eelmistreated. Filial obedience played a big role in this.

Since I could not escape, I just played along, but won-dered why this prayer was so important it had to be thatway. In a sense, I was both there and not there, my mindalternating between praying and getting distracted. Pre-tension reigned ofen.

It was only late in my youth, while I was already sep-arated rom the amily to study in Manila, and thereorequite independent but aware I had to end or mysel, thatI realized how important this prayer was. For a start, itgave me a tremendous calming effect.

o a person who was extremely excitable and sensitiveas I was—though I would also know how to cover these

traits—the rosary was most welcome. It gave me time andspace to breathe and consider things more calmly.

But I soon discovered other more important aspects othis Marian prayer. I realized the value o vocal prayers.What I tended to take or granted actually containedprecious ideas. I somehow discerned a certain beauty inthem, ar removed rom merely physical beauty and tran-sitory worldly pleasures.

And so to prevent me rom alling into mere mechani-cal praying, I would ocus on some phrases o the prayers,one at a time, and try to understand and athom theirmeaning and figure out how they can affect my lie.

Tat’s when I relished the reality o God being a atherto me, o what my attitude should be toward him, what Ican expect rom him, what I ought to ask rom him, etc.

Also, that Mary is such a wonderul mother who is a mostworthy model to ollow, the most competent teacher withrespect to the virtues I ought to develop, etc.

More importantly, the rosary would start to give me aglobal picture o the redemptive lie o Christ which I usedto take or granted. Even a cursory meditation o the mys-teries o the rosary would elicit all kinds o insights andconsiderations that I elt were very useul to me. I coulduse the youth-speak o ‘cool’ to describe them.

With the rosary, I get the sensation that I am seeing thedifferent parts o the lie Christ through the eyes o Mary,the one who understood perectly the lie o Christ andconormed hersel to it is the most intimate way.

In other words, the rosary helped me to be a practicalcontemplative right in the middle o the world, teachingme how to see things through the eyes o aith and devo-tion. It inculcated in me a living piety that knows how tobe lived right in the midst o the secular world.

Tis, to me, is the greatest effect o the rosary. It is in-deed an effective means to instill a supernatural outlookin us, a handy tool to ask or special avors through ourMother’s intercession, a good way to spend time and knowmore about Christ and about her.

I there are pressures to bear, problems to solve, chal-lenges to ace, and even special intentions to pray or, therosary is a good companion. Even when we get visited byinsomnia, the rosary helps us go to sleep.

Especially these days when we are buffeted with allkinds o tension-causing predicaments, the rosary is agood antidote. It puts our mind and heart in their properplace, firmly rooted on Christ and oriented toward him.

It makes us conscious o our human and Christian duties.Te rosary can be done anytime, anywhere. It need not

Rosary most relevant today 

be finished in one seating. And with the new technologieswhich enable us to ollow it while listening to its recording,it can be done quite easily, even while we are driving.

It’s good to spread this devotion as widely as possible,first in the amily, then in the neighborhood, in schools,

parishes, offices, etc. We can also organize pilgrimages toshrines o our Lady. All these can only have good effectson us all.

business taxes, ees and other charges, more than P800,000rom economic enterprises and above P600,000 rom real

property taxes.Compared to last year, this year’s 45 registered businessesis up because o the conduct o surveillance wherein officialsobserve the business or 15 days and finds out how much isthe business’ income.

“We are warning those business owners who aren’t regis-tering and we are imposing 25 percent surcharge and 20 per-cent interest as penalty to those who aren’t able to pay on due,”said revenue collection officer Deanver B. Moratal.

Te local government plans to do the same effective strat-egies o the Bureau o Internal Revenue and impose strict pol-icies to taxpayers.

It was also ound that there are more investments romprivate organizations in the town this year.

“Somehow, we are starting to achieve higher economy,”Pinangay claimed.

According to Telma Libanan, a business owner residingat Riverside area , observed that the improved local tax collec-tion could be attributed to more strict rules. “Even the verysmall retailer stores are obliged to secure a mayor’s permit.”(Niza April M. Porteza, LNU Intern)

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NEWS4 Easter Samar Bulletin Oct. 05-11, 2014

The Philippine Red Cross, in partnership with Qatar Red Crescent Society, dis-tributed jerry cans, mattress and blankets to more than 1,400 families in La Paz

and Dagami, Leyte. Leading the distribution of relief items were PRC ChairmanRichard Gordon and Secretary General Gwendolyn Pang. (VICKY ARNAIZ)

ACLOBAN CIY-–PhilHealth Regional Office

8 in collaboration with theDepartment o Health andthe Eastern Visayas Region-al Medical Center recentlygathered the chies o accred-ited hospitals in the region atthe Leyte Park Hotel, aclo-ban City.

