
Edition 4: 1st October 2021

Message from the Headteacher – Mrs John We were very disappointed to have to cancel our open evening this week. We took this decision after taking

advice from Public Health England due to the rising number of covid cases. Our open mornings will still run as

planned but are strictly by appointment only for Year 6 parents/carers. Appointments can be booked via

[email protected]. We have also returned to the wearing of facemasks in all areas of

the school for students, staff and visitors. Please can we ask that you ensure your child brings their facemask

in to school every day. Any child without a mask will incur a strike on their equipment card and charged for a

new facemask. We also ask that students sanitise their hands before entering and leaving the classroom. We

apologise for any inconvenience this may cause, but the safety and wellbeing of our staff and students is our

top priority. Thank you for your continued understanding and support. On a more positive note, it is always a

highlight of my week to spend a little bit of time with our students who have been awarded with a commendation

and this week was no exception. Students are nominated for an award by their tutor, teacher or year leader for

something special they have achieved in or out of school. This might be an activity they have taken part in or

a personal success. As mentioned in last week’s newsletter please do contact the school to let us know about

your child’s out of school achievements. Just a quick reminder that next Friday, 8th October, is an inset day and

so the school is closed to all students.

Headteacher’s Commendations M Ashley, (Yr. 7) for being so calm and

supportive towards another student in a French


M Lowin, (Yr.7) for a fantastic effort with

anachronism work in History;

J Guduza, (Yr. 8) for an outstanding start to the


D El-Mawas, (Yr. 9) for a huge improvement

in his attitude to learning;

L Carruthers, (Yr.9) for outstanding work and

effort in English lessons;

J Scott, (Yr. 10) for showing incredible

resilience in Child Development;

R Broomfield, (Yr.10) for amazing

contributions, effort and attitude in English;

K Simkins, (Yr. 11) for an outstanding

approach to learning in all lessons;

M Adepoju, (Yr. 13) for an excellent start to Year 13 with amazing focus in both Business and Finance.

Quote of the week:

“You’re stronger than you believe. Don’t let your fear own you.” Michelle Hodkin

Wish you a restful weekend.

Mrs John

Forthcoming Events 4th – 8th October

Week one

4th – 22nd October

(excl. 8th)

Open Mornings for Year 6 Parents/Carers. By appointment only.

To book an appointment email [email protected]

7th October

Year 7 – 13 Maths Olympiad for Girls

‘Wear it Yellow’ Day to support young people’s mental health

Inclusion Information Evening, 6.30-8.30pm

8th October Inset Day, School closed to students

13th October Post 16 Study Skills Day

14th October DEAR Time, Drop Everything and Read

Please ensure your child brings in a book to read

21st October House Dance Performances

25th – 29th October Half Term

Certificate of Accreditation We are very pleased to have been awarded the Green Level Modeshift

STARS Accreditation! Many thanks to Mrs Welch for her work on

this. The award is given as recognition for the instrumental role we

have played in increasing the levels of sustainable ways to travel to

school and home.

Hello Yellow, Thursday 7th October Mrs Daplyn, Assistant Headteacher,


Year 11 Poetry Webinar Ms K McLean, KS4 Leader: English, writes,

The Year 11 Poetry Webinar is a free event for all

Year 11 students, which will take place over Teams,

see Class Charts for the link to join.

Lost Property If students have lost uniform or property please ask

them to check lost property in the main year

leader’s office.

Any unclaimed items will be donated at the end of

this half term.

We are taking part in Hello Yellow

day to support young people’s

mental health. As school is closed

for INSET on the 8th October, we

are asking students to come into

school in something yellow on

Thursday 7th October. Students

should wear their school uniform as

usual but can wear a yellow top /

jumper, a yellow accessory or even

yellow shoes!

Students will also take part in activities in tutor time to help them

think about their own mental health.

Amazon Wish List Ms Wilson, Librarian, writes:

Last year we launched an Amazon Student Book Wish List in response to

the successful Accelerated Reader scheme. To enable all our students to

enjoy reading their favourite books we have created a list of the book titles

they have asked to be available to read from our school library. Their wish

list is available on Amazon and parents/carers can purchase a book from this

list to be donated to our library.

If you would like to donate a book from this wish list, please follow this link,

This will direct you to our

booklist where you can choose

your donation, which will be

sent directly to Stanborough

School. Please ensure to choose

‘School Library Book Wish

List’s Gift Registry Address’ as

the delivery address, this address

will appear in their ‘Other

addresses’ list.

Thank you in advance for your donation from the students’ wish list.

Welwyn Hatfield Times, Books for School Tokens We are collecting! Please help us earn new books for the library by collecting

tokens from the Welwyn Hatfield Times. The collection box is located in the LRC.

Word of the Week W/c 4th October 2021 Precarious

For example,

We had to cross the precarious rope bridge to reach the castle.

