Page 1: Educating tomorrow's engineering leaders



Educating tomorrow’s engineering leaders

A quick glance at the mission statements of

engineering schools across the world makes clear

that many are committed to educating the future

leaders of the engineering profession. But while

widely regarded as a core goal of engineering

education, little attention has historically been

paid to what ‘engineering leadership’ means and

how it can be nurtured. As part of the Gordon-

MIT Engineering Leadership Program, I have had

a chance to explore these questions. Liaising with

experts in engineering schools across the world, I

conducted a short review† to assess the status of

engineering leadership education and to identify

best international practice. While not an exhaustive

study, interesting issues emerge.

The first is that engineering leadership education is a

very new and under-resourced field. Most programs

have been developed in the last 5 years and are

managed on very small budgets and project teams,

often operating outside the formal curriculum. As

with many other educational initiatives, energy

and inspiration often come from high-profile and

passionate champions – and they consistently report

how hard it is to find suitably-qualified faculty staff

to design and deliver the programs. Their experience

reveals the dearth of resources and expertise

currently available to engineering schools wishing to

establish leadership programs. In this emerging field,

formal networks and centres of excellence are only

just emerging.

A second theme concerned international differences

in the understanding of ‘leadership education’. It

is a term readily embraced in the US, and features

prominently in many engineering undergraduate

programs. Outside the US, engineering educators are

often uncomfortable with the notion of ‘leadership

education’ as an endeavour in its own right. It is seen

to imply selecting and coaching a student elite –

an approach which they feel runs counter to their

educational culture of inclusiveness and equality.

However, while not labelled as engineering

leadership, there are a large number of successful

programs operating outside the US particularly

in Australia and Europe that subscribe to student

learning outcomes almost identical to those

found in US engineering leadership programs.

Although such programs do not explicitly refer

to a ‘leadership’ agenda, many common themes

are still apparent. For example, a strong focus on

‘student empowerment in their own engineering

professional development’ clearly emerged, with

many programs being partially or almost fully

managed and delivered by the students themselves.

Where the programs explicitly targeting ‘leadership’

are distinct, however, is in their underpinning aims,

which are often focussed on developing leaders

able to operate effectively inside and outside the

engineering profession or on improving the global

competitiveness of their country.

Delving more deeply into the educational philosophy

of the programs, other common features emerged.

A consistent theme in many of the programs is

a dual emphasis on instilling global awareness

and self-awareness. While program providers

recognise they still have some way to go, they

are keen to see their programs equipping students

for the global contexts of engineering practice in

the 21st century, for example by developing skills

to operate in international and multi-disciplinary

teams and to appreciate national and cultural

differences in approaches to engineering problems.

Across countries and across continents, program

leaders also underlined how leadership requires

the capacity for self insight and reflection, and

how, in consequence, they are seeking to develop

programs that build students’ awareness of their

own personal skill set and give them the ability to

analyse its impact on their leadership style. Among

the most highly-regarded are those which combine

the ‘global’ and ‘reflective’ dimensions within a

broader educational program. One example is

the thoughtfully designed Engineering Leadership

Development Minor (ELDM) at Penn State


Looking to the future, it is clear that educating

tomorrow’s leaders will become an increasingly

prominent part of engineering programs. While

there are significant national and cultural differences

in how the term ‘leadership’ is understood, the

review points to a deeper consensus about the

knowledge and skills that tomorrow’s leaders

will require. In recent years, the profile and

knowledge-base for the related fields of ‘global

engineering education’ and ‘entrepreneurship

engineering education’ have grown considerably,

and partnerships across these communities will

be an important factor in the future development

of excellence in engineering leadership education.

For its part, this emerging field is set to bring new

educational ideas, resources and approaches to

benefit all engineering students. In particular, if

adequately resourced and institutionally supported,

we can expect engineering leadership education

to ‘lead by example’, providing models from

which engineering education as a whole can

learn. We can expect it to develop curricula which

provide students with a deeper understanding of

the national and global impacts of engineering

decisions and a greater understanding of their own

individual approach to engineering problems, great

and small.

Ruth Graham | Independent consultant | [email protected]

What do we really mean by ‘engineering leadership’, how can it be developed and nurtured?

† A summary report of this review entitled Engineering Leadership Education: a Snapshot Review of International Good Practice, will be published by the Gordon-MIT Engineering Leadership Program in Autumn 2009. For further details, please contact Bruce Mendelsohn at [email protected].

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