Ninety participants romthe 79 accredited privateand government hospitalsin Eastern Visayas attendedsaid activity. Te summithas several objectives: to pro-vide a venue or sharing besthospital practices, to present

the criteria o the PhilHealthBest Hospital Partner Award,to update partner hospitalswith the new PhilHealthpolicies as well as give thema picture o their hospital’sperormance.

PhilHealth Regional VicePresident Walter Bacarezaand Senior Manager or Ben-efits Development and Re-search Department Dr. Jen-nier Raca led the PhilHealth

PhilHealth holds chief

of hospital summitcontingents. DOH AssistantRegional Director Dr. Paula

Sydiongco represented RDJose Llacuna, Jr., while Dr.Junie Isiderio representedEVRMC.

RVP Bacareza presentedthe status o the health fi-nancing in the region and thePhilHealth 8 perormance.Dr. Raca on the other hand,discussed the new PhilHealthpolicies while Renato Limsi-aco, Jr., PhilHealth divisionchie or field oerations pre-sented the hospitals peror-mance per province.

Tere was also a sharingo best practices whereinpartner hospitals present-ed the outcomes o imple-menting PhilHealth projectsgeared towards improvingprocesses. Cynthia Palileo othe Samar Provincial Hospi-tal discussed their adoptiono the Integrated PhilHealthAvailment Drive (IPAD) log-book. Dr. Ernesto Miralles othe Eastern Visayas RegionalMedical Center shared how

they improved the turn-around-time in the filing o

claims with PhilHealth, whileMichael Seroylas o the LeyteBaptist Hospital shared theirimplementation o the au-to-credit payment scheme.

Te highlight o the ac-tivity was the launching othe Best PhilHealth PartnerHospital Award 2014 andthe presentation o the crite-ria or selecting the winners.Tis is a home-grown strate-gy to encourage hospitals toimplement PhilHealth pro-grams and projects and in theprocess increasing hospitalrevenues. Te awarding owinners will be a major eventin the celebration o Phil-Health’s 20th anniversary inFebruary 2015.

Meanwhile, RVP Bacare-za said that, “Continued di-alogues with accredited hos-pitals and other health careinstitutions are a testament toPhilHealth 8’s dedication toprovide the people o EasternVisayas with access to qualityhealth care”. (PR)

18,019 hectares in Samar, 15,235 hectares in Eastern Samar,and 27,984 hectares in Northern Samar.

Rained areas are arms that rely mainly on rainall or ir-rigation water. Tis kind o arming exists because o the ab-sence o canals that would bring water rom rivers to arms.

For highly vulnerable areas, the arm department pro-motes diversified arming, use o climate resilient rice seeds,and effective water management approach.

agged as the top 10 towns with biggest non-irrigated ar-eas are Las Navas in Northern Samar (4,402 hectares), Do-lores in Eastern Samar (4,300 hectares), Laoang in NorthernSamar (4,073 hectares), Basey in Samar (3,507 hectares), Pala-pag in Northern Samar (3,466 hectares).

Also included are Catubig, Northern Samar (3,313 hect-

ares), and Catarman in Northern Samar (2,884 hectares), Cal-bayog City in Samar (2,001 hectares), Bobon in Northern Sa-mar (1,992 hectares), and Sta. Rita in Samar (1,964 hectares).

Since 2013, the DA has been promoting drought resistant

 variety o crops such as adlai and soybeans, rice varieties thatrequires less water and application o affordable water storagetechnology.

Te Department o Science and echnology (DOS) ore-sees the onset o El Niño in June 2014, which may peak duringthe last quarter o 2014 and may last up to the first quarter o2015.

“El Niño could affect the normal rainall pattern in thecountry generally resulting in reduced rainall. Different partso the country may experience varying rainall impacts,” theDOS said in its El Niño watch.

Te DOS advisory disclosed that the country could stillexperience normal number o tropical cyclone this year. How-ever, El Niño causes the behavior o tropical cyclones to be-come erratic, affecting its tracks and intensity.