Charity Launch 2021/22 Daria Stanculescu, Deputy Head Girl, writes:

In the next academic year, the Heads of School team and I have chosen to support two charities that are very

important to us.

The first one is Care4Calais, which is a volunteer-run charity that

works with refugees in the UK, France, and Belgium. We chose this

charity because it supports a very important cause, especially in light

of recent events around the world, but it also promotes what we strive

to achieve in our school community: a fair and tolerant British

society that promotes a welcoming and inclusive attitude towards refugees and other minorities. Care4Calais

works to provide essential needs such as clothing, food and medical assistance for the refugees in desperate

need at the port of Calais. The charity helps to integrate asylum seekers into the new environment by working

with legal teams in the UK to help them claim and register with GPs.

Another reason we chose Care4Calais was because of their work in reducing the stigma around refugees and

their reasons for fleeing their countries. Part of our first fundraiser is a coat donation project, as the winter

months approach these will be desperately needed. If you have any old coats lying around at home (children's

or adults’ sizes) please bring them to G14 by the 22nd of October.

The second charity we will be supporting is one closer to home, and that is

Herts Young Homeless. We would like to support them as we believe everyone

should have a chance at all the opportunities life has to offer and homelessness

shouldn’t stop that. In 2020, they helped 2,495 people to improve their lives,

and we would like to continue to support them. Their services empower young

people to be able to deal with the difficult situations in their lives, giving them

the ability and confidence to find stability. We would love to promote their


As a team, one of our most important projects is the spreading of positivity and positive

language around the school community. We would like to take this opportunity to launch the

Heads of School Instagram page. You can follow us @StanboroughPrefects to keep up to date

on our current projects but also to use as a source of positive messages and affirmations.

Linked to our coat donation will be a challenge called ‘How many coats can you wear?’ encouraging forms

to try on as many coats as they can from their donations to be featured on our page, so good luck to everyone!

Specific Learning Difficulties

(the invisible difficulties)

Dyslexia Awareness Week, 4th – 11th October 2021

Did you know 10 – 15% of people have dyslexia?

We know that dyslexia comes with many challenges, but many people in our community feel

like their struggles are unseen. Because dyslexia itself isn’t visible, individuals with dyslexia

often feel unsupported, unwanted, invisible. From the child at school struggling to keep up

with the rest of their friends, to the office worker feeling like they don’t belong.

Dyslexia also too often goes hand in hand with other invisible challenges. People can struggle

with their mental health and feel alone and misunderstood.

That’s why this dyslexia week we are focusing on Invisible Difficulties, to explore the entire

theme of visibility within our community.

Dyspraxia Awareness Week, 3rd – 10th October 2021

Like dyslexia, DCD is often an invisible difficulty which impacts on people’s self-esteem

and access to learning. However many dyspraxics are very creative and intelligent thinkers.

They are often also excellent problem solvers and abstract thinkers.

Many successful famous people struggled with dyspraxia at school.

Check out our Twitter feed for events around school

Student Profile

Chloe Fisher

Head Girl

My name is Chloe Fisher and I've been at Stanborough School since Year 7. I am now

in my final year studying History, Spanish and Politics.

Since joining in 2015, I have made so many memories which I will cherish forever.

Whether this be in extracurricular clubs, such as netball, or just with my friends in the

classroom, I can honestly say I will miss Stanborough when I leave.

I have also had the opportunity to be a House Captain and take part in maths

challenges, netball tournaments, the Duke of Edinburgh award, spelling bees and the

list goes on.

I am delighted to help represent the school as one of the Head Girls and am excited to

work with the Heads of School team to create some amazing opportunities here at Stanborough for everyone.

I hope we can make your student experience here as fun as mine was and I hope our team, along with the

prefects, can make this happen.

We are currently working on our chosen charity for this year, finding fun ways to raise money, and looking

for how we can promote our main priorities.

Welwyn Garden City Schools Partnership

Coming up….. Online Behaviour Workshop

Monday 4th & Monday 11th October

This workshop takes place via Zoom

To book on any of the workshops please use the

link or QR code below to register:




Question of the Week Mr Modi, Curriculum Leader: Mathematics, writes:

Choose the Higher or Foundation Maths GCSE question.

Send your answers with workings by email to [email protected]

or on a piece of paper to the Maths Office.


Higher GCSE Question

Here is a sketch of a vertical cross section through the centre of a bowl.

The cross section is the shaded region between the curve and the x-axis.

The curve has equation where x and y are both measured in centimetres.

Find the depth of the bowl.

Foundation GCSE Question

20 men, 10 women and 10 children are in a competition.

The mean score for the women is 15.6

The mean score for the children is 9.2

Jayden says that the mean score for all 40 people is 11.2

(a) Work out the mean score for the men.


Jayden was wrong.

The mean score for all 40 people was actually 11.15

(b) How does this affect the mean score for the men?



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