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Epigenetics and Suicidal BehaviorResearch Pathways

Gustavo Turecki, MD, PhD

From the McUniversity Instreal, Quebec,

Address cofor Suicide StLaSalle Blvd,


S144 Am J

Suicide and suicidal behaviors are complex, heterogeneous phenomena that are thought to resultfrom the interactions among distal factors increasing predisposition and proximal factors acting asprecipitants. Epigenetic factors are likely to act both distally and proximally.Aspirational Goal 1 aims to find clear targets for suicide and suicidal behavior intervention

through greater understanding of the interplay among the biological, psychological, and social riskand protective factors associated with suicide. This paper discusses Aspirational Goal 1, focusing onthe research pathway related to epigenetics, suicide, and suicidal behaviors. Current knowledge onepigenetic factors associated with suicide and suicidal behaviors is reviewed and avenues for futureresearch are discussed. Epigenetic factors are a promising area of further investigation in theunderstanding of suicide and suicidal behaviors and may hold clues to identifying targets or avenuesfor intervention.(Am J Prev Med 2014;47(3S2):S144–S151) & 2014 American Journal of Preventive Medicine


Suicide and suicidal behaviors (SSBs) are complex,heterogeneous phenomena that, as contemporarilydefined, are commonly manifested in the presence

of mental illnesses.1 SSBs are complex because they aremultifactorial and not all individuals manifesting SSBsshare the same underlying etiologic factors. In otherwords, risk factors for SSBs are not universal.2

Numerous models have been proposed over the yearswhile attempting to understand SSBs. Despite the com-plexity and etiologic heterogeneity of these phenomena,most contemporary models of SSBs are remarkablysimilar and basically assume two levels of risk factors:those acting more distally and those acting moreproximally.3 On one end, risk factors acting more distallyare thought to increase predisposition; on the otherend, risk factors acting more proximally are thought tobe precipitants.3 These relationships are described inFigure 1. Examples of distal factors include geneticmakeup and early-life adversity (ELA), whereas typicalproximal factors are recent life events and last 6-monthpsychopathology including current substance (alcohol/drug) abuse.3

Gill Group for Suicide Studies, Douglas Mental Healthtitute, Department of Psychiatry, McGill University, Mon-Canadarrespondence to: Gustavo Turecki, MD, PhD, McGill Groupudies, Douglas Mental Health University Institute, 6875ontreal QC H4H 1R3, Canada. E-mail: gustavo.turecki@


Prev Med 2014;47(3S2):S144–S151 & 2014 Ame

Aspirational Goal 1 aims to find clear targets forintervention through greater understanding of the inter-play among the biological, psychological, and social riskand protective factors associated with suicide. This paperdiscusses this Aspirational Goal and focuses specificallyon the research pathway related to epigenetics and SSBs.

EpigeneticsEpigenetics refers to the study of the epigenome, thechemical and physical modifications of the deoxyribo-nucleic acid (DNA) molecule that functionally regulatethe collection of genes of an organism by altering thecapacity of a gene to be activated and produce themessenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) it encodes.4 Epige-netic regulation of gene function allows for genomicplasticity, that is, the adaptation of the genome to theneeds of the organism.It has long been clear that epigenetic processes occur as

a result of physical and chemical environmental signals.However, only recently has it been revealed that thesocial environment also triggers epigenetic responses.4–6

As such, it is possible to conceptualize the epigenome asan interface through which the environment can influ-ence genetic processes and, as a result, regulate behaviorat least partially in response to environmental needs.3

Epigenetic Factors and Suicidal BehaviorStable epigenetic factors are likely to act distally,increasing predisposition, whereas dynamic epigeneticfactors and proteomic changes are likely to underlie

rican Journal of Preventive Medicine � Published by Elsevier Inc.

