  • 8/14/2019 Ee Newsletter July 2009


    EE NewsJ U L Y 2 0 0 9w w w . e e m a l a y s i a . n e t

    E V A N G E L I S ME X P L O S I O NM A L A Y S I A






    (Continued on page 8)

    However, the Israelites failed to live up totheir calling and eventually God allowedthe Babylonians to execute punishmenton them. When we come to the New Tes-tament, God now intends for the churchto be that holy nation.

    1 Peter 2:9 NIV

    But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people be-

    longing to God, that you may declare thepraises of him who called you out of dark-ness into his wonderful light.

    This verse declares our position in thekingdom of God and the authority andability that God has given to us to accom-plish the ministry assigned. As we submitwillingly to Him, God will assign to eachone of us the goal, the task and the posi-tion. The task is to be a royal priesthood.Not many Christians truly have the knowl-edge and understanding of this teaching.That leads to the failure in living out the

    priesthood and in exercising the functionof a priest.

    (Continued on page 8)

    In the Old Testa-ment, God had in-tended that thenation of Israelwould be a

    kingdom of priestsand a holy na-tion (Exodus 19:6).

    For Private Circulation Only

    To glorify GodTo glorify God

    by equippingby equipping

    believers tobelievers to

    multiply in andmultiply in and

    through localthrough local

    churches andchurches and



    Xee Crossover


    Peoples Park Baptist

    ChurchXee 3

    Congress of Nations 4

    The Joy of

    Winning Souls

    by Rachel Evans


    Full Gospel Business

    Mens Fellowship

    hosting Xee


    Quick Start Clinic,

    Ching Kwong

    Methodist Church


    21st Anniversary 11

    Special Interests:

  • 8/14/2019 Ee Newsletter July 2009


    P A G E 2 E V A N G E L I S M E X P L O S I O N M A L A Y S I A N E W S L E T T E RV A N G E L I S M E X P L O S I O N M A L A Y S I A N E W S L E T T E R


    1616T HT H

    -- 1717T HT H


    A crossover training from Adult(Classic) EE to Xee was held on Feb 16-17 atWisma Eagles, Subang Jaya for clinicians whowere previously trained in Adult EE. The train-ing objective was to assist Adult EE trainedTeacher-Trainers to understand and imple-ment Xee in the various churches and fellow-ships.

    The training leaders were Voon YuenWoh, Chairman EE Malaysia and Stephen Han-lon, Xee Coordinator for Asia. The training syl-labus included explanations on the strengths &weaknesses of Adult EE, Generational Differ-

    ences, differences of philosophies of Xee andAdult EE etc. Many questions were raised andanswered during the two-day training. As partof the training, the participants were involvedin role playing and small group discussions.These creative methods of learning contrib-

    uted to the enthusiasm of the group.

    Among those who attended includedrepresentatives from Miri Gospel Chapel, FullGospel Tabernacle, Praise Baptist Centre SriDamansara, Peoples' Park Baptist Church PJ,The Hope of Glory Centre Ampang, LCMS 11thMile Cheras, Emmanuel Evangelical FreeChurch Wangsa Maju, Glad Tidings PJ, FirstBaptist Church PJ, Canning Garden BaptistChurch Ipoh, River of Life Sanctuary BandarPuteri, and Full Gospel Assembly Sungai Buloh.

    The crossover training ended with a challenge

    to all participants to continue to carry on thework of the gospel. In Malaysia, EE is only ac-tive in a few states. The goal now is to reachour nation using Xee, a tool to disciple a newgeneration of believers and to proclaim thename of Jesus.

  • 8/14/2019 Ee Newsletter July 2009


    ues and habits without condoning them, then helpthem lift their burdens and cares of the day. As a re-sult, the prospects were totally at ease upon meetingus.

    One of our prospects was our cousin whoowns a religious bookstore. We had an intellectual

    but a meaningful dialogue, and the Xee team, man-aged to whet up his appetite to search for the truth.