Te phenomenon is expected to shif tropical cyclonetracks northward and its intensity could become stronger, theDOS warned.

Te El Niño is the weather phenomenon brought on bythe unusual warming o ocean surace temperatures in thecentral and eastern equatorial Pacific.

Rice lands... ...from Page 1

typhoon-affected areas to help out clear the arms rom debris

and restore them back to their productiveIt was also very timely, she added, because during the

agency’s last meeting with representatives rom the CatholicRelie Services (CRS) and the Food and Agriculture Organi-zation (FAO), who both renewed their commitment to assistin the rehabilitation o the ARCs, DAR was asked to providethe tractor to hasten the restoration process. (jrc/jas/DAR-8)

DAR turns......from Page 1

on a massive inormation and dissemination drive to empha-size the significance o energy efficiency and conservation.

Inormation drive targets academe, local governmentunits, household and industrial and commercial sector,among others.

Joey Domingo o the DOE-Manila said that industrial andcommercial sectors are cooperative in the campaign.

However, Filipino culture is unique in such way that thehigh price o electricity “doesn’t materialize into their con-sciousness.”

“In some aspect we could say that the highlight on energysupply shortage sometimes give a positive side to emphasizethe importance o electricity not only in our economy but inour daily lives,” he said.

He added that a household could save automatically 10percent by not watching a ‘teleserye’ in just an hour.

A 10 percent saving rom household consumption can al-

ready help prevent the possibility o energy crisis, he said.Te 4th consumer inormation market and exhibit high-lighted this year’s celebration o the Consumer Welare Monthwith DOE as the lead agency.

Leyte DI director Desiderio P. Belas Jr. said that the an-nual activity held every October by virtue o Proclamation1098, series o 1997 aims to properly disseminate soundconsumer inormation, encourage dialogue and cooperationamong consumers, businesses and government and broadenthe scope o consumer education by heightening consumerawareness.

Te celebration in Leyte is participated in by 17 govern-ment and private organizations under the Leyte ConsumerNetwork.

Tis year’s celebration anchors on the theme “Sapat na Im-pormasyon: Susi Sa Wastong Paggamit ng Enerhiya.” (PNA)

DOE urges......from Page 1

ACLOBAN CIY, Leyte,October 13 – Te UN reugeeagency started distributingMonday, October 13, thou-sands o core relie items topriority areas in acloban City

UNHCR delivers resh batch onon-ood items in Eastern Visayas

as part o its on-going recoveryassistance.

Te United Nations HighCommissioner or Reugees(UNHCR) began its distribu-tion o our thousand (4,000)hygiene kits comprised o toi-letries, wrap-around clothingand undergarments in our

transitional shelters in thenorth o the city where 372displaced amilies rom thehardest-hit communities othe San Jose district are tem-porarily relocated.

Te hygiene kits will beapportioned across the agen-cy’s sub-offices in Ormoc andGuiuan or subsequent distri-bution in the coming days.

Te delivery o these corerelie items rom the UNHCRis primarily linked to theirglobal protection mandate insituations o displacement re-sulting rom conflict and nat-ural disasters.

  “Tese hygiene kits helpimprove the water and san-itation conditions or dis-placed amilies in their newand temporary relocation sitesby mitigating risks o certaindiseases,” said Eilish Hurley,UNHCR Associate ProtectionOfficer in acloban.

Earlier this year, the UN-HCR completed its distribu-

tion o emergency core relieitems such as tents, plasticsheets, blankets, jerry cans,kitchen sets, solar lanterns andother essential non-ood itemsacross three regions in the cen-tral Philippines.

“o date, and since No- vember last year, we have

delivered core relie items tomore than 700,000 o the most vulnerable o the affected pop-ulations including those in ar-flung areas,” Hurley added.

Meanwhile, the Interna-tional Organisation or Migra-tion (IOM) coordinated withUNHCR’s protection team tobring their energy-efficientcharcoal-ueled stoves to thesepriority areas.

Te UNHCR is also set todistribute another batch o so-lar-powered lanterns later thisyear. Solar lanterns are regard-ed as one o the most innova-tive relie items in the agency’s

operations, lighting up com-munities to help the saety andsecurity o amilies.

UNHCR’s emergency andrecovery efforts are part o aninter-agency humanitarian re-sponse to typhoon Haiyan incoordination with governmentauthorities and local commu-nities. (UNHCR)

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