  • 8/7/2019 English Global Language


    English- The GlobalLanguage

  • 8/7/2019 English Global Language


    History Of English Language

    It originated from England

    English is a living language

    It has developed across time and place in both its oral & written


    It has the largest vocabulary of all the worlds Language

    It is still growing

    There are many variations in the oral & written form

    Written form is relatively stable for centuries

    It is identical throughout the world except some spellings

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    Language & Vocabulary

    Oral Language develops naturally

    From Exposure to the languages of our parents,


    Friends & Neighbors

    It gets influenced from the local languages

    Its dialects & the mannerism its spoken

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    Approach for Pronunciation

    An aviator was sent on a mission to a distant part of the globe when

    he returned to his base, he noticed that it was strangely quite

    Everything was in perfect order, but there wasnt a sign of life in

    the place. He wandered through the town very surprised.

    He could not fine even one living creature in the town. He droveback to the airport filled his plane with gas

    and flew terrified to New York, London and Moscow

    While he had been on his mission every animal

    and human being seemed to have disappeared from

    the earth.

    What do you understand with the above Passage?

    Passage Reading:

    Pronouncing every word correctly leads to poor pronunciation! Good pronunciation

    comes from stressing the right words- this is because English is a time-stressed


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    Pronunciation plays a very important part when we speak, many times whenwe mispronounce the meaning of the sentence or the word changes.

    Factors effecting the Pronunciation

    Word Stress



    Word Stress- Changes in Meaning

    When speaking the words you stress can change the underlying meaning of asentence.

    Even simple sentences have different meaning based on how you stress

    Communication of People is often judged by the way they pronounce the

    words and stress the words. It gives the first impression to the person

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    Mispronounce of words:

    It creates lots of problems to the listeners or the people whom the message is


    Phonetics help the people in pronouncing the words in the proper way

    Need to remember the International PhoneticAlphabets


    One should keep in mind certain words how they are pronounced & how it

    sounds when an Native English speaker speaks

    You need to learn how each word is pronounced specially the vowels and

    consonant sounds

    Mouth should be properly opened when pronouncing

    Need to do mouth exercises to get the proper pronunciations


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    Phonetic Symbols &Alphabet

    Phonetic symbols provides great help when learning how to pronounce words

    Correct pronunciation is found in the dictionaries, where the correct

    pronunciation is known by looking the phonetic symbols

    In English many words can have the same pronunciation but written differently

    Example: to, two & too

    Sometimes the words can be written similarly but have different pronunciations

    Example: Thought, Though, Bough & Through

    Major factor in many instances is the word stress

    Understanding the PhoneticAlphabet can greatly simplify the learning process

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    A as in Alpha

    B as in Bravo

    C as in Charlie

    D as in Delta

    E as in EchoF as in Foxtrot

    G as in Golf

    H as in Hotel

    I as in India

    J as in Juliet

    K as in Kilo

    L as in Lima

    M as in Mike

    N as in November

    O as in Oscar

    P as in Papa

    Q as in Quebec

    R as in RomeoS as in Sierra

    T as in Tango

    U as in Uniform

    V as in Victor

    W as in Whiskey

    X as in X-ray

    Y as in Yankee

    Z as in Zulu

  • 8/7/2019 English Global Language


    Word Stress

    When you are speaking in English the word stress can change the

    underlying meaning a sentence

    Example :I dont think he should get the job

    This simple sentence can have many levels of meaning based on the word youstress

    Read the each sentence aloud and give a strong stress on the Bold


    I dont think he should get that jobI dont think he should get that job

    I dont thinkhe should get that job

    I dont thinkhe should get that job

  • 8/7/2019 English Global Language


    I dont think he should get that job

    I dont think he should get that job

    I dont think he should get thatjob

    I dont think he should get thatjob

    As you can see there are many different ways this sentence can be understood

    The important point to remember is that the true meaning of the sentence is alsoexpressed though the stressed word or words

    Another sentence

    I said she might consider a new haircut

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    Intonation & Stress

    English is a stressed langue while many other languages are considered syllabic.

    What does that Mean?

    It means that, in English, we need to give stress to certain words while other words

    are quickly spoken. Where as in other languages as French and Italian each

    syllable is given equal importance.1. Many of the Indian speakers speak very fast & swallow number of words in

    an sentence.

    2. In syllable language each syllable has equal importance & therefore equal

    time is needed, However in English language we need to spend more time on

    specific stressed words while quickly gliding the other less important words.

    Example: They can come on Friday (stressed words are Bold & colored)

    But on the other hand if the sentence is in Negative then we need to stress on Cant

    They cant come on Friday

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    Generally stressed words are considered as Content

    Words such as:

    Nouns e.g. Kitchen, Peter

    (most) Principal verbs e.g. visit, construct

    Adjectives e.g. beautiful, interesting

    Adverbs e.g. often, carefully

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    No stressed words are considered FunctionWords Such


    Determiners e.g. the ,a, some, a few

    Auxiliary verbs e.g. dont, am, can, were

    Prepositions e.g. before, next to, opposite

    Conjunction e.g. but, while, as

    Pronouns e.g. they, she, us

    Try listing to native English speakers , watch English news channels

    & movies channel to pick up how they stress the words. Stressed

    words are key to excellent pronunciation & Understanding of


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    Idioms :

    Idioms is a manner of speaking that is natural to native speakers of the language

    It is an expression whose meaning is not compositional i.e. whose meaning does

    not follow from the meaning of the individual words of which it is composed.

    It refers to a grammatical construction unique to a certain people, region or calls

    It cannot be translated laterally in to any other language


    Hammered meaning Drunk

    Grunt workmeaning physically exhausting or repetitive work

    Big Bucks meaning lots of money

    BlownAway meaning surprised and amazed

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    Can I be more Blunt means do you mind if I tell you exactly what I think?

    Dropped the Ball meaning t fall when may people are expecting you to


    Gave me the cold Shoulder meaning acted like he wasnt interested/like


    Get a Gripmeaning dont get so upset, dont worry so much

    Hit the Spot meaning to solve your problem exactly

    He/She has got a Big mouth meaning He/She cant keep a secret

    Cold Turkey meaning Completely eluded

    Itsy-Bitsy meaning very small

    Kinda Meaning Kind of or sort of

    Take a Hike meaning Go away, get out of my face

  • 8/7/2019 English Global Language


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