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Lesson Plan for Implementing NETS•S—  

(More Directed Learning Activities)  


 Name Ruth St-Arre

Position 2nd Grade Teacher

School/District Dunleith Elementary School/Marietta City Schools

E-mail [email protected]

Phone 954-394-6426


Level(s) 2nd Grade

Content Area Science

Time line 1 Week

Standards :

Content Standards

S2E1. Students will understand that stars have different sizes, brightness, and patterns.a. Describe the physical attributes of stars — size, brightness, and patterns.

S2E2. Students will investigate the position of sun and moon to show patterns throughout

theyear.a. Investigate the position of the sun in relation to a fixed object on earth at various

times of the day. b. Determine how the shadows change through the day by making a shadow stick or

using a sundial.c. Relate the length of the day and night to the change in seasons (for example: Daysare longer than the night in the summer.).d. Use observations and charts to record the shape of the moon for a period of time.

ELA2R The student demonstrates the ability to read orally with speed, accuracy, and

expression. The student d. Reads second-grade texts at a target rate of 90 words correct perminute


1. Creativity and innovation: Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative

 products and processes using technology. a. Apply existing knowledge to generate new

ideas, products, or processes, b. Create original works as a means of personal or group

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expression, c. Use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues

2. Communication and collaboration: Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively,

including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning ofothers. a. Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a

variety of digital environments and media

3. Research and information fluency: Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. a. Plan strategies to

guide inquiry, d. Process data and report results.

4. Critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve

 problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources. a.Identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for investigation, c.Collect and analyze data to identify solutions

5. Digital citizenship: Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practicelegal and ethical behavior. a. Advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of

information and technology, b. Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that

supports collaboration, learning, and productivity, c. Demonstrate personal responsibilityfor lifelong learning d. Exhibit leadership for digital citizenship and/or make informed


6. Technology operations and concepts: Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, andoperations .a. Understand and use technology systems, b. Select and use applicationseffectively and productively, c. Troubleshoot systems and applications, d. Transfer current

knowledge to learning of new technologies


Students will be able to understand the patterns in the night sky, what causes day and night, and what causes the

seasons. There will be a total of four lessons. The teacher will begin each lesson by introducing the vocabulary.Each student will be provided with a vocabulary sheet which will have all the words related to the daily lesson.Chants will be created to assist with understanding vocabulary and remembering definition. Lesson 1-

introduction to patterns in the sky, Lesson 2- earth's rotation, Lesson 3- what causes the seasons. Students will alist of activities to choose from to demonstrate their understanding of the standards. The activities will come from

the Georgia framework and the assessment will be completing the culminating task but I will add additionaloptions that integrate Web 2.0 tools.

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Essential Questions 

What are stars?

What causes day and night?

Why does the moon seem to change?

Why does the sun shine during the day, but is not there at night?How does a sundial work? 

Why do some stars look brighter than the sun?

What are some of the differences and/or similarities between the seasons?

Why are there four seasons?


The student’s summative assessment is to complete at least 2-3 activities from the list of options in theculminating task. Activities are differentiated and each group is pre-assigned activities to complete. There will

also be informal and formative assessments which will include student observation, group conversations, and bi-weekly assessment. One of the goals for my students is to get them to verbally communicate more between

student to student and student to teacher. Students have a guide to assist with responding to content relatedquestions by supporting responses through using evidence and sentence starters. Earth Science Assessment 

Here are the options for the 4 stations from the Science Framework and I added one.

Scenario: The head astronomer at the local planetarium has been picked by NASA to go to the moon on a rock

collecting adventure. Your class has a planned field trip to the planetarium. The astronomer has contacted yourteacher to inform him/her that there will be no guides at the planetarium. Your teacher has assured him that you

can take a self guided tour of the facilities and do it on time using a sundial.. Four stations have been set up foryou to complete. Remember to record your findings in your Science Journals at each station.Product: You will need to divide your class into four teams. Using your journals and research notes, visit each of

the four stations and complete the tasks at each location. Record your findings in your journals.

Station One — You are to construct a sundial to show the time you left the sundial station. Draw your sundial inyour journal.

Station Two — You are to use the sun to position a compass. Draw the compass rose showing true North and the position of the sun. Use this compass rose to guide you to your next station. Write directions using your compass

(North, South, East, and West) to direct your group to the next station in your journal. Follow your directionswhen you move.

