Page 1: Eco-Gozo… …what is it all about?!. Is it just about… …building new roads…..or… …fixing the ones already there?


…what is it all about?!

Page 2: Eco-Gozo… …what is it all about?!. Is it just about… …building new roads…..or… …fixing the ones already there?

Is it just about……building new


…fixing the ones already there?

Page 3: Eco-Gozo… …what is it all about?!. Is it just about… …building new roads…..or… …fixing the ones already there?

Is it just about….

…installing solar water heaters?

Page 4: Eco-Gozo… …what is it all about?!. Is it just about… …building new roads…..or… …fixing the ones already there?

Is it just about….




at home…

Page 5: Eco-Gozo… …what is it all about?!. Is it just about… …building new roads…..or… …fixing the ones already there?


…just about building wind farms….…or wind turbines

on our roofs?

Page 6: Eco-Gozo… …what is it all about?!. Is it just about… …building new roads…..or… …fixing the ones already there?

Is it just about….

… planting trees…… or flowers in our roundabouts?

Page 7: Eco-Gozo… …what is it all about?!. Is it just about… …building new roads…..or… …fixing the ones already there?

Is it just about….…rehabilitating

historical sites?

Page 9: Eco-Gozo… …what is it all about?!. Is it just about… …building new roads…..or… …fixing the ones already there?

It’s NOT ‘ju


about that!!


Page 10: Eco-Gozo… …what is it all about?!. Is it just about… …building new roads…..or… …fixing the ones already there?

It’s about….…







Page 11: Eco-Gozo… …what is it all about?!. Is it just about… …building new roads…..or… …fixing the ones already there?
Page 12: Eco-Gozo… …what is it all about?!. Is it just about… …building new roads…..or… …fixing the ones already there?

Hence why at our school…


Page 13: Eco-Gozo… …what is it all about?!. Is it just about… …building new roads…..or… …fixing the ones already there?

…participate in the Clean Up The World


Page 14: Eco-Gozo… …what is it all about?!. Is it just about… …building new roads…..or… …fixing the ones already there?

…visit natural sites…

Page 15: Eco-Gozo… …what is it all about?!. Is it just about… …building new roads…..or… …fixing the ones already there?

…and historical places…

Page 16: Eco-Gozo… …what is it all about?!. Is it just about… …building new roads…..or… …fixing the ones already there?

…encourage healthy eating…

Page 17: Eco-Gozo… …what is it all about?!. Is it just about… …building new roads…..or… …fixing the ones already there?

…help our children appreciate nature…

Page 18: Eco-Gozo… …what is it all about?!. Is it just about… …building new roads…..or… …fixing the ones already there?


Page 19: Eco-Gozo… …what is it all about?!. Is it just about… …building new roads…..or… …fixing the ones already there?


…and art…

Page 20: Eco-Gozo… …what is it all about?!. Is it just about… …building new roads…..or… …fixing the ones already there?

…go for walks in the countryside…

Page 21: Eco-Gozo… …what is it all about?!. Is it just about… …building new roads…..or… …fixing the ones already there?

…plant crops…

…and trees…

Page 22: Eco-Gozo… …what is it all about?!. Is it just about… …building new roads…..or… …fixing the ones already there?

…visited Tal-Kus…

Page 23: Eco-Gozo… …what is it all about?!. Is it just about… …building new roads…..or… …fixing the ones already there?

…promote physical activity…

Page 24: Eco-Gozo… …what is it all about?!. Is it just about… …building new roads…..or… …fixing the ones already there?

…practice the 3 R’s…


e Reuse


Page 25: Eco-Gozo… …what is it all about?!. Is it just about… …building new roads…..or… …fixing the ones already there?

…were awarded the

Green Flag too!!!

Video created by the yr4 complementary class students with Ms Grech’s help.

Page 26: Eco-Gozo… …what is it all about?!. Is it just about… …building new roads…..or… …fixing the ones already there?

That’s why we feel that Eco-Gozo is therefore…

…..ALL about EDUCATION!!

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