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SuicideSuicidal ideation

HopelessnessRecent life events


Proximal factors

Personality traits Cognitive styles

Epigenetic regulation

Neurotransmitters5-HT GABA DA

Stress-response systemsHPA Polyamines

NeurotrophinsBDNF TrkB GDNF


Distal factorsGenetic variabilityFamilial history

Figure 1. Proposed model for epigenetic factors actingdistally on risk of suicide and suicidal behaviorsBDNF, brain-derived neurotrophic factor; DA, dopamine; GABA,γ-aminobutyric acid; GDNF, glial cell–derived neurotrophic factor; HPA,hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenal axis; HT, hydroxytryptamine; TrkB, tyr-osine kinase B

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psychopathological states that act more proximally,precipitating suicidal behavior. To date, however, mostof the research investigating epigenetic factors in SSBshas focused on presumably stable epigenetic marks thatare thought to act distally.Specifically, DNA methylation is capable of inducing

stable epigenetic marks. As epigenetic marks associatewith genomic responses to environmental stimuli—andbecause SSBs are strongly associated with histories ofELA such as childhood sexual and physical abuse as wellas parental neglect—most of the initial effort to inves-tigate epigenetic factors associated with SSBs has focusedon individuals with histories of ELA.Variations in the early social environment, as modeled

by maternal care in the rat (the frequency of pup licking/grooming [LG] over the first week of life), program theexpression of genes that regulate behavioral and endo-crine responses to stress7–9 such that offspring of high-LG mothers show increased hippocampal glucocorticoidreceptor (GR) expression and more modest responses tostress compared to the offspring of low-LG mothers.These differences persist after cross-fostering low- andhigh-LG offspring to high- and low-LG mothers, respec-tively, revealing that the early social environment deter-mines individual differences in stress reactivity, which istransmitted via non-genomic mechanisms.8 Maternal LGinduces an epigenetic modification of an exon 17 GRpromoter10 such that increased maternal care associateswith decreased methylation of the exon 17 promoter andincreased hippocampal GR expression.Encouraged by this groundbreaking animal work

suggesting that the tone of the hypothalamus–

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pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis is epigenetically pro-grammed by the early-life environment10 and that thesemechanisms are evolutionarily conserved,11 in additionto well-established evidence suggesting that HPA axisdysregulation increases risk of suicidal behaviors, theinitial work investigating epigenetic factors in SSBs hasfocused on the epigenetic regulation of the HPA axis bythe early environment. In addition, neurotrophic factorsand their receptors, as well as other signaling systems,have been investigated.3

Stress Response SystemsEpigenetic Regulation of the HPA Axis by theEarly-Life Environment, Suicide, and SuicidalBehaviorsEarly-life adversity has been proposed to induce its long-term behavioral consequences partly by altering theneural circuits involved in the regulation of stress.12

Depressed patients with a history of ELA have beenreported to exhibit higher adrenocorticotropic hormone(ACTH) and cortisol levels following stress tasks anddexamethasone challenge.12,13 Interestingly, in thesestudies,12,13 both ACTH and cortisol levels did not differsignificantly between depressed subjects without historyof ELA and controls. Childhood abuse has also beenshown to increase corticotropin-releasing hormone(CRH) levels12,14 and decrease cerebrospinal fluid(CSF) oxytocin levels.15

Hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenal axis dysregulationhas also been associated with increased suicide risk. Forinstance, in a 15-year follow-up study, Coryell et al.16

showed that depressed patients who were admitted to apsychiatric unit and were non-suppressors to the dex-amethasone suppression test had a 26.8% risk of dying bysuicide at follow-up, compared to a 2.9% risk for controls.Several other studies have produced consistent data.A large study17 investigating 372,696 primary care

patients who received oral glucocorticoids observed ahazard ratio of 6.89 (95% CI¼4.52, 10.50) for SSBs inthese patients when compared to those with the sameunderlying medical condition who were not treated withglucocorticoids. More recently, low hippocampal GRexpression levels have been reported in individuals witha history of childhood abuse who died by suicide18,19 butnot in non-abused individuals who died by suicide.The observations from studies in rats suggesting that

maternal behavior regulate the tone of the HPA axis viamethylation were recently translated to humans throughstudies investigating hippocampal tissue from individualswho died by suicide with and without a history ofchildhood adversity, as well as normal controls.18,19