Station Three-- Using a local newspaper weather page or a weather website, , construct achart telling sunrise and sunset this week. You plan to get up to go to the planetarium when the sun rises the day

of your trip and you plan to stay until the sun sets. What time do you arrive and what time do you leave?

Station Four — Demonstrate the phases of the moon using a flashlight, small ball (tennis size) and a globe.Illustrate the phases of the moon and label new, full, half, and crescent

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Station Five: Using either AdobeVoice, iMovie, Explain Everything, or Prezi. Record a news forecast on the

 Night Sky- include information on Shadows, What causes Day and Night, sky patterns, moon phases


All students in Marietta City Schools have a Discovery Education  account. This is our Science “textbook” andcenter for resources. Discovery Education is was purchased by the district and it’s a requirement to for students

and teachers to use the online tool. The teacher will use videos as part of the warm up activities and videos andvideos will be assigned to students as review and follow-up activities. Students will log in to complete theassigned activities inside their individual folders. The videos are listed below. The students will use Padlet  torespond to daily exit ticket questions and to also respond to their peers who make have wondering questions.They can also record a video response to respond to questions. Google Form will be used to check understanding

of content. Teacher will use Flubaroo  extension to automatically grade assessments. Students will have theoption of using Adobe Voice to record their presentations for the culminating task. Students can add their own

 pictures or use the ones located in the picture bank. Teacher will also incorporate Plickers as a tool for warm-upsand to check students understanding pre and post lesson and lab completion.

Instructional Plan Preparation 

In first grade, much of the content from Earth Science unit isn’t previewed but the students do learn about theseasons and weather. I believe the information from first grade will hopefully assist my students with

understanding the cause for changes in the seasons. I can find out if the students have former knowledge of theinformation by having students complete the first section of a KWL chart. Students might have difficulty withusing content vocabulary in their responses and day to day conversations.


I have a smaller class size with 13 E.L.L. students out of 16. My students are actually too quiet which is one ofthe reasons I started implementing chants for learning vocabulary and other content information. This has helped

the students to be more comfortable around their peers and teacher.

There haven’t been issues with our wireless connection or server. The students have been successful accessing

the various tools needed for our activities. We have an in house technology specialist that deals with the hardwareissues and she completes the jobs really fast as long as it’s submitted through the correct “help” link.

To keep the Padlet page private, the students are required to enter the password “earth”. I wanted to keep otherweb users from accessing our page to keep students safe. The link to the Google form will be posted on a

Todaysmeet for quicker access.

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Instructional Strategies and Learning Activities 

Students will receive teacher prepared handouts of information learned in each lesson. Students will also be partnered with a peer for support. Teacher will model questioning and research strategies for students. Teacher

will ensure higher order thinking is at the analysis, evaluation, or creativity by providing opportunities for

students to create meaningful products and through questioning. Students will have to explain their reasoningwith answering questions and teacher will limit the amount of short ended questions and increase open endedquestions.


The options available for the culminating task allows for differentiation. Five of my students will need assistanceto complete the activities and extended time. These students will work in a small group with E.S.O.L. push in

teacher or homeroom teacher. Students will have videos and interactive videos assigned to them on DiscoveryEducation. Teacher will able to check student’s completion of assignments through log in. Students will also havesmall group conversations- informal assessment.


The students enjoyed the vocabulary chants and the options available for the cumulating task. Students enjoyedworking as a team and through the conversations, I can tell they were immense with the information they‘re

learning. I was proud to see students who don’t normally communicate work together and assist each other. The primary grades aren’t 1 to 1 therefore it took students longer to complete their Padlet activity with only 3 desktopsin the classroom. The next day, I brought in my personal lab top and I also allowed students to use my employeelabtop since it was connected to the Smart board. I was able to monitor their progress. I love watching mystudents work together and hearing the conversations amongst the groups. These are assessments for me because I

don’t believe they should always sit at a desk and do the “ordinary”. My students didn’t complete all of theiractivities from the culminating task but they will have additional time within the next three weeks before holiday



Earth Science is one of my favorite units in second grade. I’ve always had an interest about the sky so using thatto spark my student’s interest is my ultimate goal. My students were successful in mastering the content for the

Earth Science unit. They did struggle with understanding what causes the seasons and due to time therefore I planon integrating science text into my Guided Reading to further explain the concept to students.

If another teacher was to implement this lesson, I would suggest they make a buddy in the upper grades for the possibility of using their lab top cart. This will help students to complete their recordings and presentations in a

timely manner.

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