
Enabling e-BusinessInformation Retrieval, Search Engine and Semantic Web

Presenter: Gautam Kadaba, Jie Gao and Ming He

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Scenario (1)

• You want to find a book from the UofC library

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Scenario (2)

• You want to celebrate your anniversary with your wife. You want to find a nice restaurant through the Internet

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Scenario (3)

• Looking for a condo near:– Your work location

– Schools

– Public transportation

– Shopping and restaurant

– Hospital

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Relationships – Information Retrieval





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Relationships – Search Engine


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Relationships – Semantic Web


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Relationships – IR, SE and SW







Information Retrieval

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Information Retrieval - Definition

• Information Retrieval – deals with the representation, storage,

organization of, and access to information items

– Modern Information Retrieval

• General Objective: Minimize the overhead of a user locating needed information

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Information Retrieval Is Not DatabaseInformation Retrieval• Process stored

documents• Search documents

relevant to user queries• No standard of how

queries should be• Query results are

permissive to errors or inaccurate items

Database• Normally no processing

of data• Search records

matching queries• Standard: SQL language

• Query results should have 100% accuracy. Zero tolerant to errors

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Information Retrieval Is Not Data Mining

Information Retrieval• User target: Existing

relevant data entries

Data Mining• User target: Knowledge

(rules, etc.) implied by data (not the individual data entries themselves)

• Many techniques and models are shared and related

• E.g. classification of documents

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Elements in Information Retrieval

• Processing of documents

• Acceptance and processing of queries from users

• Modelling, searching and ranking of documents

• Presenting the search result

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Process of Retrieving Information

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Document Processing• Removing stopwords (appear

frequently but no much meaning, e.g. “the”, “of”)

• Stemming: recognize different words with the same grammar root

• Noun groups: common combination of words• Indexing: for fast locating documents

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Processing Queries• Define a “language” for queries

– Syntax, operators, etc.

• Modify the queries for better search– Ignore meaningless parts: punctuations,

conjunctives, etc.– Append synonyms

e.g. e-business e-commerce

• Emerging technology– Natural language queries

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Modelling/Ranking of Documents• Model the relevance (usefulness) of

documents against the user query Q• The model represents a function Rel(Q,D)

– D is a document, Q is a user query– Rel(Q,D) is the relevance of document D to query Q

• There are many models available– Algebraic models– Probabilistic models– Set-theoretic models

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Basic Vector Space Model• Define a set of

words and phases as terms

• Text is represented by a vector of terms

• User query is converted to a vector, too

• Measure the vector “distance” between a document vector and the query vector

businesscomputerPowerPoint presentationuserweb

Term Set

We are doing an e-business presentation in PowerPoint.



computer presentation



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Probabilistic Models Overview• Probabilistic Models

– Ranking: the probability that a document is relevant to a query

– Often denoted as Pr(R|D,Q) – In actual measure, log-odds transformation is


– Probability values are estimated in applications





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What is a Good IR System?• Minimize the overhead of a user

locating needed information– Fast, accurate, comprehensive, easy to use, …

• Objective measures– Precision

– Recall

retrieved documents all of No.

retrieved documentsrelevant of No.P

datain documentsrelevant all of No.

retrieved documentsrelevant of No.R

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Precision/Recall Example

• Data entries: D1, …, D10

• User query: Q

• Returned entries: D3, D9, D10

• Actual relevant entries: D1, D3, D4, D9

• Measure calculation:– Precision: 2/3=66.67%– Recall: 2/4=50%

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Applications of Information Retrieval• Classic application

– Library cataloguee.g. The UofC library catalogue

• Current applications– Digital library

e.g.– WWW search engines


Search Engines

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How many people use the Internet?• 15% are Internet users• 68% internet penetration in N.America, which

is just 5% of world population (Source: Internetworld Stats, 2005)

• 5 billion searches across approx. 65 search engines in Aug, 2005. Avg. user did 42 searches in that month (Source: Nielsen Net Ratings)

• Top 3 search engines ranked by search share in Aug, 05 – Google, Yahoo and MSN

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Tipping point• Boom started in the post 9/11 era

• Mainstream advertisers forced to stretch their ad dollars

• New ways of targeting consumers – Search Engine marketing (SEM)

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What’s all the hype about?• Google & Yahoo

companies started by Stanford Computer Science students

• August 2004 – Google shares debut at $85

  Google YahooTime


Share price $390.43 $37.87 $17.61

M. Cap $109B $53B $83B

EPS $4.51 $1.07 $0.48

Revenues(04) $3.18B $3.6B $42B

ROE (04) 22.80% 23.3% 3.69%

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Founders - Google• Larry


• Sergey


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Founders - Yahoo• David


• Jerry


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Search Engine - Origins• Wandex – first Perl based search engine

developed at MIT by Matthew Gray in 1993

• Excerpt of an email written by Matthew to his fellow student Joe:

