
1984 George OrwellEmpathy Written TaskJonathan CheungWord Count: 868


Writing as Julia A diary entry based on events when she meets Winston I choose Julia because she is Winstons accomplice proceeds to turn him to a person which could confide his revolutionary thoughts although she herself was not particularly. Interested. I thought writing a diary would also be the correct text type to write in I felt that this is the most significant part of the story relating to Julia, where it covers the story from when she introduces herself of Winston to just after her affair with Winston. Most of what we learn about Julia comes form this section and I felt that I could put the detail into my diary by writing this section. She is a vital part of the story and without her, Winston would not have bought the apartment in the prole district live with Julia and if they were never involved together Winston would most likely not been caught and would not be tortured. It was easy to come up with Julias thoughts as they were expressed thoroughly well in this area of the book.

Diary of Julia

January 6st 1984

After a long, boring day at work, I noticed a handsome, attractive man. I have just spotted my next lover. His name seems to be Winston and I think he would not turn down such an offer, I dont understand why but his infertile appearance makes me love him even more. In the coming days, I will formulate on how I can ask him. I will also follow him around in the next few days.

January18th 1984

I followed Winston into the prole district a few nights a go and found him in a Antique shop. Today, as I walked through the office, I noticed Winston, and decided to act out a plan I prepared days ago. I walked right in front of him during the way down the hall, and stayed at his pace. Since I was worried that someone might oversee my exchange of love. After checking that there was no one wasaroundthe corner, I ran ahead and I fell down of purpose. He immediately helped me with my books, and while he was handing me my pen, I discretely handed him a note saying, "I love you". He seemed very shocked, and put the note in his pocket. I can only hope that he doesn't rat me out.

January 24th 1984I just managed to meet up with Winston. He came to me during lunch and sat on the same table as me today. During the time being, I told him of my love for him, and he said that he was interested, and that he was already a dead man for writing a diary like I am, so we arranged to meet up at Victory Square soon after. We will be able to talk about our plans without surveillance in crowded assembly of people.

February 8th 1984We met in Victory Square today, and as he seemed very concerned, I assured him that I was not a member of the thought police, and have the same thoughts as he does, but I do not think that he trusts me yet. I instructed him to the spot that we will meet in the country, where the proletarians live. This way we can be in private. He seems to be a very sorrow and tragic person, because of this, I am trying to comfort him. At least now he can share his revolution of overthrowing the party thoughts with someone now.

February 10th 1984Today was an amazing day. As planned, I met Winston in the country. He didn't seem to expect what we were about to do. I pulled off my junior anti-sex league sash and we made love in the forest. He asked me whether I had done it before, and I told him scores of times, especially with party members. Surprisingly, be told me that the more men I had been with, the more he loved me. I think this might be a long lasting relationship, and although I am not particularly interested into overthrowing the party, I do like overhearing his thoughts about how the party is brainwashing us and how he is for sure a dead man. I have been comforting him, assuring him that we can get away with all of this, but he does not believe me. He does however have good reason to think so.

February 11th 1984I headed back to the city today. Life is coming back to normal. I wonder if it is possible for us to live together in the future. The days will pass by slowly without him. Perhaps we could rent a house in the Prole districts, surely it would be the only way to stay away from surveillance, because if we get caught, we will surely be tortured and then killed.

February 20th 1984

Winston and I went visit OBrian, a member of the revolutionary group called the Brotherhood, lead by Emmanuel Goldstein. We declared our loyalty the brotherhood and he confesses, like us, he hates the Party, and says that he works against it as a member of the Brotherhood. He indoctrinates me and Winston into the Brotherhood, and gives Winston a copy of Emmanuel Goldsteins book, the manifesto of the Brotherhood.

February 27th 1984

Hate week is finally over. I will be meeting up with Winston and read Goldsteins manifesto together. I have a feeling this will, as usual, be a evening full of sexual lust.

April 5th 1984

For the sake of finishing this journal off, I will update you on what has happened in the last month. After being seized on the night of February 27th, I am released and free from intense physical and psychological torture provided to me by the ministry of love. After being brainwashed, I have quickly given up my love on Winston. My torture was over. I was released back into the world, and I met with Winston as we planned beforehand. We told each other that we both wished that the torture would be put on the other, and that this was expected. I now have no love for him. I will spend my whole life a perfectly happy slave to the government.

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