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Page 1: Email addresses

Email Addresses

Page 2: Email addresses

Email Addresses

Email addresses identify your email inbox and are written in a specific way: [email protected]

For example: [email protected]

Page 3: Email addresses

User Name

The user name identifies the name of the owner of the email address.

There are no set rules and the user name can be whatever you choose providing you observe the rules of netiquette.

Page 4: Email addresses

Domain Name

The domain name identifies the location of the email server that hosts the email account. This can be the name of the Internet Service Provider (ISP). For example: [email protected] Or it might be the name of your workplace. For example: [email protected]

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Top Level Domain

The top level domain usually consists of three letters and identifies the type of organisation associated with the host’s name.

For example:o .com private or public company

o .gov government department or organisation

o .edu educational institution

o .net networks usually reserved for Internet Service Providers (ISPs)

o .org non-commercial organisations

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Country Identifier

Email addresses outside of the United States of America usually end in two letters that identify the country of origin.

For example: o .au Australia

o .uk United Kingdom

o .nz New Zealand

o .de Germany

o .fr France

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