“I have written a perl script that wanders the WWW collecting URLs, keeping track of where it's been and new hosts that it finds. Eventually, after hacking up the code to return some slightly more useful information (currently it just returns URLs), I will produce a searchable index of this. I'll announce here when we get this index properly running, however it probably won't be until sometime in August, as I am going on vacation.” – Matthew Gray

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The Pioneers• 1993 : Lycos, first commercial


• 1994 – 97 : Altavista, Excite, Inktomi, Ask Jeeves, Northern Light

• 1998 : Google

• 2004 : Yahoo (was using Google until this time)

• 2005 : MSN

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What are Search Engines?• Is a program designed to help find information

stored on a computer system such as the World Wide Web, or a personal computer.

• Other kinds of search engine

– Enterprise search engines: search on intranets

– Personal search engines: search individual personal computers

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How it works?

• Basically is an information retrieval system

• In addition to an Information Retrieval system, Search Engines:

– Obtain documents over the web

– Consider the special characteristics of web contents, e.g. hyperlinks, meta-data

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Obtaining Web Documents• Spiders

– Special computer program that crawls on the Internet

– Collect information of web pages it visits, and indexes it into the search engine’s database

– Start from a URL, and follow the links found on each of the web documents

• User submission– User manually add entries of their web sites into

search engine directories

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How Spiders Work

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Search Engine Example: Google• Patented “Page Rank” technology

• Page Rank relies on the uniquely democratic nature of the web by using its vast link structure as an indicator of an individual page's value. – Google interprets a link from page A to page B as a

vote, by page A, for page B. – Also analyzes the page that casts the vote– Votes cast by pages that are themselves

"important" weigh more heavily and help to make other pages "important"

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Search Engine Example: Google• Webmasters built an increased

number of inbound links to increase rankings. Google realized this and now employs – More than 150 criteria to determine relevancy of

results– Thousands of servers and hundreds of algorithms

to calculate rankings and relevancy: weight the pages, and assign their values for later use

• Results are then outputted to the users browser.

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MSN - How it works?• Works on Neural networks. A series

of computers which are supposed to learn based on input provided.

• For example, if the search engine is told that Ebay is considered an authoritative site on online auctions, then when a person performs such a search they should see at the top of the search results.

Business Applications – Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

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Cost per acquisition - Think about it

Average Cost per Acquisition

ChannelCost Per


RateCost Per Acquisition

Online Ads $0.50 0.025-0.05% $100+

Email $0.50 1-2% $25-50

Search Engine Marketing $0.10-0.15 3.90% $3.75

Source: B to B Magazine

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SEM Strategies - 1• Paid Placement

– Proving to be very effective for SME’s

– Is it really that effective?

– Great for search engine companies!

– Is it good for business enterprises?

– Is it good for users? You decide!

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SEM Strategies - 2• Contextual Advertising

– Great for search engine network and content cos.

– Relevancy determined by algorithm. Extremely beneficial is user is actively seeking product while reading content

– Is it really contextual? You decide!

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SEM Strategies - 3• Search Engine Optimization

– Improve the ranking of website in free search results (Non-paid results)

– Several factors go into high ranking

– However continuous optimization to website is required

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SME Case Study –

• Sells automobile warranty

• Increased sales by 55% by using paid placement

• Bids on 40 different keywords on search sites

• Successful paid placement strategy!

• Will it work for other SME’s?– High involvement– Cost paid to consultant– How differentiated is your product/service?

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More information

How Search Engines Work?•



Search engine marketing•••

Semantic Web

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Semantic Web• WWW and Semantic Web• Why Semantic Web• The Goals of Semantic Web• Semantics• What is Semantic Web• Applications of Semantic Web • Technology foundations of Semantic Web• Challenges• Future of Semantic Web

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WWW and Semantic Web

• WWW– human-readable information– A framework for ‘pointing’– Pointing has no meaning without human


• Semantic Web– Machine-Understandable information– Linkages among the web resources– Good for agents and automation

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WWW and Semantic Web

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Why Semantic Web?• Human interpretation needed to

understand content.• Data that is generally hidden away in HTML files is

often useful in some contexts, but not in others.• There is no global system for publishing data in such

a way as it can be easily processed by anyone.• Automation is difficult, especially for unforeseen

situations.• Semantic Web, via ontologies and reasoning, will

improve interoperability of information systems.