Notably, methylation levels in the exon 1F promoter of

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the GR in abused individuals who died by suicide weresignificantly higher than among non-abused individualswho died by suicide and healthy controls.In addition, similar to what was found in rats, a

significant hypermethylation in a nerve growth factorinducible A (NGFI-A)–binding site was found in abusedindividuals who died by suicide but not in the othergroups. This epigenetic mark was shown to repress thebinding of NGFI-A to its cognate DNA sequence anddecrease GR transcription.19 A growing number ofindependent studies have been published with consistentresults. Higher levels of methylation in the promoter ofGR 1F have been reported in the infants of mothersreporting intimate partner violence during their preg-nancy compared to those born from mothers who didnot report intimate partner violence during pregnancy.20

Another study21 reported significant correlationsbetween GR 1F promoter methylation levels and parentalloss, child maltreatment, and suboptimal parental care.Furthermore, DNA methylation levels in the GR 1Fpromoter were shown to be positively correlated withchildhood sexual abuse, its severity, and the number ofmaltreatment events in individuals with major depressivedisorder, and with repetition of severe types of abuse inpatients with bipolar disorder.22

Together, this suggests that ELA may induce specificlong-lasting epigenetic alterations affecting gene expres-sion. In a different study23 assessing the expression ofseveral GR exon 1 variants expressed in the limbic systemof depressed individuals who died by suicide, GR 1F andGR 1C hippocampal expression were significantlydecreased in depressed individuals who died by suicide.NGFI-A protein levels in the hippocampus were signifi-cantly decreased in depressed individuals who died bysuicide, suggesting that the decrease in GR expressionfound in these individuals may be mediated by differentmolecular pathways depending on the presence orabsence of ELA.More recently, a study18 investigating other brain-

expressed GR variants in the hippocampus of individualswho died by suicide according to histories of ELAindicated that the expression of the non-coding exons1B, 1C, and 1H was significantly different in individualswho died by suicide with a history of ELA compared tonon-ELA individuals who died by suicide and controls.The assessment of methylation levels in the promoter ofGR 1C revealed methylation differences that wereinversely correlated with GR 1C expression, in accord-ance with the previous findings reported by the samegroup on the 1F variant.On the other hand, the GR 1H promoter showed site-

specific hypomethylation, and methylation was positivelycorrelated with human GR 1H expression. In other

words, less methylation significantly correlated withlower expression, suggesting that active demethylationis also a functional mechanism that may be regulated bythe early-life environment. Although this is a mechanismthat has received less attention, more work is required toelucidate its potential implication in the context of ELA.

Other Stress Response SystemsAlterations in stress response systems other than theHPA axis have also been reported in suicide, particularlyinvolving polyamines, which are highly regulated smallmolecules containing two or more amine (NH2)groups.24 Polyamines have a multitude of functionsincluding regulation of gene transcription and posttran-scriptional modifications, as well as modulation ofseveral protein activities.25 They are released followingstressful stimuli, and in the mammalian brain, poly-amines present a unique pattern of response known asthe polyamine stress response (PSR).26 The PSR can beinduced by direct neuronal stimuli or in response tohormonal signals, such as glucocorticoids.Both human and animal studies suggest that poly-

amine dysfunction is involved in psychopathology.27

Studies investigating the effects of antidepressants indi-cate a role of the polyamine system in the anti-depressant response, particularly the interaction of thepolyamine agmatine or putrescine on N-methyl-D-aspar-tate (NMDA) receptors.28–31 Several studies have indi-cated alterations in the mRNA and protein levels ofseveral components of the polyamine system in corticaland subcortical brain regions of individuals who died bysuicide,32–35 as well as in peripheral samples from suicideattempters36 and psychiatric patients.37

Interestingly, significant epigenetic regulation of somekey polyamine genes in the brain have been reported.38–40

Although preliminary evidence suggests differential epi-genetic regulation of some of these genes in suicide,38

further studies are necessary to understand if polyaminegenes are regulated by the early environment in a similarfashion like that observed for HPA axis genes.