    There wasone profession,and only last Sun-day his wholefamily turned upfor church! TheXee teams alsovisited friends thathad lost theirfaith, and theselost sheep wereseen returning to

    Someone asked me, You verygung-ho, hah First Semester, start offwith twelve people, and you only havetwo Xee trainers!


    I am very thankful to God for pro-viding us with an environment where so

    much of Gods love and grace wereshown when we were doing the sessions,role plays, and when making contact withour friends. I am also thankful for thePrayer Partners who were faithfully inter-ceding for us. Every Sunday after service,groups of threes sit together in the sanc-

    tuary to share needs, update one another and pray.Not only did the Prayer Partners pray for Xee, but thetrainees also prayed for their partners.

    The benefits of conducting Xee in PeoplesPark Baptist Church certainly outweighed the sacri-fice. Trainees told me that their friendship with the

    world took on meaningful turns. With fewer discus-sions on politics, business markets and horrid bosses,trainees became more intentional at taking the con-versation to saving faith.

    In the stress of looking for opportunities,the Xee teams threw away their self-consciousness,rolled up their sleeves, and called their friends. Wetalked about a wide range of topics, from motorbikes,insurance, Kris Allen, reconditioned furniture andthen, creatively turning these hot topics into do theygive us the ultimate fulfillment?

    In all the Connects, I am constantly remindedof how Jesus replied to the experts of the law, woe

    to you, because you load people down with burdensthey can hardly carry, and you yourselves will not liftone finger to help them. In our Connects, OUR FIRSTOUR FIRSTPRIORITY WAS PEOPLEPRIORITY WAS PEOPLE, to respect them for their val-

    F I R S T X E E S E M E S T E R


    Left to Right - Living Lee, Gary Soon, John Toh, Stacey Lee, Cynthia Lim, Wong Ju Lee,

    Mark Ho and Alysha Wong, Jennifer Wong and Ps Voon.

    ture shop .

    Only one profession?Gospel not shared com-pletely? Aye, but God worksin unseeing ways. As we pre-pare to go for our annualchurch camp this year, wealready have 90 people signedup, some have yet to know

    the LORD (excitement here a ready fishing-pool) andsome, more importantly, arethe returned sons and daugh-ters.

    P A G E 3V A N G E L I S M E X P L O S I O N M A L A Y S I A N E W S L E T T E RV A N G E L I S M E X P L O S I O N M A L A Y S I A N E W S L E T T E R

    the sheep pen over the weeks of Xee. The Xee teamstalked and made contact with people they met alongthe way in the bank, in the opticians, in the furni-

  • 8/14/2019 Ee Newsletter July 2009


    1. To enhance and advance the continental, national,and specialist ministries of EE by developing strate-gies designed, under God, to achieve our global vi-sion;

    2. To promote fellowship, deepen commitment, facili-tate prayer and the exchange of ideas, to strengthenour spiritual lives, and to encourage us all in thisgrand work;

    3. To contribute to the creation of a form of Covenantwith EE International that will assist National minis-tries to prosper, help maintain the integrity of EE ma-terial around the world and over time, stimulate newdevelopments and initiatives, and be an aid, notonly to advance the ministry in every possible way,but also to keep it cohesive and well integrated.

    4. To promote to the Board of EE International recom-mendations for policy decisions with respect to issues

    that may require their approval.

    NEW PHASEOF GROWTHEE is embarking on a new and exciting phase of its growth.The growth of Evangelism Explosion over the past two dec-ades has been remarkable. However, the organisationalstructure put in place 20 years ago does not serve well thechallenges of operating this dynamic and growing ministryin a global environment.

