Page 1: Engineering HTML5 Applications for Better Performance

HtMl5 eXpErTiSe aT yOuR sErViCe  

LaUrI SvAn @lAuRiSvAn Sc5 OnLiNe @sC5

EnGiNeErInG HtMl5 aPpLiCaTiOnS fOr bEtTeR pErFoRmAnCe

Page 2: Engineering HTML5 Applications for Better Performance

SlOw pAgE sPeEdS mEaNs lOsT $s!

Amazon: 1% revenue increase for every 100ms speedup Google: 0.43% sessions lost for 400ms increase in load time Yahoo: 9% more traffic with 400ms faster page loads More info:

Page 3: Engineering HTML5 Applications for Better Performance

2005   2007   2009   2011   2013  




WeB ApPs To ChAlLeNgE NaTiVe ApPs iN SlIcKnEsS?

ı 3

UsEr eXpErIeNcE  

U6lizing  HW  accelerated  graphics,  

offline  assets,  advanced  gestures  and  high  perf  JS  


Page 4: Engineering HTML5 Applications for Better Performance

WeB SiTeS StIlL GeT BiGgEr NoV 2010- SePt 2013 StAtS, HtTp ArChIvE / StEvE SoUdErS

Page 5: Engineering HTML5 Applications for Better Performance

We’rE nOt LeArNiNg!

Page 6: Engineering HTML5 Applications for Better Performance

HTML5 App •  1000 DOM elements •  1Mb of images and 100

network requests on page load

How about these? •  1s first page fold

Native App •  1000 widgets? •  1Mb of images and 100

network requests on app startup?

•  1s application install?

WeB eNgInEs aRe qUiTe fAsT! LeT’s uSe tHe sAmE yArDsTiCk wHeN mEaSuRiNg

Page 7: Engineering HTML5 Applications for Better Performance

MoBiLe DeViCeS - 5 yEaRs BaCk iN CpU SpEeD, 10 yEaRs BaCk iN CoNnEcTiOn BaNdWiDtH


Galaxy S4 My Machine

(2003) My Machine

(2010) CPU / MFLOPS 1500 373 4,256 Display / Pixels 2073600 1,920,000 4,096,000 Connection Speed / bps 384000* 300,000 4,000,000 Latency 300ms* 100ms 50ms

*  Assuming  3G/UMTS  safe  speed,  due  to  low  adop6on  of  4G  networks  

Page 8: Engineering HTML5 Applications for Better Performance

LeT’s TaRgEt fOr MoBiLe ApP PeRfOrMaNcE

•  1s app startup time (first page load time) •  1s for any subsequent view/page (reasonable delay) •  100ms UI response time (noticeable delay) •  16ms paints (LCDs will refresh 50-60Hz, the rest is surplus)

See e.g. Nielsen (1993): Usability Engineering, or

Page 9: Engineering HTML5 Applications for Better Performance

If yOuR eMuLaToR rUnS 20 tImEs fAsTeR tHaN tHe TaRgEt, wHaT cAn yOu eXpEcT aBoUt PeRfOrMaNcE?

Page 10: Engineering HTML5 Applications for Better Performance

oNe-sEcOnD PaGe LoAdS

Page 11: Engineering HTML5 Applications for Better Performance

OnE SeCoNd BuDgEt

•  Turn on radio 300ms!•  DNS lookup + 150ms!•  SSL handshake + 200ms!•  Load, HTML & critical resources + 200ms!•  Parse à Layout à Paint = 150ms!

… It’s tricky over 3G!!

Page 12: Engineering HTML5 Applications for Better Performance

AnAtOmY oF An AvErAgE WeB PaGe

Page 13: Engineering HTML5 Applications for Better Performance

HtTp ReSoUrCe PiPeLiNe IlLuStRaTeD 6 ReSoUrCeS pEr DoMaIn

Page 14: Engineering HTML5 Applications for Better Performance

PaGe LoAd WaTeRfAlL – FiNd tHe PrObLeMs



load  order?  

Not  re

ally  neede

d  in  th

e  1s

t  fold  

Page 15: Engineering HTML5 Applications for Better Performance

SiMuLaTe SlOw PaGe SpEeDs •  Developers tend to have ultra-fast computers & networks and forget

the Edge & 3G network •  Tip: Network Link Conditioner XCode Plugin & ipfw rules

•  For localhost:

Page 16: Engineering HTML5 Applications for Better Performance

MeAsUrE YoUr PaGeS - WeBpAgEtEsT.OrG

Page 17: Engineering HTML5 Applications for Better Performance

CaNnEd ImPrOvEmEnTs - MoD_PaGeSpEeD aNd NgX_PaGeSpEeD

•  Canned implementation of best practices •  A few dozen different optimizations that rewrite your

HTML, CSS, JS and images •  Applicable for ‘web sites’, harder to use for ‘web apps’ •  Sample docker script and nginx conf available at