Neurotrophins, Suicide, and Suicidal BehaviorsNeurotrophins, also referred to as neurotrophic factors,are important candidate molecules for understanding thedevelopment of psychopathology because of their role inneuronal survival and plasticity, as well as their expres-sion in brain regions from the limbic system, whereemotions and related behaviors are processed. Forinstance, it is hypothesized that their alteration couldpartly underlie changes in plasticity observed in thebrains of individuals who died by suicide as well as themood symptoms observed in depressive patients.

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Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) hasreceived most of the attention in neurobiological researchof psychiatric conditions such as depressive disordersand suicide. For instance, patients who are depressed pre-sent low serum and brain BDNF expression levels,41–43

and serum BDNF levels are normalized by antidepressanttreatment.44–46

BDNF epigenetic regulation has been investigated inmice and rat models of stress-induced depressive symp-toms,47,48 as well as in a rat model of exposure to trau-matic events.49 Chronic social stress in mice decreasesthe expression of two specific BDNF transcripts (III andIV) in the hippocampus,47 and maternal maltreatmentdecreases prefrontal cortex (PFC) BDNF mRNA expres-sion in rats.48 The BDNF expression alterations observedin chronic social stress in mice are mediated throughincreased histone H3K27 demethylation levels in tran-scripts III and IV promoters,47 and site-specific DNAhypermethylation is found in transcripts IV and IXpromoters of maltreated rats.48

In the latter study, site-specific hypermethylationseems to follow a developmental pattern such that exonIX promoter hypermethylation occurs immediately afterthe maltreatment regimen, whereas promoter IV meth-ylation increases gradually to reach significantly alteredlevels only in adulthood. These findings illustrate thatELA or chronic stressors may alter different epigeneticmechanisms with common transcriptional consequen-ces. On the other hand, these results may also highlightthe heterogeneity of stress-induced epigenetic alterationsbetween species.Pharmacologic treatment with the tricyclic antidepres-

sant imipramine reverses the effect of chronic stress onBDNF transcription in mice.47 However, this reversaldoes not seem to be due to the normalization of histoneH3K27 methylation levels but rather through an increasein both histone H3K4 methylation and histone H3K9acetylation levels.Consequently, these results suggest the existence of a

compensatory mechanism in the reinstatement of basalBDNF levels by chronic imipramine treatment followingchronic stress and emphasize the importance of chromatinhyperacetylation induced by antidepressant treatment.There is evidence in humans suggesting that antidepres-sants act by promoting an open chromatin structure (i.e.,lower H3K27 methylation levels) in the promoter ofBDNF in the prefrontal cortex,50 and consistent resultswere found when investigating peripheral samples fromdepressed patients treated with the typical selectiveserotonin reuptake inhibitor citalopram.51

Recently, the methylation state of BDNF was alsoassessed in post-mortem brains from individuals whodied by suicide. Keller and colleagues52 used three different

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methods to quantify DNA methylation levels in a regionencompassing part of non-coding exon IV and itspromoter in the Wernicke area; their results showed thatDNA methylation was significantly increased in individ-uals who died by suicide (n¼44) compared to controls(n¼33). In addition, BDNF expression in subjects withhigh DNA methylation levels was significantly lower thanin those with low and medium DNA methylation levels,supporting the repressive effects of methylation within thepromoter on transcription.Transmembrane receptor tyrosine kinase B (TrkB) is

the receptor for BDNF and has long been investigated inthe neurobiology of mood and related disorders.41,53–55

Lower TrkB expression has been reported in the pre-frontal cortex of depressed subjects56,57 and antidepres-sant treatment has been shown to increase its expressionin cultured rat astrocytes.58

In investigating the astrocyte-expressed splice variantT1 of the TrkB gene, TrkB-T1, it has been recentlyreported that a subset of individuals who died by suicidewith low levels of TrkB-T1 expression revealed two siteswhere methylation levels were higher compared tocontrols.59 The methylation pattern at those two siteswas negatively correlated with the expression of TrkB-T1in individuals who died by suicide, and this effect wasspecific to the prefrontal cortex because no significantdifference was found in the cerebellum.In addition, individuals who died by suicide with low

TrkB-T1 expression showed enrichment of histoneH3K27 methylation in the TrkB promoter,60 suggestingthat this variant of TrkB may be under the control ofepigenetic mechanisms involving histone modificationsand DNA methylation. Taken together, these datasuggest that epigenetic changes in BDNF and its TrkB-T1 receptor variant might participate in the vulnerabilityto chronic social stress and possibly to ELA and SSBs.