    GREATER VOICETO NATIONAL MINISTRIESRecognising this, the International Board will establish amechanism for giving greater voice and influence to Na-tional Ministries. The plan is that approximately every threeyears a Congress of Multiplying Nations will be held. Theserepresentatives, together with Regional Directors and VicePresidents from around the world, will join in planning,problem solving, encouraging, and strategising for the min-istry of EE both globally and regionally.FIRST CONGRESSOF MULTIPLYING NATIONS

    MARCH 22-26, 2010 IN MALAYSIA

    The first Congress Task Force has been appointed to planand organize. The EE Malaysia Board and the Rev. VoonYuen Woh have consented to play a major role in mountingthis Congress in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The dates selectedare March 22-26, 2010.

    A I M S O F T H E C O N G R E S S

    P A G E 4 E V A N G E L I S M E X P L O S I O N M A L A Y S I A N E W S L E T T E RV A N G E L I S M E X P L O S I O N M A L A Y S I A N E W S L E T T E R

    April this year, I was part of the six weektraining for IFWs (Implementation FieldWorkers) at Kennedy Training Centre inNadi, Fiji.

    During the training, we had sessions discov-ering our individual strengths and personal-ity types and were taught how to raise upministry partners. We were involved in run-ning/teaching two clinics as well.

    There were 26 of us IFWs from 14 nations,and it was wonderful learning from eachother's cultures and experiences. It was veryhard to say goodbye at the end of these 6weeks, but the work of the Lord must go on,and with this training, we trust we'll be moreeffective in assisting churches to multiply byigniting a passion for the lost and empower-ing them to accomplish the Great Commis-sion!

    Thank you all for your prayers duringthe six weeks. Indeed we all left Fiji not onlywith the tools to be more effective IFWs, butwith a greater love for the Lord and the lost!Thank you so much.

    Irene Chan

    Irene Chan has recently been

    appointed as Implementation

    Advisor after returning from

    training in Fiji.

    Class in progress.


    NATIONS 2010


    EE Training Centre in Fiji

  • 8/14/2019 Ee Newsletter July 2009


    Pastor Voon's brother who happens to work inthe company that oraganised the event. He sug-gested for me to channel the prospect back toFGT. The prospect ran out of business cards andsaid he would email me for further correspon-

    dence. So, thank you and wow!

    I am writing in great happiness to tell you that Ihave used EE today at an unlikely place to leadsomeone to Christ! Praise the Lord. My 4th OJT!

    At an event I was emceeing, the conversation ofspiritual awareness came up during lunch. I usedthat as a spring board and continue to share theGospel amidst the music and yum-seng-ing.

    And interestingly the prospect listen attentivelyand felt EE's way was not pushy like he has nor-mally encountered. And though there were toomany distractions around, I asked for his commit-ment, and he said yes.

    I did the clarification and voila ---- we stepped outof the event and I prayed with him in the VIPholding room. I did not have the "Partners inGrowing today only because it is too heavy forme (which obviously was a wrong decision!), so Icould not give him.

    But I told him some one would call him to followup. I was in disbelief and GOD SENT A CONFIGOD SENT A CONFIR-R-







    NO. OF


    Feb 26-Mar 1

    Chin Fu Methodist Church,Kuching


    35 69 26

    May 27-


    Glorious Grace Presbyte-

    rian Church, Kuantan


    (Kids EE)18 50 47

    June 1-5Emmanuel

    Methodist Church, Bintulu


    (Kids EE)26 81 49

    Jul 7-9All Saints Cathedral,

    Kota Kinabalu


    (Xee)57 97 49

    Aug 5-10 Full Gospel Tabernacle, PJ English 26 51 20

    Aug 18-

    22Miri Gospel Chapel


    (Kids EE)19 63 56

    Nov 19-


    Glad Tidings Assembly of

    God, Klang


    (Quick Start& Zoom)

    17 32 15

    TOTAL: 198 443 262

    * = Includes those on audit & those who did not graduate




    No. of Clinics: 7

    No. of Professions

    during clinics: 262


    SEMESTERSNo. of Semesters:56

    No. of Professions:


