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Rcvets, lahorePresentation: Enteritis

Submitted to: Dr. A.D AnjumSubmitted by: Mr.Feroz Hanif

ROLL NO# 236

Group: C March 21st ,2016.


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Enteritis (entero+itis) is inflammation of the small intestine. It is most commonly caused by food or drink contaminated with pathogenic microbes. Symptoms include abdominal pain, cramping, diarrhea, dehydration, and fever.

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1)Acute enteritis Acute enteritis - an acute inflammation of a small intestine. Etiology. Frequently arises at many infections (cholera, typhoid, staphylococcal and virus infection contaminations, sepsis, etc.), it can appear especial at alimentary toxinfections (salmonellosis, a botulism), poisoning (chemical poisons, toxicant funguses, etc.). It is known alimentary Acute enteritis (hyperalimentation, the use of rasping food, spices, strong alcoholic drinks, etc.) and allergic (an idiosyncrasy to foodstuff, medicines).

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Pathological anatomy. The acute enteritis can be catharal, fibrinous, purulent, ulcerative.

a)In catharal enteritis, which meets most frequently, the mucous membrane is hyperemic and edematouse covered by serous, sero-mucous or serous-purulent exudation. The inflammatory infiltration involove not only in mucous membrane, but also submucosal a layer. The dystrophia and a desquamation of an epithelium are seen, especial on apexes of villi.

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b)In fibrinous enteritis, is more often an ileitis, the mucosa of an intestine is necrotic and penetrated by fibrinous exudation therefore on a surface of it there are grey or gray-brown membranes. In dependence on depth of a necrosis the inflammation can be crupouse or diphteric.

c)The purulent enteritis is characterized by diffuse infiltration of walls of an intestine by pus or formation of pustules, is especial on a place of lymphoid follicles.

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d)At ulcerative enteritis destructive processes can involve basically group and solitary lymphatic follicles of an intestine, as it is observed in typhoid. Thus the necrosis and ulceration have wide-spread (flu, sepsis) or focal character.

Complications of an acute enteritis include a bleeding, perforation of a wall of an intestine with development of a peritonitis (for example, at a typhoid), and also a dehydratation and a demineralization (for example, at a cholera). In some cases the acute enteritis can transformate into chronic.

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2)Chronic enteritis: the chronic inflammation of small intestine.>It may be haemorragic,necrotic or granulomatus.

a)Haemorrhagic EnteritisA viral disease of turkeys, similar to pheasant Marble Spleen disease, caused by Type II Adenovirus distinct from classical fowl adenovirus and occurring in most turkey-producing areas. The virulence of the virus varies but morbidity may be 100% and mortality 10-60%.

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SignsSudden deaths. Blood from vent of moribund birds. Drop in feed and water consumption. Diarrhoea. Course 10-21 days. Post-mortem lesionsPetechiae in various tissues. Intestine distended with blood. Spleen mottled and enlarged. Microscopic - spleen shows lymphoid hyperplasia.

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b)Necrotic Enteritis An acute or chronic enterotoxemia seen in chickens, turkeys and ducks worldwide, caused by Clostridium perfringens and characterised by a fibrino-necrotic enteritis, usually of the mid- small intestine. Mortality may be 5-50%, usually around 10%. Infection occurs by faecal-oral transmission.

SignsDepression Ruffled feathers

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Inappetance. Closed eyes. Immobility. Dark coloured diarrhoea

Post-mortem lesionsSmall intestine (usually middle to distal) thickened and distended. Intestinal mucosa with diptheritic membrane. Intestinal contents may be dark brown with necrotic material

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c)Granulomatous enteritis· Cause : form of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) similar to Chron's disease in humans. Malabsorptive and maldigestive condition most commonly affecting the small intestine, although the large intestine can be affected in advanced cases

although Mycobacterium avium has been implicated in a few cases and familial predisposition is suspected in horses .

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•· Signs : insidious or rapid weight loss, poor condition, lethargy, dependent edema, +/- diarrhea, intermittent colic (Abdomen: pain – adult) and alopecia. Demeanor can remain bright with good appetite or anorexia may be reported.

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