
    CLASS : IV

    Chapter : 1

    Be Prepared

    Pg. 5 A. Complete these sentences in your own words.

    1. The speaker won a cookery badge in the Boy Scouts simply because of making suggestions and

    encouraging Chimpu

    2. The dish cooked on the first night at the camp was called Band bhujjia because the dish was a great


    3. Mr. Oliver walked into the forest leaving a trail of broken twigs, pine cones and chestnuts because the

    boys were following the trail of Mr. Oliver.

    4. The speaker lost his cookery badge because Mr. Oliver was very angry and told to return the badge.

    5. Mr. Oliver wanted the speaker to cook an omelette because he was hungry.

    6. The bear escaping into the forest was a funny scene because it came out entangled in his dressing gown.

    Pg.6 A. Read and mark the nouns – CN for common ; P for proper ; CL for collective ; A for Abstract

    in the box.

    1. window CN

    2. crowd Collective

    3. safety Abstract

    4. Milo Proper

    5. audience Collective

    6. speaker Common

    7. honesty Abstract

    8. ticket Common

    9. Alto Proper

    10. series Collective

    Pg.7 Add a, an or the to complete these sentences.

    1. A kilo of tomatoes costs Rs. 30 2. He came home an hour ago. 3. The stadium is packed for today’s match. 4. I like the painting but the colours are a little dull. 5. Do you have a raincoat or an umbrella that I can borrow?

    Pg.7 Add the in the correct place and complete these sentences.

    1. The Godavari river joins the Bay of Bangal. 2. A solar eclipse happens when the Moon comes between the Earth and the Sun. 3. Why is there is no water in the pond? 4. She is Namita, the famous singer. 5. The flower of banana tree is used in cooking. 6. The female lion usually hunts for food, not male.

    Pg. 8 A. Match the correct adjective and nouns from the table to complete the sentences/

    Adjective Nouns

    Sunny day answer

    Loud noise condition

    Short story day

    Correct answer rains

    Heavy rains story

    Poor condition noise

    1. The fog cleared by the time we reached Kasol. A bright and sunny day greeted us. 2. We heard a loud noise and rushed out of our house.

  • 3. Zeba was reading a short story by Leo Tolstoy. It is about the friendship between two little girls. 4. Our Maths teacher asked us a question. But none of us knew the correct answer. 5. The heavy rains have caused floods in two districts of our state. 6. The building was in such a poor condition that it had to be repaired at once.

    Pg.9 Read the hints and write the words related to camps by unscrambling these letters. Some of the words are

    there in the text.

    1. the fire in camps around which people often tell stories – AMRIPECE : CAMPFIRE

    2. a light that can be carried – LNRTAEN : LANTERN

    3. a bag to sleep in – PEILNSEG ABG : SLEEPING BAG

    4. a path to follow – TILRA : TRAIL

    5. containers used in the kitchen – SLEUTINS : UTENSILS

  • HINDI - I

    CLASS : IV

    पाठ - 2 समझदार हाथी


    (क) हाथी �कन �जा�तय� म� से एक है ?

    उ�र ��नया क� सबसे समझदार �जा�तय� म� से हाथी एक है ।

    (ख) हाथी कैसे रहने वाला �ाणी है ?

    उ�र हाथी प�रवार वे झंुड म� रहने वाला �ाणी है ।

    (ग) �या हाथी एक - �सरे को �यार करते ह� ?

    उ�र हा हाथी एक �सरे को �यार करते ह� ।

    (घ) दल का नेतृ�व कौन करता है ?

    उ�र दल का नेतृ�व ह�थनी करती है ।

    2. सही �वक�प पर सही का �नशान लगाइए ।

    (क) मन�ुय क� तरह समझदार कौन होते ह�

    बंदर हाथी ✓ शेर कु�ा

    (ख) हाथ� क� याद करने क� श�� कैसी होती है

    ब�त तेज ✓ थोड़ी कम �ब�कुल कम इनम� से कोई नह�

    (ग) हाथी अपनी �दनचया� का अ�धकतर भाग �कसम� �बताते ह� ?