The γ-Aminobutyric Acid SystemThe γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic system has beenthe focus of many research studies in post-mortem brainsamples of psychiatric patients, including those who diedby suicide.61–63 For example, reductions in reelin andglutamate decarboxylase 1 (GAD1, a GABA synthesisenzyme) mRNA61 and an increase in DNA methyltrans-ferase (DNMT) 1 expression64,65 were previouslyreported in post-mortem brains of schizophrenic andbipolar subjects who died by suicide. Consistently,promoter hypermethylation was reported for both genesin accordance with the methylating role of DNMT1.66,67

More recently, the hippocampal expression of GAD1has been shown to be regulated by the early environmentthrough maternal care in rats.68 These findings are in

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accordance with the study by Poulter et al.69 thatexamined the expression of DNMTs as well as theGABAA receptor α1 subunit in the brain of individualswho died by suicide. Three hypermethylated CpG siteswithin the α1 subunit promoter were identified in theprefrontal cortex of individuals who died by suicide andnegatively correlated with DNMT3b protein expression.In addition, DNMT1 and DNMT3a levels have also beenreported to be altered in the limbic system and brain stemof individuals who died by suicide. However, histories ofELA were not reported in this study, thus one cannotassume that these effects would be similar in abusedindividuals who died by suicide.

Genome-Wide DNA Methylation AlterationAlthough promising data have been generated usinghypothesis-driven approaches focusing on candidategene systems to investigate epigenetic factors associatedwith suicide and the early-life environment, there is aneed to better understand epigenetic patterns associatedwith SSBs at the genome-wide level.In particular, two related studies using an antibody to

identify methylated sequences at the genomic levelfollowed by hybridization to a custom-made gene pro-moter array have been reported. One of these studiesfocused on individuals who died by suicide and had ahistory of severe ELA.70 Hundreds of sites were identifiedas being differentially methylated, both hyper- andhypomethylated, associated with the phenotype.Interestingly, differential methylation in abused indi-

viduals who died by suicide was enriched in genesinvolved in neuroplasticity, a finding consistent withthe notion that adversity during childhood leads toplastic changes in the brain as a response to thesenegative environmental stimuli. Similar observationswere made in another genome-wide study, in which anunselected sample of individuals who died by suicide wasinvestigated.71 In this study, methylation enriched ingenes was related to learning and memory.

How May Epigenetic Changes That Are DistallyAssociated with Suicide and Suicidal BehaviorsIncrease Risk?Figure 1 depicts a diagram of putative mediating mech-anisms whereby epigenetic changes acting distally maystably increase lifelong risk of suicidal behavior. Impor-tantly, this model is based on consistent data fromhuman studies, which indicate that emotional andbehavioral dysregulation are frequently reported inindividuals with histories of ELA,72 and that thesepersonality traits seem to mediate, to varying degrees,the relationship between ELA and suicidal behavior.73–75

Moving ForwardThe investigation of epigenetic factors in behavioralphenotypes is a fairly new field. As such, there remainsmuch to understand about epigenetic processes under-lying psychopathology and SSBs. In addition, knowledgeon epigenetic mechanisms is rapidly evolving, constantlyopening new horizons for new epigenetic research.Challenges for future research investigating epigeneticmechanisms in suicide can be grouped into three maincategories, including (1) challenges related to the under-lying theoretic paradigm; (2) challenges related to thestudy design; and (3) technical challenges. Figure 2provides a list of the most important challenges thatfuture epigenetic studies of SSBs should consider accord-ing to each of these three categories.