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The Goals of Semantic Web

Search Information




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Semantics• Semantics (from the Greek

semantikos, or "significant meaning," derived from sema, sign) is the study of meaning, in some sense of that term.

• Semantics is often opposed to syntax, in which case the former pertains to what something means while the latter pertains to the formal structure/patterns in which something is expressed (for example written or spoken).

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What is Semantic Web• "The Semantic Web is an extension of the

current web in which information is given well-defined meaning, better enabling computers and people to work in cooperation." - Tim Berners-Lee, James Hendler, Ora Lassila, The Semantic Web, Scientific American, May 2001

• The Semantic Web provides a common framework that allows data to be shared and reused across application, enterprise, and community boundaries. It is based on the Resource Description Framework (RDF), which integrates a variety of applications using XML for syntax and URIs for naming. (

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What is Semantic Web

• The Semantic Web is a Web that includes documents, or portions of documents, describing explicit relationships between things and containing semantic information intended for automated processing by our machines. (

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Applications of Semantic Web

• In Semantic Web we not only provide URIs for documents as we have done in the past, but to people, concepts and relationships. – Knowledge Management– Personal Agent– Verification Service

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Knowledge Management• British Telecom Call



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Personal Agent


Semantic WebSemantic WebServiceProvider


Agent Agent

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Verification Service• Web of Trust• Offering verification and rating service

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Semantic Web Technological Layers

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URI and Unicode• The URI is the foundation of the Web.• One form of URI: the URL or Uniform

Resource Locator. URIs are decentralized. • A common practice for creating URIs is to

begin with a Web page. The page describes the object to be identified and explains that the URL of the page is the URI for that object.

• Unicode: International characters sets.

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XML and Namespace• XML was designed to be a simple way to

send documents across the Web. • Allows anyone to design their own document format

and then write a document in that format. • These document formats can include markup to

enhance the meaning of the document's content. • This markup is "machine-readable," that is, programs

can read and understand it. By including machine-readable meaning in our documents, we make them much more powerful.

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RDF (Resource Descriptive Framework)

• RDF makes statements that are machine-processable.

• Each RDF statement has three parts: a subject, a predicate and an object.

• This design has a number of interesting features.– Rules to allow for decentralized extensions– Descriptive rather than prescriptive (contrast with XML)– RDF vocabularies document claims about the world (not

about documents)– RDF is designed for data merging (easy when things have

agreed IDs)

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An Example of RDF<?xml version="1.0"?>


<Description about=""> <author>Jan Egil Refsnes</author> <homepage></homepage>



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RDF Schema• A basic vocabulary definition

language• The use of all these URIs is useless if we

never describe what they mean. • This is where schemas and ontologies come

in. A schema and an ontology are ways to describe the meaning and relationships of terms.

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Ontology Vocabulary

• OWL (W3C Web Ontology Language) extends our vocabulary description, allowing us to express claims such as...– Nothing can be both a Document and a Person– Grandparent and grandchild are inverses– Homepage, NASDAQ Code and mbox are uniquely

identifying properties– A W3CTeamPerson is a Person whose workplace

homepage is– As well as the formally specified interactions

amongst all these features.

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Characteristics of OWL

OWL adds value to the Semantic Web through– Bringing machine-checkable precision to

vocabulary design– Allowing new data to be inferred– Allowing automatic detection of contradictory

claims– Exploiting existing tools from Description Logic

community– Providing principles for complex data merging

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Logic Frameworks

• State any logical principle and permit the computer to reason

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• Proof is a form of evidence which proves something is correct.

• People all around the world could write logic statements. Your machine could follow these Semantic "links" to construct proofs.

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Trust• All statements on the Web occur in

some context. • Applications need this context in order to

evaluate the trustworthiness of the statements.

• The machinery of the SW does not assert that all statements found on the Web are "true".

• Trustworthiness is evaluated by each application.

• Very flexible language can express existing systems

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Challenges - Technology Challenges• According to TimBL, there will be

many layers to the Semantic Web, which could take around ten years to complete:– Unicode and XML– RDF and other Basic Assertion Languages– Schema Languages– Conversion Language– The Logical Layer– A Proof Language– An Evolution Rules Language– Query Languages For Proof Validation


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More Challenges• Trust, security• Filtering, child protection, PICS-mobile?• Policy issues: privacy, social impact• Deployment, Best Practice and other support


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• Inter-relationships:IR, SE and SW

• Future applications look exciting







Thank you

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