    Trained: 360

    P A G E 5V A N G E L I S M E X P L O S I O N M A L A Y S I A N E W S L E T T E RV A N G E L I S M E X P L O S I O N M A L A Y S I A N E W S L E T T E R

    A D I V I N E A P P O I N T M E N T B Y H O N G J U K H E E
  • 8/14/2019 Ee Newsletter July 2009


    Hi, my name is Rachel Evans. Iam 9 years old. I joined Kids EEin FGT last year. I learned howto share the gospel through manyfun activities, actions and songs.During the Kids EE semester Ishared the gospel with 7 people

    together with my partner andtrainer. I am very happy that 6of them received Jesus Christ astheir Lord and Savior. I am gladthat I did Kids EE because Iknow how to share the gospel withmy friends.

    The Joy of Winning Souls by Rachel Evans

    P A G E 6 E V A N G E L I S M E X P L O S I O N M A L A Y S I A N E W S L E T T E RV A N G E L I S M E X P L O S I O N M A L A Y S I A N E W S L E T T E R

    Maureen Teo

    Senior Kids EE Clinic


    TA S K F O R C E F O R R E V I S I O N

    O F K I D S E E M AT E R I A L S

    International Day of Prayer a signifi-

    cant part of the day was spent joiningwith others in prayer for the EE Min-istry and the impact of our projectaround the world.

    Participants had the opportu-nity of sharing in a Kids program atFigtree Anglican Church to see one ofthe ways that Kids EE has been incor-porated into their church activity.Following that there was a casualgathering of Childrens Ministry lead-ers from the area to enable each oneto have the opportunity of sharingtheir experience in childrens ministry

    in their part of the world.

    Sister Maureen joined the taskforce EE International has setup to revise our Kids EE mate-

    rials. The task force met from 10th

    until 21

    stMay 2009 in Wollongong,

    Australia. KEE leaders from aroundthe world attended to spend timecarefully identifying how we can bestmeet the challenge of training mil-lions of children. It was a fantasticopportunity to exchange ideas andcome up with the best tools.

    Participants also includedKids EE leaders from each continent

    and representatives from OneHope.On May 19

    thwhich is the EE

    Rachel Evans

    Full Gospel Tabernacle,

    Petaling Jaya
  • 8/14/2019 Ee Newsletter July 2009


  • 8/14/2019 Ee Newsletter July 2009


    Our responsibilities as priests are two-fold:

    Firstly, we represent God before those who do not knowGod.

    Paul taught us this truth:

    2 Cor 5:18-20 NIV

    All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself throughChrist and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God wasreconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men'ssins against them. And he has committed to us the messageof reconciliation. We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, asthough God were making his appeal through us. We imploreyou on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God ...

    It is unthinkable that God should entrust to unworthy and

    filthy people like us this important office and to be His ambas-sadors to reconcile man to God. How great is this honor andblessing! This is a great God-given privilege and authority.Therefore, we should always count it a joy to share the gospelwith others. Its sad to see so many Christians who are notliving out their priesthood, not representing God in the waythat those around can have the chance to hear the gospel andto put their faith in Christ. Unbelievers would like to seeChristians as priests whose lives demonstrate the character ofChrist.

    (Continued from page 1)

    Secondly, as priests, we intercedefor others.

    We bring the needs of people be-

    fore God, and plead for His mercyand help.

    Heb 4:16 NIV

    Let us then approach the throne ofgrace with confidence, so that wemay receive mercy and find graceto help us in our time of need.

    This is the precious promise whichGod gives to us: that we will indeedfind grace to help us whenever wecome to Gods throne of grace.