    पानी म� खेलने म� खाने म� ✓ सोने म�

    (घ) हाथी �कसे भजुा क� तरह �योग करते ह� ?

    कान को सँूड़ को ✓ पँूछ को पैर को

    3. गदयांश पढ़कर पूछे गए ��� का उ�र �ल�खए -

    हा�थय� को आवाज क� नकल .......................................................................सद�य� को पहचान लेती है ।

  • (क) हा�थय� को �या करने का शौक होता है ?

    उ�र : हा�थय� को आवाज क� नकल करने का शौक होता ह� ।

    (ख) हाथी के ��श�क का नाम �ल�खए ?

    उ�र : हाथी के ��श�क का नाम ज�ग गैप था ।

    (ग) हाथी आवाज� �य� �नकालते ह� ?

    उ�र : हाथी एक �सरे के संपक� म� रहने के �लए आवाज �नकालते ह� ।

    (घ) भारतीय हाथी ने ��श�क� को कैसे हरैान कर �दया ?

    उ�र: भारतीय हाथी ने अपने ��श�क क� आवाज क� नकल करके हरैान कर �दया ।

    4. उ�चत श�द �लखकर �र� �थान क� पू�त� क��जए ।

    को�रयाई मदद साधन� �ाणी पानी उपकरण�

    (क) हाथी प�रवार व झंुड म� रहने वाला जानवर है

    (ख) ये साधन� व उपकरण� का �योग करना भी जानते ह� ।

    (ग) एक हाथी लकड़ी उठाने म� लोग� क� मदद कर रहा थाब।

    (घ) कौ�शक नामक यह हाथी कई को�रयाई श�द� क� नकल करता है ।

    (ङ) पानी को सूखने से बचाना इ�ह� खूब आता है ।

    5. सही कथन के आगे सही गलत कथन के आगे गलत का �नशान लगाइए -

    (क) हाथी मन�ुय क� तरह समझदार होते ह� । ✓

    (ख) हा�थय� क� �मरण - श�� ब�त कम होती है । x

    (ग) मुसीबत के समय हाथी �कसी क� मदद नह� करते ह� । x

    (घ) हा�थय� को �दन भर खाना तथा नहाना अ�छा लगता है । ✓

    (ङ) हाथी अपनी संूड म� पानी भरकर फ�वारे क� तरह फेकते ह� । ✓

    6. �न�न ��ो के उ�र �ल�खए -

    ( क ) हाथी �कस तरह का पशु है ? �व�तार से बताइए ।

  • उ�र : हाथी ��नया क� सबसे समझदार �जा�तय� म� से एक है ।हाथी मन�ुय क� तरह ही समझदार होते ह� ।यह

    साधना व उपकरण� का �योग भी करना जानते ह� । हाथी प�रवार म� झुंड म� रहने वाला �ाणी है । हाथी क� याद

    करने क� श�� ब�त तेज होती है । हाथी परोपकारी व अ�य�त भावुक जानवर होता है ,वह बड़ी हो�शयारी से हर

    मुसीबत को सलुझा लेते ह� ।

    ( ख ) हाथी क� मृ�यु होने पर �कस �कार का शोक मनाया जाता है ?

    उ�र : य�द �कसी हाथी क� मृ�यु हो जाए तो पूरा प�रवार शौक बनाता है । दल के सद�य कई-कई �दन� तक हाथी

    के चार� ओर बठेै रोते रहते ह� और �फर उस पर प��यॉ ओर �म�� डालकर उसे दफनाते है । इस तरह हाथी शोक

    मनाते है ।

    ( ग ) हाथी परोपकारी वे अ�यतं भावुक जानवर होता है इस कथन क� पु�� क��जए ?

