Page 1: English essay project one



NAME: Muhammad Mustaqim Choo Bin Muhammad Feekry Choo


WORD COUNT: 707 words

ENGLISH 1 (ELG 30505)




Page 2: English essay project one

Steps involved in producing an attractive sketch

Sketches are very much often used in many forms of idea illustration. In spite of this, in relation of art, a sketch is the representation of a personal and original viewpoint about something. On the other hand, sketches of architectural designs reflect the architect’s idea which is a concept that has to be made into something real and physical. What adds importance to sketches is the relationship between the two forms of creation which is visualization and drawing. Moreover, attractive sketches are easy to produce. How do you produce an attractive sketch? Here are some simple steps towards producing an attractive sketch which are good preparation , duteous observation and simple sketching.

Firstly, a good preparation is always important. To produce an attractive sketch it is appropriate to identify the required tools. These may differ, depending on budget, convenience and suitability. For instance, to sketch on the go it is better to get a smaller sketchpad around A4 size instead of an A3 size sketchpad. There was this one time I tried sketching at a bus station and it felt awkward because I was attracting a lot of unwanted attention and was unable to sketch at all because I was using an A3 sized sketchpad to sketch. Further to this, the medium that is often used for sketching is pencils and ink. However compared to ink it is more convenient to use pencils as it can be easily erased and is available in many different grades. In addition, mental and physical preparation is also vital in producing an attractive sketch because it influences the mind and body thus determining the quality or attractiveness of the sketch. So, we must focus and eliminate distractions , do not take too much time and get enough rest.

Equally important, duteous observation comes into the picture. Observation is equally important because it distinguishes everything you are about to sketch. Deciding on a topic can be easy but difficult at the same time. The reason being, there is simply too much around us, the topic could be anything like a flower pot in the yard or even the view from your office window. However, to overcome this obstacle it is best to choose a topic which you have a personal connection to so you are driven to produce an attractive sketch. I find that when I sketch something that I love, such as my pet dog, I have the motivation that drives me to produce an attractive sketch. Also, another trick is to not be over ambitious because you may overestimate your own capabilities, it is best to sketch something that is easy to understand because not everybody will be thinking about the same thing as you are. Additionally, getting your proportion and perspective right is vital. Use a grid and draw shape outline of your subject on the paper. Features of the final product may be altered a bit. Also, it is best to take photos of the sketch for precaution purposes.

Moving on, after all the essential preparation it is finally time for the last part, sketching using the basic preparation that you have lay down just now. At this stage, it is important to not let yourself be overawed by other people’s work and to just take it easy and be inspired. In conjunction to that, when focusing on a topic make sure to use your senses to produce a precise sketch. To do that you have to really observe what you are attempting to sketch and also make sure to clean the sketch by rubbing out unnecessary lines. Still, I think the most important thing to remember is to not be dispirited by the end product of your sketch. Remember, Georgia O’Keeffe once said, “whether you succeed or not is irrelevant, there is no such thing. Making your unknown known is the important thing.” In a nutshell, good preparation, duteous observation and simple sketching is the vital key to producing an attractive sketch. Sketches are a way to capture images. Furthermore, sketching is also a priceless tool that helps us develop our observational skills and most of the time relieves stress. Thus, I highly recommend everyone to try sketching as it is a better way to spend time. 707 Words

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