
IMPORTANT DATES Wednesday 15th March Year 3 Educational Visit to the Ragged School 3L am, 3V pm This Half Term Mon 20th Feb– Fri 31st March

Summer Term




Thurs 20th April–Fri 26th May (May

Day will be taken on the 1st May)

Half term: Mon 29th May–Fri 2nd

June Mon 5th June–Fri 21st July

Parents’ Evenings

Wednesday 29th March 4-7pm

Thursday 30th March 4-6pm Parent Drop Ins

Straight after school on the

following Thursday:

Thursday 4th May

Friday 10th March 2017



Fair Funding for All Schools Campaign

There will be a public meeting for parents and teachers with the Fair Fund-

ing for All Schools Campaign to discuss the impact of the cuts to education

in the UK. Venue: Edmund Waller, Thursday 16th March 7.30pm with Vicky

Foxcroft MP and others. (It is a free event but please visit http:// to reserve tickets.)

Maths Talk

Bowie and Mya in Year 6

are so confident in their

knowledge of times tables

that they can play a match of Terrific Times Table

Tennis! They have noticed that Lloyd Hall has

been spruced up with new paint and times table

displays, to support the younger children learning

their times tables with their friends at lunchtime. Children should know all

of their times tables by the end of Year 4. Bowie explains: “To learn the 8

times tables in order, you add on ten and minus 8. e.g. 8 + 10 – 2 = 16, 16 +

10 – 2 = 24 and so on. I nearly know them out of order. I need to know

them out of order quickly, so I can answer long multiplication, BODMAS

and division questions in Maths. Knowing my times tables also helps me to

calculate the area of shapes.”

Mya knows all of her times tables with instant

recall, which means she can say the answers

straight away. She would like to

describe a pattern she noticed whilst

learning her 9 times tables: “9 x 1 = 9; 9

x 2 = 18 and 9 x 3 = 27 etc. In the tens column the digit gets bigger

by one every time and in the units column the digit gets

smaller by one every

time. Knowing my times tables

helps me to be confident

when I divide and multiply.”

Language Nut

We are really pleased to

see that there has been a

significant increase in the

number of children using

the lanaguagenut resources

regularly at home. Meier Lo

will be enjoying a Chinese

lunch with

the most

avid users

in the final

week of



Class Assemblies

Wednesdays at

10:20am Rosen Hall

15th March 2W

22nd March 1G



that your





linked to the week’s Maths

focus, so that they can continue

to practise their Maths learning

at home on the Mathletics


Does your child access the

challenge games regularly, where

they can represent the United

Kingdom when playing against

other children from all over the


Please Switch Off Your Engines

When dropping off and

collecting your children, please

turn off your car

engines. This is

good for our

lungs, good for

the planet and

good for your


The rules for Terrific Times Table

Tennis are easy to learn. You

need two or more players. The

first person asks a times table

e.g. 8 x 9 =. The second person

answers =72 and

asks a question to

the next player. You

repeat for as long as

you are having fun.

Three weeks ago, each Year 1 class received ten eggs,

which they placed in an incubator to hatch. The children

have now been taking care of the resulting chicks and

observing their behaviour and growth, as part of their topic:

Eggs, Let’s Get Cracking! In Year 5, the children

participated in a LEGO workshop, as part of their topic:

Designing for Life. They worked in focused teams to create cities with

imaginative infrastructures. The children share their learning with you here

and on the blog on the school website.

Isaiah: “I like the chicks, because they

are so cute. When the chicks hatched

they grew fluffy, yellow feathers. I can

see them jump and eat.”

Joelle: “The brownest chick is

the oldest. His back is turning

brown like his mother. I keep

on checking the chicks. I

know they are eating lots,

because the bowl was full to

the top with chick food. Now

it is only half full.”

Maya: “We built

each house as we

were instructed to, laying out blocks using the order of the bricks to

make the walls stronger. The next stage was putting in the doors and

windows, thinking about symmetry. We next built foundations for the

roof, spreading them apart, so that the roof did not fall in. We added in

a simple circuit (Mr Speed had reminded us how to make one), so the

houses looked like they were lit up when you looked at them from

outside. Once we had completed the lighting, we built the roof and

placed the house into the village. I helped with the layout of the village

and chose to place my house next the main road junction in the village.

My house had a cosy garden and a small pond, I thought it made the

junction area look more attractive!”

Chelsea: “One of the chicks

was going to peck my finger

with his beak. He thought my

hand was food! He should eat seeds to hep him

grow big.”

Alma: “The

chicks have

really sharp

beaks. They

are playing

nicely with each other in their box. I can look after

the chicks by feeding them and giving them


Henry: “In our class, only nine

of the chicks hatched. We

had ten eggs in the incubator.

One egg did not hatch, because I don’t think the chick could get out.

The nine chicks that hatched are in a box now. We made a den out

of some plastic, so they can play in it. I like watching them climb on

each other.”

Ivan: “We have ten chicks in our classroom, The

chicks lie down a lot, because I think they want to

have a rest. They have been busy running around in their box. Each chick used to be in

an egg in an incubator. An incubator is warm, like under their mum’s bottom. This helps

the eggs to crack open. There was one chick in each egg.”

We would like to say a HUGE thank

you to Derrick Speed. After running

his excellent Lego Science Electric

Workshop in the morning, he chose to stay on

and work with the Year 1 children in the

afternoon! We hope you enjoyed your day at

our school.

Ethan: “Some of the children in

my team designed the city with a

village, a beach and the sea. I

saw the sea and decided that I

should build a lighthouse, so if there were boats coming and they were stuck, the

people n the village would put the light on in the lighthouse to guide the boat into

land. First I made a tower, which was a ten block column, before I put in a win-

dow. I collected 3 wires, a switch, a bulb and a battery. I made a circuit with

them, so there was light in the lighthouse. I positioned the lighthouse near to the

sea and when I looked at what we had developed I thought that this was a proper

village. I felt proud of the team and my skills.”

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