Page 1: Enabling Technologies for Monitoring and Control … Technologies for Monitoring and Control of ICUBE Mohammed Koni1, Swarnendu Kar1,

Enabling Technologies for Monitoring and Control of ICUBE Mohammed Koni1, Swarnendu Kar1, Priyadip Ray1, Onur Ozdemir1, Can Isik1, H. Ezzat Khalifa2 and Pramod K. Varshney1

1Dept of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2Dept of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Syracuse University


Optimal Control for



Numerical Optimization

Analytical Controllers

Objective Function?

Reduced-order first-principles


Data-based (semi-empirical)


Need experimental data for validation (A)

Need experimental data


Need experimental data for validation (C)

Need sensor networks and

people tracking system

Hardware: Build, install, calibrate and


Software: Database

(storage and retrieval)

Optimal Control of Micro-Environments • Requires sensing of IAQ (Indoor Air Quality) parameters at high spatial resolution • WSN (Wireless Sensor Network) can provide a low cost solution with added flexibility Reducing Exposure of Occupants • Research requires the ground truth knowledge regarding occupants • PTS (People Tracking System) provides accurate information of occupants’ location

Wireless Sensor Networks People Tracking System

Sensor Network Equipments • CrossBow IRIS 2.4 GHz Motes • Onboard Sensiron Temperature, RH sensors • 40 Siemens CO2,VOC sensors • 16 units have been assembled and are in use

CO2 Sensor – Manufacturer Specifications

CO2 Sensors incorporated in Wireless Sensor Motes • Siemens QPA2002 CO2 Sensor Specifications Range: 0 to 2,000 ppm Response Time: 5 minute

High Precision CO2 Sensor used for Calibration • WolfSense IQ-410 Air Quality Sensor Specifications Range: 0 to 10,000 ppm Response Time: 90% response <1 minute

Front, Side and Inside views of our WSN units

Experimental Setup for CO2 Calibration

Sensor responses to different concentration levels of CO2 (in p.p.m) are approximately linear with nearly identical slopes • Operating range 400-1600 ppm • Different biases

• System used for locating and tracking resources that are tagged in real time. • Uses UWB (Ultra Wide Band) technology. • Two types of tags Slim tags & compact tags Both types transmit resource location ( i.e Person or sensor node) to the location sensor

UWB Transmitters and Receivers • Ultrawideband: 6GHz – 8GHz Telemetry channel: 2.4GHz

Compact Tag Antenna Pattern
















7000 Series Location Sensor Compact Tag Slim Tag

Sample Data Collected from Wireless Sensor Network

09:00 12:00 15:00350








Time (27-Aug-08)




2 Con





ICUBE Layout

Page 2: Enabling Technologies for Monitoring and Control … Technologies for Monitoring and Control of ICUBE Mohammed Koni1, Swarnendu Kar1,

Database and Software Development for Sensor Systems in ICUBE

Mohammed Koni1, Swarnendu Kar1, Priyadip Ray1, Onur Ozdemir1, Can Isik1, H. Ezzat Khalifa2 and Pramod K. Varshney1

1Dept of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2Dept of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Syracuse University


OSFA ICUBE has the following systems: People Tracking System/Network Tracks people within the ICUBE layout Can also be used to track the position of portable wireless sensors Two type of tracking badges (compact tags and slim tags) Currently in its final testing stage

Wireless Sensor Network Measures CO2 and VOC concentrations, temperature and relative humidity Can have multiple sensors in one cubicle Can have sensors in hallways

Deployed successfully Flexible and handy Currently calibration tests are being preformed to ensure collecting accurate environmental data

Stationary Environmental System Measures CO2 and VOC concentrations, temperature and relative humidity in each cubicle Installed by Day Automation System company

Need software to organize, store, retrieve and post-process data from sensor systems

Software Architecture

Wireless Sensor Network Software

Software to access Wireless Sensor Network Database had be developed: access sensors data collected by WSN. execute queries on the database based on different inputs: sensor type, starting date, ending date, and node number.

Generate .txt or .csv files based on user query and allow users to download them on their machines. Provide users with different settings: Choose sampling rate. Choose filtering algorithm. Choose the way data stored in files.

Database is located on the server. develop web-based application to access data across the local network

Web application is an application that is accessed via Web browser over a network such as the Internet or an intranet No need to install applications at client’s PC. Access data using browser

Graphical User Interface Developed To Access WSN Database

Software was designed in a way to achieve high level standard design attributes Abstraction: logical model of component’s responsibilities Modularity: partitioning into cohesive components Size and Complexity: each component is small and simple enough to test thoroughly Extensibility: new modules can be added easily and in an effective way

People Tracking Network Software

Snapshot of WSN topology of the ICUBE -moteView software

MoteView software; an analysis and monitoring package provides the user visualization software and graphical interface for managing the network

Graphical User Interface Developed To Access PTS Database

An engine for PTS has been developed and now it is under testing. Captures live data from Tracking Network. Data: location: X,Y,Z and cubicle number. Stores data into DB.

This engine is event-driven application. Logs data as tags move. When tag is not moving it goes into sleep mode. It will not transmit location data.

Snapshot of active PTS map in ICUBE

Snapshot of PTS Engine

Demonstrates the three layers of the deployed system

Systems Architecture

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