
Edward M. Reeve, PhD


Technology & Engineering Education

Utah State University

กจิกรรม Thailand STEM Festival 2015 จัดขึน้ 4 ภาคในเดือนสิงหาคมนี ้

Teaching, Research & Service in the “T” & “E” of


Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics

Prepare Technology & Engineering Education Teachers

(Grades 6-12) & TVET Teachers


I. The Components of STEM

II. STEM Education

III. STEM Education: The Need!

IV. Delivering STEM Education

V. Conclusion: STEM Education is Here to Stay

Technology & Engineering Education (T&E): A U.S. general education program.

(Previously names: technology education; industrial arts)

Design & Technology (D&T): Popular

in the U.K, Thailand, and other Countries. Similar to T&E.

Career & Technical Education (CTE): In the U.S., it prepares youth & adults for a wide range of high-wage, high-skill, high-demand careers. Similar to Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET).

I. The Components of STEM

Science is the study of the

natural world. ◦ Including the laws of nature associated

with physics, chemistry, & biology.

Science is both a body of

knowledge that has been

accumulated over time and a

process (scientific inquiry)

that generates new knowledge.

The Scientific


Modifying the natural world to meet the needs and wants of people.

It is human innovation that involves the generation of knowledge and processes to develop systems to solve problems and extend human potential.

Technology can be used to describe a:

◦System Fuel System; Braking

System; Wireless

◦Specific Device Fuel Injector;

Smartphone; Computer;

Wearable TechnologyClothing and accessories

incorporating computer and advanced electronic


Engineering is a Professional Occupation

Engineering is about the Design & Making of:

Structures Models

Products Devices

Processes Systems

The Engineering

Design Process IPST’s 7-Step Technological Process

1. Identify the Problem, Need, or Preference.

2. Information Gathering to Develop Possible Solutions

3. Selection of the Best Possible Solution

4. Design and Making5. Testing to See if it Works6. Modifications &

Improvement7. Assessment

National Curriculum


Many Models



Mathematics is a language of numbers, operations, patterns, &relationships.

Mathematics is used in science, engineering, & technology.


SCIENCE – Study of the Natural World

TECHNOLOGY – Modifying the Natural World

to Meet Human Needs and Wants

ENGINEERING – Applying Math & Science

to Create Technology

MATHEMATICS – Numbers, Operations,

Patterns, & Relationships


Experimentation & The

Scientific Method

Natural World

Energy & Matter

Force & Pressure

Hydraulics & Pneumatics



Engineering Design

Devices & Systems

Positive & Negative Impacts

Extending Human Potential

Tools & Materials


Engineering Design

Creating Technology

Inventions & Innovations

Applying Math & Science

Systems & Systems Thinking

Materials & Properties


Numbers& Operations


Patterns & Relations



Drafting (2D & 3D)

Scientists Announce New Methods to Combat Deadly Thai Shrimp Disease

II. STEM Education

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and STEM Education are terms seen almost daily in the news.

NOTE: There is no one clear definition of STEM Education

STEM Education is Typically Not Taught as a Single Course

It can be Integrated into Most Subject Areas

III. STEM Education – The Need!

Why STEM Education? 1. Globalization

A STEM-Education Workforce is needed to stay competitive in today’s global society.

2. Innovation Most inventions &

innovations involve STEM in their development.

Why STEM Education? 3. World Problems

STEM professional will be needed to solve many of the world’s problems (e.g., Clean drinking water, food security, global warming, etc.)

How will knowledge in STEM be needed to solve this problem?

A section of road

in Saraburi's

Nong Khae

district collapsed

after a canal

running alongside

it dried up.

Why STEM Education? 4. Promotes Interest in STEM

Careers Can help young people get

interested in pursuing a career in a STEM field.


Automotive Technician

Computer Programmer


Electronics Technician

STEM Instructor

Why STEM Education?

6. May Improve Learning

Helps to better show how the concepts and practices of STEM are connected.

Today, maintaining a citizenry that is well versed in the STEM fields is a key portion of the public education agenda of the USA.

(Obama, 2011)

STEM Education is VeryImportant to The U.S.

Important to The Thailand

Science and Technology Minister Pichet Durongkaveroj said

STEM Education “was crucial for Thailand's workforce to achieve the government's target of a 4% annual growth rate for industrial and labour productivity.”

7 July 2015

IV. Delivering STEM Education

Technology & Engineering Education Helps Brings STEM to Life through its “Best Practices” that promote Integrated STEM Learning.

Delivering STEM Education 1. Student STEM Competitions2. Using Project-Based Learning3. Emphasizing The Engineering

Design Process4. A STEM Education Classroom

Student Competitions that promote STEM help engage students in learning how it is connected.


Underwater Robotics

Competitions that promote STEM help engage students in learning how it is connected.

• Alternative Fuel• Concentrating Solar Power• Energy and the Environment• Hydropower• Nuclear Power - Plant Safety• Nuclear Power Spent Fuel• Smart Homes• Wind Energy

Problem Solving

One of the “Top 21st

Century Skills” employers say they want in new employees.

STEM Education Promotes Problem-Solving and encourages Project-Based Learning (PBL)

Project-based Learning (PBL): Is an approach to teaching in which students explore real-world problems &challenges

Problems/Challenges are “open-ended” Many Possible


5 Keys to Making Project-Based Learning (PBL) Work:

1. Establish Real-World Connections in the Project.

2. Use it to Teach the Core Content Being Learned in the Class.

3. Make it a Structured Collaboration – Students work together with assigned responsibilities!

5 Keys to Making Project-Based Learning (PBL) Work:

4. Student Driven- Students are involved in choosing & directing the project - the teacher becomes the facilitator!

5. Multifaceted Assessment –Integrated throughout the activity – lots of formative assessment!

Project-Based Learning Requires Lots of Problem Solving

There are many methods used to solve problems in STEM.