Page 18: Engineering HTML5 Applications for Better Performance

OpTiMiZiNg fOr LaTeNcY

1.  Enable HTTP 1.1 & keep-alive 2.  Cache your content (expires, max-age, ETags etc.) 3.  Use CDN for static assets 4.  Compress & resize the images 5.  JavaScript & CSS monoliths; sprites, icon fonts 6.  Compress & minify: CSS, HTML, JavaScript 7.  Shard resources for a few domains 8.  Adaptive image sizes 9.  Optimize load order: Defer JavaScript, lazy-load images 10. Inline critical CSS & HTML for 1st page fold

Page 19: Engineering HTML5 Applications for Better Performance

ReAd MoRe: HiGh PeRfOrMaNcE BrOwSeR NeTwOrKiNg (IlYa GrIgOrIk / GoOgLe) TL;DR:

Page 20: Engineering HTML5 Applications for Better Performance

60 fRaMeS ScRoLl aNd AnImAtIoN

Page 21: Engineering HTML5 Applications for Better Performance

OlD-ScHoOl OpTiMiZaTiOnS WoN’t HeLp YoU

•  JavaScript is typically not your problem •  CSS selector lengths typically have only a minor impact •  Browsers spend ~90% of its computation layouting and


What you want to track is •  The causes of relayout and repainting •  What their costs are •  Tip: Watch out for surprises, like pointer events:

Page 22: Engineering HTML5 Applications for Better Performance

“TyPiCaL PaInT LoOp” Func6on  call  /  Event  

Recalculate  Style  



Composite  Layers  

JavaScript  Engine  (CPU  /  Virtual  Machine)  

Render  Tree  &  Layout  Engine  (CPU)  

Paint  Engine  (CPU)  

Compositor  (GPU)  

Page 23: Engineering HTML5 Applications for Better Performance

AlL CsS OpErAtIoNs aReN’t EqUaL

•  Geometry changing ops •  width, height etc…

•  Paint-only ops •  borders, outlines, box shadow, etc…

•  Composition only (or less) •  CSS3 Transforms, Opacity •  100% GPU only!

Page 24: Engineering HTML5 Applications for Better Performance

OpTiMiZiNg LaYoUtS & PaInTs

•  Separate DOM reads from DOM writes

•  Do your DOM changes through a smart proxy

•  If you really have a million items, use Canvas instead of based DOM approaches (like SoundCloud’s equaliser bars)

•  Avoid expensive paint operations (shadows, border radius, flexbox etc…)

•  Use CSS3 transforms for animating (no reflows) •  Use translateZ(0) hack for HW accelerating elements

Page 25: Engineering HTML5 Applications for Better Performance

1/10 sEcOnD tO ReSpOnD, OnE sEcOnD tO sHoW ThE rEsUlTs

Page 26: Engineering HTML5 Applications for Better Performance

TrAdItIoNaL PaGeS DoN’t Do aNyThInG uNtIl yOu TeLl

*click*   *click*  


Page 27: Engineering HTML5 Applications for Better Performance

ImMeDiAtE FeEdBaCk bUyS YoU tImE OvErAlL pErFoRmAnCe mAy gEt fAsTeR, tOo

*click*   *click*  


Page 28: Engineering HTML5 Applications for Better Performance

PrElOaDiNg & BoOtStRaPpInG To ShOw tHe NeXt PaGe FaStEr YoU MaY HuRt YoUrSeLf BaD!






Page 29: Engineering HTML5 Applications for Better Performance

LaZy LoAd - OpTiMiZiNg fOr tHe FiRsT PaGe FoLd

+   +  

1st  fold  inlined   Rest  of  the  page  as  separate  resources  


Lazy  Load  

Page 30: Engineering HTML5 Applications for Better Performance

PeRfOrMaNcE iS nO ExCePtIoN. At sOmE pOiNt yOuR aRcHiTeCtUrE wIlL fIgHt aGaInSt yOu.

QuAlItY AtTrIbUtEs oF yOuR aPp aRe sEt bY yOuR ArChItEcTuRe.

Page 31: Engineering HTML5 Applications for Better Performance

ReCaP: GeTtInG tO tHe pErFoRmAnCe tArGeTs

•  Set the performance goals, prepare for tradeoffs •  Track the goals from the beginning •  Don’t guess; measure •  Simulate the target devices in your daily work •  Keep your code simple, don’t trade it for performance •  Perfect is the enemy of the good

Page 32: Engineering HTML5 Applications for Better Performance

HoMeWoRk: PlAn yOuR PeRfOrMaNcE BuDgEt

Create a breakdown of your performance budget, with a 1s page load target. Estimate the latency and bandwidth requirements for your site, including the resources you pull from the web. Consider the context; what would be your estimated page load time be for a Cable/DSL, 4G or 3G connection? Justify your estimate through a few paragraphs explanation and a quick breakdown + a few calculations of the resources within your web page.

Page 33: Engineering HTML5 Applications for Better Performance

ThAt’s AlL!

AnY QuEsTiOnS?

Page 34: Engineering HTML5 Applications for Better Performance

HtMl5 eXpErTiSe aT yOuR sErViCe  

LaUrI SvAn

ThAnK yOu !

Head of Tech, SC5 Online Ltd

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