    When we walk the way of faith we

    (Continued on page 9)

    when you are

    willing to pray,

    you will know

    there is a God

    P A G E 8 E V A N G E L I S M E X P L O S I O N M A L A Y S I A N E W S L E T T E RV A N G E L I S M E X P L O S I O N M A L A Y S I A N E W S L E T T E R





    (Continued from page 1)

    (Continued on page 9)

  • 8/14/2019 Ee Newsletter July 2009


    Elder Norman Choo is the Vice-Chairman of Evangelism Explosion Malaysia. He is an elder of Miri Gospel Chapel in Miri,

    Sarawak. After receiving his EE training in Manila, Philippines in the late 80s, together with other leaders, they trained members

    of their Chinese congregation in EE.

    George Muller52



    (Continued from page 8)

    engage in spiritual warfare. The believer will face variouskinds of difficulties, temptations and even frustrations. With-out the prayer of the priest (the Christian), failure is guaran-teed. George Muller spent 52 years without ceasing to prayfor his five friends. At the end, all of them accepted Jesus astheir personal savior although two of them accepted Christonly two years after he died.

    No wonder a pastor once encouraged us with this prayer les-son: When you are willing to pray, you will know there is aGod; when you pray as you see, you know God will help you;when you pray as you think, you know God has victory over


    May the Lord help us to always have this attitude in prayingfor the EE ministry, in praying for our friends and for our rela-tives. My wish is that all of us will be willing to become Hisfaithful priests.

    (Continued from page 8)

    P A G E 9V A N G E L I S M E X P L O S I O N M A L A Y S I A N E W S L E T T E RV A N G E L I S M E X P L O S I O N M A L A Y S I A N E W S L E T T E R

    Bishop Philip Lok presenting an EE trainer certificateduring the Graduation lunch at Foo Village Seafood Res-taurant in Bukit Mahkota Cheras after the WorshipService on 31 May 2009 in conjunction with the conclu-sion of the 2nd semester of Adult EE.

    L U T H E R A N C H U R C H ( L C M S ) , 1 1 T H M I L E C H E R A S
  • 8/14/2019 Ee Newsletter July 2009


    P A G E 1 0 E V A N G E L I S M E X P L O S I O N M A L A Y S I A N E W S L E T T E RV A N G E L I S M E X P L O S I O N M A L A Y S I A N E W S L E T T E R




    Date 10th

    - 11th

    April 09

    No. of Participants 63

    Heard Gospel 70

    Professions 42

    Language Chinese

    Ps. Nono teaching

    Rev Ting Diu Kiong, thepastor of Ching Kwong

    and the DS for Kuching

    giving the sermon.

    Kids EE graduates

    singing Heart to

    Change the world

    Class time

    The ceremonies started off with a prelude by the Boys Bri-

    gade. The children's choir and the graduates of a EE also gave a

    presentation. There were several speeches and some of the clini-

    cians also share their testimony. Rev Voon presented certificates to

    more than 60 clinicians and the graduation service was followed

    with food and fellowship.

    The church also took up an offering during the graduation

    service for the ministry of EE Malaysia for which we are very thank-

    ful to the Lord.

    One of the


    sharing hertestimony
  • 8/14/2019 Ee Newsletter July 2009


    P A G E 1 1V A N G E L I S M E X P L O S I O N M A L A Y S I A N E W S L E T T E RV A N G E L I S M E X P L O S I O N M A L A Y S I A N E W S L E T T E R

    Inconjunction with the Congress of Multiplying

    Nations, EE Malaysia will be celebrating its 21stanniversary at the end of the congress. The celebration

    service will be held on the evening of March 26, 2010 at

    Wisma Eagles, USJ 12, Subang Jaya. All are welcomed.

    Church leaders are encouraged to bring those involved

    and interested in the EE ministry along to join in the fes-


    As part of the celebrations, EE Malaysia will be

    organizing various seminars (Kids EE/XEE/Adult EE/Youth)

    on Saturday morning for all EE trainers. More detailed in-

    formation will be posted on the EE Malaysia website

    ( as soon as it is available. The cele-

    brations are aimed to inspire and encourage EE trainers in

    Malaysia as well as the delegates from the Congress. Any-

    one interested to know more about EE ministries are also

    welcomed to join us. Please mark your calendar for 26th

    March 2010 as it will be a joyous and momentous event.