Two Common Practices: 1. Science Education uses the

“Scientific Method” to investigate scientific questions.

2. Technology & Engineering Education, uses the “Engineering Design Process” to solve problems.

Scientific Method



Scientific Method

One Solution

1. Question: Are colors of candy equally distributed in a bag of M&Ms?

2. Hypothesis: The colors are not equally distributed.

3. Experiment: Count the Colors

4. Observe & Record:5. Analyze6. Share Results

Used To Solve




Many Models

IPST’s 7-Step Technological Process

1. Identify the Problem, Need, or Preference.

2. Information Gathering to Develop Possible Solutions

3. Selection of the Best Possible Solution

4. Design and Making5. Testing to See if it Works6. Modifications and

Improvement7. Assessment

National Curriculum


Used To Solve




It is Important!

In the U.S., the recently released Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) represent a commitment to integrate Engineering Design into the structure of

Science Education by raising engineering design to the same level as scientific inquiry when teaching science disciplines at all levels, K-12.

It is Important!

Included in the National Standards: Standards for Technological Literacy: Content for the Study of Technology

It is Important!

Emphasized in Most Technology & Engineering Education Curricula Today

1. Conditions: The setting, situation or context of the problem.

What’s the Situation Here?

What could students be challenged to do?

2. Challenge: A clearly written challenge or problem statement that clarifies what students are required to do.

3. Criteria and Constraints:• Criteria relate to the challenge presented and are those things that must be followed or satisfied when completing the challenge.

1. Must be able to hold 10 kilograms.2. Must be able to float on its own

without tipping. 3. Must stay afloat at least 5 min.

3. Criteria and Constraints:• Constraints are typically limits related to the challenge or problem that must be followed.

1. Time – Activity must be completed in 15 minutes.

2. Must use only tools & materials supplied.

3. Must be no larger than 50cm square.

4. Resources: The materials, tools, or equipment that is provided or can be used to help solve the problem or complete the challenge.

5. Evaluation: How the solution to the problem will be assessed & evaluated.

Engineering Design Challenges

1. Context/Situation2. Challenge3. Criteria & Constraints4. Resources5. Evaluation

Situation: The Street Has FloodedChallenge: Develop a safe way to “float” across it

1. Situation: Street Flooded2. Challenge: Develop a Method to Transport an Item and Keep it Dry

Engineering Design


1. Situation: A store owner wants a “free” M&M Dispenser

2. Challenge: Develop a M&M Candy Dispenser

3. Criteria & Constraints:4. Resources:5. Evaluation:

Learning How To Apply the Engineering Design Process

1.Identify a Challenge2.Explore Ideas3.Plan and Develop 4.Test and Evaluate5.Present the Solution

Learning How to Apply the Engineering Design Process


Learning How to Apply the Engineering Design Process

Criteria: Use Only Tools & Materials SuppliedConstraints: 30 Minutes to Build

Applying the Engineering Design Process : (2) Exploring Ideas

Applying the Engineering Design Process : (3) Plan and Develop

Applying the Engineering Design Process : (4) Test and Evaluate(5) Present the Solution

Situation: Bike For MomChallenge: Design and Build a “new bike” model.


What does STEM Education Look Like in the Classroom?

The Instructor is Purposely Teaching Students that the STEM Subjects and their associated Concepts are Not Independent, But Connected.

Science (Studying

Plant Cells)

Technology (The Microscope) Engineers

(Built the Microscope)

Math (Magnification)

The Instructor is Purposely Teaching Students about Practices used in STEM.

The Instructor Provides Opportunities

for Students to USE Both Science (e.g., the

scientific method) and Engineering (e.g.,

engineering design

process) PracticesStudents Using the Scientific Method to Study Cell Growth

Which Practice Do You Use?

For Example

Scientific Method: Test Temperatures Inside & Outside of a Greenhouse

Engineering Design: Build a Greenhouse

Which Practice Do You Use?

Depends on the Activity?

The Instructor is Purposely Teaching Students about STEM Careers.

Engineers and Scientists use electron microscopes to study the structure of

materials, and how they react to physical and chemical changes.

Doctors use microscopes to study changes in tissues that can cause illness.

A STEM Education Classroom

STEM Concepts &Practices are Purposely

Being Integrated

Project-Based Learning

Instructors as a Facilitators

21st Century Skills & STEM Careers Being


Student-Centered Learning

Examples of Popular Hand-on STEM Activities That Students Design and Build to Learn about the Concepts and Practices of STEM

High Student



Engineering Design

Project-Based Learning

Arduino Raspberry Pi

Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on

easy-to-use hardware & software.

The Raspberry Pi is a low cost,

credit-card sized computer.

The Maker Movement

Turning Consumers Into Makers!

We All Like To Make!

V. Conclusion: STEM Education is

Here to Stay

STEM is Important in all of our lives! It’s connected to almost everything

STEM Education promotes the Integration of STEM Concepts and Practiceswhich may help students:◦ Better learn & understand the materials being studied.◦ Develop interest in a STEM Career

A STEM-Educated workforce can help a Country grow & prosper

STEM Education promotes real-world Problem Solving & 21st Century Skills that students need to live and work in today’s society.

STEM Education is Here to Stay!


Thank You!


Edward M. Reeve, PhDProfessor

Technology & Engineering Education

School of Applied Sciences, Technology & Education

Utah State UniversityLogan, Utah 84322-6000 USA

[email protected]

August, 2015

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