Potential RoadblocksAlthough epigenetic research of SSBs is likely to growexponentially over the next decade and there is tremen-dous potential for breakthroughs, a number of possibleroadblocks should be considered. Epigenetic marks aretissue and cell population specific. In order to understandpathology, it would be important to first understandnormative processes. Therefore, it would be necessary togenerate extensive reference maps for different epigeneticprocesses that are representative of normal developmentfor the multitude of cell populations and circuits of thebrain related to SSBs.Many studies76–80 have already been conducted

assuming that peripheral samples would model braingene expression changes. Moreover, several studies78,81,82

have assessed how representative peripheral expressionstudies are of central nervous system gene expression.Although conclusive evidence in this regard remainslacking, it is important to keep in mind that epigeneticmarks are tissue specific and more variable betweendifferent tissues of the same individual than between thesame tissue of different individuals.83 However, there isalso some evidence of within-individual epigenetic var-iant correlation across tissues.83

Another potential limitation is related to analyticcapacity. Although technology advances rapidly, analyticand computational tools capable of processing andintegrating multiple layers of epigenetic informationmove forward at a much slower pace. Overcoming suchpotential limitations will require significant effort coor-dinating different disciplines, including computationalbiology, mathematics, and engineering.A further potential limitation is bench-related. Screening

tools have advanced much more rapidly than the capacityto follow up on significant results and characterize theirpotential functional impact. Particularly, it is currently

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Paradigm• Theoretic modeling and investigation of distal epigenetic factors acting on

suicide risk irrespective of early-life adversity• Investigation of stability/instability of distal epigenetic factors • Relative contribution of epigenetic changes to development of personality

traits, psychopathology, and suicide risk• Investigation of proximal epigenetic changes and understanding their

interaction with distal epigenetic factors• Mechanisms for potential intervention

Design• What brain systems/circuits and cellular fractions are affected by

epigenetic changes associated with increased suicide risk?—Conduct studies investigating different brain areas and cell populations

• What sequences other than those from candidate systems are epigenetically regulated and increase suicide risk?—Conduct genome-wide studies

• Are peripheral epigenetic marks valid markers of central epigenetic changes?—Conduct comparative studies using peripheral and central samples from the same subjects

• Conduct prospective studies of epigenetic changes as a function ofenvironmental stressors in longitudinal cohorts representative of thegeneral population

• Effect of possible covariates: better understand the role of gender, age, socioeconomic environment, substance of abuse, and other factors

Technical• Conduct high-throughput, next-generation sequencing studies • Investigate different epigenetic marks and their effect on different RNA

species • Obtain concomitant information on different epigenetic marks and RNA

expression for the same samples • Conduct follow-up work using appropriate induced pluripotent stem cell

models• Investigate potential for pharmacologic manipulation of epigenetic

changes associated with suicide risk• Development of appropriate animal models

Figure 2. Most important challenges that should be considered by future epigenetic studies of suicide and suicidal behaviors

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challenging to investigate interactions of molecular markersor the additive effects of several molecular processes. It isthus not surprising that most models remain relativelysimple and unifactorial in spite of great technical advances.Although overcoming these potential barriers of progresswill be challenging, these are all feasible undertakings.

Clinical ImplicationsAs epigenetics allows modeling environmental influenceson the individual’s biology, it can aid in understanding howlife events act distally and increase predisposition to SSBs, aswell as how they act proximally and precipitate suicidalcrises. This knowledge has tremendous clinical implicationsand the potential to help develop new avenues forintervention, including personalized treatment options suchas monitoring of treatment efficacy.84 Although the appli-cation of epigenetics to study behavior and psychopathol-ogy is recent, epigenetic research has already advanced theunderstanding of SSBs, particularly by shedding light on

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biological processes epigenetically regulated by ELA. Theseinitial findings are promising; however, there remain amultitude of open questions to address and challenges toovercome in the future epigenetic investigation of SSBs.

Publication of this article was supported by the Centers forDisease Control and Prevention, the National Institutes ofHealth Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences, and theNational Institutes of Health Office of Disease Prevention.This support was provided as part of the National Institute ofMental Health-staffed Research Prioritization Task Force ofthe National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention.The author is a Fonds de recherche du Québec - santé

(FRQS) National Research Scholar and his epigenetic researchis funded through the Canadian Institutes for Health Research,National Institute on Drug Abuse, FRQS, and the AmericanFoundation for Suicide Prevention.No financial disclosures were reported by the author of

this paper.

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