    ProgrammerogrammerogrammeofCelebration ServiceService begins at 7.30pm

    Opening Prayer

    Praise and Worship

    Word of greeting and prayer for EE Ma-

    laysia and EE Malaysia Board Membersby Chairman EE Intl

    Rev. Dr.Sterling Houston.

    Presentations by local Artist



    Address by Chairman EE Malaysia

    Rev.Voon Yuen Woh

    Awards Presentation

    Presentations by local EE Churches

    Challenge by President of EE IntlRev. John B. Sorensen

    Closing Song & Benediction

    Food & Fellowship

    10. Your boss

    11. Your secretary

    12. Potential employee comingfor interview

    13. The lady who comes to cleanyour house once a week

    14. Newspaper vendor

    15. Neighbor

    16. Mechanic

    17. Colleague

    1. Circle of friends

    2. Immediate family

    3. Relatives

    4. Primary schoolmates

    5. Waitress at your favoriterestaurant

    6. Petrol pump attendant

    7. Postman

    8. Security guard

    9. Cashier

    18. Fellow bus passenger

    19. Your best friends brother/sister

    20.Jogging partner

    If all else fails, run through thecontacts list on your mobile

    phone. Theres got to be

    someone who needs to knowJesus.

    Where to find OJT/CA prospects?
  • 8/14/2019 Ee Newsletter July 2009



    Kids (Mandarin)

    MARCH 2-6, 2010

    Host Church: Gereja

    Tampoi Holy Word, Jo-

    hor Bahru, Johor.

    EE International


    MARCH 22-26, 2010

    Host: EE Malaysia

    EE Malaysia 21st


    MARCH 26, 2010


    Venue: Wisma Eagles,

    USJ, Subang Jaya, Se-


    P A G E 1 2 E V A N G E L I S M E X P L O S I O N M A L A Y S I A N E W S L E T T E RV A N G E L I S M E X P L O S I O N M A L A Y S I A N E W S L E T T E R

    2009Xee Facilitators Training/ Clinics (English)

    JULY 5-8, 2009

    (Sun afternoon to Wed night)Hosts: Full Gospel Business Men's Fellow-

    ship, Kuala Lumpur

    Xee Facilitators Training/ Clinics (English)

    JULY 5-8, 2009

    (Sun afternoon to Wed night)

    Hosts: Wesley Methodist Church, Klang.

    Adults Clinic (Mandarin)

    AUGUST 10-14, 2009

    Host Church: Chen-Li Presbyterian

    Church, Johor Bahru, Johore.

    Kids Clinic (Mandarin)

    AUGUST 24-28, 2009

    Host Church: Basel Christian Church of

    Malaysia, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

    Kids Clinic (Mandarin)

    NOVEMBER 25-28, 2009

    Host Church: Gereja Presbyterian Johor

    Jaya, Johor Bahru, Johore.

    YEE Quickstart (English)

    NOVEMBER 25-28, 2009

    Host Church: Glad Tidings Assemblies of

    God, Klang, Selangor.

    YEE Quickstart (English/Mandarin)

    NOVEMBER 30 - DECEMBER 1, 2009

    Host Church: Chinese Methodist Church,

    Sibu, Sarawak.

    YEE Quickstart (English/Mandarin)

    DECEMBER 2 - 3, 2009

    Host Church: Chinese Methodist Church,

    Sibu, Sarawak.

    EE MalaysiaNo.53, 1st Floor,

    Jalan USJ 10/1, , 47620

    UEP Subang Jaya,Selangor.

    Tel/Fax: 03-56382934

    E-mail: [email protected]


    Please do check outour website

    for regular updates on

    Clinics, events and


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