    उ�र : हाथी परोपकारी वे अ�यतं भावुक जानवर होता है । मुसीबत के समय म� वह मन�ुय व अ�य �जा�तय� क�

    मदद भी करता है । द��णी भारत म� एक हाथी लकड़ी उठाने म� लोग� क� मदद कर रहा था । वह एक �क के पीछे

    चल रहा था और महावत के आदेश पर पहले से �नधा��रत छेद� म� लकड़ी उठाकर रख रहा था । एक �न��त छेद म�

    हाथी ने लकड़ी रखने से मना कर �दया । जब महावत ने पास आकर देखा तो उसने पाया �क छेद म� एक न�हा कु�ा

    सो रहा है । हाथी ने लकड़ी को छेद म� तभी रखा जब कु�ा वहां से उठकर चला गया ।

    ( घ ) हाथी �कस �कार ��यके सम�या का समाधान कर लेते ह� ?

    उ�र : हाथी जानते ह� �क �कस सम�या का हल �या है । वे बड़ी हो�शयारी से हर मुसीबत को सुलझा लेते ह� । इनका

    आपसी मेल , सझू - बझू , दया �ेम , ममता , शांत �वभाव तथा चनुौ�तय� का सामना करने के �लए उनका �वहार

    उनको हर मुसीबत को सलुझाने म� मदद करता है ।


    CLASS : IV

    UNIT - 1

    Numbers beyond 9999

    Exercise 1.1

    1. Write the next numbers on the number line and read them:

    (i) 20096 - 20097 , 20098 , 20099 , 20100 , 20101

    (ii) 35640 - 35641 , 35642 , 35643 , 35644 , 35645

    (iii) 76906 - 76907 , 76908 , 76909 , 76910 , 76911

    (iv) 81999 - 82000 , 82001 , 82002 , 82003 , 82004

    (v) 19996 - 19997 , 19998 , 19999 , 20000 , 20001

    Exercise 1.2

    1. Read the following numbers and write them in words.

    (i) 34712 - Thirty four thousand seven hundred twelve

    (ii) 26534 - Twenty six thousand five hundred thirty-four

    (iii) 94001 - Ninety four thousand one

    (iv) 80064 - Eighty thousand sixty-four

    (v) 79043 - Seventy nine thousand forty-three

    (vi) 777666 - Seven lakh seventy seven thousand six hundred sixty-six

    2. Write the smallest six digit number ------ 100000

    3. Write the greatest five digit number ------ 99999

    4. Write the smallest five digit number ------ 10000

    5. Write the greatest six digit number ------ 999999

    6. Read the following numbers and write them in figures.

    (i) Thirty Six Thousand Four Hundred Thirty. - 36,430

    (ii) Fifty Thousand Six Hundred Forty Three. - 50,643

    (iii) Seventy Two Thousand Twelve. - 72,012

    (iv) Eighty Thousand Ninety-nine. - 80, 099

    (v) Ninety-two thousand four hundred forty four. - 92,444

    (vi) Four lakh sixty-four thousand four hundred forty four - 4,64,444

    Exercise 1.3

    1. Write the place value of the coloured digits.

    (i) 28643 - 3 (ii) 123085 - 0

    (iii) 67214 - 200 (iv) 412651 - 10000

    (v) 912986 - 900000

    2. Write the sum of the place values of three in 314530.

    Sol - 300000 + 30 = 300030

    3. Write the difference of the place values of one in 194318.

    Sol- 100000 - 10 = 99990

    4. Write the numbers obtained by interchanging the digits in the thousand's place with the digit in

    the one's place.

