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Analysis of a received prophetic word

Session 4/6

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FEBRUARY 22, 2017




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Marco Lafebre, main leader

[email protected]

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Open your mind. Don’t go with a request for a specific problem or need or

guidance need. Don’t give information more than your name, and perhaps

where you live if required. Open your Heart. Go with a willing heart to receive what the Lord has for you.

Receiving a Prophetic Word

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Thank the Lord for it. He things of you 24/7. He created you. His own hands shaped you. He has a plan for you. He knows what is best for you.

Once you receive the Word

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Pray for guidance Write it down, or go over the audio a couple of times before

trying to make sense out of it. See what impacts you, what calls your attention. What you like, what you don’t like. Check your feelings and emotions, they speak about the effect

the word has in you; it may not be meaningful.

Go over the word.

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Look for words of affirmation, edification. Who is the main character in the word? Is God calling you to serve? Is He speaking of now, or of the future? Is there any conditional words? Look carefully for this type of words: “if”, “but”, “then”, “and”

Analysis (1)

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Can you find an echo somewhere in the Bible? Have you hear this word before, or part of it? Finally, ask to the Lord for discernment. You could feel the Holy Spirit confirming the word whiting

you. You may become disappointed of the word and try to dismiss it. Even so, don’t dismiss it completely.

Analysis (2)

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You may not be able to “see it” now. The time will decide. Sometimes we just want to hear what we want .

Analysis (3)

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Once analyzed the word, is time to take steps in direction of the fulfillment of that word.

Correct if anything needs to be corrected in your life Make a plan of action. Seek guidance from your Pastor and Leaders. Keep reviewing the word and your plan.


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A prophetic word given to me time ago.

Example #1

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Word given to me, “The Lord says that you stand on the Rock. This is a good and

solid place. Now in this season, the Lord is calling you into a deeper place of communion with Him. You must meet Him in this place. It is one of intimacy where He will disclose what is on His heart to you. The Lord has some things to say. Do not bypass it. You can not do all the things that he desires for you apart from this meeting. Move forward only by His strength and in His countenance.”

Monday December 8, 2008

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To help see the way I have divided this word, I have shade it with different colors and in another slide explain the focus.

Each color will section de word according with how I see it. I don’t follow and specific pattern, as every word is different,

But you will be able to grasp the idea.

Dividing the word

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Word given to me. Monday December 8, 2008

“The Lord says that you stand on the Rock. This is a good and solid place. Now in this season, the Lord is calling you into a deeper place of communion with Him. You must meet Him in this place. It is one of intimacy where He will disclose what is on His heart to you. The Lord has some things to say. Do not bypass it. You cannot do all the things that he desires for you apart from this meeting. Move forward only by His strength and in His countenance.”

Let’s analyze it.

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Words of affirmation, edification. Words of information, message. Words of warning. Revelation of the secrets of The Lord. Consequences if not following instructions. Words of encouragement

Analysis, understanding of the word.

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As we see after focusing a little bit more in this prophecy, there is a condition that needs to be done by my part, so the Lord can do His.

“I must meet Him in this place” (intimacy). There is no other option if I want to be used as per His plan. Do not bypass it. A second strong advice saying what I’ll lose

if not meeting Him in that place.

Condition established.

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Seek His face. Detach from what is an obstacle. Train in the ways of the Lord. Be filled with His love. Forgive and forget. Humbled myself. Daily communion with God.

My response. Action plan.

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A prophetic word given to me some time ago.

Example #2

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Your Word:  The Lord gave me three P’s that meant Passion, Power and Purpose The Lord says that you will Preach His Word with Passion. This is the same

passion that Jesus had when teaching his disciples on the Sermon on the Mount. It was His passion that ultimately reached the multitudes both in power and in purpose. So it is that He desires, just as He taught His disciples, so does He teach you to go forward in this same light.

The Lord desires that you go forward and teach His Word, in His passion, His power and his purpose.

Amen!  Be blessed.

Saturday January 3. 2009

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That meant, does not accept other ideas. The Lord says; The Lord desires You (me) will preach His Word. Passion, will cause things to happen. He taught; He teach

Finding stressing words

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The Lord’s response to the desires of my heart. It is a Heart to heart impartation I am the Agent of His Word. He is the Teacher. It is a clear assignment. It will be an ongoing process.

Pondering on the word

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Let’s do it Lord. Learn to HEAR. Tune up with the feelings and emotions of His Heart to acquire

His passion. Become teachable. Search for opportunities to preach. In retrospect; I’m “hands-on training.”

My response and Action Plan

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You can divide your work in many different forms, you can do it in the way fits you best, however here are some parts that you need to consider.

Once you divide your word, it will be easier for you to work out an strategy in order to get to the fulfillment of the prophecy.

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Calling. Is god calling you for intimacy.To be ready for a change.To have your own ministry.To work in your Church.For a New Gifting.

Is God Calling you to service?

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Is He promising something? Promises. Of protection.


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MessagesNotice the characteristic.

Present, future. Personal, familiar, Church setting. Get ready. Look forward, envision the results. Decree and declare something to come Trust in the Lord Promises.

What is the Spirit’s message?

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Warnings Be aware. Inspect, search and detect. Stand on the word. Use the Armor of God. Make a strategic plan.

Look for words calling attention

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CONDITIONALS Follow the instructions. Be obedient. Do your best. Don’t quit. Work step by step.

Is there any condition?

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IMPARTATION Receive in faith. Activate the gift by using it. Don’t despise small beginnings. Learn from others. Ask for guidance.


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REPETITIONS Prophecy, word or phrase.

Get ready, time is near.It will surely happen.

The intensity of the message

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Finally, periodically you need to hear or read your word. You need to review your plan of action. Has the Prophecy been fulfilled in part or not at all? Is there

anything that is stopping it? I will strongly advice you to write down every prophecy you

have received, it doesn’t matter how simple it make look like.


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Analyzed them. Consider a plan. Retrospective.

Your turn

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Activation #2 Bring a written prophecy no more than 7 lines for the person

that was assigned as your partner. You will work in Pairs, read yours and receive the one from

your mate.

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Your harvest time is at hand. The double blessings are commanded by God.

Farmers are cleaning and repairing their silos in preparation for the harvest to come.

Have you made room in your heart to receive the increment of blessings?

Perhaps as the farmers you may need to clean and mend your spiritual barn?

Are you aware that

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