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  • 7/29/2019 EE 242-Circuits 2



    EE 242: Circuits II

    Instructors: Dr. Naveed Ul Hassan

    Email: [email protected]

    Office: Room 9-303A, EE Floor, SSE Building

    Office hours: Tue, Thu : 10:00am to 11:30am

    Semester: Fall Year: 2011-12 Credits: 3


    a. To learn various techniques to analyze electrical circuits / networks.b. To learn transform domain analysis of electrical circuits / networks and to understand the

    significance of poles and zeros in terms of network functions.


    To familiarize with two port networks and two port network parameters.d. To learn sinusoidal steady state analysis of circuits / networks.e. To study frequency response plots, Bode diagrams and the Nyqusit Criterion.f. To understand the problems in optimizing Power Transfer and to learn Tellegens


    Course Status:

    Core course for all EE students


    EE 240 Circuits I

    Text Book: Network Analysis, M. E. Van Valkenberg, Pearson Education, 1974. (V. V)

    Handouts + Lecture notes

    Lectures and Examinations:

    Two weekly lectures of 75 minutes duration each

    Attendance is not compulsory, however punctuality is desired

    Quizzes may or may not be announced

    Some assignments will be graded based on an assignment quiz

    One mid-term exam

    Comprehensive final examination

  • 7/29/2019 EE 242-Circuits 2



    Grading Scheme*:

    Quizzes (Announced + Surprise) (8 to 10): 20%

    Assignments/Homework/Assignment Quizzes: 10%

    Midterm Exam: 30%

    Final Exam: 40%

    * There is a 48-hour limit on considering any complaints regarding grades in any evaluation. The

    complaint must be in writing describing the grounds to re-evaluation.

    TAs for this course:

    Mr. Arshad

    Mr. Anwar Ali Khan

    Lecture topics for Circuits II

    Lec Lecture Topic Book Ref

    Week 1: Introduction + Review

    1 Introduction, Review, KCL, KVL

    2 Mesh Analysis / Nodal Analysis

    Weeks 2: Chapter 9: Impedance functions and Network functions

    3 Duality, linearity, reciprocity in circuits / networks. Transform impedance and

    Transform circuits, Series and parallel combination of elements

    V. V

    4 Proof and examples of Thevenins theorem and Nortons Theorem V.VWeeks 3 & 4: Chapter 10: Network Functions, Poles and Zeros

    5 Network functions for one port and two port networks, Calculation of network

    functions for Ladder networks

    V. V

    6 Calculation of network functions for General networks, Poles and zeros of

    network functions

    V. V

    7 Restriction on pole and zero locations for driving point functions and for

    transfer functions

    V. V

    8 Time domain behavior from pole zero plot and stability analysis of networks

    Weeks 5 & 6: Chapter 11: Two port Parameters

    9 Two port parameters, short circuit admittance parameters, open circuit

    impedance parameters

    V. V

    10 Transmission parameters, Hybrid parameters V. V

    11 Relationships between parameter sets V. V

    12 Interconnections of two port networks V. V

    Weeks 7 & 8: Chapter 12: Sinusoidal Steady state analysis

    13 Sinusoidal Steady state analysis, sinusoid and V. V

    14 Determination of steady state response using V. V

    15 Determination of steady state response using Re and Im V. V

  • 7/29/2019 EE 242-Circuits 2



    16 Phasors and Phasor Diagrams V. V

    MIDTERM will be held in 8th


    Weeks 9 & 10: Chapter 13: Frequency Response Plots

    17 Magnitude and Phase plots, Complex Loci V. V

    18 Plots from s-Plane Phasors control V. V

    19 Bode Diagrams V. V20 The Nyquist Criterion V. V

    Weeks 11 & 12: Chapter 14: Input Power, Power Transfer and Insertion Loss

    21 Energy and Power, Effective / RMS values, Average power and complex power V. V

    22 Problems in optimizing power transfer V. V

    23 Insertion loss 3phase V. V

    24 Tellegens Theorem V. V

    Week 13 & 14: Some Advance Topics in Circuit Theory

    25 Advance Topics Handouts

    26 Advance Topics Handouts

    27 Advance Topics Handouts

    28 Advance Topics Handouts

    Student Learning Objectives:

    Upon completion of this course I expect my students to;

    a. have learnt all the required time domain and frequency domain analysis tools forelectrical circuits and networks

    b. be able to analyze any linear electrical circuit / networkc. be able to understand the importance of poles and zeros, steady state solutions, phasor

    diagrams and Bode plotsd. know how to do optimization in power transfer problems

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