    (i) 843116 - 846113 (ii) 51046 - 56041


    CLASS : IV

    Chapter 2 : Material From The Earth

    A. Tick (✓) the correct answer.

    1. This stone is generally used to make the tops of kitchen counters. a. graphite b. chalk c. granite d. slate Answer:- [c] granite

    2. This stone is used to produce electricity. a. coal b. marble c. granite d. talc Answer:- [a] coal

    3. This is also known as china clay. a. clay b. stone c. porcelain d. granite Answer:- [c] porcelain

    4. One of these is a metal. a. graphite b. china clay c. marble d. copper Answer:- [d] copper

    5. One of the following is used to make jewellery.

    a. iron b. coal c. gold d. slate Answer:- [c] gold

    B. Match the column.

    1. Taj Mahal a. jewellery Answer:- 1. – b

    2. diamond b. marble Answer:- 2. – a

    3. lead in a pencil c. talc Answer:- 3. – d

    4. blackboard d. graphite Answer:- 4. – e

    5. talcum powder e. slate Answer:- 5. – c

    C. Name the metals used to make the following items.

    Answers:- 1. Copper 2. Gold 3. Aluminium

    D. Write the names of the following materials in the group the belong to.

    E. Write Short Answers

    Q.1 Why is granite is used to make the top of kitchen countries and stairs?

    Ans:- Granite is very hard rock. It does not wear out easily therefore, it is used to make the tops of kitchen

    counters and stairs.

    Q,2 How is graphite used?

    Ans:- Graphite is used as lead in pencils and it is used to make batteries.

    Q.3 How is glass made?

    Ans:- Glass is made by heating a mixture of sand (silica), lime and soda.

    Q.4 What are the uses of brass and bronze?

    Ans:- Uses of brass: It is used to make utensils, lock and musical instruments.

    Uses of bronze: Bronze is used to make bells, coins, medals, and part of musical instruments.

    F. Answer These Questions

    Q.1 Differentiate between precious and semi-precious stones. Give two examples of each.

    Ans:- Precious stones Semi-precious stones

    Stones which are expensive are called

    precious stones. Ex. Diamond, Ruby

    Stones which are less expensive are called semi-precious

    stones. Ex. Garnet, Topaz

    Q,2 How do we make pots from clay?

    Ans:- For pot making clay is first moulded into shape of pot then pots are baked in an oven called a kiln. Q.3 What is furnace ? Write its importance.

    Ans:- Furnace is huge oven which can be heated to very high temperature. Importance:- (i) Furnace macanism metal separated easily from their ores.

    (ii) The metals melt into liquid inside the furnace.

    Q.4 Write three uses of glass.

    Ans:- Uses of glass:- (i) Glass is used to make cooking vessels for ovens. (ii) Glass is used to make electric bulbs and lenses for telescopes.

    (iii) Glass is used to make things such as windowpanes, bangles and mirrors.

    Stone Metal

    Marble Iron

    Coal Copper

    Ruby Aluminium

    Granite Gold

    Marble coal iron ruby copper granite aluminium gold


    Class : IV

    Chapter : 2

    The Northern Mountains

    A. Tick the correct answers.

    1. Himadri is another name for- Ans. Greater Himalayas

    2. Which region is famous for pashmina shawls all over the world? Ans. Kashmir

    3. In which state are the Amarnath cave and Vaishno Devi shrine are located? Ans. Jammu & Kashmir

    4. Gangotri, Yamunotri, Kedarnath and Badrinath are the famous pilgrim centres. In which state are they

    located? Ans. Uttarakhand

    5. Kanchenjunga is situated in the state of Ans. Sikkim

    6. Rumtek monastery is a famous landmark of Ans. Sikkim

    7. The main language of people of Tripura is Ans. Both of these

    8. Which is the easternmost state of India? Ans. Arunachal Pradesh

    B. Match the following columns.

    1. Rouf a. Himachal Pradesh (2)

    2. Nati b. Sikkim (3)

    3. Buddhists c. Dance (1)

    4. Mizoram d. Jammu & Kashmir (5)

    5. Phiran e. Kullu (6)

    6. Dussehra f. Shifting Cultivation (4)

    C. Fill in the blanks.

    1. Kashmir is famous for its houseboats.

    2. Vaishno Devi and Amarnath Cave are two pilgrim centres of Jammu & Kashmir.

    3. People of Himachal speak Hindi and Pahari.

    4. Kanchenjunga is located in Sikkim.

    5. Assam is famous for its tea.

    6. Sunrise is earliest in Arunachal Pradesh.

    D. Write the names of the capitals of these states.

    1. Jammu and Kashmir - Srinagar

    2. Assam - Dispur

    3. Himachal Pradesh - Shimla

    4. Nagaland - Kohima

    5. Manipur - Imphal

    6. Mizoram - Aizawl

    E. Write True or False.

    1. Kashmir is famous for its apples and Saffron. [ True ]

    2. Nati is the famous dance of Uttarakhand. [ False ]

    3. Most people of Sikkim belong to Lepcha and Bhutia tribes. [ True ]

    4. Darjeeling is famous for good quality jute. [ False ]

    5. Bamboo dance of Assam is quite famous. [ False ]

    6. Sun rises earliest in Assam. [ False ]

  • F. Answer these questions.

    1. Name the three main ranges of the Himalayas.

    Ans. - The three main ranges of the Himalayas are -

    1. The Greater Himalayas ( Himadri ). 2. The Middle Himalayas ( Himachal )

    3. The Southernmost Himalayas ( Shiwaliks )

    2. Which major river originate from the Himalayas?

    Ans. - The major river originate from the Himalayas are the Ganga, the Indus, and the Brahmaputra.

    3. Name the prominent hills of the Purvanchal Himalayas.

    Ans. - The prominent hills of the Purvanchal Himalayas are – Naga, Garo, Khasi – Jaintia, Mizo and

    Lushai hills.

    4. Name the chief agricultural products of the Kashmir.

    Ans. - Rice, wheat, maize, rajma, potatoes, vegetables, apples and saffron are the chief agricultural

    products of Kashmir.

    5. Why do people visit pilgrimage centres?

    Ans. - People visit to pilgrimage centres because to experience spiritual enlightenment.

    6. Why are the Himalayan rivers perennial in nature?

    Ans. - The Himalayan rivers are perennial in nature because they have water throughout the year. These

    rivers receive water from rain as well as from melted snow from the lofty mountains.


    Chapter : 4

    Chapter : 2



    1. Write which all are Input devices and which are Output devices.

    a. Mouse :- Input device

    b. Keyboard :- Input device

    c. Printer :- Output device

    d. Microphone :- Input device

    e. Speaker :- Output device

    f. Monitor :- Output device

    g. Joystick :- Input device

    2. Write the correct answer.

    Answer :- a. Input b. Hardware c. Input devices d. Output devices

    e. Peripherals f. Mouse g. 1024 Bytes h. Tired

    3. Match the following :

    Answer :- a. Keyboard :- Most commonly used input device

    b. Track Ball :- Similar to mouse

    c. Light Pen :- An architect can draw directly on screen

    d. Microphone :- Input sound / voice into the computer

    e. Speaker :- Output sound from computer

    f. Monitor :- Visual Display Unit

  • 4. Answer the following questions.

    a. What is a Computer?

    Answer :- A computer is an electronic machine that works on the principle of Input – Process - Output.

    b. What are the output devices? Name any three output devices.

    Answer :- Output devices are the devices that gives us result of the work done by the computer. Three

    output devices are :- Monitor, Printer, Speaker.

    c. Write any three characteristics of a computer.

    Answer :- Three characteristics of a computer are :-

    1. Speed :- Computer works at a very high speed.

    2. Accuracy :- Computers are very accurate.

    3. Versatility :- Computer can perform different types of tasks at a time.

    d. Explain in brief the principle of Input – Process – Output.

    Answer :- Computer works on the principle of Input – process – output, which can be understood in the

    following way :

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